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音乐英语概念分析 1 键盘/keyboard/keyboard/keyboard/keyboard 键盘是一组杠杆或音键,由演奏者用手指在钢琴,羽管键琴,翼琴或类似的键盘乐器上按压, 或者用手指按压风琴的键盘,或用脚踩管风琴的踏板或脚键盘。这个词汇广泛应用于键盘乐, 以及各种键盘乐器。 A keyboard is a set of levers or keys, to be depressed by the fingers of a player on the piano, harpsichord, clavich...
1 键盘/keyboard/keyboard/keyboard/keyboard 键盘是一组杠杆或音键,由演奏者用手指在钢琴,羽管键琴,翼琴或类似的键盘乐器上按压, 或者用手指按压风琴的键盘,或用脚踩管风琴的踏板或脚键盘。这个词汇广泛应用于键盘乐, 以及各种键盘乐器。 A keyboard is a set of levers or keys, to be depressed by the fingers of a player on the piano, harpsichord, clavichord or similar keyboard instrument, or on the manual by the fingers, or on the pedals or pedal-board of the organ with the feet. The word is used generally, as in keyboard music, music for any keyboard instrument. 白键组/White/White/White/White keykeykeykey patternpatternpatternpattern 在现代键盘乐器中,音键通常有白和黑两种颜色。早期键盘乐器的音键颜色的功用或许正相 反。现代的白键构成一组全音和半音或相邻音间的半音。白键上的主要音阶可用于字谱上, C调, E 和 F之间的半音,B 和 C之间的半音的初始演奏。 On modern keyboard instruments keys for the fingers are generally coloured white and black. On earlier keyboard instruments the colouring may be reversed. The modern white keys form a pattern of whole steps or whole tones and half steps or semitones between adjacent notes. A major scale on the white notes may be played starting, in letter notation, on C, with half steps (semitones) between E and F, and B and C. [Illustration of keyboard, letters on notes] 黑键组/Black/Black/Black/Black keykeykeykey patternpatternpatternpattern 现代键盘乐器的黑键音在相邻的白音符间,构成全音,可演奏半音。在字谱上,黑音符见于 C 和 D, D 和 E, F 和 G, G 和 A, A 和 B之间。黑键可演奏五声音阶。 On modern keyboard instruments black keys come between those adjacent white notes that form a whole step or whole tone, providing a half step or semitone. In letter notation the black notes are found between C and D, D and E, F and G, G and A, and A and B. The black keys provide the notes of the pentatonic scale. [illustration of keyboard] 相邻钢琴键/Adjacent/Adjacent/Adjacent/Adjacent pianopianopianopiano keyskeyskeyskeys 相邻钢琴键为半音。依上行顺序或下行顺序演奏,构成半音阶。 Adjacent piano keys are a half step or semitone apart. Played in ascending or descending order they form a chromatic scale. 半音/Half/Half/Half/Half stepstepstepstep 半音是西方音乐通用键盘中最小的音程。在键盘上,半音是相邻的两个音之间的距离, 白键或黑键,升调或降调。 A half step or semitone is the smallest interval on the normal keyboard in Western music. On the keyboard it is the interval between adjacent notes, white or black, ascending or descending . 全音/Whole/Whole/Whole/Whole stepstepstepstep 全音是由两个半音组成的音程。 A whole step, whole tone or tone, is an interval made up of two half steps or semitones. 2 音高/Pitch/Pitch/Pitch/Pitch 音符的音高是根据振动的次数或频率,音在常规上的高度或深度。音乐会音高是国际通用的 音高,为高于中 C的 A音,每秒振动 440次,但也存在分歧。几个世纪以来,音高不 断演变,有时,不同的音乐或乐器应用不同的音高。一些打击乐器没有音高,耳朵无法辨认 音高。绝对音高是指一些人所具备的单凭听觉即可辨认音高的能力。相对音高是指可以辨认 提示音准和其他音。 The pitch of a note is its perceived height or depth in conventional terms, according to the number of vibrations or frequency. Concert pitch is an internationally agreed standard pitch with the A above middle C at 440 vibrations per second, but there have been divergences from this. Pitches have varied over the centuries, sometimes with different pitches used for different forms of music or different instruments. Some percussion instruments are unpitched, lacking a recognisable pitch to the ear. Absolute pitch or refers to the ability some have to identify pitches by hearing alone. Relative pitch is that perceived between a given note and another note. 高音/Higher/Higher/Higher/Higher pitchpitchpitchpitch 高音即为高振动率的音,通用描述为每秒振动的次数多为高,每秒振动次数较少为低 Higher pitch indicates a note at a higher frequency, following the conventional description of notes with a greater number of vibrations per second as high, and with a smaller number as low. 低音/Lower/Lower/Lower/Lower pitchpitchpitchpitch 高音即为低振动率的音,根据通用描述,每秒振动次数较少为低,每秒振动的次数多为高。 Lower pitch indicates a note of lower frequency, following the conventional description of notes with a smaller number of vibrations per second as low, and with a greater number as high. 音名/Letter/Letter/Letter/Letter namesnamesnamesnames 音名是指讲英语的国家以字母 A 至 G辨认音符的习惯。在德国,增加了字母 H示 B(德 文中的 B相当于降 B,其他音符用以标记升或者降)。在法国,西班牙和意大利,则运用 建立在传统唱名基础上的一套标准。 Letter names or letter notation refers to the custom in English-speaking countries of identifying notes by letters from A to G. In Germany the letter H is added to denote B (German B = B flat, and other letters are modified to indicate sharps or flats). In French, Spanish and Italian a system based on traditional sol-fa is used. 八度音阶/Octave/Octave/Octave/Octave 八度音阶是包括八个音的音程,第八个音与第一个音的音名相同。高八度的振动频率是低音 的两倍。也就是说,440音高的 A,升到 880,1760等等。低八度音阶,因此,低于 440的 A每秒振动 220次,一个低八度每秒振动 110次。 An octave is an interval regarded as including eight steps, the eighth of which has the same letter name as the first note. Ascending octaves double the frequency of the lower note. Thus A at 440 rises to A at 880, 1760 and so on. The lower octaves halve the number of vibrations per second, so that the A below A at 440 has 220 vibrations per second, and an octave lower has 110 vibrations per second. 八度音阶/Octave/Octave/Octave/Octave 3 八度音阶是包括八个音的音程,第八个音与第一个音的音名相同。高八度的振动频率是低音 的两倍。也就是说,440音高的 A,升到 880,1760等等。低八度音阶,因此,低于 440的 A每秒振动 220次,一个低八度每秒振动 110次。 An octave is an interval regarded as including eight steps, the eighth of which has the same letter name as the first note. Ascending octaves double the frequency of the lower note. Thus A at 440 rises to A at 880, 1760 and so on. The lower octaves halve the number of vibrations per second, so that the A below A at 440 has 220 vibrations per second, and an octave lower has 110 vibrations per second. 半音/Semitones/Semitones/Semitones/Semitones 半音是西方音乐普通键盘中最小的音程。在键盘上,其为相邻音间,白键或黑键间,上行或 下行间的音程。 Semitones are half steps, the smallest interval on the normal keyboard in Western music. On the keyboard it the interval between adjacent notes, white or black, ascending or descending. 变化音阶/Chromatic/Chromatic/Chromatic/Chromatic semitonesemitonesemitonesemitone 变化音阶为两个相同音名间的半音音程,例如 F到升 F,A到降 A。在键盘上,升 F于降 G 有着相同的音名,降 A与升 G有着相同的音名。在灵活性较强的乐器上可能会有所不同。 A chromatic semitone is the interval of a semitone or half step between notes of the same letter name, e.g. F to F sharp, A to A flat. On the keyboard F sharp is the same note as G flat, and A flat the same as G sharp. On more flexible instruments a distinction may be made. 自然半音/Diatonic/Diatonic/Diatonic/Diatonic semitonesemitonesemitonesemitone 自然半音是不同音名间的半音音程,例如 F到降 G,A到升 G。在键盘上,降 G和升 F是 同一个音,升 G和降 A是同一个音,在灵活性较强的乐器上可能会有所不同。 A diatonic semitone is the interval of a semitone or half step between notes of a different letter name, e.g. F to G flat, A to G sharp. On the keyboard G flat is the same note as F sharp, and G sharp the same as A flat. On more flexible instruments a distinction may be made. 音乐记谱法/Music/Music/Music/Music NotationNotationNotationNotation 音乐记谱法是指音符的写。历史上有多种不同的形式。近几个世纪的西方音乐所用的 标准方法是采用五线谱的形式,但是运用了不同形式的音名,在一些现代音乐中运用的新形 式的图示记谱法,早期,指法谱,由专为特定乐器的字母,数字,五线谱组成。也有一 种数字谱,因为某种需要,替代了传统的字母谱,例如在中国和日本。 Music notation is the writing of notes. Historically this has taken various forms. The standard method in Western music has in recent centuries been by means of staff notation, but different forms of letter notation have been used, with imaginative forms of graphic notation in some contemporary music and, in earlier times, tablature, a combination of letters, numbers and staff designed for particular instruments. There is also a system of numerical notation that, for some purposes, has replaced traditional character notation, for example in China and Japan. 五线谱/The/The/The/The StaffStaffStaffStaff 五线谱是由五条平行线组成,现在通常在五线谱上书写音符以表明音高。素乐或素歌——教 堂传统单音歌颂,依旧采用四线谱,早期音乐中,线的数目各不相同。 4 The staff or stave is the framework of five horizontal lines on which notes are now generally written, to indicate pitch. Plainchant or plainsong, the traditional monodic chant of the Catholic Church, still uses a four-line stave, and in earlier music the number of lines used varied. 符头/Notehead(s)/Notehead(s)/Notehead(s)/Notehead(s) 符头可以是黑色的(圆形或卵形)或白色的,用在五线谱上以表明音高。符头的形状在历史 上有很多种,比如在单音歌颂中。 Noteheads may be black (a circular or oval shape filled in) or white and are used on the staff to indicate pitch. The shape of noteheads has differed historically, as in plainchant. 符干/Stem/Stem/Stem/Stem 符干连接符头,用于表明时值。因此全音符没有符干,二分音符(全音符长度的一半)的时 值,用在全音符上加一条符干来表示。 Stems attached to noteheads are used to indicate relative duration. Thus the whole note or semibreve has no stem, but the relative duration of the half note or minim, half the length of the whole note is indicated by the addition of a stem. 符尾/Flag/Flag/Flag/Flag 习惯上以符尾添加在符干上以表示对时值的进一步划分。带两个符尾的符干,以其外形得名, 表示一个 16分音符,带一个符尾的符干,表示一个 8分音符,以此类推。 Flags have long been added to stems to indicate further divisions of duration. Thus a stem with two flags, so called from their appearance, indicates a 16th note or semiquaver, a note of half the duration of a stem with one flag, an 8th note or quaver, and so on. 谱号/Clef/Clef/Clef/Clef Clef这个单词(等同于法语中的“钥匙”),其用在五线谱上以表明该条线的音名及音高,其 他音可在此递减。常用的有三种谱号,高音谱号(G谱号),低音谱号(F谱号)和 C谱号, 这三种谱号可以出现在任一线上,但最常见的是,中音谱号位于五线谱中加的那条线,高音 谱号位于上数第二条线。谱号常见于谱表中各线的开头,如有必要,也可改变。 The word clef (= key in French) indicates the sign used on the staff to show the letter name and pitch of a line, from which other pitches can be deduced. Three clefs are in common use, the treble or G clef, the bass or F clef and the C clef that may be on any line, but is most often used as an alto clef on the middle line of the staff, or as a tenor clef on the second line from the top. Clefs are normally given at the beginning of each line of written music, and elsewhere if a change of register makes it necessary. 高音谱号/Treble/Treble/Treble/Treble clefclefclefclef 现代的高音谱号(G谱号),外形取自字母 G,用于表示高音,位于谱表五线谱开头,开始 于下数第二条线。它表明,第二条线穿过符头,表示 G调,比标准音乐会音高中的 A(440) 调低一级。 The modern treble clef or G clef, derived in shape from the letter G, is used for the higher registers, drawn on the staff at the beginning of a line of musical notation, starting on the second line from 5 the bottom. It shows that noteheads that have this line running through them indicate the note G, a step below A at 440 in standard concert pitch. 低音谱号/Bass/Bass/Bass/Bass clefclefclefclef 现代的低音谱号(F谱号),外形取自字母 F,用于表示低音,位于谱表五线谱开头, 开始于上数第二条线。它表明,第二条线穿过符头,表示 F调,比标准音乐会音高中的 A(220) 调低一级。 The modern bass clef or F clef, derived in shape from the letter F, is used for lower registers, drawn on the staff at the beginning of a line of musical notation, starting on the second line down from the top. It shows that noteheads that have this line running through them indicate the note F, two steps below A at 220 in standard concert pitch. 大谱表/Grand/Grand/Grand/Grand staffstaffstaffstaff 大谱表由左端用垂直线与花括号连接起来的两个五线谱组成。在钢琴作品中,上面的五线谱 通常标有高音谱号,下面的五线谱标有低音谱号,在钢琴作品或类似乐器作品中,前者通常 为右手弹奏,后者为左手弹奏。 The grand staff is formed by the joining of two staves by a vertical line, brace or bracket at the left, to form one system. In piano music the upper staff usually has a treble clef and the lower a bass clef, the former usually for the right hand and the latter for the left in music for the piano, or for similar instruments. 加线/Ledger/Ledger/Ledger/Ledger lineslineslineslines 加线为较短的水平线,用以表明音调在五线谱之上或之下。 Ledger lines or leger lines are short horizontal lines used to indicate notes that lie above or below the stave. 八度记号/Octave/Octave/Octave/Octave signsignsignsign 八度记号位于五线谱之上或之下,表示一个或若干音调演奏时应高或低八度。通常用 8ve 表示。 The octave sign is used above or below the staff to indicate that a note or notes should be played an octave higher or lower. It is usually given in the form 8ve. 变音记号/Accidentals/Accidentals/Accidentals/Accidentals 变音记号加在音符之前的符号,表示该音符要升高或降低半音或全音。当半音不属于该调, 并且无调号时需要加变音记号。用降或重降号 XXX, 升或重升号 XXX来表示。 Accidentals are signs added before notes to indicate that they should be modified by a half step or semitone or a whole step or whole tone. They are needed when chromatic notes foreign to the key and not indicated in the key-signature occur. These are indicated by the signs for flats or double flats, XXX, sharps and double sharps, XXX. [Signs to be inserted] 降号/Flat/Flat/Flat/Flat 降号,用 XXX表示,用在音符前或在调号上,表明该音高的所有音调降半音。 6 A flat, indicated by a sign XXX before a note, or in the key-signature for all notes of that pitch class, shows that the note so indicated is to be lowered by a half step or semitone. 升号/Sharp/Sharp/Sharp/Sharp 升号,用 XXX表示,用在音符前或在调号上,表明该音高的所有音调升半音。 A sharp, indicated by a sign XXX before a note, or in the key-signature for all notes of that pitch class, shows that the note so indicated is to be raised by a half step or semitone. 还原号/Natural/Natural/Natural/Natural 还原号表示一个音符既不升也不降。在音符前加 XXX表示取消升或降。还原号也可用在调 号改变时,取消升或降。 A natural is a note that is neither sharp nor flat. The sign XXX is used before a note to cancel a sharp or flat that would otherwise be played. The sign may also be used to cancel a sharp or flat when there is a change of key-signature. 重降号/Double/Double/Double/Double flatflatflatflat 重降号,用 XXX表示,加在音符前,表明该音符降低一个全音。 A double flat, indicated by a sign XXX before a note, shows that the note is to be lowered two half steps or semitones. 重升号/Double/Double/Double/Double sharpsharpsharpsharp 重升号,用 XXX表示,加在音符前,表明该音符升高一个全音。 A double sharp, indicated by a sign XXX before a note, shows that the note is to raised two half steps or semitones. 小节线/Bar/Bar/Bar/Bar linelinelineline 小节线是与五线谱或谱表垂直的竖线,与拍号相对应。 A bar line is a vertical line through the staff or system to mark a metrical division, corresponding to the time signature. 终止线/Double/Double/Double/Double barbarbarbar linelinelineline 双小节线由两条与五线谱或谱表垂直的竖线组成,表明一个段落或整个音乐作品的结束。 A double bar line consists of two vertical lines through the staff or system to indicate the end of a section or the end of a piece of music. 连音线/Beams/Beams/Beams/Beams 八度音或四度音或更短音程联结在一起时,用连音线来代替符尾。 Beams are used to replace flags when 8th notes or quavers or notes of shorter duration are grouped together. 7 音阶/Scale/Scale/Scale/Scale 音阶,源自意大利语 scala(楼梯),是一组递增或递减的音。 A scale, from the Italian scala (= stairs or ladder), is a pattern of notes ascending or descending by step. 调式/Scale/Scale/Scale/Scale degreesdegreesdegreesdegrees 调式即为音级。可用数字和名称来表示。自然音阶的第一级为主音,第二级为上主音,第三 级为中音,第四级为下属音,第五级为属音,第六级为下中音,第七级为导音。 The degrees of the scale are the scale-steps. These may be indicated by number or by name. The first degree of the diatonic scale is the tonic, the second the supertonic, the third the mediant, the fourth the subdominant, the fifth the dominant, the sixth the submediant, the seventh the leading tone or leading note. 上行音阶/Ascending/Ascending/Ascending/Ascending scalescalescalescale 上行自然音阶为依次由低到高上升的音。始自主音,调式上行顺序为:主音,上主音,中音, 下属音,属音,下中音,导音,主音。导音 The ascending diatonic scale is the scale going up by step from lower to higher frequencies or pitches. Starting from the tonic or key-note, the scale degrees in ascending order are: tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone or leading note, tonic. 下行音阶/Descending/Descending/Descending/Descending scalescalescalescale 上行自然音阶为依次由高到低下降的音。始自主音,调式下行顺序为:主音,导音,下 中音,属音,下属音,中音 ,上主音,主音。导音 The descending diatonic scale is the scale going down by step from higher to lower frequencies or pitches. Starting from the tonic or key-note, the scale degrees in descending order are: tonic, leading tone or leading note, submediant, dominant, subdominant, mediant, supertonic, tonic. 大音阶/Major/Major/Major/Major scalescalescalescale 大音阶是一种自然音阶,以上升顺序,包括一组全音和半音。半音在第三和第四级音阶,第 七和第八音阶之间,即中音和下属音,导音和主音之间。在钢琴的白键上演奏大音阶,从 C 到 C,递增顺序为 C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. The major scale is a diatonic scale that, in ascending order, consists of a pattern of steps and half steps, or whole tones and semitones. The half steps or semitones occur between the third and fourth degrees of the scale and the seventh and eighth, that is between the mediant and the subdominant and between leading tone or leading note and the tonic. The major scale may be played on the white notes of the piano from C to C, in ascending order C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. 主音/Tonic/Tonic/Tonic/Tonic 主音是音阶的第一级,是基本音。主要以主音去辨认一篇音乐作品的调。在调性音乐中,主 音是最重要的调。 The tonic is the first degree of the scale, the keynote or home note. The key of a piece of music is identified by the tonic. In tonal music it is the most important note in a given key. 属音/Dominant/Dominant/Dominant/Dominant 8 属音是音阶的第五级。在调性音乐中,其是仅次于主音的重要调。属音是主音三和弦中最高 的调,作为基础音,与主音的关系最为密切。 The dominant is the fifth degree of the scale. In tonal music it is next in importance to the tonic. The dominant is the highest note in the tonic triad, and serves as the basis of the key most closely associated with the tonic key, the first of nearly related keys. 下属音/Subdominant/Subdominant/Subdominant/Subdominant 下属音是第四级音,所以得名是因为它是主音下的第五级音阶,在调性音乐中,下属音是较 之属音次重要的音,也是相关音之一。 The subdominant or lower dominant is the fourth degree of the scale, but takes its name from the fact that it is the fifth scale-step below the tonic. In tonal music it is next in importance to the dominant, one of the nearly related keys. 中音/Mediant/Mediant/Mediant/Mediant 中音是第三级音,在主音和属音之间。主音,中音和属音一同构成主音三和弦。 The mediant is the third degree of the scale and is midway between the tonic and the dominant. Tonic, mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad. 下中音/Submediant/Submediant/Submediant/Submediant 下中音是第六级音,在下属音和主音之间。下属音,下中音和主音共同构成下属音三和弦。 The submediant is the sixth degree of the scale and is midway between the subdominant or lower dominant and the tonic. Subdominant, submediant and tonic together form the subdominant triad. 导音/Leading/Leading/Leading/Leading tonetonetonetone 导音是第七级音,其引导主音并且是主音下的半音。 The leading tone or leading note is the seventh or degree of the scale and is a half step or Leading note semitone below the tonic, to which it leads. 调号/Key/Key/Key/Key SignatureSignatureSignatureSignature 调号位于一篇音乐作品或一章节的开始部分,来表示该作品或章节的调域。升降号画在五线 谱相称的位置上,表示这些调通篇应该升或降,除非升降号被还原号取代。升降号也可画在 调号上以表示调的改变。 A key signature is placed at the beginning of a piece of music or of a section to indicate the key of the piece or section. Sharps or flats are drawn at the appropriate place on the staff, showing that the notes so indicated should be sharpened or flattened throughout, unless the sharp or flat is cancelled by a natural sign. This last may also be in a key signature to show changes in key. 升号/Sharp/Sharp/Sharp/Sharp keyskeyskeyskeys 一篇调性音乐作品的调取决于所使用的自然音阶。带升号的大音阶开始于 G,恰好是 C上 的第五级。C调既无升号也无降号,但是 G调却需要一个升号以确保开始于 G调的一系列 音形成必需的一组全音和半音,以及介于导音和主音间的半音。G大调,带一个升号,D大 调开始于第五级,有两个升号,以此类推。G大调(1);D 大调(2); A大调 (3); E 大调(4); B 大调 (5); 升 F大调(6); 升 C大调(7).每一个调按照上述顺序保持前一个调的上升,并增加一 个新的上升导音。 A piece of tonal music is said to be in a key when it uses as its principal material the notes of a certain diatonic scale. Keys that have sharps in the major scale begin with the scale of G, a perfect 9 fifth above C. The key of C has no sharps or flats, but G needs one sharp to ensure that a series of consecutive notes starting on G forms the necessary pattern of whole steps or whole tones and half steps or semitones, with a half step or semitone between the leading tone or leading note and tonic. The scale and key of G major, therefore, has one sharp, D major starting a perfect fifth higher has two, and so on. G major (1); D major (2); A major (3); E major (4); B major (5); F sharp major (6); C sharp major (7). Each key retains the sharp of the preceding key, in the order given above, and adds a newly sharpened leading tone or leading note. 降号/Flat/Flat/Flat/Flat keyskeyskeyskeys 一篇调性音乐作品的调取决于所使用的自然音阶。带降号的大音阶开始于 F,恰好是 C下的 第五级。C调既无升号也无降号,但是 F调却需要一个降号以确保开始于 F调的一系
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