首页 > 关于燃气开口费及有线电视初装费问题


2018-03-07 22页 doc 59KB 42阅读




关于燃气开口费及有线电视初装费问题关于燃气开口费及有线电视初装费问题 【收楼时,开发商要求购房人支付燃气开口费费, 否则不予交房。购房人是否应当缴纳燃气开口费费,】 庄律师:作为房屋的附属设施,燃气管道应由开发商负责安装,业主支付的购房款应该包含了房屋以及附属设施的相关费 用。开发商收取燃气开口费费没有任何法律依据,购房人有权拒绝缴纳。开发商以此拒绝交房的,购房人可以通过司法渠道追究开发商逾期交房的违约责任。 ?本期做客律师:庄清忠 广东广大(北京)律师事务所 开发商要求先交费,再给钥匙可行吗, 律师答疑:开发商以购房人先行结算房屋面积差价款、支付...
关于燃气开口费及有线电视初装费问 【收楼时,开发商要求购房人支付燃气开口费费, 否则不予交房。购房人是否应当缴纳燃气开口费费,】 庄律师:作为房屋的附属设施,燃气管道应由开发商负责安装,业主支付的购房款应该包含了房屋以及附属设施的相关费 用。开发商收取燃气开口费费没有任何法律依据,购房人有权拒绝缴纳。开发商以此拒绝交房的,购房人可以通过司法渠道追究开发商逾期交房的违约责任。 ?本期做客律师:庄清忠 广东广大(北京)律师事务所 开发商要求先交费,再给钥匙可行吗, 律师答疑:开发商以购房人先行结算房屋面积差价款、支付公共维修基金、契税、物业费、采暖费并且必须委托开发商指定的代办机构办理产权证书、交纳产权代办费,作为房屋交付、取得房屋钥匙的先决条件的做法是违反约定且违反法律规定的。开发商违约主要表现在如下几个方面:一是格式合同第五条约定 商品房交付后再结算面积差价款~而不是开发商要求的先结算后交钥匙。二是根据相关规定不许开发产代收公共维修基金、契税;三是物业公司收取的物业费与房屋交付没有必然的联系~物业公司收取物业费的行为与开发商交房的行为分属于不同的法律关系~不能混淆。物业公司在代理开发商办理交钥匙手续时不能将自己收取物业费的行为强加于购房人,作为交钥匙的前提条件。况且购房人 还未取得钥匙,还没有占有使用所购房屋,还没有成为业主,未发生物业服务关系,当然不能先交物业费。 综上所述, 在合同约定的房屋交付日期到来时,开发商却未按合同约定交付房屋,利用掌握房屋钥匙的强势地位,在房屋交付时附加了合同以外的条件~导致你们不能按时入住所购房屋。因此开发商应承担逾期交房的责任~开发商应按照你们格式合同中约定的按总房价款的日万分三承担逾期交房的责任,直至将房屋交付给你们。 目前关于房屋交付的纠纷比较多,现在法院对双方合同没有约定交付程序的情况下,开发商坚持所谓的行规导致房屋不能交付的情况一般都判决开发商无条件交付房屋钥匙并承担逾期交房的违约责任,因此业主如遇到这类问题在协商不成的情况可以向法院起诉。 。之所以规定3%,是因为面积误差在3%之内是当事人可以预见到的,如果误差超过了3%,就不是当事人合理的预期之内,合同的目的能否实现就是一个问题,是否是根本违约也是一个问题,所以法律规定了3%的法定解除权。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 《商品房销售管理办法》第十六条 商品房销售时,房地产开发企业和买受人应当订立书面商品房买卖合同。 商品房买卖合同应当明确以下主要内容: (七)供水、供电、供热、燃气、通讯、道路、绿化等配套基础设施和公共设施的交付承诺和有关权益、责任; 有线电视、天然气初装费及办理土地使用权证费用等相关问题 一、商品住宅销售价格包括以下部分:“住宅开发成本费用~包括土地使用权出让金、征地费、房屋拆迁补偿补助费、勘察及前期工程费、建筑安装工程费、附属工程费和间接费用。”对于新建住宅~所有基础配套设施的成本费用和安装费用都应包涵在房价之内~除了在合同中明示在 。因此~新建商品房收取电力增容费~煤气、天然气、电话、交房时另行收取的~都属于“未予标明有线电视等初装费、开通费都是错误的。 同样,购房合同中如果明示了提供天然气、有线电视、热水、门禁系统、宽的费用”带系统等,而未明示在交房时需另外收取费用的,在交房时也不应就相关项目收取各种名义的初装费、开通费。这笔费用不应该由购房人承担。 如果房地产商在卖楼时签订的合同没有承诺提供天然气、宽带或有线电视等项目,而在合同外进行了增加,这些项目的入网费或初装费,可以向自愿接受相关服务的购房人收取,但不应 如果房地产商在卖楼时签订的合同承诺提供宽带或有线电视等项目~入网费在交房时强行向不希望接受相关服务的或初装费应由房地产商支付。有些房地产商以“承诺提供~但没有承诺免费提供”为借口强行收费是站不住脚的:房屋买卖合同通常不会具体约定房屋要免购房人收费。 费提供窗户~免费提供窗户玻璃~是否房地产商可以在交房时向购房人收取窗户安装费、玻璃费用呢,显然不能: 二、有线电视的安装与使用属于您的个人消费行为~物业对于相关的费用属于estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 是代收费~因此物业无权强制进行安装以及收 。 但是如果您在收房时有线电视安装完毕,并且您已经在收房确认书上签字的话,那么初装费您就得交了。交付过有线电视初装费150元 说明线是进了你取使用费用 屋头的,或者说电视台有你家的地址,或者说有了你的账号了~有了账号,你看不看电视他们是不管你的,除非你去报停,想看电视只有缴费~~ 以前物业收取业主“装修保证金”那是有的,但现在已经明文规定不得收取,我想是一样的。“垃圾堆放保证金”也是不合理的 维修资金那是该收的;垃圾堆放保证金”,我没听说过。 煤气安装也是免费的~由煤气公司进行安装~煤气公司最多收取安装成本费10多元钱~你说3000元...那是肯定不合理的 ,接管, 300元有线电视初装费?这本来就算在公共设施设备里的,这是小区必备的还要收这钱,太黑!也是不合理的. 商品住宅销售价格包括以下部分:“住宅开发成本费用,包括土地使用权出让金、征地费、房屋拆迁补偿补助费、勘察设计及前期工程费、建筑安装工程费、附属工程费和间接费用。”对于新建住宅,所有基础配套设施的成本费用和安装费用都应包涵在房价之内,除了在合同中明示在交房时另行收取的,都属于“未予标明的费用”。因此,新建商品房收取电力增容费,煤气、天然气、电话、有线电视等初装费、开通费都是错误的。 同样,购房合同中如果明示了提供有线电视、热水、门禁系统、宽带系统等,而未明示在交房时需另外收取费用的,在交房时也不应就相关项目收取各种名义的初装费、开通费。这笔费用不应该由购房人承担。 如果房地产商在卖楼时签订的合同没有承诺提供宽带或有线电视等项目,而在合同外进行了增加,这些项目的入网费或初装费,可以向自愿接受相关服务的购房人收取,但不应在交房时强行向不希望接受相关服务的购房人收费。 如果房地产商在卖楼时签订的合同承诺提供宽带或有线电视等项目,入网费或初装费应由房地产商支付。有些房地产商以“承诺提供,但没有承诺免费提供”为借口强行收费是站不住脚的~房屋买卖合同通常不会具体约定房屋要免费提供窗户,免费提供窗户玻璃,是否房地产商可以在交房时向购房人收取窗户安装费、玻璃费用呢,显然不能~ 某种程度上说,燃气公司是代表政府为公众提供公共物品的一个公共事业单位。在这种前提下,煤气管道是政府向公众提供公共产品即燃气的工具~属于公共产品中的一部分~而为公众提供优质的公共产品一直是政府的职责所在~显然~管道煤气初装费应该由政府来承担~转嫁到消费者身上是说不过去的。同样道理,在市场经济条件下,任何一个公司都应该为自己的经营行为承担成本,而燃气初装怎么能estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 让消费者掏钱呢,这就好比买菜卖菜,卖菜的人都不准备一把秤,难道还要让买菜的人带着秤去买菜不成, 另外,管道燃气初装费产权问题不明晰,按照“谁投资,谁受益”的原则,交了管道煤气初装费的用户受益权利表现在哪里,试想,如果目前燃气管网的产权归用户所有,为什么要由燃气企业进行管理,如果归用户所有,燃气企业使用用户的管道为什么不给用户交纳使用费, 《价格法》和《新建商品房销售明码标价管理规定》中都明确规定:“包括管道煤气预埋在内的所有基础设施、公共《价格法》第二十二条明确规定:“政府价格主管部门和其他有关部门制定政府指导价、 政府定价,应当开展价格、成本调查,听取消费者、经营者和有关方面的意见”。 国家的法律法规也好,主管部门的文件规定也好,都不可能做到面面俱到,很多问题要靠大家的通常理解和合同约定解决。根据中华人民共和国《合同法》第四十一条规定:配套建设费用应全部在房价中补偿~不“对格式条款的理解发生争议的,应当按照通常理解予以解释。对格式条款有两种以上解释的,应当做出不利于提供格式条款一方的解释。”执行时应按购房人得在价外另行收费。 的理解处理。 建议你在交钱时让物业出示物价局的批文,物业公司收的每笔钱都该有.要是拿不出来,相信你这样问批文 了他们是不敢收你钱的,要是真收了,你可以告他们.罚款罚的他们心痛死! 我是做物业的,所以略懂. 三、报纸原文《擅收电视入网费物业退还480元》 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 业主与开发商在《商品房买卖合同》已明确电视系统为有线电视光缆入户,而物业公司在业主入住时又按自定的“物业管理收费”强行收取有线电视入网费480元。在这起业主状告物业公司“乱收费”的案件中,法院支持了业主的要求退费的请求。 业主戴先生诉称,我于2002年9月6日入住新月家园小区,北京华联新世纪物业管理公司向我收取了480元的有线电视入网费, 物业公司当时声称只是代收,并且包含了两年的收视费用。我交纳此项费用后即入住,入住后两年内果然无人再上门收取有线收视费。2004年10月,北京歌华有线电视网络公司丰台分公司的工作人员上门收取入住以来的有线电视收视费时,我才得知,对于新盖楼房根本不向业主收取所谓的有线电视入网费~他们也根本没有收到我的此笔款项。要求物业管理公司退还有线电视入网费物业管理公司辩称,收取480元有线电视入网费,只是代北京歌华有线电视网络公司收取,代收时就告知是为歌华公司收取,如要发票我公司可向歌华公司索取。新月家园小区有大部分业主因单位可报销上述费用当时都索取了发票。原告不向我公司索取“歌华公司”的发票,却认为是我公司收取的费用没有事实依据。收取入网费是合法的代理行为,既没有取得不当利益也没有给原告造成损失,故不同意退款。 审理案件的丰台法院认为~业主戴先生与开发商签订的《商品房买卖合同》中附件三“装饰、设备标准”中~已明确电视系统为有线电视光缆入户~并没有明示有线电视入网及工程费还要单交费~应视为购房款中包括了有线电视入网及工程费。2002年9月戴先生入住所购房屋时,华联新世纪物业公司按其制定的“新月家园小区物业管理收费标准”强行收取有线电视入网费480元,收费依据是代收项目,可物业管理公司没有向法庭提交歌华公司委托代收费用的证据,且2002年5月开发商在建房时,已将有线电视电缆分配网工程交与宽带网络设备安装公司施工,并已付款,不存在对歌华有线电视网络公司欠费问题。因此,物业管理公司向业主“代收”的有线电视入网费没有合法依据,收取的480元属不当利益,应当返还。 最后,法院一审判决物业管理公司退还业主有线电视入网费480元。 办理住房"土地使用证"的费用 费用:办理住房"土地使用证"如何收费 按国家规定,办理居民住房"土地使用证"不以收费为目的,主要是保护城镇居民的切身利益。城镇居民住房用地面积在,,,平方米以下的,收费标准不超过,,元。住房用地面积在,,,平方米以上的,超过部分,适当增加费用。如果在办理土地使用证过程中发现有违反规定的现象,居民可以拒绝,也可以向有关部门举报。 estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 土地使用证的办理费用其实并不高~它是按照住房的分摊土地面积每平方米0.8元的标准收取~外加10元钱的证书工本费~一般在30元左右。比如~居民在一栋六层单元楼里买了一套建筑面积为120平方米的商品房~办一个土地使用证只需花26元。 律师:购房者不应交纳该费用 记者咨询了相关部门了解到,暖气开口(户)费是指城市集中供热工程建设集资费;燃气开口费是指城市煤气建设集资费,2001年原国家计委、财政部《关于全面整顿住房建设收费取消部分收费项目的通知》(计价格[2001]585号文)中取消的收费项目就包括暖气集资费。山东省物价局、山东省财政厅于2001年9月20日以鲁价费发[2001]301号转发了上述文件~明确规定取消城市集中供热工程建设集资、城市煤气建设集资~将其统一归并为城市基础设施配套费中~不得再另行收取水、电、气、热、道路以及其他名目的专项配套费。2002年山东省物价局《关于明确鲁价费发(2001)301号文件有关问题的函》又重申在新的城市基础设施配套费政策出台前,文件(指鲁价费发[2001]301号)中明令取消的收费项目均一律停止执行。仍继续收取的,按乱收费进行查处。城市基础设施配套费的征收对象是建设工程项目的建设单位和个人即开发商,城市基础设施配套费在商品房开工之前就缴纳,已经计入商品房的成本之中。开发商在办理用地建设手续时已将该城市基础设施配套费交纳到政府财政,否则是办不出来用地手续的。实际上开发商在销售房屋时已经将该项费用计算在房屋的成本中了,房款价格就含有该项费用,该费用已经转嫁给了购房人。因该配套设施费是按照建筑面积收取的, 山东科创律师事务所律师张红认为,城市基础设施配套费的征收对象是对建设工程项目的建设单位和个人,本案即是商品房开发商。城市基础设施配套费一般在商品房开工之前就缴纳,已经计入商品房的成本之中。郯城的这起事件,消费者购房之初,开发商没有明确告知购房者在购买商品房的价格中不包含城市基础设施配套费,在中也没有特别约定此款应由购房者交纳,因此,购房者完全没有义务替开发商“买单”。 暖气开口费,燃气开户费早在2001年4月16日国家发改委585号文件 就已经严令取消, 山东省也于2001年301号文件重申。 光是焦点访谈就先后于2006年12月15日针对福州市及2008年1月10日针对山西太谷县做了两次详尽报道,并对某些顶风而上的小区作了曝光. 中央二套经济半小时、经济信息联播、第一时间栏目也相继作了大量翔实、权威的报道。〔本文所列节目均可在网上由以下方法得到:先在百度输入“央视搜索”,打开“央视搜索”后输入“燃气初装费”和“不该收的供热管网费”可以查到焦点访谈分别于2006年12月15日及2008年1月10日的报道内容原节目视频及中央电视台二套、十二套节目十多estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 次报道及各大新闻网评论。许多地方政府为了地方利益,无视老百姓的疾苦,仍然默许开发商违规收取开户费。广东省肇庆某物价局就因行政乱作为败诉。 根据国家发改委585号文件,这些费用都属于城市基础设施配套费,在开发商购买土地时就已经由开发商缴纳,否则按照国家规定不能办理规划、立项手续。这些费用已经计入房价,不得冠以任何名义重复收取(见发改委,,,号文件第二条或2008年1月10日焦点访谈),而开发商无视国家规定,反过来将这些费用转嫁给购房者头上,这显然是偷梁换柱、推卸责任。焦点访谈作了一个形象的比喻:难道做火车的人除了购买火车票以外还得买下火车吗,在中央电视台大量报道之后,特别是全国第一例拒交开户费胜诉案(见 )以后,全国许多小区都相继取消了开户费,然而至今尚有许多小区继续负隅顽抗、隐瞒欺诈试图掩耳盗铃蒙混过关。 附:中央电视台先后十多次报道违法收取开户费节目名单 一、中央电视台焦点访谈2006年12月15日第一次报道福建省燃气初装费原视频 -cctv1prog_20061215_150036.html 二、、中央2台揭秘燃气初装费 三、中央2台再次报道燃气初装费应当由开发商缴纳的原因 四、燃气初装费应当由开发商缴纳的原因再次报道,中央2台从头至尾翔实报道,让你彻底明白,业主筹资买了管道,而管道所有权却不属于业主,等于替燃气公司投资,地方物价局视国务院585号文件如同儿戏,行政不作为,最终被业主告上法庭。物价局败诉,撤回收费文件。中央电视台记者善意提醒,存在的不一定是合理的,要敢于拿起法律武器捍卫公民权利。记者直指物价局揣着明白当糊涂,甘当少数人的保护伞,收费价格按规定要举行听证程序,物价局违规默许开发商。 五、中国第一例拒交开户费胜诉案 业主打赢煤气开户费官司 合肥36户居民每户获2400元补偿 燃气开通费案开庭 公益诉讼将具标本意义2006年轰动全国的燃气开户费第一案审理结束,开发商败诉16业主得到退费,物价局受牵连。 山东科创律师事务所律师张红认为,城市基础设施配套费的征收对象是对建设工程项目的建设单位和个人,本案即是商品房开发商。城市基础设施配套费一般在商品房开工之前就缴estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 纳,已经计入商品房的成本之中。郯城的这起事件,消费者购房之初~开发商没有明确告知购房者在购买商品房的价格中不包含城市基础设施配套费~在协议中也没有特别约定此款应由购房者交纳~因此~购房者完全没有义务替开发商“买单”。 《国家计委、财政部关于取消部分建设项目收费进一步加强建设项目收费管理的通知》(计价费〔,,,,〕,,,,号)颁布前,已按规定的审批权限批准征收城市基础设施配套费及其他专项配套费的,由省级财政、价格主管部门对各类专项配套费进行整顿,将其统一归并为城市基础设施配套费;取消与城市基础设施配套费重复收取的水、电、气、热、道路以及其他各种名目的专项配套费。凡是未按规定审批权限批准征收的城市基础设施配套费或其他各类专项配套费,以及计价费〔,,,,〕,,,,号文件颁布后,地方各级人民政府或有关部门出台的城市基础设施配套费或其他专项配套费,一律取消。 山东省物价局、山东省财政厅于2001年9月20日以鲁价费发[2001]301号转发了上述文件,明确规定取消城市集中供热工程建设集资、城市煤气建设集资,将其统一归并为城市基础设施配套费中,不得再另行收取水、电、气、热、道路以及其他名目的专项配套费。2002年山东省物价局《关于明确鲁价费发(2001)301号文件有关问题的函》又重申在新的城市基础设施配套费政策出台前,文件(指鲁价费发[2001]301号)中明令取消的收费项目均一律停止执行。仍继续收取的,按乱收费进行查处。城市基础设施配套费的征收对象是建设工程项目的建设单位和个人即开发商,城市基础设施配套费在商品房开工之前就缴纳,已经计入商品房的成本之中。 开发商在办理用地建设手续时已将该城市基础设施配套费交纳到政府财政~否则是办不出来用地手续的。实际上开发商在销售房屋时已经将该项费用计算在房屋的成本中了~房款价格就含有该项费用~该费用已经转嫁给了购房人。因该配套设施费是按照建筑面积收取的~所以开发商交款时只有用地面积~收款单位只能给具代开的空白发票~并给开发商总款收据。赋予了开发estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 商在出售房屋时给具购房人的代开权~所以收费发票上的缴费人才出现了购房人的姓名~其实这个缴款人姓名是开发商在开票时自行打印上去的。所以开发商再次向购房人收款时在发票上面填上了业主的名字。是用此发票来偷换概念蒙骗业主收取费用的。同时开发商拿不出任何的所谓代收的授权委托书。 三、开发商所谓的收费依据是否合法, 开发商在收取费用时强调有政府颁发的文件为依据,其依据的往往是县级人民政府《人民政府城区集中供热工程实施意见》的文件,该文件只明确了入网施工费收取标准。没有采暖的热用户由楼房建设单位或房地产开发商按政府有关规定统一缴纳或由产权单位缴纳。县级物价管理部门文件《关于公布城区集中供热价格及入网施工费的通知》也是规定了收费标准,并没有缴纳单位的规定。一般这两份文件都是在2001年国家计委、财政部《关于全面整顿住房建设收费取消部分收费项目的通知》、2001年9月20日山东省物价局、山东省财政厅鲁价费发[2001]301号文件和2002年山东省物价局《关于明确鲁价费发(2001)301号文件有关问题的函》出台后的文件,其对于入网费的规定,也明确了由开发商缴纳。这两份文件是地方的规章,按照《立法法》新法优于旧法,上位法优于下位法的规定,对于与上述文件不一致的内容属于无效规定。开发商依据该两份文件向购房人收费的行为属违法行为。 四、开发商收费行为是否符合《合同法》的规定, 购房人与开发商所签订的合同中没有约定缴纳开配套费的条款。购房人依约向开发商缴纳房款,而开发商在交房时却向购房人收取没有约定的且已经收取完毕的费用,否则不予交房。《合同法》第159条规定买受人应按照约定的数额支付价款。反言之,出卖人亦应按约定的数额收取价款。第6条当事人行使权利、履行义务应当遵循诚实守信原则。开发商没有按照合同约定的价款收取,而强行收取了estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 燃气开口费费和有线电视初装费是违约行为。按照《合同法》第122条当事人一方的违约行为,侵害对方人身、财产权益的,受损方有权选择依照本法要去其承担违约责任或者依据其他法律要求其承担侵权责任。《民法通则》第106条公民法人违反合同或者不履行其他义务的应当承担民事责任。第137条第一款第四项返还财产、第八项支付违约金的规定,开发商应该退还非法向购房人收取的城市基础设施配套费,并支付收取期间的银行利息。 五、开发商履行合同义务是否合法, 开发商应该按照合同约定的时间和方式交房,根据《合同法》第八条 依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律约束力。当事人应当按照约定履行自己的义务,不得擅自变更或者解除合同。依法成立的合同,受法律保护。第六十条 当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务。当事人应当遵循诚实信用原则,根据合同的性质、目的和交易习惯履行通知、协助、保密等义务。第一百三十五条 出卖人应当履行向买受人交付标的物或者交付提取标的物的单证,并转移标的物所有权的义务。第一百三十八条 出卖人应当按照约定的期限交付标的物。约定交付期间的,出卖人可以在该交付期间内的任何时间交付。第一百零七条 当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承担继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任。第一百一十三条 当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,给对方造成损失的,损失赔偿额应当相当于因违约所造成的损失,包括合同履行后可以获得的利益,但不得超过违反合同一方订立合同时预见到或者应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失。第一百二十二条 因当事人一方的违约行为,侵害对方人身、财产权益的,受损害方有权选择依照本法要求其承担违约责任或者依照其他法律要求其承担侵权责任。如果开发商不给钥匙,不交付房屋。购房人可以通过诉讼解决,向人民法院提起诉讼,要求开发商履行合同交付房屋,承担违约责任支付违约金,如有其它损失还可以赔偿损失。 综上,笔者认为如果开发商与购房人在签订购房合同时,明确约定应该收取城市基础设施配套费的,购房人就应该按照合同的约定缴纳城市基础设施配套费。如果合同中没有约定,estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction. 就视为总房款中已经包含了城市基础设施配套费,开发商收取城市基础设施的行为就违反了法律规定的民事活动应遵循自愿、公平、等价有偿、诚实信用的原则,违反了《民法通则》、《合同法》及相关法律、法规、规章的规定,收费是违法的。 关于印发日照市城市基础设施配套费征收管理办法的通知 来源:日政发[2003]74号 作者:日照市人民政府 日期:03-12-26 第三条 凡在本市城市规划区范围内新建、扩建和改建各类建设工程的单位和个人,均应交纳城市基础设施配套费。 第十一条 各级城市规划建设部门应当加强城市基础设施配套费征收的监督管理,确保城市基础设施配套费足额征收。对应当征收而不征收或者未足额征收的,要依法追究有关责任人的责任。 城市基础设施配套费是指按城市总体规划要求,为筹集城市市政公用基础设施建设资金所收取的费用,它按建设项目的建筑面积计征,其专项用于城市基础设施和城市共用设施建设,包括城市道路、桥梁、公共交通、供水、燃气、污水处理、集中供热、园林、绿化、路灯、环境卫生等设施的建设. estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully professional. Investment staff as special commodities salesman, in addition to some financial, investment, trade, and industry expertise, also need to understand and fully grasp the existing leading industry, resources, potential market and mature projects, so that it can be targeted in the investment process, focused attention to related industry in less developed areas, effectively capture business opportunities, find the docking point. Departments, town street, to arrange a team, composed of professional work team, specializing in "three." On this will be issued on the investment promotion activities, to monitor implementation and ensure that these activities are real, tangible results. Investment staff professionalism, dedication to decide investment results and hope that the majority of business personnel and the love for the work ... ... Love reflects on the investment, dedication, set up national feelings, love and dedication, passion, merchants, and strive to achieve better results. (Iv) optimizing "three" working conditions. One is to speed up the construction.
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