

2017-09-18 12页 doc 36KB 353阅读




医院医保新农合管理制度医院医保新农合管理制度 松潘县人民医院 医院医保新农合管理制度 职工医保定点医院管理协议要求 1. 患者在办理入院后,经治医生、护士有义务主动询问患者的参保类别,城镇职工医保、城镇居民医保,,认真核对《医疗保险证》和医疗卡,按规定填写《医保病人住院认定卡》。凡发现就诊者所持医疗保险证、医疗卡与其身份资料不相符时,应及时通知院医保办。参保病人住院当天登记,实行医保网络系统实时在线,特殊情况不得超过三天,节假日顺延,,否则社保中心将按挂牌住院对待。参保人员欠缴保费,须全额收费,但应按医保人员管理。 2. 住院医师应按阿坝...
医院医保新农合#管理# 松潘县人民医院 医院医保新农合管理制度 职工医保定点医院管理要求 1. 患者在办理入院后,经治医生、护士有义务主动询问患者的参保类别,城镇职工医保、城镇居民医保,,认真核对《医疗保险证》和医疗卡,按规定填写《医保病人住院认定卡》。凡发现就诊者所持医疗保险证、医疗卡与其身份资料不相符时,应及时通知院医保办。参保病人住院当天登记,实行医保网络系统实时在线,特殊情况不得超过三天,节假日顺延,,否则社保中心将按挂牌住院对待。参保人员欠缴保费,须全额收费,但应按医保人员管理。 2. 住院医师应按阿坝州城镇职工基本医疗保险统筹基金支付范围的要求,收治参保人员住院。同时遵照所患主要疾病与科室业务相对应的原则,否则统筹基金不予支付。确因病情需要必须提供医疗保险支付范围以外的服务时,需向患者本人或其家属解释清楚,征得同意并签字后方可提供,费用较高的自费项目须在病历中记录理由。参保人员住超标准床位,其超标准部分属自费项目,应征得病人或其家属同意并签字,否则,患者有权拒付相关费用。费用较高的自费服务项目须在病历中记录理由。不得将可以在门诊治疗的病人收治住院。 3. 严格执行卫生部颁发的《处方管理办法》、《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》以及其它临床诊疗。根据州人社医疗相关文件规定,医生开具西药处方须符合西医基本诊治原则,开具中成药处方须遵循中医辩证施治原则和理法方药,对于每一最小分类下的同类药品原则上不宜叠加使用。按西医诊断不得开具中成药,按中医诊断不医院医保新农合管理制度得开具西药。对住院参保病人的主要用药,应在病程记录中明确记载使用理由。住院参保人员使用自费药品和自费诊ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 疗项目,均应控制在住院总费用的6%以内。 4. 按规定完善有关医疗文书,各种检验,检查,报告单应由检验,检查,者亲笔签名,否则视为无效报告,复印件无效。住院病历中应如实填写包括患者参保单位、通讯地址、联系电话等基本情况。费用较高的检查、主要治疗及手术等应及时在病历中记录并分析,单价在1000元以上的体内植入材料应在手术记录单上粘贴该材料的条形码。 5. 严格控制大型检查适应症,单项费用在100元以上的检查,实行严格的院内审批手续,由科室主要负责人、医保负责人审批。病程记录中应明确记载使用理由、检查目的和结果分析,否则视为不合理检查。 6. 出院患者应在其离开医院的当日办理网上出院结算手续。不得以节假日、双休日等理由延长达到出院标准的患者住院时间,不得诱导参保人员延长住院时间,不得强行让未达到临床治愈标准的参保人员出院,不得以费用限额等理由让未达到临床治愈标准的患者出院。未及时办理出院的视同挂床。因病情需要须转往上级医院的参保患者,应开具转院单,并在病人离开本院的同时为其办理网上转诊手续。未按规定及时办理病人网上转院登记手续所造成的病人个人负担增加部分由相关人员负担。出院带药应与住院疾病直接相关,一般不超过7天量,药物不超过5种,同类药物不超过2种,出院不允医院医保新农合管理制度许带注射剂。超出上述约定的相关费用统筹基金不予负担。 7. 自2011年7月1日起,意外伤害所发生的医疗费用,纳入基本医疗保险统筹基金支付,但下列医疗费不纳入支付范围: (一) 应当从工伤保险基金中支付的, (二) 应当由第三人负担的, ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung (三) 应当由公共卫生负担的。 8. 城镇职工和城镇居民普通住院医疗费,按年度人均2500元医疗费定额标准,单病种不计入年度定额标准计算。参保人员在门诊就医, 应允许其持本医疗机构医务人员所开处方到定点零售药店购药。 医保、城镇居民外转检查操作流程 为明确外转检查审批报销流程,避免医患矛盾,凡我院收治的城镇职工医保患者,居民医保患者,住院期间因限于本院设备条件需处出检查,经治医生、护士按以下工作流程操作: 经治医生下医嘱,填写特检审批单 ? 医务科审批,休息情况下由医保办主任代批, ? 外出检查 ? 护士执行医嘱,记帐并在发票背面盖记账章 ? 经办护士将发票、特检审批单交医保办登记备案 ? 经办护士将发票转交患者本人,或家属,,并告知患者凭记账发票作为患者领款凭据,记账发票丢失院部不予退款。 ? 报销款项到账后,医保办负责通知患者到财务科领款 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 注: 1、外转检查项目需记入该患者在我院发生的费用账内,便于报销。 2、凡各科室医师因未下医嘱、漏记医嘱及经办人员未按以上流程操作造成的医患纠纷按责任划分由相关经办人员承担经济责任。 医院医保新农合管理制度 医保、新农合扣款问管理 自我院取得医保、新农合定点医院资格以来,多数医护工作者对相关政策的学习、宣传、执行、运用等方面工作都能较好地完成。差错率逐年下降,赢得了周边百姓的认可,为更好地服务患者,提供优质、平价的医疗服务,明确政策运用过程中扣款责任的划分问题,杜绝和减少院方的经济损失,切实体现院部逐级管理政策,特制订以下管理方案。 一、医保、新农合政策培训要求 医护人员对医保、新农合政策的熟练掌握程度,是执行相关政策规范化、合理化的前提。对政策执行力的落实、告知,是保证患者权益的必备职能和义务所在。 1、主管我院医保、农合工作的医农办,有责任将上级下发的文件精神第一时间以书面形式组织临床医生、科主任、护士长、相关人员进行系统培训。参加培训人员必须按时学习,不得以任何理由无故缺席,医农办有义务对院部人员、患者进行政策的宣传解释工作,有权利对临床工作人员在日常执行政策过程中不到位的现象进行现场检查指正,提出整改方案,违规人员应及时改正。 2、医农办至少每季度对相关人员进行一次政策强化培训,科主任、护士长有义务经常对本科室成员进行新旧政策培训、做好新进同事政策带教工作,做到ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 有内容、有记录、有签字、有反馈,以避免政策缺漏,造成扣款。 3、新政策未及时对科主任、护士长进行培训引发的扣款由医农办负责。科主任、护士长对新旧政策未及时向科室成员进行衔接培训引发的扣款由科主任、护士长负责。 4、未按规定时间参加医保、农合政策培训,在执行具体政策过程中发生扣款的,由当事人全额承担经济责任。 二、医保、农合政策运行管理 1、由于政策突变造成扣款的,由院方负责。 2、医务科、农合办在初审病历过程中发现的违规行为要及时给予当事人提出改正意见,当事人应积极配合纠正。凡拒不执行整改造成扣款的,由当事人全额承担经济责任。 3、经手转账护士须在病人出院前检查费用账目的完整性、合理性因转账问题造成扣款的,由转账护士负责。 4、医护人员有责任按照医保、新农合相关管理规定做好参保、参合人员身份查验,自费告知等工作,向患者宣传解释相关政策,以保证我院医保、新农合工作的顺利开展。 5、我院医农办有权力对全院的参保、参合患者住院情况随时进行管理,由于医农办把关不严,未及时进行业务办理,造成不能直补由医农办工作人员负责。 6、严格执行州物价局下发的药品价格政策管理规定,未按规定执行造成扣款的由相关人员承担经济责任。 三、在执行以下医保、新农合政策中违反相关政策、制度行为造成扣款的,ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 由经治医师全额承担经济责任。医院医保新农合管理制度 1、在办理患者入院时,经治医师主动询问患者的参保类别,分类进行在院管理,遵循合理检查、合理用药原则,告知住院患者医保、新农合政策。 2、医务人员要主动向住院患者解释、沟通、把关政策规定的“降低住院标准认定标准”和“挂床住院认定标准”的管理要求,不得违反政策规定私自收治入院。 3、执行医农办下发的《新农合患者外转检查操作流程》、《医保、城镇居民外转检查操作流程》、《职工医保定点医院管理协议要求》等相关政策, 4、违反职工、居民医保单病种限价管理规定,超出单病种限价部分不能报销的。 5、执行院部下发的《四川省病历书写基本实施细则》,在病程记录中做到使用药品有指征,检查结果有分析。杜绝由以下原因造成扣款:?医生口头下医嘱,护士已执行,但病历无记载,?无适应症进行大型检查,?书写不规范,涂改长期或临时医嘱,?医生下医嘱病历中无检查报告单,?报告单无检验,检查,者亲笔签名未时补充完整的。 6、使用目录外药品、诊疗项目,执行先填写自费项目告知单患者签字后使用原则,以避免医患纠纷。 7、按医保农合政策规定时间完成参保、参合患者三级查验身份确认,在病人入院24小时内填写《意外伤害伤情确认单》上报上级部门审批。 此管理方案自文件下发之日起执行。 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 医疗保险科工作职责 1. 在分管院长的领导下,全面负责本院医保管理工作、制定相应的管理制度,并及时汇报和进行总结, 2. 检查临床各科室医保管理制度的执行情况,对医保病人的医疗收费,要严格按照目录规定的医疗收费标准执行, 3. 掌握和了解医保病人的出入院标准,对医保病人的转诊、转院条件进行审核, 4. 负责医保政策的宣传和解释工作, 5. 负责和县医保中心进行每月医疗费用核对工作, 6. 努力学习,刻苦钻研业务,掌握核算业务,核算比例及自费、自付项目的范围,熟悉实施方案和各项制度, 对待医保病员要做到热情微笑服务, 7. 8. 完成院领导交办的其他工作。. ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung
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