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旺旺英语语音电子精品播报.doc旺旺英语语音电子精品播报.doc 6.21旺旺英语语音电子精品播报 negative (a.) 负面的;消极的 You need to be able to handle negative comments. 您必须能够处理负面的评论。 criticism (n.) 批评;评论 Negative criticism can help you grow if you have a good EQ. 如果你有一个好的情绪智商,负面的评论可以帮助你成长。 all over 到处, 浑身 Wow! Yo...
旺旺英语语音电子精品播报.doc 6.21旺旺英语语音电子精品播报 negative (a.) 负面的;消极的 You need to be able to handle negative comments. 您必须能够处理负面的评论。 criticism (n.) 批评;评论 Negative criticism can help you grow if you have a good EQ. 如果你有一个好的情绪智商,负面的评论可以帮助你成长。 <播放语音> all over 到处, 浑身 Wow! Your shoes were all over with mud. 哇~你的鞋子满是泥。 <播放语音> Laurie goes to the stage Laurie: I...I can't play basketball. AR. A: You're in great shape, though. That's a big bonus, Laurie. Laurie: Well, I rock climb and play badminton, but...I know nothing about basketball. I'm just here with some friends. AR. A: Today's your lucky day. Complete one month of our basketball boot camp, and we'll give you a hundred thousand dollars! Laurie: A hundred thousand dollars! Oh, my God! I'll do it! AR. A: That's the spirit! Just one thing. To get your money, you have to play a full forty-minute game! (续上期,下期续) 萝莉走到舞台上 萝 莉:我„„我不会打篮球。 甲播员:不过你身材很好。那可一大利多呢,萝莉。 萝 莉:呃,我有在攀岩和打羽毛球,但是„„我对篮球一窍不通。我只是陪一些朋友来这 里而已。 甲播员:今天是你的幸运日。完成我们一个月的篮球魔鬼训练营,我们就会给你十万块美金~ 萝 莉:十万块美金~喔,天啊~我要参加~ 甲播员:这就对了~只有一点要注意。你得要打满四十分钟的比赛才能拿到钱~ 重点解说: ? in great shape 体态佳 ? bonus (n.) 利多,优点 ? rock climb 攀岩 ? badminton (n.) 羽毛球 ? boot camp 魔鬼训练营,新训营 ? That's the spirit! 这样就对了~ <播放语音> In spite of its name, silk was not the most important commodity traversing the Silk Road. That honor fell to religion. Along the northern branch of the route, Buddhism made its way from India to China in the fourth and fifth centuries. Christianity also made an appearance in the seventh century, when merchants carried the faith from northern Iran to Changan. 虽然名为“丝绸之路”,丝绸却并不是穿过该路线运送的最重要的“商品”。这项荣誉应归于宗教。 公元第四、五世纪时,佛教沿着路线的北支从印度传入中国。基督教也在公元七世 纪时,由商人从伊朗北 部传到长安,首次在中土出现。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1543期:长相“丝”守) I'd be delighted to put you up. 对 话 Dudley: Hello, this is Dudley Jones. Is that Mark Smith? Mark: Yes it is. Hello Dudley, nice to hear from you. How are things? Dudley: Fine thanks, how about you? Mark: Can't complain. What can I do for you? Dudley: Well, I wondered if you could do me a favor. I'm coming to London for a conference next week and I need a bed for the night. Mark: No problem, I'd be delighted to put you up. You know you're welcome any time. Dudley: Great, thanks a lot. That's very good of you. 达德利:喂,我是达德利(琼斯。你是马可(史密斯吗, 马可:不错,喂,达德利,真高兴接到你电话,最近好吗, 达德利:还好,谢谢。你也好吗, 马可:一切都不错。有什么贵干呢, 达德利:嗯,不知道你可不可以帮帮忙。我下星期要来伦敦开会,晚上得找个地方下榻。 马可:没问题,来舍下过夜好了,真是求之不得,我们随时都欢迎你。 达德利:谢谢,你真好。 马可对朋友说:I'd be delighted to put you up 。Put up这动词词组,可以指 ‘为人提供膳宿’或 ‘在某处留宿’,例如:Rather than asking friends to put us up for the weekend, we put up at hostel.(我们不想麻烦朋友为我们安排周末的住宿,于是到旅舍下 榻)。 有些人为了招呼来访的亲友留宿,家里会购置打开即可做床的两用沙发,这种沙发就叫做put-you-up或put-you-up sofa/bed,例如:Why not stay the night with us? We have a put-you-up for you to sleep on.(为什么不在我们这里过夜呢,我们有一张两用沙发,可供睡觉)。To stay the night和to put up (somewhere) for the night一样,都是‘过 夜’的意思。 留意You're welcome any time一语中的any time。 Any time是‘任何时间’或‘随时’,也作at any time,例如:You can come (at) any time.(你随时都可以来)。不用at的any time,往往合成一字,例如:You may use my other car anytime.(你随时可以用我的 另一辆车)。合成一字的写法,在美国较为通用。 此外,anytime或any time之后常用 — that子句(clause),但那that字一般会略去,例如:(1)I can see him anytime I want.(我什么时候想见他,就可以见到他)。(2)Any time you feel like going for a walk, call me.(你什么时候想去散步,就找我吧)。这两句 的anytime / any time,意思等于whenever,也都可以用whenever取代。 作者:古德明(香港) 6.22 frustration (n.) 挫折,失败,挫败;失望 Her frustration with her new boyfriend was obvious to everyone but him. 除了她男朋友之外, 大家都清楚她对她新男朋友的失望。 anxiety (n.) 焦虑;不安 Do you feel anxiety when you have a big test? 当您有大考时您会感到焦虑吗? <播放语音> all over 结束了 Glad it's all over. 事情结束了,好得很。 <播放语音> The next day, 6 am, on the court Carol: Morning. I'm Carol. I'm your personal coach and roommate for the next thirty days. Laurie: Nice to meet you. Are we going to practice this early every day? Carol: And earlier. OK, let me see what I'm working with here. Let's play a little one-on-one. Laurie: Sure. Do you want me to just sit over here and watch? Carol: Girl, are you telling me you've never played one-on-one before? Laurie: I'm telling you I've never even picked up a basketball before. Carol: What have I gotten myself into? (续上期,下期续) 隔天早上六点,在球场上 卡罗:早安。我是卡罗。接下来三十天我是你的个人教练以及室友。 萝莉:幸会。我们每天都要这么早练习吗, 卡罗:还要更早。好了,让我来瞧瞧你有几斤几两。我们来小玩一下一对一吧。 萝莉:好。你要我坐在这里看吗, 卡罗:小姐,你是说你以前从来没有玩过一对一吗, 萝莉:我是说我连篮球都没碰过。 卡罗:我干嘛让自己淌这浑水, 重点解说: ? court (n.) 球场 <播放语音> Not long after the Tang era (618-907), when trade along the Silk Road had reached its height, the fearsome Genghis Khan and his Mongol armies conquered a vast area spanning much of Central Asia. Accordingly, the Silk Road became an important communication route between different parts of the Mongol Empire. During the rule of Kublai Khan, more Europeans began venturing towards China along the Silk Road. The most famous of these travelers was Marco Polo, whose thoughts and adventures were later recorded and embellished by an Italian romance writer. 唐代是丝绸之路沿途贸易活动的鼎盛时期,在唐代王朝灭亡后不久,令人闻风丧胆的成吉思 汗及其蒙古大军征服了横跨中亚大部分地区的广阔领土。丝绸之路于是成为蒙古帝国各部落 间重要的交通线路。忽必烈统治期间,更多的欧洲人冒险沿着丝绸之路来到中国。这些旅行 者中最出名的就是马可波罗,他的所见所闻后来被一位意大利传奇小说家记载下来,并加以 润色。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1543期:长相“丝”守) I'll just have to put up with it. 对话 Gisela: You've got a completely different hairstyle! Marie: Yes, but it's not what I wanted, it's too short. Gisela: Why, what happened? Marie: There was a new hairstylist in the beauty salon and she gave me this boyish bowl cut instead of the textured bob I'd asked for! Gisela: You poor thing! What are you going to do? Marie: There's nothing I can do. I'll just have to put up with it until my hair grows again. Gisela: Well, cheer up, it shouldn't take too long and anyway I quite like your new style. 吉泽拉:你剪了全新的发型啦~ 玛丽:对,但这不是我本意。剪得太短了。 吉泽拉:那是什么一回事, 玛丽:美容院有个新的发型师。我要剪个有层次的短发,她却给我剪了个男孩子的碗形发。 吉泽拉:你真可怜~你现在怎么办, 玛丽:我没什么可以做,只能由它,等到头发再次长得长一点。 吉泽拉:不要苦恼,头发很快就会长得长些。说起来,我还颇喜欢你的新发型呢。 有很多人、物,我们不喜欢,但不能不忍受,这‘忍受’英文叫做put up with (somebody/something),例如:(1) She put up with her unfaithful husband for their children's sake(她为了孩子,只能容忍不忠的丈夫)。(2) We had to put up with extreme hardship in the refugee camp(我们在难民营,堙A须忍受极大困苦)。 拙栏说过,put up with之类动词词组多用于口头。书面上,较put up with正式的用语是endure,例如She endured her unfaithful husband for their children's sake、We had to endure extreme hardship等。和put up with意思差不多的,是live with。Live with即‘住在一起’,引申其意,是‘接受不如意的事情,努力照常过日子’。一般而言,put up with所指的忍受,为期或长或短;live with所指的忍受,多是长期的,例如:(1) There is nothing we can do about traffic congestion. We just have to live with it(交通阻塞,是我们无法改变的,只有忍受)。(2) In time, he learned to live with the recurring pain(他渐渐习惯忍受那常常复发的痛楚)。这两句的live with,都可用put up with取 代。 最后要谈谈bob这个发型。这是把头发剪短,整整齐齐的垂下,长不逾肩,但可及下巴。Bob也可作动词,例如:(1) The hairstylist bobbed her hair(那发型师给她剪了短发)。(2) She had her hair in a bob(她剪了短发)。 作者:古德明(香港) 6.25 shame (n.) 羞耻(心),羞愧(感) He didn't feel shame for his actions. In fact, he was proud of what he'd done. 他并未对他的行为感到羞愧。 事实上,他对于他所做之事感到骄傲。 helplessness (n.) 无助;无可奈何状态;无能为力 I hate feelings of helplessness. 我讨厌感到无助。 <播放语音> all over 到处 We've been looking for you all over. Where the hell have you been? 我们到处找你,你跑到哪儿去了, <播放语音> Carol: OK, let's begin with the basics. This is a court. Those are baskets. You want to get the ball in your team's basket. Laurie: That sounds easy! Carol: Except you have to dribble the ball down the court to get into a scoring position. Laurie: Dribble what into what position? Carol: I'll pretend I didn't hear that. There are five people on a team. Laurie: Alright. I think I understand so far. What should we do now? (续上期,下期续) 卡罗:好,我们从基础的开始吧。这是球场。那些是篮框。你要拿球投进你那一队的篮框内。 萝莉:听来满简单的~ 卡罗:只不过你得运球到球场的得分位置。 萝莉:运什么到什么位置, 卡罗:我假装我没听到。一队有五个人。 萝莉:好吧。我想我到目前为止都懂。我们现在该怎么做呢, 重点解说: ? basics (n.) 基础,原理。多用复数 ? scoring position 得分位置 <播放语音> During the 14th century, with the disintegration of the Mongol Empire, the isolationist policies of the Ming Dynasty, and the development of the silk route by sea, the Silk Road was forced into decline. Renewed interest in it emerged only among Western scholars near the end of the 19th century. The existence of ancient cities excited them, and an archaeological free-for-all began. These days, those seeking out treasures of the Silk Road can find what they are looking for in such far-flung places as London, Delhi, and Berlin. 14世纪时,蒙古帝国瓦解、明朝实行闭关政策,加上“海上丝路”的发展,丝绸之路被迫走向没落。 直到近19世纪末,才有西方学者重新燃起了对丝绸之路的兴趣。古城的存在让他们兴奋不已,于是掀起了一阵考古热潮。现在,想在丝绸之路寻宝的人们,在伦敦、德里、 柏林等许多地方,都可以找到他们想要的东西。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1543期:长相“丝”守) How much is on the clock? 对 话 Jean: Could you please take me to the Five Star Hotel? Taxi driver: No problem. Please get in and don't forget to fasten your safety belt. Jean: Please step on it. I'm in a hurry. Taxi driver: I'll do my best but I can't go over the speed limit. The police around here are very strict about that. Taxi driver: Here we are. Jean: Many thanks, I'm well in time. How much is on the clock? Taxi driver: $36.20. Jean: Here's $40. You can keep the change. 珍:请送我到五星酒店好吗, 出租车司机:没问题。请上车吧,别忘了系好安全带。 珍:请开快点,我赶时间。 出租车司机:我会尽力而为,但可不能超速驾驶。警方在这一带对超速车辆十分严厉。 出租车司机:到了。 珍:谢谢你让我准时到达。里程上的金额是多少, 出租车司机:三十六元二角。 珍:这是四十元,剩下的给你当小费。 搭出租车,看里程表付钱。这里程表叫odometer,英式英文则叫mileometer 或milometer。但无论英美,口头上往往称为clock。那当然是因为里程表针盘的形状和钟相似。例如:(1) The odometer reads 88,008 miles(里程表录得八万八千零八英里)。(2) According to the clock, we've traveled 2.5 miles(根据里程表,我们走了二英里半)。 珍对出租车司机说:Please step on it,这等于Please step on the gas,都是口语,这 gas指‘油门’(gas pedal)。Step on the gas即 ‘加快油门’,例如:Step on the gas, time's running out(加快油门,时间无多了)。珍要求出租车司机开快一点,司机说:I can't go over the speed limit。开车超速,英文叫做speeding;速度计则叫speedometer,例如:(1) He had his driver's license revoked for speeding(他开车超速,驾驶执照被吊销了)。(2) The speedometer shows that you are 12 miles an hour above the speed limit (速度计显示,你开车时速比限定时速高出十二英里)。 在外国搭出租车,首先须懂得说要到哪里。你可用以下句式:Could you please take me to the Five Star Hotel? 或 Take me to the Five Star Hotel please 或 I need to go to the Five Star Hotel 或To the Five Star Hotel please。假如地址复杂,可抄在纸上递给司 机说:Take me to this address please(请送我去这个地址)。 作者:古德明(香港) 6.26 moody (a.) 情绪低落 He was moody after getting the letter from his ex-wife. 他接到前妻的信之后感到情绪低落。 psychology (n.) 心理学 His education in Psychology didn't help him feel any better. 他的心理学课程并未帮助他感觉较好些。 <播放语音> all set 准备好了 Out plans for the new company are all set. 我们开设新公司的计划已准备好了。 <播放语音> Carol: Let's work on your skills. [dribbles ball] Do this. Laurie: No prob...whoa! [ball bounces away] Slippery little sucker. I'll just go get that. Carol: [Laurie starts dribbling again] Now do that for ten minutes. Laurie: [After ten minutes] Whew! That was hard. What should I do now? Carol: Ten minutes on the other hand. Then we'll do some wind sprints and try to take a few shots. Laurie: You know, I bet I'm going to be a natural at this sport! (续上期,下期续) 卡罗:我们从你的技巧上开始。(运球)这样做。 萝莉:没问„„哇啊~(球弹开)滑头小子。我去捡球。 卡罗:(萝莉开始再度运球)现在那样做十分钟。 萝莉:(十分钟后)咻~那真难。我现在该怎么办, 卡罗:换另一只手练习十分钟。然后我们就来做一些折返跑以及试着投几球。 萝莉:知道吗,我打赌我会是这项运动的天生好手~ 重点解说: ? work on 着手于 ? bounce (v.) (球)弹起 ? slippery little sucker (口)滑头小子,容易滑溜的东西 ? wind sprint (运动场上练习用的)来回快速奔跑 ? natural (n.) 天生具有某种特有才能的人,天生好手 <播放语音> Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, the Nativity of the babe in the manger whom Christians believe was the Son of God. Indeed, the very word Christmas means “Christ festival”. Yet there can be little doubt that for many it is Santa Claus — not Jesus — who is the human face of Christmas. In fact, it is fair to say that in much of the world, Santa is better known than the Christ who gave his name to the holiday. 圣诞节是庆祝基督——这名被基督徒视为上帝之子的婴儿在马槽里的诞生。的确,“圣诞节”这个词意思就是“基督的庆典”。然而,可能有许多人会有点疑惑,圣诞节的代表人物竟是圣诞老人,而不是耶稣。事实上,这样说也不为过:在世界上许多地方,圣诞老人要比赋予 该节日名称的基督还更出名。 (短文节选,本期开始连载:圣诞老人,报上名来) I skidded on to the pavement. 对 话 Donald: Why are you wearing a neck brace? Dick: I had a car accident yesterday. Donald: What happened? Did someone hit you from behind? Dick: No, I braked to avoid a cat, skidded on to the pavement and crashed into a lamp-post. This is a whiplash injury from the impact. Donald: What rotten luck! How long will you have to wear it? Dick: About two weeks according to the doctor. Donald: It could have been worse I suppose. At least you've made one cat very happy! 唐纳德:你为什么戴颈箍, 迪克:我昨天发生车祸。 唐纳德:是什么一回事,给后面的车辆撞到吗, 迪克:不是,我要剎车闪避一只猫,结果汽车打滑到人行道上,然后撞上路灯。一撞之下, 我颈部就扭伤了。 唐纳德:真倒霉~这颈箍要戴多久呢, 迪克:医生说要戴两个星期左右。 唐纳德:也许情况不算太坏了。你至少令一只猫满怀高兴。 紧急剎车或在冰封、油滑等的路上,车辆有时会不受控制,向前或一侧打滑,这叫做skid,十分危险。Skid可作动词或名词,例如:(1) The car skid several times on the icy road(汽车有几次在结冰的路上打滑)。(2) The motorcycle went into/got into a skid, throwing the driver to the ground(摩托车打滑,把驾车者抛到地上)。 警方调查车祸原因,有时会察看路上轮胎打滑时留下的黑色痕迹,这些痕迹叫skid mark,例如:The skid marks showed that the lorry had been going at a dangerously high speed (看打滑的痕迹,货车当时正以危险的高速驾驶)。 迪克为了闪避一只猫而撞上灯柱,颈部受伤,说This is a whiplash injury from the impact。Impact是‘撞击’;有时汽车因撞击等突然停下,乘客颈部不由自主前后猛然一下抽动,就会扭伤,那叫做whiplash或whiplash injury,直译是‘鞭抽式损伤’,例如:Mary is suffering from whiplash injury because of a car crash(玛丽由于撞车,颈部扭伤了)。 治疗鞭抽式颈伤,一般用颈箍或neck brace。Brace是箍子、托架之类固定身体某个受伤部分以免移位的医疗器材。除了neck brace,还有leg brace(腿部夹板)、spinal/back brace(背部夹板)等。He had to wear a brace on his dislocated shoulder即‘他肩膀脱臼, 要戴夹木固定’。 作者:古德明(香港) 6.27 subconscious (n.) 潜意识 Her study of dreams and the subconscious had improved her EQ greatly. 她对于梦及潜意识的研读对她的情绪智商有很大的帮助。 sibling (n.) 兄弟姐妹 They looked the same so you could guess they were siblings. 他们长的很像,所以你应该可以猜的出来他们是兄弟姐妹。 <播放语音> all you have to do 你只要„„ All you have to do is to sit still and keep your mouth shut. 你只要静静地坐下来闭上你的嘴就好了。 <播放语音> The next morning Laurie: Oh, man. I can't move a single muscle. I hurt all over. Carol: Well, suck it up, Laurie. You've got to practice and now. Laurie: Didn't I learn everything yesterday? I can dribble and shoot. Carol: Let me think how to put this. [thinks] You dribble like a preschooler, and you shoot like my grandma. Laurie: Hey, that's not nice. Carol: But it's true. You need to practice the fundamentals every day for hours just to be passable. See you on the court in five. (续上期,下期续) 隔日早上 萝莉:喔,天啊。我一块肌肉都动不了。我全身痛。 卡罗:好了,忍着点,萝莉。妳得练习,就是现在。 萝莉:我昨天不是全都学了吗,我会运球和投篮了。 卡罗:让我想想这要怎么说。(想)妳运球像三岁小孩,而妳投篮像我家阿妈。 萝莉:嘿,这样不厚道喔。 卡罗:但这是真的。妳每天得练习好几小时的基本技巧才能勉强过得去。五分钟后球场见。 重点解说: ? muscle (n.) 肌肉 ? suck it up (把苦痛给)吞下去 ? preschooler (n.) 学龄前儿童 ? fundamental (n.) 基本,基础 ? passable (a.) 合格的,过得去的 <播放语音> But how did the fat man in the Coca-Cola red-and-white suit become the symbol of Christmas? The truth is that like the Christmas story itself, the story of Saint Nicholas is a composite of history, myth, and legend. According to tradition, Nicholas was born in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) in about A.D. 270. When young, he traveled to Palestine and Egypt. Not long afterward, he became a bishop. 但是,那个穿着一套可口可乐红白颜色衣服的胖子是怎么成为圣诞节的象征的呢,事实上,跟圣诞节本身的一样,圣人尼古拉的故事,也是集历史、神话和传说于一身。按照传统的说法,公元270年,尼古拉生于小亚细亚(现在的土耳其)。年轻时,他曾经到巴勒斯坦 和埃及旅行。不久以后,他成为了一名主教。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1549期:圣诞老人,报上名来) My luggage went astray. 对 话 Maggie: I had a terrible time on my last trip to Europe. Bernard: Why, what happened? Did you have an accident? Maggie: No, my luggage went astray. When I arrived in Paris and went to collect my case from the baggage carousel, it never arrived. Bernard: What happened to it? Had somebody collected it by mistake or stolen it? Maggie: No, it had been sent on to London by mistake. Bernard: Did you get it back? Maggie: Yes I did, but it took two whole days. I was absolutely furious. 玛吉: 我上次去欧洲的经验很不愉快。 伯纳: 为什么,遇上了意外事故吗, 玛吉: 不是,只是行李遗失了。飞机到达巴黎,我去行李传送带那里取回自己的箱子,却始 终不见踪影。 伯纳: 那箱子怎样了,是被人误领了或偷了吗, 玛吉: 不是,而是误送了去伦敦。 伯纳: 取回来了吗, 玛吉: 取回来了,但要整整两天,弄得我非常恼火。 玛吉说上次去欧洲,行李丢失了:My luggage went astray。谈go astray之前,不妨先说说stray。Stray作动词,指‘偏离正道’或‘迷途’,也可引申解作‘分心’或‘说话离题’,例如:(1) I am afraid we have strayed from the main road. We are lost(我们恐怕是走离了大道,现在迷路了)。(2) My thoughts strayed from the lecture(我没有留心听演讲,分心想其它事)。Stray还可作形容词(adjective),意思是‘流浪的’或‘零星的’。Stray cats、stray dogs即‘流浪猫’、 ‘流浪狗’;I was hit by a stray bullet即‘我被流弹打中’。英文有时会用a作前缀,把动词、名词等变做副词(adverb),例如动词sunder(分开)变做asunder(分开地)、名词shore(岸)变做ashore(在岸上)。 Astray是另一例子,指‘迷途’或 ‘丢失了’,常和go字连用,例如:(1) He was led astray by bad companions(他被损友引入歧途)。(2) My pen has gone astray: I cannot find it anywhere(我的笔遗失了,四处都找不到)。以后,有东西不知去向,你就可以说:It's gone astray。本栏之前说明过,机场的行李传送带叫baggage reclaim belt。另一叫法是baggage carousel,例如:Baggage from flight CX2 is on carousel number 2(CX2班机的行李在三号传送带)。Carousel还可指游乐场等的旋转木马,等于merry-go-round,例如:At the carnival, the children had a ride on the carousel/merry-go-round(嘉年华会上,孩 子们骑了一趟旋转木马)。 作者:古德明(香港) 6.28 cousin (n.) 堂(或表)兄弟;堂(或表)姐妹 These are my cousins, Mike and Mary. 他们是我的表哥跟表姐,Mike跟 Mary。 aunt (n.) 伯母;婶母;姑母;姨母;舅母 I have four aunts, counting my Uncle Bill's wife. 我有四个姑姑,包含了我比尔叔叔的老婆。 <播放语音> as the saying goes 正如俗话所说 You have to look before you leap, as the saying goes. 正如俗语所说,你应该三思而后行呢。 <播放语音> Ten days later Carol: You're coming along great. You've got a mean pass, and your free throw stats are improving daily. Laurie: Don't forget my lay-up. And fall-back jumper. I never thought I'd get that one down. Carol: I'll show you the hook today. Let's work on your footwork. Laurie: All those videos of old games that you're having me watch are really helping. Carol: Good. A little later in the day, some girls will stop by to practice some plays. Laurie: You mean all the offense-defense stuff you've taught me? (续上期,下期续) 十天后 卡罗:你进展得不错。你的传球很出色,而且你的罚球进球率每天都有进步。 萝莉:别忘了我的带球上篮喔。还有向后跳投。我从没想过我能学会那一招。 卡罗:我今天会秀钩射给你看。我们来练你的步法。 萝莉:你要我看的那些旧比赛的影片,真的很有帮助。 卡罗:很好。今天稍晚,有一些女生会过来打练习赛。 萝莉:你是说做你教我的全部攻防术吗, 重点解说: ? come along 进展 ? mean (a.) (俚)出色的,不错的 ? stats (n.) = statistics,统计数字 ? get something down (某事)办得到 ? footwork (n.)(球类、舞蹈等的)步法,脚下工夫 ? stop by 中途短暂停留 ? offense-defense (a.) 攻防的 <播放语音> During the Roman emperor Diocletian’s bloody persecution of Christians in 303, Nicholas was imprisoned. However, when Constantine the Great became emperor in 306, he legalized Christianity and made it the official religion of the Roman Empire. Nicholas was freed. 公元303年,罗马皇帝戴克里先血腥迫害基督徒期间,尼古拉被捕入狱。然而,公元306年 君士坦丁大帝登基称帝,他使基督教合法化,并使之成为罗马帝国的国教。尼古拉也获释放。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1549期:圣诞老人,报上名来) I began to feel really queasy. 对 话 Kevin: You don't look as if you've had a very good flight. How was it? Jane: A bit grim, because we hit a lot of turbulence about an hour from touchdown. Kevin: That couldn't have been much fun. Jane: It certainly wasn't. After about ten minutes I began to feel really queasy and had to ask the cabin attendant for some seasick pills. Kevin: Did they help? Jane: Yes they did, although they took about twenty minutes to work. I certainly don't want to go through that again. 凯文:看你的样子,这次飞行似乎不太舒适,旅程怎样, 珍:有点难受,因为降落前一小时左右,遇上不少乱流。 凯文:那可不怎样有趣。 珍:当然不有趣。过了大约十分钟,我就开始作呕,得请服务员给我些晕船药。 凯文:有用吗, 珍:有,但要二十分钟左右才见效。我真不想再有一次这样的经历。 想呕吐,英文叫做sick,另一常用说法是queasy。I am feeling queasy或My stomach is feeling queasy都是‘我想吐’的意思。The queasy passenger vomited则是‘那个乘客呕 吐了’。 晕船、晕车、晕机等,英文叫seasick、carsick、airsick,例如:(1) The sea was so rough that many became seasick(海涛汹涌,不少人都感到晕船)。(2) With turbulent winds buffeting the plane, I soon felt airsick(飞机受到猛烈气流吹袭,我不久就感到晕机)。Turbulent是‘(气流、水流等)猛烈而不稳定的’,buffet则是‘(风、浪等)撞击’。 但无论你是晕船、晕车还是晕机,都可以服seasick pills(晕船丸)。 珍用了三个字形容飞机航程:A bit grim。Grim本来是‘可怕’、‘严肃’的意思,例如:(1) The judge looked grim(法官,脸严肃)。(2) After working in the slaughterhouse for a few weeks, he became inured to his grim job(他在屠宰场工作了几个星期之后,就习惯了这份可怕的工作)。俗语还以grim解作‘(身体)不舒适’或‘没趣的’,例如:(1) I felt rather grim after the bumpy bus ride(那班巴士颠簸得很,我下车后感到很不舒服)。(2) The basketball game was a bit grim(那场篮球比赛颇为乏味)。珍说The flight was a bit grim,也是取‘没趣’、‘令人不快’的意思。留意上文例句中inure、bumpy二字:inure是‘使习惯’,一般指习惯不愉快的事物;bumpy则是‘崎岖的’或‘颠 簸的’。 作者:古德明(香港) 6.29 forefather (n.) 祖先,祖宗;前辈 My forefather came to the USA 200 years ago. 我的祖先在两百年前来到美国。 generation (n.) 世代,一代 They had lived through war for generations. 他们世世代代曾经历过战争。 <播放语音> at one's fingers' tips 了如指掌 It is at my fingers' tips. I think I can give you all the information right now. 这事我了如指掌,现在我就可以将全部情况告诉你。 <播放语音> After scrimmaging Laurie: How'd I do today? Carol: You choked a lot. When someone tried to strip the ball from you, they'd force you to make errors. Laurie: Oh yeah. I guess I did double dribble a lot. Carol: Your passes were all over the place. You're no guard, and you're not tall enough for center. Laurie: Hey, but I made a three-pointer! And I blocked a couple of passes. Carol: No, you goaltended. That's not legal. And most of your shots were either air balls or bricks. Laurie: So I was a little nervous... (续上期,下期续) 比球后 萝莉:我今天表现如何, 卡罗:你没施展开来。当有人要抄你球时,他们会逼你出错。 萝莉:对耶。我猜我犯了很多次两次运球。 卡罗:你传的球满场乱飞。你不是后卫,你的身高也不够打中锋。 萝莉:嘿,但是我有投进一个三分球~而且我阻断了好几次传球。 卡罗:不,你是干扰投篮。那是犯规的。而且你大部分的投篮不是面包球就是碰了篮框或篮 板没进。 萝莉:我是有一点紧张啦„„ 重点解说: ? scrimmage (v.) (非正式的)比球 ? guard (n.) 后卫,center (n.) 中锋。而运用球员排出阵式的防守法有‘盯人防守’man-on-man defense、‘三一一联防’three-one-one defense、‘三二联防’three-two defense、‘二一二联防’two-one-two defense等 ? choke (v.) 压制,堵塞,噎到 ? legal (a.) 合法的,正当的 <播放语音> The scribes tell us that Nicholas’s prayers and leadership during the great tribulation led many to become Christians. Nicholas continued to serve as bishop for many years. On December 6, 343, Nicholas the man died, and Saint Nicholas the legend was born. 据史书记载,尼古拉在受难期间的祈祷和领导让很多人皈依成为基督教徒。(出狱后)尼古拉继续担任主教多年。公元343年12月6日,真人尼古拉去世,然而圣人尼可拉的传说诞生 了。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1549期:圣诞老人,报上名来) Any more fares, please? 对 话 Shirley: When we get on the bus, let's go upstairs. I always prefer traveling on the top deck because then you can see so much more. Jane: OK, and let's get right to the front. You get the best view of all from there. Shirley: Where shall we get off? Jane: Knightsbridge. Then we can go shopping in Harrods. Conductor: Any more fares, please? Any more fares, please? Shirley: Two one-ways to Knightsbridge please. 雪莉:我们上巴士后,就到上层去。我喜欢坐上层,因为可以看到 的东西多得多。 珍:好吧,我们不妨坐到最前面。那里看景物最好不过。 雪莉:哪里下车呢, 珍:骑士桥大街。然后可以去哈罗德百货公司买东西。 售票员:还有人要买票吗,还有人要买票吗, 雪莉:要两张去骑士桥大街的单程车票。 雪莉搭巴士,说I always prefer traveling on the top deck。船或车辆的一层叫做deck;巴士的上下层,就叫upper/top deck和lower deck,例如:Standing on the upper deck is not allowed(上层不许站立)。两层的巴士,叫double-decker (bus),单层的则叫single-decker (bus)。In Auckland, all the buses are single-deckers即‘奥克兰所有 巴士都是单层的’。 在巴士上,你有时会听到售票员喊:Any more fares, please?(还有人要买票吗,)车费、船费等,英文叫fare。你也会听见售票员说:Anyone without fares?(有人没买票吗,) 或Fares, please(请买票)等。有些巴士没有售票员,要乘客投钱入车费箱内,那车费箱叫做fare box,例如:You should put your money in the fare box when you get on the bus(你上巴士时,应把钱投入车费箱中)。 公共交通工具的乘客要付钱,所以乘客也叫做fare,例如:There are some 35 fares on the bus(巴士上大约有三十五名乘客)。有些人搭车不付钱,企图瞒混过去,那叫做to dodge a fare,例如:(1) You may be prosecuted for trying to dodge bus fares(搭巴士不买车票,可能被起诉)。(2) The bus company has a team of inspectors responsible for catching fare dodgers(巴士公司有一队查票员,负责寻查不付车费的旅客)。Dodge是 ‘规避’, 例如tax dodging(逃税)、tax dodger(逃税者)等。 作者:古德明(香港) 7.2 descendant (n.) 子孙,后裔 I am a descendant of George Washington. 我是乔治华盛顿的后代子孙。 kin (n.) 家族;亲戚;同类 They treated me like kin. 他们对待我就像亲人一样。 <播放语音> at one's wit's end 智穷计尽 I'm at my wit's end and can do nothing more. 我已智穷才尽,无能为力了。 <播放语音> A few days later Laurie: My muscles aren't killing me anymore, but I feel like my brain's about to explode. Carol: Well, b-ball is not the world's simplest sport. Laurie: I'll never keep things straight. Man-on-man defense, three-one-one, three-two, two-one-two. Carol: You just need to do it until it's second nature. But there's still something missing in your game. Laurie: My footwork's not exactly pretty. Carol: It's not that. You're missing the feeling. The love of the game. I want you to start sleeping with your basketball. (续上期,下期续) 几天后 萝莉:我的肌肉不再让我痛得要死了,但我却觉得脑袋快要爆炸了。 卡罗:呃,篮球可不是世界上最简单的运动。 萝莉:我永远都搞不清楚。盯人防守、三一一、三二、二一二联防。 卡罗:你只要把它练成你的第二天性就好了。但你比赛里还缺少什么东西。 萝莉:我的步法不是很好。 卡罗:不是那个。你缺少感觉。对打球的热爱。我要你开始跟篮球一起睡。 重点解说: ? b-ball (n.) = basketball,篮球 ? keep things straight 厘清界限,妥善处理 ? second nature 第二天性,习惯成自然 <播放语音> During his lifetime, Nicholas’s reputation for generosity and kindness gave rise to stories of miracles he performed for the poor, the weak--and children. After his death, devotion to Nicholas extended to all parts of Europe. His feast day was celebrated on December 6, but his reputation as a gift-giver later became attached to the celebration of Christmas on December 25. 尼古拉在世时慷慨仁慈的名声衍生出他为穷人、弱者和孩子创造奇迹的许多故事。尼古拉死 后,人们对他的挚爱延伸到欧洲各地。节日仪式定在12月6日举行,但是他身为“赠礼者” 的声望,后来却与12月25日圣诞节的庆典扯上了关系。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1549期:圣诞老人,报上名来) I let the clutch out. 对 话 Audrey: You're not looking too cheerful, what's the matter? Eva: I've just had my first driving lesson and it was terrible. Audrey: Oh, I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad. Eva: It was. Every time I let the clutch out, the engine stalled. Audrey: That's because you weren't depressing the accelerator enough. Eva: I know, that's what the instructor kept telling me. Audrey: Don't worry, you just need more practice and then you'll master it. Eva: I hope you're right, because I want to get a car of my own, but I can't do that until I've passed the driving test. 奥黛丽:你看来心情不大愉快,是什么回事? 伊娃:我刚才上了第一次驾驶课,很不顺利。 奥黛丽:啊,应该不会太糟吧。 伊娃:糟极了, 我每次松开离合器,引擎就停下来。 奥黛丽:那是因为油门踩得不够低。 伊娃:我也明白,驾驶教练不断跟我这样说。 奥黛丽:别担心!多点练习,就可以掌握了。 伊娃:希望如此,因为我真想自己有一辆车;但要有自己的车,一定要驾驶测验及格不可。 今天,汽车有自动换档的,英文叫automatics;也有用操纵杆换档的,叫stick shifts。I prefer a stick shift to an automatic即‘我宁要操纵杆换档的汽车,不要自动换档的’。用操纵杆换档的汽车,要开动,须使用离合器(clutch)。你要踩着离合器踏板,使汽车挂上排档(gear):You have to press the clutch pedal down and put the car in/into gear。然后,你得慢慢松开离合器踏板,同时用另一只脚踩油门(accelerator,又称gas pedal):You let the clutch up and at the same time step on the accelerator。这时,进一步松开离合器,汽车就可开动:You let the clutch out (= release the clutch), and the car will start to move。不过,假如踩油门不得其法,引擎得不到足够燃料,就会停止转动。汽车或引擎因动力不足而停下来,叫做stall,例如:The car/engine stalled because the gas had run out(由于汽油耗尽,汽车抛锚了)。汽车的排档关乎车速。一档(first gear)速度最低,以后二、三档(second/third gear)等逐渐加速。一档也叫bottom/low gear,最高速的排档的则叫top/high gear,例如:He shifted/changed to a lower gear when going down the hill(下山时,他改用较低的排档)。引申其义,high/top gear有‘高速’的意 思,例如:Our work gradually got into high gear(我们的工作渐渐快起来)。 作者:古德明(香港) 7.3 adopted 收养 (动词adopt的过去式) He was adopted when he was four years old. 他在四岁的时候被收养。 distant (a.) 非近亲的,远亲的 They are distant relatives. 他们是远房亲戚。 <播放语音> A to Z 从头到尾 I know that from A to Z. 对于那件事,我全盘知晓。 <播放语音> Carol is watching Laurie scrimmage Carol: [Shouting] C'mon, L, remember what I told you. Pump-fake then go up for the shot! Laurie: I'm trying! [another player runs into her] Oof! Carol: Get off the ground. The ball's still in play! No blood, no foul! Laurie: [To girl guarding her] You play basketball like my Aunt Aggie, and she's blind. Carol: Concentrate on the game, not on talking trash, Laurie! Get in there for the rebound. Laurie: [To self] Gotta get the ball inside. Hey, that girl's open. Let me try a backdoor pass! (续上期,下期续) 卡罗正在看萝莉比球 卡罗:(大叫)快呀,小莉,记得我跟你说的。做完假动作就投球~ 萝莉:我在试了~(另一位球员撞她)哎哟~ 卡罗:快起来。球赛还在进行~不见血就不算犯规~ 萝莉:(对防守她的女生)你篮球打得就像是我的安姬婶婶,而且她还是个瞎子。 卡罗:心放在比赛上,不要讲废话,萝莉~快进去抢篮板。 萝莉:(对自己)一定要把球投进。嘿,那个女生有空档。让我来试试背后传球~ 重点解说: ? No blood no foul. 不见血就不算犯规。这是篮球场上常听的口语说法,用意是要人打球 就不要怕碰撞 ? concentrate on 全神灌注于 ? talk trash 讲废话 ? open (a.) 有空档的 <播放语音> After the Reformation in the 16th century, Nicholas’s cult disappeared in most Protestant countries of Europe. But his legend was united with old Nordic folktales of a magician who punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents. In England, he became known as Father Christmas. But in Holland, Saint Nicholas’ name and reputation persisted as “sinterklaas.”. 16世纪宗教改革运动以后,对尼古拉的膜拜便在多数欧洲新教国家销声匿迹了。但是有关他的传说却跟一个北欧民间故事结合了起来,故事中有位魔术师,他爱惩罚顽皮的孩子,并送礼物奖励好孩子。在英格兰,尼古拉成为家喻户晓的圣诞节之父。而在荷兰,圣人尼古拉的 名声依旧以“Sinterklaas”的名字流传。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1549期:圣诞老人,报上名来) A sports car pulled out to overtake a bus. 对 话 Colin: There was a terrible accident on the main road not far from our house yesterday. Martha: What exactly happened? Colin: A young man in a sports car pulled out to overtake a bus and collided head-on with a truck travelling in the opposite direction. Martha: Was anyone injured? Colin: The driver of the sports car was killed outright and the truck driver suffered serious leg injuries. Martha: What a terrible price to pay for a little impatience! 科林:昨天,大路上发生严重意外事故,离我家不远。 玛尔莎:发生了什么事, 科林:一个年轻人开跑车,转到另一条车道上,要超越一辆巴士,和迎面而来的卡车撞个正 着。 玛尔莎:有没有人受伤, 科林:跑车司机当场死亡,卡车司机腿部也伤得很严重。 玛尔莎:一时性急,要付的代价可真沉重。 Pull这个字,读者应该都知道是‘拉’的意思,例如The horse pulled the cart along the road(马儿拖着马车在路上走)。说汽车或司机朝某个方向开动,也可用pull字,例如:(1) The truck/The truck driver pulled over to let my car past(卡车/卡车司机开到一旁,让我的汽车通过)。(2) The car/She pulled up at the red traffic light(汽车/她在红色交通灯前停下来)。火车到站,叫The train is pulling in (或into the station); 火车开出,则叫The train is pulling out(或out of the station)。 汽车从停车处开到公路上,也可叫pull out,例如:The car/He pulled out of the driveway into the main road(汽车/他把汽车从私人车道开到大路上)。Pull out还有一个意思:由一条车道开到另一条,这一般是要超越另一辆车的做法,例如:(1) The sports car/The young man pulled out from behind the bus(那辆跑车/那年轻人从巴士后转出来,开到另一条车道上)。(2) A sedan pulled out in front of me without signaling. I pulled up just in time to avoid a collision(一辆轿车也没有打方向灯,就越线开到我前面。我及 时停车,才避免相撞)。 超车不小心,可能和另一方向的车辆迎面相撞,这‘迎面’叫做head-on,作形容词(adjective)或副词(adverb)都可以,例如:(1) One driver was killed in the head-on collision(汽车迎头相撞,一名司机丧生)。(2) The two cars hit each other head-on (二车迎头相撞)。 作者:古德明(香港) 7.4 filial (a.) 孝顺的 Confucius teaches filial devotion. 孔子教导人们要孝顺。 twin (n.) 双胞胎 She's my twin sister, can't you see the resemblance? 她是我双胞胎的妹妹,你看不出来我们的容貌相似吗? <播放语音> back on one's feet 东山再起 He soon got back on his feet after the fall. 他受过挫折,但很快就东山再起。 <播放语音> The day before the game Carol: Well, Laurie. This is our last practice before the big game! Laurie: I'm so nervous. Carol: Understandable, but you've really learned a lot in the last thirty days. Laurie: I'm so worried I'll embarrass you on national television. Carol: Not a chance, girl. I've taught you all my smoothest moves. The fans will love you. Laurie: Thanks, Carol. You know, I don't even care if I win the money. I just want to play. Carol: I told you sleeping with your basketball would help. (续上期,下期续) 比赛前一天 卡罗:好吧,萝莉。这是大赛开始前我们的最后一次练习~ 萝莉:我好紧张。 卡罗:可以理解,但是你过去三十天来真的学了很多。 萝莉:我好担心我会在全国电视上丢你的脸。 卡罗:门儿都没有,小姐。我把我最流畅的技巧都教你了。球迷会爱上你的。 萝莉:谢谢你,卡罗。你知道吗,我根本不在乎我能不能赢钱。我只想要打球。 卡罗:我就跟你说抱篮球睡觉会有帮助的。 重点解说: ? understandable (a.) 可以理解的 ? embarrass (v.) 使困窘 ? Not a chance. 门儿都没有。 ? smooth (a.) 顺畅的,圆熟的 <播放语音> In the 17th century, Dutch colonists took this tradition with them to America. Later, Sinterklaas was adopted by the English-speaking majority as “Santa Claus.” The resulting image of a “jolly old elf” driving a sleigh with “eight tiny reindeer” crystallized in the 19th century. That was when Clement Moore wrote the now-famous poem “A Visit From Saint Nick.” And the red-and-white suit? That was created by a Coca-Cola adman in the 1930s. 17世纪,荷兰的殖民者将这个传统带到美洲。后来,“Sinterklaas”为多数说英语的人民 所采用,并改成了“Santa Claus”。他最后的形象??“快乐的老矮人”驾着“八只小驯 鹿”拉的雪橇??是在19世纪开始变得明确具体起来的。摩尔(Clement Moore)就在那时写 了《圣人尼克的来访》这首闻名至今的诗。还有那件红白套装呢,那是在20世纪30年代, 可口可乐公司的广告商创造出来的。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1549期:圣诞老人,报上名来) Our plane was diverted. 对 话 Alice: We had a terrible time getting back from our vacation on Majorca last week. Simon: Did you have an accident? Alice: No, nothing like that thank goodness, but we were supposed to fly back direct to London and our plane was diverted to Manchester. It took us half a day extra to get home. Simon: What bad luck! What was the reason? Alice: There was a lot of fog in London, which was quite unusual for the time of year, so they diverted our flight for safety reasons. Simon: Rather that than risk a crash. Alice: I suppose you're right. 艾丽斯:上星期我们从马霍卡岛度假回来,旅途很不愉快。 西门:有发生意外事有故吗, 艾丽斯:不是,幸好没有那么糟。不过,我们原应直接飞回伦敦,却要转往曼彻斯特降落, 多花了半天才回到家里。 西门:真倒霉~为什么要转飞曼彻斯特, 艾丽斯:伦敦当时起了浓雾,在这个季节实在不寻常。他们为了安全安全,要我们改飞曼彻 斯特。 西门:改飞,总胜于坠毁。 艾丽斯:这个当然。 Divert是‘转移(方向、用途等)’,名词是diversion。除了说飞机,车辆改道也常用这个字,例如:All traffic had to take a diversion because of the car crash/All traffic had to be diverted because of the car crash(由于撞车事故,所有车辆都要改道)。空中交通叫air traffic,例如:The air traffic controller diverted all flights to New York(空中交通管制员要所有班机改道飞往纽约)。 Divert既有‘转移’的意思,所以也有‘使人分心’、‘娱乐’的意思,例如:(1) The clowns diverted the children(小丑把孩子们逗乐了)。(2) Two men quarreled to divert our attention while another man tried to pick our pockets(两个男人吵起来,一个分散我们的注意力,另一个则试图偷我们身上的东西)。转移人家注意力的手法,叫做create a diversion,例如:你可以说The two men created a diversion while another man tried to pick our pockets。艾丽斯说飞机没有遇上意外事故:Thank goodness。这个goodness请勿解作‘好’或‘善良’。英文常用goodness作感叹语,代替God,所以Thank goodness等于‘谢天谢地’,My goodness等于‘天哪’,Goodness knows等于‘天晓得’,For goodness' sake等于‘看在老天面子上’,例如:(1) For goodness' sake, don't tell her!(千万不要告诉她啊~)(2) Goodness knows what he wants(谁知道他要什么)。西方人 认为感叹语用God、Christ等字,未免亵渎神明,goodness是较婉转的说法。 作者:古德明(香港) 7.5 past (n.) 过去,昔日 He lives in the past and he doesn't even have a computer! 他还活在过去,竟然没有计算机。 present (n.) 当下,现在,目前 Only by living in the present can you be free of worries. 只有活在当下才能无忧虑。 <播放语音> bad-mouth 说坏话 Bob was always bad-mouthing his superiors until his boss threatened to fire him. 老板威胁要炒鲍伯鱿鱼,他才停止说老板坏话。 <播放语音> The next night, as the players get ready for the tip-off AR. A: Ladies and Gentleman, it's the night we've all been waiting for. AR. B: Will Little Miss Laurie Lin walk home a hundred thousand dollars richer... AR. A: ...or will she sit the bench? AR. B: The ball's up. The game's begun! AR. A: And there's Laurie in control of the ball! What a penetration! AR. B: How did she do it? Laurie Lin has started the game with a slam-dunk! AR. A: It must be the shoes! Get ready for a fun-packed night, basketball fans... AR. B: Little Laurie means business. She wants to take home a check! (续上期,下期续) 隔晚,球员中场跳球 甲播员:各位女士、各位先生,这是我们所期待的夜晚。 乙播员:亲爱的林萝莉小姐回家时会成为十万美金的富翁吗„„ 甲播员:„„还是她会坐冷板凳呢, 乙播员:球抛上去了。球赛开始了~ 甲播员:而且萝莉在控球~好一个切入~ 乙播员:她是怎么办到的,林萝莉用灌篮开张~ 甲播员:一定是鞋子的关系~准备好有一个欢乐满满的夜晚吧,篮球迷们„„ 乙播员:小莉可是认真的。她想把支票抱回家~ 重点解说: ? tip-off (n.) 中场跳球 ? bench (n.) 长凳,长椅 ? penetration (n.) (对敌方防线的)突破 ,带球切入 <播放语音> Although greatly commercialized, the modern Santa Claus still embodies8 Saint Nicholas’ generosity and love for children. And for some, he still points to the Nativity of the babe in the manger, and reminds us of the reason we celebrate Christmas. 尽管现代的圣诞老人已经被高度商业化,他仍旧表现了圣人尼古拉的宽大胸怀和对孩子们的爱。对某些人来说,他仍然象征着马槽里圣婴的诞生,并让我们想起庆祝圣诞节的缘由。 (短文节选,本篇始于第1549期:圣诞老人,报上名来) He signaled to Tom to pull over. 对话 Carol: Dinah was really annoyed with her husband Tom last week. Jim: What was it this time? Carol: They were driving to the supermarket and he went through a set of traffic lights just as they were changing from amber to red. Jim: Naughty boy, but nothing unusual. Carol: Ah, but he didn't see the police patrol car not far behind. Jim: What did the policeman do? Carol: He signaled to Tom to pull over and when they were both parked, made Tom sit in his police car and gave him a lecture on traffic safety. And then he made him pay the maximum fine. Jim: No wonder Dinah was mad at him. 卡洛:黛娜上星期对丈夫汤姆十分不满。 吉姆:这次是为了什么, 卡洛:他们开车去超级市场。汤姆在交通灯由黄转红的时候,直闯过去。 吉姆:真是坏孩子,但没什么不寻常。 卡洛:汤姆没看到车后不远处有一辆警方巡逻车。 吉姆:警察怎么处理, 卡洛:他示意要汤姆把汽车开到一旁,待双方停下来后,就叫汤姆上警车,在交通安 全问题上,好好教训了他一顿,还要汤姆缴交最高额罚款。 吉姆:那怪不得那黛娜会生汤姆的气了。 He signaled to Tom to pull over是‘他示意要汤姆把车开到一旁’。Signal是‘信号’。驾驶汽车,必须懂得一些通用的手势:Drivers must know certain hand signals。例如:(1) The driver made a signal with his arm for a right turn(司机做了个准备右转的手势)。(2) The policeman gave Tom a signal to pull over。Signal作动词,可以及物(transitive),也可以不及物(intransitive),即其后可直接受词(object),也可不带受词。He signaled to Tom to pull over,是signal的不及物用法;He signaled Tom to pull over,则是及物用法。The driver signaled to show that he was turning right也是说‘司机做了个准备右转的手势’。交通灯(traffic light)当然也是一种信号,所以a traffic light有时叫做a traffic signal。这两个词用复数形式也可以,例如:The traffic light(s) had failed(交通灯坏了)。随便一点的英文往往只说the lights,例如:The lights tell cars or walkers to go, get ready to stop, or stop(交通灯指示车辆或行人前行、准备停下或停下来)。交通灯的三种颜色,英文叫green(绿色)、amber(琥珀黄色)、red(红色),例如:(1) The lights have changed from green to amber(交通灯由绿色转为黄色)。(2) The lights were (on) red(交通灯亮起红灯)。不守法闯红灯,叫做to jump a light/the lights。 作者:古德明(香港) 7.6 future (n.) 未来 She didn't see any future in their relationship. 她对她们的关系没抱希望。 outlook (n.) 前景 The company's outlook was not good. 公司的前景不怎么看好。 <播放语音> be off 滚蛋 Be off, or I'll kick you downstairs! 滚吧~否则我会将你踢下楼梯去~ <播放语音> Trev and Wei wake up with hangovers Trev: Uhhhnnng. I feel terrible. Wei: Me, too. My head is pounding. Trev: I have a hangover. Wei: Does drinking always feel like this? Trev: Only if you drink too much. Wei: Hey. What happened to your favorite shirt? Trev: You threw up on it. Wei: Oh no. I'm never drinking again. Trev: Let's get up. We have to go rent a car for our big trip to New Orleans. Wei: Just let me rest my eyes for a minute. (续第1532期,下期续) 崔佛跟小薇醒来后觉得宿醉 崔佛:啊。我觉得好难受。 小薇:我也是。好像一直有人在敲我的头。 崔佛:我是宿醉。 小薇:喝酒都会有这样的感觉吗, 崔佛:只有喝太多才会。 小薇:嘿,你最喜欢的衬衫怎么了, 崔佛:你吐在它上面。 小薇:糟糕。我再也不喝酒了。 崔佛:我们起床吧。得去租辆车来趟超级纽奥良之旅了。 小薇:让我再睡一下就好。 重点解说: ? hangover (n.) 宿醉 ? terrible (a.) 糟糕的,令人不快的 ? pound (v.) 重击,砰砰地敲打 ? throw up 呕吐。throw up on someone...就是‘吐在某人身上„’ ? New Orleans (n.) 纽奥良 ? rest (v.) 使休息。rest my eyes是指‘让我的眼睛休息’,也就是‘睡觉’ <播放语音> As a testament to the correlation between glorious spaces and heavenly thoughts, the Notre Dame de Paris has stood for 750 years as the apex of European religious architecture. Seeking to liberate their creation from the sepulchral atmosphere of the plague-ridden medieval era, the Notre Dame architects conceived of a design more spacious than that of their predecessors. New developments in arched doorways and supports allowed for thinner outer walls and larger windows, including the famous Rose Windows on the cathedral's north, south, and west sides. 作为荣光之地与神圣思想互相关联的证明??巴黎圣母院,至今已有750年的历史了,它是 欧洲宗教建筑登峰造极之作。 寻求把他们的创作从世纪黑死病蔓延的死寂气氛中摆脱出来,圣母院的建筑师们构思出比他 们的前人更宽阔的设计。而拱形门道和支柱的崭新设计,为较薄的外墙和较大的窗户,包括 教堂北、南、西三面著名的“蔷薇花瓣小圆窗”的建造作了准备。 (短文节选,本期开始连载:巴黎圣母院) I've got an open ticket. 对 话 Heather: I'm going on a round the world trip next month and I'm really looking forward to it. Sadie: Lucky you. Where will you be going? Heather: The UK, France, Italy, India, Thailand, China, Japan. Then it's back home. Sadie: Fantastic. How long will it take? Heather: I'm not sure yet. I've got an open ticket so I don't have to make my mind up before I go. I can change my plans as I go round. Sadie: Sounds great, I hope you have a fantastic time. 希瑟:我下个月会去环游世界,真是望眼欲穿 。 赛廸:你真幸福。 会去哪里呢? 希瑟:英国、法国、意大利、 印度、 泰国、 中国、 日本, 然后回来。 赛廸:那可好玩。 会去多久呢? 希瑟:我还不能肯定。 我的机票没有固定期限, 所以出发前不必决定,途中可以临时改变计 划。 赛廸:那真不错, 祝你旅途愉快。 飞机票有些没有限定使用日期,回程是什么时候,乘客可按情况决定,这类机票英文叫open ticket,最为方便,但也最为昂贵。有日期限制的,则叫restricted ticket,例如: You can save some money by buying a restricted ticket, which however does not offer the flexibility of an open ticket. (买日期有限制的机票,可省点钱,但没有无限期机票那 么灵活)。 旅游一般会买来回票,美式英文叫round-trip ticket,英式则叫return ticket;单程票美式英文叫one-way ticket;英式则叫single ticket,例如:(1) He bought a round-trip ticket to Taipei for his vacation. (他买了来回机票,到台北度假)。(2)He is relocating to the US, and so he bought a one-way ticket.(他移居美国,所以买了单程票)。 赛廸看到朋友去环游世界,很羡慕的说:Lucky you!口语Lucky you/me等,有‘你?我真幸福’、‘你?我真幸运’的意思,但也可作反话,表示‘不幸’,例如:"You are called for jury duty." "Lucky me!" (‘你被召做陪审员。’‘唉,真是我的运气~’)。 最后谈谈I'm really looking forward to it 一语。Look forward to三字连用,是动词词组(phrasal verb),那to是介系词(preposition) ,不是带出原形动词(infinitive)的to。介系词之后必须用名词、代名词、动名词(gerund)等,所以书信收束常用的I am looking forward to hearing from you.(静待回复)一语,不可改为to hear。 作者:古德明(香港)
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