

2017-09-01 13页 doc 38KB 72阅读




儿童合唱歌曲大全儿童合唱歌曲大全 精选儿童合唱歌曲 1.静静地听 2.最美丽 3.眼睛 4.跨世纪的新一代 5.踩雨 6.荷塘边的歌谣 7.槟榔树下摇网床 8.我为老师唱支歌 9.深情的爱 10.寻找春天 11.哪里有秋天 12.银色的马车从天上来啦 13.幸福的明天美滋滋的 14.为了妈妈 15.春天的脚步 16.我爱米兰 17.走进阳光 18.牛背上的孩子 19.太阳——熟透的苹果 20.妈妈的目光 21.爱的人间 22.十月是你的生日,中国 23.捧出所有的爱 24.我们走进十月的阳光 25.朝霞 26....
儿童合唱歌曲大全 精选儿童合唱歌曲 1.静静地听 2.最美丽 3.眼睛 4.跨世纪的新一代 5.踩雨 6.荷塘边的歌谣 7.槟榔树下摇网床 8.我为老师唱支歌 9.深情的爱 10.寻找春天 11.哪里有秋天 12.银色的马车从天上来啦 13.幸福的明天美滋滋的 14.为了妈妈 15.春天的脚步 16.我爱米兰 17.走进阳光 18.牛背上的孩子 19.太阳——熟透的苹果 20.妈妈的目光 21.爱的人间 22.十月是你的生日,中国 23.捧出所有的爱 24.我们走进十月的阳光 25.朝霞 26.我怎样长大 27.小纸船的梦 28.美丽的翠鸟 29.我们和你们 30.月亮月光光 31.玫瑰,红红的玫瑰 32.同一首歌 33.拥军花鼓 34.青草小河边 35.茉莉花 36.采茶舞曲 37.太阳出业喜洋洋 38.杨柳叶子青 39.天黑黑 40.小白菜 41.斑鸠调 42.留住阳光 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 43.桑木扁担软溜溜 44.放风筝 45.牧歌 46.猜调 47.灯碗碗开花在窗台 48.割豌豆 49.摘菜调 50.星星之夜 祝你新年快乐》、《同一首歌》、《太阳出来啦》、《巧克力大王》、《给我一个小铃当》、《鸟归林》、《歌声与微 笑》、《自由飞翔》、《乘着歌声的翅膀》、《回忆》、《闲聊波尔卡》、《爱之梦》、《拉德斯基进行曲》、《圣母颂》、 《思念》、《跳跃的舞步》、《马车从天上来》、《圣母颂》、《白肋喜鹊》、《地域赋格》、《铃儿响叮当的变迁》、 《乒乒乓》、《牧歌》 , 小雨中的回忆 , 第一二胡狂想曲 , 我们共产党人好比种子 , 世界是个小天地 , 啊小手风琴 , 吻别 , 快乐的女战士 , 畲家的孩子真幸福 , 美丽美丽真美丽 , 奥林匹克风 , 思念 , 悲歌 , Loveisblue 蓝色的... , 含苞欲放的花 , 母亲 , 塔里的女人 , 傣家娃娃数星星 , 祖国我献给你 , 等人就象在喝酒 , 别忘了来封信 , 西风的话 , 伟大的国家伟大的党 , 练习曲 , 全都是为了你的爱 , 美丽的梦神 Beautifu... , 六一国际儿童节歌 , 我爱祖国的蓝天 , 听松 , 国旗升起来(童声合唱)(简谱) (2010-2-27 12:8:0) , 跳大绳(童声齐唱)(简谱) (2010-2-27 9:58:0) , 太阳是个小牧童(童声独唱)(简谱) (2010-2-27 8:24:0) intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision , 奥运梦想(童声独唱)(简谱) (2010-2-27 6:30:0) , 放风筝(童声独唱)(简谱) (2010-2-27 4:19:0) , 啄木鸟(童声独唱)(简谱) (2010-2-26 20:59:0) , 听妈妈讲那过去的故事(童声独唱)(简谱) (2010-2-26 20:34:0) , 我们是吉祥的五福娃(童声合唱)(简谱) (2010-2-26 20:7:0) , 嘿~中国少年(童声合唱)(简谱) (2010-2-26 20:6:0) , 春意(童声合唱)(简谱) (2010-2-26 20:5:0) CD1: 1、咏 鹅 2、花儿开 3、一分钱 4、春天在说话 5、可爱多—好孩子的歌 6、我有一个家 7、牵牛花吹喇叭 8、小猫跑跑 9、橡皮泥 10、五个福娃娃 11、学好本领去回答 12、朝霞之歌 13、读唐诗 14、成长的烦恼 15、司马光砸缸 16、爸爸妈妈听我说 17、悯 农 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 18、春 天 CD2: 19、牧羊童 20、幸福歌 21、我们生活在同一个星球 22、种树歌 23、小花和小草 24、朝霞.太阳 25、最美的画 26、光荣的红领巾 27、调色板 28、看木偶 29、练字谣 30、母亲的故事 31、幸福花 32、星星摇着铃铛 33、五环童话 34、踩 雨 35、爸爸打工 妈妈打工 36、梦的眼睛 37、美丽的藏红花 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision CD3: 38、金龟子畅想 39、五色花 40、画时间 41、小熊维尼 42、快乐的少先队 43、竹笋娃娃 44、在公园里 45、光荣少年 46、眼里的天空 47、小姐姐与小蝴蝶 48、老师,我真的喜欢你 49、侗乡小歌台 50、画中国 51、阳光少年 52、校园芳草地 53、我多么羡慕你 54、宇宙的种子 CD4: 55、我穿上宇航服 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 56、中国寓言传说 57、乌鸦与狐狸 58、盲人摸象 59、山菊花 60、年少的味道 61、悯 农 62、花木兰 63、爱,从这里起航 64、小星星的的 65、郊游Party 66、赏 月 67、月牙船 68、阳 光 69、小小汉字真奇妙 70、阳光年华 71、红旗,我们爱你 72、校园畅想曲 73、送你一片绿草地 CD5: 74、让我做你的朋友 75、皮影戏儿 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 76、教室里的星星 77、可爱的女孩 78、雨中小花伞 79、毕业前夕 80、友 谊 81、你唱我也唱 82、幸福花开 83、放轻松 84、北京胡同 85、年少的味道 86、让我飞 87、可可西里 88、小雨点的歌 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision
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