

2017-09-01 26页 doc 71KB 56阅读




桥式起重机桥式起重机 桥式起重机 - 桥式起重机 桥架在高架轨道上运行的一种桥架型起重机,又称天车。桥式起重机的桥架沿铺设在两侧高架上的轨道纵向运行,起重小车沿铺设在桥架上的轨道横向运行,构成一矩形的工作范围,就可以充分利用桥架下面的空间吊运物料,不受地面设备的阻碍。这种起重机广泛用在室内外仓库、厂房、码头和露天贮料场等处。桥式起重机可分为普通桥式起重机、简易梁桥式起重机和冶金专用桥式起重机3种。 普通桥式起重机 由起重小车、桥架运行机构、桥架金属结构组成。起重小车又由起升机构、小车运行机构和小车架3部分组成。起升机构包括电动机、...
桥式起重机 桥式起重机 - 桥式起重机 桥架在高架轨道上运行的一种桥架型起重机,又称天车。桥式起重机的桥架沿铺设在两侧高架上的轨道纵向运行,起重小车沿铺设在桥架上的轨道横向运行,构成一矩形的工作范围,就可以充分利用桥架下面的空间吊运物料,不受地面设备的阻碍。这种起重机广泛用在室内外仓库、厂房、码头和露天贮料场等处。桥式起重机可分为普通桥式起重机、简易梁桥式起重机和冶金专用桥式起重机3种。 普通桥式起重机 由起重小车、桥架运行机构、桥架金属结构组成。起重小车又由起升机构、小车运行机构和小车架3部分组成。起升机构包括电动机、制动器、减速器、卷筒和滑轮组。电动机通过减速器带动卷筒转动,使钢丝绳绕上卷筒或从卷筒放下,以升降重物。通常在额定起重量超过10吨的普通桥式起重机上装有主、副两套起升机构,副钩的额定起重量一般为主钩的15,20,。小车架是支托和安装起升机构和小车运行机构等部件的机架,通常为焊接结构。起重机运行机构的驱动方式可分为两大类:一类为集中驱动,即用一台电动机带动长传动轴驱动两边的主动车轮;另一类为分别驱动、即两边的主动车轮各用一台电动机驱动。中、小型桥式起重机较多采用制动器、减速器和电动机组合成一体的"三合一"驱动方式,大起重量的普通桥式起重机为便于安装和调整,驱动装置常采用万向联轴器。起重机运行机构一般只用 4个主动和从动车轮,如果起重量很大,常用增加车轮的办法来降低轮压。当车轮超过 4个时,必须采用铰接均衡车架装置,使起重机的载荷均匀地分布在各车轮上。 桥架的金属结构由主梁和端梁组成,分为单主梁桥架和双梁桥架两类。单主梁桥架由单根主梁和位于跨度两边的端梁组成,双梁桥架由两根主梁和端梁组成。主梁与端梁刚性连接,端梁两端装有车轮,用以支承桥架在高架上运行。主梁上焊有轨道,供起重小车运行。桥架主梁的结构类型较多,比较典型的有箱形结构、四桁架结构和空腹桁架结构。箱形结构又可分为正轨箱形双梁、偏轨箱形双梁、偏轨箱形单主梁等几种。正轨箱形双梁是广泛采用的一种基本形式,主梁由上、下翼缘板和两侧的垂直腹板组成,小车钢轨布置在上翼缘板的中心线上,它的结构简单,制造方便,适于成批生产,但自重较大。偏轨箱形双梁和偏轨箱形单主梁的截面都是由上、下翼缘板和不等厚的主、副腹板组成,小车钢轨布置在主腹板上方,箱体内的短加劲板可以省去,其中偏轨箱形单主梁是由一根宽翼缘箱形主梁代替两根主梁,自重较小,但制造较复杂。四桁架式结构由 4片平面桁架组合成封闭型空间结构,在上水平桁架面一般铺有走台板,自重轻,刚度大,但与其他结构相比,外形尺寸大,制造较复杂,疲劳强度较低,已较少生产。空腹桁架结构类似偏轨箱形主梁,由4片钢板组成一封闭结构,除主腹板为实腹工字形梁外,其余 3片钢板上按照要求切割成许多窗口,形成一个无斜杆的空腹桁架,在上、下水平桁架表面铺有走台板,起重机运行机构及电气设备装在桥架内部,自重较轻,整体刚度大,这在中国是较为广泛采用的一种型式。 普通桥式起重机主要采用电力驱动,一般是在司机室内操纵,也有远距离控制的。起重量可达500吨,跨度可达60米。 简易梁桥式起重机 又称梁式起重机,其结构组成与普通桥式起重机类似。起重量、跨度和工作速度均较小。桥架主梁是由工字钢或其他型钢和板钢组成的简单截面梁,用手拉葫芦(见手动葫芦)或电动葫芦配上简易小车作为起重小车,小车一般在工字梁的下翼缘上运行。桥架可以沿高架上的轨道运行,也可沿悬吊在高架下面的轨道运行,这种起重机称为悬挂梁式起重机 冶金专用桥式起重机 这种起重机在钢铁生产过程中可参与特定的工艺操作,基本结构与普通桥式起重机相似,但在起重小车上还装有特殊的工作机构或装置。这种起重机的工作特点是使用频繁、条件恶劣,工作级别较高。主要有5种类型。?铸造起重机:供吊运铁水注入混铁炉、炼钢炉和吊运钢水注入连续铸锭设备或钢锭模等用。主小车吊运盛桶,副小车进 行翻转盛桶等辅助工作。?夹钳起重机:利用夹钳将高温钢锭垂直地吊运到深坑均热炉中, 或把它取出放到运锭车上。?脱锭起重机:用以把钢锭从钢锭模中强制脱出。小车上有专门 的脱锭装置,脱锭方式根据锭模的形状而定:有的脱锭起重机用顶杆压住钢锭,用大钳提起 锭模;有的用大钳压住锭模,用小钳提起钢锭。?加料起重机:用以将炉料加到平炉中。主 小车的立柱下端装有挑杆,用以挑动料箱并将它送入炉内。主柱可绕垂直轴回转,挑杆可上 下摆动和回转。副小车用于修炉等辅助作业。?锻造起重机:用以与水压机配合锻造大型工 件。主小车吊钩上悬挂特殊翻料器,用以支持和翻转工件;副小车用来抬起工件。 Bridge crane - overhead crane Bridge in an elevated bridge orbit type crane , also known as Crane. The bridge crane lay along the elevated track in the vertical sides of runs, lifting the car along the track laid on the bridge on the horizontal run, the scope of work form a rectangle, can take full advantage of the space under the lifting bridge materials, ground equipment is not hindered. The cranes are widely used in indoor and outdoor warehouses, factories, docks and outdoor storage yard, etc.. Overhead crane bridge crane can be divided into ordinary, simple beam bridge crane and Metallurgy crane 3. General bridge crane from the lifting trolley, bridge movement organization, structure and composition of metal bridge . Crab and the hoisting mechanism, trolley traveling agencies and small frame of 3 parts. Lifting bodies, including the motor, brake , reducer , drum and pulleys. Motor through reducer rotating driven rolls, or rolls around on the rope down from the roll to lift heavy objects. Usually rated capacity exceeding 10 tons overhead crane equipped with a common main and auxiliary sets of lifting mechanism, auxiliary hook from the weight of the general rating of the main hook of the 15 to 20%. Is supporting for small frame and installation of lifting the car to run institutions, agencies and chassis parts, usually welded structure. Crane Actuator can be divided into two categories: one for the collective drive, which uses a long shaft motor drive on both sides of the active wheel drive; the other for each driver, the wheels on both sides of each with a single active motor drive. In more frequent use of small overhead crane brakes, gear and motor combined into one of the "triple play" drive mode, a large bridge crane from the weight of the ordinary for the ease of installation and adjustment, drive often used universal coupling . Crane agencies generally take the initiative and driven by four wheels, if the effect is very heavy, the wheels of the approach used to reduce the increase in wheel load. When the wheels more than 4 must be balanced with articulated frame device so that the crane load evenly distributed throughout the wheel. Bridge's metal structure from the main beam and side beams, divided into single-and dual-beam bridge girder bridge types. Single-girder bridge by a single span both sides of the main beam and in the end beam of the composition, dual-beam bridge consists of two main beams and side beams formed. The main beam and side beams rigidly connected at both ends with wheels end beam for supporting the elevated bridge in the running. The main beam welded rail for lifting the car running. Girder bridge structure of many types (Figure 2), typically a box structure, the four truss truss structure and fasting. Track box structure can be divided into two-box girder, double girder side rail box, partial rail box, such as several single main beam. Double-track box beam is widely used as a basic form, the main beam by the upper and lower sides of the vertical flange and web components, arranged in the rail car on the flange of the center line, and its simple structure, the convenience, suitable for mass production, but the larger self. Partial rail box beam and the partial double-track single box girder cross-section are from the upper and lower flange plate and unequal thickness of the main and auxiliary web form, arranged in the main web of rail car above the cabinets in the short stiffened plate can save, in which one side rail box girder is a wide-flange box girder instead of two main beams, less weight, but manufacturing is more complex. Four from the four truss structure to form closed space plane truss structure, the level surface is covered with truss walkway panels, light weight, rigidity, but in comparison with other structures, size large, complex manufacturing, fatigue lower strength, has less production. Partial fasting truss structure similar to the rail box girder, steel plate by the four form a closed structure, in addition to the main web is a real belly-section beam, the other three steel plate cut into many windows in accordance with design requirements to form a non-slash fasting truss, the upper and lower horizontal surface of paved walkway truss plates, crane operation and electrical equipment installed in agencies within the bridge, lighter weight, the overall stiffness, which is more widely used in China as a type. General bridge crane using power-driven primary, usually in the driver control room, there are remote control. From the weight of up to 500 tons, spans up to 60 meters. Simple beam bridge crane, also known as beam crane, its composition and structure similar to an ordinary crane. From the weight, span and working speed are small. Bridge girder or other beam by beam and plate steel section beam consisting of a simple, hand-pulling hoist (see manual hoist ) or electric hoist as the lifting trolley car accompanied by simple, usually in the car the next joist flange on the run. Bridge can be run along the elevated track can also be elevated along the suspension in the following orbit, such as crane crane hoisting beam Metallurgy crane cranes in the steel production process that can be involved in a particular process operation, the basic structure and general overhead crane similar, but in lifting a small car is also equipped with a special working body or device. The cranes feature is the use of frequent, harsh conditions, working-level high. There are 5 types. ? Casting Crane: for lifting hot metal into the mixer, steel-making furnaces and molten steel into a continuous ingot lifting equipment or ingot molds used. Sheng barrel lifting the main car, car to flip Sheng, vice and other auxiliary barrel work. ? tongs crane: the use of clamps will be lifted vertically into the hot ingot soaking pit furnace, or to transport it out into the ingot car. ? off ingot cranes: steel ingot from the ingot mold used in the extrusion force. Small car off the tablets have a special device, from ingot ingot mold according to the shape of way may be: some off mandrel suppress ingot ingot crane, lift with tongs ingot mold; some press and hold the ingot mold with tongs, with small clamp lift steel ingot. ? feeding cranes: to be in charge added to the open-hearth furnace. Column with the bottom of the main car pick rod to stir up and feed it into the furnace box. The main column can turn around the vertical axis, pick the rod up and down swing and turn. Vice-car heaters and other auxiliary operations for the repair. ? forging crane: used with the hydraulic press with a large forged parts. Special master car turned feeder hanging hook to support and flip the workpiece; vice car to lift the workpiece. 桥式起重机是横架于车间、仓库和料场上空进行物料吊运的起重设备。由于它的两端坐落在 高大的水泥柱或者金属支架上,形状似桥。桥式起重机的桥架沿铺设在两侧高架上的轨道纵 向运行,可以充分利用桥架下面的空间吊运物料,不受地面设备的阻碍。它是使用范围最广、 数量最多的一种起重机械。 Bridge crane is horizontal plane in workshop, warehouse and yard over rigger materials of lifting equipment. Because of its ends located in tall cement posts or metal stents, shape like bridge. Bridge crane along the bridge on both sides laying in elevated the orbit of longitudinal operation, can make full use of the space below girder hoisting materials, does not suffer ground equipment obstacles. It is to use the widest range, the largest number of a kind of hoisting machinery. 桥式起重机是现代工业生产和起重运输中实现实现生产过程 机械化、自动化得重要工具和 设备。 所以桥式起重机在室内外工矿企业、钢铁化工、铁路交通、港口码头以及物流周转 等部门和场所均得到广泛的运用。Bridge crane is the modern industrial production and lifting transportation in realizing realize mechanization, automation production process to important tools and equipment. So bridge crane in interior industrial and mining enterprises, steel chemical industry, railway transportation, ports and logistics departments and establishments are widely used. 桥式起重机可分为普通桥式起重机、简易梁桥式起重机和冶金专用桥式起重机三种。 普 通桥式起重机一般由起重小车、桥架运行机构、桥架金属结构组 成。起重小车又由起升机 构、小车运行机构和小车架三部分组成。 起升机构包括电动机、制动器、减速器、卷筒 和滑轮组。电动机通过减速器,带动卷筒转动,使钢丝绳绕上卷筒或从卷筒放下,以升降重 物。小车架是支托和安装起升机构和小车运行机构等部件的机架,通常为焊接结构。 起 重机运行机构的驱动方式可分为两大类:一类为集中驱动,即用一台电动机带动长传动轴驱 动两边的主动车轮;另一类为分别驱动、即两边的主动车轮各用一台电动机驱动。中、小型 桥式起重机较多采用制动器、减速器和电动机组合成一体的“三合一”驱动方式,大起重量 的普通桥式起重机为便于安装和调整,驱动装置常采用万向联轴器。 起重机运行机构一 般只用四个主动和从动车轮,如果起重量很大,常用增加车轮的办法来降低轮压。当车轮超 过四个时,必须采用铰接均衡车架装置,使起重机的载荷均匀地分布在各车轮上。 桥架 的金属结构由主梁和端梁组成,分为单主梁桥架和双梁桥架两类。单主梁桥架由单根主梁和 位于跨度两边的端梁组成,双梁桥架由两根主梁和端梁组成。 主梁与端梁刚性连接,端 梁两端装有车轮,用以支承桥架在高架上运行。主梁上焊有轨道,供起重小车运行。桥架主 梁的结构类型较多比较典型的有箱形结构、四桁架结构和空腹桁架结构。 箱形结构又可 分为正轨箱形双梁、偏轨箱形双梁、偏轨箱形单主梁等几种。正轨箱形双梁是广泛采用的一 种基本形式,主梁由上、下翼缘板和两侧的垂直腹板组成,小车钢轨布置在上翼缘板的中心 线上,它的结构简单,制造方便,适于成批生产,但自重较大。 偏轨箱形双梁和偏轨箱 形单主梁的截面都是由上、下翼缘板和不等厚的主副腹板组成,小车钢轨布置在主腹板上方, 箱体内的短加劲板可以省去,其中偏轨箱形单主梁是由一根宽翼缘箱形主梁代替两根主梁, 自重较小,但制造较复杂。 四桁架式结构由四片平面桁架组合成封闭型空间结构,在上 水平桁架表面一般铺有走台板,自重轻,刚度大,但与其他结构相比,外形尺寸大,制造较 复杂,疲劳强度较低,已较少生产。 空腹桁架结构类似偏轨箱形主梁,由四片钢板组成 一封闭结构,除主腹板为实腹工字形梁外,其余三片钢板上按照设计要求切割成许多窗口, 形成一个无斜杆的空腹桁架,在上、下水平桁架表面铺有走台板,起重机运行机构及电气设 备装在桥架内部,自重较轻,整体刚度大,这在中国是较为广泛采用的一种型式。 普通 桥式起重机主要采用电力驱动,一般是在司机室内操纵,也有远距离 桥式起重机 控制的。起重量可达五百吨,跨度可达60米。 Bridge crane can be divided into ordinary bridge crane, simple girder crane and metallurgical special bridge crane 3 kinds. Ordinary bridge crane is general by lifting trolley and bridge operation organization, bridge metal structure group into. Lifting car again by lifting mechanism, trolley mechanism and the car frame of three parts. Lifting mechanism including motor, brakes, reducer, drum and pulleys. Driving speed reducer, electromotor through reel rotation of wire rope around the drum drum down, or from lifting weights with. Car frame is a torre and installation of hoisting mechanism and the car mechanism, etc. Parts of the frame, usually for welding structure. Crane operation organization drive mode can be divided into two kinds: one kind is concentrated drive, which is a motor driving long shaft drive on both sides of the active wheels, Another kind is respectively driven, namely on both sides of the active wheel each with a motor drives. Medium and small bridge crane is increasingly used brakes, reducer and electric generator synthetic one of three-in-one drive mode, a big weight of ordinary bridge crane for ease of installation and adjustment, device drivers often adopt universal shaft coupling. Crane operation organization generally in four active and driven wheels, if lifting weight is very big, commonly used to increase the wheel to reduce the pulley. When more than four wheels when, must use hinged equilibrium frame device to make the crane load evenly distributed in each wheel. Bridge of metal structure composed by main girder and girders, divided into the single girder frame and main double girder frame two kinds. Single main girder bridge girder and frame is located in single span on both sides of the girders composition, double girder frame girder by two root and girders composition. Girder and girders rigid connection, girders, supporting both ends with wheels in elevated bridge to run on. The main welding have orbit, for lifting car running. Bridge girder structure type more comparatively typical have box structure, four truss structure and open-web truss structure. Box structure can divide again on track box shuang liang, slant rail box shuang liang, slant rail box single girder to wait for a few kinds. Track box shuang liang is widespread adoption of a basic form the girder, consists of flange plate and bilateral vertical webs composition, car rail decorate in the center of the flange plate online, its simple structure, easy fabrication, suitable for mass production, but self-respect greatly. Partial rail box double beam and partial rail box single main section is by the upper and lower flange plate and the different thickness of the Lord vice webs composition, car rail decorate in the main webs, short circuits inside above stiffening plate can save, including partial rail box girder is composed of a single root box girder wide flange instead of two root girder, respect smaller, but manufacturing complex. Four truss structure featured by four plane truss by combined into closing in on the spatial structure, the level of general shop to have walked surface truss bedplate, light dead weight, stiffness big, but compared with other structure size, shape, manufacturing is relatively complex, fatigue strength low, has less production. Open-web truss structure similar to slant box girder by rail, four plates form a closed structure, in addition to the main webs for real abdomen i-section beam outside, the rest 3-piece plate according to the design demand cutting into many window, forming a without rods of open-web truss, in the upper and lower horizontal truss surface covered go bedplate, crane operation organization and electrical equipment installed in bridge internal, self-respect lighter, whole stiffness big in China is that more widespread adoption of a type. Ordinary bridge crane mainly adopts electric drive, it is to be in commonly driver indoor manipulation, also have long-distance bridge crane Control. Lifting weight can reach 500 tons, span of 60 meters. 简易梁桥式起重机又称梁式起重机,其结构组成与普通桥式起重机类似,起重量、跨度和工 作速度均较小。桥架主梁是由工字钢或其他型钢和板钢组成的简单截面梁,用手拉葫芦或电 动葫芦配上简易小车作为起重小车,小车一般在工字梁的下翼缘上运行。桥架可以沿高架上 的轨道运行,也可沿悬吊在高架下面的轨道运行,这种起重机称为悬挂梁式起重机。 冶 金专用桥式起重机在钢铁生产过程中可参与特定的工艺操作,其基本结构与普通桥式起重机 相似,但在起重小车上还装有特殊的工作机构或装置。这种起重机的工作特点是使用频繁、 条件恶劣,工作级别较高。主要有五种类型。payments and plate steel composed of simple beam, with the hand type hoists or electric hoist match on simple car as lifting car, the car is in commonly strander beam under operation on the flange. Bridge along on a high orbits, also can along the suspensory on elevated the following orbits, this kind of crane beam cranes called suspension. Metallurgy special bridge crane in steel production process can participate in particular process operation, its basic structure and ordinary bridge crane is similar, but in lifting cars also has a special working organs or device. This kind of crane characteristics of the work is used frequently, conditions and job level is higher. Basically has five types. 桥式起重机的安全检查为了保证桥式起重机的安全运行,在起重机运行期间需进行一些安全 常规检查,检查项目及要点如下: (1) 起升高度限位器、行程限位开关及各联锁机构 性能正 桥式起重机 常,安全可靠。 (2) 各主要零部件符合安全要求:开口增大小于原尺寸的15%,扭转 变形小于10%;板钩衬套磨损小于原尺寸的50%,板钩心轴磨损小于5%,无剥落、毛刺、焊 补。吊钩挂架及滑轮无明显缺陷。钢丝绳表面钢丝磨损、腐蚀量小于钢丝直径的40%,断丝 在一个捻距内小于总丝数的10%,无断头,无明显变细,无芯部脱出、死角扭拧、挤压变形、 退火、烧损现象。钢丝绳端部连接及固定的卡子、压板、锲块连接完好,无松动,压板不少 于2个,卡子数量不少于3个。卷筒无裂纹,连接、固定无松动;筒壁磨损小于原壁厚的 20%;安全卷不少于2圈,卷筒与钢丝绳直径比例符合要求。平衡轮固定完好,钢丝绳应符 合的要求。制动器无裂纹,无松动,无严重磨损,制动间隙两侧相等尺寸合适,有足够的制 动力,制动带磨损小于原厚度的50%。 通过对桥式起重机的安全常规检查,对杜绝人身 事故,减少设备事故,提高设备运转率,降低检修费用等均起到了显著作用。Bridge crane safety check to ensure the safe operation of the bridge cranes, in crane operation period to some general safety inspections and inspection items and points as follows: (1) the hoisting height peneumatied device, travel limit switches and all the interlock device performance is bridge crane Often, safe and reliable. (2) the main parts meet safety requirements: less than the original size increase openings less than 10%, 15% torsional deformation, Board hook bushing wear less than the original size, 50% of the board hook mandrels wear less than 5%, no spalling, burr, weld repairs. Hook rack and pulley without obvious flaw. Wire rope surface wire wear and corrosion is less than 40% of wire diameter, broken wires in a twined within less than the total silk from the number of 10%, no bufo, without obvious attenuate, without mandrel department of emergence, blind Angle twisting, extrusion, annealing, burning phenomenon. At the end of the wire rope connection and fixed clip next, clips, -200 block connect intact, without loosing, linking piece not less than 2, clip next amount not less than 3. S no crack, links, fixed without shake, A hollow wear less than 20% of the original wall thickness, Safety coil not less than 2 laps, drum and wire rope diameter ratio meets the requirement. Balance wheel fixed intact, the wire rope should comply with the requirements. Brake flawless, without loose, no serious wear and brake clearance sides equal size, have enough braking force, brake with less than 50% of the original thickness wear. Through the bridge crane safety routine inspection, to prevent accidents and reduce equipment accidents and improve equipment availability, reducing maintenance cost etc are plays a remarkable role. Characteristics and Developmental Tendency of Modern Cranes With rapid development of modern science and technology, magnification of industrial production scale and improvement of automation level, application of cranes is becoming widespread and its function is obvious. Meanwhile, requirements for cranes are more and more strict. Especially, the widespread use of electronic computer technology spurs lots of subject-crossing advanced design approaches and accelerates the improvement of modern manufacturing and detecting technology. Fierce competition in international market becomes more dependent on the competition of technology. All of these impel technological functions of cranes into a brand-new developmental stage. Cranes are facing a tremendous transformation. Our country is entering global international competitive market at an unprecedented rate and crane manufacture is confronted with a new situation where opportunities and challenges coexist. Thus, it is crucial for cranes to develop and innovate constantly. I want to make a brief explanation about characteristics and developmental tendency of modern cranes with examples, based on new theories, technology and trend of cranes at home and overseas. 1. Make the key products large, high speed, endured and specialized Because of continuous expansion of industrial production scale, increasingly improvement of production efficiency and rising proportion of money spending on loading and unloading and transporting materials in the process of production, required amount of large or high-speed cranes is increasing. Lifting quantities become larger, working speed becomes higher and requirements of energy-consuming and reliability become stricter. Cranes have already become a critical link in the process of automation production. Cranes should be easy to use, maintain and operate and have high security, less troubles and long average time between failures. The central issue in international market production competition is reliability, and many companies abroad have drawn up inter-controlled standard of reliability. The most important for us to catch up with and surpass world advanced level of crane’s function is to improve reliability, to make cranes durable, less troubles, maintainable and economic to be used. At the moment, the biggest floating crane in the world weighs 6500t, chain crane 3000t and bridge crane 1200t. Diversity of industrial mode of production and customers’ need makes crane market expanding and products renewing constantly to satisfy special needs with specific functions and bring its best usefulness into play. Functions of various kinds of cranes are improving. DEMAG ERGOTECH has developed a crane special for aircraft maintenance, which has made its own way into international market. This crane is great in length and lifting height and has accurate halt. When a flexible maintenance platform fixed under lifting cart, it can reach every part of the aircraft. With the fast development of nuclear power stations in the world, cranes which are special for them achieve corresponding development. For example, annular bridge crane in reactors’ space, working under radiative circumstances, is used to lift dangerous load such as top cover of pressure container and components in reactors. It requires high reliability, high security, the ability to determine location accurately and automatically and transfer goods to a lower level, as well as various kinds of protection and particular security devices. 2. Make series of production modularized, combined, standardized and practical Most cranes are produced by series and batch, thus use of systematic multi-objections entire optimization to design series of cranes has already become the key point in development. Through rational matching of series main parameter, its functions can be improved, manufacturing cost can be reduced, and degree of general purpose can be raised. Use less specification spare parts to compose series production with multi-species and multi-specifications. And thus, the requirements of customers can be fully satisfied. By using modularized design instead of conservative entire design, we can make components with similar functions into standard modules which have various uses, similar connective key factors and are interchangeable. Through combination of different modules, we can make different kinds and specifications of cranes. There are only several modules involved when it comes to crane improvement. To design a new style of crane, all that you do is to choose different modules to recompose. Because of improvement in degree of general purpose, single products with small serial production can transform into module production of pretty great batches. As a result, we can achieve specialization production with high efficiency and cut manufacturing cost. It can satisfy marketing demands and increase competitive capacity by composing cranes of various series and specifications using less modularized forms. Bridge crane produced by DEMAG ERGOTECH considered carefully modularization and combination. It makes inter-parameter of series, entirety, mechanism and components matched with each other. The distribution of capacity obtains most economic and suitable effects. To make the main components of lifting mechanism reaches its largest general purpose, the method that the result of lifting weights multiplying lifting speed is a constant has been used. There are more specifications derived through changes of pulley multiplying power. Series of 5-125t bridge cranes only need four basic lifting carts even with various working ranks. Module series of standard wheel cases, which are produced by the company, have various groups of linking holes which can choose different drive unit to form platform carts. They can also combine with metal construction components to be used as running machine of various kinds of cranes; its wheels have several forms of surfaces to be chosen. Because of no basic distance limit and flexible combination, they are widely used. The company’s series of end bridge standard modules have commercialized. It resorts to frictional cycle and high intensity bolt link which improves interchange and accuracy of sizes and reduces machining of connecting covers. It can connect to each main beam quickly and effectively. There are two kinds of end beam modules; one is suitable for single beam and the other is for double beams. According to length and weights, end beam style can be decided. 3. Make productions for general purposes small, light, simple and diversified There are quite a number of cranes used in general workshop and storehouse, and thus they have light work and the requirement is not very strict. How to improve application of these cranes and to cut manufacturing cost is critical to win in the marketing competition. Considering comprehensive benefit, the need to decrease the height of cranes as low as possible, to simplify the constructions and to reduce weights and wheel pressure can also decrease structure’s height, lighten structure composition and reduce cost of producing and maintenance. So there will be fast development of electric calabash bridge and light beam cranes, and bridge cranes for general purposes will be replaced by them. The needs of customers advance diversity of cranes. Series parameter scale of cranes expanding and functions enlarging, product of one machine for several uses will obtain further development to increase capacity of dealing with emergencies. The proportion of using wireless remote control under normal conditions will increase. DEMAG ERGOTECH has formed standard crane series of light combinations after long period explosion and innovation. The whole series compose of various productions such as combination “工” style single beam, hanging case single beam, horn cart case single beam and case double beams. There are altogether fifteen forms of connection between main beam and end beam. This is suitable for needs of different structure and lifting goods. Each specification of crane has three single speeds and three double speeds to be chosen. There are seven operating ways. In addition, different electric conduction pattern and different electric control pattern can match hundreds and thousands of cranes through different combinations to fully satisfy different needs of customers. Another advantage of the crane is that they are light. Compared to productions at home, its lifting weight is 32t and length 25.5m compared to 46.4t------weight of double beams cranes in our country, 28.3t------ electric calabash bridge cranes. Weight of DEMAG electric calabash bridge crane is only 18.5, which is lighter than domestic productions by 60 percent and 35percent respectively. 现代起重机的特征和发展趋向 随着现代科学技术的迅速发展,工业生产规模的扩大和自动化程度的提高,起重机在现代化生产过程中应用越来越广,作用愈来愈大,对起重机的要求也越来越高。尤其是电子计算机技术的广泛应用,促使了许多跨学科的先进设计方法出现,推动了现代制造技术和检测技术的提高。激烈的国际市场竞争也越来越依赖于技术的竞争。这些都促使起重机的技术性能进入崭新的发展阶段,起重机正经历着一场巨大的变革。 我国正以前所未有的速度进入全球化国际竞争市场,中国的起重机制造业面临着机遇与挑战并存的新形势。因此起重机的不断发展和创新是关键。现根据国内外起重机的新理论、新技术和新动向,结合实例,简要论述现代起重机的特征和发展趋向。 1 重点产品大型化、高速化、耐久化和专用化 由于工业生产规模不断扩大,生产效率日益提高,以及产品生产过程中物料装卸搬运费用所占比例逐渐增加,促使大型或高速起重机的需求量不断增长。起重量越来越大,工作速度越来越高,并对能耗和可靠性提出更高的要求。起重机已成为自动化生产流程中的重要环节。起重机不但要好用,容易维护,操作方便,而且安全性要好,故障要少,平均无故障工作时间要长。可靠性是国际市场产品竞争的焦点,国外许多大公司都制定了可靠性内控。我国起重机的性能要赶超世界先进水平,最关键的是要提高可靠性,使起重机具有优异的耐久性、无故障性、维修性和使用经济性。 目前世界上最大的浮游起重机起重量6500t,最大的履带起重机起重量3000t,最大的桥式起重机起重量1200t,自动化立体仓库堆垛起重机最大运行速度达240m,min。 工业生产方式和用户需求的多样性,使专用起重机的市场不断扩大,品种也不断更新,以特有的功能满足特殊的需要,发挥出最佳的效用。冶金专用起重机,防爆、防腐、绝缘起重机和铁路、船舶、车辆专用起重机的功能不断增加,性能不断提高,适应性比以往更强。德国德马格公司研制出一种飞机维修保养专用起重机,在国际市场上打开了销路。这种起重机跨度大,起升高度大,停准精度高。在起重小车下面安装有可伸缩回转的维修平台,可到达飞机任一部位。随着世界核电站的迅速发展,核电站专用起重机也得到相应发展,如反应堆室内的环形桥式起重机在放射性环境中工作,用于起吊压力容器顶盖及堆内构件等危险载荷,要求可靠性高,安全性好,能自动精确定位和缓慢下放物品等,并有多种保护装置和特殊安全装置。 2 系列产品模块化、组合化、标准化和实用化 许多起重机是成系列成批量的产品,采用系统多目标整体优化方法进行起重机系列设计已成为发展重点,通过全面考虑性能、成本、工 艺、生产管理、制造批量和使用维护等多种因素对系列主参数进行合理匹配,以达到改善整机性能(降低制造成本,提高通用化程度,用较少规格数的零部件组成多品种、多规格的系列产品,充分满足用户需求。 用模块化设计代替传统的整机设计方法,将起重机上功能基本相同的构件、部件和零件 制成有多种用途,有相同联接要素和可互换的标准模块,通过不同模块的组合,形成不同类型和规格的起重机。对起重机进行改进,只需针对某几个模块。设计新型起重机,只需选用不同模块重新进行组合。由于提高了通用化程度,可使单件小批生产的产品改换成具有相当批量的模块生产,实现高效率的专业化生产,降低制造成本。能以较少的模块形式,组合成多品种多规格的起重机,满足市场需求,增加竞争能力。 德国德马格公司生产的桥式起重机充分考虑了模块化和组合化,使系列、整机、机构、 部件和零件互相之间的参数匹配,能力分布达到最为经济合理的搭配效果。利用起重量与起升速度的乘积为常数的方法使起升机构主要部件达到最大限度的通用。再通过滑轮倍率的变化派生出更多的规格。5,125t桥式起重机系列,多种工作级别,只需4种基型的起重小车。该公司开发的标准车轮箱模块系列,上面有多组联接孔,可选装不同的驱动单元,可组装成台车,可与金属结构件组合后用作各种桥式、门式起重机,巷道堆垛起重机或其它轨行式起重运输机械的运行机械,其车轮有多种踏面形式可供选用。由于不受基距限制,组合灵活,用途广泛。该公司的端梁标准模块系列已经商品化,与主梁之间采用摩擦环和高强度螺栓的连接方式,提高了互换性和尺寸精度,减少了接合面的加工量。与任一主梁都可快速有效相接。有适用于单梁或双梁两种形式的端梁模块,根据起重量及跨度就可确定出适用的端梁型号。 3 通用产品小型化、轻型化、简易化和多样化 有相当批量的起重机是在一般的车间仓库使用,要求并不很高,工作并不十分繁重。如何提高这些起重机的适用性,降低制造成本,是市场竞争能否获胜的关键。考虑综合效益,要求起重机尽量降低外形高度,简化结构,减小自重和轮压,也可使整个建筑物高度下降,建筑结构轻型化,降低造价和使用维护费用。因此电动葫芦桥式起重机和轻型梁式起重机会有更快的发展,并将大部分取代中小吨位一般用途桥式起重机。 用户的需求性促进了起重机的多样性。起重机的系列参数范围进一步扩大,功能选择进一步增加,一机多用产品进一步得到发展,以增强应变能力。在一般使用场合采用无线遥控操作的比例也将逐步增多。 德国德马格公司经过长期的开发和创新,已形成一个轻型组合式标准起重机系列。整个系列由组合式工字形单梁、悬挂箱形单梁、角形小车箱形单梁和箱形双梁多个品种组成。主梁与端梁相接共有15种形式,可适合不同建筑物和不同起吊物的要求。每种规格起重机都有三种单速及三种双速可供任意选择。操纵方式有地面手电门自行移动、手电门随小车移动、手电门固定、远红外或无线电遥控、司机室固定、司机室随小车移动、司机室自行移动等7种选择,外加不同的导电形式,不同的电控形式,通过不同的组合,可搭配成百上千种起重机,充分满足用户不同的需求。这种起重机的另一最大优点是轻型化,与国内产品相比较,起重量32t,跨度25.5m,国内双梁桥式起重机自重为46.4t,电动葫芦桥式起重机自重为28.3t,而德马格电动葫芦桥式起重机的自重只有18.5t,比国内产品分别轻60,和35,。
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