

2018-09-23 14页 doc 44KB 21阅读




畜禽养殖场管理制度畜禽养殖场管理制度 动物养殖场防疫制度(一) 一、认真贯彻《动物防疫法》,坚持“预防为主、防治结合、防重于治”的原则,严格按照国家、省、市的有关规定认真做好动物疫病的免疫、监测工作。 二、养殖场(小区)法人为动物防疫主要责任人,认真组织抓好各项动物防疫措施的落实。 三、养殖场(小区)必须经动物卫生监督机构进行动物防疫条件审核、审批并验收合格,颁发《动物防疫条件合格证》后,方可投入使用。 四、养殖场(小区)动物强制免疫工作由场方兽医负责完成。使用的疫苗必须是正规厂家生产并由动物疫病预防控制机构逐级供应的合格产品。要严格...
畜禽养殖场 动物养殖场防疫制度(一) 一、认真贯彻《动物防疫法》,坚持“预防为主、防治结合、防重于治”的原则,严格按照国家、省、市的有关规定认真做好动物疫病的免疫、监测工作。 二、养殖场(小区)法人为动物防疫主要责任人,认真组织抓好各项动物防疫措施的落实。 三、养殖场(小区)必须经动物卫生监督机构进行动物防疫条件审核、审批并验收合格,颁发《动物防疫条件合格证》后,方可投入使用。 四、养殖场(小区)动物强制免疫工作由场方兽医负责完成。使用的疫苗必须是正规厂家生产并由动物疫病预防控制机构逐级供应的合格产品。要严格按照疫苗使用说明进行操作。 五、养殖场(小区)内动物的免疫要按照国家规定的强制免疫病种和程序进行,保持免疫密度达到100%。定期进行监测,确保免疫抗体合格率常年保持国家规定的标准。 六、对养殖场(小区)自定的免疫病种,要制定科学的免疫程序。 七、要建立完整的免疫档案,认真登记相关信息,动物免疫后要加施畜禽标识。 八、病畜要及时隔离、治疗,病死动物要进行无害化处理。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 动物养殖场疫情报告制度(二) 一、发现一般动物疫情时要按照有关规定的程序和时限逐级上报。 二、发现下列情况必须快报,并由动物疫病预防控制机构有关技术人员到现场进行核实。 1、发生一类或疑似一类动物疫病; 2、二类、三类或其它动物疫情呈爆发性流行; 3、已经消灭又发生的动物疫病; 4、新发现的动物疫病。 三、动物疫情报告的内容要包括:疫情发生的时间、地点;染疫、疑似染疫动物数量、同群数量、免疫情况、死亡数量、临床症状、病理变化、诊断情况;流行病学和疫源追踪情况;已采取的控制措施;疫情报告的单位、负责人、报告人及联系方式等。 四、报告程序:场方兽医发现异常情况后,立即通知监管兽医,监管兽医到场,怀疑可疑时,马上报告县级动物疫病预防控制机构。 五、重大动物疫情需由省级以上兽医行政部门认定。任何单位和个人不得确认疫情并对外公布。 六、对重大动物疫情不得瞒报、谎报、迟报,也不得授意他人瞒报、谎报、迟报,不得阻碍他人报告。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 动物养殖场消毒制度(三) 一、要严格按照消毒规程进行定期消毒。 二、要至少备有两种以上消毒药物,不同品种的消毒药物应交替使用。 三、养殖场(小区)正门要设有消毒池或铺垫浸有消毒药液的草垫。进出车辆、人员等要进行消毒。 四、生活区(办公室、宿舍、食堂及其周围环境等)每天清扫一次,每月用消毒药喷洒消毒一次。 五、更衣室每天消毒一次,采用紫外线照射法;工作服每周消毒一次,采用药物浸泡法。 六、生产区:圈舍每天至少清扫一次,每周用消毒药喷洒消毒一次;运动场地每周清理一次,每两周用消毒药喷洒消毒一次;清理的垫料、粪便进行堆积发酵处理。 七、进入生产区的人员必须脚踏消毒池消毒。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 动物养殖场用药管理制度(四) 一、严格按照有关兽药管理的规定采购、保存和使用兽药。 二、禁止使用原料药、假劣兽药、违禁药品和其他禁用化合物。所用兽药必须符合国家规定。 三、必须严格遵守国家规定休药期的时间,暂未规定休药期的品种,应遵守肉蛋不少于28天、弃奶期不少于7天的规定。 四、建立并保存兽药购买、使用记录,内容包括药品名称、生产厂家、批号、购入单位、发病时间及症状、治疗用药的经过、用药时间、疗程、休药期等。 五、积极配合畜牧兽医主管部门组织的兽药质量抽检和畜禽产品兽药残留的抽检。 六、发现可能与兽药使用有关的严重不良反应的,应当立即向当地县区兽医管理主管部门报告。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 动物养殖场无害化处理制度(五) 一、规模养殖场(小区)应具备无害化处理设施、设备、对养殖过程中病死动物及其排泄物、污染物进行无害化处理。 二、对病死动物的处理要严格遵循“四不准一处理”的原则,即不准宰杀、不准销售、不准食用、不准转运,全部进行无害化处理。 三、病死或死因不明动物的无害化处理工作应在当地动物防疫机构的监督下进行。 四、无害化处理应严格按照《病害动物和病害动物产品生物安全处理规程》进行,以焚烧、掩埋、化制、消毒和发酵处理式为主。 五、建立无害化处理档案,对无害化处理情况做详细记载。 六、无害化处理措施以尽量减少损失,保护环境,不污染空气、土壤和水源为原则。 七、采取掩埋的方式进行无害化处理,掩埋场所应在饲养场内或附近,远离居民区、水源、泄洪区和交通要道。对污染的饲养料、排泄物等物品,也应喷洒消毒剂后与尸体共同深埋。 八、采用焚烧的方式进行无害化处理时,应符合环境要求。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 动物养殖场检疫申报制度(六) 一、动物检疫工作实行检疫申报制,场方兽医具体负责动物、动物产品的检疫申报工作。 二、动物出栏、动物产品出售前场方兽医应向当地动物卫生监督机构申报检疫。 三、跨省调入乳用、种用动物及其精液、胚胎、种蛋的、场方兽医应当调用前办理检疫审批手续,同意后方可调用。 四、场方兽医应当按下列时间申报检疫; 1、种用、乳用动物提前十五天; 2、供屠宰或育肥的动物提前三天; 3、因生产、生活特殊需要出售、调用的随时申报检疫。 五、检疫申报可以采用下列方式: 1、现场申报; 2、电话申报; 3、寄送面信函; 4、传真申报; 六、接到检疫申报后,当地动物卫生监督机构对动物、动物产品实施现场检疫,合格后出具检疫证明,凭证出售和运输。 七、跨省调用的种用、乳用,经过一个潜伏期的隔离观察,经当地动物卫生监督机构检疫合格后方可混群饲养。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 养殖场养殖档案管理制度(七) 一、养殖场应当建立养殖档案,载明以下内容: 1、畜禽的品种、数量、繁殖记录、标识情况、来源和进出场日期; 2、饲料、饲料添加剂等投入品和兽药的来源、名称、使用对象、时间和用量等有关情况; 3、检疫、免疫、监测、消毒情况; 4、畜禽发病、诊疗、死亡和无害化处理情况; 5、畜禽养殖代码; 二、饲养种畜应当建立个体养殖档案,注明标识编码、性别、出生日期、父系和母系品种类型,母本的标识编码等信息。 三、种畜调运时应当在个体养殖档案上注明调出和调入地,个体养殖档案应当随同调运。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 养殖场畜禽标识管理制度(八) 一、新出生畜禽,在出生后30天内加施畜禽标识;30天内离开饲养地的,在离开饲养地前加施畜禽标识。 二、猪、牛、羊在左耳中部加施畜禽标识,需要再次加施畜禽标识的,在右耳中部加施。 三、畜禽标识严重磨损、破损、脱落后,应当及时加施新的标识,并在养殖档案中记录新标识编码。 四、养殖场不得销售、收购、运输、屠宰应当加施标识而没有标识的畜禽。 五、畜禽标识不得重复使用。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support
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