

2017-09-01 16页 doc 471KB 13阅读




传统五仁馅的做法传统五仁馅的做法 传统五仁馅: 原料:花生40克,瓜子仁40克,白芝麻40克,黑芝麻40克,核桃仁40克,糖冬瓜40克,细砂糖40克,麦芽糖70克,花生油30克,普通面粉75克,糯米粉75克,清水适量 制做: 1、先将各种果仁焙熟,花生、瓜子仁和核桃大约200度烤7-10分钟,中间一定要注意翻一翻,否则会烤糊。建议分开来烤,因为瓜子仁很容易糊。放凉后,将花生的红衣搓掉; 2、将焙熟放凉后的果仁用搅拌机打至半碎,不可太碎,五仁馅要求果仁有颗粒感。芝麻稍稍打一下,香味散发即可。如无搅拌机,可将果仁放在保鲜袋里,用擀面杖擀着...
传统五仁馅的做法 传统五仁馅: 原料:花生40克,瓜子仁40克,白芝麻40克,黑芝麻40克,核桃仁40克,糖冬瓜40克,细砂糖40克,麦芽糖70克,花生油30克,普通面粉75克,糯米粉75克,清水适量 制做: 1、先将各种果仁焙熟,花生、瓜子仁和核桃大约200度烤7-10分钟,中间一定要注意翻一翻,否则会烤糊。建议分开来烤,因为瓜子仁很容易糊。放凉后,将花生的红衣搓掉; 2、将焙熟放凉后的果仁用搅拌机打至半碎,不可太碎,五仁馅要求果仁有颗粒感。芝麻稍稍打一下,香味散发即可。如无搅拌机,可将果仁放在保鲜袋里,用擀面杖擀着压碎; 3、将普通面粉与糯米粉混合,放入锅中小火慢炒至微黄即可,放凉备用; 4、将细砂糖、麦芽糖、花生油、切碎的糖冬瓜、炒熟后的粉粉加入压碎后混合在一起的果仁里(麦芽糖因为比较浓稠,用之前可在微波炉里稍叮一下,就可以很容易地倒出了),一边加清水一边搅拌,直到可以和成可捏成团的五仁馅团。水千万不可以一次加入,因为面团的粘度是要用水来掌握的。 我做了以上份量的三倍,很大一盆馅。嘿嘿~ 废话少说,上图吧~ 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 饼皮制做: 原料:低筋面粉100%,糖桨80%,花生油30%,枧水2%(掌握这个比例就好啦,我做的量比较大) 做法: 1、将低粉围成粉墙,将糖浆、花生油、枧水倒入其中搅拌至乳化状; 2、慢慢将周围的低粉与液体混合,因为比较粘,我用了铲刀来帮忙; 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 3、揉成光滑的面团后,用保鲜膜包好静置半小时。 怎么包月饼: 1、我用的是50克10头的月饼手压模,建议皮与馅的比例为15克:35克,也就是说皮15克,馅35克。将饼皮按15克一个称出若干个,将馅以35克为一个捏成一个小团; 2、将饼皮搓圆,压扁。将捏好的馅团放在压扁的饼皮上,放在虎口处,慢慢将饼皮往上推——图中显示为左手,因为我用右手在拍照,我可不是左撇子哦,呵呵。因为饼皮很软,可塑性很强,慢慢把饼皮往上推,直到包住整个馅团。当然,我包的还有些不均匀。将包好的月饼团放在铺有高温油布的烤盘里。 4、用月饼模小心地套在月饼团上,建议用左手固定住底托(如图所示),用右手往下压花片,这样月饼团就不会乱跑了——很多朋友喜欢用两只手一起握住手压柄往下压,这样会造成面团和月饼模一起移动乱跑,用影响最后成型。 5、压好花后,入炉前在月饼表面薄薄喷一层水,可防止月饼表面起白斑。 6、放入预热好的烤箱内(上管230度,下管180度,通常家用烤箱都不能上下管分开控温,那么可以在下层多加个烤箱,我这里多加了一个烤盘又加了一个烤板以降低下管温度),烤大约7分钟后,月饼表面变白后取出放至微温(手摸着不烫,大约在50度的样子)后,刷两遍蛋液。 我的蛋液是用了两个全蛋加少许色拉油搅拌均匀而成的。 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 7、烤箱温度降至上管200度,下管180度,我还是用了上面的方法,把温度拧到200度,在下层加烤盘和烤板降低下层温度,烤10分钟左右,月饼表面变金黄后出炉放凉。 8、回油一夜,基本就好啦~ 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 终极饼皮配方:(此方次日即可回油) 中筋面粉200克、无糖糖浆130克、玉米油60克、枧水4克、盐2克 烤焙条件: 210度,中层,上下火,表面喷水后入炉5分钟后取出,略凉后刷薄蛋液再入炉17~20分钟 操作过程参加无糖五仁月饼 糖尿病人亦能HAPPY吃月饼 TPS: 1、果仁中,只需将核桃仁和腰果烤香后略切即可,果仁太碎吃起来口感会大打折扣,但相对而言,果仁碎一点,在包制的过程中也比较容易 2、黑芝麻提前洗净烤香 3、五仁馅中要用热水,可将熟面烫软,令馅料柔软易于成形 4刷月饼胚表面的蛋液配比为三个蛋黄+一个全蛋 5糖浆过多容易导致饼皮变形收腰,长时间低温烤焙易使月饼表面开裂 6、若不慎饼皮开裂切勿郁闷,若开裂不严重,待彻底冷却后可自动恢复 7、和制饼皮时,要将面粉揉至略为出筋才是,否则也易导致成品收腰 8、上班族可于早晨提前一刻钟起床,和好饼皮后,盖保鲜膜,室温,下班回家即可操作,饼皮不易粘手便于操作,合理的统筹安排,将效率最大化 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 材料: 核桃仁40克、葵花籽仁60克、瓜子仁60克、白芝麻15克、黑芝麻15克、细砂糖45克、水60克、食用调和油45ml、熟糯米粉(糕粉)90克 制作过程: 1-4、先将果仁准备好,放到烤盘,烤5-8分钟, 不同的果仁烤的时间不同,不要放在一在一起烤。各种果仁烤出香味就可以了; 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5-8、把烤好的果仁放到袋子里,用擀面杖,擀碎,如图7; 9、把弄碎的各种果仁搅在一起,放晾一下; 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 10-12、将糯米粉倒入锅里中火炒,炒的过程中锅底会有一小点的烧焦,没关系,但要不停的炒,约10分钟糯米粉变微黄了,就可以关火了; 13-15、把果仁倒入糯米里翻炒均匀,依次加入奶粉、白糖、盐再炒均匀; 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 16-19、再往锅里加入葡萄干、植物油、水、高度白酒,搅拌均匀,用手抓一小团搓成小圆团, 观察小圆团不渗油,不分离,馅就做好了。 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 五仁馅的月饼成本也比其它馅的高,做法简单,但营养价值也是最高的,适合所有人口味, 老人小孩子不要一下子吃超过三块哦,以免上火。 唠叨: 1、传统的五仁月饼的配方大家都知道,也可以依个人的口味增减材料,口感也不会逊色太多; 2、加在馅里的水,最好是凉开水或纯净水,要是自来水,容易变质; 3、既然是做素的月饼,在做月饼的时候要把蛋液改成蜂蜜,一样烤出来很好看。 一口下去满嘴的果仁香,今年同事提出要吃我的五仁馅,我还没答应那,主要是做的没有吃的快啊,我已经做了好多五仁馅的月饼,每次都没剩,还没开始正式的送人那,每次做了准备送人,结果转眼就没有了。五仁馅做法: 核桃仁50克、花生仁50克、瓜子仁50克、松子仁50克、黑芝麻和芝麻各50克、白糖25克、糖浆30克、葡萄干50克 熟色拉油50克(我用的熟花生油)、熟面粉100克(我用了50克的中筋面粉和50克的糯米粉)、热水30克 1.核桃仁、花生仁、瓜子仁、松子仁、芝麻分别烤熟,面粉放锅里微火慢慢炒熟,过程中不停搅拌至颜色明显发黄 2.烤熟的核桃仁、花生仁分别擀碎 3.所有材料混合,揉搓均匀即可 TIPS: 1、果仁中,只需将核桃仁和花生烤香后略切即可,果仁太碎吃起来口感会大打折扣,但相对而言,果仁碎一点,在包制的过程中也比较容易 2、芝麻提前洗净烤香 3、五仁馅中要用热水,可将熟面烫软,令馅料柔软易于成形 4、面粉可以全用中筋面粉,但是成团性可能差点,要根据情况适当的加大面粉的用量,但5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 是加了糯米粉后会增加成团性,所以面粉的用量也相对少些 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve 2011-8-22 23:19 上传 下载附件 (45.82 KB) 5.1-9, , services, and make the city more attractive, strengthening public transport investment, established as the backbone of the urban rail transit multi-level, multi-functional public transport system, thus protecting the regional position and achieve
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