

2018-04-03 20页 doc 110KB 32阅读




山东升降机施工升降机安装方案山东升降机施工升降机安装方案 施工升降机安装方案 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities ...
山东升降机施工升降机安装方案 施工升降机安装方案 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 施工升降机安装施工方案 目 录 第一章 编制依据及说明 ......................................................................... 2 第二章 概 况 ........................................................................................ 3 1. 工程概况 .............................................. 3 2. SC200/200W型施工升降机概况. ............................ 3 3. 安装及流程 ........................................ 3 4安装安全注意事项. ....................................... 6 5. 应急救援 .......................................... 7 附件1:施工升降机基础图、平面布置示意图 ........................................ 8 附件2:施工升降机基础地下室范围加固方案 ........................................ 9 附件3:施工升降机计算书 ...................................................................... 9 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 第 1 页 共11 页 第一章 编制依据及说明 一、编制依据 1、 《建设工程安全生产管理条例》 2、 《建筑机械使用安全技术规程》 3、 《施工升降机安装使用说明书》 4、 现场勘查情况 5、 其他有关资料 二、编制说明 1. 仅适用于:SC200/200W施工升降机安装使用 2. 施工单位须严格按照该方案进行施工,严禁违章作业,违章指挥、盲目施 工。 3. 施工升降机的安装施工,由具有安拆资质的公司专业队伍进行。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 施工升降机安装施工方案 第二章 概 况 一、工程概况: 中冶实久郫县研发大楼 工程为钢筋砼框架—剪力墙结构 根据本工程情况,安装SC200/200W型施工升降机2台。 建筑物高设备安装设备提升配置附墙配置附墙 楼 号 附墙距离 度(米) 高度(米) 高度(米) 形式 数量(套) A号楼 80米 85米 80米 SCAT51 1.8-2.5米 9套 B号楼 100米 105米 100米 SCAT51 1.8-2.5米 11套 二(SC200/200W型施工升降机概况 SC200/200W施工升降机是四川建设机械(集团)股份有限公司生产的双笼施工升降机。该升降机由导轨架、吊笼附件、基础及平衡、电气等部分组成。作为装载物料和人员的两个吊笼部置在导轨架两侧,每个吊笼内有独立的驱动装置,通过驱动装置上的小齿轮与固定在节上的齿条啮合来实现吊笼的上下运动,每个吊笼设有独立的操作系统,一次能将2吨的物料或24人在不到3分钟的时间内垂直送到100米的高度。 该施工升降机安全保护装置齐备,设有防护围栏、围栏上由机电保护装置。在吊笼内设有总停开关、上下限位开关、门限位开关、保险扣、防坠安全装置等安全措施,整机性能优良,质量保证,安全可靠,安装拆卸方便。 设备主要技术参数: 额定载重量:2000公斤或24人 额定起升速度:38米/分钟 电机功率:2×15千瓦 限速器动作速度: 60米/分钟 导轨架自由端最大允许高度:7.5米 最大提升高度:200米 安装起重机起吊能力:200千克 三、施工升降机安装工艺及流程 1、主要部件安装 主要部件的安装内容基础构架、导轨、三节标准节、吊笼、地面围栏、 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 第 3 页 共11 页 电缆框、电气线路等。安装步骤如下: (1) 把基础表面(地下室顶板)打扫干净,去掉地脚架孔内杂物和积水,将基 础构架摆放到上面,用4个M24×160的螺栓将基础构架和基础连在一起; (2) 在吊笼与基础构架围栏和第二节标准节一同安装在标准节上检查水平与附 墙的距离。基础构架的水平可通过基础构架与基础之间加垫片进行调整; (3) 按次序装上第三节标准节,应把缓冲弹簧一同装上。两个方向上检查导轨架的 垂直度(用水平仪或铅垂线),然后将螺栓拧紧,螺栓拧紧后应重新检查垂直度; (4) 安装吊笼时,把吊笼上导向轮松开,电机制动松闸,用起重设备将吊笼吊 到安装位置,使传动板上的小齿轮与标准节上的齿轮啮合,导向轮抱住标 准节上的立柱上,慢慢将吊笼放下。就位后,重新调试导向轮及压轮间隙, 通过导向轮的偏心轴调整导向轮与标准节立柱间隙为0.4,0.6mm,然后, 调整传动板背面的压轮,使之与齿条背面接触。并使驱动齿轮与齿条的侧 隙0.2,0.5mm接触斑点沿齿高应?40%,沿齿高于?50%; (5) 吊笼在标准节上安装调整好后,将电机制动器合闸; (6) 接通施工升降机的电气线路,检查各项功能是否正常,如果发现施工升 降机的运动方向与操作开关指示的方向不同的话,可切断电源,调整两 根电缆的连接即可; (7) 用吊杆(或吊车)吊标准节到吊笼顶上; (8) 把吊笼尽可能开到靠近导轨顶部,吊起一节标准节,在接头外表面主要 连接上涂抹2号锂基润滑油; (9) 把标准节安放在导轨架顶部,需上好齿条定位销,上好标准节连接螺栓, 松开吊钩,吊笼下行到一适当位置,用350N?m的力矩拧紧标准节连接螺 栓,然后调整齿条与齿条之间的啮合,齿条背面的街差不得超过0.5mm, 调整好齿条后方可拧紧齿条固定螺栓,重复上述工作,直到所需高度; (10)安装完毕后,安装好限位撞块,用经纬仪再次检查导轨架对底座平面的垂直度,导轨架垂直度偏差不得大于下表规定: 导轨架高度 ,70 70-100 100-150 150-200 (米) masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 施工升降机安装施工方案 垂直度公差值?导轨架高度 ?70 ?90 ?110 (mm) 的1/1000 2、附墙支撑的安装: (1) 附墙支撑相对水平所允许的最大倾斜度为?8?; (2) 调直导轨架,通过调整后支撑架连接杆的长短,即可改变导轨架的垂直 度,每次安装附墙时都需要垂直度,检查导轨架两个方向垂直度符 合要求后,并且保证吊笼不与附墙碰撞,方能拧紧所有螺母; (3) 每隔9米必须安装附墙1套,最上端自由高度为7.5米。 (4) 施工升降机附墙支撑详见附图。 四、施工升降机安装安全注意事项 1. 安装现场必须有技术、安全人员监护; 2. 安装区域设置警戒线,有明显标志,并要有专人监护,安装期间现场严禁闲杂人员进出; 3. 安装前工作人员应对工具、附件等仔细检查,不合格者立即更换,确保正常使用; 4. 安装过程中,所有工作人员必须听从指挥人员的统一指挥和信号; 5. 安装过程中须有专人照看电源; 6. 安装过程中所有工作人员必须戴好安全帽,上高人员必须穿防滑鞋,高空作业必须系好安全带~配挂工具包; 7. 安装过程中严禁由高空向下抛投物品; 8. 安装过程中注意建筑物周边的障碍物,若有障碍物必须排除后方可作业,防止发生意外事故; 9. 安装过程中吊笼运动时,人体及装运的物件绝对不准超出吊笼护栏, 10. 安装过程中每道工序完成后经专人检查认可方能进行下一道安装工序; 11. 安装过程中发现异常,应立即停止安装工作,排除故障后才能继续安装; 12. 安装过程中吊笼载荷不允许超过额定安装载重量。 13. 安装过程中吊杆进行安装工作时,吊杆的最大起重量为200kg,不允许超载,吊杆有悬挂物时,不准开动吊笼; masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 第 5 页 共11 页 14. 安装期间绝对不允许非安装人员使用施工升降机; 15. 安装期间严禁饮酒、打闹; 16. 不允许在风速,13m/秒和雷雨、下雪和恶劣气候条件下进行安装工作; 17. 安装完成后应仔细检查施工升降机的各机构,各部位是否应处于良好状态,发现问及时处理; 18. 严格按照产品使用说明书的安装方法,对安装作业过程中各种应急情况进行正确处理。 五、应急救援措施 1、目的 为保护人民生命财产安全,确保在意外发生时,公司员工有条不紊地开展 救援活动,有效控制事态扩展,在大限度降低事故危害。 2、管理内部要求 2.1应急救援组织机构 2.1.1施工项目部组建应急救援领导小组,下设综合协调组、现场抢险组和善后处理组; 组长:杜君 副组长:李贵伦 组员:胡凤鸣、刘业洲、胡建军、罗银、江天中 2.1.2现场抢险组:由项目部安全部门和安装队组成,主要由电工、焊工、安装工、机修工和义务消防队员组成; 善后处理组:由政工、劳资、财务和后勤部门组成,李洪生任组长。 2.2应急救援物资 名称 数量 单位 客车 1 辆 货车 1 辆 8T汽车吊 1 辆 气焊、气割设备 1 套 干粉灭火器 2 个 安全帽 8 顶 安全带 8 根 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 施工升降机安装施工方案 附件1:施工升降机基础图、平面布置示意图 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 第 7 页 共11 页 附件2:施工升降机基础地下室范围加固方案 1.加固原则: 本加固措施以地下室楼板不受力为原则,上部荷载通过楼板传递至地下室加固架体,楼板只是传力的介质。 2.加固措施: 本加固措施采用扣件式钢管架,钢管型号Φ 48×3.5。加固范围为施工升降机基础相对应的地下室部分,立杆间距为600×600,下设木方垫块,横杆间距为600×600,第一步横杆距地面200mm,整个架体外围里面设置减力撑,在顶板处采用高强度钢顶撑作支撑,详细布置图。 3.本加固措施适用于地下室一层、地下室二层。 施工升降机基础地下室加固架体立面图 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 施工升降机安装施工方案 附件3:施工升降机计算书 根据施工现场实际情况,本工程布置两部施工升降机,A塔楼施工升降机 安装高度85m,B塔楼施工升降机安装高度105m。计算时选取B塔楼105m高度计算。 一、施工升降机基本参数 施工升降机型号:SC200/200W 架设高度:105m 标准节高度:1.508m 外笼重:1200kg 吊笼重:1600kg×2=3200kg 吊笼载重量:2000kg×2=4000kg 导轨架重(共需69节标准节,标准节重160kg):160kg×69=11040kg 其他配件总重量:600kg 二、荷载计算 P=(3200+1200+4000+11040+600)×10/1000=200.40kN k 考虑动载、自重误差及风载对基础的影响,取系数n=2.1 P=2.1×200.40=420.84kN 三、施工升降机安装在楼板上承载计算: 4.1、荷载参数: 2施工荷载:2.5kN/m; 4.2、钢管参数: 钢管类型:Ф48×3.5 钢管横距: 600mm 钢管纵距: 600mm 钢管步距: 1200mm 钢管架设面积:4m×6m 模板支架立杆伸出顶层横向水平杆中心线至模板支撑点的长度:0.1 m; 4.3、顶板下钢管结构验算: 设梁板下Ф48×3.5mm钢管@600mm×600mm(支模未拆除)支承上部施工升降机荷重,混凝土结构自重由结构自身承担,则: 2施工升降机 1.2×46.76=56.112kN/m 2活载 1.4×2.5=3.5kN/m 2 56.112+3.5=59.612kN/m 59.612×0.6×0.6=21.46032kN 钢管支模架步高0.6m h/l=1200/600=2 a h/l=1200/600=2 b masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 第 9 页 共11 页 经查表,μ的取值为:1.272 计算长度:L=k×μ×h=1.155×1.272×1.2=1.763m 01 L=h+2a=1.2+2×0.1=1.4m 02 取:L=1.763m 0 λ=L/i=1763/15.8=111 0 由此得:φ=0.509 22[N]=φ×A×f=0.509×489.303mm×210N/mm=52.302kN ?21.460323kN 顶板下的钢管结构满足要求~ masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further
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