

2018-09-06 15页 doc 45KB 11阅读




当你每天醒来当你每天醒来 篇一:当你每天醒来 也许你会发现,你周围的一些同事,他们很清楚自己在什么情况下应该主动辞职,一旦内部条件或外部机会出现,就会紧紧抓住,绝不放过, 好多人可能就此成就了大业,圆了自己的职业梦想; 而对于你的另外一些同事, 面对内部出现的种种“推力”因素、不协调迹象却无动于衷,面对外部的“拉力”和良好机会却反应迟钝,不敢冒然,这样往往坐失良机或坐以待毙。也许你正是后者队伍中的一员。 根据人力资源和职业咨询专家的建议,当下列迹象一旦在你周围或身上出现而你在无能为力扭转乾坤的情况下, 这是到了你该另谋职业的时候了。...
当你每天醒来 篇一:当你每天醒来 也许你会发现,你周围的一些同事,他们很清楚自己在什么情况下应该主动辞职,一旦内部条件或外部机会出现,就会紧紧抓住,绝不放过, 好多人可能就此成就了大业,圆了自己的职业梦想; 而对于你的另外一些同事, 面对内部出现的种种“推力”因素、不协调迹象却无动于衷,面对外部的“拉力”和良好机会却反应迟钝,不敢冒然,这样往往坐失良机或坐以待毙。也许你正是后者队伍中的一员。 根据人力资源和职业咨询专家的建议,当下列迹象一旦在你周围或身上出现而你在无能为力扭转乾坤的情况下, 这是到了你该另谋职业的时候了。只有这样,你才能走出自己职业和工作、身体和心灵被困的窘境。 1.当你的企业面临着经营上的巨大困难时。 企业的销售、利润正在螺旋形的下降,客户不断流失,围绕企业 的关闭、倒闭、被收购的谣言充塞着企业的每个角落, 你的同事、好友已开始在寻找工作了。 2.当你与主管的关系紧张而无法弥补时。 不管因何种原因、不管是哪一方的过错,一旦你与主管的关系产生裂缝, 而你在已作出弥补努力的情况下仍无济于事。要知道,在企业内掌握着你的生杀大权的始终是你的主管。 3.当你的生活质量发生了重大的变化时。 购房、结婚、养育孩子、子女上学等导致你目前的收入没法维持你正常的生活水平,你的生活质量正在不断下降,而此时你仍有能力寻找到一份报酬更丰厚的工作。 4.当你的价值观与你的企业文化格格不入时。 当你持有的个人价值观与企业的文化、企业的价值观存在较大的差异时,你必将会被公司老板或你的主管看成“异类”分子。两者之间缺少价值观的一致性又会导致你良好工作态度的消失。 5.当你对工作丧失兴趣和热情时。 如果你每天早晨醒来,你总是希望在床上多“懒”一会儿,而原因只有一个—害怕上班的话, 你该换换工作了。 6.当你的企业正经历着道德上的挑战时。 如果看到你的主管、主管的主管、以及其他周围的主管面对公司不断的劣等产品质量、延误的交货期等向代理商、客户、供应商说谎或处于无动于衷的状态时;企业从事不道德的商业情报窃取和商业竞争活动等,总之,你不应该把自己交给一个不崇尚商业道德的企业。 7.当你因不管什么原因和理由被企业锁定为“负面人物”时。 你的主管、周围的同事与你格格不入,你的任何行为举止在他们眼里都是不合适、不恰当的。你在企业内已落得个“失败者”的名声。一旦你在企业内挂上某个号,特别是刻上了个负面的“印记”的话,你就很难再在企业内光荣地长存下去。 8.当你的工作负荷、压力长期过大时。 假如你的工作负荷和压力长期得不到解脱,影响了你的身体和精 神以及你的家庭,那么,你应该在最后危机(健康危机和婚姻危 机)到来前,赶紧换一份工作。 9.当你的职业生涯在企业内已走到尽头时。 一旦你对自己的工作已熟悉到闭了眼睛都能做的程度, 自己感 觉到工作已缺乏挑战性,你从工作本身、主管、周围同事那儿学 不到新的知识和经验,企业也没有对你职业进一部发展的计划和 行动,如果你仍有年龄上的优势,且尚有一点“野心”或“进取 心”的话,此时不走,更待何时。 10.当你遇到巨大的外来“拉力”时。 篇二:经典英语台词100句 英语经典台词100句 1.When a cigarette falls in love with a match, it is destined to be hurt当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害 2.You always have two choices when you wake up: wake up & sleep again & continue dreaming; wake up & stand up & make your dreams come true. 当你每天醒来的时候都有两 个选择:醒来,再睡,继续未完的美梦;醒来,站起来,去实现 自己的梦想 cthe way, which makes me worry about people.躲在某一时间,想念 一段时光的掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念一个站在来路也站在去路 的,让我牵挂的人 4.It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words. 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心 里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨 5.Do what you say, say what you do . -做你说过的,说你能做的 6.Happiness is a butterfly, which ,when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. 幸福是一只蝴蝶,你要追逐它的时候,总是追不 到;但是如果你悄悄地坐下来,它也许会飞落到你身上 7.NO one indebted for others, while many people don't know how to cherish others.没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁 8.Life is a mirror.When you smile in front of it ,it will also smile and so will it when you cry to it.-- William Thackeray生活是一面镜子, 你对它笑,它也会对你笑;你对它哭,它也会对你哭。-- 萨克雷 9.This winter is not to surprise me。这个冬天没有给我惊喜 10.What is a man's first duty? The answer is brief: To be himself 11.After the injury would not reveal much sadness, so I quiet, learn to forget.在受过伤后不愿流露太多的悲伤,于是我安静,沉默, 学着淡忘 12.Once you start to dislike someone. Everything they do begins to annoy you. 一旦开始讨厌某人,无论TA做什么都会让你厌烦 13.we all love shoes, even not every girl walks in heels everyday 14.Three things in life when gone never come back: time, opportunity, and words. 人生有三样东西不可挽回:时间,机遇, 以及说出去的话 15.【那些容易让人变得尴尬的】1.American beauty 是“月季”, 而不是“美国丽人”。2. Dutch uncle 是“唠唠叨叮的人”,而不是 “荷兰大叔”。3.go Dutch是“各人自己付钱”,而不是“去荷兰”。 4.Green hand 是“生手”,而不是“绿手”.5. French letter是“避 孕套”,而不是”法国信” 16.Waiting is not for you to coming back but only an excuse for me to right here. ---------------等待,不是为了你能回来,而是找个借口 不离开~ 17.Don't take people's care for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually.不要把别人的关心 当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天 18.When you argue with an idiot,they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. 当你和一个呆子吵架时,他们会把 你拉低到他们的水平,然后用自己的经验打败你 19.老师在黑板上写下 "woman without her man is nothing",让学生给这句话加标点符号。男生加完标点 "Woman, without her man, is nothing."(女人,如果没 了男人,什么也不是。)女生加完标点 "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."(伟大的女人~没有她,男人什么也不是。) 20.It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive.---------------------- 一个人要很强大才能说“对不起”,当 然能够说“没事啦”的那个人就更强大啦。 21.A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go. ------ 生命中令人悲伤的一件事是,你遇到 了一个对你来说很重要的人,但却最终发现你们有缘无份,因此 你不得不放手。 22.Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. --John F Kennedy生命之中一 定会有变化,而那些只懂得留恋过去或现在的人肯定将会错失未 来。---肯尼迪 23.【2011潮流新单词】Eggache蛋疼、Smilence笑而不语、Yesome 极度赞同、Vegeteal偷菜、Animale男人天性、Z- turn折腾、Halfyuan 五毛、Niubility牛逼 、Harmany河蟹、Profartssor叫兽、Cupedy 杯具 24.Le petit ami parfait ne boit pas, ne fume pas, ne ment pas, et n'existe pas. 完美的男友不喝酒,不抽烟,不欺骗,不存在 25.【美剧常用台词】1、I'm dying to see you. 我很想见你。2、 Follow my nose.凭直觉做某事。 3、Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至(见机行事)。4、Talk truly.有话直说。5、Don't over do it.别太过分了。6、What brought you here,什么风把你吹来了, 26.I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I'm not as great as you once thought I was. 我总是害怕,有一天你会发现,我没你想 的那么好 27.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them。 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他 近在身旁,却犹如远在天边 28.sometimes you have to be your own hero. 有时候,你必须做自 己的英雄。 29.Love is a habit, you used to have his life, he used to live in you. Have the time do not feel anything, once lost, it seems to have lost all. —— 爱情其实是一种习惯,你习惯生活中有他,他习惯生活 中有你。拥有的时候不觉得什么,一旦失去,却仿佛失去了所有。 30.One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. - 有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你 就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。 31.【三个单词的地道口语】1.That’s too much! 对某人或某事非 常不满。2. I’ve no idea.我不知道。3. Don’t push me! 别逼我~ 4.Say no more! 不要再往下说了~5. It’s a deal! 一言为定~6.You said it.我也是这么认为的。7.Times have changed.此一时,彼一时。 8.Let it be! 顺其自然吧~ 32.I'm not perfect,I make mistakes,I hurt people,but when I say sorry,I mean it! 我知道我并不完美,我犯了一些错,伤害了一 些人,但是当我说“对不起”的时候,我是认真的~ 33.【房地产相关英语】房地产:real estate 楼市:real estate market 水电费:utilities 按揭:mortgage loan 首付:down payment 分期付 款:installments 高层公寓:high-rise apartment building 别墅:villa 独栋别墅detached house 顶层penthouse 宅邸大厦mansion 34.i'm in love with you from theday i knew you till now --------------我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。 35.Habit afflictive,habits, but miss,habit you but could't used to see you. ---------------习惯难受,习惯思念,习惯等你,可是却一 直没有习惯看不到你。 36.Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.——Kierkergaard 只有向后看才能理解生活;但要生活 得好,则必须向前看。——克尔凯郭尔 37.While our dream is confronted with the reality, you always feel painful. Just trample on the pain, or you‘ll be beat down by it.幻想 和现实直面时,总是很痛苦的。而你要么被痛苦击倒,要么把痛苦 踩在脚下。 38.Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.不经祸,不知福 39.Most of the troubles in your life appeared because you "yestoo fast or "notoo slow. 生活中大半的麻烦是由于 你说yes说的太快,说no说的太慢。 40.Like a person is a feeling, don't like a person is true. Fact easy explanation, the feeling is unspeakable. ----- 喜欢一个人是一种感觉,不喜欢一个人却是事 实。事实容易解释,感觉却难以言喻 41.Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not. -----------生命太短,没留时间给我们每日带着遗憾醒来。所以 去爱那些对你好的人,忘掉那些不知珍惜你的人 42.In the city there are some people,they alone lonely,longing for love, looking forward to drawing near, but Ningquewulan, refused to bow their heads and yield. 在这个城市有那么一些人,她们孤单 落寞,渴望爱情,憧憬花前月下,然而宁缺毋滥,不肯低头屈服 将就 43.Love is strange. Because sometimes it becomes reason to live life and sometimes it becomes reason to leave life. - 问世间情为何物, 直教人生死相许 44.电话传来:“This is a wrong number.Please check up and take the telephone number again.” “孩子,你为什么每天都说外语,妈 听不懂,但是妈想你。” 45.When the door of happiness closes,another opens,but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one which has been opened for us.当一扇幸福之门关闭时,另一扇便会 开启。可多数时候,我们却因为过久地凝望那扇紧闭的门,而忽 略了为我们新敞开的那扇门 46.Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. 爱,起于微笑,浓于亲吻,逝于泪水。 47.Active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash! ------------主动久了会很累, 在乎久了会崩溃! 48.A true love is what doesn't strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury, and moreover for hokum. 真正的爱情是 不讲究热闹不讲究排场不讲究奢华更不讲究噱头的。 49.A smile is the shortest distance between two people. - 微笑是两 个人之间最短的距离 50.A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人 51.The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever. - 真相 会让我们痛一阵,但谎言令我们痛一生 52.I wish I was a kid again,because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. - 我多希望自己还是个孩子,因为擦破皮的膝 盖比伤透的心容易愈合些 53.Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.—— J. H. Newman 不要害怕你的生 活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不曾真正开始。 ——纽曼 54.【女生必备 有关化妆品的常用英文】Mascara(睫毛膏); Foundation(粉底);Blusher(腮红);Sunsreen(防晒霜);Concealer (遮瑕膏);Face Powder(散粉);Eye Shadow(眼影);Eyeliner (眼线);Lipstick & Lip Gloss(唇膏唇彩);Nail Polish(指甲 油) 55.You are the reason why I became stronger.But still,you are my weakness.因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的情殇 56.Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不表示他 们没有全心全意地爱你 57.Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. 命运不是一个 机遇的问题,而是一个选择问题;它不是我们要等待的东西,而 是我们要实现的东西 58.Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present别让过去的悲催,或者未 来的忧虑,毁掉自己当下的快乐 59.Sometimes, it's not what you say that matters, it's what you don't. 有时候,我在乎的不是你所说的,而是那些 你没有说的 60.Enjoy the little things in life,for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.享受生命中的每一个细节,因为当 你回首往事时可能会发现原来那些所谓的小事是多么的重要 61.Everyone has his inherent power,which is easily concealed by habbits, blured by time, and eroded by laziness. 每个人都有潜在的 能量,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨. 62.All that I gave was likely to consider as negligible. 我所有的付 出,竟然从未打动过你 63.Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.爱很难投入,但 一旦投入,便更难走出 64.The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for——事实是,每个人都可能会伤害到 你。但你可以选择值得受伤的人 65.Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met. 想忘掉一个你爱的人,就像试图去想起 一个你从未见过的人 66.It can be inferred that you lack confidence in a victory over your rivals from the fact that you’re irritable against them.如果敌人让你 生气,那说明你还没有胜他的把握 67.Life is not about being hardworking, diligence and the related struggles, but more about 篇三:英汉励志唯美语句----经典台词,唯美励志 英汉励志唯美语句 --------送给你的心灵鸡汤 Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be——有时候,你需 要出去走一走,呼吸一下新 鲜空气,然后提醒自己,你是谁,想 成为什么样的人。---gossip gril The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.-Theodore M. Hesburgh. 一个父亲能为他孩子做的最 好事情,就是好好爱他的妈妈 Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. 没有人能回到过去,重新开始,但 是每个人都能从今天开始并创造一个新的结局。 "I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken."我希望有一个人会懂我,即使我什么都没 说。 save your heart for someone who cares. 为了某个在乎你的人,请 节约 你的真心。 : you never get a second chance to make a first impression. 永远没有第二次机会,给人留下第一次印象。 I?m not totally useless. I can be used as a bad example.我并不是完 全没用,我还可以当个反面教材嘛。 It?s always nice to have someone in your life who can make you smile even when they?re not around.生命中,有些人即使不在你身 边也能让你微笑,这样真好。 。。 Appreciate what you have. Because what you have now is one of the many things you once prayed for. 好好珍惜你现在所拥有的一 切吧。因为你现在拥有的,正是以前梦寐以求的。 Action speaks louder than words. Remember, "well doneis much better than "well said".(Benjamin Franklin)—— 事实胜于雄辩。请记住,“做得好”总是比“说得好”更重要。 Loveliness, needs not the foreign aid of ornament, but is when unadorned, adorned the most. ---James Thompson 可爱,并不需要 外来的装饰,天然的可爱远比雕饰的更可爱。 ---詹姆斯。汤普森 The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.要想多做成一些事情的捷径是一次只做一件事情 With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines. 拥有你 美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you. 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一 个你。 A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. 成功的人是能够拿别人扔过来 的砖头为自己垒砌坚强地基的人。 Don?t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为 结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 Hi~guys~Don?t waste your time on someone, who isn?t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人 而浪费你的 时间。 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上帝也许会安排我 们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 ~~~ In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. 为了成功,你对成功的欲望必须超过你对失败 的恐惧。 If you know who I was, maybe you would forgive who I am.你如果 认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。——张爱玲 Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. 青春不是一段年华, 而是一种心境。 ——Samuel Ullman(塞缪尔?厄尔曼) Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.„Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice。你的时间有限,不要浪费于重复 别人的生活。不要让别人的观点淹没了你内心的声音。 I don't know what to say...I'm just thinking of you a lot at this moment. 我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻,很想你。 If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place. 不去追逐你所 渴求,你将永远不会拥有。不开口问,回答永远是No。不往前走, 就将永远停留。 Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn?t do than by the ones you did do——20年后,让你觉 得更失望的不是你做过的事情,而是你没有做过的事情。所以, 一直想做的事情,不要再拖了。。。 Don't let the past and useless details ruin your existence. 别让 过去和那些无用的细节毁了你的现在。 You might be worthless to one person, but you're priceless to another.Don?t ever forget your value. 你可能一个人面前一文不 值,却在另一个人面前是无价之宝。谨记自己的价值所在。 You always have two choices when you wake up: wake up & sleep again & continue dreaming; wake up & stand up & make your dreams come true. 当你每天醒来的时候都有两 个选择:1、醒来,再睡,继续未完
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