

2017-11-17 25页 doc 67KB 30阅读




地税、国税申报流程地税、国税申报流程 1、地税申报的税金有:营业税、城建税、教育费附加、个人所得税、印花税、房产税、土地使用税、车船使用税。 (1)每月7号前,申报个人所得税。 (2)每月15号前,申报营业税、城建税、教育费附加、地方教育费附加。 (3)印花税,年底时申报一次(全年的)。 (4)房产税、土地使用税,每年4月15号前、10月15号前申报。但是,各地税务要求不一样,按照单位主管税务局要求的期限进行申报。 (5)车船使用税,每年4月份申报缴纳。各地税务要求也不一样,按照单位主管税务局要求的期限进行申报。 (6)如果没有发生...
地税、国税申报 1、地税申报的税金有:营业税、城建税、教育费附加、个人所得税、印花税、房产税、土地使用税、车船使用税。 (1)每月7号前,申报个人所得税。 (2)每月15号前,申报营业税、城建税、教育费附加、地方教育费附加。 (3)印花税,年底时申报一次(全年的)。 (4)房产税、土地使用税,每年4月15号前、10月15号前申报。但是,各地税务要求不一样,按照单位主管税务局要求的期限进行申报。 (5)车船使用税,每年4月份申报缴纳。各地税务要求也不一样,按照单位主管税务局要求的期限进行申报。 (6)如果没有发生税金,也要按时进行零申报。 (7)纳税申报方式:网上申报和上门申报。如果网上申报,直接登陆当地地税局网站,进入纳税申报系统,输入税务代码、密码后进行申报就行了。如果是上门申报,填写纳税申报,报送主管税务局就行了。 2、国税申报的税金主要有:增值税、所得税。 (1)每月15号前申报增值税。 (2)每季度末下月的15号前申报所得税。 (3)国税纳税申报比较复杂,需要安装网上纳税申报系统,一般国税都要对申报单位进行培训的。 抄税报税流程: 一、抄税 [1] 抄税就是把当月开出的发票全部记入发票IC卡,然后报税务部门读入他们的电脑以此做为你们单位计算税额的依据.一般抄了税才能报税的,而且抄过税后才能开具下个月发票的,就相当于是一个月的开出销项税结清一下。 抄税和报税是两个流程,统称为抄报税: IC卡是购发票、开发票和抄税用的。 1、购发票时,持IC卡和发票准购证去税务局办理,购买回来后,将IC卡插入读卡器中,读入到防伪税控开票软件中,用以开具发票时所用。 2、开发票时,首先将IC卡插入读卡器,然后进入开票系统中进行开具发票的操作(怎样开发票,你一定会吧,就不详细说明了),需要注意的是,电子版的发票与打印的发票用纸必须是同一张发票。 3、进项发票的认证,如果你单位购货时取得了增值税发票,月末前持发票的抵扣联去税务局进行认证。 4、抄税,月末终了,根据当地税务规定的抄税时限(一般是次月的1-5日),将本月已经开具使用的发票信息抄入到IC卡中,然后打印出纸质报表并加盖公章,持IC卡和报表去税务局大厅进行抄税。 5、报税,待财务决算做完后,进行纳税申报表的填写、审核、报税的操作(具体的操作你一定会吧,这里就不说了),报完税后,进行申报表的打印,包括主表和附表。此项的操作,都是在你的机器中“增值税一般纳税人纳税申报电子信息采集系统”软件中完成的,关of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 于进销项发票的填写可以网上下载,既快又准确。季度末,将本季度的申报表主表报送到税务局。 (一)、抄税是国家通过金税工程来控制增值税专用发票的过程之一。如果企业是增值税一般纳税人,且需要开具增值税专用发票的,都必须购买税控电脑,在申请成为暂认定一般纳税人后,须到税务机关指定的单位购买金税卡及IC卡(用于开具发票及抄税、购买增值税发票使用)。就是把上月开出的发票全部记入发票IC卡,然后报税务部门读入他们的服务器,以此做为该单位计算税额的依据。一般是执行了抄税才能报税的,而且抄过税后才能开具本月发票的。在每月抄税成功后方可进行纳税申报。 (二)、网上报税前仍要抄税1、网上报税是指你从网上填报单位的纳税信息。2、抄税(也叫抄报税)是指你从本单位的税控机上,将本月开具发票的信息读到IC卡上,税务部门把卡上信息写入电脑后,与你单位报税的信息进行核对,以保证申请信息的真实性。3、核对相符后,才能申报。 抄税常识: [2]抄税是国家通过金税卡工程来控制增值税专用发票的一种过程。如果企业是一般纳税人的需要开具增值税专用发票的,都必须购买税控电脑,申请成为暂认定一般纳税人后,须到税务机关指定的单位购买金税卡及IC卡(用于开具发票及抄税、买专票使用)。就是把当月开出的发票全部记入发票IC卡,然后报税务部门读入他们的电脑,以此做为你们单位计算税额的依据。一般抄了税才能报税的,而且抄过税后才能开具下个月发票的,就相当于是一个月的开出销项税结清一下。 ◎?就是每月大约1,5号到税务局去抄税 ◎?就是把本月防伪税控开出的销项发票到税务报税 抄税时需要带: 1、IC卡(已在开票系统中写抄税) 2、本月的所有的销项发票 3、还有最后一张空白的发票 4、本月开具的负数发票所有的联次多要带去的,还有说是收回的正数发票 5、发票购领卡 抄报税日期: 抄税日期为每月8日以前,增值税报税日期为10日以前,所得税为15日以前 (一)查询当月开票情况 企业于每月最后一天必须对当月所开具的发票情况进行检查,查验所开具的发票是否of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 正确。是否存在错开发票、误作废(该作废的未作废;不该作废的却作废了)等情况,发现上述情况必须立即处理,必须确保IC卡电子信息同纸介发票完全一致。 (二)抄税时间的规定 1、企业应在法定的申报期内提前2天办理抄报税手续。同时应注意在办理抄报税成功后,方可进行纳税申报。 2、无论上月是否购买或开具税控发票,企业都必须在抄报税期内执行“抄税”操作,并到税务机关进行报税,否则企业下月将无法开具税控发票。 3、不到系统规定的抄税时间不得进行抄税操作,否则将影响企业开具税控发票。 4、每月1日零时,系统将自动进行结帐,无论企业是否进行抄税,每月1日后开具的税控发票都将自动记录在下一个月。故企业当月作废的税控发票应及时在系统内执行“发票作废”,系统一旦结帐,企业将无法再将上月开具的税控发票作废。 5、建议企业每月使用新软盘生成抄税软盘,即抄税软盘中仅存储当月抄税数据;特别是在跨年度抄税时必须使用新软盘,即该软盘中不能存在上一年度的抄税数据。同时,在抄税时应携带备份软盘,并做好杀毒处理,以避免多次跑路。 6、企业变更、注销或转户时由主管税务所通过认证子系统,将企业已使用的税控发票存根联进行扫描补录;企业未使用完的税控发票由主管税务所按照缴销发票程序统一缴销,企业不得将库存未用税控发票通过防伪税控开票子系统进行作废处理。 7、由DOS版开票子系统改为WINDOWS版开票子系统的企业,应将上月执行抄报税操作后用DOS版开票子系统开具的税控发票,由主管税务所通过认证子系统进行扫描补录,同时将未使用完的税控发票由主管税务所按照缴销发票程序统一缴销,并且不得再用DOS版开票子系统开具税控发票。 8、有分开票机的企业在抄报税时,应按先将分开票机抄报税再将主开票机抄报税的顺序,并在同一个抄报税窗口办理。 9、企业发生涉税事项变更时,应首先到第三税务所办理有关变更手续。然后持《税务登记证》副本、《一般纳税人资格证书》或《批复》、金税卡、抄报税IC卡等资料,于征期内到申报大厅由我局征管科有关人员及金税公司技术人员变更信息。 (三)抄报税不成功的处理 企业报送的税控发票存根联明细数据软盘和税控IC卡经主管税务局核对后,两者不一致的,应区别不同情况作如下处理: 1、因企业硬盘损坏等原因造成软盘中税控发票存根联份数小于税控IC卡中份数的,企业应提供当月全部税控发票存根联,到主管税务所通过认证子系统进行扫描补录。 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 2 、因企业更换金税卡等原因造成软盘中税控发票存根联份数大于税控IC卡(不含税控IC卡为零的情况)中份数的,其软盘中所含税控发票存根联明细数据可读入报税子系统,但当月必须查明产生此种不一致情况的原因。 3、因企业计算机型号不匹配造成税控IC卡中税控发票存根联数据为零的,根据系统提示可以存入的,将软盘数据存入报税系统;根据系统提示不能存入的,企业应持当月全部税控发票存根联到主管税务所通过认证子系统进行扫描补录。 4、因企业软盘质量问题致使无法采集税控发票存根联数据的,企业应重新报送软盘。 抄税流程 抄税是指开票单位将防伪税控中开具的增值税发票的信息读入企业开发票使用的IC卡中,然后将IC卡带到国税局去,读到他们的电脑系统中. 以便和取得发票的企业认证进项税金,记入国税局计算机系统的信息进行全国范围的发票比对,防止企业开具阴阳票、大头小尾票,并控制企业的销售收入。 抄报税操作 应该是报税、抄税、认证,是增值税防伪税控系统每个月必须做的工作,是金税工程所属的开票、认证两个系统的工作,按照具体的操作顺序: 1、抄税: 一、用户抄报税流程 抄税写IC卡-?打印各种报表-?报税 A、抄税起始日正常抄税处理; 进入系统-?报税处理-?抄报税管理-?抄税处理-?系统弹出“确认对话框”-?插入IC卡,确认-?正常抄写IC卡成功 B、重复抄上月旧税: 进入系统-?报税处理-?抄报税管理-?抄税处理-?系统弹出“确认对话框”-?插入IC卡,确认-?抄上月旧税成功 C、金税卡状态查询 进入系统-?报税处理-?金税卡管理-?金税卡状态查询-?系统弹出详细的信息 2、报税:将抄税后的IC卡和打印的各种销项报表到税务局纳税服务大厅交给受理报税的税务工作人员,他们会根据报税系统的要求给你报税,也就是读取你IC卡上开票信息,of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 然后与各种销项报表相核对,然后进行报税处理。 3、认证:认证时携带当月要准备抵扣的增值税发票抵扣联,到国税局发票认证窗口办理即可. 增值税专用发票开出90天内认证有效.当月认证的必须在当月抵扣 非正常抄税的处理指 一般纳税人开票系统及抄报税常见故障 一、适用范围:更换金税卡、重新发行金税卡和丢失或被盗金税卡或IC卡等情况 二、受理资料: 1、IC卡 2、手工制作的《增值税专用发票汇总表》(盖公章) 3、手工制作的《增值税普通发票汇总表》(盖公章) 4、当月已开具尚未抄税的所有专用发票(包括正常票和作废票) 5、上次抄税的最后一张专用发票 6、全部空白专用发票 7、发票领购簿和发票发售清单 8、科税公司的维修单(更换金税卡或重新发行金税卡时用,须经税政科签名) 9、丢失、被盗防伪税控系统专用设备情况表(丢失或被盗金税卡或IC卡时用) 三、办理程序: 1、防伪税控企业在服务单位(科税公司)取得新金税卡 2、防伪税控企业当月存在有开出的增值税专用发票和增值税普通发票时,办税服务厅填写《非正常报税处理表》,采用存根联补录方式扫描采集当月所有的已开出的增值税专用发票和增值税普通发票 3、防伪税控企业到税政科发行金税卡 4、防伪税控企业带上经税政科发行金税卡并签名的科税公司维修单(第一联)到办税服务厅录入空白发票 四、相关WINDOWS开票系统手工表格可以在本公司网站的"最新通知] windows开票系统相关手工报表格式"下载。 税务会计的报税程序(一般纳税人) of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 增值税一般纳税人开票系统是“金税工程”中的一个子系统,也是一个与抄报税等操作环节密切相关的税收控管软件。一些企业在日常的开票及抄报税过程中,由于某些环节未操作到位或其它原因,系统时常就会出现一些“故障”,而影响企业日常的开票或抄报税工作。对此,为了便于增值税一般纳税人及时了解常见“故障”的种类、发生原因和排除方法,笔者将其罗列如下,仅供参考: 一、开票操作“故障” (一)“故障”描述:在开票系统正常的情况下,企业往往会发现,在某月抄报税起始日内,系统无法进行填开发票操作。 (二)原因分析:一是企业可能未按规定时间抄税,为督促企业能按时抄税,开票系统具有在每月抄税起始日,未抄税前自动“锁死”开票功能,企业如果每月抄税起始日到来时,未抄税就无法开票;二是企业虽已执行了抄税操作,但逾期未向税务部门报税,系统设定,企业在每月抄税日及时抄税后,应在规定期限内到税务机关报税,如果企业抄税后逾期未报税的,则开票系统仍会“锁死”而无法开票。 (三)“故障”排除:只要企业及时执行抄税操作程序,并在规定时间内,持已抄税的IC卡到税务机关报税后,重新进入开票系统即可自动解锁,并恢复开票功能。 二、报税及购票授权“故障” (一)“故障”描述:在操作系统正常的情况下,由于企业操作人员未按正常程序操作,尽管已进行开票和抄税操作,但到税务部门报税时,系统往往会提示:“信息解密累加和错”,报税失败,或者IC卡上的购票授权信息被直接清除,只保留税额信息,而无法正常抄报税。 (二)原因分析:系统具有固定的操作程序,购票授权后才能购买发票、抄税后才能报税,不能将两个操作交叉进行,而且企业IC卡上的税额信息和购票授权信息不能共存,如果先抄税,然后获得购票授权,再去报税,则在报税时系统就会提示:“信息解密累加和错”,报税失败;如果先获得购票授权,然后抄税,则IC卡上的购票授权信息就被清除,仅保留税额信息。 (三)“故障”排除: 1、若出现系统正常报税失败故障,系统提示“信息解密累加和错”,先到国税机关将出故障的IC卡解锁重写,然后重新进入开票系统,利用抄上月旧税功能,再抄一次税额后报税即可。 2、若出现IC卡上的购票授权信息被清除故障,先进行正常报税,如再购票还需重新进行购票授权。 三、抄报税“故障” (一)“故障”描述:系统接口等正常,插入IC卡却系统无反应或无法进行开票及抄报of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 税操作。 (二)原因及分析:可能是IC卡、金税卡或用户硬盘发生了损坏,三个硬件中只要其中之一发生损坏,系统都将无法进行正常的开票和抄报税操作。硬盘发生了损坏,插入IC卡系统无反应或无法正常运行;若硬盘正常,IC卡或金税卡损坏,插入IC卡后系统也无法读取信息,而不能进行开票和抄报税。 (三)“故障”排除: 1、当发现税控IC卡损坏时,应先到运行维护单位更换IC卡,再到国税机关进行IC卡的解锁重写,然后,重新进入系统利用抄上月旧税功能,再抄一次税额报税即可,系统也即恢复正常。 2、当发现金税卡损坏时,应先到运行维护单位更换金税卡,再到国税机关重新发行金税卡,并将上月已开的全部发票存根联送到国税机关进行手工补录后,即可报税,系统也即恢复正常。 3、当发现电脑硬盘损坏,应先更换硬盘,再由运行维护单位重新安装金税系统,利用原完好的IC卡和金税卡,即可进入金税系统进行抄报税和开票操作。 四、注销金税卡“故障” (一)“故障”描述:当因某种原因(如取消增值税一般纳税人或注销税务登记)注销金税卡时,金税卡无法注销。 (二)原因及分析:除IC卡、金税卡或用户硬盘发生损坏等原因外,企业在未完成截止注销日抄报税操作,就将金税卡拆除,将无法注销金税卡。 (三)“故障”排除:重新安装金税卡,并按以下步骤操作:第一步,进行上月和注销当月1日至注销当日的抄税操作;第二步,持IC卡到税务机关报税及结算全部税款,并缴销发票;第三步请专业人员拆除金税卡;第四步,将IC卡、金税卡等交税务机关,并办理金税卡(一般纳税人)注销手续。若企业在拆除过程中金税卡损坏,就应当请运行维护单位,重新安装金税系统和税务部门发行及补录相关信息后,再按上述步骤操作。 新办企业如何办理纳税申报 [1]纳税人在办理好税务登记证后,到银行服务窗口办理纳税专户,然后到申报征收窗口办理纳税IC卡。若愿意委托代理申报的,到金穗税务师事务所办理委托代理申报手续。并于次月10日前到服务大厅办理纳税申报手续,以后每月无论有否销售(营业)收入,都应在规定的期限内办理纳税申报。 [2]《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》第二十五条第一款规定:纳税人必须依照法律、行政法规规定或者税务机关依照法律、行政法规的规定的申报期限、申报内容如实办理纳税申报。《中华人民共和国税收征收征管法实施细则》第三十二条规定:在纳税期内没有应纳税款的,也应当按照规定办理纳税申报。因此,纳税人在没有收入的情况下,也应该进行申报。是否零申报视纳税机关核定的税(费)种的相关规定办理,不一定与是否有收入存在必of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 然的联系。各税种的申报流程与正常申报流程相同,社保费的零申报需要税收专管员和所长的签字同意才能办理。 增值税一般纳税人申报流程 [1]增值税一般纳税纳税申报办法 根据《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》及其实施细则、《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》和《中华人民共和国发票》的有关规定,制定本办法。 一、凡增值税一般纳税人(以下简称纳税人)均按本办法进行纳税申报。 二、纳税人进行纳税申报必须实行电子信息采集。使用防伪税控系统开具增值税专用发票的纳税人必须在抄报税成功后,方可进行纳税申报。 三、纳税申报资料 (一)必报资料 1.《增值税纳税申报表(适用于增值税一般纳税人)》及其《增值税纳税申报表附列资料(表一)、(表二)、(表三)、(表四)》; 2. 使用防伪税控系统的纳税人,必须报送记录当期纳税信息的IC卡(明细数据备份在软盘上的纳税人,还须报送备份数据软盘)、《增值税专用发票存根联明细表》及《增值税专用发票抵扣联明细表》; 3.《资产负债表》和《损益表》; 4.《成品油购销存情况明细表》(发生成品油零售业务的纳税人填报); 5.主管税务机关规定的其他必报资料。 纳税申报实行电子信息采集的纳税人,除向主管税务机关报送上述必报资料的电子数据外,还需报送纸介的《增值税纳税申报表(适用于一般纳税人)》(主表及附表)。 (二)备查资料 1. 已开具的增值税专用发票和普通发票存根联; 2. 符合抵扣条件并且在本期申报抵扣的增值税专用发票抵扣联; 3. 海关进口货物完税凭证、运输发票、购进农产品普通发票及购进废旧物资普通发票的复印件; 4. 收购凭证的存根联或报查联; 5. 代扣代缴税款凭证存根联; of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 6. 主管税务机关规定的其他备查资料。 备查资料是否需要在当期报送,由各省级国家税务局确定。 四、增值税纳税申报资料的管理 (一)增值税纳税申报必报资料 纳税人在纳税申报期内,应及时将全部必报资料的电子数据报送主管税务机关,并在主管税务机关按照税法规定确定的期限内(具体时间由各省级国家税务局确定),将本办法第三条、第一款要求报送的纸介的必报资料(具体份数由省一级国家税务局确定)报送主管税务机关,税务机关签收后,一份退还纳税人,其余留存。 (二)增值税纳税申报备查资料 纳税人在月度终了后,应将备查资料认真整理并装订成册。 1. 属于整本开具的手工版增值税专用发票及普通发票的存根联,按原顺序装订;开具的电脑版增值税专用发票,包括防伪税控系统开具的增值税专用发票的存根联,应按开票顺序号码每25份装订一册,不足25份的按实际开具份数装订。 2. 对属于扣税凭证的单证,根据取得的时间顺序,按单证种类每25份装订一册,不足25份的按实际份数装订。 3. 装订时,必须使用税务机关统一规定的《征税/扣税单证汇总簿封面》(以下简称“《封面》”),并按规定填写封面内容,由办税人员和财务人员审核签章。启用《封面》后,纳税人可不再填写原增值税专用发票的封面内容。 4. 纳税人当月未使用完的手工版增值税专用发票,暂不加装《封面》,两个月仍未使用完的,应在主管税务机关对其剩余部分剪角作废的当月加装《封面》。 纳税人开具的普通发票及收购凭证在其整本使用完毕的当月,加装《封面》。 5. 《封面》的内容包括纳税人单位名称、本册单证份数、金额、税额、本月此种单证总册数及本册单证编号、税款所属时间等,具体格式由各省一级国家税务局制定。 五、《增值税纳税申报表(适用于增值税一般纳税人)》(主表及附表)由纳税人向主管税务机关购领。 六、申报期限 纳税人应按月进行纳税申报,申报期为次月1日起至10日止,遇最后一日为法定节假日的,顺延1日;在每月1日至10日内有连续3日以上法定休假日的,按休假日天数顺延。 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 七、罚则 (一)纳税人未按规定期限办理纳税申报和报送纳税资料的,按照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》第六十二条的有关规定处罚。 (二)纳税人经税务机关通知申报而拒不申报或者进行虚假的纳税申报,不缴或者少缴应纳税款的,按偷税处理,并按《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》第六十三条的有关规定处罚。 (三)纳税人不进行纳税申报,不缴或者少缴应纳税款的,按《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》第六十四条的有关规定处罚。 网上纳税申报流程 网上申报是指每月初在网上申报上月的增值税纳税申报、营业税纳税申报、会计报表申报、个人所得税申报。网上申报有专门的网上申报系统,而且有公司特定的U KEY。 抄税:每月1号开始抄税,在单位就可以,然后打印出销项发票汇总表等; 报税:就是把你抄完税的IC卡和打出汇总表在国税局规定的日期内去国税局报税。(报税和申报可以同时进行) 纳税申报:就是把你的一般增值税申报的主表、附表、财务报表一同带到国税局、地税局去申报纳税。 电子申报是上自己先在单位上网申报,然后把IC卡、主表、附表、财务报表带到税务局再申报就可以了。 1先抄税:就是把你的销项资料信息自动写在金税卡上、然后打印出销项发票清单及汇总表(看看开发票的书明白了)2在规定的日期内先自已在网上申报(网上有什么表格你就相应的作什么表格,这根据自己的税务局的要求)3网上申报完毕后会提示你急时到税务局申报的字样,你就可以把IC卡和纳税主表、附表、财务报表一同交到国税局就可以了,如果你企业有税,国税局就会给你打出缴税凭证,你拿着这张凭证可以上银行交税了。4回到单位以后把IC卡插在电脑里开机看看就可以了。 网上纳税申报是指纳税人在规定的纳税期限内,利用计算机登录互联网,填报有关涉税电子申报表格,把纳税申报数据发送到税务局的纳税申报受理服务器,自行申报并打印纳税凭证,自己到开户银行缴纳税款,或通过税务机关与银行部门的联网网络,将纳税人通过网络填报的纳税申报信息传递至纳税人的开户银行,由银行直接从纳税人的签约账户上将税款划缴国库的一种纳税申报方式。 实行网上纳税申报符合现代财会电算化的要求,应用条件简单,易于操作,快速便捷。使用电子申报软件后,纳税人将申报数据输入申报软件中,软件对数据进行自动审核,并进行错误或正确提示,使申报数据更为准确、完整;纳税人不受时空限制,足不出户,轻点鼠标就能完成申报、开票纳税程序,不仅免除了上门申报等候时间长,往返次数多的奔波之苦,of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to 而且网上电子申报操作简单轻松,自动化程度高,降低了纳税成本,有效节省了纳税人上门报税所耗用的时间,大幅提升了办事效率。 网上申报申请流程告之 纳税人要进行网上申报,可随时到主管国税区局领取宣传资料、提出申请,填写应向主管税务机关受理部门提出申请,经主管国税区局同意后,即与网上申报技术服务公司签定《网上 申报服务》,领取相应的使用手册和教学光盘参加培训。 业务流程说明 纳税户通过Internet接入电子申报网页,用合法用户名和口令登录电子申报服务器。选择填写相关申报表,填写完成后提交。电子申报服务器将纳税户提交的申报数据按不同的税务机关分组暂存。税务局端随机收取相关的分组数据并对数据进行处理。数据处理完成后,税务机关将纳税人的纳税帐号和相应的扣款数据发送指定银行扣除税款,并根据银行确认的扣款信息,以电子邮件的方式自动向相关纳税户发出电子邮件,告知最后申报处理结果 国地税申报在15号之前,申报的是上个月的税,对不对,去税务局需要带什么资料呢, 当月税金,下月申报, 当月申报上月税金, 申报期一般是15日截止,但遇国家法定假日(春节、国庆、五一、元旦、清明、中秋、端午等),以及其他特殊情况,向后顺延,顺延期限一般会再大厅公示,也可以打电话到大厅询问。 至于申报资料,除各税种的纳税申报表外,还有附表、财务报表等,具体看税务机关的要求。 of the waste phenomenon, inviting Jiuhua medicine science and Technology Co., Ltd. to mountain study guide and encourage the mountain two villagers contracted land 20 acres, respectively, in the development of Chinese herbal medicine planting and ecological free range chicken breeding, and the establishment of Qingyang County Huoyanshan herbs planting professional cooperatives, adopt a "company + base + farmers" in the form of support, drive Qinglong village people in the development of medicinal plant. The village go out workers more land utilization rate is not high status, the village organization transfer of land 1800 acres to 4 large grain, the villagers there are four to five hundred yuan of income, the village collective each year 2 to 3 million yuan of infrastructure and management services Into. And (3) to serve the new people as the first responsibility, leveraging the livelihood of the people. The new village is a poor village, under the jurisdiction of the 29 villagers group, one of the more than 1000 households, more than four thousand people, filing riser for poorer families 108 262 people, there are four groups of villagers nearly 400 people in old revolutionary base areas, Qinglong mountain living, production and living conditions of the poor, roads, water conservancy, health care, culture and infrastructure needs to be improved. A year ago, has for project funding 71 million yuan, directly under the municipal sector funds 26.5 million yuan counties Department funds 23 00000 yuan, to
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