

2017-10-18 26页 doc 74KB 24阅读




关于中老年人保健品的推广营销方案关于中老年人保健品的推广营销方案 关于中老年人保健品的营销方案: 对于脑白金在成都市场所制定的营销方案 一:行业背景分析 由于现在的经济发展快,人们寿命的缩短,大家对活着的欲望就越大,自然对老年人保健方面比较重视,保健品成了生活中中老年人的首选产品,它不像药物让人听了就想止步,人们把它当做是一种营养品、补品,所以很容易接受。 1、首先要先分析脑白金在国内市场的销售量, 制作一份调查问卷,这份调查问卷面向全国进行调查,调查内容是针对脑白金在国内市场那个城市的销售量最大,购买人群的年龄、工作、收入、还有就是购买脑白金的原...
关于中老年人保健品的推广营销 关于中老年人保健品的营销方案: 对于脑白金在成都市场所制定的营销方案 一:行业背景分析 由于现在的经济发展快,人们寿命的缩短,大家对活着的欲望就越大,自然对老年人保健方面比较重视,保健品成了生活中中老年人的首选产品,它不像药物让人听了就想止步,人们把它当做是一种营养品、补品,所以很容易接受。 1、首先要先分析脑白金在国内市场的销售量, 制作一份调查问卷,这份调查问卷面向全国进行调查,调查内容是针对脑白金在国内市场那个城市的销售量最大,购买人群的年龄、工作、收入、还有就是购买脑白金的原因。 然后根据所调查的数据再制定成都这个市场的营销方案, 2、再制定一份关于脑白金在成都这个市场行业背景,调查问卷针对的人群主要是成都市人群和居住在成都市的人群, 3、根据调查问卷所得出的数据,我们可以更清晰的知道脑白金在成都这个市场的销售状况,(调查问卷请参考附件) 二、产品分析 分析脑白金这款保健品的发展前景的利与弊, 弊: 它不是药物,它只是一种保健品,人们在买药的时候都是听医生开药,但对于保健品顾客大部分不会听卖家建议去买那种保健品,所以顾客在买保健品的时候有抉择的权力,不一定要买脑白金,也可能会选择别的保健品,cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 所以在宣传方面我们重点突出脑白金的特点,重点突出他在营养方面的优点。在价格上给予适当的数量折扣、鼓励多购 以成本为基础, 以同类产品价格为参考。 利: 虽然现在中老年人保健品市场竞争很激烈,但是根据我们的技术结合脑白金的许多优点要推广起来也是很容易的。我们要重点突出保健品在当今社会对中老年人的重要性,“人不要等到生病才想到对身体好,吃保健品总比以后吃药好的”宣传方式进行推广,我相信我们的保健品会很畅销的。 三、产品定位 1、价格定位 虽然现在的经济水平比起以前已经有了很大的提升,大多都处于小康阶段,但是在这个物欲横流的社会价格仍然不能太高,一般在200以内,因为在一般的家庭不会愿意花太多的钱在购买保健品上,就算买了也不会长期购买这款保健品,所以价格就是不能让普通消费者觉得难以接受,望而止步,如果那样就算产品再好,就算宣传和广告做的再好那也是枉然。 2、人群定位 根据我们的调查问卷得出的结果,我们的目标客户大多是25岁~45岁的上班族,因为: 第一,脑白金有这样一个特点,他的购买者不一定是使用者。使用者是老年人,但是如果我们推给老年人很难买出去,所以我们把推广对象定位为儿女,因为儿女很愿意为父母花钱,定位是我们首先要解决的问题。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 营销方案 第二、保健品的特点,它不是一种迫切需求的产品,所以我们一定要给消费者一个充足的理由来使用我们的产品,所以这涉及到一个推广之前的策划问题,首先我们要提炼出一个产品的特点,这个特点是消费者急需的,脑白金最大的优势就是打着孝顺的旗号,儿女为父母买脑白金自己有面子,有会让父母觉得自己的孩子很孝顺,当然这点就要在我们的广告和宣传方面来体现了。 四、目标客户分析 通过问卷调查得出的结果,我们可以明确的分析出我们的目标客户的一些行为习惯,购物习惯,消费习惯,这样我们就可以根据他们的习惯制定可行的方案,从而抓住更多的客户。 五、竞争对手分析 虽然脑白金的广告已经是家喻户晓了,但是随着大家对中老年人保健品的需求越来越大,各种保健品越来越多,使得很都消费者已经不知道到底什么保健品更适合老人们,在买保健品的时候也会摇摆不定,所以我们必须加大宣传,让脑白金在中老年人保健品领域打的更响 目前为止,能称得上是脑白金对手的就只有黄金酒和黄金搭档了。黄金酒的广告语是“五种粮食,六味补品,好喝又大补”。 现在很多人都喜欢喝酒,特别是中老年人闲来没事时和朋友品上两杯,既能享受又对身体有好处,一举两得自然大家都喜欢,尽管脑白金这个品牌已经很都年了,但是近几年来随着更多的保健品上市,脑白金也开始慢慢退步,加上黄金酒渐渐的上市,而且声誉不错,每年的销售量也很可观。脑白金也面临了一定的危机。所以脑白金在原有的基础上必须要有cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 更大的改变和提升才行。 六、推广策略和方法 (一)、随着现在经济的飞速发展,互联网正现在不断的改变人们的生活方式和生产方式,互联网这么发达,渐渐的大家都喜欢上网去搜索在现实中不懂的事情,并且大家渐渐都开始依赖于网络,以为只要是网上能搜索到的,就是值得信赖的。网络的影响,是一种以信息为标志的生活方式,而消费者的生活方式的变化必然导致市场营销手段的变化。所以我们必须重视网络推广这块 我们可以为自己的产品做一个门户网站,里面放上自己的产品,产品介绍,公司简介,健康咨询,健康指南,在线交流,网上留言等,这样可以要顾客更好的了解我们的产品, 如何防顾客能很快的搜到我们的网站呢,就需要我们的做竞价推广了 竞价推广 竞价顾名思义是通过价格的高低来衡量一个网站的排名方式 , 也就是说,竞价是需要用钱来做排名的~在百度或者谷歌上对网站做竞价排名,设关键字的字数不在于多,而是在于精准,比如“脑白金”“脑白金网站”,“脑白金品牌值得信赖”等„„关键字不宜超过10个字。注意关键词的密度,还有关键词的优化,挖掘长尾关键字。 我们的流量和访问量一般不是来在精准关键字,大部分流量和访问量都来自我们的长尾关键字,做竞价推广的目的是为了把现实中的产品放当网上去买,不过像脑白金这样的保健品一般只是在网上放一个咨询网站而已,产品一般都在现实中卖。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 营销方案 (二)、搜索引擎推广 就是到各大门户网站注册帐号,比如百度,新浪,腾讯,搜狐,还有小型门户网站,比如像58同城,赶集网,百姓网等等,进行软文推广。 不停的进入别人的网站,那样在别人的网站上就会留下我们的一些信息,网民就有可能通过哪些信息进入我们的网站, 不断发帖,跟帖。 1、百度贴吧: 在百度贴吧多注册账号,多发关于健康,关于脑白金的帖,定期顶贴。跟热门帖, 2、百度知道 百度知道是网民几乎都会用的,时常更新问题,自己回答,可以提高搜索率,贴吧的特点,最新更新或回复的帖子都会在顶部显示,所以要时常更新自己的帖子,这样可以让用户第一时间看到你从而树立品牌良好形象 3、百度文库 不懂网络的人大多都习惯性相信互联网,相信百度,所以我们要在百度文库里都发一些关于脑白金与健康相结合的软文,有很多人对脑白金不了解,就喜欢上百度搜索,如果百度文库有,而且给好评的人很都,顶的人也多,那么他就会选择相信我们的产品, 4、百度问答 开始推广时,多在百度上提一些专业的有技术含量的关于健康类的问题,然后自己回答,这样来带动大家,渐渐的网民们耳熏目染也会对我们的网站,产品cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 和类容有所了解,成为我们的潜在客户,就算不购买我们的东西,也会间接性为我们做宣传, 5、博客营销方式 在百度上创建一个博客,在博客里多放一些关于脑白金的介绍,公司的介绍,脑白金营养的介绍,健康介绍,专家专区,定期管理,定期发新作品,新。 6、Email营销模式 向我们的客户发一些健康咨询,最新产品,最新活动时间。 7、友情链接 经常进入别人的网站,浏览别人的网页,定别人的帖, 8、论坛推广 ?新闻消息:发布各种商品相关新闻; ?促销信息:发布商品促销、商品打折信息; ?新闻消息:发布各种商品相关新闻; ?促销信息:发布商品促销、商品打折信息; ?消费指南:发布分类商品消费指南; ?新品推荐;推荐新上架商品; ?商品分类列表:客户可以按照商品分类进行商品浏览; ?客户投诉:客户进行投诉,投诉回复,解决方法; ?售后服务:客户售后服务; ?会员注册:实现会员注册,方便日后做调查; 9、广告推广 (1)将网址印宣传册好报上 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 营销方案 (2)在公交车站放置我的服装海报广告 (3)制作名片宣传我的网站地址和最新消息信息 (4)在三轮车上贴广告 (5)在报纸上打广告 (6)在地方电视台上做广告 10、建若干博客 如:新浪博客,搜狐博客,百度博客。网易博客。QQ空间等 发表原创好的博文,定期优化,定期管理。 在现实中我们也可以做一些推广方案,如: (1)发传单 (2)发书,但要在上面打上我们的广告 (3)在公交车视频上打广告, (4)搞一些大型的公益活动,过节时定量打折销售。 (5)到各个地方做一些关于健康的讲座,当然也要打上我们的广告。 (6)口碑宣传,要把声誉打响。 (7)开店初期,尽量多找机会开展一些大型的打折活动,打名声打出去。 七、财务控制和预算 在项目实行前,我们必须先对这个项目进行预算,如果没有足够的资金投入,那再好的项目也不能实行, (1)首先在问卷调查的时候,所要印刷的费用50元。 (2)申请一个域名要100元,网站优化费用500元 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment (3)做各种广告,传单,报纸等„„„„所需要的费用1000元 (4)请专家讲座,搞大型推广活动和打折促销活动所需要的成本费用5000元。 (5)租实体店,加装修费,聘请员工5000 一共需要11650元 八、项目推进 经过深思熟虑之后,网站建设成功之后,开始实施运营,先本着服务顾客,信誉至上原则,等自己的信誉高了,品牌打的响了,在开始实施价格策略,让每一位顾客到我店里买东西, 项目的具体实施时间,最在最短时间内把一切工作落实好, (1)前期全国考察要10天, (2)成都当地的市场考察,制定方案,然后再实施要30天, (3)开实体店铺的前期准备到正式开张需要30天, (4)最后在对网站和我们的产品进行推广,百度竞价,广告宣传,口碑宣传等,这就需要长期时间来进行了。 九、应急 我们要为此次项目在实行过程的所要遇到的状况先预设好,然后想出解决的方案和应急的对策,以免在发生的时候不知道该怎么应对。如: 1、 顾客反馈我的产品质量有问题? 2、 我们的网站有被侵入的状况,并且恶意的往里面放了许多垃圾广告。 3、 我们的竞争对手假冒我们的名义在我们消费者面胡乱宣传,损坏我们的 名誉。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 营销方案 4、 竞争对手在我们的各大论坛或者网站胡乱评论我们的内容,故意制造负 面信息,煽动我们的顾客。 、 内部资金紧缺, 5 6、 网站出现漏洞 等„„„„„„ 这些问题都需要我们提前想好应对方案。 十、效果评估 只要具体步骤是按照上面方案写的去实施,没有任何的漏洞和突发状况的话。我相信这个项目会做的很好,所有我要做好所有的准备。 <附件> 关于脑白金的调查问卷 尊敬的市民: 您好,我是脑白金集团在成都的代理商,我们集团目前正在对保健品行业在成都这个市场进行考察,目的是为了了解市民们对保健品的需求量和购买习惯,制定更好的方案,可以更好的的服务广大消费者,首先非常感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来做这份调查,调查内容有涉及您隐私的我们会严加保密,绝不泄露。 1、 请问您是成都本地人吗, cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment A是 B不是 2、 请问您的年龄是? A20~30 B31~40 C41~50 D50以上 3、 请问您的性别? A男 B女 4、 请问您现在的工作是, A白领 B公司高层 C普通工人 D自由职业 E其他 5、 请问您的月收入是, A1000以下(终止访问)谢谢您的合作 B1000~2000 C2000~3050 D3050~5000 E5000~7000 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 营销方案 F7000以上 6、 请问您家中有几位长辈? A一位 B二位 C三位 D四位 E四位以上 7、 请问他们的年龄是, A40~50 B51~60 C61~70 D71以上 8、 请问您在家扮演什么样的角色, A决策者 B策划者 S执行者 9、 请问您买过保健品吗, A买过 B从来不买 原因:————————————————————————————-- 10、 请问您买过脑白金吗, A有 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 原因:———————————————————————————————————————————— B没有 原因:———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 11、 请问您买过哪些保健品? —————————————————————————————————————————————— 12、 请问您自己有使用保健品吗, A有使用 B很少使用 C经常使用 D从不使用 13、 请问您在挑选保健品时看重的是什么,(可多选) A看重它的包装 B信誉好 C售后服务好 D朋友推荐 E广告宣传的好 F信任代言人 J质量有保证,效果好 H其他 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 营销方案 14、 请问您在那个季节买保健品多, A春季 B夏季 C秋季 D冬季 15、 请问您只有过节才买保健品吗, A是 B不是 16、 请问您在买保健品时喜欢买那个价位的? A100以内 B100~200 C200~300 D300~500 E500以上 17、 请问您有在网上搜索过关于保健品的信息吗, A有 B没有 18、 请问您在网上买过保健品吗, A有 B没有 19、 请问您觉得在网上买保健品质量可以信赖吗, A能信赖 B不能信赖 C没有想过 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 20、 请问您在实体店买保健品多还是网上买的多, A实体店多 B网上买的多 C一样多 D都很少买 21、 请对我们的调查提出宝贵的意见或建议: ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 谢谢您的合作,祝你生活愉快。再见。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment
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