

2017-09-15 24页 doc 70KB 88阅读




幼儿园办园条件幼儿园办园条件 幼儿园办园条件、管理权重加分 收集材料的方法 对幼儿园办园水平进行评估是为了加强幼儿园的科学管理~提高保教质量。通过评估本身促进办园条件~强化质量意识~从而促进全社会关心和支持幼儿教育~逐步达到《规程》的要求。要将办园条件、幼儿园管理权重加分评估要求和收集材料的方法分述如下: 此次评估A级指标共有三个,即A1、A2、A3,A1中有38个要素~A2中有64个评估要素~A3中有44个评估要素~在A1中~首先是园长任职条件必须是热爱幼儿教育事业~爱护幼儿~努力学习专业知识和技能~提高文化和专业水平~品德良好~...
幼儿园办园条件 幼儿园办园条件、管理权重加分 收集材料的方法 对幼儿园办园水平进行评估是为了加强幼儿园的科学管理~提高保教质量。通过评估本身促进办园条件~强化质量意识~从而促进全社会关心和支持幼儿教育~逐步达到《规程》的要求。要将办园条件、幼儿园管理权重加分评估要求和收集材料的方法分述如下: 此次评估A级指标共有三个,即A1、A2、A3,A1中有38个要素~A2中有64个评估要素~A3中有44个评估要素~在A1中~首先是园长任职条件必须是热爱幼儿教育事业~爱护幼儿~努力学习专业知识和技能~提高文化和专业水平~品德良好~为人师表~忠于职责~身体健康。并具有幼儿师范学校,包括职业学校幼儿教育专业,毕业程度~或取得幼儿园教师专业合格证书者~此外~还应有一定组织管理能力和实际工作经验。详见《幼儿园规程》第三十五条~收集的方法是: ,,,实地考察, ,,,查阅资料, ,?,园长自评报告。 ,,思想修养指标 收集方法 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the ,1,召开教职工座谈会人员不能少于10人~了解教职工对园领导班子的反映~人员的组成可以由后勤代表1人~保健人员1人~财务1人~清洁员1人~保育员2人~不同职称教师4人。 ,2,座谈会的内容可从以下三方面进行:a.了解领导班子政治思想修养的表现~包括调查领导班子的工作作风,包括民主作风,是否深入实际领导对职工的生活的关心情况~领导班子的业务能力~专业水平管理能力~指导和自身的修养。听取教职工对园领导有何建议和意见。b.?以上十人不由园长指定~由评估人员抽,?座谈会完后~请十人填写教职工的问卷,?参照园长自评报告。c.业务能力同以上方法进行测评。 B级指标中B2教职工队伍。 测评方法:1.查花名册,2.实地考察。 C5 1.采用抽教职工和幼儿名册, 2.实地考察。 C6 1.合格教师必须占80%,符合教师任职的条件,, 2.保育员要受过业务培训~要查阅培训证书。 收集的方法: 1.查附件二,3,, thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 2.教职工进修合格证书。 C7级指标中的思想修养 收集的方法是: 1.查附件二,9,, 2.查教职工履职考核表, 3.在接送幼儿时间向家长进行个别调查,抽查的人数不能少于6人,, 4.参照园长的自评报告。 C级指标中C8教职工队伍的业务能力 收集的方法是: 1、,1,查教职工的履职考核表, ,2,实地考察,主要是看班、半月活动安排组织的能力、到保健室看有关档案~到厨房看看饭菜是否色鲜、味美,看整个园的环境卫生、财务人员的帐目。 2、,1,查看职工培训的登记表, ,2,教师的教育教学笔记, ,3,业务学习记录本。 B级指标中的B3 C9收集的方法: 1.实地考查, 2.每生不少于2?的绿化面积~除活动场地外 C10、C11实地考查 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the C12 收集方法: 1.查阅资料, 2.经费收支帐目, 3.听取园长的自评报告。 A2 B4 C13 收集的方法: 1.听取园长报告, 2.查阅教职工的问卷调查表, 3.学习《规程》的情况, 4.查阅家长问卷情况, 5.查阅53页表, 6.在半日活动中进行考察。 C14保教结合 收集的方法: 1.通过教职工座谈会和问卷听取反映, 2.听取园长自评报告, 3.实地考查。 C15组织管理 收集方法: 1.听取自评报告, thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 2.座谈会和问卷调查。 C16规划 收集的方法: 1.查看幼儿园管理的目标、近期、中期, 2.查看幼儿园 级教育目标和 级层次水平目标, 3.查看班级的学习情况, 4.收看幼儿园和各个部门的。 C17 收集的方法: 1.岗位责任制包括保教组长、教师、保育、医务、炊事员、财会人员、事务员,采买、保管,、电教、玩具、保管员、勤杂人员,门卫,的岗位责任制, 2.考核奖惩制度, ,1,考核评估制度, ,2,奖惩制度。 3.教职工考核制度, 4.交接班制度, 5.节假日值班制度, 6.学习制度, 7.办公制度, 8.儿童生活制度, thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 9.接送制度, 10.安全制度, 11.家长联系制度, 12.档案资料~行政制度应包括:,1,园务会, ,2,教职工大会,,3,班组长会,,4,班务会,,5,幼儿园 的教管会,,6,退离休管理会。 家长会制度 卫生保健制度包括: 1.生活作息制度 2.健康检查制度 3.预防接种制度 4.体育锻炼制度 5.消毒制度 6.隔离制度 7.清洁卫生制度 8.管理制度 9.卫生保健登记和统计制度 保教工作制度 1.计划、记录制度 2.备课和审核制度 3.教研活动制度 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 4.常规工作检查制度 后勤工作制度 1.财务、财产管理制度 2.伙食管理制度 3.门卫制度 4.环境管理制度 C18档案管理 收集的方法: 查阅档案 幼儿园应建立行政档案包括: 1.政策性文件, 2.幼儿园管理目标、同期、近期, 3.学期园务工作计划,幼儿园各个部门的学期总结、专题总结、各种讲划、全园教职工名册幼儿名册、政治学习、会议记录、全园性的荣誉记录、来园参观的记录本和留言,。 教育教学档案 1.?级教育目标和?级层次目标, 2.班级的教育教学计划, 3.学期、月、周、日计划和, 4.教师和保育员教育教学笔记, 5.计划审批记录, thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 6.保教组教研、科研活动讲划, 7.业务学习和教研活动记录, 8.听课和评课记录, 9.保教工作检查记录, 10.业务培训和进修计划和登记, 11.教育教学科研论文, 12.幼儿身心发展评估记录, 教师业务档案 要求每年教师一袋~履职考核~个人成绩及评语、公开课教案、效果记录、出勤记录、教研科研论文、担任见习、实习、培训师资情况和学习进修、进修学习成绩和批语、业务考核和家长表扬的记载。 评估要素C18第3条要建立: 1.儿童体格发育情况, 2.受检疫病的纠正情况, 3.蛋白质、热量达供解量情况, 4.两病,贫血、佝偻病,患病的情况, 5.预防接种情况, 6.幼儿园的基本情况, 第6条情况可反映在园长办公室~其它五张在保健室。 幼儿园要建立十四本台帐 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 1.入托入园登记本, 2.儿童考勤本, 3.晨午检记录本, 4.交接班的记录本, 5.小儿四病及体弱儿童管理登记本, 6.疾病预防登记本, 7.疾病登记本, 8.疾病处理登记本, 9.传染病登记本, 10.事故登记本, 11.每月食谱登记本, 12.膳食调查登记本, 13.家长联系本, 14.保健工作周记本,每一周,, C18中4条后勤财务档案 1.收支总帐, 2.幼儿园的财产登记帐, C18第5条家长工作档案 1.家长委员会的活动记录, 2.家长来信及处理意见, 3.家园联系册, thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 4.家长意见询问表, 5.家长开放日记录, 6.家长学校活动记录, 对档案规范齐全的要求 1.分文别类, 2.立卷当档, 3.案卷封面上写明名称, 4.案卷的首页上写明目录, C19人员素质管理 收集的方法: 1.听取园长自评报告, 2.向家长调查, 3.查阅家长意见表, 4.查教职工问卷, 5.幼儿园培训、进修计划, C20财务后勤管理 收集方法: 查阅财务、财产登记的帐目 C21膳食管理 收集的方法: 评估要素标准 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 第1条 制订营养平衡的一周食谱 1.有谷、肉、蛋、蔬菜、水果、豆制品、食糖、油等, 2.要根据每个幼儿的需要量供给~要据幼儿进餐的人数给予代量食谱, 3.三大营养素提供的热量占总热量的比例要合理。 4.每日总热量要恰当分配到三餐一点中 ,1,早餐的热量要占一日热量的20% ,2,午餐的热量要占一日热量的35% ,3,午点的热量要占一日热量的15% ,4,晚餐的热量点一日热量的30% 符合以上的称为营养平衡的一周食谱。 收集方法: 1.查阅一周带量食谱和营养分析记录, 2.查阅财务开支的结余, 3.到厨房和班上查看幼儿进餐和饮水的情况。 C22卫生保健 1.晨检位置应设在大门口、一问、二摸、三看、四查~摸幼儿的腮腺~淋巴结, 2.查问7个表,见保健档案, 3.查59页表 附件二,7,, 4.实地查看~查阅医务室的资料, thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the C23安全工作 收集方法: 1.听取园长自评报告~看看该园对幼儿进行了哪些安全 教育, 2.看事故记录, C24教育思想与实践 收集方法是: 云南省首批实施《规程》幼儿园办园水平评估指标体系 和测评办法书P16测评方法。 C25教育计划 收集方法: 1.听取自评报告, 2.学期工作计划, 3.学习制度, 4.看2-3个班半日活动,包括听课,。 C26教研活动 收集方法: 1.查看批阅资料, 2.指出要求和指导性的意见, C27家长工作 收集方法: thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 查阅家长工作档案 幼儿身心发展的测查 幼儿身心发展是在遗传~环境和教育等因素相互联系和相互影响的过程中进行的~而教育幼儿必须首先调查幼儿~了解熟悉幼儿~了解各个幼儿身心发展情况~总结保教工作的经验和问题~研究幼儿身心发展的个体关系~采取相应措施~保证幼儿身心发展有所提高则是评估的目的。 因此此次幼儿发展水平测查分为体能、智品德行为~感受美表现能力发展测评~群体评估的记录表一份~包含了体能、智能、品德行为,感受美表现美能力发展四个部分的评估~幼儿身心发展评估项目共有35项~,体能6项~智通14项~品德行为12项~感受美、表现美3项,每个项目又分为若干个内容、要求、要素标准~每个内容要求,要素、标准,设优、良、中、差四个等级~优的满分大班为592分~如何测查到时州直一幼将作一次现场操作~到时可通过观摩了解到测查的方法。 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the
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