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电脑开机时风扇声音大如何解决电脑开机时风扇声音大如何解决 1,共振; 2,cpu风扇; 3,电源风扇; 4,电源功率; 5,电压不稳定. 从这几方面进行解决: 1、拆开机箱,清扫所有灰尘(特别是北方地区),最好用废旧毛笔清扫,伴随着吸尘器能够较干净的清理。 2、卸下CPU风扇通道固定螺丝,小心打开CPU散热片,你会发现CPU与散热片间隙中的硅酯早已干燥(与CPU功率大有很大关系),用稍湿润的干净补清理干净干燥的硅酯,晾干。 3、有条件的可以用高级硅酯补上,没有条件的用以下方法:将购买来的或要白色普通硅酯少许挤出到玻璃片上,用碳素铅笔边在玻璃上磨边搅...
电脑开机时风扇声音大如何解决 1,共振; 2,cpu风扇; 3,电源风扇; 4,电源功率; 5,电压不稳定. 从这几方面进行解决: 1、拆开机箱,清扫所有灰尘(特别是北方地区),最好用废旧毛笔清扫,伴随着吸尘器能够较干净的清理。 2、卸下CPU风扇通道固定螺丝,小心打开CPU散热片,你会发现CPU与散热片间隙中的硅酯早已干燥(与CPU功率大有很大关系),用稍湿润的干净补清理干净干燥的硅酯,晾干。 3、有条件的可以用高级硅酯补上,没有条件的用以下方法:将购买来的或要白色普通硅酯少许挤出到玻璃片上,用碳素铅笔边在玻璃上磨边搅拌,直到白色的硅酯变成浅灰色并变得稍稠,用刀片在干净的CPU上涂上薄薄的一层,即可安装散热片,切记不要来回移动散热片,使散热片与CPU良好的接触。,这种方法制作的硅酯与英特尔专用硅酯经测试差别不大,具有良好的导热性且不易干燥。 4、小心插下大风扇,将风扇中央带有商标的圆形不干胶小心掀开,可以看到中央的中心轴暴露出来,用凡士林(很便宜,药店都有卖)仔细涂满,仔细封上 带有商标的圆形不干胶即可。,原理:凡士林大多用来涂抹手,防止冬季干燥皮肤干裂的,它有personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 一个特性:当风扇工作时会产生热量,凡士林便渐渐融化渗透到风扇轴承中进行润滑,关机风扇停止工作,则温度降下来后凡士林便凝固待命,此种方法比加任何润滑油效果都好。 5、装好机箱,在机箱前后垫稍厚一点的橡胶皮,起到减震的作用。 6、开机试一试吧,开始不是太明显,但大约用一周左右,你会发现你的计算机风扇及机箱噪声越来越小,安静了许多,基本上与购买来的时候不差上下。 2) 专家解析:电脑使用时间越久,加之主机因为一些人为搬动,或者内部硬盘、风扇等部件的持续运转、转动,有时就会出现螺丝略有松动,造成振动加剧、噪声变大。此外,如果使用时间过久,风扇的转动轴也会愈发干涩,因为缺乏润滑而使转动的声调有所提高。 赶快动手:对于这个小问,没过保修期的电脑使用者如果不想因为打开机箱破坏了保修封条,只要把主机送到维修站让厂家给你保养一下即可。如果您是攒机用户或者主机早就过了保修期,那您就要打开机箱,把可见的螺丝全都拧紧,为风扇的转动轴加一两滴润滑油,顺便再给机箱除除尘,您主机的噪音就会降低不少的。 3)计算机噪声的主要来源有如下几个方面: 硬盘 电源风扇 cpu风扇 显卡风扇 主板器件的共振 声音来自振动,只有振动才能产生声音,计算机启动时主机的巨大噪声毫无疑问是由于主机内 , tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, ehalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floorsy on bystem Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointlw. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 sbelo to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table ole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installationbase honing and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positirolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as -rolled angle steel, hot-nets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hotent. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabipersonal safety and safety equipms suchefect, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off daccordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models violent beating; (4) out of the box in-utious, nonproof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be ca-proof, shock-ould check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moistureyou sh- 2 - 部一些部件强烈的振动产生的。很大因素是电源风扇和CPU风扇在计算机启动时转动产生的。 造成开机刺耳噪声的原因是多方面的,但主要的原因不外乎以下几点: 风扇引起的共振现象: a,机箱结构、电源箱安装的结构等组成的系统所具有的固有频率较低(也就是结构的刚性差)风扇运行时转速逐渐提高,当转速接近系统的固有频率则开始现出共振现象,随着风扇速度的提高越来越接近系统固有频率,而振动加剧,当风扇速度与系统固有频率相同时振动表现最剧烈。风扇速度继续提高时,风扇的转速逐渐远离系统固有频率,振动也逐渐减弱恢复正常。 b,风扇的扇叶“偏心”:优质的风扇,其扇叶的重心在轴心上,运转时非常平稳,噪音很小,而劣质的风扇,会存在一定的偏差,扇叶的重心没有在轴心上造成“偏心”,这样的风扇转动起来后,就相当于一台振荡器(振荡器就是在电动机轴上加一个偏心轮),随着使用时间的变长,风扇轴承逐渐磨损,或风扇的散热片安装不牢固,出现松动等,都会使震动加剧噪音变大。还可能是因为风扇质量差,润滑不好,刚启动转得很涩,等转活了,里面得润滑油软化,声音就小了. c, 机箱结构不紧密:硬盘与机箱支架接触不紧密,或机箱的钢板过于单薄,容易发出一些烦人的噪音。电源风扇引起的噪声可能是机箱和电源匹配上不紧密.电源风扇转动引起机箱共振. 另外,机箱内部的其它硬件安装不稳固也会引起振动。 天气冷气 -packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moistureevice ds; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the dr with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection recorogethe, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) th. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1t matcontrol room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame sees required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the cg holrequirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mountin gle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet therolled an-rolled angle steel, hot- cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hotpersonal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... od, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects suchparts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks goviolent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare -autious, nonproof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be c-proof, shock- 3 - 温低: 有的风扇里面用的是润滑脂,冬天温度低,风扇内的润滑脂凝固了,在刚开机时风扇轴承部分温度较低,润滑脂的粘度大,旋转阻力大,声音就大了,转动一会儿风机轴承部位温度升高了,润滑油开始起作用,这时开机时的噪声情况就会回复正常的状态。这一般出现在刚开机的几分钟。这种情况下噪音就不会出现在其它季节。 风扇轴承缺油:如果一直声音大,说明风扇需要加油。在风扇底面的中心有一个圆形的不干胶贴,揭开可以看到风机内部转轴。用牙签蘸有点缝纫机油(大概米粒大小)加进去即可。再把不干胶贴上。包括cpu风扇、显卡风扇、电源风扇都可以加油。如果不懂加油可以去电脑修理店让专业人员来弄。 硬盘噪声:硬盘声音主要是咯咯咯的清响,质量不好的硬盘会声音比较大,还有就是如果硬盘碎片过多也会加大硬盘工作量从而声音更大,还有一种情况就是硬盘出现坏道了,也会导致硬盘声音加大。普通IDE硬盘在正常运行中,都会有一定的工作噪音。但这些声音较小,且只有读取硬盘数据时才会产生。 灰尘积累:机箱、电源、CPU散热片积累大量灰尘也会造成风扇声音的增大.你可以试试开机用螺丝刀慢慢调试电源在机箱上安装那几个螺丝看看有没有效果 再看看有无机箱版面的变形,如果有变化,那噪声的来源很可能是电源、CPU风扇. 以上几个方面原因都归结到了风扇的身上,因此我们可以用以下方法解决: 机箱硬件除尘、风扇上油、固定机箱内部硬件 但还要注意以下几点: ould check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moistureyou sh, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, ehalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floorsy on bystem Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointlw. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 sbelo to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table ole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installationbase honing and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positirolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as -rolled angle steel, hot-nets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hotent. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabipersonal safety and safety equipms suchefect, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off daccordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models violent beating; (4) out of the box in-utious, nonproof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be ca-proof, shock-- 4 - 1(注意电源、CPU风扇的润滑,有些风扇因为质量差,润滑不好,刚启动转得很涩,等转活了,里面得润滑油软化,声音就小了; 2(运行计算机时不要挪动机箱. 机箱的盖板要安装到位,如果露着缝,电脑运行的时候,机箱会震动,噪音也大,如果机箱变形,可以再机箱下面垫上软的东西,如海绵,泡沫等减震。 3(风扇不要随意拆卸,你可能会安装不到位,影响转动,造成声音大。如果不懂可找专业人员帮助处理。 4(要定期给自己的主机除尘,一般一年一次,灰尘大的地区可以适当增加除尘的频率。自己除尘缺少装备,怕麻烦的,建议到电脑修理店清理。 5(天气冷气温低是一个不可乎视的原因。如果是这种原因可以说机子完全是正常的,也没有什么很好的解决办法,实在不行可以增加冬天的开机时间或者直接不关机。 风扇的扇叶“偏心”故障解决办法是尽量把风扇安装牢固,使之震动不起来;另一种方法是给风扇轴承处注油,对震动起到缓冲作用,从而减弱噪音。前两种方法没有解决实质问题;最后一种方法:把扇叶拆下来,用细线穿过扇叶中心小孔吊起扇叶,如果一端下降,说明这一端较沉,可在砂轮上磨几下,如此几次后,再用细线吊起扇叶时,如果扇叶能在水平位置静止,说明改造成功。最后一种比较繁琐,如果电脑使用年限较长且自己实在无力解决 ds; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the dr with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection recorogethe, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) th. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1t matcontrol room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame sees required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the cg holrequirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mountin gle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet therolled an-rolled angle steel, hot- cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hotpersonal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... od, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects suchparts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks goviolent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare -autious, nonproof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be c-proof, shock-packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moistureevice - 5 - 问题的,建设直接更换风扇。 电脑的噪音主要来自风扇,很多资料上都介绍过给风扇注油来降低噪音的方法,但风扇的噪音变大不一定都是因为轴承缺油,因此要综合考虑多种情况,查明自己电脑开机时产生大噪音的真正原因,对症下药,这样才能药到病除。 脑里通常3个地方有风扇,一个是电源,里面有风扇,可以拆开,加点工业用黄油;另两个是CPU风扇或者是显卡风扇,均可以在轴心处添加工业用黄油做暂时性解决。 当然,这样的方法是指电脑使用日久,堆积了很多灰尘造成转轴转动不均匀时采取的方法。 新买的电脑,还是家里用,一个月就如此,说明风扇质量不行,如经济许可,建议还是换新的好,为了安静点,这点钱还是值得花的。 w. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 sbelo to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table ole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installationbase honing and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positirolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as -rolled angle steel, hot-nets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hotent. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabipersonal safety and safety equipms suchefect, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off daccordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models violent beating; (4) out of the box in-utious, nonproof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be ca-proof, shock-ould check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moistureyou sh, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, ehalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floorsy on bystem Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointl- 6 -
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