

2017-12-27 11页 doc 93KB 9阅读




母婴坊网站规划母婴坊网站规划 前言: 一个实用的、有价值的好网站概括起来说,网站的功能一般可以包括:1、信息传递功能 2、产品销售功能 3、物流管理功能 4、资金管理功能 5、营销管理功能 6、支付结算功能 7、办公管理功能等等;一个好的企业网站的建设,其实是一个营销整合的过程,首先需要了解企业的各种需求,包括了解企业的市场状况、竞争状态、营销渠道、方式及方法等,然后,把它与互联网技术相结合,适合网上操作的,移到网上进行,可以与网络结合进行的,把它结合起来。这样,这个网站的功能就是适用的、有效果的。 一、建站目的: 通过互联网传播的...
母婴坊网站规划 前言: 一个实用的、有价值的好网站概括起来说,网站的功能一般可以包括:1、信息传递功能 2、产品销售功能 3、物流管理功能 4、资金管理功能 5、营销管理功能 6、支付结算功能 7、办公管理功能等等;一个好的企业网站的建设,其实是一个营销整合的过程,首先需要了解企业的各种需求,包括了解企业的市场状况、竞争状态、营销渠道、方式及等,然后,把它与互联网技术相结合,适合网上操作的,移到网上进行,可以与网络结合进行的,把它结合起来。这样,这个网站的功能就是适用的、有效果的。 一、建站目的: 通过互联网传播的诸多优势,宣传母婴用品及相关产品,传导母婴坊的服务理念和企业价值观,维持老顾客的品牌忠诚度及开发更多的新顾客,并现实网上下单,线下配送,集中管理。 二、母婴坊网站市场分析 针对人群:孕妈妈、宝宝 母婴网站是妈妈们驻留时间最长的平台 网络评价’对于妈妈们的影响大大超过了传统广告。62%的中国妈妈认可这一点 为自己的孩子选择食品和营养品的时候,除了亲朋好友的推荐,网络评价也成为最值得信任的因素,有73%的妈妈都认同这样的观点 三、网站功能定位 产品宣传型、网上营销型、客户服务型 四、网站技术解决方案 采用万网独立IP服务器,稳定性和安全性国内第一,对网站支持好。 如后期用户增加,可考虑自建网站服务器 五、网站规划 1、公司简介、产品介绍、服务内容、价格信息、联系方式、网上定单等基本内容。 2、 会员注册、详细的商品服务信息、信息搜索查询、定单确认、付款、个人信息失密措施、相关协助等。 六、 网页设计 1 、网页美术设计要求美观 2、便于用户操作、选择 reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshell-borne pathogen-free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of different varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provide 3、根据具体要求定定制 七、网站维护 1 、相关软硬件的维护。 2 、数据库维护。数据库的定期备份。 、网站内容更新、调整等。 3 4 、制定相关网站维护的规定。 八、网站测试 1、 服务器稳定性、平安性。 2 、顺序及数据库测试。 3 、网页兼容性测试。 4 、根据需要的其他测试。 九、网上商城推广 结合网络营销的4CS理论以“准”、“快”为推广理念,抓住一切可利用的可行途径进行推广。 1、寻找准确访问者,一切从访问者出发,致力于将每个访问者变成客户和消费者; 2、推广不可求急求快,需要按时前进,更不能像完成任务式的急速完成; 3、用户在我们的网上平台怎么方便怎么来,一切以用户的体验感为中心展开网络维护工作; 4、网站推广过程中既要注重将我们的品牌、形象和服务及商品传递给访问者,也要注重收集反馈信息 十、网站功能 一、前台主要功能: <1>、商品分类:通过商品的分类展示,让用户更加方便地找到需要的商品及内容。 <2>、品牌专区: 根据商品不同特性和品牌,让用户快速地找到品牌知名度高的商品。 <3>、积分中心: 用户购买商品之后,会有一定的积分,积分达到一定数据自动升级成为VIP会员。 <4>、购物车:可将自己喜欢想购买的商品,集中放进购物车进行管理及付款。 <5>、商品搜索: 通过这一功能实现全方面产品查找。 <6>、商品展示: 通过对图片放大,评论,详情,和咨询,让用户全面了解商品的相关情况。 <7>、商品评论: 用户购买商品之后,可以对产品进行评论,让以后的消费者更加清楚地了解商品的真实情况。 <8>、会员注册: 通过这一功能,注册成会员,享受网站购买的乐趣。 <9>、广告展示:通过这一功能可以完成商品的重点推荐和实现网站收入的增加。 <10>、帮助中心:通过这一功能,解决用户一些日常操作中遇到的问题。 二、会员中心功能: farms d other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chickennking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals aned driwater control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualifiof the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, ction ntenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfesinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maiand diservation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean e stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily obt varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize thfree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-hogenborne pat-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellcting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provideshould have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, prote 2 <1>、商品收藏:收藏感兴趣但是不需要马上购买的商品。 <2>、我的购物车:对感兴趣的商品,进行付款操作管理。 <3>、我的订单:统计我在该网站购买商品/订单列表。 <4>、会员信息:对个人详细资料的统计及修改。 <6>、收货人信息:对收货人的详细地址统计及修改。 <7>、我的积分:完成积分商品兑换和会员升级。 <8>、修改密码:对自己的密码进行修改。 <9>、退出登陆:安全退出个人信息。 三、后体功能介绍: <1>、基本设置管理:包括网站名称、关键字、描述、联系方式、版权信息、ICP证书、Logo,会员功能,支付方式,注册会员是否开起等一些功能相关设置 <2>、新闻中心:新闻列表 新闻添加:新闻类别管理 新闻类别添加。 <3>、商品管理:商品分类管理 商品分类增加 搜索商品 商品编辑 品牌管理 品牌增加。 <4>、会员管理:会员注册管理 未通过审核会员管理 已通过审核会员管理 访问统计管理 已审产品管理。 <5>、订单管理:管理员分为总管理员、订单管理员、产品管理员; 管理员后台可设置添加、修改、删除信息成功后的处理方式; 可选后台管理上下、左右显示模式未付款订单管理 付款未发货订单管理 发货未收货订单管理 已完成的交易管理 配送管理(流量信息、报价单、发货单、赠品、优惠券、管理进入链接) <6>、积分商品管理:积分商品管理 积分商品增加 积分列表 积分商品批量操作。 <7>在线客服账户管理:支持多个QQ、MSN、旺旺、Skype <8>、风格管理:模板内调用标签管理 会员网站风格模版管理 网站生成文件管理。 <9>、数据管理:数据库备份 数据库导出 数据库导入。 <10> 统计报表:销售排行统计 销售额分析 会员统计 访问统计 访问量。 <11> 分栏目导航推荐:重点栏目频道推荐。 <12> 积分VIP会员管理:当积分达到一定的数量之后自动升级成为VIP会员,从而进行管理。 <13>管理员后台可以查看服务器组件信息:脚本支持、组件支持、安全配置、运行速度 <14>友情链接管理:管理员可以添加友情链接,支持图片和文字形式 <15>在线冲值,支付功能 t imposion of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provideeed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is mosed miseness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacrrtant in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awarsease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Fent diration guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevtine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and open. Rououse cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitatioular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry hs, regding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysidifferent sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feet varieties and from free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion 3 www.hphrm.com成都网站优化www.szjzfbj.com成都搬家公司 模拟网上商城操作 1、网站首页: 2、网上订购(网上商城) 3、会员\代理商注册、登录 farms d other debris is most important in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chickennking water supply. Feed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals aned driwater control to prevent disease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualifiof the Ribbon and operation guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, ction ntenance of sanitation. Routine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfesinfect the poultry house cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maiand diservation and analysis, regular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean e stress of daily feeding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily obt varieties and from different sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize thfree, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-hogenborne pat-reducing pathogen invasion and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellcting it is the sacred mission of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provideshould have the awareness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, prote 4 4、下单、支付 5、配送 6、售后 ent dision of mankind. The poultry industry at the same time to provideed miseness of 1. environmentally conscious survival of mankind in the world owns and has only one Earth, protecting it is the sacrrtant in the spread of disease control, is the main holding of disease pathogens. Selected chicken farms should have the awart impoeed and water quality testing. Gasket materials and waste, dirt, litter, manure, sewage, dead animals and other debris is mossease from feed and water into the hen house; complete feed and feed technology; plenty of qualified drinking water supply. Fration guarantee. Environment and cleaning and disinfecting effect. Feeds provide adequate nutrition, water control to prevtine cleaning and disinfection of the articles and tools. Into and out of the cleaning and disinfection of the Ribbon and open. Rououse cleaning and disinfection. Mainly into a birdhouse in emptying, cleaning and disinfection daily maintenance of sanitatioular health checks of chickens and the immune status. Transport links on infection control. Clean and disinfect the poultry hs, regding and management, preventing pollution in the production operation and infection. Chickens daily observation and analysidifferent sources, all in full out of feeding, immune status is the same as far as possible. Minimize the stress of daily feet varieties and from free, mainly for leukemia, pullorum disease, MG, MS, REO, and EDS, and CAV etc. Avoid the polyculture of chickens of differen-borne pathogen-and strengthen the hens. Introduction of pathogen control how chickens. Focus testing eggshellreducing pathogen invasion 5 www.hphrm.com成都网站优化www.szjzfbj.com成都搬家公司
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