

2017-10-26 17页 doc 49KB 32阅读




樱兰高校男公关部游戏攻略樱兰高校男公关部游戏攻略 先写一下我自己玩的感受吧~~ 真的很好玩,这是不可否定的,但是各位亲要记住一点,如果攻略像馨之类不是很喜欢女主的人,切记一个都不能选错。 我就是特别悲惨,选错一点点到最后都没能和馨在一起,这是前车之鉴啊,拿来跟大家分享一下。、 然后呢,解答一下大家的疑问,就是选项最后有个名为“特殊”的选项,点开来以后有各位的名字,这个已开始我也很疑惑,但是后来亲自玩了就知道是什么了。其实这个是类似于番外的东东,不会很长,挺好玩的哦~~ 还有呢,如果有人和我一样喜欢馨,我可以跟大家分享一下我的攻略。 大致的我...
樱兰高校男公关部游戏攻略 先写一下我自己玩的感受吧~~ 真的很好玩,这是不可否定的,但是各位亲要记住一点,如果攻略像馨之类不是很喜欢女主的人,切记一个都不能选错。 我就是特别悲惨,选错一点点到最后都没能和馨在一起,这是前车之鉴啊,拿来跟大家分享一下。、 然后呢,解答一下大家的疑问,就是选项最后有个名为“特殊”的选项,点开来以后有各位的名字,这个已开始我也很疑惑,但是后来亲自玩了就知道是什么了。其实这个是类似于番外的东东,不会很长,挺好玩的哦~~ 还有呢,如果有人和我一样喜欢馨,我可以跟大家分享一下我的攻略。 大致的我记不太清了,就是记住不论什么选项都要选他,我记得几个选项是光说如果公关部不在了他们三个也会在一起,然后要你选择,你一定不要选“这样啊„„”这个会让你错失和馨在一起的机会(我就是因为选了这个~~不说鸟,偶桑心呐„„)然后还有就是捞鱼的时候,他们两个吵架你一定要阻止,如果选择了省略号,那么我可以很负责任的告诉各位,咱输了。 这个事切记不能选错的。 还有就是,如果你没把握选择这个是正确的、会增加好感度,那就劝大家还是先存档比较好,如果你选择了这个却发现没有在人物后面有花朵盛开,那么就是没有好感度,大家就得重新选择咯„„ (以上都是本人疭蝴闺姗原创,下面的就是复制的啦) 这里是第3音乐室 1\剧情模式 2\这里是记录读取 3\这里是设定 设定语速 BGM SE VOICE等 4\查看王子SAMA们发生事件后的照片~每个王子都有14张~也有事件回放的功能吧 5\这里是去和王子SAMA们见面的选项~ 接下来出现的是日历~日期是根据你DS上设置的日期来定的也就是现实中的日期 下屏菜单解释一下 上排从左往右数 1\存档 2\菜单 3\读取 下排从左网右数 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 4\历史 5\自动 6\SKIP 然后是各个王子SAMA的自我介绍~>< 接下来还是剧情 就是女主角弄碎的花瓶- -那花瓶是天价啊 ~~然后为了赔偿在那里打杂- -。。要么接客(哟活活 XE了)要么打杂 冲咖啡之类的~这时候他们还不知道这是一位美少女类~- -~~ 是一段小小的动画 好像在看动画片一样捏~><) 然后出现2个选项 1 接(百度)客 2 打杂 我选了接(百度)客 然后镜夜SAMA跑出来和我讲话类~ 选项 1 说明接(百度)客有关事项 2 我没事 不用说明 接(百度)客的时候非常的受欢迎内~~许多美少女哟~~脸红~~(似乎不知道女主角的真实性别 哈哈) 然后美少女会问问题 你一定要尽量往好的地方去哄他们开心。- -刚我选错了一个 那个女孩就生气了呢 然后被镜夜SAMA说了一顿- -~ 接(百度)客的时候下屏出现一些选项 看图标就能会意啦。这里很简单 ----------------------------------差不多介绍到这里---------------------- 接下来就是根据剧情的变化来玩了 下面应该是 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 接(百度)客 打杂 然后某天被发现其实是女生身份 但是到最后还是继续像别人隐瞒身份(除了这些王子SAMA们)然后继续呆在美男部。之后么就是跟某些SAMA擦出爱情的火花咯~~哇哈哈 就是这样~~~~ ----------------------------------最后感言----------------------------- 我是不是废话很多捏,=-= 我不太擅长写攻略捏 但是这个游戏自己很有爱 网上也没有类似的攻略 就想把自己那份喜爱的心情传达给大家分享~~~ (我每次写攻略都是不完整的捏 这次也是- -因为自己也是日语苦手的说- -。。) 就这样吧- -~OHOH 大家也要对美男部有爱哦~特别是我们家可爱的哈尼前辈~哇哈哈~~~ Okay 废话完毕 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=v=~OVER 这个……严格的说不能算攻略 汗 以下转自动漫周刊 藤冈春绯就是你~ 没错,作为本作唯一的女性主人公,你的名字叫做藤冈春绯。因为游戏的开发者是坚决的春绯命,所以一般恋爱养成游戏都会有的更名服务,在这里就不用肖想了,所谓一日为春绯,一世是春绯。不过相对的,其他方面,可是有着大大的优惠呦。 与其他恋爱游戏不同,今次你不用做一个“见人说人话、见鬼说鬼话”,“为了恋情成功,无视良心呕吐”的人,只要保持并且善用你的武器,那么基本上已经足以横扫四方攻无不克。 武器一:扑朔迷离的外表 曾经,春绯公主确实如一个正常的公主一样,长长的黑发,雪白的肌肤,动人的裙装,但是由于公主殿下对自身外表毫无兴趣,终于在离家前的某一天因一个小意外,干脆地剪短头发,穿上不合体的男装,被广大群众当成了男生,得以加入恶魔大本营的“男”公关部,话说知己知彼,百战百胜,近距离了解观察敌人才能掌握他们的弱点,相对的,近水楼台先得月也是至理名言哦, management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 武器二:坦率的心 纯洁坦率的心灵对恶魔而言是威力非常强大的武器,坦率的心灵产生直率的语言,视使用时机、场合、对象而定,不管是打击对方,还是打动对方,都有着无法估量的威力。 oywnd5y 武器三:认真理智的个性 这是不被恶魔们迷惑并随之起舞的最大保障,面对完全可以说是外星人的恶魔们,你不得不参与他们的活动已经是不幸了,如果连思考都跟着他们的步调跑的话,可就是彻底堕落喽~时刻要禁忌,你是一个正常的、善良的人类哦。 武器四:不被任何虚假事物所迷惑的洞察之眼 双胞胎恶魔喜欢使用的“猜猜我是谁”幻术、恶魔之首的华丽魅惑术、甜心恶魔的装可爱迷惑术等攻击、暗之魔王的心灵铁壁术等防卫,在你的这样强大优势面前都是苍白而无力的~ 最后就是要牢记自己的目标:第一,拿到律师资格~第二,收服群魔~第三,取得一个完美的恋爱结局~ 突击~将恶魔逐个击破~ 傻瓜都知道,勇者之所以能取得最后的胜利,关键就在于魔王从来不一次性派出所有手下。我们的公主这么聪明,当然会明白针对重点对象,逐个击破的重要性。 第一战:恶魔之首须王环 敌人特点: 妄想狂、爱好庶民文化、受打击速度和恢复速度一样快,动不动以你的父亲自居。 8Z,iK,%Hf 攻克剧情:要注意的是,我们说的恶魔之首的“首”,并不是指大脑的意思哦,因为那个人啊,大部分时间都是不使用大脑的。这里的首,有两层含义,一层是指领袖,另外一层就是指“脸”……福星中的面堂君曾经说过,“男人最重要的就是脸”,基本上,须王环正是这样一个除了“脸”和“心”之外,别无所长的男人啦。 所以虽然是恶魔之首,但是其实也是魔窟中最容易攻陷的一个,只要充分发挥你纯洁的外表、直率冷静认真等特点,对方很容易就会主动投降,这时再适时地使用攻关道具“标明真实性别的学生证”,OK,最后一个发现你身份的敌将第一个落马。接下来你唯一要做的就是在某人妄想暴走的时候不停地泼冷水,踩刹车就足够了。 对敌必杀台词:“我不记得有你这样的父亲”、“啊,那个(环学长的事情)是最无所谓的……” 第二战:恶魔之手的常陆院双胞胎 敌人特点:坏心眼、无道德心、热爱恶作剧整人,双胞胎构筑的自我世界,壁垒十分坚固。 攻克剧情: 双胞胎恶魔热衷的 “猜猜谁是光”的游戏,无论家人还是朋友,从来没有人能够真正猜中,到底是希望人分出来呢,还是不希望人分出来呢,也许连双胞胎自己都没有办法说清楚。“我们是一体的,但又希望能有人能分辨出不同”,就是任性到这种地步的家伙们~如果说环是恶魔的指挥力的话,双胞胎就是恶魔的执行力,偏偏你和他们又是同management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 班,每天在学校的学习时间和社团活动时间都要在一起,所以不尽快攻克是不行的。 首先是要在“双胞胎吵架”发生前能清晰地分辨出光和馨,才会触发事件,然后在两个人闹得太过分的时候要出面制止,让两人学会适可而止和好,虽然最后的结果是一定会发现自己上当了,但是感情却因此会变得更亲密哦。轻井泽度假事件中,会因为老朋友而引发与光的争吵,这可是关键剧情。对于孩子一样别扭的光,就得该教育时教育,该宽容时宽容,不是有句老话说得好“感情是越吵越好”的吗, 然后是过去的回忆事件,了解对方的成长经历也是不可少的,知道越多,致胜把握越大,千万要记住,即使和你再亲近,两个小恶魔也不会放弃恶作剧的机会呀。 万圣节事件中了解到馨的心情和想法,既然大家最喜欢的都是现在的情形,那么就努力维持现状的平衡吧,直到南瓜成熟的那一天为止,谁也不要察觉,谁也不要选择。 对敌必杀台词:“比较起来,光的言行更加恶劣一点。”“光一个人的话,会比较吵,而馨相对有常识一点——始终也只是相对而言。” 第三战:恶魔之脑凤镜夜 敌人特点:冷血的利益之上主义者,暗中操纵男公关部的幕后黑手,低血压魔王,全心维护自己野心家的形象。攻克剧情:镜夜大魔王是公关部最难战胜的对手,冷静理智,擅长阴谋。论智慧,你和他差着一大截;讲手段,拍烂马屁股也追不上,面对这样近乎没有弱点的恶魔的智慧,该怎么办好呢, 只有以不变应万变。 既然无论你怎样绞尽脑汁也赢不了对方,那么干脆做回自我本色吧,认真聪明又敏锐的女生,本来就是镜夜有好感的类型啊,只要不被他的“死鸭子嘴硬”所欺骗,就可以感受到镜夜微妙的体贴部分。 冲绳度假事件中环和春绯认真地吵了一架,一直都是靠自己的春绯而言,遇到危险也从来没有向他人求助的概念,所以对于环生气的理由,完全不能理解。“天真无邪是你的优点,但是太过没有防备就是你的错了。”密室、夜晚。衣装不整的年轻男女,镜夜亲身扮演坏人向春绯演示男性和女性的力量差异……实在是萌到极点的情节~由此次事件充分理解到“镜夜前辈是个好人”这件事,是大收获呢。 百货公司的意外相遇可以算是第一次单独约会事件。把握机会,不要被镜夜满口的“利益好处”所迷惑,很多时候,那些只是事后借口啦,生怕别人把自己当作好人可以算是镜夜的一个特色了,毕竟也有“心灵上的好处”之类的说法哦~ 追求镜夜有两个注意事项,一是处理好与环之间的关系尺度,对镜夜而言,环是非常重要的好友;另一个就是绝对要跟得上镜夜前进的脚步,毕竟人家可是以野心家自诩呢。 对敌必杀台词:“镜夜前辈不会这样做的,因为对你一点好处都没有。” 第四战:双面恶魔植之冢光邦 敌人特点:以可爱为武器纵横樱兰的小动物型恶魔,有人型兵器之称的超强破坏性武技,部分情况下会引发双重人格。 攻克剧情: management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 这只恶魔平时是没有什么伤害性的,除了一边哭喊“好窄好可怕”一边从春绯家的洗手间里冲出来的时候,真正引发过春绯的“杀机”之外,还是很惹人怜爱的。因为春绯本身也是天然派,所以一开始双方就相处的很融洽。充分地发挥春绯的天然魅力,光邦很快就会成为和你“一国”的。 你问遇到双重人格变身时怎么办,咳咳,两种办法,一种是快速逃跑,另外一种是大喊“崇前辈救命~”,所谓专业问题,还是得交给(甜心)专家处理啊~ 注意事项是必须对甜食有充足的喜爱或忍耐力,不然甜心每周两次的夜晚蛋糕时间,每次都独自吃掉三个以上三层蛋糕,确实有点可怕啊…… 对敌必杀台词:“甜心前辈,你长蛀牙了吧,” 第五战:沉默恶魔铦之冢崇 敌人特点:面无表情,又很少说话,所以很难理解他心里在想什么……或者是干脆什么都没有想, 攻克剧情: 因为是与甜心恶魔搭配出售,危害性也很低,而且只要相处久了,也渐渐可以明白他的想法,对于类似于小动物又体贴人的春绯,崇也很中意。虽然目前重要顺序还排在光邦的后面,但是只要你度量够大、持之以衡努力,前景也十分光明。毕竟不管最后攻下光邦还是崇,都有买一送一式的优惠,不是很赚吗, 切记要诀是体贴心和真诚的关怀,这种关怀不仅是要对崇,还要普及到光邦身上才行啊,所谓“爱屋及乌”嘛~对敌必杀台词:“听说光邦前辈和崇前辈签订和长期,”(配合光邦的泪眼攻击) 追求目标:学业爱情双丰收~ 三年时光流水一样过去,如果只顾努力爱情结局而忽略了学业,那可就难以避免地要发生悲剧了。别忘记魔王们好歹都是富裕国镓的王子,和一般小国寡民的公主谈恋爱,斗争道路可是艰苦无比的。但是律师的身份可是很受人尊敬的,能够相互扶持才是共度人生道路的好伴侣哦~再加上不卑不亢的态度,冷静理智的性格,天然的坦率与勤奋,哪个王国的家长又会不欢迎呢,记得,爱一个人不是要让他为你和世界战斗,而是要把全世界都拉到支持你们这边才对。 除了五大爱情结局之外,据说本游戏还有另外一个完美结局。如果你能够把和大家的感情数值都保持得很均衡又都很高的话,最后就会出现一直维持现状升到大学、进入社会的情形,所谓的“大家一直在一起”的意思就是:如果我们中的谁都追不到春绯,就更不能让春绯被公关部之外的家伙抢走~平时互扯后腿的恶魔们一旦一致对外,让我们对春绯的追求者致意最高同情吧„„ 1.游戏中按?,就能出来系统界面,有选项的时候存档,然后根据你的感觉选一个。你选的选项如果没让你攻略的角色出+好感提示(背后开花儿……),或者出CG,那就说明这个选项可能不对,你读档换另一个看看有没有特殊效果。 2.一般来说,能接客人的时候你就接客,就算选择休息也不会发生别的事件。 3.关于接客时的选项。要懂得察言观色(无把握请先存档)。生气表情时,选择触摸;一般表情“……”时,自己说话;问你话的时候也是自己说话;说得正高兴呢,就默默看着她;欲言又止则选耳朵,倾听她说什么。给点心和茶水是不会出management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 红心的(大概),但是一般不会有错。虽然貌似接客不是最主要的,但是还是推 荐出红心。 4.关于支援,就是别人需要你去接待一下目前他正在接待的客人,让你找个机会 搭他们的话茬。这个绝对不允许失败。其实也不难,还是选择之前先存档。一共 六种话题,你看他们说关于什么的,就选择什么就是了。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten
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