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2017-09-15 19页 doc 51KB 37阅读




员工运动会方案员工运动会方案 秋季员工运动会方案 ——为了加强精神文明建设和企业文化建设,丰富公司员工体育文化生活,增强员工体质,提高公司全体员工的凝聚力,向心力,公司拟在年底组织召开我司XX秋季运动会。特制定此方案。 准备阶段: 一、成立运动会组织(筹备)委员会(主任、委员待定) 二、下发征集通知,征集运动会口号及会标。由筹委会聘请公司领导组成方案评审委员会,对各应征作品方案进行评选(奖金500元/项)。 三、联系服装制作商,制作运动会服装(标准200元/人)。 四、成立运动会各组织机构,人员可由员工自行报名,再由筹委会筛选...
员工运动会 秋季员工运动会方案 ——为了加强精神文明建设和企业文化建设,丰富公司员工体育文化生活,增强员工体质,提高公司全体员工的凝聚力,向心力,公司拟在年底组织召开我司XX秋季运动会。特制定此方案。 准备阶段: 一、成立运动会组织(筹备)委员会(主任、委员待定) 二、下发征集通知,征集运动会及会标。由筹委会聘请公司领导组成方案评审委员会,对各应征作品方案进行评选(奖金500元/项)。 三、联系服装制作商,制作运动会服装(标准200元/人)。 四、成立运动会各组织机构,人员可由员工自行报名,再由筹委会筛选确定。 ?各组织机构及职责: (一)、成立大会组织委员会 主任:待定 总裁判长:待定 委员:待定 (二)、成立大会仲裁委员会 主任:待定 委员:各参赛代表队领队 职责:对各单项竞赛中有关问题的最终裁决。 (三)、成立组委会办事机构 1、成立会务组(组长、组员待定) 职责:?制定工作流程图,编制经费预算; ?做好各类物资的准备和管理工作(按计划申购办公用品、服装、器材、奖品及纪 念品等); ?定制奖杯(牌)、制作队旗和引导牌; ?指定开幕式、闭幕式活动指挥小组; ?负责协调各部门的工作; ?对运动会现场进行布置; (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). ?邀请和接待领导。 2、成立竞赛组(组长、组员待定) 职责:?按规程要求接受运动员报名; ?组织编排各比赛项目赛事,负责比赛场地的划定; ?召开领队会议; ?准备比赛用各类; ?及时汇集各项目比赛成绩,统计各代表队得分情况并及时公布; ?负责开幕式出场仪式安排; ?组织安排闭幕式颁奖。 3、成立宣传组(组长、组员待定) 职责:?负责开幕式策划、组织工作; ?准备《国歌》《运动员进行曲》等音响资料; ?准备领导在开幕式及闭幕式上的讲话稿; ?安排主席台座次; ?负责运动会的摄影、摄像及宣传报道工作。 4、成立裁判组(组长、组员待定) 职责:?保证各竞赛项目按规程顺利完成; ?负责裁判员的培训工作。 5、成立后勤组(组长、组员待定) 职责:?组织员工有序观看比赛; ?负责主席台桌椅的摆放和音响器材的安装; ?负责餐食、矿泉水的准备; ?医务和安全保障。 五、确定运动会时间、地点 拟定于年底组织召开(2天),地点暂定于二外或工程部现场。 六、确定分队原则 运动会分为四个代表团,每个代表团20人,公司员工全部打乱分配。每个代表团推举 领队1人,负责本队的管理。 七、确定比赛项目 1、个人项目:100米、400米、跳远、实心球、羽毛球单打、乒乓球单打 2、集体项目:8*100米混合接力 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 3、趣味项目:套圈、摸石过河、两人三足、吹蜡烛、袋鼠跳、三分球投篮、20米双人背 靠背夹球跑、拔河 八、奖项设置 本次员工运动会共设团体奖、个人名次奖、优秀组织奖、体育道德风尚奖。 九、录取名次及奖励办法 1、个人项目及趣味项目均录取前四名,分别按4、3、2、1分计入代表团总分。(其中混合 接力赛、拔河双倍计分) 2、团体总分录取前四名。团体名次以总分多者名次列前,如总分相等,则获得第一名多者 列前,依此类推。 3、获得团体前四名的代表队,奖给奖杯1个,并给予奖金奖励。第一名:2000元,第二 名:1600元,第三名:1200元,第四名:1000元。 4、获得个人前三名的,发给荣誉证书,并给予奖金奖励。第一名:300元,第二名:200 元,第三名:100元。 十、确定运动会程序 1、开幕式 2、各项目按照流程表比赛 3、闭幕式 十一、比赛规则 (一) 、个人项目 1、100米赛跑(男、女) 比赛办法: ? 预赛分为2组,即A组和B组; ? 各代表队分派2名选手参赛,通过抽签的形式决定分组,并进行预赛; ? 预赛成绩前4名选手进入决赛,按照成绩给予不同分值。 2、400米赛跑(男、女) 比赛办法: ? 预赛分为2组,即A组和B组; ? 各代表队分派2名选手参赛,通过抽签的形式决定分组,并进行预赛; ? 预赛成绩前4名选手进入决赛,按照成绩给予不同分值。 3、跳远(男、女) 比赛办法: (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). ? 各代表队分派2名选手参赛,预赛时每位选手给予3次机会,取1次最好成绩; ? 预赛成绩前4名选手进入决赛,每位选手给予以3次机会,取1次最好成绩,按照成绩 给予不同分值。 4、实心球(男、女) 比赛办法: ? 各代表队分派2名选手参赛,每位选手给予3次机会,取1次最好成绩,按照成绩给予 不同分值。(实心球不进行预赛) 5、羽毛球(男、女) 比赛办法: ? 比赛分为2组,即A组和B组; ? 各代表队分派2名选手参赛,通过抽签的形式决定分组情况,并进行小组赛; ? 取2小组前2名进入决赛,对阵形式为A1—B2,A2—B1; ? A1—B2胜者对阵A2—B1胜者,争夺冠军;A1—B2负者对阵A2—B1负者,争夺第三名。 按照成绩给予不同分值。 6、乒乓球(男、女) 比赛办法: ? 比赛分为2组,即A组和B组; ? 各代表队分派2名选手参赛,通过抽签的形式决定分组情况,并进行小组赛; ? 取2小组前2名进入决赛,对阵形式为A1—B2,A2—B1; ? A1—B2胜者对阵A2—B1胜者,争夺冠军;A1—B2负者对阵A2—B1负者,争夺第三名。 按照成绩给予不同分值。 (二)、集体项目 1、8*100米混合接力赛 比赛办法: ? 各代表队分派8名选手参赛,男女各4人; ? 采取“先男后女”的顺序,按照成绩给予不同分值。(混合接力赛不进行预赛) (三)、趣味项目 1、套圈 比赛办法: ? 各代表队派1名选手参加。参赛选手站在投掷线后,向前扔掷圈,每人连续投5次,套 中不同的标杆得到不同的分,最后以总分数决定得分。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 2、摸石过河 比赛办法: ? 各代表队派1名选手参加。比赛距离为20米,以三块木砖为道具; ? 比赛开始,参赛选手脚踩二块木砖站在起跑线后,手拿第三块砖; ? 听到起跑信号后,参赛选手必须依次将木块踩在脚下交换向前移动,以最后一块木砖到 达终点线结束,按照成绩给予不同分值。 3、两人三足 比赛办法: ? 各代表队派2名选手(男、女各1名)参加。比赛距离为30米,二人并排站在起跑线 后,二人内侧脚用绳互绑并且不得松动; ? 听到发令后二人三足前进,以最后一人到达终点线结束。 4、吹蜡烛 比赛办法: ? 各代表队派1名选手参加。参赛选手站在线后,向前吹气,以吹灭蜡烛计算成绩; ? 吹气时双脚不准离地,不准踩线。 5、袋鼠跳 比赛办法: ? 各代表队派1名选手参加。比赛距离为20米; ? 参赛选手将腿套入塑料袋中,双手握紧塑料袋,站在起跑线后; ? 听到起跑信号后,向前跳跃前进,途中塑料袋不得松开。 6、三分投篮 比赛办法: ? 各代表队派1名选手参加。比赛开始后,参赛选手在三分线外的五点投篮,每点投5个 球。可跳投也可原地投篮,以投中篮的多少决定分数; ? 在比赛中,参赛选手的脚不得触及限制线,否则投中无效。 7、20米双人背靠背夹球跑 比赛办法: ? 各代表队派2名选手(男、女各1人)参加。比赛距离为20米往返; ? 参赛选手背靠背夹一气球。听到起跑信号后,向前跑。参赛选手不得用手接触气球,球 落地、夹破均被视为犯规,犯规3次出局。 8、拔河 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 比赛办法: ? 各代表队派15名选手参赛,每队女选手不得少于3人; ? 比赛准备时,参赛选手手持绳直立,比赛预备时,参赛选手手持绳半蹲,听到比赛信号 后身体后倒进行比赛; ? 比赛以标志物超过比赛标志线判断比赛双方胜负。三局两胜制。 十二、制定裁判员、运动员守则,接受运动员报名。 实施阶段 一、开幕式(预计1个半小时) 1、确定时间、地点 2、确定入场引导员,制作引导牌 3、确定运动会主持人 4、确定领导致词稿、运动员代表宣誓稿及裁判员代表宣誓稿——由运动会宣传组负责落实 5、入场顺序: ?首先为仪仗队员:国旗、运动会会标; ?各代表团运动员方队依次入场(顺序由抽签决定)。 6、说明 ?安排入场引导员,制作引导牌——由运动会会务组负责落实; ?各代表团运动员方队由领队带队入场; ?每个代表团以2路纵队队形入场,人数为10人,男女不限。排列方式为高前矮后; ?方队入场采用齐步走,手持道具入场(道具由各代表队自行制作); ?各方队行进至主席台前区域时,须在行进间表演自编的节目(不能作原地表演); ?各代表团需提供100字左右的解说词(开幕式方队入场时广播用)。 7、评比要求 ?精神饱满,服装统一(统一制作服装); ?队形整齐,步伐一致; ?编排合理,道具和动作富有创意; ?表演整齐优美。 注:由公司领导组成评审小组,根据各代表队进、退场情况及主席台前表演的表现和动作质量进行综合评定,评定分数记入团队总分。 二、开幕式顺序 09:00—09:20 各代表团表演方队集中,其他人员入场 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 09:20—09:25 领导(嘉宾)签到就坐主席台 09:25—09:30 运动会主持人介绍领导(嘉宾),宣布:运动会开幕式开始 09:30—09:50 国旗、会标,各代表团运动员入场 09:50—09:55 (升旗。看台全体起立,面向国旗,升国旗,奏唱国歌,全体坐下 09:55—10:00 各代表团运动员退场入座 10:00—10:15 领导致开幕词,运动员代表宣誓,裁判员代表宣誓 10:15 领导宣布比赛正式开始(彩带、观众气球升空) 10:20 主持人宣布赛程安排 10:30 比赛选手及裁判进入比赛场地,正式开始比赛。 三、赛程安排 时 间 项 目 备 注 男子100米赛跑 预赛 10:30 女子100米赛跑 预赛 10:45 男子400米赛跑 预赛 11:00 女子400米赛跑 预赛 11:15 男子跳远 预赛 11:20 女子跳远 预赛 11:40 午餐、休息 12:00 男子100米赛跑 决赛 第一天 14:00 女子100米赛跑 决赛 14:10 男子400米赛跑 决赛 14:20 女子400米赛跑 决赛 14:30 男子跳远 决赛 14:40 女子跳远 决赛 15:00 乒乓球男子单打 小组赛 15:00 乒乓球女子单打 小组赛 时 间 项 目 备 注 小组赛 第一天 16:00 羽毛球男子单打 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 小组赛 羽毛球女子单打 决赛 9:00 男子实心球 决赛 9:20 女子实心球 决赛 9:30 男女混合接力赛 9:50 套圈 10:10 摸石过河 10:30 两人三足 10:50 袋鼠跳 11:10 吹蜡烛 11:20 三分投篮 11:40 双人背靠背夹球跑 第二天 12:00 午餐、休息 决赛 14:00 乒乓球男子单打 3、4名比赛 14:30 乒乓球男子单打 决赛 14:00 乒乓球女子单打 3、4名比赛 14:30 乒乓球女子单打 决赛 15:00 羽毛球男子单打 3、4名比赛 15:30 羽毛球男子单打 决赛 15:00 羽毛球女子单打 3、4名比赛 15:30 羽毛球女子单打 17:00 拔河 四、闭幕式(预计半小时) 18:00 主持人宣布闭幕式开始 18:00—18:10 大会组委员宣布优秀组织奖、体育道德风尚奖评选情况 18:10—18:20 总裁判长宣布竞赛结果 18:20—18:30 颁奖 18:30 总裁致闭幕词,运动会结束 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94).
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