

2018-01-11 43页 doc 525KB 7阅读




关于吃猕猴桃的方法关于吃猕猴桃的方法 【关于吃猕猴桃的方法……】 我最开始吃猕猴桃就用手剥皮~像吃橘子似的~后来用刀切~像吃橙子似的~ 现在才知道~原来上一刀、下一刀~然后用勺子转一圈就行了~ 这些年折腾的我啊:: 【关于火龙果的吃法】 把火龙果切成两半 用刀在火龙果的中间如切豆腐般横竖划开~注意别把划破。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted s...
关于吃猕猴桃的方法 【关于吃猕猴桃的方法……】 我最开始吃猕猴桃就用手剥皮~像吃橘子似的~后来用刀切~像吃橙子似的~ 现在才知道~原来上一刀、下一刀~然后用勺子转一圈就行了~ 这些年折腾的我啊:: 【关于火龙果的吃法】 把火龙果切成两半 用刀在火龙果的中间如切豆腐般横竖划开~注意别把划破。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 用手握住两端~其余手指从底部慢慢用力往上挺~就如图如活字印 刷。 牙签要横着挑起火龙果肉 否则不受力。 【芒果的吃法】 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 【西瓜的选法】第一~西瓜底部的圈圈~越小越好~相反的~底部 圈圈越大~皮越厚~越难吃:第二~颜色最好挑青绿色~不要雾雾 白白的。第三~西瓜纹路整齐就是好瓜:第四~西瓜头~就是所谓 的蒂头~若是直直的一条线~就不要~但若是卷曲圈起来的~就很 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 甜。 【关于选山竹的方法……】 山竹小秘密:屁股上有几个瓣~里面就有多少颗。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 【关于樱桃快速去核的方法】 1、准备一根我们平时用的筷子, 2、将洗好的樱桃去掉樱桃把 , 3、将粗的那面筷子头对准樱桃底部的正中央,不是有樱桃把的那一面,, 4、微微使劲将筷子捅过去~这时你会发现樱桃核一下子就被捅出来了~不会带一点果肉~而且去核后的樱桃非常完整漂亮。 光明蓝盒原味酸牛奶一定要在冰箱里呆2小时!!!!!!!!!!!! 燕麦片加橘子酱很好吃!!!!!!!!!!!! 把西瓜切个盖儿然后放一把碎葡萄干进去再盖好在冰箱里冰一下午绝implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 对好吃到脚后跟!!!!!!!!!!!! 咖喱里面加苹果加土豆!!!!!!!!!!!! 青芒果不削皮切块蘸酱油!!!!!!!!!!!! 香蕉用勺子切一截截搅在酸奶里好吃!!!!!!!!!!!! 玻璃罐装卖的蜂蜜柚子茶要放新鲜柠檬切片一起喝巨好喝!!!!!!!!!!!! 最喜欢吃青椒炒鱿鱼或者猪肉!!!!!!!!!!!! 还有KFC的薯条沾KFC两块的那种甜筒,原价是3块学生卡是2块哈哈哈,!!!!!!!!!!!! 用牛奶泡立顿红茶包微波炉加热 口感好得秒杀一切!!!!!!!!!!!! 葡萄冷冻成硬的之后好剥皮又好吃 !!!!!!!!!!!! 达能牛奶饼干放到牛奶里搅烂巨好吃!!!!!!!!!!!! 我那次吃干桂圆的时候我爸让我拿炒的花生仁一起吃。真的超级好吃阿。又香又甜的阿: 鸡蛋饼卷海苔超好吃啊!!!!!!!!!!!! 鸡蛋羹拌饭才是人间美味啊!!!!!!!!!!!! 咸方包,嘉顿就ok,夹辣榨菜,还有各种辣的凉拌菜,超好吃!!!!!!!!!!!! 小土豆煮过压扁放烤箱里烤 出来再撒盐 外皮香脆的让人颤抖!!!!!!!!!!!! 三加二里面夹豆腐乳很销魂的亲~~!!!!!!!!!!!! 开水泡燕麦然后加上俩大勺子的熊猫牌炼奶巨甜巨香巨好吃就是太营养了!!!!!!!!!!!! implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 炒饭+沙拉酱无敌美味!!!!!!!!!!!! 花生酱+面包在微波炉叮半分钟再次好吃!!!!!!!!!!!! 生鸡蛋拌在热热的米饭里加点蒸鱼酱油我要飞了!!!!!!!!!!!! 还有吃瓜子的时候一定要几十粒剥光了然后一口气吃掉啊香死了!!!!!!!!!!!! 千万要买带皮的自己剥啊不要只买瓜子仁啊!!!!!!!!!!!! 玉米肠在微波炉里转一下超级好吃呢!!!!!!!!!!!! 次辣毛豆配雪碧是人间美味!!!!!!!!!!!! 达利园小面包配老干妈是极品有木有啊!!!!!!!!!!!! 牛奶燕麦加玉米粒好吃!!!!!!!!!!!! 咸鸭蛋蛋黄拌饭超好吃的你们试过吗!!!!!!!!!!!! 把紫薯切小块用牛奶煮烂搅一搅就是牛奶紫薯泥阿好好吃冰过更销魂!!!!!!!!!!!!倒牛奶里就是紫薯牛奶了耶!!!!!!!!!!!! 把荔枝冰冻了很好味 苹果在微波炉里稍微转一圈拿出来吃甜到想吐 牛奶绝对是百搭啊和去皮的葡萄一起冰然后葡萄超好 椰树牌椰汁倒到锅里去煮倒上鸡蛋清保证你好喝冬夜里来一杯让你这个冬天不再寒冷 麦当劳里面的玉米杯啊把甜筒的冰激凌弄里面拌一拌好吃 酸奶里面放任何水果都好吃 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 把香蕉冻成冰棍好吃 面包+老干妈 雪碧可以冻起来吃啊那个沙沙的口感啊啊啊啊夏天吃好凉爽啊 老干妈是万能的好吗 面包加冰激凌也超好吃 花生粒在冷冻半天之后吃简直就是巧克力豆豆的味道和感觉好吗 火腿炸得脆脆的超级香的那种。再煎个鸡蛋饼卷进去阿~ 那种烧烤粉做点什么放进去都很好阿 吃薄荷糖啥的喝口水凉到全身阿 吃菠萝旁边备着碗盐水.吃的时候蘸点盐水再吃.口感会好很多 不然菠萝会麻舌头 个人认为麦当劳的甜点比肯德基的好吃 肯德基的汉堡鸡腿神马的比麦当劳的好吃 麦当劳的那个甜筒阿~无敌了~奶味特别纯。 第二个还半价哈哈 大冬天敢不敢来个 三全汤圆个人觉得蓝莓味的比较好~ 【泡速溶咖啡】 lz一般都把牛奶烧滚~不加一滴水~直接用牛奶把速溶咖啡冲开~有时候在里面加几块掰碎的黑巧克力。不停地搅~~ 这个方法冲出来的速溶咖啡尤其好喝。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 特别是C7的卡布奇诺~这么冲出来的时候。咖啡奶香很浓很纯~~上面一层绵密的泡沫+巧克力颗粒 lz每次喝的时候都融化了啊 沉溺在自己华丽丽的技巧里~~~ 对于不懂苦咖啡之美的肤浅lz~这简直是咖啡的NO。1::: 星巴克都弱爆了弱爆了~~::: 【荔枝的吃法】 ——荔枝的中间有一条缝~只要沿着那个方向轻轻一咬~如果没洗嫌脏的话用手轻轻一捏也行~壳就会自动裂开了啊。特别做了一个图示。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 【葡萄~苹果~杨梅~桃子~草莓的清洗方法】 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 吃甘蔗应从顶端吃起~这样才能越吃越甜~越吃越可口。反之~若从根 部削皮吃起则会越吃越淡~剩下1/3时就没有胃口吃下去了。冬天吃甘 蔗~最好将其切成20-30厘米的段~放入锅里煮十来分钟后捞起趁热削 皮吃~这样比生吃更甜 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 木瓜也分公母~肚子大的是母的~比较甜。一般挑鼓肚子的~面斑点 很多~颜色刚刚发黄摸起来不是很软的那种。如果表面上还有点胶质的 东西~那没关系~是糖胶~这样的会比较甜.买木瓜如果要马上吃~就 要挑黄皮的~但是不可以太软~这样的木瓜才甜而不烂 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 西红柿汁每日喝1杯西红柿汁或经常吃西红柿~对防治雀斑有较好的作用。因为西红柿中含丰富的维生素C~被誉为“维生素C的仓库”。 ?栗子皮难剥~先把外壳剥掉~再把它放进微波炉转一下~拿出后趁热一搓~皮就掉了, ?把虾仁放进碗里~加一点精盐、食用碱粉~用手抓搓一会儿后用清水浸泡~然后再用清水冲洗~即能使炒出的虾仁透明如水晶~爽嫩可口, ?炒肉时~先把肉用小苏打水浸泡十几分钟~倒掉水~再入味~炒出来会很嫩滑, ?将残茶叶浸入水中数天后~浇在植物根部~可促进植物生长, ?把残茶叶晒干~放到厕所或者沟渠里燃熏~可消除恶臭~具有驱除蚊子苍蝇的功能, ?夹生饭重煮法:可用筷子在饭内扎些直通锅底的孔~洒入少许黄酒重焖;若只表面夹生~只要将表层翻到中间再焖即可, ;亨调蔬菜时~如果必须要焯~焯好菜的水最好尽量利用。如做水饺的菜~焯好的水可适量放在肉馅里~这样既保证营养~又使水饺馅味美有汤, 方包涂花生酱没有涂萨拉酱好吃 苹果配瓜子那种感觉很好 老干妈绝对生活必备啊各种用途各种好吃有木有: 还有:::蛋黄酱啊:::加面包:::拌饭::拌沙拉:都好吃啊:我真心觉得它好吃: 还有结成果冻一样的汤汁:::把剩菜放在冰箱里~然后就会结成果冻:::implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 夏天热饭吃起来很难受~挖一勺汤汁冻放在热饭上面~然后一口吃掉::::又冷又热::: 统一的大酱牛肉方便面 ~必须干拌~肉粒和菜包一定要泡软~然后一拌~美味啊 ::曾经不吃方便面的情况下吃了N久它::还有煮好了面神马调料都不放~放火锅蘸料拌~无敌好吃:: 葡萄~荔枝~李子神马的 冰冰的最有爱啊~洗好了果断冷冻啊~香蕉冻了当雪糕吃~~ 小时候喜欢吃喜之郎CICI,其他也行,~必须冰冻~不结冰的啊~爆好吃啊 荷包蛋上浇上糖醋汁~俺的拿手菜 酸辣粉滚烫出锅的时候打一颗鸡蛋:::一定要离火以后再打哦亲:::半生不熟哦亲:::酸辣粉变得好爽滑哦亲:: 费列罗的巧克力酱加上光明冰砖啊:::美味啊:::::就尼玛吃了会肥啊:::: 烫烫的蛋挞~拿小勺子挖掉中间的一点蛋~然后~放一点冰淇淋进去~人间美味啊::: 热巧克力::::::::::::: 或者是巧克力牛奶啊:::::::::: 一定要加一小勺盐::::::::: 是一小勺啊~要适量::::你以为你在泡泡面啊:::: 搅一搅::::::::::::::::::: 好喝到凌乱啊::::::::::::: implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 盐巴会给巧克力提味啊::::::: 荷包蛋加蜂蜜::::: 消化饼干泡牛奶好吃::::: 注意不能泡过了 5秒左右::不然就化了::::::: 椰奶~就椰树牌椰汁哦 加热加蜂蜜 暴好吃啊 西瓜加话梅粉:::: 草莓蘸炼奶:::: 青芒果不削皮切块蘸酱油::::: 把芝麻糊和豆奶粉混在一起 爆香啊::黏糊糊 湿嗒嗒 好好吃啊: 咖喱里面加苹果:::加土豆:::吃起来猜是酸的还是粉的很爽滴呀::: 消化饼干搭热牛奶泡成糊糊也很好吃啊::::: 葡萄:::草莓::::放冰箱里冻石更了也美味阿:: 芝麻酱拌白糖抹在切片上很好吃 海苔配白米饭:::: 牛奶燕麦加玉米粒::好吃的爆掉: 用雀巢或其他牌子的炼乳用开水冲开后~用立顿的红茶包泡下~那才叫口感好到绝逼~ 不用加糖哦亲~ 荔枝剥掉一半的壳去冷冻~好吃的你软掉啊:: implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 咸鱼弄得碎碎的加点凉开水吃可以成仙哦:: 火腿我喜欢切成几段放在小碟子里微波~接触到碟子的部分香香脆脆, 开水冲果仁燕麦再加鲜牛奶:::酸奶加各种水果果仁或者玫瑰酱::: 把葡萄:::放到冰箱冷冻室:::注意是冷冻不是冷藏::::: 然后冰成块再吃::::: 好好吃啊::::::::::::: 味道就跟冰淇淋一样啊::: 比冰淇淋还要好吃啊:::::::::::: 白水煮蛋的蛋黄~碾碎到小米粥里。。喝起来很香很美味。。。。 还有剩饭剩菜放进微波炉之前~上面铺一层奶酪~我靠~那就是焗千层面焗饭啊~那味道销魂啊。 旺仔小馒头用开水或者牛奶泡成糊糊相当好吃啊啊 火腿切成花炸了之后蘸辣椒油啊有没有::: 小烧麦蘸辣椒油啊有没有:: 吞拿鱼和蘑菇上面放上一片cheese微波一下啊有没有: 油条丢火锅麻辣烫里啊有没有: 很多水果冻过都超好吃阿:::最喜欢栋荔枝和冻硬桃子:::: 蒸鸡蛋糕:::::::::: 两个鸡蛋:::一包牛奶:::::: 加些糖:::::: 放到锅子里蒸半小时左右:::: implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 吃起来很像布丁哦::::: 喜欢吃小甜品的可以试试:::::: 把小南瓜去皮煮熟~要又甜又面的那种。然后捣成南瓜泥~用水调稀到你喜欢的样子~最后浇上糖桂花::::::::::::::::好吃到爆阿::::::::一定要糖桂花才有那种清香的味道:::::::::冰冻更好吃阿亲::::::::::::::::: 把香肠剪开一个口子~然后放微波炉里~它就会被挤出来:::好吃::: 把奥利奥在牛奶里泡软~整个软掉得饼干很好吃:::: 把烤香了的面包放忌廉汤里泡软~然后用汤勺勺起来吃掉:::: 流黄的荷包蛋夹在面包里::::::::吃热热的蛋黄和面包好吃到爆啊::::::::薯条蘸冰激凌也很好吃:::::::把薯条夹到汉堡里也很赞:::::::口感丰富有木有::::::: 花生酱和酸奶一起抹面包~会解花生酱的腻~还会增加酸奶的口感~好呲:::::::同学教我的:::::: 双汇用油炸灰常美味::游完泳吃一根很舒坦啊有木有:: 干吃奶粉豆奶粉啊:::小时候经常这样吃啊::: 华丰的三鲜方便面~一定要捏碎再放调料包泡水啊:::::: 吃凉面一定要浇蒜汁::: 速溶咖啡用牛奶冲啊:::::::::::::绝对美味无酸味::::::::::::::: 馒头片抹鸡蛋,鸡蛋里要放盐,~油炸了也好吃爆了。。。。 现在市面上卖的香菇酱~抹在加热过的馒头上~很赞很赞的::::: implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 纯牛奶 蜂蜜~要煮一下。。喝热的。。既温暖美味~又养颜啊。。。。。。 还有啊白煮蛋和榨菜一起夹到烧饼里面喝鸡蛋面汤好吃到飞呀 还有外面买的芝士蛋糕::::放进微波炉叮两分钟:::::烫烫软软的巨好吃:::::有烤箱的用烤箱::::更好吃::::::: 没错::::煮泡面的一定记得要收汤汁:::::稠稠一大坨才好吃:::::尤其是辛拉面:::::::不管健不健康::::只管好吃啊:::::: 巧克力热融化加花生酱加炼乳搅成糊糊:::::: 涂吐司:::::绝逼杀倒一切果酱啊:::::…… 凉面除了蒜汁外还必须有芝麻酱啊: 皮蛋和黄瓜凉拌在一起~皮蛋黄和黄瓜一起吃爽到爆啊: 土豆蒸熟搅成泥~加水加肉酱汁煮~最后洒黑胡椒粉:::甩kfc几条街哦::::::: 榴莲放冰箱冷冻:::据说味道比冰激凌还要冰激凌啊::: 鸡蛋加白砂糖加生抽 好吃到让你爆炸 不管是油煎水煮或者糖心 ::::::::::::::::: 饼干 面包之类的 加一口冰镇可乐 美味程度立刻提升~ 又想起一个:::棉花糖::::拿签子串起来在炉子上明火烤::::烤到表面淡淡的焦黄:::::外酥里嫩啊:::::超好吃:::::::: 还有妞儿们姨妈痛的时候:::煮鲜牛奶::::加四五片姜片小火慢implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 慢煮,不能煮沸哦亲:,:::再加冰糖:::::热热的又好喝又解痛啊姑娘们::::: 西瓜加话梅粉:::: 草莓蘸炼奶:::: 青芒果不削皮切块蘸酱油::: 红薯洗干净放微波炉里中到大火转9分钟 就是外面卖的电烤红薯啊 超级好吃的 甜的炖蛋 加牛奶加糖 好吃到飞起::: 自己配馄饨的蘸酱 把大蒜头拨开~拍碎~剁碎~放些盐拌好:: 如果怕味道重~可以放冰箱一会。 然后加麻油::多点~淹过为止::: 加醋::::::::::::::: 然后~使劲拌::::::::::::::::::::::: 太好吃了:::::::::::: 我重口味啊::: 一碗大白米饭啊::大白米饭加上皮冻::再加几滴酱油::放入微波炉一转:::皮冻瞬间融化米饭中::::超好呲:::::还有丰富的胶原蛋白哦::: 盒装酸奶放冷冻层六小时:::: 拿出来就是天然酸奶冰激凌啊::::: implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 用大果粒就是水果味道的:::::: 用低脂脱脂无糖神马的还能控制热量啊有木有::::: 袋装酸奶就放到碗里盖保鲜膜冰:::::: 一定不能超过六小时::::::: 太久变硬就木有口感了::::::: 吃了一夏天爽歪歪了::::::: 芝麻酱一勺 豆瓣酱一勺,最好是海天的, 老干妈一勺 加水混合成糊糊状 拌面条好吃到爆了 皮蛋瘦肉粥里一定要放点胡椒粉啊:::::::::: 蛋炒饭也是啊::::: 油条豆浆不是绝配啊:刚炸出来焦焦的油条泡在糊辣汤里吃是我吃过了的最好吃的早饭啊:超级超级好吃的:::: 买回来的可乐不冰的话~一定要扔一坨草莓味的奶油冰欺凌放在里面泡一泡:::::::::或者换其他口味的冰欺凌:::::::::但是一定要在冰欺凌和可乐里面再塞几颗大草莓啊魂淡:::当然也可以把整个作品摆进冰柜里冷冻起来::::::::可乐冻出冰渣子有木有::::::草莓咬起来又脆又软有木有:::::冰欺凌搅一搅戳一戳和可乐草莓混成一大坨~你中有我我中有你::::::::比7块5的麦乐酷还要美味有木有:冰镇美味啊有木有:::::: 想起一个:::葡萄酒兑雪碧::::: 有人说兑可乐::可是个人觉得雪碧更好喝啊::: implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 吐司夹切片的卤牛肉~撒上辣椒面巨好吃啊有没有::::: 酸奶果冻各种饮料冻成块吃已经完全上瘾了好吗::: 有木有喜欢吃潮掉了的饼干的:: 土豆放在微波炉转一下就是土豆泥了阿:: 肉松阿 或者是煮了什么菜得放在热稀饭里用汤匙拼命搅:成糊了超级好吃的:: 麦片奶粉各种干吃:: 在冬天里大橙子放进微波炉里转1分半钟~拿出来甜滋滋热乎乎~好吃到泪奔:::: 吐司夹切片的卤牛肉~撒上辣椒面巨好吃啊有没有::::: 这帖看得我睡意全无:::: 酸奶果冻各种饮料冻成块吃已经完全上瘾了好吗::: 有木有喜欢吃潮掉了的饼干的:: 土豆放在微波炉转一下就是土豆泥了阿:: 肉松阿 或者是煮了什么菜得放在热稀饭里用汤匙拼命搅:成糊了超级好吃的:: 麦片奶粉各种干吃:: 在冬天里大橙子放进微波炉里转1分半钟~拿出来甜滋滋热乎乎~好吃到泪奔:::: 打豆浆时候加入点花生~口感立马变得无比顺滑~比银鹭花生牛奶还要美味一千倍啊:::: 用微波炉加热面包的时候~使用解冻档~面包绝对绝对不会变硬::: implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 还有吃肉包子的时候~在上面挖个小洞洞~塞点水煮蛋的蛋黄~然后一块吃~包子就变得巨好吃啊:::这是小时候对付不喜欢的鸡蛋黄想出的办法~ 1勺雀巢咖啡的咖啡伴侣::2勺阿华田::::::::好吃的灰起来::: 蒸土豆压碎了加碎花生或者颗粒状花生酱啊::::小勺舀着吃啊::::一口一泪流啊:::: implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and
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