

2018-01-07 15页 doc 43KB 15阅读




马道成功-创业教父马云的经营哲学马道成功-创业教父马云的经营哲学 《马道成功-创业教父马云的经营哲学》内容介绍: 马云: 他是全球电子商务第一品牌阿里巴巴的创始人 他是中国第一位登上《福布斯》杂志封面的企业家 他是中国第一位被冠以“骗子、疯子、狂人”的创业“榜样” 他在CCTV《赢在中国》现场征服了几乎所有选手和观众 他用成功告诉所有人:“如果我可以成功,那么80%的创业者都可以成功~” 本辑精选CCTV《赢在中国》的赛场实况,精彩再现“创业教父”马云的传奇风采,全程收录马云经典点评,配以特别策划,从创业启蒙、资本运作、战略管理、市场销、创意执...
马道成功-创业教父马云的经营哲学 《马道成功-创业教父马云的经营哲学》内容介绍: 马云: 他是全球电子商务第一品牌阿里巴巴的创始人 他是中国第一位登上《福布斯》杂志封面的企业家 他是中国第一位被冠以“骗子、疯子、狂人”的创业“榜样” 他在CCTV《赢在中国》现场征服了几乎所有选手和观众 他用成功告诉所有人:“如果我可以成功,那么80%的创业者都可以成功~” 本辑精选CCTV《赢在中国》的赛场实况,精彩再现“创业教父”马云的传奇风采,全程收录马云经典点评,配以特别策划,从创业启蒙、资本运作、战略管理、市场销、创意执行、人力开发、风险控制、成功创业八个方面与您分享马云的经营哲学,共享马云的成功之道。敬请收看:《马道成功--创业教父马云的经营哲学》。 创业教父马云的经营哲学》各集主要内容: 《马道成功-- 第一集:创业启蒙 引言:马云说:100个人创业,有95个人连怎么死的都不知道„„残酷的市场面前,马云活了下来,成为创业者们梦想中的财富奇迹。可谁又能想到他成功背后的辛酸艰险,毕竟市场不是乱世的江湖,创业不是侠客的游历。创业之路充满未知的险阻,您是否充分考虑过自己有足够的准备面对这一切了呢, 本集语录: 做人、做事、做企业必须一贯。 建立自我、追求忘我。 做一份工作,做一份喜欢的工作就是很好的创业。 小公司的战略是两个词:活下来,挣钱。 五年以后你还想创业,你再创业。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 创业者书读得不多没关系,就怕不在社会上读书。 本集小结: 马云之“创业启蒙论” 创业者的品格将直接决定创业的成败,“成功创业者”必须具备的5大基本素质: 1、优秀的人格魅力 2、正确的做事原则 3、恒定的创业梦想 4、坚定的事业目标 5、保持做人、做事、做企业的一致原则与方向 第二集:资本运作 引言:创业时刻,一分钱就能逼死英雄好汉。创业者们似乎都跳脱不了资本的怪圈,当的是自己的老板,却是资本的奴隶,面对着事业刚刚起步,就被资本断奶,问究竟在哪,50万元的成本成就市值近百亿的互联网帝国,六分钟内融资8200万美元,马云的手中资本总是掌运自如,秘诀究竟在哪, 本集语录: 最优秀的模式往往是最简单的东西。 很多人失败的原因不是钱太少,而是钱太多。 赚钱模式越多越说明你没有模式。 记住,关系特别不可靠,做生意不能凭关系,做生意也不能凭小聪明。 这世界上没有优秀的理念,只有脚踏实地的结果。 一个好的东西往往是说不清楚的,说得清楚的往往不是好东西。 本集小结: 马云之“资本运作论” 1、资本不是凭关系,而是凭项目。只有成功的项目才具备投资的价值,才能吸引投资者的目光。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 2、选择项目、制定项目的方法就是争取资本的方法。 3、一个优秀的创业项目是做好而不是做大,更需要注重项目细节的可执行性。 第三集:战略管理 引言: 创业如同建房,脑海中先有房子的形状,画下来形成图纸,按照图纸选址定位,施工建造,一砖一瓦,终于化为摩天大楼矗立在现实中。战略通常被创业者们理解为脑海中的雄伟图像,或图纸上的先进设计,却忽略了战略的本意——实战实用。 本集语录: 战略不能落实到结果和目标上面,都是空话。 蒙牛不是策划出来的,而是踏踏实实的产品、服务和体系做出来的。 小企业有大的胸怀,大企业要讲细节的东西。 所有的创业者应该多花点时间,去学习别人是怎么失败的。 关注对手是战略中很重要的一部分,但这并不意味着你会赢。 本集小结: 马云之“战略管理论” 1、战略?结果:从战略到结果,企业需要落实执行每一个过程的细节,需要落实产品、质量、服务的管理机制,更需要踏实谨慎的态度。 2、关注对手?发展自身:要关注对手更要发展自身,学习失败比学习成功更实用,战略初期要轻功利重发展。 第四集:市场营销 引言:营销、营销顾名思义经营在前,销售在后,经营为本,销售为末。实践证明,在商品市场经济的时代,新产品的寿命不断缩短,任何时候都有可能会被超越,被取代,营销正是适应这种新变化而产生的。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 本集语录: “营销”这两个字强调既要追求结果,也要注重过程,既要“销”,更要“营”。 免费是世界上最昂贵的东西。所以尽量不要免费。等你有了钱以后再考虑免费。 要少开店、开好店,店不在于多,而在于精。 有价值观,没有业务称为小白兔,一个公司小白兔多了以后,那就是一种灾难。 男人的胸怀是冤枉撑大的,多一点冤枉,少一些脾气你会更快乐。 本集小结 马云之“市场营销论” 1、市场与产品:先了解市场需求再开发产品;时刻拥抱市场变化,倾听客户声音,才能在市场利于不败之地。 2、“营”与“销”:“营”是过程是影响力,“销”是结果是数字,二者缺一不可。 3、经营与服务:经营好比经营多更重要;不要盲目免费客户服务;营销需要快乐积极、诚信真实的态度。 第五集:创意执行 引言:“愿为你的一个想法付一千万”,投资者们常常这样告诉创业者。“我的想法可以卖到一千万”,创业者常常这样对自己说。也许能够执行的创意离想象中的差了十万八千里,但请记住这个用一千万能被执行的创意就是具有一千万价值的好创意。 本集语录: 我们应该为结果付报酬,为过程鼓掌。 文化贯彻是最关键的。 改变文化很难,但也不是不可能。 很多人的问题是因为他们回答的全是对的。 公关是个附产品,由于你解决了以后会逐渐传出去,这才是最好的公关。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 短暂的激情是不值钱的,只有持久的激情才是赚钱的。 本集小结 马云之“创意执行论” 1、创意构想是过程,执行实现才是结果。 2、企业的创意归根结底要服务于企业的效益——服务并完善企业的管理、决策、文化、制度、公关„„等各个方面。 3、不要因为创意而创新,创意最初和最终的目的是为企业创造收益和效益,也更需要贯彻落实、执行到位。 第六集:人力开发 引言:创业者也许有多重身份,但最重要的就是领导身份,领导者的意义在于不是一个人把所有的事情都干完,也不是把所有的事情交给别人干,而是带领别人一起干。创业路上,创业者们不要做孤胆英雄。 本集语录: 最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。 我不愿意聘用一个经常在竞争者之间跳跃的人。 多花点时间在你的其他员工身上。 有时候学历很高不一定(能)把自己沉下来做事情。 什么都想自己干,这个世界上你干不完。 永远要相信边上的人比你聪明。 现在你需要踏踏实实,实实在在跟你一起干的人。 本集小结 马云之“人力开发论” 1、用人判断准则:职业道德、团队意识、学习态度、适合发展 2、用人遵循原则:平等对待、公私分明、礼贤下士、突破信任 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 第七集:风险控制 引言:企业是艘船,创业者是船长兼舵手,水手是团队,乘客是客户。遇到暗礁与暴风雨,船长应该如何安排乘客、水手、自己的位置,在机会面前怀疑,在困难面前乐观,相信很多灾难都能避而过之,企业之船也将更加稳健地前进。 本集语录: 上当不是别人太狡猾,是自己太贪,是因为自己才会上当。 领导力在顺境的时候,每个人都能出来,只有在逆境的时候才是真正的领导力。 有时候死扛下去总是会有机会的。 暴躁某种程度上讲是因为有不安全感,或者是自己没有开放的心态。 本集小结: 马云之“风险控制论” 1、风险可能:投资风险、逆境风险 2、风险应对: 客户第一、员工第二、对手第三; 坚持下去,永不放弃; 吸取教训,有所放弃。 第八集:成功创业 引言:成功是一,失败是九十九。在现在信息如此发达的时代,创业者的成功已经不是秘密,他们的成功故事可以不断复制,印成书、制成光碟、在互联网上人人传颂,但是他们的成功的经历却不可复制,扪心自问,同处相同的环境里,自己的选择是什么,自己的策略又会是什么,结果又会引向什么样的道路, 本集语录: 一个成功的创业者,三个因素,眼光、胸怀和实力。 80年代的人还需要摔打,不管做任何事,要检查主观原因。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 永远把别人对你的批评记在心里,别人的表扬,就把它忘了。 没有一个良好的过程任何一次成功都不可能被复制。 不管你拥有多少资源,永远把对手想得强大一点。 有结果未必是成功,但是没有结果一定是失败。 本集小结: 马云之“成功创业论” 1、成功背后的支撑:制度、人才、执行力 2、成功必经的磨炼:摔打、批评、、检讨 3、成功者的素质:眼光、胸怀、实力 后记: 马云说:“我无法定义成功,但我知道什么是失败~成功不在于你做成了多少,在于你做了什么,历练了什么~”作为这个时代草根创业的代表人物,以及继续在创业路上的先行者之一,马云的企业经营论断或许不能直接给创业者们带来成功,却能给予一个提示,一个视角,一个忠告,一个鼓励,告诉所有创业中的人们,创业不是孤军奋战,处处都有同伴~ manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding
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