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%9f%b3油测井中子发生器及中子管技术条件%9f%b3油测井中子发生器及中子管技术条件 ICS 75(180(10 E 91 备案号:22027--2007 SY 中华人民共和国石油天然气行业标准 5419--2007 SY,T 541 5683 1 995代替SY,T 9--1996和SY,T 中文,English 石油测井中子发生器及中子管技术条件 of neutron neutron Technical and tube generator specifications for well petroleum logging 2007—10—08发...
%9f%b3油测井中子发生器及中子管技术条件 ICS 75(180(10 E 91 备案号:22027--2007 SY 中华人民共和国石油天然气行业标准 5419--2007 SY,T 541 5683 1 995代替SY,T 9--1996和SY,T 中文,English 石油测井中子发生器及中子管技术条件 of neutron neutron Technical and tube generator specifications for well petroleum logging 2007—10—08发布 2008—03—01实施 国家发展和改革委员会 发布 目 次 前言 ? BI言 ? ???-???--??? -??-?????????? ? 1范围 ? “12规范性引用文件? ? ?1 3技术要求 ? ? ??? -1 4试验 2 5检验规则 ? ”3 6标志、包装、运输和贮存 ? ??4 7安全与环境保护 5 5419---2007SY,T 刖 再 541956831995 本标准整合、修订并代替SY,T 1996《测井用密封中子管技术条件》和SY,T 《测井中子发生器技术条件》。 本标准与SY,T 5419--1996和SY,T 5683--1995相比,主要变化如下: 4); ——增加了中子管外面氚污染的要求(本版的3 ——增加了中子管的贮存温度(本版的3 2(i); ——增加了中子发生器的贮存温度及贮存湿度(本版的3 2(1和3 2(2); 2 3,3 2 ——增补了产品的工作温度分组、振动和冲击条件分组(本版的3 2(5); 4,3 3); ——规范了测量中子输出性能时的产品工作参数(本版的3 5419 1996的4 2(1,4 ——提高了中子管的中子产额和工作寿命要求(SY,T 2(2;本版的 3(3(1(3 3(3); 3 1,4(5);——新增了产品的中子产额稳定性要求和试验方法(本版的3 ——新增了产品的安全和环境保护要求(本版的第7章); 5419--1996第3章); 一删除了中子管的产品分类 (SY,T ——删除了中子发生器的产品组成(SY,T 5683--1995的第3章); 1 1 2,——删除了地面电源等四项只针对特定型号产品的要求及试验(SY,T 5683--1995的4 1 4 2(2); 2 2,4(2(2,5 ——删除了中子发生器的密封要求及试验(sY,T 5683--1995的4(1(3,5(2(1(6)。 本标准由石油仪器仪表专业标准化技术委员会提出并归口。 本标准起草单位:西安石油勘探仪器总厂、 大庆油田有限责任公司测试技术服务分公司、华北石油管理局油气井测试公司。 本标准主要起草人:吴军随、彭琥、成随牛、胡昌旭、 本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为: 郑华、薛敬利、龚杰。 ——SY,T 5419—1996;5419—1991,SY,T ——SY,T 5683--1995。 本标准以中文和英文两种文字出版。当英文和中文两种版本有歧义时,以中文版为准。 5419--2007 SY,T 引 言 中子发生器是石油测井领域中多种中子测井仪器的关键部件,它是一种可控强中子源,中子管是 其中的具有一定使用寿命且不可修复的消耗性核心器件。 5419--2007 SY,T 石油测井中子发生器及中子管技术条件 l范围 本标准规定了石油测井中子发生器及中子管(以下简称为产品)的技术要求,试验方法,检 验规则,标志、包装、运输和贮存,安全和环境保护。 本标准适用于石油测井中子发生器及中 子管的、制造、应用、检验和质量评价。 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文2规范性引用文件 件,其随后所有 的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 ISO 780:1997)GB,T 191—2000,eqv 191包装储运图示标志(GB,T GB 11806 No(TS—R一1,IDT)2004放射性物质安全运输规程(IAEA GB,T ISO 7503—2:1988) 15222—1994表面污染测定第2部分氚表面污染(eqv GB,T 15464仪器仪表包装通用技术条件 18871 GB,T 2002电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准(neq IAEA安全系列) SY,T 5134石油勘探开发仪器基本环境试验方法试验G:振动(正弦)试验 5221 SY,T 石油勘探开发仪器基本环境试验方法试验B:冲击试验 中华人民共和国国务院令第449号放射性同位素与射线装置安全和防护条例 3技术要求 3(1外观 3(1(1中子管 外表面清洁,无锈迹,无损伤,管内无异物,焊缝 光滑平整。 3(1(2中子发生器 外观光滑、明亮,呈或涂镀层本色,连接螺纹和电接插件完好,机、电连接灵便、可靠。 3,2环境条件 3,2(1贮存温度 贮存温度为一 4()?,+7()?。 3(2(2贮存湿度 3(2(2(1 中子发生器贮存相对湿度不大于90,。 3(2(2(2 中子管贮存相对湿度不大于7(),。 3(2(3最高工作温度 按产品不 a)A同耐温分为四组: 组:125?。 b)B组:c)C组:175?。 155?。 d)D组:200?。 5419---2007SY,T 3(2(4振动 各组的 要求为: a)A组:频率5Hz,1?Hz,5Hz扫频, 如速度29(4m,s2,扫描速度10ct,rain,不少于30rain, 非包装状态。 b)B组:频率5Hz,150Hz,5Hz扫频, 加速度29 4m,s2,扫描速度loct,min,不少于30min 非包装状态。 C)C组:频率5Hz,200Hz,5Hz扫频, 加速度29 4m,s2,扫描速度10ct,rain,不少于30rain, 非包装状态; d)D组:频率5Hz,200Hz,5Hz扫频, 加速度29 4m,s2,扫描速度10ct,rain,不少于30rain, 非包装状态。 3(2(5冲击 各组要求为: a)A组:峰值加速度490m,s2,持续时间11ms,轴向1次,非 包装状态。 b)B组:峰值加速度980m,s2,持续时间11ms,轴向1次,非 包装状态。 c)C组:峰值加速度1470m,s2,持续时间11ms,轴向1次, d)D组:峰值加速度1470m,s2,持续时问11ms,轴向1非包装状态。 次,非包装状态。 3(3中子输出性能 3(3(1 中子产额及其稳定性 在正常工作参数范围内,产品的中子产额及其稳 定性应达到表1的要求。 表1中子产额及其稳定性 室温和最高工作温度下 最高工作温度下相对于室温下 中子产额平均值中子产额平均值的变化 中子产额相对平均值的波动 中子管 ?1(2×10。 ?20, ?10, 中子发生器 ?1 ?25,0×10" 3(3(2连续工作时间 最高工作温度下,达到3(3(1要求的产品连续正常工作时间应不低于2h。 3(3(3中子管工作寿命 中子管的中子产额大于6×107n,s时的累计工作时间不低于300h。 3(4中子管外表面氚污染 中子管的外表面氚污染水平应符合GB,T 18871--2002中132(1 f)的规定。 4试验方法 4(1试验设备 设备包括: ——中子管专用测试台架,含中子管专用加温测试装置、高压电源、中子产额测量仪、中子管工 作参数测控仪表等。 ——中子发生器专用测试台架,含中子发生器专用加温测试装置、中子产额测量仪、中子发生器 工作参数测控仪表等。 ——振动试验台。 2 5419--2007 SY,T ——冲击试验台。 4(2外观检查 4(2(1中子管外观检查 目测、手感和量具检查,其结果 1(1的要求。 应符合3 4(2(2中子发生器外观检查 目测、手感和量具检查,其 1 2的要求。 结果应符合3 4(3振动试验 2 被检产品不通电,用适当夹具固定在振动试验台上。按3 4规定的条件和SY,T 5134规定的 方法进行试验。试验后,摇动被检产品无异声,室温下工作符合3(3 1要求。 4(4冲击试验 被检产品不通电,用适当夹具固定在冲击试验台上。按3(2(5规定的条件和SY,T 522I规定的方法进行试验。试验后,摇动被检产品无异声,室温下工作符合3(3(1要求。 4(5中子产额及其稳定性试验 4(5(1室温试验 在室温下,使被检产品工作在其正常工作参数范围内。当产品工作稳定后,至少每3min记录, 组工作参数和中子产额数据,历时不少于30min,共计11组数。统计该组数据,求出中子产额的平 均值、最大值和最小值,其结果应符合3(3(1的要求。 4(5(2最高工作温度试验 5 2 被检产品在专用加温测试装置中,工作参数同4 1。逐渐升温至3 3规定的产品的最高工作 温度,恒温1h后,每5min记录一组工作参数和中子产额,历时不少于2h,共计25组数。统计该 数,求出中子产额的平均值、最大值和最小值,其结果应符合3(3(1的要求。 4(5(3高低温产额稳定性 计算上述最高工作温度下的中子产额平均值对室温下的中子产额平均值的相对变化,其结果应符 合3 3(1的要求。 4(6连续工作时间试验 5 试验方法同4 3(2。 2,其结果应符合3 4(7中子管工作寿命试验 在室温或高温下,被检中子管以其正常工作参数长期连续或断续工作,最短断续工作时间不小于 1h,统计中子产额不低于6×107n,s时的累计工作时间,其总和应符合3(3(3的要求。 4(8中子管外表面氚污染检测 由有资质的单位按G13,T 15222--1994中第4章规定的方法进行检测,其结果应符合3 4的要求。 5检验规则 5(1出厂检验 出厂产品逐支进行检验。出厂检验项 目见表2。 5(2型式检验 5(2(1应进行型式检验的情况 属下列情况之一者 a)新产品定型。 b)产品设应进行型式检验: 计、结构、材料和工艺有较大更改。 c)批量生产量大于3()件。 d)产品出现重大质量问题。 3 f1 5419i2007 SX e)产品停产1年以上后恢复生产。 f)技术监督部门提出要求。 表2出厂检验 技术要求 试验方法 检验分类 顺序号 试验项目 本标准条款 型式检验 m厂检验 3 1 4 1 外观检查 ? ? 2 3 2 4 2 4 3 ? o 振动试验 3 2 5 4 3 ? o4冲击试验 1 3 3 4 4 5 ? ?中子产额及其稳定性试验 3 3 2 ? 5 连续工作时间试验4 6 o 3 3 3 6 中子管工作寿命试验 4 7 ? 3 4 4 7 中子管外表面氚污染检测 ? o 8 注:“?”表示必检项目。 “o”表示可选项目。 “一”表示不裣项目。 5(2(2型式检验的项目和顺序 产品的型式检验项目及顺序应按表2依次进行,但中子管外表面氚污 染检测可在外观检查合格后 穿插于其他项目问进行。 5(2(3型式检验抽样 需做型式检验时,从每批次产品中随机 抽样142件进行。 (5(3判定规则 5(3(1产品检验时各项目全部合格,则判该产品合格;部分项目不合格,允许调整或更换元器件、 零部件,重新开始检验直到全部项目合格。 5(3(2型式检验时对被抽取样品的所有检验项目全部合格,则判该批产品型式检验为合格。若有不 合格项目,则可再抽取两倍于首次抽样数量的样品进行复检。复检结果全部合格,则该批产品型式检 验合格;否则,判为不合格。 6标志、包装、运输和贮存 6(1标志 凡出厂产品应有下列标志: a) 产品型号、名称及出厂编号。 b)制造厂 名称、注册商标及制造日期。6(2包装 产品包装应符合GB,T 15464的要求。 在外包装箱上应按GB,T 191的规定标明产品易碎、防雨、防腐、防剧烈震动和冲击等标志。 包 装箱内应有随机文件(文件包括:产品合格证、工作参数、使用说明书、维修手册、产品安装图、装箱单等。 6(3运输 11806 运输的要求和管理应符合GB 2()()4中6 6的有关规定,可以用常规水、陆、空方式运 输。运输时应防止剧烈震动和雨水缦淋。 5419--2007 SY,T 产品贮存应符合中华人民共和国国务院令第449号《放射性同位素与射线装置安全和防护6(4贮存 条例》2 2 第三十五条之规定,储存场所温、湿度符合3 1和3 2。 产品长期不使用时,应至少每间隔三个月发射次中子,每次发射时间不少于3()min。 7安全与环境保护 7(1产品工作时的辐射防护 调试或使用本产品时,应按中华人民共和国国务院令第4-49号《放射性同位素与射线装置安全和 防护条例》第三十四条的要求,在产品和工作人员之间设置具有足够的中子和伽马射线防护能力的屏 18871蔽介质或防护距离,以及警示信号等,确保工作人员可能受到的电离辐射剂量符合GB,T 2002中附录A2 3c)规定的限值,确保公众不受照射。 屏蔽介质可以是大于1m左右厚度的混凝土 墙,或2m以上厚度的水层。在现场测井时,可以将仪器下到井深10m以下发射中子。 在没有辐射屏蔽条件的情况下,应将距产品不小于30m的区域划为 安全防护区,设置明显标志, 设专人警戒,确保区内无人,方可发射中子。 在产品标准和使用维修手册中应对适用于该型 号产品的防护和屏蔽事宜给出具体规定。 7(2活化伽马射线的防护 18871--2002中附录A2 3c)规定的控 中子发射结束后,待产品的活化伽马辐射水平符合GB,T 制水平时,工作人员方可靠近产品。 在产品标准和使用维修手册中应对该型号产品的活化伽马冷却时间给出具体规定。 7(3产品的报废处理 中子发生器和中子管内含有放射性物质氚,产品报废后使用单位不得自行处置,应按中华人民共 和国国务院令第449号《放射性同位素与射线装置安全和防护条例》第二十三条要求,返回生产单位 或送交有相应资质的放射性废物集中贮存单位处理。 在产品标准和使用维修手册中应对该型号产品的维修与报废处理安全事宜给出具体规定。 ICs 180(10 E 91 Ref(No(1 22027—2007 SY of The China People’S Republic of Petroleum and Natural Gas Standard Industry 5419--2007 SY,T 5683 1995SY,T 5419一一1996(SY,T Replace Technical of neutronSpecifiCatiOns and neutron tube generator for wel l petroleum logging Issue Date:10—08—2007 Date:03—01--2008 Implementation Issued the National and Reform Commission,P(R(C(by Development 5419--2007 SY,T Contents Foreword??-?-???一‘‘。‘’’’’。。‘。‘。。。‘‘‘‘‘’‘。‘‘’ ’。’。’。’。‘。‘‘‘ ??一‘‘‘‘‘‘’’。’’’。。。‘。’‘‘‘‘’。’’‘。。’’’’。‘‘‘。‘Introduction 1 Scope ?? ’ references‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’。’’’。‘‘‘。‘‘‘ 1‘‘。‘‘2 Normative 3 Technical requirements’????。‘。‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’’’’。’’’’‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘d me*hods Test ‘‘’’’’’’’。‘‘+‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’’‘。‘’’‘’。。‘’rules 5 Inspection and 8torag。6 Marking(packaging,transport ?协仍仍?巧”仃 ‘’。‘‘‘‘‘‘environment and 7 protectionSafety 5419--2007 SY,T Foreword This Standard and of this combines,revisions standard);replaces standards SY,T 5419--1996 Technical ——Deleted classification of tubethe neutron specifi cations tube well sealed neutron 3 of 5419 of for logging (Chapter SY,T 1996); and 5683 1995 Technical ——一’“——Deleted SY,T of structure the neutron specifications generatorneutron well 3 of of for logging( (Chapter SY,T 5683--1995); generator with In 5419--1996 and斟| ——----——Deleted4 SY,T clauses of and testsrequirements comparision T 5683 1 995,there are considerable for certain of as just product,such types changes in this are listed as fol— standard,which surface 1 mainly 1(2, power (4 supply,etc lOWS: 4(1(2(2,4(2(2,5(2 2 of 5683SY,T ———r—--—Added of tritium contamination requirement 1995);surface of the on outer neutron tube(3(4 of ——Deleted and tests of sealing requirements this 2 standard); the 1 neutron 6 ofgenerator(4(1(3(5 ——Added of the SY,T 5683 1995)neutron storing temperature tube(3 2 1 of this standard): This standard was and is under theby proposed ——Added and hu— of the Petroleum Instrument Stand—storing temperature jurisdiction storing the 2 1 and ardization Committee of neutron midity generator(3 Xi’an 3 2 2 of this The Standard was standard); drafted Petroleum by classifications for Instruments f一—_--Supplemented Test working Exploration Complex,Well and shock Service of Oil—temperature,vibration require— Technique Subcompany Daqing ment of the 4 and field Well Ltd,and oil&Gas Test ComDanv ofproduct(3(2(3,3(2 3 2 5 of this Huabei standard); Bureau Petroleum ————。。,Normalized for The main drafters are Wu parameters working testing Junsui(Peng of the neutron Suiniu,Hu Hu( output properties product Cheng Hua,Changxu,Zheng (3 3 of this standard): Jie( Jingli,Gong Xue The this on standard haveneutron standard ,Hel曲 tenedrequirements yield replaced by 1ifetime of the tube been and neutron in the published following edition: working (4 2,,4 2 2 of SY,T 5419--1996; ——SY,T 541 9 1996; 5419--1991,SY,T 3 3 1 and 3 3 3 ofthis 5683—1995(standard); ——SY,T the of This standard is in and Chi 0n neu-一一Added requirement stability published English and tron their test nese(In the event of between of the yield product discrepancy any and Chinese methods(3 3(1 and 4 5 of this standard): the versions of the Stand— English and environ— ——Added on ard,the Chinese version shalI requirements safety prevailment of the 7 protection product(Chapter 10 5419--2007 SY,T Introduction Neutron is a of various of the and be key component part its generator generator depleted may well tools in the field of in its limited 1ifetime and be re neutron cannot petrolestrength logging LIm well is a kind of controllable It pairedlogging neutron source Neutron tube is a core strong SY,T 5419--2007 Technical of neutron and neutron tube specifications generator for well petroleum logging series) 1 Scope basic 5134The method environmentalSY,T of This Standard the technical and require test,or exploration petroleum specifies exploitation ment,test instruments--test G:Vibration(sinusoidal) method,inspection rule,marking, and and packaging,transport storage,safety test neutron environment gen— 522l Themethod enviromnental protection concerning SY,T ofbasic erator and neutron tube for well petroleum log test and for exploitation exploration petroleum as:‘the product”) instruments——,gs,B:Shock testshortened ging(hereinafter This Standard is to applicable of design,manufaC— 449 the The Command No promulgated by evalua— and State Council of the of China People’S Republic ture,applying,inspection quality of tion the product ordinance On radioactiveand protection Safety and radiation isotope equipment Normative references 2 3 Technical requirementsThe normative documents contain pro— following in this visions reference standwhich,through 3(1 Appearances ard,constitute of this standard Forprovisions 3(1(1 Neatron tube dated amendments tO,references,subsequent The outer surfaee of neutron tube shall be clean, or revisions of these of,any publications(ex—there is neither or stain on its any rusty damaged clude errata)do not toapply However,parties in it;the surface,and nor impurity weldingany based this standard are encour— on agreements 1ine shall be outline dimensions smooth;the thethe of to aged investigate possibility applying the of the conform to shall requirement product editions of the most recent normative docu-3(1(2 Neutron generator latest edi— undated references(the ments For The of neutron shall be appearance generator tion of the normative documents re,erred to ap—color of intrinsic the smooth,bright,showing plies material or its screw andcoat;all thread,plug I 91 marking GB,T for Packaging—pictorial for shall socket be connecting complete,and Is0 780:1997) goods(eqv of handling shalltheir meehanical and electrical interlocking 1 GB 1 806--2(1(14 the Regulations for safebe and outline dimensions reliable;the agile 0,radioactive material(IAEA Notransport the of to shall conform the requirement product TS R一1,IDT) 3(2 Environmental conditions 18222—1994 Evaluation GB,T ofsurface3(2(1 Storage temperaturesur,ice contamination--P,?2:Tritium COn-The is一40?,+70。Cstorage temperature IS()7503 tamination(eqv 2:1988) 3(2(2 1 5464 General Storage humidity GB,T purpose specification the neurelative 3(2(2(1 of the instrumentation Storage humidity of products Jor packaging shall be than tron no nlore 18871————2002 Basic standards 90,pro—’ OB,T ior generator of the neurelative tection znst radiation and the 3(2(2(2 zonzzzng for Storage humidity aga radiation tron tube shall be no more than 7(1, 5afety oJ sources(neq、氏E氏Security 3 5419--2007 SY,T 3(2(5 Shock3(2(3 Maximum temperatures working to the dif— The Four divided into of the are:are according requirements groups groups a)Class value ferent tolerance of acceleration 490 A:peak m,s2, temperatures: duration 11 a)Class A:125?( IT'S,axis direction once,unpack b)Class B:155? aged( c)ClassC:175? b)Class value of acceleration 980 m,B:peak D:200?( 11 d)Class S2,duration ms,axis direction once,3(2(4 Vibration unpackaged of the are(, value of acceleration The C)Class requirements 1471)m,C:peak groups S2,duration 1 1 direction a)Class scan 5Hz,100Hz,5Hz(ms,axis once,unA:frequency acceleration 29 rate 1 4m,s2,scan oct,rain ,packaged less than d)Class value of acceleration 1 470 no m,D:peak 30min,unpackaged b)Class scan 5Hz,150Hz,5Hz, S2,duration 11 ms,axis direction once, B:frequency acceleration 1 rate 29(4m,sa,scan oet,min, unpackaged( of less 3(3 than neutron no Properties 30min,unpackaged( output C)Class scan 5Hz,200Hz,5Hz, 3(3(1 Neutron and its yield stabilityC:frequency acceleration rate 1 When a works within the norrnal 29(4m,s2,scan OCt,min, product ranges no less than 。f its neutron and working 30min,unpackaged( yield parameters(the d)Class scan 5Hz,200Hz,5Hz, the neutron of the of stability product output D:frequency acceleration 1 of 29 rate shall be conformed to the Table4m,s2,scan oct,rain, requirements no less than 1 30min,unpackaged( 1 Neutron and its Table yield stability At room and maximum working temperatureRelative variation of average yield that at maximum to atneutron Fluctuation of neutron temperature yield yield Average room temperature to the n,S average Neutron tube ?1 ?2(), 2×108 ?10,Neutron ?1 0×108 ?25, generator 3(3(2 Continuous time of 18871—2(}(}2 B2(1f)in GB,T quirement running contin—At maximum working temperature,the onwhich time of the UOUS product keeps running the of 3(3(1 shall be tO 4(1 Test conforming requirement equipments nolCSSthan 2h( The including: equipments 3(3(3 life of the neutron tube ——1bst for neutronWorking appliance purposed special The accumulated time of the neutron of test working tube,consisting heating appliance than 6×107 tube with neutron n,s for neutron volt yield greater special purposed tube,high shall be less no than 300hage power yield meter,insupply,neutron 3(4 Tritimcontamination of strumentation for and on outer surface measuring pa—controlling tube the neutron rameters of neutron tube,etc; level surface of ——Test for Tritium contamination neu—on outer appliance special—purposed the tube shall be conformed to the re一 tron Of neutron test generator,consisting heating1 4 5419--2007 SY,T for be neutronshall 3 1 conformedto 3 special appliance purposed generator,neutron 4(5(2 Test meter,instruat maximum yield working temperature mentation for and to in its Put the be tested measuring controlling pa product special——pur— rameters of neutron its generator,etc; posed appliance,keep heating—test working——Vibration machine 4 table; as the same as 5 1 Raise the tem—parameters machine table to the maximum 一,Shock gradually perature workingcheck 4(2 2 in 3 After tern—3 the Appearance temperature specified 4(2(1 check of the stable for neutron tube has on on re—Appearance perature kept lh,keep of its andwith a set and neu—Inspect by visualizing,touching measuring cording parameters working results shall be tools,the conformed to 3(1(1( tron at least once 5rain,which lastyield every 4(2(2 13(o less than 2h with a totaj number of 25 sets A拼鬻a黜d嘣‘ofthe璀舡咖群蛐醣l肾 and witll Calculate the mini— Inspect by visualizing,touching measuring average,maximum,and shall tools,the results be conformed to 3 1 2( values of from the statistic mum neutron yield 4(3 test 3(3 1 Vibration data(The shall be conformed to result be is is 4(5(3 The to tested from room to maximum product power—off,and YI棚stubility fixed on the vibration machine table with suit— tem【perature able the to the Calculate the relative variation of above men— clamp(Test product according condition in 3 with meth— tioned at tern— 2(4,and the maximum specified yield average working od SY,T 5134(After the test,the to that at room result stipulated by temperature,the perature does it is shall be 3 3 1 not noise when conformedto product produce any its shall 4(6 T,t of continuous shaked,and be con— timebeing properties running formed to the of 3(3(1 when it TImtestme 磕od shall bethe same as 4 5 2(its requirements works at room conformed to 3 3 2 result shall be temperature( 4(4 test Shock 4(7 Test lifetime of the neutron tube of靠哪‰抽g tested is The to be is fixed At room or neutron tube power—off(and product high temperature,the on the shock machine table with suitable tested works or discontinu— clamp( being continuously Test the to the condition its in the with normal product according specif燃l ously working parameters 3(2 with the method for that the mini— by 5,and a by SY,T long time,provided stipulated range 5221 After the test,the does of is not mum duration discontinuous notproduct produce working noise when it is its less than lh(Aceumulate the time dur— any being sl讪ed,andproper - working ties shall be conformed to the of 3(3(1 which the is less than 6× neutron no reqmrements yield ing at when it works room total summation of the durations temperature( 107 n,s(The 4(5 Tests of neutron and its conformed to 3(3 3( shall be yield stability 4(5(1 at room Test 4(8 Test of tritium contamination on sur— outer temperature tubethe At room face of being the neutron temperature,keep product tested with the The test shall be executed certificated parameters working by working organi— within its normal the has zation 4 in and with the range During product GB,T complied chapter been on a set of 15222--1994(The result shall be conformed to working stably,keep recording its and neutron at 1east 3 4(working parameters yield once 3min,which last no less than 30min every rules5 Inspection with a total number of 1 1 sets Calculate the av— minimum values of 5(1 neu erage,maximum,and Delivery inspectionstron from the statistic data(The result shall be before yield Every inspected deliveryproduct 15 5419--2007 SY,T The test iterns are 1isted ln Table 2 Table 2 Delivery inspections Technical Classification methodsTest Test order 1tems 1 ypeDeliveryClauses ln this Standard check 3 1 1 4 2 ? ? Appearance 2 4 2 Vibration test 3 4 3 ? o 3 Shock test3 2 5 4 4 ? o 4 Tests of its 3 3 1 4 5 neutron and yield stability ? ? 5 Test of continuous time 3 3 2 4 6 ? orunning Test of lifeof 3 3 3 4 7 6 neutron tube ?working Test of tritium contamination OFt outer surface 7 3 4 4 8 ? o of tubeneutron items Notes:“?”indicatescompulsory items “o”indicatesoptional “”indicates not items required the Test 5(2 of of column Table tritiumType inspection 2,except that the surface of neutron 5(2(1 Situations shall be contamination tube, on outer type inspection executed be inserted into other which tWO tests any may shall be carried in of the that the tube has its out Type inspection any appearance provided passed check( situations: following the of is be 5(2(3 the a)When new to Random of pattern sampling type inspection products from a 1——2 Random batch of approved pieces sampling to b)When the and execute the design,structure,material products type inspection of the 5(3 Criterion rulestechnology product changed signifi— 5(3(1 In shall the becantly inspection,the product the in batch is than if item isa more c)When qualified every inspection quantity judged only is failure in one test, there eligible;if any any 30pieces d)When the of of eleor replacement product appears important quality regulation adjustment the ment or be problem( part inspec may permitted,then e)When is restarted after idle tion shall be executed from the again beginning production being until for more than test is 1year every eligible 5(3(2 In batch of f)When is state the type inspection requested by type inspection,the of and shall be if in— technical department quality judged qualified only every supervi— product item of is theresion spection every sample eligible;if double 5(2(2 Items their of is of and order failure,the type inspection any quantities samples This The items and their order of are be selected to be type may inspected again inspection listed in iterns shall be batch of shall in Table 2 The executed be qualified product judged type one one the order listed in the 1st if all the items are by following inspection only re—inspection 】6 5419--2007 SY,T of clause 34 of used,the requirement Safety ordinance oll radioactive and isotopeprotection and 6 storageMarking,packaging,transport radiation Command ofand equipment,the 449 the State Council of the No 6(1 promulgated by Marking of be conformed for marked with China,shall shall be People’s Republic delivery Every product isolated distance with or shield to:the medium items: following to neutron and and serial number of the capability enough protection a)Type,name productbe installed between the of manufacturer, shall and trade mark the b)Name gamma ray per the caution markand the of sonnel the date manufacture and product,and set 1t be insured that the shall be shall 6(2 possiblePackaging dose the radioto of the shall be of conformed The exposure personnel ionizing product packaging than limit the of 15464 tion of the is less to GB,T product required requirement that the as A2 3c)in 18871--2002,and by marks,such GB,T fragile,rainproof,anticor— The not to the fierce vibration and be is rosion,no exposed productpublic impact,shall with to The shield medium be concrete wall marked on the surface of the may casing according water with of about 1 thickness m,or GB,T191 layer At well site the m with documents in the than thickness more 2 There shall be prod accompanied of than 10 be Iocated at weIl uct more depth casing,including quality certificate,working pa— may emit nl to neotron(manual, manual,maintenance rameters,operating area withIn event of no radiation shield,an installation list,etc any diagram,packing 1'i1 shall radius from the not less than 30 6(3 Transport product the ob be set as a area,where The to safety protection conforming concerning require product shall be set 2004 be trans vious mark and ment of 6 6 in GB 11806 special guard Only may in is as— air fact of ifthe no the area water,land or any person by ordinary carriage ported be to emitimmersion shall sured,the the Fierce vibration and water permitted product may neutronbe prevented and The affairs 6(4 concerning protection Storagespecific the should be be conformed to the a of for of the shall shielding type product Storage product standard and and ordinance 07l the the clause 35 of specified by product operat— Safety proteetion and maintenance manual of the radioactive and radiation correspond isotope ing equipment, the of the the Comxnand of No(449 ing promulgated by type product of 7(2 for China Protection activation State Council of the gamma rayPeople’s Republic the Personnel not close to The and of may immediately place storage humidity temperature which 2 2 its neutron emission finished shall be conform ed to 3 2 1 and 3 respec product just activation radiation of until the intensity gamma tively the decreases to a 1eveI lover than con If the is not to be used for a time, 10ng product product 1 8871at 1east of A2(3c)in GB,T neutron it is it emit to have necessary cerning requirement of the em[s— 2002(3 months,the duration once every activation The affairs shall be less 3()min no than concerning gamma sion specific of a of the shall be time product cooling type and environment 7 protectionSafety standard the and the operat specified by product of and maintenance manual the Radiation for 7(1 ing correspondprotection working product of the the is Whenever or ing being regulated type productproduct 1 7 5419--2007 SY,T 7?3 the carded shall its Discard treatment of be sent back tO manufac— product product Tritium(a radioactive in material(iS contained the certificated for turer,or sent to organization and tube discar— neutron neutron The and radioactive waste tO be collecting generator storing shall its not be treated it— treated ( ded user by product to the of clause 23 The in maintenance and affairs self(According requirement specific safety of discard of of and ordinance on radioac— treatment a the should Sa^ty protection type product standard tire and radiation Com— be the the and isotope equipment,the specified by product op— of the of the mand No 449 State Coun— and maintenance manual corre— promulgated by crating cil of the of China(the dis of the People’S Republic sponding type product( 18
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