

2017-10-08 16页 doc 46KB 146阅读




如何描述地形特征如何描述地形特征 ?如何描述地形特征: 1.地形类型(平原、山地、丘陵、高原、盆地等) 2.地势起伏状况 3.(多种地形条件下)主要地形分布 4.(剖面图中)重要地形剖面特征 ?影响气温的因素: 1.纬度(决定因素):影响太阳高度、昼长、太阳辐射量、气温日较差,年较差(低纬度地区气温日、年较差小于高纬度地区) 2.地形(高度、地势):阴坡、阳坡,不同海拔高度的山地、平原、谷地、盆地(如:谷地盆地地形热量不易散失,高大地形对冬季风阻挡,同纬度山地比平原日较差、年较差小等) 3.海陆位置:海洋性强弱引起气温年较差...
如何描述地形特征 ?如何描述地形特征: 1.地形类型(平原、山地、丘陵、高原、盆地等) 2.地势起伏状况 3.(多种地形条件下)主要地形分布 4.(剖面图中)重要地形剖面特征 ?影响气温的因素: 1.纬度(决定因素):影响太阳高度、昼长、太阳辐射量、气温日较差,年较差(低纬度地区气温日、年较差小于高纬度地区) 2.地形(高度、地势):阴坡、阳坡,不同海拔高度的山地、平原、谷地、盆地(如:谷地盆地地形热量不易散失,高大地形对冬季风阻挡,同纬度山地比平原日较差、年较差小等) 3.海陆位置:海洋性强弱引起气温年较差变化 4.洋流(暖流:增温增湿;寒流:降温减湿) 5.天气状况(云雨多的地方气温日、年较差小于云雨少的地方) 6.下垫面:地面反射率(冰雪反射率大,气温低);绿地气温日、年较差小于裸地 7.人类活动:热岛效应、温室效应等 ?影响降水的因素: 1.气候:大气环流(气压带、风带、季风) 2.地形:迎风坡、背风坡 3.地势(海拔高度):降水在一定高度达最大值 4.海陆位置(距海远近) 5.洋流(暖流:增温增湿;寒流:降温减湿) 6.下垫面:湖泊、河流、植被覆盖状况 7.人类活动;改变下垫面影响降水 ?描述河流的水文特征: 1.流量:大小、季节变化、有无断流(取决于降水特征、雨水补给、河流面积大小) 2.含沙量:取决于流域的植被状况 3.结冰期:有无、长短 4.水位:高低、变化特征(取决于河流补给类型、水利、湖泊调蓄作用) 5.水能:与地形(河流落差大小,流速快慢)、气候(降水量的多少,径流量的大小,蒸发量的大小)有关 ?描述河流的水系特征: 1.长度 2.流向 3.流域面积大小 4.落差大小(水能) 5.河道曲直情况 6.支流多少 qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval, construction technology to give the low-down the work has been completed. (6) enter the site inspection of pipes, pipe fittings, valves and other comprehensive. Pipes, pipe surface shall be free of cracks, scars, porosity, slag, folds, severe corrosion and other defects, opening and close flexibly, maintenance of high pressure valves one at a strength and tightness test, pass the inspection, test pipes, valves clean the closed logo, placed neatly in the specified location. (7) enter the scene of the pipeline components, preforms are designed according to their documentation requirements, the models, specifications, material, quantity check. (8) the pipeline of high pressure pipe prefabrication factory into the scene, should control one-line diagram, check by their specifications, sizes, materials and trends. 1.2. ... , It is important to ensure correct size and surface roughness. No matter which method of cutting, with angle grinder cutting surface oxide, dross, rugged and Burr Burr and Grind. (2) the incision quality shall conform to the following provisions of the pipe: cut surfaces should be smooth, free from cracks, heavy leather, Burr, bump, necking, dross, ferrous oxide, iron, etc. Cut side slope deviation should not exceed 1% of the outside diameter of the pipe, and must not exceed 3mm. 1.2.4 the piping installation (1) after installing the order principle is the first large-caliber, small-bore, high first, then the ground, Outdoor Indoor, head after the first pipe, and pipe moving device connection, preferably from the device to the external piping, piping and pipeline installation synchronization. (2) prefabricated piping, pipeline, and the pipeline should 7.河流支流排列形状(扇形、树枝状) ?评价河流的航运价值: 「自然条件」 1.地形:平坦,流经平原,水流平缓 2.气候:降水丰富均匀,河流流量大,季节变化小, 冰期短 3.河道:宽阔平直,水深 「社会经济条件」 流域内人口多,经济发达,联系密集,运输量大 ?影响太阳辐射的因素: 1.纬度(决定正午太阳高度、昼长) 2.海拔高度(海拔高,空气稀薄,太阳辐射强),eg.我国青藏高原, 3.天气状况(晴天多,太阳辐射丰富),eg.我国西北地区, 4.空气密度 ?影响雪线高低的因素: 1.降水(当地气候特征情况;迎风坡降水多,雪线低),eg.喜玛拉雅山南坡比 北坡雪线低, 2.气温(阳坡雪线高于阴坡;不同纬度的温度变化、0?等温线的海拔的高低) ?影响山地垂直带谱的因素: 1纬度:.山地所处的纬度越高,带谱越简单 2.海拔:山地的海拔越高,带谱可能越复杂 3.热量(即阳坡、阴坡):影响同一带谱的海拔高度 ?农业区位因素: 「自然因素」 1.土地:地形、土壤 2.气候:光照、热量、降水、昼夜温差 3.水源(灌溉水源): 「社会经济因素」 1.市场: 2.交通: 3.国家政策 4.劳动力 5.科技:农产品保鲜、冷藏等技术的发展 6.工业基础 ?工业区位因素分析: 1.地理位置 2.资源因素:原料、燃料 3.农业因素 qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval, construction technology to give the low-down the work has been completed. (6) enter the site inspection of pipes, pipe fittings, valves and other comprehensive. Pipes, pipe surface shall be free of cracks, scars, porosity, slag, folds, severe corrosion and other defects, opening and close flexibly, maintenance of high pressure valves one at a strength and tightness test, pass the inspection, test pipes, valves clean the closed logo, placed neatly in the specified location. (7) enter the scene of the pipeline components, preforms are designed according to their documentation requirements, the models, specifications, material, quantity check. (8) the pipeline of high pressure pipe prefabrication factory into the scene, should control one-line diagram, check by their specifications, sizes, materials and trends. 1.2. ... , It is important to ensure correct size and surface roughness. No matter which method of cutting, with angle grinder cutting surface oxide, dross, rugged and Burr Burr and Grind. (2) the incision quality shall conform to the following provisions of the pipe: cut surfaces should be smooth, free from cracks, heavy leather, Burr, bump, necking, dross, ferrous oxide, iron, etc. Cut side slope deviation should not exceed 1% of the outside diameter of the pipe, and must not exceed 3mm. 1.2.4 the piping installation (1) after installing the order principle is the first large-caliber, small-bore, high first, then the ground, Outdoor Indoor, head after the first pipe, and pipe moving device connection, preferably from the device to the external piping, piping and pipeline installation synchronization. (2) prefabricated piping, pipeline, and the pipeline should 4.交通因素(包括交通便捷程度和信息网络的通达度):便于物资、人员、信息交流 5.市场因素 6.科技因素 7.劳动力因素:劳动力价格、素质 8.历史因素 9.政策因素:国家、地区政策扶持 10*.军事因素:国防安全需要 11*.个人因素:个人偏好情感 ,eg.归国华侨投资办厂, ?影响城市的区位因素: 「自然因素」 1.地形(a.地势平坦、土壤肥沃,便于农耕,有利于交通联系,节约建设投资,人口集中;b.热带地区城市分布在高原上;c.山区城市分布在河谷、开阔的低地) 2.气候(中低纬地区温暖,沿海地区湿润) 3.河流(供水、运输功能) 4.资源条件 「社会经济因素」 1.交通条件 2.政治因素 3.军事因素 4.宗教因素 5.科技因素 6.旅游因素 ?商业中心、商业网点形成的区位因素: 1.便利的交通条件(设立原则:交通最优,环路或市区边缘,公路沿线,) 2.较强的商品生产能力、稳定的商品来源 3.广阔的市场或经济腹地(设立原则:市场最优) ?交通运输线路的选线原则: 「自然方面」 1.地形(a.平坦:对选择限制少;b.起伏大:若需开山、筑洞、架桥,工程难度大,若沿等高线延伸,延长里程;c.河流湍急:不利航运) 2.地质(a.喀斯特地貌:防塌陷、渗漏;b.地质不稳定:加固地基、避开断层) 3.气候(a.公路、铁路:防暴雨、洪涝、冻土、泥石流;b.水运、航空:防大雾、大风) 4.土地(少占耕地,尤其是良田) 「社会经济方面」 1.人口(尽量多地通过居民点、铁路车站、码头等,使更多人受益。,适用于:地方公路,) 2.里程和运营时间(尽量修筑桥梁、隧道,缩短里程,以节省运营时间;适当照顾沿线重要经济点。,适用于:国道,) 3.其他(尽量远离重要文物古迹、注意生态环境保护) qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval, construction technology to give the low-down the work has been completed. (6) enter the site inspection of pipes, pipe fittings, valves and other comprehensive. Pipes, pipe surface shall be free of cracks, scars, porosity, slag, folds, severe corrosion and other defects, opening and close flexibly, maintenance of high pressure valves one at a strength and tightness test, pass the inspection, test pipes, valves clean the closed logo, placed neatly in the specified location. (7) enter the scene of the pipeline components, preforms are designed according to their documentation requirements, the models, specifications, material, quantity check. (8) the pipeline of high pressure pipe prefabrication factory into the scene, should control one-line diagram, check by their specifications, sizes, materials and trends. 1.2. ... , It is important to ensure correct size and surface roughness. No matter which method of cutting, with angle grinder cutting surface oxide, dross, rugged and Burr Burr and Grind. (2) the incision quality shall conform to the following provisions of the pipe: cut surfaces should be smooth, free from cracks, heavy leather, Burr, bump, necking, dross, ferrous oxide, iron, etc. Cut side slope deviation should not exceed 1% of the outside diameter of the pipe, and must not exceed 3mm. 1.2.4 the piping installation (1) after installing the order principle is the first large-caliber, small-bore, high first, then the ground, Outdoor Indoor, head after the first pipe, and pipe moving device connection, preferably from the device to the external piping, piping and pipeline installation synchronization. (2) prefabricated piping, pipeline, and the pipeline should ?港口建设的区位条件: 「自然条件(决定港口位置)」 1.水域条件:港阔水深(等深线密集,有利于停泊靠岸避风) 2.筑港条件:陆地地质稳定、地形平坦、坡度适当(有利于安排建筑用地、港口设备) 「社会经济条件(影响港口兴衰)」 1.经济腹地条件:经济腹地是否广阔、客货流量大小、腹地经济性质(经济腹地的广阔与否影响着客货流量;客货流量影响着港口的兴衰;腹地经济性质决定港口性质,综合港、专业港等,) 2.城市依托(交通便利;为港口提供人力物力财力的支持) 3.政策条件:对外开放地区建成自由贸易港 1、水土流失问(选修) 我国典型地区:黄土高原、南方低山丘陵地区 a.(黄土高原为例)产生的原因: (1)自然原因:黄土土质疏松、垂直节理发育;季风气候,降水集中,多暴雨。 (2)人为原因:植被的破坏;不合理的耕作;开矿。 治理的措施:压缩农业用地,扩大林、草种植面积;植树造林;小流域综合治理(典例:甘肃南小河沟)。 b. (南方丘陵山区)产生原因:农村生活用能短缺。 整治措施:?发展立体农业?解决农民生活用能问题(大力推广生活用煤;进行炉灶的技术革新;大办沼气和营造速生薪炭林)。 2、荒漠化问题(选修) 我国典型的地区:西北地区 产生的原因: (1)自然原因:地覆盖着深厚的疏松沙质沉积物;大风日数多而且集中;处内陆地区,气候干旱降水少。 (2)人为原因:过度樵采;过度放牧;过度开垦。 治理措施:制定草场保护的法律、法规,加强管理;控制载畜量;营造“三北防护林”建设;退耕还林、还牧;建设人工草场;推广轮牧;禁止采伐等。(典例:宁夏沙坡头) 治理意义:有利于因地制宜地进行产业结构的调整,使农林牧副渔全面发展,可以增加农民收入,促进当地经济发展,改善农民生活条件,提高生活质量;有利于保护土地资源改善当地的生态环境;有利于促进生态和经济可持续发展。 3、干旱缺水问题(选修) 我国典型地区:华北地区、西北地区: 产生原因(华北地区): (1)自然原因:温带季风气候,全年降水少,河流径流量小;降水变率大;春季蒸发旺盛。 (2)人为原因:人口稠密、工农业发达,需水量大;水污染严重;浪费多,利用率低;春季春种用水量大。 治理措施:南水北调;修建水库;控制人口数量,提高素质;减少水污染;节约用水,提高利用率;限制高耗水工业的发展;发展节水农业;采用滴灌、喷灌农业灌溉技术,提高利用率;实行水价调节,树立节水意识;海水淡化等。 qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval, construction technology to give the low-down the work has been completed. (6) enter the site inspection of pipes, pipe fittings, valves and other comprehensive. Pipes, pipe surface shall be free of cracks, scars, porosity, slag, folds, severe corrosion and other defects, opening and close flexibly, maintenance of high pressure valves one at a strength and tightness test, pass the inspection, test pipes, valves clean the closed logo, placed neatly in the specified location. (7) enter the scene of the pipeline components, preforms are designed according to their documentation requirements, the models, specifications, material, quantity check. (8) the pipeline of high pressure pipe prefabrication factory into the scene, should control one-line diagram, check by their specifications, sizes, materials and trends. 1.2. ... , It is important to ensure correct size and surface roughness. No matter which method of cutting, with angle grinder cutting surface oxide, dross, rugged and Burr Burr and Grind. (2) the incision quality shall conform to the following provisions of the pipe: cut surfaces should be smooth, free from cracks, heavy leather, Burr, bump, necking, dross, ferrous oxide, iron, etc. Cut side slope deviation should not exceed 1% of the outside diameter of the pipe, and must not exceed 3mm. 1.2.4 the piping installation (1) after installing the order principle is the first large-caliber, small-bore, high first, then the ground, Outdoor Indoor, head after the first pipe, and pipe moving device connection, preferably from the device to the external piping, piping and pipeline installation synchronization. (2) prefabricated piping, pipeline, and the pipeline should 思考:我国东北地区为何没有形成春旱,(春汛) 4、土壤次生盐碱化(选修) 我国典型地区:黄淮海平原、宁夏平原、河套平原等 产生原因:(1)自然原因:春季降水少,气温回升快,蒸发旺盛;地形低洼。 (2)人为原因:不合理的灌溉;不合理的水利工程建设(渭河平原) 治理措施:引淡淋盐;井排井灌;生物措施;农田覆盖;合理的灌溉,不能只灌不排;采取喷灌滴灌技术等 5、华北平原中、低产田的分布及治理(选修) 组成:西部的缓斜平原、缓斜平原以东的冲积低平原(黄淮海平原的主体)、渤海之滨为滨海平原。 缓斜平原肥力最好:?地面坡度较大,排水通畅,不易积水形成低湿地;?沉积物颗粒较粗,有利于水份下渗;?地下水埋藏深,春秋季节蒸发量较小,不易形成盐碱地。 6、地面下沉和海水倒灌 我国典型地区:北方广大地区和南方城市; 产生的原因:过度抽取地下水 治理措施:控制抽取地下水;实行雨季回灌 7、赤潮 我国典型地区:珠江口、杭州湾、渤海等。 多发季节:夏季。5—10月 产生的原因:(1)自然原因:气温高;静水;静风;海域相对封闭。 (2)人为原因:沿岸地区人口稠密、经济发达,排入海洋的工业和生活污水多;农业生产过程中大量使用化肥、农药;由于海洋开发程度高和养殖业规模的扩大,严重的污染了养殖水域。 8、咸潮 ?咸潮多发生在沿海(或河口)地区,以冬季最为严重 ?咸潮的形成原因:自然原因: (气候) a冬季降水少,气候干旱,河流正处枯水期,流量较小;b气候变暖,海平面上升;(地形)c地势地平,河汊纵横;(天文)d朔望月天文大潮加剧了咸潮。 人为原因:a人类生产、生活用水增多;b下游无序采沙,使河床降低等。 ?咸潮发生时可能对当地的自然环境及人类活动带来危害::a对人体健康造成危害;b对企业生产造成威胁,生产设备容易氧化、腐蚀,锅炉容易积垢;c造成地下水和土壤内的盐度升高,危害到当地的植物生存。 ?从长远看,防治咸潮可采取的措施:a加强监测,建立预警机制;b采取调水以淡压咸;c对河流水资源及河道泥沙等加强统一调度、统一管理;d节约用水 9、酸雨 分布:西欧、北美、日本;我国南方地区 成因:燃烧煤、石油、天然气等矿物燃料。 危害:河湖水酸化,影响鱼类;土壤酸化,危害森林及农作物;腐蚀建筑物和文物古迹;危害人体健康。 根本途径:减少人为硫氧化物和氮氧化物的排放。 有效途径:研究煤炭中硫资源的综合开发和利用。 我国能源消费以煤为主,所以酸雨主要为硫酸型酸雨。 10、光化学烟雾: 成因:汽车尾气中的碳氢化合物在太阳紫外线照射下发生光化学反应。 qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval, construction technology to give the low-down the work has been completed. (6) enter the site inspection of pipes, pipe fittings, valves and other comprehensive. Pipes, pipe surface shall be free of cracks, scars, porosity, slag, folds, severe corrosion and other defects, opening and close flexibly, maintenance of high pressure valves one at a strength and tightness test, pass the inspection, test pipes, valves clean the closed logo, placed neatly in the specified location. (7) enter the scene of the pipeline components, preforms are designed according to their documentation requirements, the models, specifications, material, quantity check. (8) the pipeline of high pressure pipe prefabrication factory into the scene, should control one-line diagram, check by their specifications, sizes, materials and trends. 1.2. ... , It is important to ensure correct size and surface roughness. No matter which method of cutting, with angle grinder cutting surface oxide, dross, rugged and Burr Burr and Grind. (2) the incision quality shall conform to the following provisions of the pipe: cut surfaces should be smooth, free from cracks, heavy leather, Burr, bump, necking, dross, ferrous oxide, iron, etc. Cut side slope deviation should not exceed 1% of the outside diameter of the pipe, and must not exceed 3mm. 1.2.4 the piping installation (1) after installing the order principle is the first large-caliber, small-bore, high first, then the ground, Outdoor Indoor, head after the first pipe, and pipe moving device connection, preferably from the device to the external piping, piping and pipeline installation synchronization. (2) prefabricated piping, pipeline, and the pipeline should 分布:地形条件不利于气体扩散的谷地和(汽车尾气排放多的)大城市。 危害和对策:降低能见度,损害植物和人体健康。控制汽车尾气排放量。 11、沼泽的保护(选修) 我国典型地区:三江平原。 沼泽的形成:?纬度高,气温低,蒸发量小?地下冻土层形成不透水层?地势低平,地表径流排泄不畅,土壤中水分积聚过多 开发利用的关键:排水。 意义:是蓄水池,也是水源地。?调节气候,保护和改善生态环境?是一些珍禽的栖息地。 qualified, finished fixed. (4) the necessary construction equipment configurations are in place, construction workers arrived at the scene, holding a valid work permit and certificate of the corresponding type. (5) the construction plan approval, construction technology to give the low-down the work has been completed. (6) enter the site inspection of pipes, pipe fittings, valves and other comprehensive. Pipes, pipe surface shall be free of cracks, scars, porosity, slag, folds, severe corrosion and other defects, opening and close flexibly, maintenance of high pressure valves one at a strength and tightness test, pass the inspection, test pipes, valves clean the closed logo, placed neatly in the specified location. (7) enter the scene of the pipeline components, preforms are designed according to their documentation requirements, the models, specifications, material, quantity check. (8) the pipeline of high pressure pipe prefabrication factory into the scene, should control one-line diagram, check by their specifications, sizes, materials and trends. 1.2. ... , It is important to ensure correct size and surface roughness. No matter which method of cutting, with angle grinder cutting surface oxide, dross, rugged and Burr Burr and Grind. (2) the incision quality shall conform to the following provisions of the pipe: cut surfaces should be smooth, free from cracks, heavy leather, Burr, bump, necking, dross, ferrous oxide, iron, etc. Cut side slope deviation should not exceed 1% of the outside diameter of the pipe, and must not exceed 3mm. 1.2.4 the piping installation (1) after installing the order principle is the first large-caliber, small-bore, high first, then the ground, Outdoor Indoor, head after the first pipe, and pipe moving device connection, preferably from the device to the external piping, piping and pipeline installation synchronization. (2) prefabricated piping, pipeline, and the pipeline should
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