

2017-12-28 39页 doc 96KB 117阅读




幼儿园小班户外体育游戏幼儿园小班户外体育游戏 幼儿园小班户外体育游戏:吹泡泡 儿歌:吹泡泡,吹泡泡,一吹吹个大泡泡,一吹吹个小泡泡,泡泡飞高了,泡泡飞低了,泡泡破了。 讲解游戏规则:当儿歌念到吹成大泡泡时,幼儿拉成一个大圆圈;念到吹成小泡泡时,幼儿向中靠拢;念到批泡泡飞高了,幼儿踮脚;念到泡泡飞低了,幼儿蹲下;念到泡泡破了,幼儿向后跳。引导幼儿边念儿歌边玩游戏。 幼儿园小班户外体育游戏:乌龟爬啊爬 活动目标: 1、运用幼儿园已有的大型运动器械,让幼儿探索爬的不同方法,提高幼儿动作的协调性和灵敏性。 2、通过活动,激发幼儿参加运动的兴趣。...
幼儿园小班户外体育游戏 幼儿园小班户外体育游戏:吹泡泡 儿歌:吹泡泡,吹泡泡,一吹吹个大泡泡,一吹吹个小泡泡,泡泡飞高了,泡泡飞低了,泡泡破了。 讲解游戏规则:当儿歌念到吹成大泡泡时,幼儿拉成一个大圆圈;念到吹成小泡泡时,幼儿向中靠拢;念到批泡泡飞高了,幼儿踮脚;念到泡泡飞低了,幼儿蹲下;念到泡泡破了,幼儿向后跳。引导幼儿边念儿歌边玩游戏。 幼儿园小班户外体育游戏:乌龟爬啊爬 活动目标: 1、运用幼儿园已有的大型运动器械,让幼儿探索爬的不同,提高幼儿动作的协调性和灵敏性。 2、通过活动,激发幼儿参加运动的兴趣。 活动准备: 大型玩具场地,小兔、乌龟大头贴若干,奖牌20块。 活动重难点:探索爬的不同方法。 幼儿园小班户外体育游戏:切西瓜 1、幼儿围成圆圈,师幼共同有节奏地念儿歌:"切、切、切西瓜。我们的西瓜香又甜,要吃西瓜切开来。"与此同时,教师边走边有节奏地在幼儿拉手处做切西瓜状。儿歌念完时,教师的手停留在哪两位小朋友中间,这两位小朋友就把手放开,拉着其余小朋友的手往圆心跑,示西瓜被切开了。此时,大家做吃西瓜状,游戏继续开始。 2、游戏进行若干次后可由幼儿来切西瓜。 幼儿园小班户外游戏活动:《小熊过生日》 活动目标: 1、培养与激发幼儿运动兴趣,让幼儿在浓郁的健身氛围中自觉的参加到体育活动中。 2、幼儿能掌握屈膝跳的方法。 3、在游戏中感受快乐。 活动准备: 奶粉罐若干、呼啦圈若干、"山洞"四个活动过程: 一、导入: 今天是小熊的生日,他想邀请我们所有的小朋友去参加他的生日party。但是去小熊的家,我们要钻过一个长长的山洞,走过一条弯弯的小路,再跳过一些小石阶才能到小熊的家。 二、基本过程: 1、现在我们就要去小熊家为他庆祝生日吧。 2、将幼儿分为两队,开始活动。先钻过山洞,然后走过S型小路。 师:小朋友们,你们还记得去小熊家的路怎么走吗, 师:哦~原来我们走错路了,那我们现在得回到我们出发的地点重新走一次。 3、将幼儿分为两队,先钻过山洞,然后走过S型小路。最后跳过呼啦圈,到达终点(小熊的家)。 三、结束过程: 小熊刚刚告诉老师,他的生日Party是在晚上举行,我们的小朋友们来得有些早了,他在他家的花园里为我们准备了很多玩具,请小朋友们先玩一会儿。 四、分散活动: 活动目标: 1、幼儿能选择安全地段玩耍2、能与同伴一起玩耍3、根据老师提供的玩具高兴玩耍 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 小班游戏:豆宝宝搬家 活动目标 托班幼儿学会水杯口朝上拿杯子。 活动准备 小豆豆、水杯、装豆豆的筐子。场地一端是装满豆豆的筐子,另一端是空筐子。 活动过程 1(老师请幼儿在装满豆豆的筐前站好,说:小豆豆要搬家,请小朋友想想怎么把这么多的豆豆 运到对面的空筐子里, 2(幼儿回答完,老师说:"咱们用小水杯帮忙运豆豆好不好," 3(老师交待用水杯运豆豆的方法,强调杯口一定要朝上,否则豆豆就撒出来了,边说边给幼儿 示范。老师提示说:要是撒了就小心拣起来再向前走。 4(幼儿将豆豆运到对面的空筐子里倒进去再回到起点,重复前边的动作。 活动结束: 小朋友一起听音乐。 小班游戏:小兔子捉迷藏 活动目标: 1、初步熟悉音乐旋律,学习蹦跳步,并能按音乐节奏和情节进行表演。 2、能根据自己的经验,创编出花的不同造型动作、小兔动作和自然物。 3、体验游戏中小兔和兔妈妈捉迷藏时的愉快情绪。 活动准备: 1、小兔头饰于幼儿人数相等、录音机、磁带 2、日常活动中带领幼儿观察并模仿花的造型 活动过程: 一、复习歌曲《春来到》,鼓励幼儿有表情的表现小动物出来玩的样子。 二、熟悉音乐旋律,了解游戏玩法 1、教师引导幼儿完整欣赏a、b、c三段音乐 1)、导语:春天来了,还有许多动物出来玩了,你们听它们是谁, (教师播放音乐,引导幼儿完整欣赏三段音乐) 2)、提问:你觉得这段音乐里都有谁出来了,它们在做什么, 2、幼儿听音乐看表演(使幼儿进一步感受、理解音乐,了解游戏情境) 教师表演后提问: 1)、你们喜欢刚刚的表演吗,想再看一遍吗,你们要注意看看都有谁出来了,它们在做什么,(引导幼儿了解游戏情节) 2)、刚刚的游戏中都有谁,它们在做什么,你从哪里看出来的, (进一步引导幼儿了解游戏顺序和小兔动作) 3)、它们是不是一开始就在捉迷藏啊, (引导幼儿再次完整欣赏两段音乐,感受两段音乐表现的不同内容和游戏情境) 3、学习蹦跳步和小兔子动作 幼儿游戏:大灰狼来了 一、 活动目标: 1( 使幼儿体验到相互合作的快乐,感受到齐心协力的力量大于一切; 2( 让幼儿能了解到布袋的多种用法;巩固合跳、跨跳、四散跑的能力; Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 3( 幼儿能够听懂音乐,发挥想象感受到不同的情节性音乐,并通过游戏充分的表现音乐。 二、 活动准备: 1( 每人布袋各一个,老狼头饰一个,小兔头饰与幼儿人数一致; 2( 完整情节的录音音乐磁带一盘; 三、 活动过程: (一)开始部分: 热身运动:小兔子们跟兔妈妈做起床操。(教师带领幼儿做准备活动) (二)基本部分:(教师带领幼儿一起听音乐做情境游戏) ,、“寻找食物”:幼儿一个接着一个套着布袋蹦脚前进跳; ,、“吃完东西回家”:在草地上吃东西,吃后扛着袋子回家。 (,) 教师带领幼儿一个接一个并脚跳,不套布袋; (,) 听到了河流声,小兔们过独木桥:幼儿把袋子扑成一条木桥,然后小兔过桥;(教师引导作用) a( 一个跟着一个并拢双脚跳一次 b( 一个跟着一个跨跳一次 (,) 收拾布袋,套着布袋跳回家 ,、 “大灰狼捉小白兔”: ,(大灰狼来了,幼儿躲避大灰狼四散跑(恐怖的音乐响起,另一老师扮演大灰狼进场); ,(小白兔藏进布袋里,大灰狼在周围巡视; ;(发现一小兔被抓,所有小兔拿起布袋当棍子打狼,最后胜利了,高高兴兴地 回家了。 活动结束: 小白兔们高高兴兴随着胜利的音乐走出场( 小班游戏教案:螃蟹宝宝搬瓜 活动目标: 1、 练习侧走的能力及动作的协调性。 2、探索用身体各部位夹球侧行的方法以及与同伴合作方式。 活动准备: 1、人手一只球 2、箩筐四只 3、螃蟹头饰一个 活动过程: 一、热身运动 1、教师提问:我是螃蟹妈妈,那你们是谁啊,现在跟着螃蟹妈妈一起去做 运动(侧着慢行,双手平举、快行、踢腿等)。那螃蟹是怎么走路的, 2、现在我们沿着线慢慢的侧行,好,现在加快速度侧行,回到原点,集合。请螃蟹宝 宝们跟着妈妈坐下。 二、探索练习: 1、教师:那儿有一堆瓜,请螃蟹宝宝们把它们运回家,但是运的时候不能用到我们的 大钳子,你想怎么样来运,想好之后,请螃蟹宝宝每人去拿一个瓜(强调不能用手), 然后沿着线把它们运回家。 2、集合,请个别幼儿进行交流示范,请螃蟹宝宝们说说刚才是怎么样运瓜的, 3、教师:现在请螃蟹宝宝们再运一次瓜,这次用的方法要和刚才的不一样。 三、合作运瓜 1、教师:刚才是一位小螃蟹运瓜,现在请两位螃蟹宝宝合作运瓜,我们的钳子还是不 能碰到瓜,想想看,可以怎么运,(运的时候注意两位宝宝的步子要整齐,大家要一起Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 走,不能让瓜掉下来)。 2、个别幼儿进行交流示范。 3、再次练习,请螃蟹宝宝用和刚才不一样的方法运瓜,看哪一队宝宝运的又快有稳。 四、游戏运瓜比赛 1、教师:刚才我们学会了合作运瓜,现在请宝宝们分成四队,看哪一队的宝宝先把瓜 运回家,在运的时候,恶魔的大钳子不能碰瓜,也不能让瓜掉下来,一定要沿着线侧行, 明白了吗, 2、再次比赛。 活动结束: 现在请宝宝们把瓜搬回家吧。 幼儿园游戏:我们都来跳一跳 活动目标: 1、在游戏中继续训练幼儿变速度,变方向走、跑以及训练幼儿左右跳、单脚跳。 2、通过游戏训练幼儿灵敏性,发展幼儿想象力,创造力。 3、培养幼儿集体活动意识和互相谦让的良好品德。 活动准备: 每人一个彩瓶、小鼓一个,几何图形一套,音乐伴奏带及录音机 活动过程: 一、准备活动 1、队形训练切断分队,最后成四路纵队 2、准备运动 二、活动进行 1、 穿树林游戏教师讲解方法,规则,并示范跳时双脚尖落地屈膝跳。 规则:分组进行,一个跟一个游戏:不推不挤不碰倒彩瓶,完成游戏后又跑回自己的队伍。 2、 幼儿自由游戏教师先启发幼儿开动脑筋想出各种玩彩瓶的方法并演示。然后幼儿自己玩彩瓶 教师巡回指导。 规则:在指定范围内玩,玩时要团结友爱,互相谦让,不推不挤,不碰撞别人。 3、 看信号拼图形三角形、长方形、正方形、圆形教师逐一出示图形,让幼儿说出其名称再交待游戏方法、规则。 规则:幼儿看到信号后自由组合拼图、拼完举手表示,当教师发出“停”的信号时即停止拼摆,以拼得又快又好的幼儿为胜。 4、听信号变速度,变方向跑、走。幼儿园围绕几何图形站好,听鼓声按要求快跑、慢走。 规则:鼓声快就快跑、鼓声慢就慢走。鼓声重就停。 三、游戏结束 1、 小结游戏内容,并讲评重点在遵守游戏规则,听指挥方面。 2、 放松操。 活动结束: 整队听音乐,退场。 小班幼儿晨间游戏:运南瓜 活动目标: 1、 能协调的完成边滚球边走。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 2、感受活动的乐趣,能积极的参与游戏。 活动准备: 大皮球 活动方法: 1、小熊的地里长了很多南瓜,可是它一个人搬不完,怎么办呀? 2、这南瓜很重,搬不动,怎么办呢? 3、请小朋友一起来帮小熊把“南瓜”滚回家吧! 4、幼儿游戏滚南瓜。 小班幼儿晨间游戏:蛇行走 ——协调能力 活动目标: 1、蛇行走通过障碍,发展小朋友的控制与判断能力。 2、体验模仿游戏带来的愉快体验。 活动准备:椅子若干张 活动过程: 1、方法:请小朋友鱼贯地在椅子间S形行走,不能够碰到椅子。 2、小朋友分四组游戏,两组做裁判,两组竞赛。 3、游戏几次后,由走变为慢跑。 小班运动游戏:好玩的布垫 活动目标:1、乐意尝试用垫子玩各种游戏。 2、能肢体协调做动作。 3、体验合作游戏的乐趣。 活动准备:动物小房子四个、小布垫每人一个、音乐 活动过程: 一、开始部分:听音乐,幼儿拿小布垫开着小汽车开心郊游。 二、基本部分 1、启发幼儿用小布垫玩《藏猫猫》的游戏,进行运动前的热身活动。师:“刚才我们把小布 垫当做什么了,”(方向盘) 师:“现在我们和小布垫玩藏猫猫的游戏。” 师:“脑袋脑袋藏起来。”“脑袋脑袋露出来,脑袋脑袋转一转,摇一摇。。。。。。” 老师引导幼儿做肩膀、肚子、胳膊、腿、屁股等部位的热身活动。 2、创设情境:凉爽的秋天到了,住在小河边的小动物们要开运动会了,它们都在练本领呢, 我们一起划着小船去看看它们。 (1)带领幼儿练习划船的动作,引导幼儿掌握划小船的要领。先练习手的动作,再练习手 脚的协调。 (2)变化速度划小船。 (3)变换方向划小船,引导幼儿划船找到小白兔的家。 引导幼儿跟小兔子打招呼。 师:“小朋友,小兔子家有几只小兔子啊,”(两只) 师::“小兔子们正在练习跳舞呢,我们也跟小兔子学跳舞吧,” 放音乐,幼儿把布垫夹在两腿中间,学小兔子跳。锻炼幼儿双腿夹紧向前跳。 (4)划船到小青蛙家,加快速度划。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 师:“几只小青蛙在家啊,”(四只) “小青蛙有什么本领,” “小青蛙问小朋友,会像它们一样跳荷叶吗,” 引导幼儿把垫子放地上学小青蛙跳荷叶。 (5)变大船,幼儿一个跟着一个,练成一艘长长的大船,一起划向小乌龟家。让幼儿体验合作游戏的快乐。 师:“小乌龟都在家里练体操呢,我们一起来做体操。” 引导幼儿把布垫放在背上做龟壳,学做体操和乌龟爬。 3、放松运动 师:“今天,小鱼邀请我们去做客,我们去帮助小鱼做面条啰。” 引导幼儿通过做面条的情景放松全身。 通过揉面、拍面 、擀面、拉面、下面条等情节,幼儿开心做放松运动。 三、结束部分: 随着欢快的音乐去邀请其它小动物来吃美食。 幼儿园小班游戏大全 活动一:《小动物运粮》 规则:每组第一名幼儿听到开始口令后先蹦呼啦圈,再走平衡木,后钻拱形门,把沙包运进筐子里,从外部环绕回来,向第二名幼儿击掌,以此类推,直至幼儿都运完粮为止,先结束的为获胜组。 活动二:《摇摆车大赛》 规则:游戏开始,第一名小选手骑上车做好准备,其余四名队员排在后面等待接力。摇摆桌到终点时绕过障碍物返回起点,下一名幼儿接力骑。 参与人数:共4组,每组5人。 活动三:穿衣服桌子、衣服、障碍物幼儿越过障碍物跑到终点,先穿好桌上衣服者为胜。 活动四:《滚轮胎》 游戏准备:呼啦圈4个,游戏玩法:幼儿分年龄组,每组4人站起跑线上,听口令把自己的呼啦圈奋力向前滚动,呼啦圈不能倒,不能撞到别人,先到者为第一。此游戏设3个名次。 活动五:《打保龄球》 游戏准备:呼啦圈若干个,皮球一个,饮料瓶若干个游戏玩法:幼儿分年龄组,每组4人,小中班抱球跳过呼啦圈,跑到划横线处停下,将球郑向保龄球(饮料瓶),大班幼儿把球放腿上夹住跳过呼啦圈。此游戏设3个名次,每组幼儿一个一个郑保龄球,击倒最多的为第一。 幼儿园小班手指游戏集(13个) 几个:宝贝手指谣: 俗话说:“十指连心”、“心灵手巧”。著名哲学家康德曾说:“手是身体的大脑”,著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基也曾说:“儿童的智慧在他的手指尖上”。对于婴幼儿来说,手指的活动,是大脑的体操。活动的是手,得到锻炼的是大脑。手的动作与人脑的发育有着极为密切和重要关系,对语言、视觉、听觉、触觉等的发展也有极大的助益。 其实手指谣并不难,想要宝宝高兴起来也不难,只要你想学就很简单。 1(一个手指点点点 (伸出一个手指点宝宝) Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 两个手指敲敲敲 (伸出两只手指在宝宝身上轻敲) 三个手指捏捏捏 (伸出三只手指在宝宝身上轻捏) 四个手指挠挠闹 (伸出四只手指在宝宝身上轻挠) 五个手指拍拍拍 (两个手对拍) 五个兄弟爬上山 (从宝宝的下身做爬山状) 几里古噜滚下来 (在宝宝身上从上往下挠) 2(小手拍拍 小手拍拍,小手拍拍 (拍拍你的双手) 手指伸出来, (伸出你的食指) 眼睛在哪里, (用一种夸张的语气问) 眼睛在这里, (指你的眼睛) 用手指出来。 (一边指着你的眼睛一边用眼神鼓励你的孩子) 灵活变化:可以把眼睛改成其它任何一个身体部位,比如鼻子嘴巴等等。这个游戏教会孩子认识五官和身体的部位,让他增强自己的身体意识。 3(大拇哥,二拇弟,中鼓楼,四兄弟(唱大戏), 小妞妞(抓住孩子的小手,边点着她的手指头边说) 爬呀爬呀爬上山 (食指从胳膊一步步点到肩膀) 耳朵听听 (捏捏耳朵) 眼睛看看 (点点眼睛) 鼻子闻闻 (点点鼻子) 嘴巴尝尝 (点点嘴巴) 咯吱一下 (停顿,突然把手伸到孩子脖劲处,咯吱一下,以后每次孩子都会惊喜地等着这一时刻) 4(黄老先生有块地 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。 他在田边养小鸡(两手拇指食指相对,其他手指握拳,上下做啄状),咿呀咿呀哦, 唧唧唧,唧唧唧,唧唧唧唧唧唧唧唧。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。 他在田边养小鸭(右手手心盖上左手手背,上下扇),咿呀咿呀哦, 嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。 他在田边养小羊(两手放头顶,伸出拇指食指,其他手指捏拳),咿呀咿呀哦, 咩咩咩,咩咩咩,咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。 他在田边养小狗(拇指顶住太阳穴,其余四手指做扇状上下扇),咿呀咿呀哦, 汪汪汪,汪汪汪,汪汪汪汪汪汪汪汪。 5(爸爸是司机,开汽车,嘀嘀嘀 (双手大拇指单伸出来,向下按) 爸爸旁边是妈妈,妈妈洗衣服,刷刷刷 (双手食指单伸出来,做搓衣服的动作) 个子最高是哥哥,哥哥打篮球,砰砰砰 (双手中指单伸出来,向上做投篮动作) 哥哥旁边是姐姐,姐姐在跳舞,嚓嚓嚓 (双手无名指单伸出来,做绕圈动作) Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 个子最小就是我,我在敲小鼓,东东东 (双手小指单伸出来,做敲小鼓动作) 6(爸爸瞧瞧 (左手从背后伸出,张开手指挥动) 妈妈看看 (右手从背后伸出,张开手指挥动) 宝宝的小手真好看 (双手一齐摇动) 爸爸瞧瞧 (闭合左手,往背后收) 妈妈看看 (闭合右手,往背后收) 宝宝的小手不见了 (双手都放在背后了) 爸爸妈妈快来看 宝宝的小手出现了 (双手从背后再拿出来) 7(我(指着自己,表情夸张)是一个大苹果(双手张开表示“大”) 小朋友们都爱我 (双手食指点着前面的人) 请你先去洗洗手 (双手做洗手的动作) 要是手脏 (用右手食指点着左手手掌) 别碰我~ (挥动右手表示“不”) 8(包饺子 小手摊开,咱们来包饺子吧 (伸出左手手掌) 擀擀皮 (右手在左手上做擀皮状) 和了和了 (右手手指立起在左手手掌上做和馅的动作,就象手指在抓挠) 包个小饺子 (说一个字,用右手食指依次点着左手的手指) 香喷喷的饺子给谁吃 (用右手把左手指包起来,盖住,问孩子) (然后孩子说给谁吃,就把饺子递到嘴边) 9(小熊小熊圆圆脸(用手在宝宝的手心画圆) 一步一步上上坡(从宝宝的手往手臂上点上去) 几里古噜滚下来(在宝宝身上从上往下做滚状 滚进一个山洞里(用手点到宝宝的胳吱窝挠挠) 10(一根棍,梆梆梆。(在宝宝身上轻轻敲打) 二剪刀,剪剪剪。(用食指、中指在宝宝身上轻轻夹) 三叉子,叉叉叉。(食指、中指、无名指分开伸出,轻触宝宝) 四板凳,拍拍拍。(拇指弯曲,四指并拢,轻打) 五小手。抓抓抓。(五指分开,然后做抓的动作) 六烟斗,抽抽抽。(拇指和小指伸开做抽烟状) 七镊子,夹夹夹。(拇指、食指、中指捏一起,在宝宝身上捏捏) 八手枪,啪啪啪。(拇指食指做手枪状,啪啪啪射击) 九钩子,钩钩钩。(食指弯曲做钩状,在宝宝胸前钩钩) 十麻花。转转转。(中指搭在食指上,食指伸直。双手转动。) 每次做,宝宝都是笑的花枝乱颤的。呵呵 11(白色的小幽灵 拿一张白色的餐巾纸顶在食指尖,把手指团团抱住,用线在手指上缠一圈,用笔在餐巾 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 纸上画上眼睛和嘴巴,这样就扮成了一个小幽灵。让你的手指在空中移动,假装小幽灵在飞 舞,随便你编什么样的故事情节都可以,比如: 一个白色的小幽灵 在空中飞行 飞啊飞啊,飞得好高啊 碰到了星星 碰到了月亮 然后飞下来,落到宝宝的头上~ 这是一个启发孩子想象力的游戏,比较适合年龄大一点的宝宝。 12(我有一双小小手, 小手拍一拍,小手拍一拍; (把小手拍一拍) 小手藏起来,小手藏起来。 (让宝宝把小手藏在身后); 小手在哪里,小手在哪里, (留有时间让宝宝想一想) 小手在这里,小手在这里。 (把小手从身后拿出来,拍一拍) 我有一双小小脚, 小脚踩一踩,小脚踩一踩; (让小脚踏踏地) 小脚藏起来,小脚藏起来。 (让宝宝用小手把小脚捂住); 小脚在哪里,小脚在哪里, (留有时间让宝宝想一想) 小脚在这里,小脚在这里。 (把小手拿开,小脚欢快的踏一踏) 13 . 手指谣 手上有个大木桶,(左手掌弯曲成桶状) 桶上有个盖,盖上有个孔,(右手平盖在桶上,食指与中指稍分开) 让我看看有什么,(用眼睛看孔) 原来躲着毛毛虫。(左手食指穿过孔,做蠕动状) • 手指游戏 手指游戏 1、 一勾金,二勾银,三勾铜,四勾铁,一勾勾出个老爷爷。 培养幼儿的专注性与反应能力,在游戏中也体验了买卖的快乐。 (双手五指张开,手心向下交叉)念儿歌“一勾金”时小指勾住,“二勾银”时无名指够住, “三勾铜”时中指勾住,“四勾铁”时食指勾住,“一勾勾出个老爷爷”时将手绕一下,拇指 在中间翘一翘。然后教师可扮作老爷爷(老奶奶)去买菜,请幼儿想好自己是什么菜,教师 停在一幼儿前,问,“你是什么菜啊,多少钱一斤,”幼儿回答后,教师可买可不买,继续 往前走,引导幼儿想象自己是不同的菜。(也可是水果之类的) 2、【手指谣】 大拇哥,最粗壮, 二拇弟,有力量, 中指头,个子高, 四兄弟,没出息, 小妞妞,最淘气。 摊开来,是手心, 翻过去,是手背。 手腕子,做腕花, 胳膊肘,挎小篮, 肩 膀,背包。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 耳 朵,听声儿, 眼 睛,看亮儿, 鼻 子,闻味儿, 嘴 巴,喝水——咕嘟儿 吃 饭,吃的什么饭,鸡蛋炒米饭。 说 话,说的什么话,说的悄悄话。 3、【五个小兄妹】进一步熟悉五个手指的特征,鼓励引导孩子向上。 五个兄妹是一家,聪明友爱人人夸。 大拇哥,爱唱歌,哆来咪法嗦啦嗦。 二拇弟,爱看戏,每天来遍《西游记》。 中指头,爱研究,科学知识他最熟。 四兄弟,爱学习,门门功课争第一。 小妞妞,最好奇,啥事儿都要问到底。 五个兄妹在一起,天天快乐多有趣。 4、小马过河拍一拍,小马过河抓一抓, 小马过河捏一捏,小马过河敲一敲, 小马过河碰 一碰,小马过河亲一亲, 小马过河锤子、剪刀、布。 该游戏可以是一个人双手对玩,也可 以是两位幼儿对玩。 小(拇指)马(食指)过(中指)河(无名指) 四指按小马过河的节 奏在身体任何部位爬行, „„ 5、十只小猴 十只小猴(两手张开)握握手(十指交叉握在一起)上蹦蹦(左手拍右手)下 跳跳(右手拍左手)翻个跟头(两手握拳头在胸前滚动)拍拍手(两手对拍)。 6、手指兄弟 兄弟十个分两组(十指伸展手心向外)。 生来个子有高低(翻动两手手心向内)。 老大长得最粗壮(两手伸拇指)。 老二生来有主意(两手伸食指)。 老三长得个子大(两手伸中指)。 老四生来没出息(两手伸无名指)。 老五别看个子小(两手伸小指)。 拉起勾来有本事(两手小指互勾)。 老大碰碰头(两手大拇指相碰)。 老二碰碰脸(两手食指相碰)。 老三弯弯腰(两手中指上下运动)。 老五伸伸腿(两手小指伸展运动)。 大家拍手把歌唱(两手拍掌)。 握紧拳头有力气(握双拳举双手)。 东一捶(右手捶左手心)。 西一捶(左手捶右手心)。 南一捶(右手捶左手背)。 北一捶(左手捶右手背)。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 7、手指 大拇哥,二拇弟,中鼓楼,四兄弟(唱大戏), 小妞妞(抓住孩子的小手,边点着她的手指头边说) 爬呀爬呀爬上山 (食指从胳膊一步步点到肩膀) 耳朵听听 (捏捏耳朵) 眼睛看看 (点点眼睛) 鼻子闻闻 (点点鼻子) 嘴巴尝尝 (点点嘴巴) 咯吱一下 (停顿,突然把手伸到孩子脖劲处,咯吱一下,以后每次孩子都会惊喜地等着这 一时刻) 8、黄老先生有块地 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。 他在田边养小鸡(两手拇指食指相对,其他手指握拳,上下做啄状),咿呀咿呀哦, 唧唧唧,唧唧唧,唧唧唧唧唧唧唧唧。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。 他在田边养小鸭(右手手心盖上左手手背,上下扇),咿呀咿呀哦, 嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。 他在田边养小羊(两手放头顶,伸出拇指食指,其他手指捏拳),咿呀咿呀哦, 咩咩咩,咩咩咩,咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。 他在田边养小狗(拇指顶住太阳穴,其余四手指做扇状上下扇),咿呀咿呀哦, 汪汪汪,汪汪汪,汪汪汪汪汪汪汪汪。 9、一根棍,梆梆梆。(在宝宝身上轻轻敲打) 二剪刀,剪剪剪。(用食指、中指在宝宝身上轻轻夹) 三叉子,叉叉叉。(食指、中指、无名指分开伸出,轻触宝宝) 四板凳,拍拍拍。(拇指弯曲,四指并拢,轻打) 五小手。抓抓抓。(五指分开,然后做抓的动作) 六烟斗,抽抽抽。(拇指和小指伸开做抽烟状) 七镊子,夹夹夹。(拇指、食指、中指捏一起,在宝宝身上捏捏) 八手枪,啪啪啪。(拇指食指做手枪状,啪啪啪射击) 九钩子,钩钩钩。(食指弯曲做钩状,在宝宝胸前钩钩) 十麻花。转转转。(中指搭在食指上,食指伸直。双手转动。) 10、一栋房、 手指动作:两手的食指与拇指相连。 两块糖、 手指动作:食指与拇指各捏成一个圆 三把伞、 手指动作:一手打开,另一手握圈伸出食指做雨伞 四把枪、 手指动作:拇指与食指做枪状 五副眼镜、 手指动作:手握拳当眼镜 六碗汤、 手指动作:双手并拢端平 七只白兔、 手指动作:中指与食指竖起做兔子耳朵 八头象、 手指动作:两手大拇指与小拇指连接 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 加上九朵小红花、 手指动作:手做花状 十个朋友喜洋洋。 手指动作:伸开手指左右摇晃 11、手指上课 手指上课(两手五指相顶)。大门开了(两手拇指分开)。小开门(两手小指分开)。二门开了(两手食指分开)。 后门开了(两手无名指分开)。中门也开了(两手中指分开)。小朋友都进来了(两手十指交叉抱拳)。教室门开了(两手拇指分开) 老师走进来了(左手食指竖起)。全体起立,(交叉的十指全部伸展)。坐下(两手交叉抱拳)。 报数1(手形同上,右手食指伸出,然后立即放下)。2(左手食指伸出,以下动作同上)。3(右手中指伸出,以下动作同上)。4(左手中指伸出,以下动作同上)。5(右用无名指伸出,以下动作同上)。6(左手无名指伸出,以下动作同上)。7(右手小指伸出,以下动作同上)。8(左手小指伸出,以下动作同上)大家早操一二一(先伸展左手手指,然后换右手。按口令左右手轮番伸展)。一二一(先伸展右手手指,按口令右手左手轮番伸展)。立定~解散(立下时停止运动,双手成交叉状,解散时两手放开)。 全体集合~大拇指出列(两拳相靠,大拇指竖起)。齐步走~一二一、一二一~立定,入列(大拇指随口令向前弯屈,入列口令时拇指收回)。食指出列~齐步走(两手食指伸出)图7,3。 一二一,一二一~立定,入列(食指随口令弯曲,入列口令时食指收回)全体出列~齐步走~一二一,一二一(两手大拇指相顶,其他田四指随口令弯曲)。跑步走~一二一,一二一~立定~解散(手指加速做做弯曲运动,立定时停止运动,解散口令时,两手分开)。 户外游戏: 、 大猫小猫去钓鱼 1 玩法:教师说:“大猫小猫去钓鱼。”幼儿在后面问:“什么鱼,”教师边往前走,边答:“XX鱼„„”当说到“大鲨鱼时”幼儿要“回家”(到老师指定的地方躲起来,不让老师住。) 2、 大力士 玩法:两个幼儿为一组,背靠背坐在垫子上,两手撑地,两人用力向后顶,把对方顶出垫子的人为大力士。也可见个幼儿分成两队,两队队员背靠背站立,同时顶,哪个队各个多地顶出对方的人为胜对。 3、 小松鼠找树洞 玩法:幼儿三人一组,两个幼儿面对面手拉手站立,作为“大树洞”,另一位幼儿钻到树洞“里,另外请两到三名幼儿扮演未钻到树洞里的”松鼠”,站在树旁或来或跑动等待时机,听到教师的口令后,所有的“松鼠”都必须迅速改变位置,设法找到新的树洞,没有找到树洞的松鼠与树洞交换位置,游戏继续进行。 4、组织幼儿利用袋子开展多个游戏。 1)与花袋子握握手:幼儿原地跳或助跑跳起触袋子。 指导语:花袋子,真漂亮,我跳起来和你握握手。 2)钻山洞:部分幼儿把袋子拿起,袋子变山洞,幼儿一个跟一个钻过去。(分男女孩进行)。 指导语:“长布袋变山洞,小朋友们一个一个钻进去”。 3)盲人走路:幼儿将塑料袋套在头上,听声音向指定方向走。 指导语:“请把袋子套头上,听清声音走过来。”。 4)大力士:袋中装适量重物,幼儿可搬、可扛,也可两两合作,将重物运到指定的地方。 指导语:“我们来做大力士,比比谁的力气大”。 5)太阳伞:幼儿每人抓住布边,同时将布从上往下拉,圆布拱起变成太阳伞。 指导语:“大花布变一变,一、二、三,哗~变成美丽的太阳伞”。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 幼儿园小班户外体育游戏:吹泡泡 儿歌:吹泡泡,吹泡泡,一吹吹个大泡泡,一吹吹个小泡泡,泡泡飞高了,泡泡飞低了,泡泡破了。 讲解游戏规则:当儿歌念到吹成大泡泡时,幼儿拉成一个大圆圈;念到吹成小泡泡时,幼儿向中靠拢;念到批泡泡飞高了,幼儿踮脚;念到泡泡飞低了,幼儿蹲下;念到泡泡破了,幼儿向后跳。引导幼儿边念儿歌边玩游戏。 幼儿园小班游戏:山上有个木头人 活动目标能用普通话正确念儿歌听懂游戏规则,在老师的提醒下,能按规则进行活动。 愉快地与同伴边念儿歌边游戏,提高自我控制能力和听说应变能力活动过程一、教师表演游戏儿歌,引起幼儿活动兴趣学习游戏儿歌提问:儿歌里说了什么, 带领幼儿念儿歌2--3遍。 二、介绍游戏规则及玩法边念儿歌边自由做动作,儿歌念完后,做一个造型保持身体不动。 如果发出声音了或身体动了,就伸出手给同伴,马马虎虎打三下:一、二、三。 三、教师和全体幼儿面对面做游戏。 四、教师与个别幼儿游戏。 五、教师和全体幼儿游戏。 幼儿园小班户外体育游戏:切西瓜 1、幼儿围成圆圈,师幼共同有节奏地念儿歌:"切、切、切西瓜。我们的西瓜香又甜,要吃西瓜切开来。"与此同时,教师边走边有节奏地在幼儿拉手处做切西瓜状。儿歌念完时,教师的手停留在哪两位小朋友中间,这两位小朋友就把手放开,拉着其余小朋友的手往圆心跑,表示西瓜被切开了。此时,大家做吃西瓜状,游戏继续开始。 2、游戏进行若干次后可由幼儿来切西瓜。 幼儿园小班游戏:报纸游戏 活动目标: 1、通过撕、揉、捏、团报纸,发展幼儿的小肌肉动作。 2、培养幼儿初步的环保意识, 3、进一步体验游戏活动的快乐。 活动准备: 废报纸若干,10?10cm左右的小方布块每人一块,皮筋若干。 教学方法:讲解示范法、游戏法、动作与行为练习法。 活动过程 : (一)开始部分,组织幼儿: 1、师生一起做手指游戏。 2、游戏"小小脑袋藏起来。" (二)撕报纸: 教师讲解、示范方法,引导孩子将报纸撕碎。告诉幼儿报纸不能随便乱扔。 (三)团纸球:引导幼儿将碎纸屑全部揉抓在手里,要求地面干净无纸屑。 (四)玩纸球:将纸球用方布包起来,启发幼儿用多种方法玩纸球。 (五)带幼儿到户外玩游戏,自然结束本节课。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists
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