
郑州 好玩的地方

2017-09-02 18页 doc 55KB 21阅读




郑州 好玩的地方郑州 好玩的地方 1、 郑州国家森林公园。位于郑州东北郊,占地面积3500亩。这里有连绵起伏的沙丘,郁郁葱葱的林木,波光涟漪的水塘,芳草萋萋,野花遍地。环境幽静,树木参天。火车站乘39路、21路公交车到森林公园门口,然后向东(里)走,到大众生态园(门票10元), 园内有经营烧烤,环境好,价格偏贵。烤炉押金50元,租金10元(含炉、碳、调料等),如果补加碳,另收费(5元/次)。销售食品:鱼、土豆、平菇和袋装羊肉串等,食品另外收费(也可以自带)。出了大众生态园向北约1.5公里,还有个烧烤园(无门票),烧烤炉免费,只收碳钱,按公斤...
郑州 好玩的地方
郑州 好玩的地方 1、 郑州国家森林公园。位于郑州东北郊,占地面积3500亩。这里有连绵起伏的沙丘,郁郁葱葱的林木,波光涟漪的水塘,芳草萋萋,野花遍地。环境幽静,树木参天。火车站乘39路、21路公交车到森林公园门口,然后向东(里)走,到大众生态园(门票10元), 园内有经营烧烤,环境好,价格偏贵。烤炉押金50元,租金10元(含炉、碳、调料等),如果补加碳,另收费(5元/次)。销售食品:鱼、土豆、平菇和袋装羊肉串等,食品另外收费(也可以自带)。出了大众生态园向北约1.5公里,还有个烧烤园(无门票),烧烤炉免费,只收碳钱,按公斤了,盐什么的5快钱就够了, 还可以钓鱼。*森林公园里*成片的森林、草地、鱼塘,空气清新,鱼塘边、草地上都是自助烧烤的好地方。(自带炉具、注意防火) 2、金鹭鸵鸟游乐园(门票20元)。从紫荆山(黄金周期间)或商品大世界(日常7:30,9:30,11:30)乘51路;或从火车站银基商贸城乘307路公交车直达,这里有专门的抓鱼烧烤区,鱼10元/条(鱼不大)。 3、 黄庄黄河大堤(当然无门票)。火车站或紫荆山乘305到终点站黄庄,向北上黄河大堤,左转1公里即到(下车后约走30分钟),在黄河大堤上烧烤,黄河边有渔家卖鲜鱼,20元/斤,环境清静、秀美、游人少,此处正在建黄河二桥,车难行,驾车勿去。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 4、 尖岗水库(门票3元)。在医学院乘301路直达,在水库边上烧烤,还可以玩脚踏船。 5、 常庄水库(门票不祥)。位于郑州西南郊须水镇常庄村,距西环道2公里,水库周长8公里,环境清静、别有情趣。在二七广场或医学院乘302到,水边烧烤,别有情趣。 6、 洞林湖(原泗河水库。无门票,钓鱼3元/天),位于郑州市西南15公里,因始建于汉唐的洞林寺而得名,湖的面积很大,湖水清清,波光粼粼,寺内古塔高耸,碑碣林立,建筑富丽堂皇,气势雄伟。古刹虽然破败,却依然透出世外桃园的清净。河医坐301路,40分钟一班,车票2元,终点站即到,最晚返乘车18:10。游人不多,有脚踏船、汽艇,边钓边烤,更有乐趣。 7、 西流湖(门票不祥)。在医学院乘31路、76路或在火车站、绿城广场乘68路直达,是老牌的旅游区,烧烤也不错。 8、 花园口黄河游览区(门票60元,学生半价)。在二七广场或紫荆山乘310路到终点站到花园口生态旅游区,上大堤向西、向东(有小的滨河公园)都是烧烤的好地方。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 9、 邙山黄河游览区(门票25元)。在二七广场、大石桥乘16路公交车即到,是老牌的旅游区,在河滩上烧烤也不错 10、思念果岭山水(原黄河大观,无门票),位于郑州黄河南岸3公里,占地7600亩,以丘陵、沟壑、河流、湖泊、湿地等地质地貌构成。有专门的烧烤场地,节日有经营烧烤,日常可自带炉具自助烧烤。吃烧烤,还能游览风景呦。 11、梅山(门票5元)。在医学院乘318路公交车直达,下车即是山脚,山不高,游人少,是个烧烤得好地方。 12、黄河鲤鱼场(无门票)在紫荆山乘308直达,鲜黄河鲤鱼,烤起来鱼肥肉嫩。 13、黄河迎宾馆(无门票)在二七广场、新通桥或建文乘309即到,院内鱼塘边上有经营烤鱼的,非自助烧烤。 14、荥阳王村孤柏垛景区(无门票)。(高速公路上街出口向北4公里)景色悠悠,那里有汽艇还有渔家船只,可以边吃边坐船游览黄河景色,黄河柴鱼作熟每斤25元,还有柴鸡,柴鸭,凉菜每masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 盘5元。滩地上可尽情烧烤。 15、岗里水库(无门票),原是黄河水利枢纽,始建于1958年,1960年大水时被迫炸开,仅余十八孔闸桥、消力池和河中一段神奇般残留至今的残坝。水域面积为461亩,水质清澈透明,可垂钓岸边,可泛波湖中,尽享大自然的情趣。?(花园口景区门票10元)在二七广场或紫荆山乘310路到终点站花园口,沿河梯西行约1.5公里即到;线路 ?(无门票)北环路陈寨花卉市场向西第二个路口,向北到头上河梯向东500米,水很美,游人少,畅所欲烤。 16、 唐岗水库(无门票)。在荥阳市的广武乡境内,可以走北环,拐到去邙山的路,至古荥乡后,西拐广武乡,到广武乡后,问唐岗水库,水库距离广武乡只1华里左右。从郑州北郊到这个水库顶多一个小时,水库很美,野鸭很多,也是烧烤的好地方。 17、 荥阳丁店水库(无门票)。向西走往上街的郑上路,到太和路口向左(南)约5公里即到。能钓鱼,鱼挺多(按鱼人收费5元/人),烧烤就随便了。 18、 金沙湖(门票20元)。从医学院、东西大街乘35路终点即masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 到,夏季有经营烧烤。 19、 雁鸣湖 (门票20元)。郑汴公路到中牟城,大转盘,向左拐(向北),10公里后,向东有一小路既是,有经营烧烤,也可自助烧烤,水边烧烤别有风味。新东站好像有直达车。走新的郑开大道向东到雁鸣湖指示牌左转即到。 20、 巩义青龙山(即蝴蝶谷,无门票)。西站坐去巩义的车,小关镇下车(55公里,车票7元),然后乘去狄坡方向的中巴,到峡谷口的扬树洼村即到(3原每人)。此后步行进山游玩,全程都在峡谷里穿行,一路上可边走边玩。到营地(一水库的上游)后,游泳,钓鱼,烧烤。需住一宿,第2天步行出山(1小时),在青龙山景区慈云寺停车场包车(昌河约35元/车)出山(约半小时),到国道大峪沟镇等长途车返郑(此景点需准备帐篷睡袋)。 21、 新郑杨庄水库(无门票,钓鱼5元/人天,58公里)。在南站坐往平顶山、叶县、禹州方向的长途车,杨庄下车即到,车票6元。 22、 老观寨水库(无门票,35公里)。南站乘至新郑的长途车,老观寨下车后步行1公里,车票3.5元。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 23、 老观寨河(无门票,35公里)。南站乘至新郑的长途车,岗时下车,步行1.5公里即到,车票3.5元,或五里口下车坐三轮(2元)到老观寨河。 24、 毕河水库(即小魏庄水库,无门票,钓鱼5元/人天)。在紫荆山路三分院乘323到终点站下车。 25、 五虎赵水库(无门票,钓鱼5元/人天)。南站乘车到新郑(4元),在新郑乘4路车即到。 26、 五星水库(无门票,钓鱼5元/人天)。南站乘到新郑的车,芦沟下车(4元),乘机动三轮(5公里)到达。 27、 渠梁水库(无门票)。客运总站(航海路)乘到柳集的班车(4元)直达。 28、 河西水库(无门票)。客运总站(航海路)乘到柳集的班车,下牛站下车,乘机动三轮向北4公里就是。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 29、 张湾水库(无门票)。客运总站(航海路)乘到柳集的班车,终点站下车乘三轮即到。 30、 李湾水库(无门票,60公里)。在总站乘郑州至登封的长途车,到李湾水库,车票6元。 31、始祖山,古称具茨山,位于新郑市西南15公里处的千户寨境内,面积约12平方公里,山青水秀,风景如画,黄帝文化遗迹遍布山野。始祖山主峰远远望去,好似一尊轩辕黄帝像,伟岸挺拔,眉眼毕现,蔚蔚壮观,令人肃然起敬。悬崖峭壁,奇峰怪石林立,构成高峻雄伟的山岳风景。山坡上丛林密布,山半腰的青岗庙水库,水平如镜,清澈见底,西坡的黑龙潭、玉女池,溪水潺潺,波光潋影,妩媚动人,形成山、水、泉、林融为一体的秀丽景色。郑州客运南站乘车至新郑(车票6元),然后转车至始祖山(车票4元)。 32、黄帝故里。郑州客运南站乘车至新郑(车票6元),下车后步行1000米即到。 33、北宋皇陵。全国文物保护单位,分布在巩义市的西村、芝田、市区、回郭镇4个镇区,占地约30平方公里。从郑州市乘68、72masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 等到新郑州大学,10元乘坐至巩义大巴,1个小时后到车站下车,乘3路、6路、1路公交车永昭陵园下车即到。 34、河洛文化发源处。是黄河和伊洛河的交汇处,也是河洛文化的发源地,这里有神秘的河图洛传说,大王庙。从郑州市乘68、72等到新郑州大学,10元乘坐至巩义大巴,到巩义收费站下车,往北步行10分钟即到。寺庙收费2元(人多可以搞价)。 35、邙山古树苑。位于天河路与开元路交汇处,占地600亩,栽植树木3723棵,其中古树880棵,树龄在千年以上的3棵,500年以上的数十棵,100年以上的850棵。还有林间小道、两块60—80吨重的巨石、人工湖、假山。在市内乘坐78、90、91路车到惠济区政府下车即到。 36、丰乐农庄(门票20),郑州市郑邙公路(江山路)与黄河大堤交叉口向东800米。广场大门两侧为白鸽广场、蚂蚁王国、孔雀乐园、笨猪乐园、松鼠乐园、锦鳞乐园、葵花迷宫等组成的娱乐互动园。农庄自南向北分布着荷塘、木屋别墅区、人工湖、丰乐桃园、美国引进的优质葡萄园、观景台、野兔园,最北部的草原风光牧场养殖有南阳小黄牛和海南东山羊。有宾馆会议室等,这里的烤全羊不错。交通方式:河医立交桥下公交旅游1号线可乘masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 车直达。 37、黄河富景生态园(门票,,),位于郑州市惠济区花园口镇北黄河滩,东临京珠高速,西接107国道黄河公路大桥,沿黄河蜿蜒8公里,占地面积1.5万亩。 景区地址:郑州市黄河东滩区新乡原阳黄河岸(107国道黄河大桥和京珠高速黄河大桥之间的黄河两岸)。118路河医立交桥下乘旅游公交 2号线 。 ,,、凤凰山:上郑少高速从新密下,向南走500米见钉子路口向西一直走,到米村有个小转盘然后继续向西(有路标)5公里就到了,主要是吃农家饭、爬爬山、顺着小溪走走。 ,,、皇帝宫:时间太长了忘了怎么走了,大概是走郑密公路,不到新密市有条向皇帝宫去的公路可以直达,到时问当地人都知道怎么走的,主要是看看风后摆的石人阵,还有一个小湖几个小山洞、窑洞和一处宫殿。 ,,、环翠峪:走郑上路过收费站后走新310国,道快到上街有条到刘河镇,庙子镇的公路到刘河镇后向西走有路标,主要是吃庙子卤肉和农家饭对了那里的橡子面凉粉一定要尝尝在郑州是吃不到的,景点是林彪洞,古城堡千米滑道,二廊庙古. masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further ,,、神仙洞:走郑上路过收费站后走新310国,到荥密路口向南到尖山乡,也可走郑少高速到新密下向北到尖山乡,路旁有景区指示牌,主要就看神仙洞别的没什么看的. ,,、雪花洞:走310到巩艺新中镇,路旁有景区指示牌,主要是吃山韭菜饺子,景点小龙池,万年僵树,雪花洞,老庙附近的庙宇有时间了可以爬将军寨.(环翠峪,神仙洞,雪花洞三个景区是相连的,进一个就可以到其余两个) ,,、康百万庄园:走连霍高速到巩义西下,向北走南河渡到康店就到了,顺便可以到石窟寺和宋陵看看. ,,、嵩阴风景区:走连霍高速到巩义西下,向南到夹津口走巩登公路,主要是原始次生松树林景色挺好的站在山上可以看到郑少公路,可以吃到野味. ,,、青龙山慈云寺:走310过巩义大峪沟,路旁有路标向南有条公路,快到景区门口是条石头路也就几百米不好走,景区没什么吃的,慈云寺里的石刻很是精致 ,,、龙湖(龙泊圣地,无门票), 龙泊圣地座落于郑州东南新masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 郑市龙湖镇,距市中心约25公里。占地面积逾5000亩,其中水域面积逾1000亩,森林面积逾2000亩,是政府公布的中原首家原生态自然资源保护区。1000亩原生湖泊,生态体系自然天成;湖畔数十万株野生树木郁郁葱葱,数十种野生动物跳跃在湖区之间,更有大面积的林木果园,毗邻湖滨道路。 ,,、樱桃沟, 郑州樱桃沟距离郑州约15公里,在郑州西南方向,从医学院坐317路公交车可以直达。每年五一期间对游人开放,郑州医学院乘坐317路公交车直接到樱桃沟,个别果园门票3-5元不等,免费随便吃,带走的论斤两按时价付款。 ,,、侯寨乡红花寺的万亩葡萄基地 ,侯寨乡以红花寺村为中心覆盖周边7个村的万亩葡萄近日披红挂绿,喜迎八方宾客。万亩葡萄基地位于侯寨乡东部,距市区10公里,以红花寺村为中心,包括周边铁三官庙、南岗刘、郭家咀、大田垌、东胡垌、张李垌、荆寨等行政村,总面积超过10000亩,方圆10余里。品种有50多个,“美国黑提” 、“大红球”、“美人指” 、“绿翠”等一批新引进品种成为葡萄新贵,大路品种“巨峰”、红富士”通过改良,以其味美甘甜、口感醇正吸引外地客商纷至沓来,葡萄成熟季节,个个晶莹剔透,串串姹紫嫣红,微风吹过,果香四溢,沁人心脾。乘车路线:222路公交车直达葡萄基地;自驾车走嵩山南路、大学南路可到达。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 49.钓鱼村~在火车站做560路公交车可以直达,尤其里面有个 世外桃源可以自摘水果也能钓鱼,价格不详 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further
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