
止痛 活血 化瘀 中药药方大全

2017-12-28 10页 doc 32KB 20阅读




止痛 活血 化瘀 中药药方大全止痛 活血 化瘀 中药药方大全 , 葛根 功效:升阳解肌,透疹止泻,除烦止渴。治伤寒、温热头痛项强,烦热消渴,泄泻,痢疾,癍疹不透,高血压,心绞痛,耳聋。 作用: 1 对平滑肌的作用 葛根中的大豆甙元具有抗乙酰胆碱作用,能够明显收缩平滑肌,被认为是葛根解痉作用的主要成分。 2 对冠状循环的作用 葛根水煎剂、醇浸膏、总黄酮和葛根素均有明显的扩张冠状血管的作用,能使冠血流量增加,血管阻力降低。 3 对心肌梗塞和心律失常的作用 葛根醇浸膏、大豆甙元和葛根素均有明显的对抗乌头碱和氯化钡诱发的心律失常作用,葛根素还能明...
止痛 活血 化瘀  中药药方大全
止痛 活血 化瘀 中药药方大全 , 葛根 功效:升阳解肌,透疹止泻,除烦止渴。治伤寒、温热头痛项强,烦热消渴,泄泻,痢疾,癍疹不透,高血压,心绞痛,耳聋。 作用: 1 对平滑肌的作用 葛根中的大豆甙元具有抗乙酰胆碱作用,能够明显收缩平滑肌,被认为是葛根解痉作用的主要成分。 2 对冠状循环的作用 葛根水煎剂、醇浸膏、总黄酮和葛根素均有明显的扩张冠状血管的作用,能使冠血流量增加,血管阻力降低。 3 对心肌梗塞和心律失常的作用 葛根醇浸膏、大豆甙元和葛根素均有明显的对抗乌头碱和氯化钡诱发的心律失常作用,葛根素还能明显缩短氯彷、肾上腺素诱发的家兔心律失常时间,葛根素能明显缩小心肌梗塞范围,被认为是一种β-肾上腺素受体阻滞剂。 4 对心脏功能和心肌代谢的影响 葛根总黄酮和葛根素能减慢心率,降低心脏总外周阻力,减少心肌耗氧量;提高心肌工作效率.葛根素还能明显减少缺血引起的心肌乳酸的产生,改善梗塞心肌的代谢。 5 对血压和外周血管的作用 葛根总葛酮和葛根素能使血浆肾素活性和血管紧张素显著降低,血压下降.葛根素对微循环障碍有明显的改善作用,主要现为增加微血管运动的振幅和提高局部微血流量;葛根总黄酮具有明显扩张脑血管的作用,改善脑微循环和外周循环.据报道,葛根素还能改善视网膜血管末稍单位的阻滞状态,从而提高视功能。 6 抑制血小板聚集作用 葛根素能抑制二磷酸腺苷(ADP)诱导和5-HT(5-羟色胺)与ADP联合诱导的人和动物的血小板聚集;另外,葛根素还能明显抑制由凝血酶诱导的血小板中5-HT的释放,具有抗血栓形成作用。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 7 降血糖的作用 葛根素能对抗肾上腺素的升血糖作用,具有一定的降血糖能力。 8 对体温的影响 葛根总黄酮对内毒素致体温升高具有转持久而明显的降温作用,临床上常用于外感发热诸症。 9 对记忆的影响 葛根总黄酮和醇提物能提高大鼠大脑皮层和海马乙酰胆碱含量,并降低海马乙酰胆碱转移酶活性,对抗东莨碱所效的大鼠记忆获得性障碍,这说明,葛根具有一定的改善学习记忆的能力。 , 草决明(决明子、青箱子) 功效 味苦、甘而性凉,具有清肝火、祛风湿、益肾明目等功能 作用 (1)抗菌作用:决明子醇提取物对葡萄球菌、白喉杆菌、伤寒杆菌、副伤寒杆菌、大肠杆菌均有抑制作用 (2)降压、降血脂 (3)抗血小板聚集 另外,决明子内用泡茶有很好的减肥作用,外用做决明子枕头,外用做枕头用生决明子3,4公斤,用布袋装好做成枕头。决明子性微寒,略带青草香味,枕着睡觉闻着味道,犹如睡在青草丛中。其种子坚硬,又可对头部和颈部穴位按摩,所以对肝阳上亢引起的头痛、头晕、失眠,脑动脉硬化、颈椎病等,均有辅助作用。 , 杭白菊 性味:辛、甘、苦,微寒 功能: for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 1. 疏散风热、平肝明目、清热解毒。疏散清泻的功效黄菊花较强,白菊花兼能 养肝。常用于外感风热或温病初起以及肝阳上亢、肝火目疾、热毒疮肿等病的 治疗。 2. 对中枢神经有镇静作用; 3. 增强毛细血管抵抗力、扩张冠状动脉作用; 4. 有抑菌作用,菊花水煎剂及水浸剂对金黄色葡萄球菌、痢疾杆菌、变形杆 菌、伤寒杆菌、副伤寒杆菌、霍乱弧菌、乙型溶血链球菌、大肠杆菌、绿脓 杆菌、人型结核杆菌及流感病毒(PR3株)均有抑制作用。 , 白芍 1(对心血管系统的作用:白芍具有扩张冠状动脉,降低血压 作用(d-儿茶精和没食子酸乙酯 有抗血栓和抗血小板聚集作用) 2(护肝作用:白芍对四氯化碳、黄曲霉毒素B1.D-半乳糖胺 所致肝损伤有明显保护作用 3(解痉作用:白芍对肠管和在位胃运动有抑制作用,能显著对抗催产素引起的子宫收缩 4(镇痛作用:白芍能抑制小鼠扭体、嘶叫、热板反应,对吗啡抑制扭体反应有协同作用,并能对抗戊四唑所致惊厥 5(抗菌作用。 , 清甘草(也叫生甘草) 甘草具有缓急止痛,清热解毒,补脾益气,祛痰止咳,调和诸药的功效。所以甘草可以用于痈肿疮毒,倦怠乏力,脘腹、四肢挛急疼痛,脾胃虚弱,咳嗽痰多,心悸气短,缓解药物毒性、烈性。 , 上川芎(xiōng) independent integrated services digital program-e, configurationervicputer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice scommunication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor com twork,hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room neication system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system applcontrol system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance icallymmunications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automateering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, co471 2. system description this times engin-92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT -2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232-for computer software engineering GB/T503143to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access- 活血祛瘀作用广泛,适宜瘀血阻滞各种病症;祛风止痛,效用甚佳,可治头风头痛、风湿痹痛等症,对中枢神经有明显的镇静作用。(本品辛温升散,凡阴虚阳亢及肝阳上亢者不宜应用;) , 羌活 1、用于感冒风寒,发热恶寒等症。 羌活功能发散风寒,祛风止痛,用于感冒风寒,兼有头痛、身痛为主,常配防风、白芷等药同用。 2、用于风湿痹痛,头痛等。羌活祛风湿的作用也甚为显著,为祛风胜湿常用之品,但一般认为该品以风湿痹痛在身半以上者为宜,如周身痹痛,可配防风、独活等同用。对于头痛病症,多配合川芎、细辛等应用。 , 独活 祛风胜湿;散寒止痛。用于风寒湿痹;腰膝疼痛;少阴伏风头痛,头痛齿痛。 , 防风 功效:祛风解表,胜湿止痛,止痉。 作用: 1、主要用于感冒风寒所致的头痛、身疼、恶寒等。常与荆芥相须为用,或与紫苏配伍,均可增强祛散风寒的作用。若属风热壅盛,目赤肿痛之证,亦可用本品与荆芥、薄荷、黄芩等配伍,以祛风清热。 2、用于感风湿或风湿痹痛。常与羌活、独活、川芎等配伍,以增强祛风除湿和止痛的功效,如羌活胜湿汤。 3、可用于破伤风。常与天南星、天麻等配伍,内服或外敷,取其祛风止痉,如玉真散。 , 蔓荆子 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 疏散风热,清利头目。用于风热感冒头痛、齿龈肿痛、目赤多泪、目暗 不明、头晕目眩 , 玄胡索(也叫元胡) 中医认为,元胡辛散、苦泄、温通,既入血分,又入气分,既能行血中之气,又能行气中之血,气畅血行,通则不痛,玄胡索主要功效为活血、行气、止痛。 , 天麻 功效:祛风湿,止痛、行气活血。 作用: 1. 镇静作用:有的医疗单位用合成天麻素(天麻甙)治疗神经衰弱和神经衰弱综 合症病人,有效率分别为89.44%和86.87%。且能抑制咖啡因所致的中枢兴奋作 用,还有加强戊巴比妥纳的睡眠时间效应。 2. 抗惊厥作用:天麻对面神经抽搐、肢体麻木、半身不遂、癫痫等的一定疗效。 还有缓解平滑肌痉挛,缓解心绞痛、胆绞痛的作用。 3. 降低血压作用:天麻能治疗高血压。久服可平肝益气、利腰膝、强筋骨,还可 增加外周及冠状动脉血流量,对心脏有保护作用。 4. 明目、增智作用:天麻尚有明目和显著增强记忆力的作用。天麻对人的大脑神 经系统具有明显的保护和调节作用,能增强视神经的分辨能力,目前已用作高 空飞行人员的脑保健食品或脑保健药物。日本用天麻注射液治疗老年痴呆症, 有效率达81%。 twork,hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room neication system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system applcontrol system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance icallymmunications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automateering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, co471 2. system description this times engin-92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT -2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232-for computer software engineering GB/T503145to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access-independent integrated services digital program-e, configurationervicputer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice scommunication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor com
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