

2018-02-20 14页 doc 39KB 41阅读




扒胎机安全操作规程扒胎机安全操作规程 1、 胎机作业前应空载检查机械性能有无异常现象,严禁带病作业。 2、 扒胎机应使用规定压力的压缩空气,并定期排除冷凝水。 3、 在安装或拆轮胎的过程中注意扒胎机的拆装头与轮毂的距离,避免损伤轮毂表面。 4、 扒胎时应将轮毂夹持牢固,检查好之后再启动,转动时严禁用手分离轮胎。 5、 加气时手应放在安全位置,防止夹伤。 6、 按期进行安全性能检查,清洁和保养,保证机器随时处于完好状态。 平衡机安全操作规程 1(操作前检查设备、电气是否正常,防护装臵是否齐全,并加注润滑油,空转试车。 2(吊装工...
扒胎机安全操作规程 1、 胎机作业前应空载检查机械性能有无异常现象,严禁带病作业。 2、 扒胎机应使用规定压力的压缩空气,并定期排除冷凝水。 3、 在安装或拆轮胎的过程中注意扒胎机的拆装头与轮毂的距离,避免损伤轮毂表面。 4、 扒胎时应将轮毂夹持牢固,检查好之后再启动,转动时严禁用手分离轮胎。 5、 加气时手应放在安全位置,防止夹伤。 6、 按期进行安全性能检查,清洁和保养,保证机器随时处于完好状态。 平衡机安全操作规程 1(操作前检查设备、电气是否正常,防护装臵是否齐全,并加注润滑油,空转试车。 2(吊装工件要平稳地放在机床架上,夹持牢固,擦净油污。 3(平衡块要紧固牢靠,不能有松动现象。要有防止工件跳出的保险装臵。运转时,操作人员要站在侧面不准接触转动部分。 4(刹车时不准用手刹转子,测量和加平衡块时必须待转动停止,方准进行,并要防止工件挂碰。机架上禁止放一切东西。 5(使用手持电动工具时,要按手用电动工具安全操作规程进行。 6(工作完毕,切断电源,清理工作现场。 手提式干粉灭火器使用方法 1、使用手提式干粉灭火器时,应手提灭火器的提把,迅速赶到着火处。 2、在距离起火点3-5米左右处,放下灭火器。在室外使用时,应占据上风方向。 3、使用前,先把灭火器上下颠倒几次,使筒内干粉松动。 4、使用内装式或贮压式干粉灭火器时,应先拔下保险销,一只手握住喷嘴,另一只手用力压下压把,干粉便会从喷嘴喷射出来。 5、用干粉灭火器扑救流散液体或容器内可燃液体火灾时,应从火焰侧面,对准火焰根部喷射,并由近而远,左右扫射,快速推进,直至把火焰全部扑灭。 6、灭火时应注意不要把喷嘴直接对准液面喷射,以防干粉气流的冲击力使油液飞溅,引起火势扩大,造成灭火困难。 7、用干粉灭火器扑救固体物质火灾时,应使灭火器嘴对准燃烧最猛烈处,左右扫射,并应尽量使干粉灭火剂均匀地喷酒在燃烧物的表面,直至把火全部扑灭。 8、使用干粉灭火器应注意灭火过程中应始终保持直立状态,不得横卧或颠倒使用,否则不能喷粉;同时注意干粉灭火器灭火后防止复燃,因为干粉灭火器的冷却作用甚微,在着火点存在着炽热物的条件下,灭火后易产生复燃。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 压床安全操作规程 1.使用前应检查压力缸,压力表,操纵手柄,支架等技术状况是否良好,安全保护装置是否正常,工作台是否清洁。 2.工件应放置平稳后方可施压加工。在加压过程中发现工件松动滑移应立即停止加压,松压校正后再继续加工。 3.在施压状态下,严禁调整、敲打工件,谨防工件弹出伤人。 4.不得超负荷使用压力机;不准对长条形工件直立进行施压加工,以免工件弹出伤人。 5.工作完后应将支撑垫块放回适当位置并清除杂物,清洁润滑压床各部位,必要时加注液压油。 空气压缩机操作规程 1、 遵守电动机安全技术操作规程 2、 作业前重点检查应符合下列要求: (1)润滑油料添加充足; (2)各连接部位紧固,各运动机构及各部阀门开闭灵活; (3)各防护装置齐全良好,贮气罐内无存水; 3、 空气压缩机应在无载状态下启动,启动后低速空运转,检视各仪表指示值符合要求,运转正常后,逐步进入载荷运转。 4、 输气胶管应保持畅通,不得扭曲,开启送气阀前,应将输气管道联接好,并通知现场有关人员后方可送气。在出气口前方,不得有人工作或站立。 5、 作业中贮气罐内压力不得超过铭牌额定压力,安全阀应灵敏有效。进、排气阀、轴承及各部件应无异响或过热现象。 6、 每工作2h,应将液气分离器、中间冷却器、后冷却器内的油水排放一次。贮气罐内的油水每班应排放1~2次。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 7、 当电动空气压缩机运转中突然停电时,应立即切断电源,等来电后重新在无载荷状态下起动。 8、 空气压缩机要有人专管,开机时应遵守空压机安全操作规程,并经常检查、加油,不准超压使用。工作完毕,应将储气罐内的余气放出,断开电源。 9.下班前清扫工作场地,存好工具,废棉纱应放到指定地方,检查确实无安全隐患才可离开。 举升机操作流程 1、 使用前应检查各紧固件是否在运输当中或使用当中松动,各润滑部位,丝杠、丝母、导向轮、行走轮是否加轮滑,一切就绪后,将电源及四柱和行程开关的线路,按照电控的顺序分别接入电柜后面的端子排上。 、 电源线接通后,按动总动上升、下降,单机上升、下降,用手触动 2 各柱的行程开关是否起作用,升降按钮开关的指示是否与举升机方向相同,如出现不同,请将电源线或电机线的两相线互换位置即可。 3、 无负荷试验无问后,方可进行载重举升。载重举升时,将举升机降至最低位置,并将四柱举升机的托叉推至能将四车轮托起的位置,按总动上升开关,举升机开始将汽车升起,达到最高位置时,任意一机触动行程开关,便可自动停机。 4、 单机升降开关是用来调整各柱托叉的,在调整平衡时,必须在上下行程开关不起作用的情况下进行。 汽车维修人员培训制度 1、企业培训分为技术能力培训、管理能力培训等培训类别,技术能力培训主要针对普通员工兼顾管理人员。管理能力培训重点针对企业的中层和基层班组负责人。 2、每年初制定培训计划,确定培训内容和培训形式。建立和完山维修人员培训、考核、使用、待遇相结合的人事管理机制,实行所有维修生产技术人员先培训后上岗的管理机制。 3、人员培训根据岗位要求,本着干什么学什么、缺什么补什么的原则,有计划的选送人员参训。根据培训内容组织培训人员,培训设备和选定培训教师,有效的保证培训目标顺利完成。 4、利用各种培训方式,积极参加部门组织的各类培训活动,逐步提高维修技术人员的技术等级,切实提高维修人员的维修水平和能力;积极参加行业主管部equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 门和相关部门组织的培训。 5、维修人员培训内容: 维修规程,工艺流程,技术等级及有关规章制度;现有设备和新仪器、设备的构造、原理性能及使用,维修技术常识;汽车维修的检修、实验、质量检验;汽车维修新技术新工艺的应用;汽车检修专业理论和维修操作技能等。 6、年底对培训工作进行深入分析并总结,结合工作重点提出下年度培训目标。 质量 为提高车辆的维修质量~加强全厂职工的质量意识~杜绝质量事故的发生~制定如下制度。 一、质量管理机构 本部成立质量管理领导小组~由吴明负责。具体质量管理工作由常保国负责。 二、质量机构职责 全面负责质量管理工作~贯彻执行国家和行业主管部门有关《汽车维护工艺规范》、交通部《汽车维修质量#管理办法#》等有关规定~贯彻执行有关汽车维修质量的规章制度~确定质量方针~制定质量目标~对维修车辆进行监督、检查、考核~对维修技术、质量问题进行分析~并提出整改。 ,1,建立健全内部质量保证体系~加强质量检验~进行质量分析。 ,2,收集汽车维修技术资料及工艺文件~确保完整有效~及时更新。 ,3,制定维修工艺和操作规程。 ,4,负责车辆档案管理工作。 ,5,负责标准计量工作。 ,6,负责设备管理维修工作。 ,7,负责汽车的检验工作。提高汽车维修质量。 ,8,负责质量纠纷的质量分析工作。 三、对维修车辆一律进行三级检验~严格进行汽维护前检验、过程检验、竣工检验~严格执行竣工出厂技术标准~未达标准不准出厂~认真执行汽车维修质量的抽查监督制度。 四、材料仓库应严把配件质量关~严格做好采购配件的入库验收工作。 五、严禁偷漏作业项目。一经发现~即严肃查处。 人员培训制度 1、员工的培训工作由主要领导负责~厂负责具体措施落实。 2、每次组织一次集中政治学习~及时向员工贯彻落实党和国家的方针、政策以及相关 规定。 3、修理厂的相关部门,人员,应结合生产情况~适时开展技术学习和技术练兵活动~使员工不断涉取新知识、新技术~为生产经营服务。 4、充分利用企业内部设施~开展多种形式的学习活动~营造“人人刻苦钻研技术~个个争当生产能手”的浓厚氛围。 5、鼓励员工开展自学、互帮互学活动~对学有成就的视情作适当奖励。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 6、坚持持证上岗制度~对有资质要求的岗位~应组织人员参加专业培训和考核~在取得相应资格证书后~方可安排上岗工作。 设备管理制度 1.正确使用和维修设备~实行严格的上岗证制度~专人专机的岗位责任制。 严格、合理地使用设备~遵守设备使用和维修规程操作,严禁设备使用中2. 不讲科学的蛮干作法~严禁“重生产轻保养维修的拼设备”现象~杜绝设备“超温、超压、超速、超负荷运转”的四超现象。 3.设备操作人员必须做到“四懂、三会”~即懂性能、懂原理、懂结构、懂用途~会操作、会保养、会排除故障~逐步做到一专多能。 4.设备安装必须按规定标准进行~做到平、稳、正、全、牢和四不漏,漏电、漏气、漏油、漏水,~保证安装质量~不符合安装标准的设备不准投产使用。 5.认真做好每天的例行检查和巡回检查~根据不同设备的技术性能~制定不同的日常例检~确保设备正常使用。 6.厂办每周定时对各班组的设备进行检查~对检查出的问题必须及时整改~严禁设备带病工作~违章使用者按规定进行处罚。 7.遵守本单位设备管理的相关规章制度。 环境保护管理制度 环境是国家的重要资源,也是人民生活质量的基本条件,环境保护是国策大事。环境保护人人有责~关系人人。清洁有序的环境也是保证汽车维修质量的重要条件。下列各条必需认真落实。 1.维修车辆清洗应在规定的固定地点进行~每天应对汽车清洗地点进行清扫~保持下水道疏通~场地整洁。 2.保持场地清洁~汽车拆卸维修时~应做到油、水不落地~拆下的零件应放置在零件盆中~废油接入油盆中~拆修完毕后~立即清扫场地。 废旧料应分类放置在规定的收集地点~废机油倒入收集桶内~定期处理废3. 旧料和废机油。 4.锉削制动蹄片应防止有害粉尘扩散~危害人体健康~有条件的应装置防尘罩或去尘装置。 5.车辆喷漆应在烤漆房或喷漆间内进行~防止漆尘飞扬~污染环境。 6.检修空调机时~致冷剂不得随意排放到大气中~应使用冷媒回收装置回收利用。 7.维修车辆的废气排放应达到国家标准的规定要求~不得随意降低标准~不达到标准的不准出厂。 8.环保工作由生产技术部门负责~定期进行监监督检查~落实奖惩措施。 技术和车辆维修档案 管理制度 1、档案存放要有序~查找方便~并应做好六防工作~即防盗、放火、防潮、防鼠、防尘、防晒~保持档案存放处清洁卫生。 2、不准损毁、涂改、伪造、出卖档案~档案资料如有损坏应及时修补。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 3、根据档案的内容、性质和时间等待征~对档案进行分类整理、存放、归档~并按内容和性质确定其保存期限~电子档案要及时备份。 4、各班组负责人要对本部门使用的档案资料的完整性、有效性负责~在现场不得存有或使用失效的文件、资料。 5、各班组每年对档案进行一次核对清理~并将所保存的档案整理后交办公室统一归档。已经到保管期限的文件资料~由办公室按规定处理。 6、维修车辆实行一车一档制~二级维护及以上作业的车辆档案内容包括维修合同、检验、维修人员和质量检验人员名单~竣工出厂合格证副页、结算凭证。 7、档案的借阅必须办理规定手续~借阅者对档案的完整、清洁负责~未经许可不得擅自转借、复印。 维修竣工出厂合格证制度 一、适用范围 凡本市行政区域内取得整车一类、整车二类维修经营业务的及取得发动机、车身、电气系统及自动变速器三类专项维修经营业务的~均应执行机动车维修竣工出厂合格证制度。 二、合格证分类 机动车维修竣工出厂合格证分为《机动车小修竣工出厂合格证》,A证,和《机动车小修竣工出厂合格证》,B证,。,A证、B证样式详见附件, 三、合格证的适用 (一)机动车整车大修、总成大修、二级维护车辆~经竣工检验合格~由机动车维修质量检验员按规定签发《机动车维修竣工出厂合格证》,A证,。 ,二,机动车小修,含发动机、车身、电器系统及自动变速器维修专项修理小修车辆,经竣工检验合格~由机动车维修质量检验员按照规定签发《机动车小修竣工出厂合格证》,B证,。 (三)机动车维修企业可以使用计算机打印《机动车小修竣工出厂合格证》,B证,,计算机打印的合格证,B证,式样应向所在地区县运输管理部门备案。 ,四,签发合格证应项目齐全~内容真实准确、清晰、规范。 ,五,禁止机动车维修企业及其从业人员伪造、倒卖、转借、代开、冒领或提供空白合格证~禁止对为竣工车辆提前签发合格证。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
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