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计算机综合实训报告计算机综合实训报告 计算机实训综合报告 系 别 电子信息工程系 专 业 现代教育技术 班 级 现代教育大专2班 姓 名 虎王燕 指导老师 王军 完成时间 2012.09.27 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. si...
计算机综合实训报告 计算机实训综合报告 系 别 电子信息工程系 专 业 现代教育技术 班 级 现代教育大专2班 姓 名 虎王燕 指导老师 王军 完成时间 2012.09.27 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 绪言 “计算机组装与维护”课程是职业学校计算机应用专业的必修课。长期以来,由于课程内容理论性很强,专业术语高密度呈现,学生既不易接受,也学不好。 近代美国教育思想家杜威认为,“教育实际上是经验的改组与改造”,主张“在做中学”、“在问中学”。本书秉承杜威的教育理念,艺术性地处理了专业理论与实践活动的关系,以“项目+任务”的方式,提炼了日常使用计算机的经验,升华成解决问题的思路。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision 1 people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 目 录 1实训题目 计算机硬件及组装 ........................................................................错误~未定义书签。 1.1实训目的.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 1.2实训项目.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 1.3实训过程.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 1.3.1项目意义 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 1.3.2项目规划 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 1.3.3基本概念 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 1.3.4项目步骤 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 1.4项目总结.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2实训题目 硬盘分区 ......................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2.1实训目的.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2.2实训项目.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2.3实训过程.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2.3.1项目意义 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2.3.2项目规划 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2.3.3基本概念 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2.3.4项目步骤 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 2.4项目总结.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3实训题目 操作系统安装 ...............................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.1实训目的.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.2实训项目.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.3实训过程.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.3.1项目意义 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.3.2项目规划 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.3.3基本概念 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.3.4项目步骤 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 3.4项目总结.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4实训题目 驱动程序 ......................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.1实训目的.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.2实训项目.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.3实训过程.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.3.1项目意义 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.3.2项目规划 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.3.3基本概念 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.3.4项目步骤 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 4.4项目总结.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 5实训题目 应用软件安装 ...............................................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.1实训目的.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.2实训项目.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.3实训过程.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 (a) 5.3.1项目意义 .....................................................................错误~未定义书签。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 5.3.2项目规划 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.3.3基本概念 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.3.4项目步骤 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 5.4项目总结.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6实训题目 系统维护 ......................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.1实训目的.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.2实训项目.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.3实训过程.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.3.1项目意义 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.3.2项目规划 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.3.3基本概念 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.3.4项目步骤 ...................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 6.4项目总结.............................................................................................错误~未定义书签。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision 3 people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 1实训题目 计算机硬件及组装 1.1实训目的 1.认识计算机的硬件 2.掌握计算机硬件组装的步骤及注意事项 1.2实训项目 如何组装一台电脑 1.3实训过程 1.3.1项目意义 通过学习本实训内容,掌握微机组装方面的知识,进一步加深对微机硬件系统的认识,具备微机硬件维护的基本功能。 1.3.2项目规划 分组练习微机硬件组装,学习常用工具的使用、常用消除静电的方法,掌握组装电脑的技巧和组装组装注意事项,牢记拆装过程中的禁忌法则。 1.3.3基本概念 拆、装是两个相反的操作。拆、装操作没有特定的顺序,要因时制宜,随机应变。一般原则为:先装靠里边的、固定的,如电源、主板等,再装靠外边的、浮动的、不影响其他硬件安装的小配件,如板卡、数据线等。 1.3.4项目步骤 1(常用组装工具 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 计算机实训综合报告 十字螺丝刀、一字螺丝刀、镊子、尖嘴钳、万能、并口—Debug卡、防静电腕带及佩戴位置、防静电手表 2(组装操作技巧 3(操作中的注意事项 1.4项目总结 通过本次试验,我掌握了微机组装方面的知识,进一步加深对微机硬件系统的认识,具备微机硬件维护的基本功能。 5 2实训题目 硬盘分区 2.1实训目的 掌握使用硬盘分区软件进行硬盘分区 2.2实训项目 如何划分硬盘空间 2.3实训过程 2.3.1项目意义 1、熟练硬盘分区与格式化。 2、掌握常见的磁盘工具的使用方法。 3、学会创建DOS启动盘,并用DOS启动系统。 4、学会使用最基本的DOS命令。 2.3.2项目规划 1、每小组一台可正常运行的微机(有软驱和光驱)。 2、每小组一张DOS启动盘(其中含有FDISK.EXE和Format.EXE、SYS.EXE三个文件) 3、每小组一张可启动系统的光盘。 2.3.3基本概念 1、实验前复习常用的DOS命令。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 计算机实训综合报告 2、不得多次格式化硬盘,以延长硬盘寿命。 2.3.4项目步骤 1、开机进入BIOS设置程序,将开机顺序设置为:软驱?硬盘?光驱。退出BIOS设置程序。 2、用DOS启动系统。 ?将DOS启动盘插入软驱。 ?重新开机,等待启动系统。 ?用DIR命令查看DOS系统盘中的文件。 3、启动FDISK,了解其功能。 ?输入FDISK并回车,启动FDISK。 ?仔细观察界面,了解各项目的功能。 ?尝试选择项目和退出项目的方法。 4、观察硬盘的现有分区 ?选择相应选项。 ?观察本机硬盘的分区情况,并作好。 5、删除现有硬盘分区 ?选择相应选项。 ?逐一删除本机硬盘中的所有分区。 6、建立分区 ?拟出分区。 7 ?按方案分区。 ?设置活动分区。 7、重新启动计算机,使分区生效。 ?确认DOS系统盘仍在软驱中,仍然用该盘启动系统。 ?关机并重新开机,等待系统启动。 ?再次启动FDISK,并查看分区是否生效。 8、格式化硬盘 ?在DOS提示字符后输入:FormatC:,即用Format命令格式化C区。 ?按提示输入Y并回车。 ?等待格式化,并在格式化结束时认真阅读格式化信息。 ?用同样的方法格式化其他分区。 9、为硬盘安装DOS系统 ?使用SYS:C命令,在硬盘的C区中安装DOS系统。 ?用DIRC:?A命令,查看C区中的文件。 10、以硬盘启动系统 ?将软盘取出,确保软驱中无软盘。 ?重新关机并开机。 ?等待系统从C盘启动。 11、尝试制作软盘DOS启动盘。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 计算机实训综合报告 12、尝试用光盘启动并格式化硬盘。 2.4项目总结 在这次实验中,通过学习实践和老师的指导,教会我们使更丰富全面的软件技术和应用技巧,了解硬盘分区的意义。通过学习对硬盘的分区实验,可以进一步加深我们对计算机硬盘的了解和认识,同时对硬盘进行合理分区,更加合理和有效的利用磁盘空间,有利于病毒的防治和数据的安全,这样便于对硬盘的规划和文件的管理,从而使我们在以后的计算机应用中,能够更好的利用所学过的知识加强对计算机的管理和维护。 3实训题目 操作系统安装 3.1实训目的 掌握操作系统的安装技能 3.2实训项目 如何安装Windows XP操作系统 3.3实训过程 3.3.1项目意义 1、了解虚拟机在构建网络安全实验平台的作用 2、熟悉虚拟机实验环境的搭建 3、在Vmware Workstation虚拟机软件上安装使用操作系统 3.3.2项目规划 装有Windows XP系统的PC机 9 3.3.3基本概念 通过虚拟机软件,可以在一台物理计算机上模拟出一台或多台虚拟的计算机,这些虚拟机完全就像真正的计算机那样进行工作,例如可以安装操作系统、安装应用程序、访问网络资源等等 3.3.4项目步骤 1.运行VMware Workstation 6,直接按“Crtl+N”快捷键;进入创建虚拟机向导。 2.在“Virtual machine configuration”选项区域内选择“Custom”单选按钮。 3.在Choose the Virtual Machine Hardware Compatibility页中,选择虚拟机的 Workstation 6.5-7.x的硬件格式。 4.在Select a Guest Operating System对话框中,选择要创建虚拟机类型及要运行的操作系统,这里选择Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition操作系统,单击“下一步”按钮。 5.在Name the Virtual Machine对话框中,为新建的虚拟机命名并且选择它的保存路径。 6.在Processors选项区域中选择虚拟机中CPU的数量,如果选择Two,主机需要有两个CPU或者是超线程的CPU。 7.在Memory for the Virtual Machine页中,设置虚拟机使用的内存,通常情况下,对于Windows 2003,最低为128MB 8.在Network Type页中选择虚拟机网卡的“联网类型” 使用桥接网卡(VMnet0虚拟网卡),表示当前虚拟机与主机(指运行VMware Workstation软件的计算机)在同一个网络中。 9.在Select I/O Adapter Type页中,选择虚拟机的SCSI卡的型号,选择默认值。 10.在Select a Disk页中,选择Create a new virtual disk(创建一个新的虚拟硬盘)。 11.在Select a Disk Type页中,选择创建的虚拟硬盘的接口方式,选择默认值。 12.在Specify Disk Capacity页中设置虚拟磁盘大小,选择默认值。 13.在Specify Disk File页的Disk file选项区域内设置虚拟磁盘文件名称,选择默认值,然后单击完成按钮。 打开前文创建的Windows 2003虚拟机配置文件,在Virtual Machine Settings页中的Hardware选项卡中,选择CD-ROM项,在Connection选项区域内选中Use ISO image单选按钮,然后浏览选择Windows 2003安装光盘镜像文件(ISO格式)。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 计算机实训综合报告 等待安装系统完成后进入虚拟机。 如果想从虚拟机窗口中切换回主机,需要按下Ctrl+Alt热键。 安装VMware Tools 在虚拟机中安装完操作系统之后,接下来需要安装VMware Tools。 1.从VM菜单下选择安装VMware Tools。 2.按照提示安装,最后重新启动虚拟机即可。 3.4项目总结 虚拟机是一个在Windows或Linux计算机上运行的应用程序,它可以模拟一个PC环境。这个环境和真实的计算机一样,都有芯片组、CPU、内存、显卡、声卡、网卡、软驱、硬盘、光驱、串口、并口、USB控制器、SCSI控制器等设备,提供这个应用程序的窗口就是虚拟机的显示器 4实训题目 驱动程序 4.1实训目的 掌握设备驱动程序的安装技能 4.2实训项目 如何安装电脑的驱动程序 4.3实训过程 4.3.1项目意义 通过本实验掌握是用硬件厂商提供的驱动程序,或从网络上下载驱动程序压缩包各类硬件设备的驱动程序。 4.3.2项目规划 练习使用硬件厂商提供的驱动程序或从网络上下载在驱动程序压缩包。 11 4.3.3基本概念 1、驱动程序概述 驱动程序是对基本系统功能不能支持的各种硬件设备进行解释,是计算机能识别这些硬件设备,从而保证它们的正常运行。 2、 什么情况下需要安装设备驱动程序 在安装微机系统时,硬件设备虽然已经安装连接好了,但却无法正常使用,这时就需要安装厂商提供的驱动程序了。 3、 安装驱动程序的原则 4、 常见驱动程序安装方式 4.3.4项目步骤 1、利用驱动盘安装程序(1)找到硬件安装向导,选择安装方式 (2)、如果操作系统没有支持这个硬件的驱动的话,那么如图4,就无法完成驱动程序的安装。如果操作系统包含了支持这个硬件的驱动程序的话,如图5,那么系统将自动为这个硬件安装驱动。 2、安装Intel芯片组主板的驱动程序 (1)将购买的主板时附带的驱动光盘放入光驱中,程序自动运行,出现安装向导,在主菜单界面单击“Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility”选项,进入安装向导。 (2)单击“下一步”按钮,出现许可协议,单击“是”。 (3)浏览自述文件,单击“下一步”,程序开始复制文件。 (,)复制文件完成后,单击“完成”按钮,程序重启计算机,完成安装工作。 4.4项目总结 通过实验我学会了硬件厂商提供的驱动程序或从网络上下载在驱动程序压缩包。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 计算机实训综合报告 5实训题目 应用软件安装 5.1实训目的 1、了解常用的应用软件的种类 2、掌握常用的应用软件的安装与卸载 5.2实训项目 如何安装和卸载常用的应用软件 5.3实训过程 5.3.1项目意义 通过学习本实训的内容,练习安装和卸载各类常用应用程序,并掌握多种安装和卸载应用程序的方法和手段,如:WPS Office2003、金山打字通、HyperSnap-DX5屏幕抓图工具软件以及新组件等。 5.3.2项目规划 练习办公软件的安装和卸载,介绍其他应用软件以及常用的工具软件的安装和卸载,归纳总结多种安装和卸载常用应用程序的方法和手段。 5.3.3基本概念 本实训重点练习 办公软件的安装和卸载方法,并了解其他各类软件的安装和卸载,随着微机的普及,应用软件也越来越多,在此不能一一列出,所以希望同学们能举一反三,熟练掌握应用软件安装和卸载的本质与共性,能够独立完成本实训中没有涉及软件的安装和卸载。 13 5.3.4项目步骤 将应用软件安装用软件安装光盘放入光驱中招到应用软件的安装程序并单击出现安装向导,在安装向导的提示下一步一步一步的操作,正确输入个人信息,安装序列号,即可完成安装工作。 5.4项目总结 通过这次试验我知道了如何安装和卸载程序,更懂得了每一步的重要性,是我在以后的安装和卸载程序时不容易犯错。过学习本实训的内容,练习安装和卸载各类常用应用程序,并掌握多种安装和卸载应用程序的方法和手段。 6实训题目 系统维护 6.1实训目的 1.了解计算机日常维护的具体内容 2.掌握计算机维护中的常用软件 3.掌握系统备份和恢复 6.2实训项目 如何对系统进行优化和设置 6.3实训过程 6.3.1项目意义 通过本实训的内容,了解计算机系统日常维护的具体内容,掌握计算机维护过程中一些常用软件的使用。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring 计算机实训综合报告 6.3.2项目规划 利用Windows操作系统自带的系统具体进行系统优化,维护;通过注册对系统进行优化设置;利用系统属性对系统进行相关设置,如设置虚拟内存;利用系统使用配置程序对系统的启动程序组、服务等进行优化设置。 6.3.3基本概念 练习使用Windows操作系统进行维护。学习利用工具软件,如优化大师,超级兔子等软件对系统进行优化,学习通过修改注册表或者系统配置实用程序对系统启动速度进行优化。 6.3.4项目步骤 1、Windows XP增强了系统的智能化特性,系统能够自动对自身的工作性能进行必要的管理和维护在进行磁盘碎片整理之前,用户可以使用磁盘碎片整理程序中的分析功能,在系统提交的分析报告中包括磁盘空间的使用情况和文件碎片的统计,用户可以根据分析报告决定是否需要整理磁盘碎片。 2、磁盘清理:直接从系统提供的搜索结果列表中把它们删除,以便腾出更多的磁盘空间,用来存储有用的文件或安装有用的应用程序 3、磁盘检查 磁盘检查程序可以扫描修复磁盘中的文件系统错误。用户应该经常对安装操作系统的驱动器进行检查,以保证Windows XP能够正常运行并维持良好的系统性能。 A、打开控制面板,单击“性能和维护”,再单击“系统”,即可打开“系统属性”对话框。该对话框共有七个选项卡,用户不仅可以查看和了解系统各个方面的默认设置,还可以在该对话框中找到多种系统工具,根据需要对系统属性进行设置。 B置高级属性使用系统还原功能使用自动更新功能,自动更新功能可以通过Internet连接下载最新的驱动程序、安全修复、帮助文件、Internet产品等等。 使用远程协助和远程桌面 C理电源,定制任务查看系统事件优化文件系统,通过修改注册表,可以优化文件系统,加快软件运行速度。 关机时自动关闭没有响应的程序。从内存中卸载DLL文件。减少关闭无响应程序的等待时间 D置命令行窗口是否全屏显示禁止应用程序在系统启动时运行 15 6.4项目总结 Windows XP增强了系统的智能化特性,系统能够自动对自身的工作性能进行必要的管理和维 护。同时,Windows XP提供了多种系统工具,使用户能够根据自己的需要优化系统性能,使系统 更加安全、稳定和高效地运行。 to supervision people application on gate, and opening and closing machine for the equipment of acceptance, and to supervision people submitted following information:. single gate, and opening and closing machine of equipment listing;. installation quality check of middle acceptance records;. buried pieces quality test of middle acceptance records;. gate test detection results and opening and closing machine commissioning test records.. major defects and quality accident records and the processing report.. gate and the opening and closing machine acceptance Hou, Before being transferred to the employer, the installation shall be responsible for keeping the equipment ... Monitoring of pressure forebay: layout 1 automatic water level gauge, monitoring the water level changes. Pressure pipeline proposed in down flat into the holes inside the two monitoring section, stress and strain. (4) plant proposed tailrace located on the inside of a water gauge, in order to observe the water level changes. 10.3 security monitoring of work content according to this technology terms provides, and construction drawings requirements and supervision people indicates, I Council of work content including (but not limited to): (1) monitoring
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