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英语中级口译模拟测试英语中级口译模拟测试 Model Test Intermediate Interpretation Test Model Test One Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese...
中级口译模拟测试 Model Test Intermediate Interpretation Test Model Test One Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 Since we arrived, the gracious hospitality with which we have been received has been truly heartwarming. // A Chinese proverb best describes my feeling: "When the visitor arrives, it is as if returning home." // One of the purposes of my visit was to make new friends, but I'm very pleased to find that instead of making friends, 1 am among friends. // And I'm also very pleased with our cooperation in the joint venture which has been very successful: We both gained and profited, and we both survived the fierce competition in the world market. Passage 2 Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose you've all read the report about the restructuring of the group's organization, which has given rise to the problem of relocating the new group. // One possibility is to move all the head offices to Shanghai, and that is basically what the report recommends. // Alternatively, we could continue to run the two companies quite separately in their present locations with the smaller one in Shanghai. // I'm not sure how efficient the second option would be, but I'd like to hear your opinions on the subject. Part B (C-E) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Chinese. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part B with the first passage. Passage 1 中国有一句话是这么说的,“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”// 这句话毫无夸张之意,苏杭这两座邻近上海的历史名城以其秀丽的景色每年吸引了数 以百万计的海内外游客。// 例如,中国南方园林建筑艺术的典范、迷人的苏州造景园林在有限的空间里造就了无数 自然景观。// 园林的池塘、河水、石头、花朵、树木给游客带来了如诗般的意境,这确实是赴苏州观 光的必游之地。 Passage 2 女士们,先生们,进入新世纪上海正在迅速发展为世界经济、金融和贸易中心之一。// 上海金融业的发展尤为引人注目,现已逐渐形成了一个具有相当规模与影响的金融市 场体系。// 浦东新区近年来的崛起使这块黄金宝地成了海外投资的热点,投资总额巳达1 000亿美 元。// 上海这颗璀璨的东方明珠正以其特有的魅力召唤富有远见卓识的金融家和企业家来 此大展宏图。 Model Test Two Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 Permit me to say again this evening: Let us act according to the principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit, to the principle of both dignity and fairness. // It is certainly in the fundamental interest of our people to trade and be friends with the Chinese people. // We are very impressed by your modernization program, an ambitious undertaking which makes our future cooperative relationship very promising. // China today, I understand, is taking a practical and effective approach and we wish you success and offer you our cooperation in this great endeavor. Passage 2 We know that the human brain is divided into two roughly symmetrical hemispheres, which are comparable in size and form, but not in function. // The left hemisphere is primarily responsible for linguistic communication, i. e. , the language center is located in the left side of the brain in most people. // The right hemisphere, on the other hand, controls one's visual and spatial activities, including also musical perception. // The most important differences between humans and other animals are the creative aspect of human language and man's sophisticated cognitive abilities. Part B (C-E) Passage 1 欢迎科林斯先生和太太来上海。我叫孟诗琪,是上海联华制衣(集团)公司海外营销部经 理。// 我很高兴能代表公司总经理陈先生在此接待您和夫人。我希望我们的安排符合您的要 求。// 我受陈先生的委托,代表公司在今后的几天里同您进行业务洽谈。// 我将同科林斯先生商谈有关建立上海联华制衣(集团)公司海外销售网的事宜。请您多 多指教。 Passage 2 “远亲不如近邻”是中国人民推崇的、经得起时间考验的信条。// 这一广为人们所接受的信条很有意义地表明了相互照顾在中国战区生活中所起的重 要作用。// 中国现有350万左右的义务工作者为年老体弱者、残疾人以及所需要帮助的人士提供 服务。// 这些来自社会各界的社区服务自愿工出于“人人为我,我为人人”的信念为社区服务。 Model Test 3 Part A (E-C) Passage 1 I am delighted to extend this personal welcome to Chinese visitors to the Sydney Agricultural Technology Exhibition. // Here we present to our Chinese friends a comprehensive display of Australian agricultural achievements and advanced technology in farming that we have to offer. // I greatly value the friendship and confidence that we enjoy as your trading partner. // I am certain that this Exhibition will strengthen our economic cooperation and contribute directly to our further trade expansion. Passage 2 As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management between Chinese and Americans that we American businessmen in China should try to understand and respect. // We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cultural traditions. Often times they consider our way of business practice rather aggressive and we consider their process of decision-making time-consuming. // I can't say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. After all, there are merits and demerits inherent in both types of management. // It must be pointed out that in recent years, more and more American business executives have recognized the merits of the more humane Oriental way of Chinese management. It seems to offer something that we are lacking in. Part B (C - E) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Passage l 今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林 博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。// 中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。// 我相信格林博士这次对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系作出重要 贡献。// 明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。 Passage 2 我很高兴应邀参加本届中外文化交流节,向诸位介绍中国书法这一人类文化财富和中 国宝贵的旅游资源。// 中国有这么一句话:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”// 各位在中国旅游胜地所看到的包括铭文石碑在内的中国书法笔墨,就好比高山上的仙, 大川中的龙。许多汉字属象形文字,我们可以从字形猜测词义。// 无论是刀刻书法还是笔墨书法,都可以通过字形的夸张产生引人人胜的艺术效果。书法 是一门研究艺术,观赏旅游景点的古代书法遗迹自然是一种艺术享受。 Model Test 4 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company, and I'm particularly pleased brilliant people in China's automobile industry. // to be able to work with a group of I had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true. // I'm deeply grateful to you and appreciate all you have done for me. I really love my new residence by the beach that you have chosen for me. // If you don't mind, I wish to tour around your company properties and meet my Chinese colleagues and lab assistants tomorrow. Passage 2 Welcome to the official launch of MTB of Shanghai. I regard it as a great honor and a sign of good business that you show so much interest in MIB products and be with us at this important occasion in the MIB history. // As a world leader in the electronic industry, MIB would like to share with Chinese customers our success. // Among other things, MIB products enjoy an excellent price versus performance ratio and high quality, which I believe, are very important to our Chinese customers. // We are looking forward to a long-term relationship with our clients and strategic partners which will help further strengthen the position we enjoy as a leader in the world's electronic market. Part B (C-E) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Passage 1 中外合资是一种互补互惠的合作关系,双方都可以最大限度地发挥各自的优势。// 我国幅员辽阔、资源丰富、劳动力价格低廉、消费市场潜力大。此外我们还有稳定的 政治、社会环境和优惠的投资政策。// 发达国家有雄厚的资金、先进的技术和管理知识。投资兴办合资企业时,外方可以提供 资金、机械、技术和管理方法。// 中方可以提供土地、劳工和部分资金。应该说,这种投资方法对合作双方来说,具有丰 厚的经济回报率。 Passage 2 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之 中拨冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。// 春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。// 我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们有机会彼 此沟通、增进友谊。// 最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康、事业有成。 Model Test 5 Part A (E-C) Passage 1 On behalf of all the members of my delegation, T would like to thank your company for the gracious invitation and hospitality. // Although we have stayed in China for only three days, our visit is a one of great success. During our stay, we met a lot of friends and visited many factories. The new progress you have made impressed us deeply. // We have a long friendly relationship with China. We have made great progress in many areas, especially in high-tech areas. // Our cooperation is sincere and effective. We are no longer remote and strange to each other, but cordial friends and important trading partners. Passage 2 This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for all the members of my delegation. // I wish to thank you for the generous hospitality and the warmth with which we have been received. I'm very happy with your arrangement. // In accepting your gracious invitation to visit Shanghai, I have an excellent opportunity to learn about the investment environment here. // It is my sincere wish that we would reach an agreement on the establishment of a joint venture in this most promising city. Part B (C-E) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Passage l 今天我们聚会在一起,在平等互利的基础上,就如何在广泛领域里建立合作伙伴关系交 换我们彼此的看法。// 这是一次具有历史意义的开拓性的会议,它反映了我们希望进行交流与合作、增进相互 理解和信任的共同愿望。// 我深信这次会议将对我们的双边关系和多边关系产生积极的影响。我愿借此机会,向会 议的东道主表示衷心的感谢。// 让我们携手合作,为会议在相互尊重、平等互利的气氛中圆满结束而共同努力。 Passage 2 各位参加教育书展的朋友们,作为组织者我很高兴能负责这次展会。这是我们新一轮展 会系列的开始。// 我们为三类参展者服务,即国际出版商和书商、国内出版商和书商,以及国内图书 爱好者。// 对于国际出版商和书商来说,此次书展是一个促进国际出版业进一步交流的窗口。通过 展会,海外人士可以亲眼目睹充满活力的中国图书市场,并寻求机会与中国出版商合作。// 对于国内出版商和书商来说,此次书展同样是一个难得的窗口,他们可以从中寻求与 海外出版商进行合作的机会,并学习他们的出版经验和发行经验。 Model Test 6 Part A (E-C) Passage 1 I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and incomparable hospitality. // The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable, and most memorable. I hope that I will be your host in my country in the near future. // Here, I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners whose effort has made possible the successful conclusion of the cooperative agreements. // May I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies? Passage 2 According to our experience of working in China over the last decade, the most significant factor in conducting business in China is a good partnership. // Some foreign companies have had poor experiences with their partners in China and some have pulled out of joint ventures as a result. We are lucky to be working with the most successful manufacturer in China. // I think SAIC would agree with me that their partnership with GM has brought them fresh thinking from around the world. // Of course, what they have brought to GM is much greater, i. e. , the knowledge of how to work efficiently within the Chinese system. I look forward to our many years of partnership. Part B (C-E) Passage 1 中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的有趣的旅游路线。// 各位将要游览举世闻名的景点和名胜,参观雄伟的古建筑群,观赏珍贵的文物。// 你们还将有机会欣赏中国的戏剧和杂技表演,品尝纯正的中国烹调和地方小吃。// 我国人民传统的热情和好客将使各位的访问愉快而又难忘。希望你们喜欢我们的安 排。 Passage 2 欢迎各位参加对外汉语学习班。我们很高兴地看到,近年来世界各地学汉语者与日俱 增。// 对于这门拥有世界上使用人数最多、文学历史最悠久的语言来说,这股学习热潮早该出 现了。// 从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了。// 随着各位学习兴趣的提高,我将适时介绍汉语对中华民族的文化和思维所产生的影响。 Model Test 7 Part A (E-C) Passage 1 Thank you for your gracious words of welcome. I visited Nanjing 20 years ago. Then I couldn't have imagined the dynamic and impressive city that Nanjing has turned into today. // We all need to become China experts now, because China, and especially its future, matters for all of us. The rest of the world has a big stake in China's success. // The possibilities that China's social and economic development offer the country and the world are extraordinary. This should be an opportunity for all of us. To make it so, we must forge a long-term strategic partnership with China. // I don't think China is likely to become an expansionist military power. China's membership of the WTO is a good example of how working with China and integrating it more fully into the international system can work to all of our advantage. Passage 2 As a world city, we have been serving as a global center for trade, finance, business and communications. // However the most demanding challenge that we face in implementing sustainable development in our city is to effect a change of mindset that would encourage our citizens to think in terms of real longer-term benefits for our quality of life. // In such an environment, it is only natural that people tend to be more concerned with immediate problems and possibilities than with ensuring the sustainable viability of our society for the benefit of future generations. // There is more to being a world city and more to just creating economic opportunities and accumulating material wealth. Increasingly, we have to consider such issues as sustainable public health, the preservation of our cultural heritage and the availability of services for an aging population. Part B (C-E) Passage 1 这次会议的主题是“促进全球化时代的世界经济平衡有序地发展”。会议将围绕这一 主题进行深人讨论并达成共识。// 我深信,这次会议将对促进世界经济的增长,以及对世界各国的共同发展产生积极的影 响。// 经济全球化趋势深人发展,以信息科技、生物科技为主要标志的现代科技进步日新月异, 各国正面临着难得的发展机遇。// 我们同时也清楚地看到,世界发展不平衡的问题日益突显。我们必须加强国际合作,携 手应对挑战。 Passage 2 共同利益是中美两国合作的基础。美国企业给中国带来了先进技术和管理经验。而中 国丰富的人力资源和广阔的市场,给美国企业带来了巨大的商机。// 中国企业还给美国消费者提供了大量价廉物美的消费品。中国现在是美国的第三大贸 易伙伴和增长最快的出口市场。// 加速发展的中国经济给中美关系的发展提供了新的机遇和动力。例如,旅游业的发展带 动了航空业的发展,并已给美国企业带来了可观的实惠。// 中国从美国进口大量的农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。中国将继续保持稳定快 速的经济增长,给美国投资商和企业提供更广阔的发展空间。 Model Test 8 Part A (E-C) Passage 1 It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation. I would like to take this opportunity to convey to our Chinese guests the warm greetings from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. // The exhibition centre covers an area of 35, 000 square meters. Facilities of the center include a main exhibition hall, with four special-purpose exhibition halls around it, and a multi-functional conference hall. // We will take advantage of these exhibitions and gradually create an international marketplace for innovation and technology, and provide networking opportunities within the industry. // The Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation is the largest visiting group to attend our exhibition and I wish my Chinese friends a most rewarding visit. Passage 2 I am honored to speak as the host of the conference. The issues that we will present and debate over these two days concern all of us here, as we seek to ensure that economic growth can develop hand in hand with social progress and protection of our natural environment. // There is a widespread concern in all sectors of the global society for the sustainability of our current way of living. Many nations respond with a high level of commitment to achieving positive results from the meeting. // The theme of the conference "People, Planet, Prosperity" conveys the key elements of sustainability. Our experience in recent years has brought into sharp belief the importance of addressing the principles of sustainable development in the governance of our cities. // To build a society that is economically vibrant and socially harmonious, we need to do more than simply promote and encourage the concept of sustainable development. We have to implement them as a core feature of our future plans and projects. Part B (C-E) Passage 1 这次论坛确定以“中国和亚洲世纪”为主题,充分表达了大家对中国和亚洲发展前景的 关注,表达了大家对中国及亚洲的发展对全球经济增长所发挥的作用的关注。// 随着经济全球化趋势的深人发展,中国正在成为世界经济发展的新的推动力量。中国为 人类文明的进步做出了重大贡献。// 全世界都目睹了中国的改革历程。中国的发展已经并将继续为亚洲及世界各国带来合 作共赢的机遇。// 中国将继续稳步开放市场,我们欢迎各位进一步加强同中国企业的经济技术合作。 Passage 2 今天是我校举行学位颁授典礼的喜庆日子。盛典当前,我既感到高兴又感到自豪。毕业 在即,我可以感觉到你们内心的喜悦。// 同时,我也可以感觉到今天莅临观礼的家长和贵宾们内心的喜悦。在这里,让我向大家 表示热烈的欢迎和祝贺。// 毕业对各位马上要毕业的同学来说意味着什么呢?这意味着你们一定要适应急剧的变 化,要不断学习以适应现代生活。// “天行健,君子以自强不息”,这句话至今依然适用。各位毕业生,要在这个不断变化的 世界里生活和有所成就,你们就得自强不息,不断进步。 Model Test 9 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You-will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 This is a pioneering conference of historic significance. It reflects the common desire of developing countries for world peace and development and for international exchanges and cooperation. // This conference shows the growth of developing countries in recent years, signifies the new changes in the entire international relations, and marks a growing trend toward multi-polarity. // This conference will exert a positive impact on the shaping of a new world political and economic pattern. The establishment of an international relationship calls for new concepts and new approaches. // I believe that a new international relationship should be constructed on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and enhanced exchanges and cooperation. Passage 2 I would like to talk about the difference between a brain and a computer. The difference can be expressed in a single word: complexity. // In terms of complexity, even the most complicated computer man has yet built can't compare in intricacy with the brain. Computer switches and components are merely a few thousand in number. // The brain cell, however, is itself possessed of a tremendously complex inner structure. Can a computer think? That depends on what you mean by "think". // Our "program" is so much more enormously complex, though, that we might like to define "thinking" in terms of our creativity in literature, art, science and technology. In that sense, computers certainly can't think. Part B (C-E) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Chinese. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part B with the first passage. Passage 1 自1979年以来,中国国民经济年均增长速度达到了9.7%。中国 已经发展成为一个全 球极富吸引力的、现实的大市场。// 不少具有远见卓识的企业家都将目光投向中国,投向沿海地区,投向东北地区,也投向中 西部,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。// 我相信,随着全球化趋势的加快,外商参与中国中西部开发的机会将越来越多。// 我国中西部经济的潜力将得到更大的释放。古都西安一定能成为沟通世界各国、各地 区的企业家与中国市场之间的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济的共同发展。 Passage 2 近年来,经济全球化的趋势不断增强,新经济的发展异常迅速,亚太地区的经济形势发生 了诸多变化。// 对此,我们需要思考应对之策。无可否认,经济全球化引发了全球范围的更为激烈的市 场竞争。// 企业作为经济活动和技术创新的主体,所面临的竞争压力不言而喻。然而,竞争范围的 扩大同时也意味着合作范围的扩大。// 我们提倡在竞争中谋求合作,在合作中寻求共同发展,在共同发展中带动经济繁荣,最终 实现人民生活水平的共同提高。 Model Test 10 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 Thank you, Mr. President, for your kind words of welcome. I am very pleased to have been invited to address you, your staff and students. // It is obvious that China has a significant impact on New Zealand's future. Politically, China is becoming increasingly interested in playing an active role in international affairs. // China is becoming an influential global power. And most importantly, it is in New Zealand's neighborhood, in the Pacific Basin. To us, China is not the "Far East", but the “Near North". // There is a good basis for mutual understanding, since we share common views on many international issues. I hope we can move the relationship forward to the benefit of both countries. Passage 2 Oxford Brookes University is widely regarded as the best new university in Britain. We started in Oxford in 1965 as a school of We gradually grew and became a college of technology and then a polytechnic college. About ten years ago, we became a university. // I say we are the best new university because over the last seven years the Times newspaper reckoned us the best new university and this year the Financial Times also reckoned us the best new university. // We're a comprehensive university with a large number of professional courses. We have about 16,000 students and about 20% of them are from outside of UK, from over one hundred different countries. Part B (C-E) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Chinese. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part B with the first passage. Passage 1 欢迎各位光临中国进出口商品交易会。中国进出口商品交易会又称广交会,创办于1957 年春季,每年春秋两季在广州举办。// 交易会已发展成为综合性、多功能的国际盛会,它是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规 模最大、商品最全的贸易展会。// 交易会尹易方式灵活多样,以进出口贸易为主,同时也开展多种形式的经济技术合作与 交流,以及保险、运输、广告、咨询等业务活动。// 来自世界各地的客商云集广州。除传统的看样成交业务外,交易会确实也是一次互通商 情、建立关系、增进友谊的盛会。 Passage 2 经过二十多年的快速发展,西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会稳定,市场经济 体制正在逐步完善之中。// 这些都为西部经济的持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。同时,中国政府一直坚持把 扩大内需与调整经济结构、推动科技进步、促进对外开放结合起来的指导方针。// 随着西部大开发战略的稳步推进,西部地区的资源优势、经济优势将得到充分发挥,经 济增长的质量和水平将进一步提高。// 中国政府将着力改善投资环境,进一步增强对外商投资的吸引力。目前,我们正在把改 善投资环境的工作重点放在完善投资的软环境上。 Model Test 11 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 The friendly and cooperative ties between the United Kingdom and China have become extensive, affecting all aspects of our national lives: commerce, culture, education, and scientific exchange. // We are most proud of the increasing number of Chinese students being educated in the most brilliant young people in the world. // exchange in our country. They are indeed among I myself teach some of them and see the benefits that come from this exchange. At the same time we are learning valuable lessons from you, especially from your dedication to the frontier research in biological engineering. // Our current visit to a number of your educational institutions is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up closer cultural and educational ties between our universities and research institutes. Passage 2 As a holding company, the Heighton Exchange Corporate has transformed Heighton's financial services industry from a domestically focused industry to the global player it is today. // As a listed company, Heighton competes vigorously for opportunities in the region and around the world. It is a market-driven business, operating in business-driven markets. // With its establishment, Heighton has signaled its commitment to maintaining its position at the forefront of international financial markets. Its potential for growth is huge, both in the region and beyond. // Our regulations are transparent, fair, flexible, supportive and responsive positively to the global development of financial markets and to the needs of both local and international investors. Part B (C - E) Passage 1 在这个美丽无比的圣诞夜晚,我很高兴能应邀出席贵公司的庆祝晚宴,同各位一起度过 一个轻松、欢乐、难忘的夜晚。// 我们平时忙于各自的工作,几乎没有时间坐下来交谈。我希望这次晚会可以让我们无所 拘束地相互沟通,增进公司和个人之间的友谊。// 在这个高度竞争的时代,人际关系越来越紧张,似乎缺少了传统意义上的那种人间温暖 和关怀。// 圣诞节不仅给人们提供了团聚的机会,同时也给我们机会进行沟通。我为有幸参加这次 圣诞聚会再次表示感谢。 Passage 2 经济发展和环境保护之间的矛盾越来越突出。中国作为一个发展中国家,面临着发展经 济与保护环境的双重任务。// 从国情出发,中国将实现经济持续发展视为一项重要战略,同时也将环境保护视为一项 基本国策。//, 我们在全国范围内开展污染防治工作和生态环境保护活动,重点预防和控制工业污染。 // 此外,我们在人民中宣传环保知识。实践证明,我们协调经济发展与环境保护两者之间 关系的做法是行之有效的。 Model Test 12 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 The United States and China are two great nations. But we must be realistic about our relationship, frankly acknowledging the fundamental differences in ideology and systems between our two societies.// We may be distinctly different in language, customs, and political beliefs, but on many vital issues of our time there is little distance between American and Chinese people. // I believe if we were to ask citizens all over this world what they desire most for their children, their answer would likely be the same: We want a better life. // Their dreams represent mankind's deepest aspirations for security and personal fulfillment. And helping them make their dreams come true is what our jobs are all about. This is exactly what is happening in China today. Passage 2 We at the Wharton Business School are already involved in China's business education and want to help China even more in the future as the world's leading business school. // Wharton's association with China goes back more than 100 years, when one of the first foreign students in our program was from China. // Today, China is the second largest source of applications of foreign students to our MBA program, and we expect it to grow to be the largest in the near future. // We have conducted a number of executive education programs in recent years in China. We encounter the eager learners here. And we're very happy to have the opportunity to do research on business in a rapidly developing economy. Part B (C-E) Passage 1 我国社会主义市场经济体制的发展,要求我们改革和完善社会福利保障体制,从而对社 区服务提出了更高的要求。// 随着政府职能的转变,原来由政府包揽的许多社会服务工作,有相当一部分已经转移到 社会团体和民间组织。// 这种转变向我们提出了一个课题,即政府和社会团体如何密切合作,共同推进社区服务 事业。// 我们举办这次研讨会的目的就是为了和交流这些年来的经验,制订未来社区工作 的发展战略和行动计划。 Passage 2 杭州因其西湖而闻名,而西湖因位于杭州城西而得名,西湖三面环山,环湖一周15公里。 // 湖心有小瀛洲,青松朱栏映照在湖中。湖上堤径相连,有唐朝诗人白居易建成的白堤及 北宋诗人苏东坡筑成的苏堤。// 名闻天下的西湖有“西湖十景”,虽有四季变化,游客任何时候都可以欣赏到西湖的人 工美景和天然美景。// 历代诗人均咏诗赞美西湖,例如苏东坡把西湖比作绝代美女西施:“欲把西湖比西子,淡 妆浓抹总相宜。” Model Test 13 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 Thank you, Mr. President. I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, the students, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your university. // I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of China's leaders, about the critical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between China and the United States. // Just a little over three decades ago, China was virtually shut off from the world. Now, China is a member of more than 1,000 international organizations, enterprise that affect everything from air travel to agricultural development. // Your social and economic transformation has been even more remarkable. As a result you have lifted literally hundreds of millions of people from poverty, a phenomenon that has thrilled the whole world. Passage 2 Australia and China are different ends of the Western Pacific Oceans. We have different political and cultural traditions and our economic contrast in certain fundamental respects. // Nevertheless, our different systems do not mean that our peoples have different aspirations for security and for a better life. And our different economic structures are actually a source of strength for our bilateral partnership.// Australia has many fewer people than China but, at the same time, a much larger per capita endowment of natural resources. We have technological skills and industrial capabilities. // I want the relationship between Australia and China to stand as a model for others in our region and others in the world; a model of friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation between different economic and political systems. Part B (C-E) Passage 1 在这月光明媚的夜晚,我们很高兴同怀特先生及其同事在此欢聚一堂。孔子曾经说过, “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。”// 怀特先生是我们的老朋友,是一位美中贸易的开拓者。怀特先生是上世纪70年代中期 乒乓外交后首批来中国的一名美国商人。// 自那时起,我们同威尔逊时装公司签订了36个。尽管贸易额时多时少,但是我们已 经建立起一种互利关系,这也是一种非常牢固的关系。对此我们深感自豪。// 我们目前的合同下个月到期,关于新合同的谈判明天就要开始了。我想借此机会,为谈 判的成功和我们两家公司的繁荣而干杯。 Passage 2 桂林位于广西东北部,面临漓江,以盛产桂花和到处成林的桂树而得名。每年9月,盛开 的金黄色桂花随处可见,香飘四方。// 桂林,尤其是其临江部分的风景异常秀丽。这里山清水秀,石美洞奇,有“桂林山水甲天 下”之美称。// 自古以来,桂林就因其迷人的风景而闻名天下。随处可见的石灰岩峰有的高达几十米, 十分壮观。// 桂林的石灰岩峰有着奇特的形状,映照在水中,形成世界奇景之一,酷似一幅中国山水 画。 Model Test 14 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 In the world we live in, in this global information age, constant improvement and change is necessary to economic opportunity and to national strength. // It is, therefore, profoundly in your interest, and in the world's that young Chinese minds should be free to reach the fullness of their potential. That is the mandate of our time. // I hope China will more fully embrace this mandate. For all the grandeur of your history, I believe your greatest days are still ahead. // Other ancient cultures failed because they failed to change. China has constantly demonstrated its capacity to change and grow. China is proud of its ancient greatness, and also proud of its hard-working present and promising future. Passage 2 I wish to thank you for accepting my invitation to share your evening with my colleagues and me, and for honoring us with your presence. I'm happy that my visit should conclude in such a warm atmosphere. // The worldwide excitement created by China is found in your willingness to face challenges, and in your genius in organizing the Chinese people to face them with you. // Your government has awakened a spirit in your people. It is a spirit of cooperation, of involvement, of uplifting, of self-discipline. We have yet a lot to learn from your endeavor. // We are leaving Beijing tonight, heartened with the agreement. We have reached, cheered by the frankness and fullness of our discussions, grateful for the hospitality you have accorded our arty. Part B (C- E) Passage 1 经过频繁交流和调整,我们两座城市的贸易关系得到了改善,可以说比任何时期都好。 这次展览会的举办真是恰逢其时。// 我们之间的贸易交流和往来已有大幅度的增加。仅今年上半年,我们就接待了贵国的5 个商务代表团。// 我确信,这次展览会将进一步加强我们之间的合作关系,并对扩大两市之间的互利贸易 作出贡献。// 今天我们举办宴会,其目的是为了创造机会以增进双方商界人士之间的了解和交流。让 我们举杯,祝愿本次展会圆满成功! Passage 2 关于中国旅游业的发展和提高问题,我想谈四点。第一,要对我国多样化的自然地理环 境进行综合开发。// 第二,对名胜古迹进行系统的调查和修缮,逐步开放更多的旅游点,尤其是开放更多的不 可替代的人文景点。// 第三,发挥中国作为一个多民族国家的优势,积极开发富有少数民族特色的旅游项目。// 第四,建设新的避暑胜地、滑雪胜地、疗养胜地和野营胜地。以上四点想法也代表了业 内一些专家学者的意见。 Model Test 15 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 I am interested in the oriental history and culture, particularly in the Chinese history and culture. I still remember till this day the remark of the late Chinese leader Mao Tse-tong, "It is the people, and the people alone, that is the motive force in the making of world history. " // Chinese people are the people of diligence and intelligence; they are the creators of oriental civilization. Both my government and people believe that friendship and cooperation with China is an essential part of our future work. // From what I have already seen in my short time here, and from the discussions which I have held, it is clear to me that there are indeed good prospects for an all-round cooperation between the United Kingdom and China, including both governmental and civil cooperation. // If my current visit can help to advance the friendship which already exists between us, then that in itself will be a source of great satisfaction to me and a benefit to all of us. Passage 2 During my stay here in this city, I found the infrastructure construction here is excellent. arrange my transportation in and out of the city. // Say, there are many ways for me to There are two main types of urban public transportation on the road: bus and taxi. There are also subway trains, light trains, etc., for me to take. But on most occasions, I would call a taxi. /j When I traveled between cities, I preferred inter-city train. These trains are usually very punctual and safe. A good way to spend time on the train is to go to the dining car and enjoy a meal of local style. // I'd like to say that the transportation here is really convenient and efficient. All in all, this city is undoubtedly an ideal destination for metropolitan tourists. Part B (C-E) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Chinese. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. You will start at the signal . .. and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part B with the first passage. Passage 1 上海新国际博览中心位于上海浦东,它拥有一流的设施,是世界上最先进的展览中心之 一。其多功能设施为举办各种活动提供了理想场地。// 自开业以来,上海新国际博览中心的业务取得了快速的增长,每年约60余场世界级展览 会在此举办。// 上海新国际博览中心面积达80 500平方米,室外展览面积45 000平方米。将要新建两 个总面积达23 000平方米的展厅,其准备工作已经开始。// 上海新国际博览中心的扩建将进一步巩固其在中国展览市场的领导地位,并确保上海 作为东亚地区会展中心的领导地位。 Passage 2 流向广州的珠江是中国南方最大的一条河流。漓江收纳了流向珠江的支流桂江中游的 河水。// 春天时节河水漫溢,此时泛舟于漓江上,可见河水清澈见底。江水蜿蜒曲折,或深或浅。 举世闻名的“阳朔风景”主要集中在漓江两岸。// 沿江而行,两岸的各种景观一一展现在眼前,只见苍翠奇特的群山隐现在雾中,在石壁间 又可见坐落在竹林中的小村落。// 早上出发,沿漓江而下,在约8小时的路程中,可见两岸锦绣江山所组成的画卷不断在眼 前展现,不知不觉中便到达了目的地阳朔。 Model Test 16 Part A (E-C) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into Chinese. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank all of the guests present here for your coming to the closing ceremony. Now I am honored to declare the close of the Trade Fair. // Australian-Chinese Let me first of all briefly sum up the trade fair. The week-long fair has achieved great success. More than 130 contracts have been signed with about 90 companies from China. The total trade value is well over 1.2 billion dollars. // Some companies are still making their best efforts to look for the possibilities of expanding business relations and establishing joint ventures with China. We're very pleased with the achievements and would like to thank all the participating guests for their efforts. // Now, let's acknowledge the great success of this fair with a toast. To your sincere cooperation, to the success of your career, and to your health and happy family! Cheers! Passage 2 The way of giving gifts varies according to different cultures. For example, giving gifts is not a normal part of British business culture. // At the conclusion of a business deal, it is normally considered as appropriate to give a unique commemorative item to mark the occasion. // Business gifts are never exchanged at Christmas but it may be appropriate to send a card, particularly as an expression of thanks to your business partners and also as a means of maintaining valuable contacts. // If you are invited to a British home, it is a standard practice to bring wine, flowers, or chocolates for your hosts. Remember the usual European taboos apply when giving flowers: no red roses, white lilies or chrysanthemums. Part B (C-E) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Chinese. Each passage consists of four sentences. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. You will start at the signal ... and then stop at the signal .... You may take notes while listening. Now let us begin Part B with the first passage. Passage 1 今年的上海汽车工业展是迄今为止在中国举办的规模最大的车展。参展面积达到了十 二万平方米。// 各家汽车公司都为这次展览做了大量的准备工作。参展商所要的参展空间远远超过了 展会场地所能提供的。// 参展商对展位预订与设计、展品及供货商选择、现场表演等方面的工作都做得十分到 位。// 汽车业的各家巨头都组织大批人员来此参展,他们强调品牌概念,把品牌意识带给中国 观众。 Passage 2 京剧是我国最高雅、表现力最强,因而也是最受欢迎的剧种。京剧还赢得了很多外国戏 迷的青睐,被看做是东方艺术的杰出代表。// 京剧同西方歌剧的相似之处在于它们都有唱段和道白,有悲剧,也有喜剧。但它们毕竟 是很不一样的戏剧。// 西方歌剧的表现手法一般比较现实主义,而京剧则大量采用象征手法,对时空变化的表 现极其自由。// 京剧的另一特色是脸谱。京剧脸谱象征着人物的性格,不同的颜色表示不同的性格。例 如,黑色代表刚直,白色表示背叛和狡诈,红色则常用来表明忠诚。
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