
桂湖生态温泉城--SOHO2 楼地基与基础分部质量评估报告

2018-05-03 9页 doc 34KB 7阅读




桂湖生态温泉城--SOHO2 楼地基与基础分部质量评估报告桂湖生态温泉城--SOHO2 楼地基与基础分部质量评估报告 编 号: 工程质量监理评估报告 (地基与基础分部工程) 福州桂湖生态温泉城 工程名称: —— 疗养度假及旅游综合配套项目2#楼 建设地点: 福州市晋安区宦溪镇桂湖村 合同编号: 融置合字{2013}第213号 项目监理部: 疗养度假及旅游综合配套项目监理部 总监理工程师: 林晓峰 福州市建设工程监理有限公司 Fuzhou Construction Supervision Co.,Ltd. 地址:福州市福新中路126号岳峰工贸大厦B座六层 o...
桂湖生态温泉城--SOHO2 楼地基与基础分部质量评估报告
桂湖生态温泉城--SOHO2 楼地基与基础分部质量评估报告 编 号: 工程质量监理评估报告 (地基与基础分部工程) 福州桂湖生态温泉城 工程名称: —— 疗养度假及旅游综合配套项目2#楼 建设地点: 福州市晋安区宦溪镇桂湖村 编号: 融置合字{2013}第213号 项目监理部: 疗养度假及旅游综合配套项目监理部 总监理工程师: 林晓峰 福州市建设工程监理有限公司 Fuzhou Construction Supervision Co.,Ltd. 地址:福州市福新中路126号岳峰工贸大厦B座六层 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 一、 工程概况 福州生态温泉城---疗养度假及旅游综合配套项目2#楼,本工程地 2上七层,局部五层、六层,建筑面积5503.65m,建筑物的层高:底层是4.07m,2,7层的层高均为3.10m,闷顶层的层高为1.43m,屋面层的层高为3.3m,建筑物的总高度为23.8m。砼的强度等级:墙、柱分别为C35、C30、C25四个等级;梁、板分别为C30、C25两个等级,本工程的基础采用预应力管桩,管桩的规格为PHC-500,AB型号,单桩的竖向承载力特征值为2000KN,锤击控制的贯入度为30mm/10击,静压重压力为400t,施工的总桩数为111根,采用“圆锥形”桩尖,桩基施工开工于2013年7月20日,,013年7月28日,基础施工时间为2013年8月,2013年9月,在福建六建集团有限公司精心安排下,组织精干力量,按照建设单位要求的节点工期目标,完成地基与基础的施工。 本工程的主体结构形式为钢筋砼框架结构,基础为预应力管桩,桩承台和地梁相连的基础形式,预应力管桩进入持力层的深度:卵石层为大于或等于3m,设计结构使用年限为50年。抗震设计等级为三级。 二、监理工作情况 受业主委托,项目监理部依据《监理合同》、《施工合同》和工程建设的有关规范、法律法规等要求对桩基子分部施工进行了全过程监理。结合《监理规划》、《旁站监理方案》及《监理实施细则》制定了现场监理工作制度和监理工作流程,指导施工过程中的各项监理工作。桩基施工前,先进行试桩,并制定试桩,然后根据试桩标准,再of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 大面积展开桩基施工。 质量控制贯穿于监理工作的全过程,监理工作以事前控制为主,强化事中旁站,巡视、跟踪、整改、验收等工作。主要有:(1)审查位的项目质量和安全管理体系、施工组织设计、施工方案和各种施工等,共审查及签署相关文件5份;(2)对工程使用的主要材料和设备进行现场验收、见证取样和送检,签署相关文件10份;(3)对施工测量放样成果进行复核,共签署相关文件9份;(4)对重要工序和隐蔽工程等进行检查验收,共签署文件8份;(5)对桩基重点部位实行旁站监理,形成旁站监理 9份,签署施工记录 9份;(6)对桩承台和地梁砼浇筑过程中,形成旁站记录3份; 在施工过程中出现的问,及时通过建设单位联系设计单位以监理例会、专题会议的形式磋商解决。 三、质量评估的依据: 1、《建设工程委托监理合同》、《施工承包合同》; 2、设计图纸、标准图集、会审交底记录、试桩记录和设计变更文件等; 3、《工程建设监理规范》GB/T50319--2013; 4、《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》GB50300--2001; 5、《建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范》等相关验收规范; 6、经批准的施工组织设计和专项施工方案等。 三、资料核查情况: 桩基子分部工程: 采用大力牌预应力管桩,电焊接桩及桩尖焊接,采用二氧化碳气of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 体保护焊,焊丝选用常州市运河焊材有限公司生产的ER50--6(1.2mm)焊丝,进场的预应力管桩有出厂合格证一份,桩基施工完成后,按规定进行了静载和动测试验,施工报告2份,均符合要求。 砼结构子分部工程: 钢筋采用中钢和三钢,均有出厂合格证,并按规定进行原材料力学试验报告5份,均符合要求。 水泥采用海螺牌散装水泥,标号为42.5.有出厂合格证及实验报告,共6份,均符合要求。 砂采用河沙,级别中级,石子采用碎石级别为5-25mm,进场材料均按规定进行检验,报告共6份,符合要求。 外加剂采用福州市永合建材有限公司生产的YHW-5聚酸高效,粉煤灰为福州开发区华能实业有限公司生产的二级粉煤灰,均有出厂合格证、出厂检验报告和进场检验报告,各6份,各项指标均符合要求。 质量、技术资料 1#楼基础砼结构:砼施工记录7份,砼试块共留置标养试块共7组,实体同条件养护试块共6组,验证配合比试块共7组,所有试块实验报告均符合要求,经累计后进行强度评定其强度符合设计要求。 桩基子分部工程检验批质量验收记录: 预应力管桩共12批; 砼结构子分部工程检验批质量验收记录表 模板3批、钢筋5批、砼7批。各检验批主控项目全部合格,一般项目符合要求。 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 有关砼结构安全性检测 结构实体同条件养护试块共有C30一种砼强度,均按规范留置试块送检,强度达到设计要求,均符合要求。 四、工程质量评估情况 综上所述,福州桂湖生态温泉城---疗养度假及旅游综合配套项目2#楼地基与基础分部工程质量符合设计及有关规范要求,施工资料齐全,均经过项目监理人员签字认可,结构实体试验资料合格有效,结构实体外观质量,经项目监理机构现场实地查看,认为外观质量一般。因此,2#楼地基与基础分部工程质量评定为合格。 福州市建设工程监理有限公司福州桂湖生态温泉城 ---疗养度假及旅游综合配套项目监理部 2014年5月30日 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the
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