

2017-11-23 21页 doc 56KB 33阅读




跟孩子沟通的正确方法跟孩子沟通的正确方法 【跟孩子正确的沟通方法】 一、孩子把水、牛奶等撒了一桌子。 错误做法:训孩子:“你怎么这么笨,连个杯子都拿不住。”更有甚者顺手给孩子一巴掌。 结果:大人和孩子都很生气,事情一团糟,孩子学会通过发脾气、打人解决问题。 正确做法:安慰孩子:“孩子,没事,我知道你不是故意的,下次注意啊。你把桌子擦干净好吗,” 结果:孩子得到的谅解,马上向大人道歉,并高兴的把桌子擦干净。孩子学会宽容。 二、孩子考试不及格。 错误做法:训孩子:“你看你,考这么点分,你也不嫌丢人,你看谁谁,人家怎么就能考一百,你笨死了...
跟孩子沟通的正确 【跟孩子正确的沟通方法】 一、孩子把水、牛奶等撒了一桌子。 错误做法:训孩子:“你怎么这么笨,连个杯子都拿不住。”更有甚者顺手给孩子一巴掌。 结果:大人和孩子都很生气,事情一团糟,孩子学会通过发脾气、打人解决问。 正确做法:安慰孩子:“孩子,没事,我知道你不是故意的,下次注意啊。你把桌子擦干净好吗,” 结果:孩子得到的谅解,马上向大人道歉,并高兴的把桌子擦干净。孩子学会宽容。 二、孩子考试不及格。 错误做法:训孩子:“你看你,考这么点分,你也不嫌丢人,你看谁谁,人家怎么就能考一百,你笨死了~气死我了。” 更有甚者使劲踢孩子几脚。 结果:孩子心情坏到了极点,心里想:“我完了,我这么笨,学不好了,再怎么学也学不好。” 正确做法: 安慰孩子:“孩子,我知道你心里也不好受,一次没考好不代表什么,关键是我们要找出没考好的原因,然后解决它,好不好,我和你一起一下。我相信你,下次一定会有进步。” 结果:孩子认真地找原因去了,心里想:“我要努力,不辜负爸爸妈妈的期望,我一定行。” 三、孩子写作业磨,该睡觉了,作业没写完。(孩子作业多,孩子没磨,不在此列) 错误做法:训孩子:“你气死我了,怎么又没写完,我一会儿不看着都不行,快点写~我看着你。” 结果:孩子并不着急,依然慢慢悠悠,心里想:“写不完有我妈呢。” 正确做法:严肃地、平静地对孩子说:“孩子,写作业是你的事,你要对自己的事负责,没写完不准写了,该睡觉了,明天自己去学校跟老师解释吧。” 结果:孩子意识到自己的错误,很后悔,心里想:“这下完了,怎么跟老师说呀,看来明天写作业得快点了,不然还得挨批。” 四、孩子作业写得潦草。 错误做法:发火:“怎么写的这么乱,你就不能写好点,”脾气大的会三把两把把孩子作业撕了。 结果:孩子茫然,不知所措。 正确做法:严肃地、平静地对孩子说:“孩子,我已经说过了,写不工整要重写,因为不工整,老师看不清楚,你看,这是不能破坏,所以你必须重写了。你看,你可以应该这样写字(讲述写字规范,横平竖直,大小一致。)孩子,你只要写得比你刚才的字有进步就行(和自己比),有信心吗,” 结果:孩子懂得规定的重要性,心里想:“比刚才的字有进步,容易。”充信信心。 五、孩子见人不打招呼,没礼貌。 错误做法:当众训孩子:“你这孩子怎么这么没礼貌,连问好都不会,我平时是咋教你的,没出息。” box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 结果:孩子的自尊心受到很大损伤,觉得无地自容,自卑感油然而生。 正确做法:给孩子台阶下:“我孩子有点不好意思,慢慢就好了,他平时也挺有礼貌的。”举个有礼貌的例子。 结果:孩子知道错了,心想:“这次没做好,下次一定做好,不能让父母失望啊。” 六、孩子的袜子脏了。 错误做法:家长:“把袜子脱下来,我给你洗。” 结果:孩子心安理得地接受了,心里认为父母就是为自己服务的,正常,反正他们也不累。 正确做法:和孩子商量:“孩子,你把自己的袜子洗了,好吗,妈妈今天很累啊,能不能把妈妈的袜子也洗了啊,谢谢孩子啊。” 结果:孩子受到尊重,洗袜子去了,心里想:“我以后要多关心一下爸爸妈妈啊,我也是家里的一员啊,他们越来越老了。” 六、孩子问了个问题,大人不会。 错误做法:不高兴:“别瞎问了,把学习搞好就行了,每天不知道想 点啥。” 结果:孩子心里想:“哎,没劲,总说学习学习,烦死了,不问就不问。”从此,遇到难题一概略过,不求甚解。 正确做法:高兴:“孩子,你能问这么难的问题,证明你动脑筋了,不错。可是我不会,咱们一起研究研究吧,好吗,” 结果:孩子心里很高兴,以后遇到问题一定锲而不舍,非研究明白不可。 七、孩子早上不起床。 错误做法:发火:“你怎么还不起,要迟到了~”顺手打两巴掌,手忙脚乱地给孩子找衣服穿衣服。 结果:下次依旧。 正确做法:平静地说:“孩子,我就叫你一次,如果你不起,就会迟到,会挨批,这是你自己的事,你自己处理好。”孩子没及时起床,没吃早饭,还迟到了。 结果:下次一叫就起床。 八、一直看电视不睡觉不写作业。 错误做法:怒气冲天地把电视关掉,吼叫着叫孩子去写作业或睡觉。 结果:孩子满肚子不高兴地去了,心里恨你,说你是 暴君。 正确做法:平静对孩子说:“孩子你该写作业了,如果写不完会挨批。你还想看多久,”孩子:“我再看10分钟行吗,”家长:“行,说话算数,到时间就关电视。”双方各退一步。 结果:时间到了,孩子主动关电视,去睡觉或写作业。 九、孩子正在写作业。 错误做法:一边看电视一边监督孩子,嘴里不停叨叨:“写快点。”“别磨蹭。”“不准看电视,box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 好好学习。” 结果:孩子不高兴:“凭啥你就能看电视,我就不能看,真不公平。” 正确做法:大人也看,不打扰孩子,家里学习气氛浓厚。 结果:孩子心态平和,心思都在学习上。 十、大人做错事了。 错误做法:强词夺理或视而不见。 结果:孩子心里想:“凭啥你犯错误就不承认呢,嗯,当大人好,有错也不挨批。” 正确做法:承认自己的错误,向孩子道歉。 结果:孩子以后做错事了,主动道歉,觉得理所应当。 十一、家长会老师告状,家长挨老师批评了。 错误做法:一回家就把气撒在孩子身上,对孩子又打又骂。 结果:孩子没任何自信,要么学会暴力,要么胆小,一句话不敢说,学会撒谎,不敢和父母说真话,怕挨打。 正确做法:先把孩子的优点讲讲,然后分析不足的原因,鼓励孩子,相信孩子下次一定会有进步。 十二、孩子的日常生活。 错误做法:家长把孩子的生活安排的妥妥当当,一切都是大人的意见,孩子遵守就行了。 结果:孩子成了木偶,不用动脑,被动执行。胆子越来越小,越来越没自信,能力差,不会做家务。心离父母越来越远,自闭。 正确做法:孩子自己的事,自己做,还鼓励孩子做家务。家里有事和孩子商量解决,鼓励孩子发表自己的意见,并认真听取。 结果:培养了孩子家庭责任感,知道心疼父母,喜欢和父母交流,性格开朗,有自信~ 这才是该转的东西,应该收藏~[强][强][强]` .太棒了~ 36计,计计有用~家长收藏之~ 【亲子36计,培养好孩子】 没有教不好的孩子,只有不会教的父母。不同的教育方法可以塑造不同的品性,培养不同的特质。下面给广大家长推荐36个计策,帮父母培养乐观、自信、积极向上、勇于担当的好孩子。 1.样板计:树立学习榜样。北京大学临床心理中心办公室主任、亲子问题专家林红强调,孩子是父母的镜子,在孩子面前,再细微的言行举止也要留意,树立好榜样。 2.鼓励计:鼓励他挑战困难。孩子很容易因为一些挫折放弃努力,此时,家长的鼓励是box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 他们前进的勇气和动力,能帮孩子找到问题、改正缺点,不断进步。 3.倾听计:掌握孩子的感受。再小的孩子也会有自己的想法,父母一定要抽出时间,耐心听他说话,了解他的想法和感受,以便及时对孩子的身心变化、问题等做出处理。 4.赏善计:奖励比惩罚有效。赏识教育专家周弘认为,教育孩子,奖励比惩罚有效得多。用奖励正确来代替惩罚错误,既能避免伤害孩子,又可以督促他发扬优点。 5.扮弱计:偶尔向孩子“求助”。缺乏责任心,常常是因为父母照顾太周到。偶尔向孩子“求助”,你会发现他变成了懂事的“小大人”。 6.补强计:好习惯多夸奖。美国加州大学哲学家詹姆斯?多伯林提出“补强法则”,也就是说,当一个人的正面行为受到认可时,就能逐渐摆脱自卑,不断激发自信心。 7.冷淡计:任性时别睬他。任性几乎是独生子女的通病。此时,家长务必要狠下心“隔离”他,让他因为得不到关注,自动收敛坏脾气。 8.放手计:让孩子自己尝试。包办父母只能养出飞不出笼子的金丝雀。制造一些让孩子尝试、摸索的机会,他们才能独立应对生活。 9.纵容计:别扼杀淘气天性。“淘气包”、“捣蛋鬼”往往脑子灵光、求知欲强。在允许的范围内适当纵容这些行为,是挖掘孩子潜能和创造力的好时机。 10.处罚计:让孩子懂得承担错误。做错事了可以安慰,但一定不能姑息,适度的惩罚才能让他明白“赏罚分明”这一生存法则。 11.制冷计:自满时泼点冷水。一旦发现孩子有骄傲自满、目中无人的苗头,父母应该适时给他泼冷水,让孩子正确、客观地认识自己。 12.点拨计:用引导代替说教。絮絮叨叨的说教,是孩子最不喜欢的教育方式之一。最好从旁稍加提示引导,这种启发会让孩子充满感激。 13.感化计:用真情打动孩子。教育不仅是灌输、劝导、监督,有时还要动之以情。比如给孩子讲一个真实的故事,会给他留下深刻印象。 14.平等计:别给孩子特权。要想克服“自我为中心”,首先得从家里开始,不要给孩子特殊的地位或特权,好东西要全家人分享。 15.受挫计:适当挫折教育。美国教育家卡乐尔?桑德堡曾说,经过挫折和千锤百炼成长起来的孩子才更具生存竞争力。为了培养心理韧劲,适当的挫折教育必不可少。 16.包容计:接受孩子的缺点。你的孩子也许不够聪明,有很多缺点,但父母不能因此嘲笑或嫌弃他,宽容弱点,才能战胜自卑,用优点掩盖瑕疵。 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 17.虚拟计:时常夸他“很棒”。日本教育家铃木镇一表示,找到了好孩子的感觉,他就会成为好孩子。告诉孩子“你很棒”,这种积极的心理暗示,会让他产生积极向上的正面自我评价。 18.熏陶计:多接触好的兴趣。要想孩子拥有良好的兴趣爱好,不妨有意识地让他多接触这方面的东西,通过熏陶、感染陶冶情操。 19.诱导计:别强迫孩子学习。几乎每个孩子都会经历厌学,强制是解决不了问题的,而要通过增加学习趣味性、适当奖励等方法,诱导他的学习兴趣。 20.容过计:主动认错时别追究。如果孩子已经意识到自己的错误,家长不妨冷眼旁观,让孩子自己解决问题。 21.训诫计:反复犯错不能姑息。如果同样的错误一再出现,家长不能姑息。必须进行有效的批评,让他不敢再有“不会被发现”等投机心理。 22.疏导计:给孩子解释机会。教育孩子,“疏”永远比“堵”好。营造开放式的家庭环境,允许孩子有自己的想法和解释的机会,他会更愿意跟你愉快合作。 23.尊重计:尊重孩子的想法。亲子之间的矛盾,很多时候是因为父母不够尊重孩子。先尊重孩子的想法,才能收获孩子的信任和尊敬。 24.对等计:当孩子的朋友。良好沟通的前提,就是相互平等。把自己当成孩子的“忘年交”、好朋友,他才会愿意向你说出心里话。 25.预防计:告诉他什么不能做。最好的防守也是进攻,与其出现问题后再管,不如提前就给孩子打好“预防针”,告诉他什么可以做,什么绝对不能碰。 26.训俭计:制止浪费行为。浪费是现代孩子的普遍问题之一,对此,家长应理直气壮地制止和批评,帮孩子从小养成勤俭节约、吃苦耐劳的好习惯。 27.防微计:及时纠正小毛病。对于霸道、懒惰等看似不大的小毛病,家长务必及时纠正,防微杜渐,以免小毛病发展成大问题。 28.伴教计:多和孩子在一起。父母多抽时间和孩子在一起,参与他的生活、娱乐等,不但可以增进亲子感情,还有助于发现孩子的潜能和特点。 29.立规计:设好行为规范。孩子的自控能力较差,家长可以提前建立一套行为规则,让孩子试着自己判断和选择,学会约束行为,培养自控力。 30.减负计:不要强迫孩子。家长不要把自己的期待强加给孩子,更不要给孩子树立“必须怎样”的目标,自由快乐地成长,孩子才能更好地发挥潜力。 31.劝和计:帮孩子解决矛盾。当孩子与老师、伙伴发生冲突摩擦时,家长要主动充当“和box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 事佬”,帮助双方消除矛盾和误会,让孩子学会理解他人。 32.激将计:用好胜心激发斗志。当劝导、说教都不奏效时,家长不妨利用孩子的好胜心、逆反心,甚至嫉妒心适当“刺激”,激发他们的斗志。 33.欣赏计:帮孩子发现优点。看不到自己的长处,容易引发自卑、嫉妒等不良心态。家长们要帮孩子看到自身优点,从而喜欢和欣赏自己。 34.平火计:冲突时先压下火气。发生矛盾后,如果家长怒气冲天,孩子的情绪也会越来越激励。因此,家长要先压下火气,让孩子逐渐认识到冲动不能解决问题。 35.励勇计:鼓励孩子大胆探索。勇于探索、大胆无畏的人往往能取得杰出的成就。多给孩子一些锻炼的机会,鼓励他们勇敢尝试,观察新事物。 36.磨炼计:多体验生活。有意识地让孩子经历一些磨炼,比如参加军训、到农村体验等,他的意志会更坚强,以便在未来的竞争中取胜。 当爹的都好好看看,以后孩子不给力别怨别人~ 孩子是父亲的影子, 希望每个阅读完全文的父亲, 都能成为一个好父亲 ~~ ……………………………………………………………………… 【爸爸的素质有多高,孩子就能飞多高 】 ……………………………………………………………………… NO. 1 爸爸是孩子最好的老师 爸爸的素质有多高,孩子就能飞多高 用理性的父爱帮助孩子健康成长 提高自身素质是教育孩子的关键 正确“导航”是爸爸的第一要责 让孩子学会为自己的人生负责 每个问题孩子的背后,都有一个问题爸爸 爸爸也应该向孩子学习 别忘培养孩子合群意识 给孩子种下一粒“理想”的种子 NO. 2 孩子99%成功采自爸爸1%的改变 改变孩子从改变爸爸开始 没有教不好的孩子,只有不会教的爸爸 “弱”爸爸教出“强”孩子 重视培养孩子的爱好和特长 给批评穿上表扬的外衣 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 别把考试成绩作为评价孩子的标准 做一个“糊涂”的爸爸 爸爸要学会给孩子留面子 NO. 3 爸爸一定要懂的“家教心理学” 拥有积极的心态才能有个好未来 乐观,让孩子的未来充满阳光 独立,让孩子选择自己的人生. 自信,为孩子找到生活的指向标 化解嫉妒,为孩子心理上的毒瘤做化疗 信心来自于爸爸的信任 打败自私,为孩子纠正“唯我独尊”意识 NO. 4 爸爸必须给孩子的10种品质 感恩,也是一种修养 宽容,教孩子学会“心理换位” 乐观,开启孩子光明未来之门 自信,构建孩子动力的金三角 诚信,孩子人生的通行证 勤劳,培养孩子勤劳的“蜜蜂”精神 礼仪,孩子社交的“名片” 责任,将责任感植入孩子的心灵花园 坚强,让稚嫩的肩膀不畏惧困难 主见,让成长的空间更自由 NO. 5 做孩子的“理财顾问” 教孩子学会理性消费 不让孩子向“钱”看 给孩子零花钱的学问 NO. 6 好习惯决定孩子大未来 培养孩子的合作精神 惜时如金,时间安排有诀窍 培养孩子爱劳动的习惯 养成良好的生活习惯 节约,让生活更富有 培养孩子爱学习的习惯 好卫生,好身体 培养孩子良好的思维习惯 培养良好的文明礼貌习惯 NO. 7 爸爸:素质教育” 发掘创造力,给孩子善于发现的眼睛 提升理解力,让孩子从阅读开始 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 集中注意力,养成专心致志的习惯 增强记忆力,送给孩子黄金效率 发挥想象力,让孩子拥有五彩的天空 锻炼观察力,激发孩子的求知欲 NO. 8 11个“不要” 不要让父爱失去理性 不要让孩子总围着你的“思想”转 不要总拿爸爸的权威限制孩子 不要以自己的“标准”判断孩子 不要把自己的兴趣强加给孩子 不要为孩子的错误“买单” 不要用“分数”衡量孩子 不要一直强调孩子的“弱点” 不要为孩子规划人生,让他自己去开拓 不要和叛逆的孩子硬碰硬,重在引导 不要助长孩子的虚荣心 NO. 9 最伤害孩子的7句话 “你真笨” “给我滚出去” “这么多年,真是白养活你了” “没见我正忙吗,以后再说” “看我怎么收拾你” “你看隔壁家的××,比你强多了” “别以为你长大了,我就管不了你” NO.10 爸爸教育孩子的6个细节 爱心比金钱更重要 守时,就是守住你的诚信根基 别让孩子囿于自己的天地 将挫折变为孩子成长的契机 再富也要“苦”孩子 不要可怜,为自己负责 NO. 11 提高孩子竞争力的“13个法宝” 专注——让孩子集中注意力 承受——学会承受外部压力 挑战——鼓起勇气攀上胜利的高峰 分辨——是非观是立足社会的根本 合作——培养团队作战的能力 口才——舌灿莲花,成就美好人生 反思——让孩子不犯相同的错误 输赢——正确面对胜利和失败 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 沟通——猜疑与对抗的溶解剂 亲和——做一个受欢迎的人 责任——胜于能力的竞争力 应变——让思想冲破牢笼 NO.12 让孩子爱上学习 不做“高压”爸爸 找到俘虏了孩子学习的兴趣 不给孩子“贴标签” 适时采用“牧羊式”教育 巧设“陷阱”,激发孩子的求知欲 化劣势为优势:地低成海,人低成王 NO. 13 给时间让孩子好好娱乐 给孩子一个好环境,让他玩个痛快 因势利导,寓教于乐 让孩子不再“一网情深” 点燃孩子的想象力 做孩子的学习榜样 及时用“后果”来督促他 及时表扬孩子的“爱学习” 培养“自我管理”是根本 NO. 14 培养孩子的“特长” 做孩子的慧眼“伯乐” 维护孩子的进取兴趣 顺水推舟,做“有效地”偏科 不让孩子的热情“酣睡” 未雨绸缪,从“长处”抓起 NO.15 改变孩子一生的七堂课 身教课:合格爸爸,优秀孩子的开始 沟通课:更好地沟通,更好地了解 一责任课:爸爸是水,孩子才是前进的舵 批评课:引导孩子进入正确的航道 表扬课:不要吝啬赞美的话语 幸福课:栽植一颗“向日葵”,收获积极的人生 爱心课:塑造孩子健康的人格 成功课:种下优良的种子,长出丰硕果实 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check
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