
生存保障功能论文:生存保障功能 社会保障 集体土地流转模式 地票交易制度

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生存保障功能论文:生存保障功能 社会保障 集体土地流转模式 地票交易制度生存保障功能论文:生存保障功能 社会保障 集体土地流转模式 地票交易制度 生存保障功能论文:生存保障功能 社会保障 集体土地流转模式 地票交易制度 【中文摘要】三农问题的核心在于土地问题,而土地问题的核心则在于农民对土地的权利问题。历史上对农地及农民的地权问题从来都是众说纷纭、莫衷一是,其根源在于对土地功能的认知不一。自清末以降,东西文化激烈碰撞,在洋务运动、辛亥革命、抗日战争、国共战争、文化大革命等历史潮流的冲击中,传统文化断裂,对西方文化的盲从造成了我们今天的迷茫和失落。常识成了最令人疑惑不解的东西,今人多将土地生存保...
生存保障功能论文:生存保障功能 社会保障 集体土地流转模式 地票交易制度
生存保障功能论文:生存保障功能 社会保障 集体土地流转模式 地票交易 生存保障功能论文:生存保障功能 社会保障 集体土地流转模式 地票交易制度 【中文摘要】三农问题的核心在于土地问题,而土地问题的核心则在于农民对土地的权利问题。历史上对农地及农民的地权问题从来都是众说纷纭、莫衷一是,其根源在于对土地功能的认知不一。自清末以降,东西文化激烈碰撞,在洋务运动、辛亥革命、抗日战争、国共战争、文化大革命等历史潮流的冲击中,传统文化断裂,对西方文化的盲从造成了我们今天的迷茫和失落。常识成了最令人疑惑不解的东西,今人多将土地生存保障功能与现代的社会保障相混淆,造成了集体土地所有制一系列理论和制度设计的偏差。事物都是因果相继牵连不断的,生活中的各种需求汇聚成了突破现行制度的力量,如何自然顺应,对集体土地制度进行改良,促进集体土地的流转以切实保障农民的生存权益,笔者不揣浅陋,撰此文分三章进行探讨:第一章在土地功能视野下对集体土地制度进行考察。首先建构了集体土地制度的土地功能理论基础,认为土地的功能分为两种:生存保障功能和生产要素投资功能,土地的生存保障功能逐渐弱化是大势所趋,这源于农地的减少和人口的增多,而土地作为一种生产要素的投资功能则逐渐显现和加强,这是城市化和工业化的必然结果,在这样的背景下,通过土地的流转而提高土地的收益,对于社会和农户都是一种选择。其次,进一步分析我国广大农村现行的集体土地所有制的相关问题。首先追根溯源的概述了集体土地所有制的形成历史,并综合概括了学界目前对集体土 地所有制相关弊端的论述,主要体现在性质不清、权能不全、主体虚位、保护不力等四个方面,着重强调指出了通常所谓的“公有、集体、私有”三种所有制观念其实是错误的,是一种虚假的概念上的并列关系。再次,在前述理论基础上,进一步分析了土地的生存保障功能。认为现行集体土地制度过分的强调了土地的生存保障功能忽略了土地的投资功能,这反而不利于保障农民的生存利益,继而分析了现今土地生存保障功能的严重不足、得出了应当以农民土地权利为核心推进土地改革、切实保障农民对土地的使用权的观点,并强调要推动集体土地的流转以发挥其投资功能。第二章考察了现行的集体土地流转模式,在详细分析了农村集体土地流转制度的历史变迁基础上,深入分析了土地流转的动力和原因,指出了土地流转的必要性,并打破了“粮食安全”这个虚假的悬在国人头上的达摩克利斯之剑式的威胁,认为对“粮食安全”的过分担忧来源于战争时期所遗留下来的“备战备荒”思维,而在日新月异、科技迅猛发展的今日,“粮食安全”是一个有多重途径解决的问题,故不能为了对这个虚假威胁的过分担忧而忽略亿万农民的发展权利。在对现行土地承包经营权和集体建设用地流转的流转方式条分缕析之后,认为进行流转制度创新是必须的。第三章结合上述理论检验现实问题,将目光转向走在全国集体土地流转制度创新前列的重庆市地票交易制度,试图提纲挈领地提出一些观点。详细介绍了地票制度的交易流程、分析了其重大的创新意义,同时也反观到其制度设计的种种局限性,对其面临的困境做了详细分析并提出了相关完善意见。另在地票制度之外为其考察、设计了相关社会化配套 制度,即健全社会保障制度的和完善户籍改革制度,力图建立土地流 转、社会保障和户籍改革三项制度的联动机制。在健全社会保障制度 方面,笔者结合对重庆实际情况的考察拿出了自己不甚成熟的“政府 财政的第一推动+滚雪球模式”方案,希望对实践有所助益。 【英文摘要】Rural land issue is the core of the problems about Agriculture, Rural areas and farmers, while the problem of the core lies in the land rights of farmers. Historically, opinions on agricultural land and the right of farmers were divergent. It roots in the different cognitions of the function of land. Since the late Qing Dynasty, there have been intense culture conflicts between East and West. The shock of historical trend of Westernization movement, Revolution of 1911, Anti-Japanese War, civil war, followed the great proletarian cultural revolution, etc, fractured our traditional culture. Devouring of Western culture has led to confusion and loss of ourselves and our living environment nowadays. People today need to find and promote the common sense with painstaking. Live safeguard function of land are common sense. But now people have confused it with social security, leading to the omission of series of theoretical and institutional designations, typically the paradox resulting from the collective land ownership. Existing is reasonable. There are casual relationships and consistency in all things. The various needs of life produce breakthrough strength to the current regime. We must reform the collective land theory, clear the root of the problem, modify the regime so as to free the unfair restraint on farmers, to protect their natural rights and promote land circulation.The first part investigates the collective land ownership in the light of land’s function theory. Firstly, the Basic theory of collective land ownership is set up. Land’s functions are divided into two types:live safeguard function and investment function as a production factor. Live safeguard function of the land gradually weaken in the general trend, originating from agricultural land reduction and the increase in population. While the investment functions as a production factor of the land is gradually emerging and strengthening, as an inevitable result of urbanization and industrialization. In this situation, it is a good choice for the Society and farmers to improve land revenue through the transfer of land. And then, based on the the theory elaborated in the first part, it further analyses related problems of current collective land ownership in most rural area of our country. Firstly it sketches out the formation history of the regime of collective land ownership, and generalizes the defects in jurisprudence of the regime of collective land ownership, that include unclear nature, incomplete right, phantom of subject and ineffective protection of the collective land owners. This paper emphasizes usually so-called”state, collective and private” three kinds of ownership is actually wrong and is a false parallel relationship. Then, on the ground of foregoing conclusions, it makes a further analysis to the live safeguard function of land, the current collective land ownership regime overemphasis the live safeguard function extremely while the investment function is ignored which will threaten the farmers’ life benefits. On the basis of the foregoing conclusions further detailed analyses the live safeguard function of land. And then this part analyses the seriously insufficiency of the live safeguard function, and comes to the conclusion that we must promote the land reform centering on the protection of the farmers’ rights, guarantee the farmers’ land use right and improve the social security regime to guarantee the land circulation.The second part reviews the land circulation patterns, upon the detailed analysis of the historical vicissitude of rural collective land transfer regime, deeply analyses the impetus and reason of the land circulation, points out the necessity of land circulation and breaks up the ostensible threat, so called food security, hanging over people like the Sword of Damocles. Too much worry about “food security” roots in the “prepare for war, prepare against natural disasters” in the war period, while with the rapid development in science & technology, “food security” can be solved in several ways, so we can’t ignore hundreds of millions farmers’ right to development for the ostensible threat. Upon careful and detailed analysis for the current Contracted Management of Land circulation and Collective Construction Land Transfer means, it leads to the conclusion that the innovation of the transfer is required.The third part inspects the realistic problems with the aforesaid theories, pays attention to the “land ticket” trade system in Chongqing, and tries to concentrate on the main points of the system. It gives a detailed account of trade procedure of the “land ticket” trade system and formulates the significance of the system innovation, but it also observes the limits of the system and states the dilemma of it, suggesting for the improvement of the system. And then this paper studies and designs the related regimes. With consistent theory of this paper, it explores problems of setting up a sound social security regime and perfecting the household registration reform regime, and tries to set up land circulation, social security and household registration reform mechanism. In perfecting the social security regime, the author put forward the “the government financial first push+snowball” pattern, hoping for useful for practical operation. 【关键词】生存保障功能 社会保障 集体土地流转模式 地票交 易制度 【采买全文】 同时提供论文写作一对一辅导和论文发表服务.保过包发. 【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如有异议请与总库或学校联系。 【英文关键词】live safeguard function social security patterns of collective land circulation “land ticket” trade system 【目录】农村土地功能认知及其制度改良 摘要 4-6 Abstract 6-7 引言 10-11 一、土地功能视野 下的集体土地所有制 11-26 (一) 土地功能的理论基础 11-15 1. 土地的价值 11-13 2. 土地的功能 13-15 (二) 集体土地所有制的制度缺陷及其反思 15-26 1. 集体土地所有制的制度缺陷 16-20 2. 对集 体土地所有制制度缺陷的反思 20-21 3. 土地生存保障功能辨 析 21-24 4. 以农民土地权利为核心推进集体土地制度改良、 切实保障农民对土地的使用权 24-26 5. 小结 26 二、集体土地流转制度考察 26-35 (一) 集体土地流转制度的历史沿革 27-29 1. 家庭联产承包责任制确立时期 (1978-1984) 27-28 2. 农村土地流转政策的探索时期(1985-1998) 28 3. 农村土地流转政策的完善时期(1999-2003) 28-29 4. 农村土地流转政策的创新时期(2003年以后) 29 (二) 集体土地流转的动因分析 29-32 1. 农业市场化对土地投资功能的推动 30 2. 劳动力非农化现象普遍 30 3. 家庭联产承包责任制的自我完善 30-32 (三) 土地承包经营权的流转方式 32-33 1. 抵押 32 2. 转包 32 3. 出租 32-33 4. 转让 33 5. 互换 33 6. 入股 33 (四) 集体建设用地使用权的流转 33-35 三、集体土地流转模式创新——以重庆市地票交易制度为考察对象 35-46 (一) 地票交易制度概述 35-37 1. 复垦 36 2. 验收 36 3. 交易 36-37 4. 使用地票 37 (二) 地票的创新意义 37-40 1. 地票交易制度实现了土地功能的转化 37-38 2. 地票是农村土地使用权流转的一次新探索 38 3. 地票有利于建立城乡统一的土地市场 38 4. 地票有利于保护耕地 38-39 5. 地票有利于城市反哺农村 39 6. 地票有利于增加农民收入 39 7. 地票极大缓解城市建设用地紧张的局面 39 8. 小结 39-40 (三) 地票的困境及其突破 40-43 1. 复耕地质 量和数量保障问题 40-41 2. 地票的供给难题 41 3. 地票交易模式中的登记问题 41-42 4. 地票权利内容的不确定性 42 5. 地票可能引发腐败风险 42-43 (四) 地票制度社会化配套工程 43-46 1. 社会保障制度创新——政府财政的第一推动+滚雪球模式 43-44 2. 户籍制度改革 44-46 致谢 46-47 参考文献 47-48
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