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【精品文献】丑女贝蒂第一季05英文剧本台词【精品文献】丑女贝蒂第一季05英文剧本台词 看Ugly Betty 学英语 第一季 5集:The Lyin', the Watch and the Wardrobe-March: Happy Halloween! Halloween: 万圣节前夕 万圣节快乐 -Wilhelmina: That is the absolute cruelest thing I've ever seen. absolute: 绝对的,完全的 cruelest: 最残忍的 ever: 有时;从来 这是我见过的最残忍的事情 Someon...
【精品文献】丑女贝蒂第一季05英文剧本台词 看Ugly Betty 学英语 第一季 5集:The Lyin', the Watch and the Wardrobe-March: Happy Halloween! Halloween: 万圣节前夕 万圣节快乐 -Wilhelmina: That is the absolute cruelest thing I've ever seen. absolute: 绝对的,完全的 cruelest: 最残忍的 ever: 有时;从来 这是我见过的最残忍的事情 Someone's getting a raise. raise: (工资、薪金的)提升,增加 get a raise: 得到提薪 有人该加薪了 -Ignacio: Betty, come here! Betty 过来 -Betty: Dad! 爸爸! -Ignacio: In the kitchen. I've been waiting for breakfast forever. wait for: 等候,等待 在厨房我一直在等在这等早饭呢 -Betty: Yeah, well, I need to talk to you first. It's kind of important. kind of: 稍微,有点儿,有几分 我要先跟你谈谈这很重要! Dad. 爸爸 Dad! 爸爸 -Ignacio: I told you, I've been waiting forever. 我告诉过你我一直在等 -Betty: Good one. 做的真棒 Dad, I just talked to the H.M.O. Lady, and there's no mistake. talk to: 同某人谈话 mistake: 错误 HMO: health maintenance organization,卫生维护 组织,美国保健组织 maintenance: 维持,保养 爸爸我刚刚和健康组织的女士谈过没有任何错误 When they pulled up your social security number, it says that you're 117 years old, and, social: 社会的 security: 安全 social security: 社会保障,社会保险 say: 说明;宣称 pull up: 把…拉过来,拔出来,停住,输入 他们把你的社会保险号码输进去显示你117岁了 oh, yeah, dead. dead: 死掉的 而且死了 -Ignacio: Well, I still look better than this guy. 是吗我还是比这个家伙气色好 -Hilda: Justin, you're gonna be late! gonna: going to,将要 Justin 你要迟到了 Papa, I only work a half a day, and then I'll be able to come home and help you decorate the outside. be able to: 可以,能够 decorate: 装饰 outside: 外面,外部 爸爸我今天只工作半天我会回家帮你装饰屋外的 -Ignacio: Don't forget the candy, and make sure you get the good stuff this year. forget: 忘记 candy: 糖果 make sure: 确保,核实或查明某事物 stuff: 东西 good stuff: 好酒,好东西 不要忘了买糖果今年一定要最好的 I don't want to be known as the "raisin house" again. be known as: 被认为是 raisin: 葡萄干 我可不想再叫做什么"葡萄干房子"了 You're just asking to get egged. 不想被人扔臭鸡蛋 -Justin: Happy Halloween! 万圣节快乐! Guess who I am. guess: 猜 猜猜我是谁 -Ignacio: Why, you're a proud member of America‘s navy, sir. proud: 骄傲的,自豪的 member: 成员 navy: 海军 你是名骄傲的美国海军成员长官 -Justin: No. I'm Gene Kelly from ‗on the town‘. on the town: (尤指在夜间)在城里寻欢作乐 不我是里面的Gene Kelly (吉恩?凯利 ) -Hilda: Well, let's just tell everybody at school you're a sailor, okay? sailor: 水手,海员 at school: 在学校,在求学 跟学校的人就说你是个水兵好吗? -Justin: Fine, but I'm a sailor that can sing and tap. tap: 轻拍, 轻敲 好吧但我是个能唱能跳的水兵 New York, New York, a hell of a town hell: 地狱 a hell of a: 极恶劣的,不像样的,使人受不了的 纽约纽约恶劣的都市 the Bronx is up, and the battery's down Bronx: 布朗克斯,纽约最北边的一区 battery: 电池,排炮,一系列 布朗克斯灯火辉煌电力紧张 New York, New York you're a hell of a town 纽约纽约你这座糟糕的城市 and dance break. break: 中场休息 下场休息 -Ignacio: Better hope he can sing and tap and throw a punch. hope: 希望 throw: 投;掷;扔;抛 punch: 以拳重击,猛击,拳打 真希望他能唱能跳还能打 -Hilda: So you and Walter got plans tonight? plan: tonight: 计划 今晚你和Walter有活动吗? -Betty: Yeah, we're gonna pass out candy, and then we're gonna go to a midnight showing of "saw. midnight: 午夜 showing: 电影放映 gonna: going to,将要 pass out: 分配,分发 是啊我们先去派发糖果然后就去看"电锯惊魂"的午夜场 -Hilda: Oh, that's sweet. sweet: 甜蜜的,美好的 哦真甜蜜啊 See? You did the right thing taking him back. You would not want to watch that movie alone. take back: 收回【重新接受】 watch: 观看 alone: 单独地 你重新接受他是非常正确的你可不会希望一个人看那种电影 -Betty: We're just dating. date: 约会 我们不过是约会而已 So listen, just now I told the H.M.O. Lady that there had to be a mistake— just now: 刚刚,刚才 mistake: 错误 have to be: 肯定是,毫无疑问是… 听着刚刚我告诉健康组织的女士他们一定搞错了 -Hilda: what mistake? 什么搞错了? -Betty: There's this one mix-up with dad's social security number. mix-up: 混淆,混战 mix: 混合,搅合 social security: 社会保障,社会保险 social: 社会的 security: 安全 他们把爸爸的社会保险号码搞混了 They say it belongs to a dead guy. belong to: 属于 dead: 死去的 belong: 属于 他们说那个号码是个死人的 That's why they're not, you know, they're not covering him anymore. why: 为什么 cover: 覆盖,遮盖【提供】 anymore: 再 这就是为什么他们不再给爸爸提供保险了 -Hilda: what? Dad. 什么? 爸爸 -Ignacio: help...me 救救我 please! 拜托! -Betty: Are you finished? finish: 完成 你好了吗? -Ignacio: Come on. That was good stuff. stuff: 东西 come on: 快点,赶紧,拜托 拜托这可是好东西 I tried it on the paperboy this morning. paperboy: 报童,送报人 try it on: 对…耍花招 今早我在送报男孩身上试了试 He peed himself. pee: 撒尿 他都尿裤子了 -Hilda: I gotta go. gotta: have got to, have to, 不得不 我要走了 -Betty: Me, too. 我也是 -Betty: Look, dad, I'm serious. serious: 认真的,严肃的 爸爸我是认真的 You need to go down there and show them you're alive. They think I'm crazy. show: 给…看,显示 alive: 活着的 crazy: 疯狂的 你要去那告诉他们你还活着他们以为我疯了 -Wilhelmina: Marc, I need you to go down to the closet closet: 衣橱,壁橱 Marc 去下面的衣橱 and tell that drunken Irish woman to bring up my gown for the Halloween ball. drunken: 酒醉的,常喝醉的 Irish: 爱尔兰的 bring up: 把…带到楼上,带来 gown: 女长服,礼服 ball: 舞会 Halloween: 万圣节前夕 告诉那醉醺醺的爱尔兰女人把我万圣节晚会的礼服拿来 -Marc: She's Scottish, actually. Scottish: 苏格兰的 actually: 实际上 确切来说她是苏格兰人 -Wilhelmina: Don't care. 我可不管 -Marc: Of course not. of course: 当然 当然不管 You may want to return some of these. return: 回复 你可能要回几个信息 Calvin needs to reschedule a lunch, reschedule: 重订时间,重新安排 Calvin要重新安排午餐 Karl wants to know if you're gonna be in St. Moritz for the holiday, and, um... if: 是否 gonna: going to,将要 holiday: 假期 Karl 想知道你是不是在St.Moritz度假还有... Nico‘s called twice. twice: 两次 call: 打电话 Nico打了两次电话了 -Wilhelmina: Don't spoil my morning yet. I'm in too good a mood. spoil: 损坏,毁掉 yet: 但是,然而 mood: 情绪,心情 别毁了我的早晨我今天心情出奇的好 -Marc: So your date last night went well? date: 约会 last night: 昨晚 你昨天的约会很好吧? -Wilhelmina: Oh, yes. 对 Jason dipped his toe into Lake Wilhelmina, and let's just say, dip: 浸,蘸,微降,沉入 toe: 脚趾,足尖部 say: 比方说,假定说 Jason把他的脚尖放入了Wilhelmina 的小湖里 这么说吧 the water was very warm. warm: 温暖的 水非常的温暖 -Marc: I'm not really sure I wanna know what that means. wanna: want to,想要 我其实不是很想知道那究竟是什么意思 -Wilhelmina: It's refreshing to be with someone who knows how to...keep...up. refreshing: 使人精神焕发的 keep up: 保持,使不倒下 和一个能一直..."直"的人在一起是非常提精神的 I invited him to the Halloween ball tonight. ball: 舞会 我邀请他今晚来万圣节的舞会了 -Marc: A second date? Oh, my. 第二次约会? 哦~~~ -Wilhelmina: Well, how could I resist? resist: 拒绝,抵抗 我怎么拒绝得了呢? We just look so good together. 我们在一起太登对了 -Marc: Apparently, you're not the only one who thinks so. apparently: 明显的,显然 显然你不是唯一一个这么想的人 -Anchor: Well, unless that was her secret love child, unless: 除非 secret: 秘密的 love child: 私生子 除非那个人是她的私生子 somebody should have called the cops last night, cop: 警察 否则昨晚就该有人去叫警察的 because "mode" magazine's Wilhelmina Slater is most definitely robbing the cradle. mode: 方式,样式 magazine: 杂志 definitely: 一定地,肯定地 rob: 抢劫 cradle: 摇篮 rob the cradle: 同对方年龄相差悬殊的人亲热相处或结婚 因为很显然 "时尚"杂志的Wilhelmina Slater 肯定抢劫了摇篮 But someone really should tell that woman 真的该有人告诉这个女人 that wearing a young man on your arm doesn't always cover the parts that... cover: 掩饰,掩盖 手臂上挽着个非常年轻的男人可不能掩盖... -Marc: (whispers) jiggle. Damn it. whisper: 低声说,耳语 jiggle: 轻摇,晃动 damn: 该死的 该死该死的 -Anchor: Can't we just give her a lifetime achievement award and put her out of our misery? achievement: 成绩;功绩 award: 奖品,奖金 misery: 痛苦,苦恼,苦难 lifetime: 一生,寿命 我们难道就不能给她个终生成就奖然后就让她离开我们视线呢 -Marc: Would you like to return some of those calls? would like to: 想要,愿意 你要回这些电话吗? -Wilhelmina: I'd like you to call Jason. 我要给Jason打电话 Tell him tonight is off. 告诉他今晚取消了 -Marc: But...you like him. 但是你喜欢他啊 -Wilhelmina: Too bad. 太糟糕了 He's making me look like Miss Jane Pittman. look like: 看起来像 他让我看起来像是Jane Pittman小姐 (电影 ) Flip through my rolodex. Find someone else to escort me tonight. flip: 轻弹 flip through: 匆匆查看 rolodex: 名片整理盒 escort: 护送;护卫 去翻我的电子记事本找个今晚可以陪我参加舞会的 And take that ridiculous costume off. ridiculous: 荒唐的,可笑的 take off: 脱下 costume: 戏服,服装 然后把那可笑的服装换下来 I can barely stand looking at the real one. barely: 几乎不,只不过 stand: 忍受 look at: 看 光看真的那个都让我受不了了 -Walter: Gotcha. gotcha: 我已经得到你 抓住了 -Betty: Walter, you almost gave me a heart attack. almost: 几乎,快要 heart: 心 attack: (疾病)侵袭,发作 heart attack: 心脏病发作 Walter 你要把我吓出心脏病了 -Walter: Happy Halloween. 万圣节快乐 For you. Bigger than last year‘s. 给你的比去年的大 -Betty: Well, you got me the cherry sour balls. cherry: 樱桃 sour: 有酸味的,酸的 哇你给我弄了樱桃酸球 -Walter: See? I know what you like. 看到了? 我知道你喜欢什么 And there's a, uh, little surprise on the bottom, but you have to eat your way to it. bottom: 底部 在底部还有个小小的惊喜呢你得一直吃下去才能发现 -Betty: Okay. 好的 -Walter: No cheating. cheat: 欺骗,哄骗 不骗你 -Betty: Okay. 好的 Thank you. Look, I'm gonna see you tonight. I'm late for work. I gotta go. be late for: 迟到 谢谢我们晚上见我要去上班了我走了 -Walter: Okay. I'm gonna miss you. miss: 思念 好的我会想你的 -Betty: Okay. 好的 Walter. Walter -Walter: You didn't say you'll miss me. 你还没说你会想我呢 -Betty: I miss you. 我会想你的 I will. 真的 -Marc: Let me guess, when you got on the elevator downstairs, you were a caterpillar. guess: 猜测 elevator: 电梯 downstairs: 在楼下 caterpillar: 毛虫 我猜猜你在楼下电梯口的时候你还是只毛毛虫吧 -Betty: Where are your costumes? costume: 服装 你们的服装呢? What about the e-mail you sent me about the "mode" costume contest? what about: 怎么样 email: 发邮件 send: 发送 contest: 比赛 你发给我的"时尚"装扮比赛的E-mail是怎么回事? Which... was... obviously sent only to me. obviously: 显然地 那个显然只发给了我一个人 Right. Well, then. 对吧。很好 I guess this means I win. win: 赢 我想算我赢了 -Daniel: Okay. Uh, I have a job for you. 我要你去做个事 -Betty: Great. Fire away. fire away: 开始;热烈地谈;发问 fire: 开火,射击 好的说吧 -Daniel: I need you to find my watch. 我想你找到我的手表 -Betty: Found it. 找到了 -Daniel: My other watch. It's a Simon Kouveaux. It was a gift. 另一个是Simon Kouveaux的是别人送我的 I'm pretty sure I left it at some woman's apartment last week. pretty: 很,相当地 leave: 把…留下;遗忘 apartment: 公寓 我能肯定一定是上星期落在哪个女人家里了 I just, uh, need it for the ball tonight. 今晚的舞会我要用 -Betty: Are you gonna see the woman who gave it to you? gonna: going to,将要 你要去见送你手表的女人? -Daniel: No. I'm seeing Simon Kouveaux. He's cohosting. cohosting: 自负的 不我要去见Simon Kouveaux 他很自负 He gets very bitchy when you're not wearing his line. bitchy: 恶意的,专横的 wear: 穿戴 line: 家系, 家族 如果你不戴他的东西他会非常不高兴的 -Betty: Okay. Well, you just tell me who this woman is, and I'll ask her. 好吧你告诉我是那个女士我会问她的 -Daniel: Right. Except I don't exactly remember who it was. except: 除了 exactly: 明确地,精准地 对只是我不记得是哪个了 -Betty: You don't remember who you slept with? sleep with: 和…睡觉,与…发生性关系 你不记得你和谁睡觉了? -Daniel: Yes, I remember who I slept with, and don't give me the look. 我记得我和谁睡觉的别给我这种表情 -Betty: What look? 什么表情? -Daniel: That look--The all-judging butterfly. judge: 审判,评判 butterfly: 蝴蝶,轻浮的人 那种评判一切的蝴蝶表情 And not only do I remember who I slept with, I even have some of their numbers. not only: 不仅 我不仅记得我和谁睡过觉我还有她们的电话号码呢 Although you have to match up the names with the nights of the week. although: 但是,然而 match up: (使)相配; (使)相适合; (使)…相符合 只是你要把名字和哪天晚上对应好 I'm kinda fuzzy on that part. fuzzy: 模糊的,不清楚的 kinda: 有几分,有点儿 那方面我就有点不清楚了 -Betty: Is this the look? 是这种表情吗? -Daniel: I had a crazy week, okay? crazy: 疯狂的 我上周很疯狂好了吧? Do you even remember what you had for--for lunch on Tuesday? 你能记得上周二你午饭吃的什么吗? -Betty: Spinach pie. The cafeteria was celebrating Greek day. spinach: 菠菜 pie: 馅饼 cafeteria: 自助餐厅 celebrate: 庆祝 Greek: 希腊 菠菜派自助餐厅庆祝希腊日 It was good. 很好吃的 -Daniel: Why is this such a problem for you? 为什么这对你而言是个问呢? I'm an adult, okay? adult: 成年人 我是个成年人好吗? These women are adults. 这些女士也是成年人 Believe me, I checked. No one's getting hurt. I can sleep with a different woman every night of the week because... check: 检查 hurt: 使受伤,伤害 different: 不同的 相信我我检查过的没人会受伤 我一周每晚能和不同女人睡觉是因为.. Why not? 干吗不呢? -Betty: You know, the Romans had a 9-day week. You would have been a really tired centurion. Roman: 罗马人 tired: 疲劳的 centurion: 百夫长(古罗马的军官,指挥百人) 罗马人一周有9天你一定会是个非常疲劳的百夫长 -Daniel: Just find the watch. 找到那手表 If you have to run out, have Amanda cover the phones. run out: 跑掉,流掉 cover: 覆盖,遮盖,支配【接手】 如果你要出去让Amanda帮你接电话 I'm gonna be out of the office. 我要出去 -Betty: Oh. You have an appointment. appointment: 约会 哦你还有个约会呢 -Daniel: Cancel it. I'm gonna be back in the afternoon. cancel: 取消 取消我下午回来 -Bradford: I thought you were handling this. handle: 处理,对付 我以为你已经处理好了呢 -Detective: I am handling this. 我是处理了 -Bradford: Well, who gave my son the music box? music box: 音乐盒,八音盒 那是谁给我儿子那个音乐盒的呢? Who's filling his head with stories about me and Fey? fill with: (使)充〔挤〕满 fill: 充满 又是谁向他的脑袋里塞进了我和Fey的故事呢? -Detective: You tell me. Who knew about you two? 你告诉我啊你们俩的事情谁知道? -Bradford: Not Daniel. That's the whole point. point: 重点,要点 Daniel不知道这才是重点 I spent a lifetime trying to protect him from knowing, and now this... someone is ruining it. lifetime: 一生 try to: 设法 protect from: 保护,保卫 protect: 保护 ruin: 毁掉,破坏 我花了一辈子的时间不想让他知道但是现在...有人把这毁了 This is my family. 这是我家庭 Do you understand? 你明白吗? -Detective: Understood. 明白 -Betty: Anyway, look, if you've got it, please call me back as soon as you can. Thanks. anyway: 无论如何 call back: 回电话 as soon as: 一…就 好吧如果在你那儿 请尽快给我电话谢谢 -Amanda: Is this why you called me over here-- to watch your phone skills? over here: 这里 watch: 看 skill: 技巧 你要我来这就是看你打电话的技巧? 'Cause they are really great. cause: because,因为 因为你真的非常棒 -Betty: No. I need you to help me cover the phones. Daniel left his watch in some woman's apartment and— leave: 遗留 apartment: 公寓,房子 不我要你来帮我接电话 Daniel把他的手表落在某个女人家里了... -Amanda: Please...Like I care? 拜托好像我在乎似的 We're hardly exclusive. hardly: 几乎不 exclusive: 专用的;独家的 我们几乎是完全不同的 It's not like I spend my evenings thumbing through "modern bride. spend: 度过 thumb: 用拇指翻动,查阅 through: 在…期间;从…开头到结尾 thumb through: 翻查 modern: 现代的 bride: 新娘 我可不会每晚舔着手指翻看"现代新娘" How many women are you calling? 你给多少个女人打电话了? -Betty: Well, he doesn‘t seem to remember exactly when it happened. So I‘m calling one woman for each night of the week. seem: 仿佛,似乎 exactly: 确切地 happen: 发生 他不记得具体什么时候掉的了所以我给上周每个晚上的女人都打了 -Amanda: Priceless. priceless: 极荒唐而有趣的 太荒唐了 -Betty: And I need you to help me find addresses for miss Tuesday and Wednesday. address: 地址 我要你帮我找到周二和周三小姐的地址 -Henry: Nymphalis Milberti? Oh, Nymphalis Milberti. Uh, Milbert‘s tortoiseshell? tortoiseshell: 龟甲,龟板 Nymphalis Milberti(蝴蝶名)? 哦 Nymphalis Milberti 是龟甲Milbert? -Betty: Uh, I don‘t –I don‘t know. Uh, the pattern just said ‗butterfly‘. pattern: 花样,图案 butterfly: 蝴蝶 嗯我不知道这样的这图案只是叫"蝴蝶" -Henry: Well, just something I know. 只是我知道一点而已 One of several things, actually. actually: 实际上 几个知道的事情之一 Circumference of the earth? Know it. circumference: 周围;圆周 earth: 地球 地球的周长? 也知道 -Amanda: And this concludes another episode of ‗true, but dull.‘ conclude: 得出结论;断定 episode: 一集 dull: 枯燥无味的,呆板的 接下来的就是"真的但是也非常无聊" -Henry: Well, I should probably get back down to accounting. probably: 可能,也许 get back: 回去 accounting: 会计部 我要回会计部了 We paid a guy 50 bucks to see how much honey he can drink before he makes himself sick. (chuckles) pay: 付给;付款 honey: 蜂蜜 sick: 不舒服的 buck: 美元 我们给了个家伙50元想看看 他究竟要喝多少蜂蜜才会反胃 Well, you should come down later if—if you can. come down: 下来,下落 你也应该下来如果你可以的话 -Betty: Oh, um, okay. Yeah, maybe, uh, if I have the time. 24901 miles. 哦好的也许我有时间的话 24901英里 The circumference of the earth—It‘s just something I know. circumference: 周长 地球的周长我也恰巧知道 -Amanda: Oh, my god. Were you just flirting with Henry from accounting? flirt with: 与…调情 flirt: 调情,打情骂俏 哦天哪你刚刚是和会计部的Henry调情吧? I should get, like, workman‘s comp or something. comp: compensation, 补偿[赔偿]物,补偿[赔偿]金 workman: 技术工人 or something: 诸如此类的事物 我应该得到工人赔偿金或其他什么 -Betty: I was not flirting. Why, was he? 我没有在调情,他在调情吗? -Amanda: What is this? 这是什么 -Betty: Oh, Walter put a surprise in there for me every year. surprise: 惊喜 哦 Walter每年都会放个惊喜在那里的 Last year it was an engraved cell phone holster. engrave: 在(硬物)上雕刻(字, 画等) holster: 皮套 cell: 细胞,单人小室 cell phone: 手机 去年是个手机套 -Amanda: What‘s the key for? key: 钥匙 这是什么钥匙啊? -Betty: It goes with the note. note: 便条,短笺 go with: 伴随,相随 还有个便条呢 He wants me to move in with him. move in: 搬进,迁进 他想我要搬去和他一起住 -Christina: Teah, well, I can see why you‘re nervous. nervous: 神经紧张的 我知道你干吗紧张了 I mean, you two have only just started dating again. 我是说你们两个才刚刚重新约会 And let‘s face it. face: 面对 我们面对现实吧 He is the boy who dumped you for the neighborhood hoochie. dump: 抛弃,丢弃 neighborhood: 地区,与某处临近的地区 hoochie: 私运酒【对女 子的贬义称呼】 他为了个邻居把你给甩了 -Betty: Yeah, but he‘s also done everything short of skywriting ‗forgive me‘ to win me back. skywrite: 用飞机喷出的烟写字,大肆宣扬 short of: 除了…之外 forgive: 原谅 win back: 重新获得,夺回,获得支持 对可除了没让飞机上天喷出"原谅我" 他竭尽了全力想让我回到他身边 In four years, he's never once forgotten my birthday, 这四年来他从没忘记过我的生日 and if I just sniffle, he's at my door with chicken soup. sniffle: 抽鼻子 chicken: 鸡 soup: 汤 要是我抽鼻子了他就会带着一壶鸡汤站在我门前 He's also the only guy I've ever... 更何况他还是我唯一一个... I don't want to say no now and risk losing him forever. risk: 冒险,冒…险 我现在不想冒着永远失去他的危险去拒绝他 -Christina: Sorry, but that's a poor, poor reason to say yes. poor: 贫乏的,低劣的 抱歉你的理由太牵强了 He's the only boy you've ever known. 他是唯一一个你知根知底的男人 He might turn out to be the first pancake. turn out: 结果是,原来是 pancake: 烙饼,薄饼 他也许是第一个薄烤饼 -Betty: The what? 什么? -Christina: The practice one. The one you toss away. practice: 实践,实际 toss: 扔;投;抛 实践对象你甩掉的家伙 -Betty: I don't toss away pancakes. 我没有乱扔过薄烤饼 -Christina: Well, I'm only saying, you've only just come out of your cocoon, haven't you? come out of: 从……出来 cocoon: 茧,蚕茧 好了我是说 你已经破茧而出了不是吗? Why don't you just spread your wings a wee bit? spread: 伸开,展开 wing: 翅膀 wee: 很少的,微小的 a bit: 稍微 为什么你不再多舒展下你的翅膀呢? You know, see what's out there before you settle back in. settle: 安排;安放;安家 在你缩回去之前好好看看外面究竟是什么样子的 See who's out there. 看看外面有些什么人 -Betty: Anyway, I have to go find Daniel‘s watch, so I'm gonna move now. anyway: 无论如何 gonna: going to,将要 无论如何我得去找Daniel的手表了我得走了 If I throw up, I'm sorry. throw up: 放弃,呕吐 throw: 扔,抛 如果我放弃了我道歉 -Christina: Remember, Betty, butterflies don't mate for life. mate: (使)成为配偶, (使)交配 butterfly: 蝴蝶 听着 Betty 蝴蝶不是为了生活而结合的 You don't be afraid to get yourself out there. You know, test a few more flowers. be afraid to: 害怕 get out: 出来 test: 测试,试验 a few more: 再多几个 别害怕抽身而出试试其他的花吧 Flit. flit: 轻快地掠过 在花丛中翩翩飞舞 Flit is what butterflies do. 蝴蝶就是那样的 -Betty: I thought you were cursing at me in Scottish. curse: 诅咒;骂 curse at: 咒骂某人 Scottish: 苏格兰的,苏格兰语 我以为你在用苏格兰话骂我 -Betty: Hi there. 嗨 -Woman: Uh, I don't keep candy in the house, and you're way too old to be doing this. candy: 糖果 way: 远远地,大大地 too…to: 太…以至于不能… 嗯我房里可没准备糖果不过话说回来你岁数也大了点 -Betty: Oh, no, no, no. 哦不不不 I'm not trick-or-treating. trick: 哄骗;欺骗 treat: 款待,招待 trick or treat: 不请吃就捣乱 我不是来要糖果的 I work for Daniel Meade. work for: 为…而工作 我是Daniel Meade的下属 I left you a couple of messages. I don't know if you got them-- about him leaving something here? a couple of: 几个 message: 信息 leave: 把…留下;遗忘 我给你留了好几条消息不知你是否收到就是关于他落了点东西在这儿 -Woman: Yeah, I got the messages. 没错我收到了 Actually, I called him a few times myself last week. actually: 实际上 a few: 几次,少数 其实上礼拜我打过好几次电话给他 Any idea why he didn't call me back? 你知道他为什么不回我电话吗? -Betty: No, uh, but I'd be happy to investigate. investigate: 研究,调查,审查 不知道不过我可以帮你去问一下 -Woman: So, what, you do his dirty work for him? dirty work: 苦活 dirty: 肮脏的 那么说来你是给他擦屁股的? What does he think I am? 他把我当成什么了? Some kind of scratching post? Some kind of call girl? scratch: 抓,搔 post: 职位 call girl: 应召女郎 kind of: 有点,稍微 发泄工具? 还是应召女郎? He sends his secretary to blow me off? secretary: 秘 blow off: 吹掉,吹走【打发】 blow: 吹,吹气 他就让一个秘书来打发我? -Betty: I'm really more of an assistant. assistant: 助理 更大程度上来说我是个助手 -Woman: You wonder if Daniel left something here? wonder: 想知道 你想知道Daniel有没有在这儿落下什么东西? Well, yeah, he left something here-- the last chance for happiness he'll ever have. 没错他是留了些东西在这儿 -- 他再也没机会重温的快乐 And these. 还有这个 -Reception: Help you? 请问先生有何贵干? -Daniel: Uh, yeah, I'm just, uh, here to see one of your, um... 呃是的我只是呃想见你们的... uh, your... 呃你们的... -Reception: Are you checking in? check in: 报到,登记签到 check: 检查 你是来报到的? -Daniel: No, no, no, no. God, no. 不不不不上帝不是的 I'm, uh, just, uh, guest. Uh, visitor. Uh, I'm a relative of--could you excuse me? guest: 客人 visitor: 宾客,参观者 relative: 亲戚 excuse me: 对不起 我呃只是个呃客人嗯访客嗯我是不好意思 Hey. 嗨 Did you find the watch? 你找到手表了? -Betty: I'm narrowing it down. narrow: (使)变窄 narrow down: (使)变窄; (使)减少; (使)缩小 差不多了 Hey, listen. What do you think about sending something like flowers before I knock on these women's doors? think about: 认为,考虑 knock on: 敲击 knock: 敲,打 嘿你觉得在我登门之前先送些东西比如花之类的给那些女人怎么样? Wait. 等一下 I'm getting beeped. It could be Tuesday ,Wednesday or Thursday. beep: 嘟嘟声 有电话打进来也许在星期二星期三或者星期四小姐那里 Hello. 喂 -Walter: Hey. You finished your candy yet? finish: 完成 yet: 已经 嘿糖吃完了吗? -Betty: Walter, um, I can't talk right now. right now: 现在,即刻 Walter 嗯我现在不太方便 -Walter: Okay. Just tell me what layer you're on. layer: 层,层次 那好只要告诉我你吃到第几层了 How close are you to the bottom of your bucket? bottom: 底部 bucket: 桶,罐 离罐子底有多近了? -Betty: I'm not. Look, this is--it's just, it's not a good time. 听着现在现在真不是时候 Can I call you back? 等会儿我打给你好吗? Daniel. Daniel -Daniel: So why flowers? Is someone upset? upset: 使苦恼, 使心烦; 使不适 为什么要送花? 有人发火了? -Betty: Well, miss Friday‘s face did get all red and sweaty, sweaty: 出汗的 没错星期五小姐的脸都气红了还冒汗 but not like a person sweats, more like a cheese sweats. sweat: 冒汗,出汗,出油 more like: 大约,差不多接近 cheese: 芝士 根本不像人在冒汗 就跟干酪出油差不多 -Daniel: Okay, fine. Flowers. 好了那就送花吧 Just tell Amanda to send a dozen roses to each, and I'll check back in later. dozen: 一打,十二个 check back: 再联系 告诉Amanda给每个人送一打玫瑰等会儿我们再联系 All right. Bye. all right: 好的,可行的 好的再见 Um, Claire Meade, please. 呃不好意思我找Claire Meade -Reception: And who shall I say is visiting? 我要告诉她是谁找她吗? -Daniel: Her son. 她儿子 -Marc: Possible escorts. possible: 可能的 escort: 护送者 备选的护花使者 -Wilhelmina: Old. 年纪大了点 Way too old. way: 远远地,大大地 太老了 Marc, I think this one's face is on our money. Marc 这张脸出现在我们的钞票上 -Marc: You said you wanted one that made you look young... ger. young: 年轻的 你说你想找个男人能让你看起来年轻.. 一些 -Wilhelmina: How about finding me someone who doesn't leak? how about: ……怎么样 leak: 泄密 那帮我找个不泄密的怎么样? -Marc: Oh, she's a little fragile today, so be nice. fragile: 虚弱的,脆弱的 哦她今天情绪低落说话温和点 -Christina: I'm always nice. 我一向很温和 -Marc: You're never nice. 你从来都不温和 -Christina: You know, you're right. I was thinking about somebody else. 算你说对了我刚说的是别人 -Claire: And this is where we come to lose ourselves in the classics. lose: 迷失,失去 classics: 经典,名著 徜徉在这些名著中能让我们忘却自己 -Daniel: It's, uh, a nice collection. collection: 收藏品 嗯很棒的收藏 -Claire: It is. 当然 Nothing like making people in detox read stories cooked up by a bunch of drunks. detox: 戒瘾诊所,戒瘾病房 cook up: 编造,快速做饭 cook: 编造,烹调 a bunch of: 一堆 bunch: 群,束 drunks: 酒鬼 这世上没有比让戒酒瘾的人读那些酒鬼编造出来的故事更可笑的事了 Did your father tell you they confiscated my perfume? confiscate: 没收,充公 perfume: 香水 你父亲有没有告诉你他们没收了我的香水? -Daniel: I guess they are worried you might— 我猜他们怕你会 -Claire: What? Drink it? 怕什么? 怕我喝了它? -Claire: Oh, come on, Daniel. 哦拜托 Daniel Bad enough I can't board first class with my liquid eyeliner. board: 上(船、车或飞机)【上课】 liquid: 液体的,液态的 eyeliner: 眼线膏 我带着液体眼线膏就不让我上课这已经够糟了 Now I have to walk around smelling like... people. smell: 嗅;闻 walk around: 绕…而走 have to: 不得不,必须 现在我还不得不闻起来就像…人们一样 So why are you here? 为什么你要来这里? -Daniel: Just to talk. 想跟你谈谈 -Claire: Well, I've been right here, any time you wanted to come. 我一直在这儿你想来就来吧 -Daniel: I've just been very busy the last couple of weeks. 这几个礼拜我很忙 -Claire: Almost four. 差不多一个月了 They like to tell you just how many days you've been in so it passes more slowly. 他们喜欢告诉你你已经在这儿待了多久那样会让你觉得时间过得很慢 Today is sponsored by the number 26. sponsor: 发起,主办 今天已经是第26天了 -Daniel: I want to talk about Fey Somers. 我想跟你谈谈Fey Somers -Claire: Then I'm going to need a lunch someplace where they're not serving pudding cups. someplace: 某个地方 serve: 提供,端上 pudding: 布丁 cup: 杯子 那我想找个不提供布丁的地方去吃顿午饭 -Betty: All right. I'll explain it one more time. explain: 解释 好的我再跟你解释一遍 Um, he misplaced his watch, and he thinks he may have left it at your apartment on...Thursday night. misplace: 忘记把…放在什么地方 嗯他的手表掉了他觉得可能留在你那儿了...星期四晚上 -Woman: No, and why didn't he just come here himself? 没在我这为什么他自己不来? -Betty: Because... 因为... You see, Daniel is... 你知道的 Daniel他... Well, he's out of the office most of the day. most of: 大多数 他今天不在办公室 -Woman: Because, you know, we had something special. special: 特殊的 可是你知道吗我们不是一般的关系 I mean, I let him stay over. I let him use my toothbrush. stay over: 过夜 toothbrush: 牙刷 我是说我让他在我那儿过夜 让他用我的牙刷 I even gave him the good pillow. pillow: 枕头 甚至给了他舒服的枕头 Why would he say all those things to me and not call me? 为什么他会那么说而且连一个电话也没有? It just doesn't make... 那不会... Oh, my god! 哦天啊! You're trying to sabotage us. sabotage: 阴谋破坏(某事物) 你要拆散我们 Are you sleeping with him? sleep with: 与…睡觉,发生性关系 你跟他上床了? -Betty: Okay, um, look. I'm just going to write you down as a ―no‖. write down: 写下 好了听着我会给你写上"没有" -Woman: Because I will not give him up without a fight! give up: 放弃 fight: 战斗 不跟你斗一场我是不会放弃他的! -Marc: I give up. How old is old to you? 我放弃了你觉得他老不老? -Amanda: Older than my dad. 比我老爸岁数还大 -Marc: Hey, what's he doing tonight? 嘿晚上他做些什么? -Amanda: Drinking, embezzling, apologizing. embezzle: 监守,贪污,滥用 apologize: 道歉 喝酒偷鸡摸狗道歉 -Marc: He has a very full life. 他的生活很无趣 -Betty: Mode magazine. How may I direct your call? direct: 指示,指引 direct call: 直接呼叫(调用) magazine: 杂志 mode: 样式,时尚 这里是"时尚"杂志 请问您要转接到哪里? -Amanda: aw, someone's turning back into a caterpillar. turn back into: 变回 caterpillar: 毛虫 哈某人变回毛毛虫了 -Betty: Do you have those two addresses I asked you to get? address: 地址 我让你找的两个地址你找到了吗? -Amanda: Still working on it. work on: 致力于…,继续工作 还在找呢 -Betty: Can I borrow your stapler, please? stapler: 订书机 能借用下你的订书机吗? -Henry: Can I help? 要我帮忙吗? -Betty: Oh, no. I'm--I'm good. Thanks. 哦不我我没事谢谢 -Henry: Um, if you were good, you could leave here and join cirque du soleil. join: 加入,参加 cirque: 天然圆形剧场 嗯要是你没事 你可以去加入太阳马戏团了 That should do it. 好了 Now I want you to try to avoid crowded subway cars. try to: 设法 avoid: 避免 subway: 地铁 crowded: 水泄不通的 我觉得你该避开拥挤的地铁 Oh, and blue jays. jay: 鸟 哦还有松鸦 Natural predators. natural: 自然界的 predator: 食肉动物 自然界的掠夺者 -Betty: Right. Thanks. 没错谢谢 -Henry: So anyway, uh, you think maybe you'd like to go get some lunch later? anyway: 无论如何 那么嗯待会儿你想去吃饭吗? -Betty: What? NO 什么? 不 -Henry: Okay. It's cool. 好吧没关系 -Betty: No, yes! 不! 是! I meant yes. 我是说我去 -Henry: Yes? 真的? -Betty: If that's still okay. 如果还可以的话 -Henry: Yeah, well, I think--I think I may still have an opening. opening: 空缺,好机会 好我大概还有点时间 -Betty: Okay. 好的 -Henry: 12:30? 12:30? -Betty: Yeah. 好的 -Amanda: So what about Monday night? 那星期一晚上的小姐怎么办? Isn't Daniel sending her flowers? Daniel没说要送花给她吗? -Betty: What? 什么? Oh, uh, no. 哦嗯没 He couldn't remember who Monday was. 他想不起星期一小姐是谁了 -Christina: Sorry. 抱歉 -Wilhelmina: What are you doing back there? 你在后面干什么? Did you screw up the zipper? screw up: 把…搞糟,拧歪 zipper: 拉链 screw: 旋,扭 你把拉链弄坏了? -Christina: No, the zipper's not the problem. The lack of a pulley and several burly men is the problem. lack: 缺少 pulley: 滑轮(组) burly: 魁梧的,健壮的 不拉链不是问题 没有一车厢魁梧的男人才是问题 -Wilhelmina: What is she saying to me? 她在跟我说什么? -Marc: Nothing. It's the beer talking. beer: 啤酒 没什么只是酒后胡言罢了 Maybe you bought the wrong size! wrong: 错误的 size: 型号,尺寸 你大概买错了尺寸! -Christina: I got her size 2. 我买的是2号的 She has always been a 2, but clearly, someone has been enjoying far too many complimentary cheese straws. clearly: 显然地,清楚地 far: 到很大程度,很,极 complimentary: 表示崇敬、赞美、赞许等的 cheese: 芝士 straw: 无价值的东西, 无意义的事情 enjoy: 享受,享有 她一直穿2号的不过显而易见 某人对着免费干酪大快朵颐过头了 -Wilhelmina: I understood that. What are you saying, Carlotta? 我听得懂你在说什么 Carlotta -Marc: Christina. 是Christina -Christina: All I'm saying is that it might be a slight possibility that she might--might have just maybe gained... slight: 微小的,轻微的 possibility: 可能性 gain: 获得,赢得 我说这些是觉得她也许也许增加了不少... -Wilhelmina: Gained what? 增加什么? -Christina: What? Nothing. Just maybe a little... 什么? 没什么就是有点... wee bit of... wee: 极小的 一点点... Weight? weight: 重量,使变重 变重了? -Claire: So how are you? 你怎么样了? Are you seeing anyone? 跟哪个人约会了吗? -Daniel: Not any one person. 不是哪一个 You know, a few. 你知道是几个... -Waiter: Our compliments, Mrs. Meade. Good to see you. compliment: 赞美(话),恭维(话) 请接受我们的敬赠 Meade夫人很高兴见到您 It's been far too long. 很久没见到您了 -Claire: Yes, it has. 没错 Hey, that's mine. Give that to me. 嘿那是我的快给我 -Daniel: Don't even start. 别再开始喝了 -Claire: I'm going to have the veal Marsala, you know. Veal: 牛肉 Marsala: 玛莎拉白葡萄酒(产于意大利西西里岛) 我要吃马沙拉白葡萄酒小牛肉 You do realize that it's made with wine? realize: 意识到 wine: 葡萄酒 make with: 作出,产生 你知道那是用酒做的吧? -Daniel: And the alcohol burns off. alcohol: 酒精 burn off: 烧掉,蒸发 burn: 燃烧 不过酒精成分已经蒸发掉了 -Claire: Then give me back the glass and set fire to me when I'm done. give back: 归还;恢复 set fire to: 放火烧,点着了… be done: 完毕 那就把杯子给我等我喝完再放把火点着我吧 -Daniel: So are we gonna talk about that Christmas? talk about: 谈论 我们能谈谈那个圣诞节吗? -Claire: What Christmas? 什么圣诞节? -Daniel: That Christmas. I was 12. 我12岁那年的圣诞节 Dad gave you a music box he brought back from Zurich. bring back: 带回 Zurich: 苏黎世,瑞士中北部城市 music box: 音乐盒,八音盒 爸爸给了你一个他从苏黎世带回来的音乐盒 One minute you're smiling, the next you're using a cerebral torch to set fire to a thousand copies of ―mode‖. set fire: 点火 thousands of: 数千的 cerebral: 大脑的,非感情的 torch: 火炬,火把 copy: 份,册 之前你还在微笑可接着你就把它扔上阁楼还烧了很多本"时尚" No, it was the Christmas you found out about dad's affair with Fey. find out: 发现 affair: 婚外情 那个圣诞节你发现了爸爸和Fey的婚外情 -Claire: Oh, yes. 哦是的 That does jingle a bell. jingle: (使)叮当作响 bell: 钟声,铃声【jingle a bell,响铃,突然想起,灵机一动】 我想起来了 -Henry: Betty, do you know what you want? Betty 你要吃点什么? -Betty: Um, I think I need another minute? 嗯让我再想会儿好吗? -Henry: Have you been here before? Because the caterpillar roll is awesome. caterpillar: 毛虫 roll: 卷 awesome: 很棒的 以前来过这里吗? 这儿的毛虫卷好吃极了 No offense. offence: 冒犯,无礼 没有要冒犯你的意思 -Betty: Um, number four looks like an autopsy photo? look like: 看起来像 autopsy: 尸体解剖,验尸 photo: 图片 嗯 4号看上去像尸体解剖图 I'm sorry. Sorry. Totally inappropriate. totally: 完全地,整全地 inappropriate: 不恰当的,不适宜的 对不起对不起 说了倒胃口的话 -Henry: Is this the first time you've had sushi? 你第一次吃寿司吗? -Betty: No. God, no. Yes. 不上帝不是的 -Henry: Then let's go somewhere else. 那我们换个地方吧 -Betty: No, no, no, no, no. Please, please. 不不不不不用了不用了 It's good for me to try new things, you know? 尝尝新鲜也不错 Spread my wings. spread: 伸开,展开 wing: 翅膀 舒展下翅膀 oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. 哦糟糕抱歉真对不起 All evidence to the contrary, this is not my first time in public. evidence: 证词;证据;迹象 contrary: 相反的,相违的 to the contrary: 相反的,有相反情 况 in public: 公开地,当众 first time: 首次 public: 公众的 别相信你所看到的这不是我第一次来公共场合 -Henry: It is mine. 我是 For parolees, these ankle bracelets are the best thing ever. parolee: 获假释者,假释犯 ankle: 踝,踝关节 bracelet: 手镯,臂镯 就像假释犯人脚镣对他们来说也许是最好的 -Betty: It's so stupid, you know. stupid: 蠢的;傻的 那很丢脸的你知道吗 I come into Manhattan every single day for work, single: 单一的;单个的 every single day: 每一天 我每天都要来曼哈顿工作 and it's times like these where I feel like the e-train dropped me off on mars or something. feel like: 有…的感觉 drop off: 落下,送下车,送到 times: 总是,一直 e-train: electric train,电车 mars: 火星 or something: 诸如此类的事物 但我时常感觉到就好像电车把我载到火星或其他什么地方去了 Where I come from, people like their fish cooked, and they dress up for Halloween. come from: 来自 dress up: 穿上特殊服装,打扮,梳理 我家那边人们喜欢把鱼煮熟了吃万圣节大家都要化装 -Henry: Secret identity. secret: 秘密的 identity: 身份 秘密身份 -Hilda: Ay, something is burning. What is that? burn: 燃烧 噢什么东西烧着了是什么呢 -Ignacio: It‘s blood--my dinner. blood: 血 是血我的大餐 -Hilda: okay, you're pushing it. push: 推, 推动,对…施加压力 好吧你有点过头了 Kids come here for candy, not trauma. come here: 来这里 candy: 糖果 trauma: 损伤, 外伤,精神创伤 孩子们来是为了糖果而不是受伤 -Ignacio: You can't have a haunted house without spilling some blood. haunted: 闹鬼的,鬼魂出没的 spill: 溢出; 泼出 不弄点血出来就不像一栋闹鬼的房子了 You know, when Betty was a little girl, she— 你知道当Betty还是一个小女孩的时候她-- -Hilda: okay, papi, Betty is not a little girl anymore. not anymore: 不再 papi: (口语)爸爸 好吧爸爸 Betty不再是小女孩了 Neither am I. neither: 两者都不,也不 我也不是 -Ignacio: What are you talking about? 你想说什么? -Hilda: Why does the H.M.O. say you're dead? HMO: health maintenance organization,卫生维护组织 为什么健康维护组织的人说你已经死了? Why do they say that's not your social security number? social security: 社会保险,社会保障 social: 社会的 security: 安全 为什么他们说那不是你的社会保险号码? -Ignacio: Did you come home to help me or to ask me questions? 你回家是来帮忙的还是质问我的? Because if you came to help me, hang this on the porch. hang: 悬,挂,垂下 porch: 门廊 如果是来帮忙的就把这个挂到走廊上去 -Amanda: Hi there. 你好 I'm calling from the Sutton place medical group. medical: 医疗的 Sutton: 萨顿,英国英格兰东南部城市 这是从萨顿医疗组打来的电话 One of our patients, Daniel Meade, just left here, and thought we should give you a call. 我们的一位病人 Daniel Meade 刚刚离开我们认为有必要给你打个电话 The good thing about scabies is if you treat the itching right away, scabies: 疥疮 treat: 处理,对待 itching: 痒的 right away: 立刻,马上 关于疥疮好的一方面就是如果你能及时治疗骚痒 there's little chance of them becoming open sores. chance: 机会 sore: (肌肤的)痛处, 伤处 它们转为皮肤表层疼痛的机会就不太大 You might want to call your doctor. 你也许需要和你的医生联系一下 Okay. Bye bye. 好了再见 -Walter: Hi. I'm looking for Betty Suarez. look for: 寻找 嗨我找Betty Suarez -Amanda: She's out to lunch. 她出去吃午饭了 What? 还有什么事? -Walter: Do you know when she'll be back? 你知道她什么时候回来吗? -Amanda: She's at the sushi bar across the street with what's-his-face. Go ask her yourself. sushi: 寿司,生鱼片冷饭团 bar: 酒店,饮食柜台 她和那个谁就在对面大街的那家寿司店你自己问她去吧 Hi there. 你好 I'm calling from the medical group at Sutton place. 这是从萨顿医疗组打来的电话 One of our patients, Daniel Meade, thought we should give you a call. 我们的一位病人 Daniel Meade 刚刚离开我们认为有必要给你打个电话 -Claire: You can't imagine what it was like seeing that woman holding my Christmas present in that magazine. imagine: 想象 hold: 拿,抱,握着 present: 礼物 magazine: 杂志 你无法想象那种看着另一个女人拿着我的圣诞礼物上杂志的感觉 Do you know that she actually called the house several times and played the music from that box on the phone? actually: 实际上 play: 播放 on the phone: 在打电话,在接电话 你知道吗实际上她有好几次打电话到家里来还在电话中放音乐盒中的音乐? -Daniel: You made him end it then, I assume? end: 结束 assume: 假设,臆想 我猜此后你就让他结束这种关系? -Claire: Of course, and I thought he had, Daniel, I really did. 当然我以为他也的确这么做了 Daniel 我确信这一点 -Daniel: So when did he? 那么他什么时候结束的? -Claire: Well, let's see. It's been— 唔让我想想有 I came here almost a month ago, so what I want to say is... 我差不多一个月前来这里的所以我想说的是... six weeks. 六周前 -Daniel: What? 什么? Dad was having an affair with fey for 20 years, and you didn't know? affair: 婚外情 老爸和Fey维持了20年的亲密关系而你竟然不知道? -Claire: Well, Daniel, I don't know if you've noticed, but I drink quite a lot. notice: 注意到 drink: 喝酒 quite: 很 a lot: 很多 Daniel 我不知道你是否早就注意到了但我的确是有些酗酒 -Daniel: I-I just thought you took after grandpa jack. take after: 性格类似于,效仿 jack: 人,伙计,家伙 我我以为你只是从外公那学来的 -Claire: Well, that certainly didn't help any. certainly: 当然 这可没多大关系 And there are certain things one can inherit from a father--some of which should concern you. inherit: 继承 concern: 有关于,关系到 inherit from: 从…继承,从…得到 是有些东西会从父亲传承到儿子的 其中的某些涉及到你 -Daniel: Such as? such as: 比如,例如 比如说? -Claire: The philandering. philander: 调戏, 玩弄女性 玩弄女人 You and all your women. I see him in you. 你和你所有的女人 我在你身上看到你父亲的影子 Daniel, it destroyed our family. destroy: 毁掉 Daniel 这毁了我们的家 -Daniel: What made him finally end it? finally: 最终 end: 结束 是什么让他最终决定要结束? -Claire: Does that really matter now? 现在这个真的还重要吗? -Daniel: It might. 也许 -Claire: Then give me a drink. 那给我杯酒 -Daniel: Mom. 妈妈 -Claire: A sip, that's all. sip: 小口喝 一口就这么多 Then I tell you what you want to know. 然后我告诉你你想知道的事 -Daniel: A sip. 只一口 -Claire: I made him choose. choose: 选择 我让他做的选择 She wasn't going anywhere on her own. on one‘s own: 自觉,靠自己的力量,独自地 她自己是绝不会自动退出的 So she and I went over to his office, and we stood there in front of that big, over compensating desk of his, and we told him to make a choice. go over: 走过去 in front of: 在……前 compensate: 补偿,报酬 choice: 选择 所以她和我一起去了你父亲的办公室我们就站在他的那张大的过分的办公桌前要他做个选择 -Daniel: Who'd he choose? 他选了谁? -Claire: Well, one of us is here, and one of us is dead. 唔我们中的一个坐在这里 另一个却死了 So you figure it out. figure out: 弄明白,计算出,解决 figure: 猜想,估计 你自己应该有答案了 -Betty: So I noticed that you've been on our floor quite a bit today. notice: 注意到 quite: 很 我注意到你今天来我们这层有些勤哦 -Henry: Have I? 我有吗? Don't think it has anything to do with you. have to do with: 与…有关系 不要以为这和你有关系 No, I just like to make the rounds, you know. make one‘s rounds: 巡视 round: 巡视路线 不是的我只是喜欢四处转转你知道的 Let the employees know that accounting has its eye on 'em. employee: 职员 accounting: 会计部 have an eye on: 注视,监视 ‗em: them 让职员们知道会计们可是盯着他们呢 -Betty: Right. 没错 -Henry: Here, this is your piece. 这块给你 Now close your eyes, but don't peek. peek: 偷看;窥视 现在闭上眼睛不要偷看哦 This is how Tom Hanks survived in "cast away. survive: 存活,幸存 cast away: 抛弃,使漂流 cast: 投,扔 汤姆. 汉克斯在 "荒岛余生"中就是这样活下来的 -Walter: I don't think so. 我可不这么认为 -Betty: Walter. Walter What are you--what are you doing here? 你你来这儿干嘛? -Walter: Who is this guy? 这家伙是谁? -Betty: This is, um, this is Henry. 这是唔这是Henry He works on the third floor. 他是在三楼上班的 -Walter: Why haven't you returned my calls? 你为什么不回我电话? -Betty: I got busy. 我很忙 -Walter: Busy? Busy? 很忙? 很忙? -Henry: Maybe I should get the check. check: 支票, 账单 也许我该去结帐 -Walter: Busy with what? A date? busy with: 忙于 date: 约会 忙着干嘛? 约会? I ask you to move in with me, and you turn around, and you cheat on me? move in: 搬进,迁进 turn around: 使变得完全不同 cheat on: 背叛,对…不忠 我请你和我吃饭但你拒绝了你在骗我吗? -Betty: Walter, stop it. You're embarrassing me. embarrass: 使尴尬 Walter 别说了你让我很尴尬 -Henry: I'll pay the cashier. pay: 付给;付款 cashier: 出纳员 我去付钱 -Walter: No, no, no, no. You--you stay. I'll go. 不不不不你--你待在这儿我走 I embarrass her. 我让她尴尬了 -Wilhelmina: Tighten the wrap, will you? tighten: 收紧 wrap: 包,裹;卷 缠紧束身带好吗? I think I just felt another pound drip off. pound: 磅 drip: (使)滴下 drip off: 滴完【减少】 我想我刚刚又瘦了一磅 -Marc: Oh, my god. 哦我的天啊 It's sweltering. swelter: 热得难受 热死了 -Wilhelmina: Close the door. 关上门 And crank up the thermostat all the way. crank up: 把声量调大,加快,用曲柄开动 thermostat: 恒温(调节)器 crank: 转动 all the way: 完全 把暖气开到最大 -Marc: You know, paper burns at 451 degrees. burn: 燃烧 degree: 度 你知道纸在451度的时候就会燃烧 -Wilhelmina: Good. You can become a science teacher after I fire you. fire: 解雇 很好我把你炒了之后你还可以去当个自然老师 Now crank it! 快开到最大! -Marc: I know you don't want to hear this, but... 我知道你不想听这个但是... -Wilhelmina: Nico called again. Nico又打电话来了 Of course I don't want to hear it. hear: 听到 of course: 当然 当然我不想听到这个 I have six hours to become ten years younger and 5 pounds thinner. younger: 更年轻的 thin: 瘦的 我还有六个小时来使自己年轻10岁还要减掉5磅肉 Nico is exactly what I do not need today. exactly: 正确地,严密地 Nico绝对是我今天不需要的人 -Wilhelmina: What is that? 那是什么? -Marc: Salad. 沙拉 -Wilhelmina: Take it away. take away: 拿开,拿走 拿走 -Marc: You have to eat. 你得吃点东西 -Wilhelmina: Whose side are you on anyway? Get out! side: 一方,一边 anyway: 不管怎样说,无论如何 get out: 出去 你是站在谁那边的? 出去! -Christina: Oh, maybe it's not as bad as you're making it sound. sound: 听起来 哦也许这事没有你说得这么糟 -Betty: Oh, no. It's--it's worse than I'm making it sound. worse: 更糟糕的 噢不它-- 它比我说得还要糟 I'm downplaying it so I don't completely freak out that I not only humiliated myself in front of Henry, downplay: 贬低,轻视 completely: 彻底地,完全地 freak out: 疯狂,抓狂,大惊小 怪,害怕 freak: 震惊 humiliate: 使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸 in front of: 在……面前 我糟糕的表现 不仅使我在Henry面前很丢脸 but I probably lost Walter forever. 而且也许会让我永远失去Walter -Christina: I am so sorry, Betty. 我真的很遗憾 Betty I guess if it--it was--it was me. guess: 想,认为 我想如果--是--是我 I pushed you into it. push: 推 push into: 推进,推动 我把你推到这种境地的 -Betty: It's not you. It's not you. I did it. 不是你不是你是我自己 When I'm done with work, I'm gonna find Walter, and I am gonna beg him to forgive me. done with: 完毕 beg: 请求 gonna: going to,将要 forgive: 原谅 下班后我会去找Walter 我要请求他原谅我 -Christina: What, and say you're gonna move in with him? 什么你说你要搬去跟他一起住? -Betty: Maybe, yeah. 也许是吧 Some people like Daniel-- they can date tons of people eat once. tons of: 大量,许多 ton: 吨,大量,许多 一些人就像Daniel那样 他们可以同时与好多人约会 I tried two. 我试过同时约会两个 No, if there's one thing I learned today, it is that I am not a flitter... flitter: 一掠而过的东西,匆忙来往 不如果说今天我有学到什么的话那就是我不适合玩感情游戏... and that my boss wears boxers. boss: 老板 wear: 穿 boxer: 拳击短裤 还有我的老板穿拳击短裤 -Woman: Silk boxers. silk: 丝质的 丝制的拳击短裤 So I've heard. 我是听说的 -Marc: There you are. 你在这里 Where you been? 你去哪儿了? -Christina: I ran out for a size 4. 我跑去拿4号的礼服 And if this Valentino doesn't fit her, do you know what? fit: (使)适合 Valentino: 瓦伦蒂洛,意大利裔美国男演员,在妇女中以浪漫的形象闻名【这里应该是指一种礼服】 如果这件再不合适的话你知道吗? I'm going to make her wear the bloody drapes! be going to: 将要 wear: 穿 bloody: 非常,很 drape: 窗帘,布帘 我只好让她穿窗帘了! -Marc: She can't know. 不能让她知道 -Christina: She won't know, because I plan on surgically removing the evidence myself. plan on: 打算,指望 surgically: 用外科手术方法 remove: 移走,排除 evidence: 证据 她不会知道的因为我计划如外科手术般 灵巧地去掉证据 Grubby fingers. grubby: 肮脏的,不洁的 finger: 手指 脏手拿开 Oh, and, Betty, listen. Good luck with the...you know, and keep me posted. good luck: 祝您好运 posted: 消息灵通的 噢 Betty 听着祝你好运... 你知道的和我保持联系 -Claire: What are you staring at? stare at: 盯,凝视 你在盯着看什么? I had the veal. veal: 牛肉 我吃了小牛肉 The alcohol burns off. alcohol: 酒精 burn off: 蒸发 酒精已经蒸发掉了 -Daniel: Mom, please. 妈妈别这样 -Claire: Listen to me. 听我说 You have to go, I know, but listen. 我知道你得走了但是听着 I want you to be careful... 我希望你小心点.. -Daniel: I know, of dating too many women. 我知道与太多的女人约会嘛 I got it. 我知道了 -Claire: Of your father. 你父亲 I pushed him, and he stuck me here. push: 推,推动,逼迫 stick: 卡住 我迫使他结束他就将我软禁在此 I don't know what he'd do to you. 我不知道他会对你做出什么事来 -Daniel: Mom, do you think dad is capable of murder? be capable of: 能够 murder: 谋杀 capable: 有能力的 妈妈你认为老爸有能力进行谋杀吗? -Claire: I think your father is capable of anything. 我认为你父亲有能力做任何事 -Betty: Hey, Amanda, if Daniel ever calls, will you tell him that I've gone out again to try and get his watch? 嘿 Amanda 如果Daniel打电话来你能告诉他我再出去试着找找他的表吗? Who are those for? 那些花是给谁的? -Amanda: Oh, uh, Tuesday‘s girl had already left for her hostessing jobber whatever when I called, so I just sent her flowers to me. leave for: 出发去某地,动身 hostess: 舞女 jobber: 做零活的人 whatever: 无论什么 噢唔我打电话时周二的女人已经去上班做舞女之类的工作了因此我把她的花送给自己了 -Betty: Hey, have you taken any messages from Walter since lunch? message: 消息 嘿午餐之后你有接到Walter 打来的电话吗? Henry? Henry呢? -Betty: You need to stop me from going to see Henry. stop from: 阻止某事发生 你得阻止我去见Henry -Christina: I thought you were resolved on that. resolve: 决定; 决心 resolve on: 决定某事,决意 我以为你已经下定决心了呢 -Betty: I was. Tell that to my finger. 我是下定了决心跟我的手指说吧 My finger wants me to push the button to Henry‘s floor. finger: 手指 push: 摁 button: 按钮 我的手指想按Henry那层楼的按钮 It wants me to go tell him that I had a wonderful time today. wonderful: 极好的,精彩的 have a wonderful time: 过的很愉快 它想让我去告诉他今天我过得很愉快 -Christina: Ooh, cheeky finger. cheeky: 无礼而放肆的,厚颜无耻的 哦厚颜无耻的手指 -Betty: What's wrong with me? what‘s wrong: 怎么了 我到底是怎么了? I'm turning into Daniel, that's what. turn into: 变成 我开始变得像Daniel了就这样 Soon I'm gonna be able to juggle people's hearts like fruit and still sleep well at night. be able to: 可以,能够 juggle: 耍弄 heart: 心 gonna: going to,将要 at night: 在夜里 不久以后我就能像抛水果一样随意地玩弄他人的真心而晚上还能睡得着觉 -Christina: Number one, you're nothing like Daniel, nothing like: 丝毫不像,绝对不 第一你一点也不像Daniel and number two, he doesn't really do much sleeping, 第二他实际上睡不了多久 which is why he loses expensive jewelry and can't remember who he shagged last Monday night. expensive: 昂贵的 jewelry: 珠宝 shag: 与…发生性关系 这就是为什么他丢了昂贵的珠宝却想不起来上周一和谁玩得精疲力尽 -Betty: Oh, my god. 哦我的天啊 -Christina: What? 怎么啦? -Betty: Roses. I have to go. 玫瑰花我得走了 -Amanda: What? 干什么? -Betty: You sent yourself flowers. 你给你自己送了花 You're Monday‘s girl. 你就是周一的女人 Where are you going? 你想去哪儿? Come back! 回来! -Amanda: What the hell are you doing? what the hell: 到底,究竟(加强语气或表示咒骂) hell: 地狱 该死的你想干什么? -Betty: Was this all just one big joke to you— joke: 笑话 这对你来说只是个大笑话吗-- watching me run around the city in a butterfly suit, getting underwear thrown at my head? run around: 东奔西跑,奔忙 butterfly: 蝴蝶 suit: 一套衣服 underwear: 内衣 看着我穿着蝴蝶服在城里奔走 看着内裤被扔到我头上? All for laughs? for laughs: 为了取乐,作为消遣 全部都只是为了好笑? -Amanda: Do I look like I'm laughing? look like: 看起来像 laugh: 笑 难道我看起来像在笑吗? -Betty: Well, then why didn't you say something if you had this watch the entire time? entire: 全部的,整体的;整个 既然表一直在你那里 你为什么不早说? -Amanda: Why? 为什么? Maybe because I was hoping that Monday night was the one night of the week your boss would remember. 也许是因为我希望周一晚上是你老板在一周里能记得的一晚吧 Stupid me, huh? 我很愚蠢唔? -Betty: Does Daniel know that you feel this way about him? Daniel知道你对他的感觉吗? -Amanda: Oh, please. 哦拜托 He's Daniel Meade. 他是Daniel Meade Take a number and wait in line. wait: 等待 in line: 排队 拿个号码然后排队等候 -Betty: I'm sure he feels the same way about you, too. 我想他对你感觉也一样 I mean, don't you two have some kind of agreement? agreement: 协定,协议,契约 我的意思是你们两个没有什么协议吗? -Amanda: Yeah, he dates anything that moves, and I agree to smile and take their messages. date: 约会 move: 移动;搬动 agree to: 同意照办 smile: 微笑 message: 信息 是的只要会动的他都可以约会而我则保持微笑记录她们的消息 And now I'm sending them flowers, too. 而现在我还要给她们送花 -Betty: Amanda, if you knew who he was, why did you get so involved? involve: 使参与,牵涉 Amanda 既然你早就知道他是怎样的人那你为什么还要卷进来呢? -Amanda: Because... 因为... I thought he would get sick of serial dating. get sick of: 厌倦 serial: 连续不断的 我以为他会厌倦这样不停地约会 I sure as hell am. as hell: 非常地 我确信他会的 -Betty: And what if he doesn't? what if: 要是…又怎样 但如果他不厌倦呢? -Amanda: He will. 他会的 I'll just wait. 我会等着那一天的 -Betty: Here. 给你 Give this back to him. 把这个还给他 You can tell him how you feel. 你可以告诉他你的感觉 -Amanda: Nope, nope. 不不 Guess what? 你猜怎么? -Betty: What? 怎么? -Amanda: This never happened. 这事从来没发生过 -Wilhelmina: I want the truth. truth: 事实 我要你说实话 Is this a size 4? 这是4号的吗? -Christina: It's the designers. They have a cruel streak when it comes to...voluptuous women. designer: 师 cruel: 残酷的 streak: (通常指不好的)特征(倾向) voluptuous: 性感的,风骚的,美艳的 是设计师 只要涉及到美艳熟女他们就会有点残酷 -Wilhelmina: Where's the tag? tag: 标签 标签在哪儿? -Christina: I ate it. 我吃了 -Wilhelmina: Carlotta? Carlotta? -Christina: Yes, it's a 4. 对是4号的 -Wilhelmina: Oh, leave it. 别管它了 I can't deny it anymore. It's happened. deny: 否认 happen: 发生 我不能再否认了终于发生了 I've become a woman of a certain age. of a certain age: 不算年轻了,中年的 我已经徐娘半老了 -Christina: If you give me 20 minutes, I could do something with pleats. pleat: (衣服上的)褶 do with: 处理 如果你给我20分钟我可以用褶子处理一下 -Wilhelmina: I-I said leave it. 我说了别管它了 I'm not gonna go to that ridiculous party. ridiculous: 可笑的,荒唐的 我不去那个可笑的舞会了 I can't compete anymore with a bevy of 22-year-old gym bodies. compete with: 和…竞争 gym: 健美的 bevy:(少女)的一群 我再也不能和一群22岁健美身材的女人争芳斗艳了 I mean, you starve yourself, you pull yourself, you inject yourself, you think you're safe, starve: 挨饿 pull: 拉 inject: 注射 safe: 安全的 我是说节了食拉了皮打了针就以为自己安全了 but they keep coming to the door, younger and younger like a hail of bullets until down you go. hail: 如雹子般落下地 bullet: 子弹 hail of bullets: 弹雨,雹子般落下的子弹 但她们还是接踵而至越来越年轻就像枪林弹雨你不倒下她们就不罢休 Why is it such a crime to age in this business? crime: 罪过 business: 行业,事业 为什么在这一行里老就是一种罪过呢? -Christina: It's true. 说得对 The standards for women are so punitive. And whose fault is that? standard: 标准 punitive: 令人受苦的;严厉的 fault: 错误,过失 对女人的标准就是这么严苛这又是谁的错呢? -Wilhelmina: I set the standards. set: 制定 standard: 标准 这些标准就是我定的 Lifetime achievement award. Oh, there's my achievement. lifetime: 一生;寿命 achievement: 成就;成绩;功绩 award: 奖品,奖金 终生成就奖 这就是我的成就 It bit me in the ass and the hips. bite: 咬,叮 ass: 屁股 hip: 大腿 大屁股粗大腿 Serves me right, huh? 罪有应得是吧? That's what you're thinking. Just say it. 你就是这么想的直说吧 -Christina: Well, no, uh, w-what I was thinking was that yes, you do set the standards. 哦不我是在想没错是你定下了标准 You're Wilhelmina Slater, for Pete‘s sake. sake: 缘故 for Pete‘s sake: 哎呀,天啊,帮帮忙 你可是堂堂的Wilhelmina Slater Women look to you for inspiration, and when you go to that ball tonight with that young man of yours, inspiration: 灵感 ball: 舞会 tonight: 今晚 女人们都得从你身上找灵感当你晚上和你的小帅哥一起去舞会的时候 I guarantee no woman in America tomorrow morning will leave her house without a man ten years younger than her. guarantee: 保证 leave: 离开 我敢保证明天早上全国的女人不带上个比她年轻10岁的男人就不出门 Five years. 5岁 A year or less. 一岁或以下 I don't know. 我不知道 -Wilhelmina: Are you... 你... gonna eat that sandwich? sandwich: 三明治 gonna: going to,将会 还吃不吃那个三明治? -Christina: So shall I, uh, shall I work my magic then? shall: …好吗? 要不要…? magic: 魔术,戏法 那我可以施展我的法术了吗? -Daniel: What's all that? 是什么东西? -Betty: Just some of the treasures from my day-- things you left scattered all over New York City. treasure: 金银财宝;宝藏 scatter: 散开,分散 all over: 到处 是我今天发现的财宝 你散落在整个纽约市的东西 -Daniel: Where's the watch? 手表呢? Good for you. good for: 能担当 你真厉害! So which one had it? 在谁那儿? -Betty: Does it matter? matter: 要紧,有关系 这重要吗? -Daniel: No, not really, I guess. 不我想不重要 -Betty: I didn't think so. 我原来不是这么想的 -Daniel: I sent roses to those women. 我给那些女人送了玫瑰 -Betty: Amanda sent them, yeah. Amanda送的对 and you know, you're right. 你知道你说的对 You can do whatever you want. 你可以为所欲为 Go from one person to the next. 在女人中飞来飞去 Flit, flit, flit. flit: 轻快地掠过 飞飞飞 But if you think that no one's getting hurt, you're wrong. 但如果你认为不会伤害什么人那你就错了 Is there anything else you need from me? anything else: 别的东西 还要我做什么事吗? -Daniel: No. That'll be all. 不没事了 Betty, you know I've had a rough week. rough: 不舒服的 Betty 你知道我这星期过得很艰难 I got a lot on my mind. on one‘s mind: 使人担心,惦念 mind: 心思,理智 要想的事情太多 -Betty: I know. 我知道 I just hope you that you deal with that more directly than you handled this. hope: 希望 deal with: 处理 directly: 直接地 handle: 处理,解决 我只是希望你更直接的去处理那些事而不是像处理这件事一样 -Marc: Hail to the queen. hail: 致敬;向…欢呼 queen: 女皇,女王 女皇万岁! She lives. She breathes. breathe: 呼吸 又散发生命力了 -Wilhelmina: What do you think of the dolletage? think of: 有…想法,有…看法 dolletage: 低胸装 你觉得这件低胸装怎么样? Too much cleavage? too much: 过分 cleavage: (妇女的)乳沟 是不是太露了? -Jason: I'd say... not enough. 要我说…还不够 -Wilhelmina: Jason. Jason Hmm, about time you showed up. show up: 出现 about time: 早该如此 你是该来了 I don't like to be kept waiting. 我可不喜欢久等 Ho--hold it. hold: 保持,持续 别急 You sure you want to be seen with an old broad like me? broad: 女人(北美用法) 你确定想让人看见你和我这样的老女人在一起? -Jason: Well, a minute younger, and I'd have to rip your clothes off right here. rip off: 撕掉 rip: 扯破 你要再年轻一分钟我会在这儿就把你扒光了 Nice brows. brow: 眉毛 眉毛真漂亮 -Amanda: Hi, I am so sorry to interrupt you, but Nico... interrupt: 打扰 嗨很抱歉打扰您可是Nico... -Wilhelmina: Got the messages. Can't return them. message: 信息 return: 回复 我收到消息了没时间回 We're late for an engagement. be late for: 迟到 engagement: 约会 我们约会要迟到了 -Amanda: Is here. 来了 -Nico: Hi, mom. 嗨老妈 -Jason: You're her... mother? 你是她的... 母亲? -Bradford: What can I say? 我能说什么呢? Rule number one, never buy your mistress and your wife the same Christmas present. rule: 规则 present: 礼物 mistress: 情妇 第一守则: 不要给情妇和妻子买同样的圣诞礼物 I know how you must feel about me, Daniel, and I'm truly, truly sorry about Fey. truly: 真正地 我知道你对我会怎么想 Daniel 对Fey我也非常非常遗憾 I am. 真的 I did everything I could to keep you from getting hurt. keep from: 阻止; 免于 hurt: 伤害 我做了一切努力让你不受伤害 -Daniel: And mom? 还有妈妈? What about her feelings? what about: …怎么样 她的想法呢? -Bradford: I was careless and stupid, and Fey wouldn't quit. stupid: 愚蠢的 quit: 停止,离开,放弃 我大意了犯傻了而且Fey就是不愿意放手 She didn't want to be my mistress. 她不想做我的情妇 She wanted to be a Meade. 她想成为Meade家的人 -Daniel: That why you had her killed? 所以你就杀了她? -Bradford: Is that what you think? 你是这么想的吗? -Daniel: I don't know, dad. 我不知道爸爸 Why don't you tell me? 你为什么不告诉我? -Bradford: Tell you what? 告诉你什么? That I loved her? 我爱她? 'Cause I did. 'cause: because,因为 我是爱过 -Daniel: More than mom? more than: 超过,不仅仅 比爱妈妈更多? -Bradford: I don't know. 我不知道 More than all the others, for sure. for sure: 无疑 the others: 其余的 确实比爱其他人更多 -Daniel: Others? 其他人? -Bradford: Many, Many others. 其他很多人 Who do you think is making these mysterious phone calls? mysterious: 神秘的 你认为是谁打的那些神秘电话? Who do you think sent you this? 你认为这又是谁送来的? -Daniel: Are you trying to tell me it's one of your... try to: 设法,想 你是不是想告诉我是你的一个... -Bradford: ex-lovers, yeah. ex-: 以前的 lover: 情人 老相好没错 Out for revenge. Which one I couldn't say, but I deserve it. revenge: 报复 deserve: 应受,应得,值得 为了报复 究竟是谁我不知道但我罪有应得 I deserve much worse. deserve: 应受,应得,值得 worse: 更糟糕的 情况再糟也是我活该 Not for killing Fey--that I had nothing to do with— have nothing to do with: 与…没关系 倒不是因为杀了Fey-- 这和我没关系-- but for being a lousy husband and an even lousier father. lousy: 极坏的,极不适的 是因为我是一个烂丈夫和更烂的父亲 If I can't teach you by my example, learn from my mistakes. example: 榜样,楷模 learn from: 从…获得〔吸取〕 mistake: 错误 如果你不能以我为榜样就以我为戒 Stop screwing around. screw around:〈俚〉鬼混 screw: 旋转,拧 别再乱搞了 Settle down, for god's sake. settle down: (使)安静下来,平静下来 settle: 安家,安居,安定 sake: 缘故 for god‘s sake: 看在上帝份上 收心吧看在上帝的份上 -Henry: Hi. 嗨 Down? 下去吗? -Betty: Listen, I'm sorry. 听着我很抱歉 -Henry: I was gonna call. 我本来要打给你的 -Betty: Sorry. 对不起 -Henry: No, It, uh, you were saying? 不你要说什么? -Betty: I just--I just wanted to say thanks. 我...我只想说谢谢 -Henry: Thanks? 谢谢? What, for giving you the most stressful lunch ever? stressful: 有压力的 谢我给了你压力最大的一顿午餐? First I make you eat slimy sea monsters, and then I get you in major trouble with— slimy: 似黏液的,黏滑的 monster: 怪物 major: 严重的 trouble: 麻烦 首先是让你吃黏糊糊的海怪然后又让你遇上大麻烦 -Betty: It's OK. That wasn't your fault. fault: 过错,过失 没事的不是你的错 Hey, how's that guy who ate all that honey? honey: 蜂蜜 那个吃掉全部蜂蜜的人怎么样了? -Henry: Not great. 不太好 That's why I have to make the beer run instead of him. instead of: 代替 beer: 啤酒 instead: 代替,顶替 所以我才不得不替他喝光所有的酒 We're having a party up on 25 with human resources if you're free? human: 人类的,人的 resource: 资源,来源 human resource: 人力资源 我们要在25楼和人力资源部的人开个Party 你有时间吗? -Betty: I'm, uh... 我... Well, I-I'd love to go, Henry, but... 我非常乐意去 Henry 不过... -Henry: uh, you have a boyfriend. 哦你有男朋友了 -Betty: Yeah, I do, and--and I really want to give this thing with Walter and me a chance and... 是我有了而且我真的想给我和Walter一个机会... -Henry: That--is that the guy? 是那个人吗? With the net? net: 网 拿网子的那个? -Betty: Yeah, but he's not always like that. 对不过他并不总是那样 I'm not always like that. I should've never...I'm sorry. 我也不总是那样我不应该...对不起 -Henry: No worries. 别担心 Just lunch. 只是午饭而已 Trick or treat, Nymphalis Milberti. trick: 计谋,诡计 treat: 款待,招待 Nymphalis: 蝴蝶属 trick or treat: 不请吃就捣乱【万圣节小孩子们盛装打扮后挨家挨户讨要糖果时常说的话】 不给糖就捣蛋小蝴蝶 -Daniel: Hey, you outta here? outta: out of,离开 嘿你要走了吗? -Amanda: I guess. 我想是 Human resources and accounting are having a party downstairs, accounting: 会计部 downstairs: 在楼下 人力部和会计部在楼下开Party so I thought I might stop by and drink all their booze. stop by: 顺便走访 drink: 喝 booze: 酒,烈性酒 所以我想顺便去喝光他们的酒 How about you? 你呢? Halloween ball? ball: 舞会 万圣节舞会? -Daneil: No. Not, uh, not in the mood. mood: 情绪,心情 不没心情去 You have a good time, though. though: 但是,然而 你玩得开心点 -Amanda: Hey, um, if you get tired of watching "Charlie brown and the great pumpkin" alone, I could... get tired of: 对…感到厌倦 tired: 厌烦的 pumpkin: 南瓜 嘿如果你一个人看"Charlie Brown 和大南瓜" 看烦了 我可以... come over and keep you company... in costume... or not. come over: 顺便来访 keep company: 陪伴某人 costume: 服装 过来跟你做个伴... 穿上服装... 或者不穿 -Daniel: I just need to be alone tonight. 我今晚只想一个人呆着 -Amanda: We could just talk. 嘿我们可以只说说话 -Daniel: Probably not. probably: 可能 还是算了吧 -Hilda: Justin. Justin, stop already. already: 已经,早已 Justin Justin 该停下了 There is no twirling in the armed forces. twirl: (使)快速转动; (使)快速旋转 armed force: 武装部队,陆海空三军 arm: 武器 force: 武力,力量 武装部队里可不让转圈圈 That kid. We're gonna get no candy this year. candy: 糖果 gonna: going to,将要 这孩子今年我们要不到糖了 So I guess you two need to talk. guess: 想,认为 我想你们俩需要谈谈 -Walter: I don't need to talk. Maybe she needs to talk. 我不需要谈也许她需要谈 -Hilda: Okay. 好吧 Whatever. 随便 -Walter: Licorice? Justin hates it. licorice: 欧亚甘草 甘草糖? Justin不喜欢 -Betty: So does his aunt. 他小姨也是 You got any raisins? raisin: 葡萄干 你有葡萄干吗? -Walter: Other pocket. pocket: 口袋 另一个口袋里 -Betty: I'm sorry I went to lunch. 抱歉我去吃午餐了 -Walter: The key was... too fast? 钥匙是不是…太快了? -Betty: A little. 有一点 -Walter: I pushed you. Damn it. push: 推, 推动 damn: 该死的 是我逼你的妈的 Carpe diem, virgo. Seize the day. carpe diem: 及时行乐 virgo: 处女座 seize: 抓住,捉住 及时行乐处女座把握今天 Never trust the horoscope in the "daily news. trust: 信任 horoscope: 星占,算命天宫图 daily: 每日的 news: 新闻 daily news: 新闻日报 千万别信新闻日报里的星座占卜 -Betty: It's just that--well, we just started dating again, you know? 只是 我们刚开始重新约会你知道吗? -Walter: I know. I know. 我知道我知道 And if you don't wanna even do that I if: 如果 even: 甚至,即使 wanna: want to,想要 要是你根本不愿意的话我... -Betty: No, I do. 不我愿意 -Walter: So you and, uh, sushi man? sushi: 寿司,生鱼片冷饭团 那你和那个寿司男? -Betty: Just you. 只有你 -Walter: Because sushi is exciting, I know. 因为寿司很让人兴奋我知道 Even if it is crawling with parasites. even if: 即使 crawl: 爬,爬行 crawl with: 爬满,满是 parasite: 寄生物 即使上面爬满了虫 -Betty: Sushi's good, yeah. 寿司是很不错对 But so is a nice slice of pizza. slice: 片 pizza: 披萨饼 但一块批萨也很好 -Wilhelmina: So my kid shows up. show up: 出现 我的孩子出现了 Last thing I need. 这是我最不想看到的 You can do miracles to hide your own age, but be damned if you can hide theirs. miracle: 魔法 hide: 隐藏 damned: 绝不 你可以施展魔法掩盖自己的年龄 但藏不住孩子的年龄 -Woman: So you didn't take this, uh, Jason to the party? 所以你没有带这个Jason去舞会? -Wilhelmina: No, I took him to the elevator. elevator: 电梯 没有我带他去了电梯 Told him to go back to his frat house and bob for apples. frat: 兄弟会 bob: 试咬住悬挂的水果 让他回他的兄弟会之家玩苹果游戏去 -Woman: What about Bradford and his son? 那Bradford和他儿子呢? -Wilhelmina: Well, Marc told me he saw Daniel coming out of Branford‘s office. come out of: 从…里出来 office: 办公室 Marc说他看见Daniel从Bradford 的办公室出来 All seemed well. seem: 好像;仿佛 看上去没事 -Woman: Whatever Bradford said to Daniel put him off his trail. whatever: 无论什么,不管什么 put off: 丢弃,摆脱 trail: 足迹;臭迹 不管Bradford对Daniel说了什么都让他没疑心了 That's disappointing. disappointing: 令人失望的 真让人失望 -Wilhelmina: What do we do now? 那我们现在怎么做? -Woman: I think it's time for Fey Somers to come out of seclusion. seclusion: 隔绝,隔离,隐居 我想是时候让Fey Sommers重出江湖了 -Ignacio: I smell fresh blood. smell: 闻到 fresh: 新鲜的 blood: 鲜血 我闻见鲜血味儿了 -Betty: Dad, add more corn syrup. add: 添加 corn: 玉蜀黍,玉米 syrup: 糖浆;糖汁 爸爸再加点玉米糖浆 You're clotting. clot: 凝块,血块 已经凝固了 -Ignacio: You, um... 你... going out with Walter? 要和Walter出去? -Betty: I just wanted to come home first and change. 是啊我只是想先回家换衣服 -Ignacio: No more butterfly, huh? no more: 不再 butterfly: 蝴蝶 不装蝴蝶了? -Betty: No. You know, it is exhausting being a butterfly. exhausting: 使人非常疲倦的 不你知道当蝴蝶累得要死 No wonder they only live two weeks. no wonder: 难怪,怪不得 怪不得它们只能活两星期 -Ignacio: Is that true? 真的吗? -Betty: It's just something I know. 这我知道 Is there anything else I should know? 还有什么我应该知道的吗? Of course. 当然 -Ignacio: I was trying to protect you. try to: 设法 protect: 保护 我只是想保护你 I've been using someone else's social security number for years. social security: 社会保险 for years: 多年以来,好多年 我已经用别人的社保号码好多年了 'Cause I don't have one. 因为我没有 You can't get one if you're in this country illegally. illegally: 非法地 如果你是非法入境 是拿不到社保号码的 And I am. 我就是
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