首页 > 花生芽的营养价值及生产


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花生芽的营养价值及生产花生芽的营养价值及生产 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the chan...
花生芽的营养价值及生产 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 花生芽的营养价值及生产 花生芽是一种食疗兼备的食品,因为平常的蔬菜很多是不能直接吸收的,芽苗菜的特点不与外界营养、气侯、土壤接触,不用施肥打药,是真正的无公害的食品。它仅仅是利用种子里面储存的养分进行转化而产生的营养物质,蛋白质通过酶的分解形成氨基酸,各种物质通过分解形成各种矿物质,容易被吸收。通过生物的转化,在适宜的温度、湿度、光照等条件下,由多糖转化成单糖,将蛋白质转化成氨基酸,转化为各种维生素,所以具有更高的保健功能~ 早在2000多年前的秦汉时期,中国人就发明了豆芽菜的生产,以其特有的智慧,为中华饮食文化谱写了辉煌的篇章。黄豆经发芽后,其蛋白质转化为活化蛋白,营养价值全面提升,是名副其实的营养大餐,被人们誉为“植物肉”。那么将花生变为花生芽之后,其营养价值是否也会发生重大变化呢, 美国和我国台湾等地的科学家研究发现,花生发芽后的白藜芦醇含量大增,比花生要高100倍,比葡萄酒中的白藜芦醇含量高出几十到上百倍。其作用主要表现为它的抗氧化特性,保健价值极强。白藜芦醇属重要的植物抗毒素,其抑制癌细胞、降低血脂、防治心血管疾病、抗氧化、延缓衰老等作用明显,被喻为继紫杉醇之后的又一新的绿色抗癌药物,1997年《科学》杂志将其列为预防和治疗癌症的最有前途的药物之一。 发芽除了使花生中的白藜芦醇含量大增之外,花生中的蛋白质被水解为氨基酸,可以被人体直接吸收;油脂被转化为热量,脂肪含量大大降低,害怕肥胖的人也可以放心食用;与此同时,各种人体必需的矿物质成分也大大提高,从而使得花生芽的营养价值全面超过花生米的营养价值。 但一直以来,花生芽之所以未被大众所接受,主要原因在于人们普遍存在一种误解,认为发了芽的花生有毒,其实这种说法是没有任何科学依据的。花生发芽不但能吃,而且营养还特别丰富。花生芽的能量、蛋白质和粗脂肪含量居各种蔬菜之首,并富含维生素、钾、钙、铁、锌等矿物质及人体所需的各种氨基酸和微量元素,被誉为万寿果芽。 据国家食品质量安全监督检验中心检测,只要是没有霉烂变质的花生芽,便不会产生有毒的黄曲霉素。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 花生芽食谱 蟹味菇炒花生芽 用料:花生芽100克、蟹味菇100克 调料:芹菜50克、黄椒40克、红椒30克 蟹味菇炒花生芽做法: 1、选用长3厘米左右的花生芽(这时候的花生芽口感最好)洗净备用。 2、蟹味菇切去根蹄,也选用近似3厘米左右的蟹味菇(为了保持和花生芽一样整齐)洗净备用。 3、黄椒、红椒洗净分别切3厘米左右粗丝备用。 4、芹菜洗净切3厘米左右的段备用。 5、起锅,锅里放水,水开之后放盐10克、色拉油10克放入花生芽汆水30秒左右至成熟倒出。 6、另起锅,锅里放少许油,倒入蟹味菇略炒一会儿,放入黄椒、红椒丝、花生芽、芹菜一起炒,火要旺动作要快,这样炒出的菜才具有菜香味,最后略放少许水调味打芡淋少许香油出锅装盘即可。 锅香花生芽 原料:花生芽两袋,五花肉30克,红、黄菜椒少许,长豆角少许,葱、蒜若干。 调料:盐、糖、味精、鸡精、鸡汁、紫金椒酱。 制作过程: 1(炒锅上火,倒水煮开。先将长豆角切寸段,开水煮一分钟左右。然后下花生芽和菜椒,起滚即出锅。 2(炒锅下少许底油,煸炒五花肉,下葱段、蒜瓣,将肉炒至金黄色,下入调料继续煸炒,翻匀,下入焯好的花生芽、菜椒,翻炒均匀,勾薄芡,翻匀即可出锅。 制作很简单吧,简单又好吃,才是大厨风范呢~白生生、胖嘟嘟的花生芽,红黄的菜椒,绿莹莹的豆角,真是清爽悦目的一大盘呀~抄起筷子尝一尝,花生芽滑溜脆嫩,有淡淡的清香和微微的苦味,一根一根吃个没完,小心会上瘾哦~ 大厨提醒:黄菜椒、长豆角、花生芽焯水一定要把握好时间,不能过久,否则就失去了脆嫩的口感。 兔柳花生芽 此菜用兔柳搭配花生芽炒制是一种创新 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 原料 花生芽400克,兔柳200克。 调料 A料(湿淀粉10克,蛋清1个),B料(辣妹子酱、料酒各10克,阿香婆辣酱5克,味精3克,糖、胡椒粉各2克,青、红椒条共50克),花椒油、葱花各5克,色拉油1千克(约耗50克)。 预制 1.兔柳切重约15克的条,用清水浸泡2小时,去血水,捞出控水,加A料上浆,入五成热的色拉油中,滑熟备用。2.花生芽入沸水中汆透,捞出过凉备用。 出菜 锅入色拉油,烧至六七成热,入葱花炒香,入兔柳、花生芽、B料炒匀,淋花椒油,出锅装盘即可。 注:处理兔柳的时间控制在开餐前30分钟,花生芽则可以按照每餐的用量预先加工,用清水浸泡即可。 烹调关键是要将兔柳泡净血水,祛掉腥味。 脆皮长生果芽 材料:干豆腐皮4张、长生果芽500公克、葱3支、油4杯。 调味料:豆瓣酱1大匙、酱油1小匙、糖、醋各1小匙。 做法: 1. 干豆腐剪成4公分×10公分,铺上洗净汆烫后之长生果芽及葱段卷起。 2. 油烧至七分熟后,将(1)投入炸成金黄色,蘸调味料食用。 韭菜炒长生果芽 特点: 白绿相间,脆嫩清香 原料:长生果芽250克,韭菜150克,熟猪肉50克,盐3克,料酒10克,香油15克。 做法: 1. 将长生果芽去掉两端,洗净后放入沸水锅内稍烫,捞出用冷水过凉,沥净水分;韭菜择洗干净,切成4厘米长的段。 2. 炒锅置火上,放入熟猪油30克烧热,放入长生果芽煸炒2分钟,加上盐、料酒和香油炒匀,出锅待用 3. 净锅放熟猪肉20克,复置旺火上烧热,放入韭菜段爆炒片刻,放入炒好的长生果芽,迅速炒拌均匀,出锅装盆即成。 素拌长生果芽 特点:色泽美观,脆嫩鲜香 原料:长生果芽250克,黄瓜100克,冬笋50克,胡萝卜50克,鸡蛋1个,蒜3瓣,葱丝5克,is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 盐3克,花椒油15克. 做法: 1. 长生果芽掐去两端,洗净;黄瓜洗净,切成丝;冬笋、胡萝卜去皮,也切成丝;鸡蛋磕入碗里搅匀,放锅内摊成蛋皮,取出切成丝。 2. 锅置火上,放清水烧沸,放入长生果芽、冬笋丝和胡萝卜丝焯一下,取出挤干水分。 3. 蒜去皮放碗里,加少许清水搅烂成泥,加上葱丝、盐和花椒油调成味汁,加上长生果芽、黄瓜、冬笋丝和胡萝卜丝调拌均匀,码入盆内,撒上鸡蛋皮丝即成。 长生果芽蛋皮卷 特点:色泽金黄,外酥内嫩。 原料:长生果芽200克,水发粉丝25克,水发木耳25克,胡萝卜30克,盐5克,香油25克,鸡蛋皮3张,面粉糊少许,鸡蛋2个,面包渣100克,花生油750克(约耗75克)。 做法: 1. 长生果芽放沸水锅内掉一下,捞出过凉;水发粉丝、水发木耳、胡萝卜均切成丝,放碗里,加上绿豆芽、盐和香油调均匀成馅料。 2. 将鸡蛋皮放案板上,加上适量的长生果芽馅料,包裹成卷,接口处用面粉糊粘牢,表面抹上鸡蛋液,滚上一层面包渣,压实备用。 3. 净锅置火上,放花生油烧至六成热时,把长生果芽蛋皮卷放入锅内炸至金黄色,捞出沥净油,改刀斜切成条块,码盆上桌即可。 海米长生果芽汤 特点:汤鲜味浓,鲜咸味美 原料:长生果芽150克,海米25克,油菜50克,清汤750克,盐50克,味精3克,香油5克。 做法: 1. 将长生果芽剪去两端成“掐菜”,洗净待用。 2. 海米用温水泡软,洗净杂质;油菜洗净,改刀切成小段。 3. 汤锅置火上,放入清汤和海米,用中小火煮几分钟,放入“掐菜”和油菜段,加上盐和味精调好口味,沸后淋上香油,出锅倒入汤碗内即可。 长生果芽炖冰豆腐 特点:长生果芽香软烂,豆腐爽嫩 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 原料:长生果芽250克,冰豆腐4块,熟火腿肉50克,熟猪油50克,葱末、姜末各5克,汤750克,盐3克,酱油少许,胡椒粉2克。 做法: 1. 将长生果芽掐去两端,用清水漂洗干净备用 2. 把冰豆腐切成约1厘米宽的条,放入沸水中焯一下,捞出控水,熟火腿肉切成片。 3. 锅置火上,放熟猪油烧至六成热,用葱姜末爆锅,放入长生果芽和冰豆腐条,用小火炖约15分钟,放上盐、酱油、撒上胡椒粉,离火倒汤碗内即成。 海带拌长生果芽 特点:黑白相间,脆嫩咸香。 原料:长生果芽250克,干海带75克,盐3克,生抽10克,米醋15克,香油5克,花椒油15克。 做法: 1. 将长生果芽掐去两端,洗净后放入沸水锅内烫至熟,捞出入冷水锅内过凉备用。 2. 海带用清水软泡,反复冲洗干净,改刀切成细条,放沸水锅内煮5分钟,捞出投凉,控净水分。 3. 将长生果芽和海带条放碗里,加上盐、生抽、米醋和香油调拌均匀,装入盘内,浇上烧热的花椒油即成。 肉丝炒长生果芽 特点:家常风味,清香脆嫩。 原料:长生果芽250克,猪里脊肉200克,香菜25克,盐3克,鸡蛋半个,淀粉25克,花生油500克,酱油15克,白糖少许,米醋3克,香油10克。 做法: 1. 将长生果芽掐去根,洗净待用;猪里脊肉去筋膜,改刀切成丝;香菜洗净,切成小段。 2. 猪肉丝放碗里,加上盐1克,鸡蛋和淀粉拌匀,放油锅内滑至熟,放如长生果芽冲一下,一起捞出控油。 3. 原锅留少许底油,复置火上烧热,放入姜煸炒片刻,加上料酒、盐2克、酱油、白糖、米醋、长生果芽和猪肉炒均匀,淋上香油,撒上香菜段,出锅装盘即成。 酒醉长生果芽 特点:爽口解腻,酒香四溢 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 原料:长生果芽400克,红柿子椒、青椒各2个,盐5克,葱段15克,姜1小块,花椒5克,白酒50克。 做法: 1. 将长生果芽掐去两端,洗净备用;红柿子椒、青椒去蒂和籽,洗净后切成5厘米长的细丝。 2. 锅置火上,放清水和盐2克烧沸,倒入红柿子椒丝、青椒丝和长生果芽焯一下,捞出用冷水过凉,沥干水分。 3. 净锅复置火上,放入清水、盐3克、葱段、姜块和花椒烧煮5分钟,汤汁倒入海碗内,晾凉后放入白酒、长生果芽、红柿子椒和青椒丝,拌匀后入冰箱内冷藏2小时,即可取出食用。 台湾式炒长生果芽 做法: 1. 用黄油代替色拉油,将蒜头爆香, 2. 放入长生果芽菜、葱段一起炒; 3. 加入盐、(酒、黑胡椒)或(沙茶酱)。 健康吃法(汆烫长生果芽) 做法:长生果芽烫熟加一滴酱油膏。 芝麻长生果芽 长生果芽汆烫后滴上调入少许盐及香油的芝麻酱,上桌前撒上白芝麻即成美味凉菜。
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