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外研社五年级英语上册教案c外研社五年级英语上册教案c 外研版五年级英语上册教学计划 一、指导思想 以“科学发展观”为指导,渗透和灌输可持续发展的战略思想。以素质教育为根本宗旨,以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,充分发挥学生的潜能,提高学生的全面素质和自学能力。在教学中,认真学习教育教学理论,全面贯彻党的教育方针政策,认真学习新课改的精神,采用符合学生年龄、心理特征和语言规律的教学方法。 二、学生情况 五年级的学生整体来说都比较活泼,有一部分学生学习较积极,对学习英语具有比较浓厚的兴趣,但有个别同学的学习习惯较差,不愿意学习英语,听说读写的能力都...
外研社五年级上册c 外研版五年级英语上册教学 一、指导思想 以“科学发展观”为指导,渗透和灌输可持续发展的战略思想。以素质教育为根本宗旨,以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,充分发挥学生的潜能,提高学生的全面素质和自学能力。在教学中,认真学习教育教学理论,全面贯彻党的教育方针政策,认真学习新课改的精神,采用符合学生年龄、心理特征和语言规律的教学方法。 二、学生情况 五年级的学生整体来说都比较活泼,有一部分学生学习较积极,对学习英语具有比较浓厚的兴趣,但有个别同学的学习习惯较差,不愿意学习英语,听说读写的能力都有待提高。 三、教材总体分析 新标准英语重在英语知识的整体输入与融会贯通,知识量大,课文中出现的话题涉及到生活的方方面面,很有时代感,贴近学生生活,增加了音标、英文儿歌和少量的语法等,教学目标的达成较大,对学生有一定难度。因此要在把握《新标准英语》的基本理念上灵活运用教材,不断提高教学质量。 四、教学目标 1、知识目标: (1)、掌握本册教材的重点词汇和句型结构。 (2)、学生能够理解并能口头应答单词短语和句子。 (3)、能演唱以学过的英语歌曲,朗诵已学过的歌谣。 (4)、能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确,所用话语与场合符合。 (5)、能在图片手势,情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语与录音。 2、能力目标: (1)、培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力。 (2)、培养学生的听、说、读、写能力。 (3)、培养学生创新精神和实践能力。 (4)、培养学生一定的语感,打下良好的语音语调。 3、情感目标 (1)、遵循英语教学规律,寓思想教育于语言教学之中,促进学生良好品德的形成,努力为学生的终生发展奠定语言基础和思想基础。 (2)、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们良好的学习英语学习习惯 五、教学重点难点 1(重点: (1)四会句型、单词。 1 (2)在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。 (3)运用所学的日常交际用语进行简单的日常交流,并做到大胆开口,积极参与,发音清楚,语调正确。 2(难点:养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。 (1)以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。 (2)通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。 (3)活用教材,根据学生的学习状况,将每单元的进行重组编排,以降低难度。 (4)注重教学,调动学生学习兴趣,充分发挥非智力因素的作用。 (5)设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。 (6)及时、科学地进行教学反思,总结得失,使教学常新。 六、教学措施 1、认真备课,钻研教材,进行课堂的有效教学,提高课堂效率,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、及时批改、讲评作业,并做好总结,对中差学生及时给予指导,使其赶上来。 3、课堂上,运用各种不同英语教学法来辅助教学,如:情景教学法、直接教学法和TPR全身反应法,并开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在轻松的氛围中学习英语。 4、辅导学困生,让优等生帮助他们,采取合作学习的方式,让学生互相学习,互相帮助,使他们共同提高。。 5、鼓励学生大胆说英语,肯定他们的进步,树立学生的信心,培养学生朗读和书写的习惯。 Module1 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday ? 授课时间: 教学目标 1、 掌握单词和短语 back.home.those.ice cream.finish.with.hurry.drop。come back.live in.go home.hurry up 2、单词的过去式用法: do-did come-came drop _dropped go-went 3、 掌握句子 Did you „„? 词语读音以及运用 教学重点 本课句型 Did you„„?的掌握应用 教学难点 使运动词的过去式,描述已经发生的事情. 教学用具 单词卡片,录音机及磁带, 教学过程: 一、热身复习 T: 1. 问候学生:Good morning boys and girls. How are you today?T:Can you tell me 2 your holiday?(请几个学生谈谈自己的暑假生活) 2. 唱英文歌:Walking song 二、课文导入 T:The lesson we’re going to do today is about London. Where’s London? (下面我们将听到lingling,sam和amy的谈话。通过今天的学习,大家可以进一步了解如何用英语叙述过去发生的事情。) Ss:Nice to meet you too! Yes,I did. 汇报交流 Ss: It’s in England. 三 课文教学 1, T:Now I want you to open your books.FindModule1,Unit 1,Activity1.Now look at the pictures .please.What can you see? , 教师指着图中的人物John告诉学生:“He’s John”接着问:“Are they talking? What 2 are they talking about? Let’s listen.” 请学生翻开SB Unit1活动1,播放录音。请学生边听边看书。 3, 分段播放录音,请学生回答问题: T: When did Sam and Amy come back? What did they buy in the park? What happened after that? 4,通过各种方式教授新单词。例如:教师站在一个学生身边说:“Walk to theblackboard,please!”学生走到黑板前,教师再向他招手说:“Come back,please.” “drop, ice cream”.教师使用不同的方法。 教授“come back” 5,教师再次播放录音,并在每句话后停顿,多放几遍。 S1:I can see Amy ,Sam and Lingling. S2;They are in a park.They are in London. Listen carefully! S1:They came back last Sunday. S2: They bought some ice creams. S3: Oh! No, droped lingling’s ice cream. 请学生重复。教师指导。 程 6,请全班以四人小组为单位分角色朗读并表演课文,教师请几个小组给全班表演,评出“最佳朗读组”和“最佳表演组”。 7,完成SBUNIT1活动2。教师出示日历,问学生今天是星期几,请学生指出“last Sunday”的日子,指上一星期日。 8,完成SBUNIT1活动3。教师请学生假象自己一直居住在某个城市,或来自其他城市。 四,任务完成 3 1,完成用运任务1:ABUNIT1练习1和练习2。教师先放一遍录音,让学生思考书上的句子是否与录音的内容相符。 再放一遍录音,全班一起订正答案。 2,完成任务2,请学生观察几幅小图,根据图及句子提示,使运正确动词的一般过去式来完成句子。 4, 完成任务3,出示一分调查表: When did you „ ? Name Leave Comeback 请全班以四人小组为单位分角色朗读并表演课文 请学生分组模仿书中的事例,进行对话练习 学生自渎句子,理解句子并做出判断。 请学生朗读自己完成的句子。 调查假期外出的同学离去与归来的时间。 学生回答完之后,填在表格内。 板书设计 Modul 1Unit1 Come back When did you come back ? drop Where did you go on summer vacation? ice cream How did you go there? What did you do? What did you see? 课内外作业与反馈 完成AB UNIT1练习四。 首先分小组朗读这篇介绍伦敦的短文,然后在介绍一下自己所在的城市,并向全班汇报。 教后反思: Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams. 授课时间: 教学目标 1、语言知识 ---Did you „, ---Yes,I did./No,I didn’t. 2、语言技能 4 能运用Did you „,句型询问对方是否做过某事,对方根据具体情况作出应答 Yes,I did./No,I didn’t.培养学生在具体情景中正确运用该语言的交际能力。 3、情感态度 培养学生团队协作能力和与他人合作的精神以及用英语做事情的基本技能,激发学生竞争意识。 4、学习策略 培养学生积极与他人合作,主动学习,积极运用英语进行表达和交流,与同学共同完成学习任务的能力。 三、教学重难点 能熟练运用Did you „,句型对过去发生的事情进行推测。 ?. Warm-up 1. Game: ?教师快速出示动词或动词词组,让学生快速做出该动作。 ?让学生从另一组动词过去式中找出与图片配对的单词,学习和巩固不规则动词过去式。如:go-went, meet-met, run-ran, buy-bought, eat-ate, see-saw. 2. Free talk 用“旅游日记”或“假期影集”与组员谈论假日生活。 如:Where did you go on vacation? What did you do? Did you„„? When did you come back? ?.Pre-task【任务呈现——最快乐的一天】 1、教师出示提前收集的名胜风景区明信片,提问:“Did you go to „,” Did you see„? Did you buy„, 2、教师出示英国伦敦的名胜风景区明信片,提问:“Where did lingling go?”学生回答:“London”.教师问:“Where did she go, What did she see/meet/buy?”学生回答后,教师引出课文活动5的歌曲:“Listen to a song from Amy”,学唱歌曲。 3、[任务呈现]——寄一张风景明信片给你的朋友 教师展示伦敦明信片,并介绍:“This is from Amy to Daming. What did she say? Let’s go and see. Then please write about your yesterday to Amy or your friends.”让我们一起瞧一瞧怎样写明信片呢, ?.While-task 1、播放课文录音,并让学生回答课文活动的问题。 2、让学生再听一遍录音,并勾出dear, love, went to the park, met John, bought ice creams, went home, ran to the bus, dropped,并请学生跟读。 3、完成活动6的游戏 5 4、Group work. 完成课本活动7。 ?.Post-task【任务展示——最快乐的一天】 ? 学生四人一组展开活动,轮流讲述自己快乐的昨天,用过去时描述自己做了哪些事情。学生进行信息交换,评选出最快乐的一天向全班汇报。 ? 教师介绍Daming’s letter ——写给Amy的回信。 “I met our Chinese teacher by the river yesterday. She walked with her cat. Then we saw a rabbit and a hen . They played with an apple.” 板书 Chinese, teacher, river, rabbit, letter, hen, cat, apple,让学生读出单 词、听录音思考并回答划线处的发音;然后完成课堂活动用书练习3,请学生边听边划出每组单词中有着特定发音的字母或字母组合。 V(Homework 1、朗读课文。 2、完成练习册练习5和练习6。 教学反思: Module2 Unit1 What did you buy? 授课时间: 一、 教材分析: Analysis of This Lesson 1、教学内容(Teaching contents ) 本课的教学内容为外语教学与研究出版社的三年级起点《新标准英语》第五册的Module2 Unit1 What did you buy? 2、教学重点(Teaching Points) Words:can food need cheese how much 3、教学难点(Teaching difficults) Sentence: What did you buy? 二、 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1、知识目标(Knowledge aim) Listen and say:shopping food need cheese Listen and understand: What did you buy? 2、能力目标(Ability aim) Listen and understand: What did you buy? 6 3、情感目标(Emotion aim) 通过看听说演唱等活动,使学生产生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心. 三、 教学过程Teaching Procedures Step 1:Listen to a song: Sing a song:Mary hand a little lamb. (设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,创设英语氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣) Step 2:Free talks: Hello.How are you? What’s your name? How old are you? (设计意图:通过过自由对话拉近师生间的感情,并通过询问年龄复习数字。) Step 3、Warm up: 1(导入list 1) 通过出示Mr Smart和Sam对话的模拟情景,引出list, ( If you want go shopping.You can make a shopping list. 紧接着说: Such as: name list; book list. 2(导入cheese: (1)Read together.bananas,apples,pears,and cheese. (2)出示cheese单词并领读指读, 3(导入food: (1)(指着模拟超市说)At the supermarket.We have some apples,bananas,(出示这些食物课件)noodles,meat。All these are food. 2)出示food单词并领读指读, ( Step 4:New sentences learning: 1.导入新句型:授课时间: (1)(教师指着模拟超市)Look!There are some apples.How many?Let’s count.(One„) 对S1:Do you like apples?S1:Yes,I do.T: What did you buy?S1:Four.T:OK,(拿出4个)Here you are! (2)出示What did you buy?领读指读,并质疑 (3) Practise in pairs. (设计意图:通过真实的情景导入重点句型学习,避免了枯燥,无味的方式,同时, TPR和游戏竞赛形式全班互动,将课堂气氛推向高潮。进一步巩固了句型练习) Step 5、New text learning 1( Today.Ms Smart and Amy go shopping. Let’s listen to Ms Smart and Amy: How do they go shopping. (1)First,Look listen and learn: (2)Second.Look listen and say. 7 (3)(质疑)Can you read the shopping list to me?I don’t know the Chinese meaning.Who can tell me? (4)Now read in pairs.one is Ms Smart.One is Lingling.(小组分角色朗读) 2(At home情景模拟: (1)Mr Smart. Ms Smart and Amy(教师与两名同学演示) (2)请几组到前面表演 3(Next.Let’s have a try.(选择正确答案) (1)选出与购物有关的句子: A:Have you got a toy car?B:What do you do at the weekend? C:Yesterday,I went shopping.D:I live in West Lake Road. (2)选出你喜欢的食物: A:car ship doll plane kite B:cat dog tiger lion elephant C:shopping need like want D:cheese juice orange bananas (设计意图:以表演的形式,让学生学以致用,将课堂上的知识与生活实际相联系,培养 了学生对语言的综合运用能力。) 4.Listen and say. 训练句型:How many bananas did you buy? Step 7:Homework: read together 1( 听录音,朗读课文并试着录音 2( 与家人到超市或文具商场进行英语购物对话 教后反思: Unit2 How much cheese did you buy ? 授课时间: 一、 教材分析: Analysis of This Lesson 1、教学内容(Teaching contents ) 本课的教学内容为外语教学与研究出版社的三年级起点《新标准英语》第五册的Module2 Unit2 How much cheese did you buy ? 2、教学重点(Teaching Points) Memorize the words:over there ,a lot of ,use,any,half 3、教学难点(Teaching difficults) Know and read the sentence: How much cheese did you buy ? 二、 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1、知识目标(Knowledge aim) 8 Undestand and say the words: over there ,a lot of ,use,any,half Undestand and say the sentence : How much cheese did you buy ? 2、能力目标(Ability aim) Listen and read the sentence: How much cheese did you buy ?句型,并在实际情景中进行应用。 3、情感目标(Emotion aim) 通过看听说演唱等活动,使学生产生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心. 三、教学过程Teaching Procedure: 1.Revision: Look and act(请同学看着书上的插图表演对话。) 2.Warm up: (1)Answer the questions: A:What season is it? B:What do you like in the season?: C:What sport do you like in the season? D:Where do you like to play? (2)Work in groups: (3)Talk about this picnic in English. 3(Learning the text: Look at the pictures,please look at them carefully,then answer the questions: (1) How many children are there in the picture? (2) What’s in their hands? (3) What’s he doing? (4)What’s on the paper of his hand? Please open your books.Look at the text.What’s meaning of “be going to” here. Please read the sentences by themselves. (5)Listen to the recorder: A:Listen and point.(Find out the food) B:Learn the new words.(根据学生的回答,教师出示相应的单词卡片和食物卡片将其一一对应,引导学生学会单词。) C:Say the difference between “how many” and “how much”。 D:Listen and read after the tape. 4.Games: (1)Listen and match.(将物品和卡片连线) (2).Have a match.(分组到黑板比赛,指认物品或单词) 9 (设计意图:充分调动学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂的氛围) 5.Practise: 1.Game:《I’ll go home.》 Draw two houses on the blackboard.Write “how many”on one house;write “how much”on another house.Stick food cards on the houses.(在黑板上画两栋房子,并 交代分别代表how many和how much 的家,请学生帮助食物卡片分别找到自己的家,贴 在黑板上。) (设计意图:让学生分清可数名词与不可数名词) 2.Shopping:(Act out in a shop) (1)Go over the words and sentences about shopping. (2)How much„?(How many „?) (3)Make a list and act. (设计意图:巩固与练习How many/much „do you want?提供真实运用语言,培养学生运用语言的能力) 五、Summary: Words: over there ,a lot of ,use,any,half Sentence :How much do you want?。 六、Homework: 1. Go shopping on the computer. 2. Go over the words and sentences of the text. 教后反思: Module3 unit1 Where did you go? 授课时间: 一、教学目标: 知识点: 掌握这几个句型:What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go ? 能力培养点:培养学生应用句子的能力。 思想教育点:培养学生热爱大自然的思想感情。 二、教学重点:能用简单的语句描述过去发生的事情。 教学难点:同上以及动词过去式的用法。 三、教学用具: some pictures、tape、recorder、card 四、教学过程 一、Warmer: 10 1.Play the tape and do the actions . 2. Ask: How many days are there in a week ? Answer: Seven days . What do you usually do at the weekend? 二、Leading in. T: "I had a busy wonderful weekend . Sing the song after the tape and do actions . Listen and talk . Do you want know what I did at the weekend ?" " Where are Daming and Amy ?" "Where did they go?" " They visited other places in London." 三、Learning. Step1:Look, listen and learn. 1. Play a game . "What did you do yesterday?" Step2: Ask and answer " When did you ...?" "What did you ...?" Get Ss work in pairs. Step3: Look and match 1. Tell the Ss to choo-se a verb in the past simple tense and write it on a piece of paper. Answer: They went to the park . Look at the pictures. S1: I went to the park. S2: ...and played football. S3: ...and...and watched TV. S4: ...and...and...and... I saw some boats. Examples: A:What did you do last weekend? B: I went to a museum. A: When did you go there ? B: I went there on Sunday. 11 Choose and write it on a piece of paper . Step4:Listen and repeat.训练发音 教后反思: Module3 Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father. 授课时间: 一:教学目标 1.掌握这几个句型:What did you ...? Where did you go ?How...? When...? 2.培养学生应用句子的能力。 3.培养学生热爱大自然的思想感情。 二:教学重点:能用简单的语句描述过去发生的事情。 教学难点:同上以及动词过去式的用法。 三:教学用具 some pictures、tape、recorder、card 教学过程: 一、Warmer up: 1.Play the tape and do the actions . 2. Sing the song after the tape and do actions . Ask: How many verbs are there in this song ? T:" Last night I had a dream about London " I saw the British Musem" "I saw the Great Wall . It was very beautiful . And I met Daming and his father there. We were very happy." Answer:did, go ,see, meet,buy, went,saw,had Listen and say . 二、Learning. Step1: Listen and say . Example: Who took this picture? Daming did. Step2: Listen and read 1. Have the Ss look at the picture and have them describe it. 2.Play the spoken version of the song and get the Ss to repeat the words. 12 3. Play the version again. 4. Have the Ss do actions as they say. 5. Get the Ss to change the line " look at that !'into anther exclamatory sentence. Step3: Play and say. 1. Have the Ss write a sentence about one thing they did yesterday. Talk about each of the places in pairs. Look at the pictures and describe it . Repeat the words. "Look at that,It's so big. I see the sun. Write a sentence about one thing did yesterday. 2. Now choose individual Ss to read out their sentencs. Examples: S1: I went to the park. S2: I saw some birds. Step4: Listen and under line the letters that make the sound .Then say the words. 1.Write the four phonetic symbols on the board. 2. Look and write. Step5: Make funny sentences. 1. 2.Do and Say 三、小结。 What did you learn today? Homework: 教后反思: Module4 Unit1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me .` 授课时间: 教学目标 1、能听的懂、会说和会读单词pair、shorts,、argue、, matter、wear、took; 2、初步掌握名词性物主代词hers、 his、mine、 ours的用法 13 3、初步掌握句型:It is mine /yours/his/ hers/ Linglings 教学重点 初步掌握名词性物主代词hers、 his、mine、 ours的用法; 初步掌握句型:It is mine /yours/his/ hers/ Linglings; 教学难点 理解并掌握句型 :It is mine /yours/his/ hers/ Linglings; 教学用具 录音机 、磁带 、 单词卡片 、 实物 等 教学过程 (一)Greatings and freetalk )问候和谈话。T :Hello , boys and girls ,nice to meet you !:What day is today ? (二)Presenttation (课文教学) 1、展示一些物品:铅笔、尺子、语文书、书包、外套等。说:This is my coat! It is mine学习单词 mine ,nice to meet you , too !Ss: Today is Moday ! Ss: Hello Mr /Ms-- 仔细观察跟着老师说句型。 跟读、开火车读 2、学习单词pair、shorts,、argue、, matter、wear、took; 学生认回自己的物品,如教师出示一枝铅笔,认领的学生上去说:This is my pencil ! 教师递给他并且说:It is yours ! 同上方法。 3、两种物主代词的区别: 1、请学生观察板书,想一想两种物主代词的区别,再找一找规律。 、用两首儿歌来表示它们的不同。 2 a、一变(my__mine) 二留(his__his, its__its) 剩余加 “S” b、形容词性物主代词能力差, 自己不能来当家, 后面要把名词加。 名词性物主代词能力强, 自己独来又独往, 后面什么也不加。 举例: This is my pen . This pen is mine. 3、仿照上面例句,请学生同桌说一说。 做一做 14 说一说 开火车读 说一说 1、跟老师读; 2、集体拍手记忆; 3、开火车读; This is her pen . This pen is hers. 4、学习课文 请学生把书翻到SB Unit 1活动1 请学生带着问题听录音,然后把听到的告诉给大家。可以是一个单词、一个词组等。 5 学习单词:matter 、wear 、line 、clean 、argue 6、听录音重复(第二遍)第三遍跟读。 7教师领读课文,然后分角色朗读。 观察图思考:What are they ?What happened? 开火车读、小组读重复句子。 分角色朗读。 同桌练习 集体练习 8.Listen and say 三、练习 1、SB Unit 1 3.Point and say 2、完成课堂活动用书 Copy the new words Read the text 四、Homework 教后反思: Module4 Unit2 What is the matter with Daming? 授课时间: 教学目标 1、能听的懂、会说和会读单词matter、wear、took、 What is the matter?That is OK、 15 sports; 2、步掌握名词性物主代词hers、 his、mine、 ours的用法 3、初步掌握句型:Whose bag is this ?Is it Daming bag? Yes, it is his. 4、歌曲欣赏 教学重点 掌握名词性物主代词hers、 his、mine、 ours的用法; 掌握句型:What is the matter with Daming?He lost his bag. 教学用具:录音机 、磁带 、 单词卡片 、 实物 等 教学过程 Step 1 Greatings and freetalk )问候和谈话。 T :Hello , boys and girls ,nice to meet you ! ,nice to meet you , too ! Ss: Hello Mr /Ms-- T :What day is today ? Ss: Today is Tuesday! T :Who is absent ? Step2 Presenttation (课文教学) 1、 Look ,listen and say: What is the matter,Ben ?I lost my cap. 出示一个帽子,教师问:Look,thereis a cap. ,、Listen and read: What is the matter,Daming ? B: He lost his bag. A: C:What was in it? My new sports shoes. ,、听录音 第一遍仔细听并指着句型跟读; 第二遍跟录音机重复; 第三遍再仔细听,把握语音、语调; 第四遍分角色朗读。 ,、拍手朗读歌谣: Watch watch ,It`s my watch , It`s mine, It`s mine; Pencle pencle ,It`s your pencle, It`s yours , It`s yours ; 认真听 开火车读,分小组读单词。 举手回答。跟老师读;同桌读;集体拍手读; 16 Step 3 Practise 学生用书24页 活动3 Look and write Step 4 Make funny sentences. Step 5,Act it out and then ask and answer. 1、学生用书活动,; ,、课堂活动用书活动,和活动,; 同桌朗读;同桌练习;举手回答; 读一读;认一认; 听一听,唱一唱; Step 6 Homework 教后反思: Module5:unit1 There are only nineteen crayons. 授课时间: 教学目标 1、能够听、说、读、写本单元的基数词和基本句型。 2、学会用英语表述物品数量。 3、能正确、流利地朗读对话。 教学重点 准确理解对话中的语句,掌握四会单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。 教学难点 掌握四会基数词 教学用具 教学挂图、 单词卡片、 录音机、录音带、物品图片 教学过程 一、warming up step1:sing a song 二、任务呈现与课文导入。 1、Listen and chant 2、教师取出一些图片,Ask: Do you know this place ? How many pencils are there in your pencil boxes? 2、引导学生完成AB unit 1 4: 3、拿出,引导学生说说. 17 4、教师拿出挂图,引导学生看图讲讲图上的内容。 learn the new words. 、播放录音呈现SB 活动1。 5 6、Play the tape. 7、Play the tape again. Write the new words. Listen and say: Listen and draw the new words. Rrad and repeat act dialogues. A group do it,the ther group act. 三、边做动作帮助学生理解。 、Listen,read and act it out. 1 2、Practise A:There are three crayons. B:But there are four children. 四、Homework Copy the new words 教后反思: Module5:unit2 There are forty 授课时间: 教学目标 1、能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型。 2、能听懂会说“There are? ” 3、能正确、流利地朗读对话。 教学重点 准确理解对话中的语句,掌握四会单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。 教学难点 会用“There are forty”等语句。 教学用具 教学挂图、 单词卡片、 录音机、录音带 18 教学过程 warmming up step1:Listen and chant step2:Listen and read How many pupils are there in your class,Lingling? There are fourteen. Play the tape again. Step3:Read and say tep4:Listen and say.Then chant. S 边做动作帮助学生理解。 Step5:Count and say 巩固练习 、完成SB活动4和7 1 教后反思: Module 6 一、教学目标 知识目标:使学生能听说、认读单词well, team, good at, healthy, really, catch, 1. fantastic;能了解字母p, pp, b, t, d在单词中常见的读音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/;能朗诵诗歌How well do you play?;能准确理解并熟练地运用“I/ He/ She/ You can„well/ badly: Can you„? Yes, I can / No, I can’t do„ at all. 2、技能目标:通过活动体验,在交流中学会进行自我评价,相互评价,肯定与鼓励,发展综合语言运用能力。 3、情感目标:使学生能主动表达自己,学会正确地评价自己和别人;培养学生良好的语言学习习惯,让英语课堂真正生活化。 二、教学向导 1.语言功能:评价自己和他人 2.教学重点和难点: ?在真实情景中灵活运用新知识进行自我评价,相互评价,肯定与鼓励。 三、教学程序 Unit I. You can play football well. 授课时间: 19 ?. Warm-up【热身复习】 1. Greeting . 听口令,做动作,复习有关活动和运动的词组:listen to music, run fast, play 2 football, jump high, play basketball. 3. Free talk Q1: What do you do at the weekend? Q2: Can you sing a song / play basket ball/ „, Q3:Can you sing / play/ „well?(教授well/ badly) -task【任务呈现】——[为学校足球俱乐部创作海报] ?.Pre 1(导入 Free talk: Talk about football. Do you like football? Can you play football? Can you play it well? 2. 任务呈现——组建足球队 Today, We’re going to set up a football team. What can you do? (教授team) ?.While-task【任务实施】 1. 导入:“选拔运动员比赛”:What can you do? Can you run fast/ jump high/ control the ball/ catch the ball? (教授well, badly, control, really, catch, fantastic, goalkeeper.) 2(视听结合,有声有色 师:Now we have got a football team. X X can run fast. XX Can jump high. XX can control the ball well. Lingling wants to join us. Is she good at football? Is she a fantastic goalkeeper? Listen and answer questions. 教师播放课文录音,进行听法指导,并同时让学生完成课堂活动用书练习1— —圈对或错。 2?教师再次播放录音,让学生跟读,教师给予适当的指导,并回答下列问题: 1. Can Lingling run fast? 2. Can Lingling jump high? 3. Can Lingling control the ball well? 4. Can Lingling catch the ball well? 5. So Lingling can be a good goalkeeper, Yes or no? ?.Post-task【任务展示】 1、四人小组合作为足球或其他的俱乐部(如:音乐、艺术、蓝球、电脑等)设计一 份海报,并向全班表演展示,评选出最佳海报。 如:Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Can you control the ball well? 20 Can you catch the ball well? Please join us. V.Listen and say Can you run fast? No,I cant Homework【作业超市】 1、表演,朗诵对话 2、完成课堂活动用书练习3 自选:1、为学校俱乐部创作海报 2、设想谁会是“最佳守门员”——猫、熊猫、狗或鸟,为什么,写出原因。 教后反思: Unit 2 He ran very fast. ?. Warm-up【热身复习】 1. Greeting 授课时间: 2. 朗诵诗歌 Not Enough Time. 3. Free talk ——我是小能手 师:“What can you do well?” 生:“I can dance/ sing draw very well.” .Pre-task【任务呈现】——特长展示] ? 1.导入——TPR 活动 听教师口令做动作,如swim, fly a kite, ride a bide, run fast, jump far,jump high等。 2、让学生对以上动作进行评价: I can „„(very) well. I can „„(very) badly. I can’t „„at all. 3、任务呈现 “圣诞节”我们将单行一个才艺展示比赛,你能展示你的什么特长呢, ?.While-task【任务实施】 1、 Look,listen and say: 课文活动1:“The black horse ran really fast”. The elephant played basketball really well. 2、学唱歌曲 How well do you play football? 21 3、学习语音部分:“Can you read them very well?”(朗读比赛,并进行自我、互相评价) 4、完成课堂活动用书练习3。 5、Listen and read ?.Post-task【任务展示】Do and say 四人小组互相提问,展示和回答.如:She sells seashells at the seashore. She can say it very well. It can run fast.It can jump far. V. Homework【作业超市】 、完成活动用书练习4——向你的好朋友写信,介绍你的特长。 自选:1 2、描述你的偶像的优点。 教后反思: Module 7 Unit 1 He can’t see. 授课时间: 教学目标 1.会读、写show, useful, blind, deaf, hear, firefighter,s ausage,kind这 些单词。 2.掌握He/she/They can/can’t„并用can /can’t 谈论能力。 3.培养学生听说读写的能力。 4.培养学生的合作的能力。 5.通过本课的学习,教育学生要关心残疾人。 教学重点 掌握He/she/They can/can’t„并用can /can’t 谈论能力。 教学难点 Can和 can’t的综合运用。 教学用具 单词卡片、录音机。 教学过程 一、Warmer 1.Greeting 2.“ Can you run fast?” “Can you play football?” “Can you play the flute?” 22 “Can you read this?” write“Community, He can’t see.” on the board. 二、Leading in 1. Listen and chant Take out a pen and a Pencil and say:Pens are very useful. Pencils are very useful too. Write ‘useful’ on the board Do you like dogs?Dogs are very useful.Today we’re going to talk about special dogs.” 三、Learning Step1 Look and learn. 1. Show the pictures about the blind man and the deaf man to Ss .And say: This man is blind. He can’t see. This girl is deaf . She can’t hear.” 2. Teach the words and sentences.(可以做相关的动作帮助理解) 3. Show the picture about firemen and teach. 4. What is this? Take out ‘hot dog’ .And teach. Step2. Learn the text. 1. Play the tape. What’s happened?” “ 2. Play the tape again. “ Find the sentences about the ‘can’t’.” 3. Play the tape for third time. 4. Get Ss read in group. 四、Practice. 板书设计: Module 7 Community Unit 1 He can’t see. He is blind. She is deaf. The dogs help him/her/them. She can’t hear. The firemen can’t find people. Answer: “Yes, I can.” 23 “No, I can’t” “No, I can’t” Look and say. 教后反思: ule7 Unit 2 The little girl can’t walk. Mod 授课时间: 教学目标 1、会读、会写sit, sit down, chick这几个单词。 2、掌握They can’t walk. Their mothers help them. 3、并用can /can’t 谈论 能力。 4、培养学生听说读写的能力。 5、培养学生的合作的能力。通过本课的学习,教育学生要关心残疾人。 教学重 点 掌握He/she/They can/can’t„并用can /can’t 谈论能力。 教学难 点 Can和 can’t的综合运用。 教学用 具 单词卡片、录音机、残疾人图片。 教学过程 一、Warmer 1. Greeting. 2. “How can dogs help people?” 二、Leading in 1. Take out the word cards and get the Ss read. Write ‘help, walk, eat, swim’ on the board. Ask: What’s happened with these words? Answer: Look and read. Listen to teacher Look at the picture 三、Learning Step1. Learn the text. Play the tape. “What’s happened?” 24 Play the tape again.“ Find the new words.” Teach the new words. 四、Play the tape for the third time. Teach the sentences. Get Ss read in group Step2. Point and say.(SB/2) 1. Read the sentence together. 2. Get the Ss work in pair. Look and write.Then say 五、Let’s sing. A GOOD FRIEND 六、Ask and answer.then remember and say. Homework Write the words. 1. 2. Copy the text. 3.预习 Module 9. Module 7 Community 教后反思: Module 8:Unit 1 What time does your school start , 授课时间: 教学要求 1. 学习掌握基本单词和句型:What time does your school start , 2.会说本课句型,并能在特定情景下自如运用本课句型.看图朗读本课课文。 3. 培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口,有较强的自信心,乐于参加活动。培养学生团结合作的精神,以及学英语,爱英语,热于用英语交流的良好态度。 4.培养学生积极自主的学习态度,学会在小组中与人合作, 教学重点 1. 能正确运用本课重点句型: 2. 能在任务中灵活运用本课句型。 教学过程 Step1: Warm up 25 1. Sing a song. 2.Listen and chant. Step2: Revision 1. Chant: Basketball, basketball. I like basketball. I play basketball. Football, football. He likes football. He/She plays football. Step3: Presentation and practice. T: Today, we will learn M4, U1. 1. T: What do you do at the weekend? S1: I play football. (Say and do the actions.) S2: What do you do at the weekend? T: I play basketball.T: What does he/she do at the weekend? Ss: He/She plays football. Play a game. ( Listen and guess) T: What do you do at the weekend? S1: playfootball. T: What does he do at the weekend? S2: He plays basketball. T:Sorry.S3: He plays football. T: Yes. Step4: Listen, read and act out. a) T: I know what you do at the weekend. What time does your school start ,(Practice: at school) Ss: My school starts at nine oclock in the morning. (Practice) T: And What time do you get up? Ss:I get up at half past seven. b) Do you do exercise every morning? No,we don't.We play in the playground. c) Task: T: Today, We’ll have a competition, Amy’s group, Daming’s group, Lingling’s group and Sam’s group. Let’s see which group can find more quickly. But, I think we must learn something first. (Practice) d) Pair work: What time do you? e)I like coffee. I like tea. I like Lingling skipping with me. 1. Play games. a) T: Look at the school timetable. Let’s see which subject is missing. b) T: Now, let’s have a competition. ( Look, I have put the books in order. I will ask two students listen and put the cards on the school timetable. Can you help me? ) 26 Step5: Listen and say. A: What time does your school start , B:My school starts at nine oclock in the morning. Practise. Step6: Homework 1. Listen and repeat 5 times. 2. Tell your parents What time your school starts. 教后反思: Module8 Unit2YesterdayI went to Sam and Amys school. 授课时间: 教学目标 1( 名词所有格 2( 字母s,c,z,r,h和字母组合th,sh在单词中的发音。 教学重点 短语:go to bed,skipping rope 教学难点 能够用英语询问并描述学校的日常生活。 教学用具 Cards tape radio 教学过程 Step1 Warmer 1 Greeting. Good moring boys and girls. What do you get up? What do you do at breakfrast? T show some sentences. Answer. Listen and chant 二Learning 1 Teacher tell Lingling write to Daming. 2 Listen and read. Teacher play the tape one time. Play again. 3(SB)2 Read and answer Teacher show some questions. 4(SB)3 Listen and repeat. Ask and answer about you. 27 5(SB)5Game. Step 3 Practice (AB)Unite2 exercise1 Play the tape. Exercise2 Exercise 4 Write about you. Close the book and repeat some sentences. Open the book listen and say. Read the questions and talk about in groups,then tell. Listen carefully! Open(AB)Unit 2 excecise3 Draw the same part after listening the tape. Check. Mine ask and answer in pairs. 1Listen carefully 2Listen and repeat 3Listen and write. Check. Do and say. Complete by yourself. Then tell. Step4 Summy What did you learn this lesson? 课内外作业与反馈 1 Read the text. 2 Introduce the past something to your friends . 教后反思: Module9 Unit1 Are you feeling bored? 授课时间: 教学目标 1 : 培养学生能善于和同学交流感情以及个人的情绪。 2:引导学生能够用“Are you feeling sad/bored/angry? 3: 能够用英语询问自己的朋友或者家长。 28 教学重点 Are you feeling sad 教学难点 Are you feeling sad 教学用具 Tape book picture CD---Room 教学过程 一:Warmming 1:T: What do we do at weekend? S: I go„„„„. 2:sing a song ( hello ) 3:Look,listen and say. 二:Teaching content 1: Study new words 老师表现出高兴的样子。同学们说出表情后教师板书:Happy,然后老师带领学生去学习A: 新单词。 B:老师表现出无聊的样子,学生说出后老师板书:Bored,学习另一个单词。使用类似的方法学习“Sad,angry”这两个单词。 C:老师将拿出这些表情的卡片,问学生:Are you feeling„„..?引导学生说出:Yes, I’m„„.. / No, I’m not.然后两人一组进行问答,老师叫个别学生上台表演。 2:老师将本课的挂图挂在黑板上,然后请同学说一说你看到了什么, 3:老师可以播放本课的录音。之前老师可以提一些问题:Is Lingling’s sad? And so on. 4: 老师进行课文的解释,先让学生画出不懂得句子或者单词,然后提出来老师进行讲解。 :再次的播放录音,学生跟读一遍,小组进行表演。 5 三:Listen and say. Are you feeling sad/bored/angry? 四:Practise A:Is he/she feeling? B:Yes, he/she is . /No, he/she isn’t. He/she is 课内外作业与反馈 完成练习册 板书设计: Unit1 Are you feeling sad? Happy bored angry sad C:student Answer Question. 教后反思: 29 Module9 Unit2:I feel happy. 授课时间: 教学目标 1 : 培养学生能善于和同学交流感情以及个人的情绪。 2:引导学生能够用“Are you feeling sad/bored/angry? 3: 能够用英语询问自己的朋友或者家长。 教学重点 Are you feeling sad 教学难点 Are you feeling sad 教学用具 Tape book picture 教学过程 一:Warmming 1:进行上节课的复习,每个同学表述以下自己今天的情绪。 I feeling„„„. 2:和老师一起进行发音练习。比如:/a/ /ei/ /au/ 二:Teaching 1:老师拿出表情卡片进行单词复习教学,拿出什么表情学生表演什么表情,示范几次后学生上讲台表演。 2:完成书中的练习一,进一步的带领学生熟悉课文中将要使用到的部分单词。要想学生说明:他们要识别图中人物得情绪。 3:给学生一点时间,以小组为单位编排一个对话并要求表演。然后翻开书看练习2。 4:完成练习三 A:听录音,然后说出他们的音标是什么(先让学生去体会,然后老师在纠正。) B:再次听录音,让学生在次掌握和加深读音。 5:look,listen and say. He is happy.He is sad.He is angry. 6:Learn Poem. A:老师带领学生熟读诗句。并且先试着让学生翻译,然后老师做全部的解释。 B:听录音初步感知,语音语调。 C:播放第二遍录音,学生跟读,掌握语速。 D:最后一遍要求要基本掌握,给一些时间同桌商讨一下,然后全班一起学习。 1:学生表演 2:和老师共同完成练习 3:小组表演自己编排的对话。 30 4:学生听,说 5:听说,有感情的朗读 6:以小组为单位表演 7:look and write.Then ask and answer. A:Does she feel happy? B: A:How does she feel? B: 8:Act and guess. 课内外作业与反馈:完成练习册 教后反思: Module10:unit1 He was in the kitchen. 授课时间: 教学目标 1、 能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型:Where did you find Lingling?I found Lingling in the toilet. 2、能够询问对方在何处找到的某人或某物。 3、学会用英语描述良好的行为习惯。 4、能正确、流利地朗读对话。 教学重点 准确理解对话中的语句,掌握四会单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。 教学难点 会用“Where did you find Lingling?I found Lingling in the toilet.”等语句。 教学用具 教学挂图、 单词卡片、 录音机、录音带、物品图片 教学过程 一、warmming up step1:sing a song step2:Listen and chant. 二、任务呈现与课文导入。 1、教师向学生介绍故事情节并导入新课。 31 2、将挂图出示出来,让学生看图猜想发生了什么事, 3、听录音,引导学生说说故事。 4、listen ,read and act out. 基本句型训练:Where did you find Lingling?I found Lingling in the toilet. 5、播放录音,呈现SB 活动2。 6、Play the tape. 7、Play the tape again. A group do it,the ther group act.边做动作帮助学生理解。 8、Listen and say. Sam:Where did you find John? Amy:I found John in the kitchen. 三、Practise Act dialogues. 四、Homework Copy the new words Answer the question 教后反思: Module10:unit2 Don’t shout,please! 授课时间: 教学目标 1、 能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词和基本句型: Don’t walk on the grass。 2、能够告诫他人不要做某事。 3、学会用英语描述良好的行为习惯。 4、能正确、流利地朗读对话。 教学重点 准确理解对话中的语句,掌握四会单词和基本句型,并能正确书写。 教学难点 会用“Don’t walk on the grass”等语句。 教学用具 教学挂图、 单词卡片、 录音机、录音带. 教学过程 32 一、warmming up step1:sing a song step2:Listen and chant. Listen and read:任务呈现与课文导入。 二、 1、教师播放课文录音 2、拿出挂图,引导学生说说. 3、说说该做的和不该做的事。 sing a song ss:了解课文内容 ,ook and say 4、教师拿出挂图,引导学生看图讲讲图上的内容。 5、播放录音,呈现SB 活动2。 6、Play the tape. 7、Play the tape again. 三、Look and write.Then say. 完成SB活动3 Don’t climb the tree! 四、Listen and repeat:注意字母M和I的发音。 五、listen and say.then chant. 1、Play the tape. 2、Play the tape again. Do and say:You can和Don’t 六、 Homework:Make classroom rules. 教后反思: 《英语》(新标准)(三起)第五册Review Module 一、教学内容 Review Module 二、教学目标 授课时间: 1.知识目标:复习本册书学过的全部内容。 2.技能目标:通过活动体验,对本学期学习过的知识进行巩固和综合运用,发展综合语言 运用能力。 3.情感目标:通过活动,游戏等能增加学生学习英语的兴趣,使其敢于、乐于、善于开口 33 说英语,积极参与交流,开阔思路,培养学生的创新精神,增强学好英语的信心。 三、教学向导 1.学习任务:全书总复习 2.教学重点和难点:在真实情景中灵活运用知识进行交流。 四、教学程序 Unit 1 ?. 热身复习 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song: Where did you go? ?. Presentation [新课] 任务1——竞聘演员 活动1:眼力大挑战 1. ?通过TPR活动,复习动词和动词词组; ?让学生从另一组动词过去式中找出与图片配对的单词。 如:go-went, work-worked. 2.活动2:竞聘演员 学生两人一组,通过表演形式告诉对方自己昨日的活动,让对方猜出自己所做的事,答对出示“Yes”,答错出示“No”。 如:A: You watched TV yesterday. B: Yes, I watched TV yesterday. A: You went to the park yesterday. B: No, I didn’t go to the park yesterday. 猜对一方获1分,比一比,谁的分数最高,则为最佳演员。 然后让学生完成课堂活动用书练习4。 3.Free talk——Lingling’s Holiday ?四人小组合作谈论玲玲的假期。 如:Lingling was in London. She bought a basketball. She didn’t buy a cap. ? 教师让学生把书合上,让学生记忆玲玲的假日,判断是否正确。 如:师:Lingling didn’t buy a cap. 生:Yes. (学生出示卡片“?”和“X”抢答。) 任务2——超市大赢家 1( 师:I’m very tired because I went to the supermarket yesterday. What did 34 I buy? Let’s go and see.教师通过How many/How much提问,让学生根据课文活 动3的图片进行回答。 如:师:How many banans? 生:5 kilos. 2( 模拟超市场景,让学生两人一组用“How much/How many„do you want?来模拟购物 情景。在相同时间内,看谁买的物品最丰富。 任务3——画时间 Listen and draw.then say.学会在自然的情境中表述某人做某事的时间。 ?(Homework【作业超市】 Write a letter to your grandpa and tell him about your day. 教后反思: Unit 2 ?. 热身复习 1. Greeting 2. Say a poem: Smile and be happy. ?. Presentation [新课] 授课时间: 任务1——Look and say. Don’t put the book on the floor. 学会在自然地情景中运用祈使句来表达不许做的某事。 任务2——现场招聘会 1( 让学生看课文活动2的表格,根据图片的内容两人一组进行问答。 如:A: Can you jump far? 让学生根据表格中的“?”和“X”来回答。 B: No, I can’t. 2( 此活动为小组活动,对组员进行面试“Can you„?”然后根据组员在某一方面所具 有的能力,招聘其到某俱乐部。 如:A: Can you run fast? B: Yes, I can. A: Welcome to Sports Club. 3.全班完成课堂活动用书练习1的连线任务,教师播放录音,学生自己订正答案。 任务3——Point,ask and answer. 35 A:How many? are there? B:There are?用来谈论物品的数量。 任务3——Act and guess. 运用“Are you??”来猜测对方的心情或感受。 ?(Homework 教后反思: 36
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