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2010应用物理学专业物理系:应用物理第二主修专业培养计划 华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划 应用物理学专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Applied Physics 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 本专业下设理论物理、等离子体物理、凝聚态与材料物理、光学、无线电物理和原子核物理与粒子物理等方向,培养具有宽广而坚实的数理理论基础和熟练科学实验技能,并具有较强的工作适应能力的复合型、创新型人才,既可在物理学、材料学、光电子、信息技术、生物物理、环...
物理系:应用物理第二主修专业培养 华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划 应用物理学专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Applied Physics 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 本专业下设理论物理、等离子体物理、凝聚态与材料物理、光学、无线电物理和原子核物理与粒子物理等方向,培养具有宽广而坚实的数理理论基础和熟练科学实验技能,并具有较强的工作适应能力的复合型、创新型人才,既可在物理学、材料学、光电子、信息技术、生物物理、环境和能源等相关专业攻读研究生,也可以从事相关领域高科技开发及科学管理工作。 This program includes various concentrations, including Theoretical Physics, Plasma Physics,Condensed Matter and Material Physics, Optic, Radiowave Physics, Nuclear Physics and Particle Physcis. It aims to cultivate talents with broadly and basically theoretical and experimental skills in modern applied physics. The graduates can continue further study in the fields of Applied Physics, Material Science, Opto-Electronics, Information technology, Biophysics, Environments and Energy. They are also able to pursue a career of R&D or management in related fields of high-tech industry. 二、基本规格 Ⅱ.Skills Profile 1. 系统地、较好地掌握本专业所需的物理基础理论及物理学的基本实验方法和技能; 2. 掌握本专业必需的数学基础,并具备较高的外语水平和初步运用计算机的能力; 3. 掌握一定的专业物理知识,并进行研究性和应用性的基础训练,具有创新思维能力及解决问题的初步能力。 1. Learn systematically fundamental theories in physics; 2. Learn compulsory Mathematical skills, communication skill in English and computer skills; 3. Learn knowledge in speciality in Physics through basic trainings of research and practical applications, in order to build up a basic ability of creative thinking and problem-solving. 三、培养特色 Ⅲ.Program Features 数理基础扎实,外语及数值计算基础好,适应面宽,能进行多学科结合,开展多方面的工作。 By setting solid foundations in physics and mathematics, and good skills in English and computating, graduate students in this program are able to involve in work in multi-discipline fields. 四、主干学科 Ⅳ.Major Disciplines 凝聚态与材料物理Condensed Matter and Material Physics、等离子体物理Plasma Physics、光学 Optics、精密测量Precision Measurements、核物理与粒子物理Nuclear Physics & Particle Physics、理论物理Theoretical Physics 五、学制与学位 Ⅴ.Length of Schooling and Degree 学制: 四年 Duration: 4 years 授予学位: 理学学士 Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Science 六、学时与学分 Ⅵ.Hours/Credits 完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:192.5 Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training):192.5 完成学业最低课外学分要求:5 Minimum Extracurricular Credits:5 1. 课程体系学时与学分 Hours/Credits of Course System 课程类别 课程性质 学时/学分 占课程体系学分比例(%) 通识教育基础课程 必修 1104/65 36.3 选修 160/10 5.6 学科基 础课程 学科大类基础课程 必修 936/58.5 32.6 学科专业基础课程 必修 224/14 7.8 选修 192/12 6.7 专业课程 选修 320/20 11.1 合计 2936/179.5 100 Course Classified Course Nature Hrs/Crs Percentage (%) Basic Courses in General Education Required 1104/65 36.3 Elective 160/10 5.6 Basic Courses in Discipline Basic Courses in General Discipline Required 936/58.5 32.6 Basic Courses in Discipline Required 224/14 7.8 Elective 192/12 6.7 Courses in Specialty Specialty-Oriented Courses Elective 320/20 11.1 Total 2936/179.5 100 2. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分 Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training 实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数/学分 占实践教学环节学分比例(%) 军事训练 必修 2/2 8.7 公益劳动 必修 1/1 4.3 电工实习 必修 2/2 8.7 生产实习(科研训练) 必修 2/2 8.7 毕业设计(论文) 必修 16/16 69.6 合计 23/23 100 Internship & Practical Training Course Nature Weeks/Credits Percentage (%) Military Training Required 2/2 8.7 Laboring for Public Benefit Required 1/1 4.3 Electrical Engineering Practice Required 2/2 8.7 Engineering Internship (Scientific Research Training) Required 2/2 8.7 Undergraduate Thesis Required 16/16 69.6 Total 23/23 100 3. 课外学分 Extracurricular Credits 序号 课外活动名称 课外活动和社会实践的要求 课外学分 1 社会实践活动 提交社会调查报告,通过答辩者 1 个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践活动积极分子者,集体被校团委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者 2 2 英语及计算机考试 全国大学英语六级考试 考试成绩达到学校要求者 2 全国计算机等级考试 获二级以上证书者 2 全国计算机软件资格、水平考试 获程序员证书者 2 获高级程序员证书者 3 获系统分析员证书者 4 3 竞赛 校级 获一等奖者 3 获二等奖者 2 获三等奖者 1 省级 获一等奖者 4 获二等奖者 3 获三等奖者 2 全国 获一等奖者 6 获二等奖者 4 获三等奖者 3 4 论文 在全国性刊物发论文 每篇论文 2~3 5 科研 视参与科研项目时间与科研能力 每项 1~3 6 实验 视创新情况 每项 1~3 注:参加校体育运动会获第一名、第二名者与校级一等奖等同,获第三名至第五名者与校级二等奖等同,获第六至第八名者与校级三等奖等同。 No. Extracurricular Activities and Social Practice Requirements Extracurricular Credits 1 Activities of Social Practice Submit report and pass oral defense 1 Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province; Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province 2 CET-6 Students whose Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements 2 continue No. Extracurricular Activities and Social Practice Requirements Extracurricular Credits 2 Examinations in English and Computer National Computer Rank Examination Win certificate of Band-2 or higher 2 National Computer Software Qualification Win certificate of programmer 2 Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 3 Win certificate of System Analyst 4 University Level Win first prize 3 Win second prize 2 Win third prize 1 Provincial Level Win first prize 4 Win second prize 3 Win third prize 2 National Level Win first prize 6 Win second prize 4 Win third prize 3 4 Thesis Those whose thesis appears in national publications Per piece 2~3 5 Scientific Research Depending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research project Each item 1~3 6 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 1~3 Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level. 七、主要课程 Ⅶ.Main Courses 基础课程Core Courses:力学Mechanics、热学Thermal Physics、电磁学Electromagnetics、光学Optics、原子物理学Atomic Physics、理论力学Theoretical Mechanics、电动力学Electrodynamics、数学物理方法Mathematical Methods in Physics、热力学与统计物理学Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics、量子力学Quantum Mechanics、固体物理(一)Solid State Physics (Ⅰ)、普通物理实验General Physics Lab Experiments、综合物理实验Comprehensive Lab Experiments、近代物理实验Lab Experiments of Modern Physics、计算物理Computational Physics、模拟电子技术Analogue Electronics、数字电子技术Digital Electronics、微机原理与接口Principle of Microcomputer and Interface、 专业课程Specialization Courses:固体物理(二)Solid State Physics (II)、凝聚态物理专题Topics on Condensed Matter Physics、材料物理导论Introduction to Material physics、等离子体物理导论Introduction to Plasma Physics、等离子体应用Applications of Plasma Physics、等离子体诊断Plasma Diagnostics、光电子技术Optoelectronic Techniques、激光物理Laser Physics、天体物理导论Introduction to Astrophysics、物理生物学导论Introduction to Physical Biology、计算机模拟与符号计算Computer Simulation and Symbolic Calculation、精密测量物理导论Introduction to Physics of Precision Measurements、误差分析与数据处理Error Analysis & Data Processing、核物理与粒子物理Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics、核技术Nuclear Technology 八、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验) Ⅷ.Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments) 科学研究训练Science Research Practice、毕业设计Undergraduate Thesis 九、教学进程 Ⅸ.Table of Teaching Schedule 院(系):物理学院 专业:应用物理学 School (Department): School of Physics Specialty: Applied Physics 课程 类别 Course Classi- fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 通识教育基础课程Basic Courses in General Education 必 修 Required 0301901 思想道德修养与法律基础 Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law 48/3 12 36 必 修 Required 0100721 中国近现代史纲要 Survey of Modern Chinese History 32/2 8 24 必 修 Required 0100881 马克思主义基本原理 Basic Theory of Marxism 48/3 12 36 必 修 Required 0100931 思政课社会实践 Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course 32/2 28 4 必 修 Required 0100321 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics 64/4 64 必 修 Required 0100741 形势与政策 Current Affairs and Policy 32/2 14 3 3 3 3 3 3 必 修 Required 0510071 中国语文 Chinese 32/2 32 必 修 Required 0500015 大学英语(一) College English (Ⅰ) 56/3.5 56 必 修 Required 0500017 大学英语(二) College English (Ⅱ) 56/3.5 56 必 修 Required 0500019 大学英语(三) College English (Ⅲ) 56/3.5 56 必 修 Required 0503019 大学英语(四) College English (Ⅳ) 56/3.5 56 必 修 Required 0400111 大学体育(一) Physical Education(Ⅰ) 32/1 32 必 修 Required 0400121 大学体育(二) Physical Education(Ⅱ) 32/1 32 续表 课程 类别 Course Classi- fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 通识教育基础课程Basic Courses in General Education 必 修 Required 0400131 大学体育(三) Physical Education(Ⅲ) 32/1 32 必 修 Required 0400141 大学体育(四) Physical Education(Ⅳ) 32/1 32 必 修 Required 1200011 军事理论 Military Theory 16/1 16 必 修 Required 0800171 大学计算机基础 Fundamentals of computer technology 32/2 12 32 必 修 Required 0812313 C++语言程序设计 Advanced Programming Language (VC++) 56/3.5 20 56 必 修 Required 0800121 模拟电子技术(一) Analogue Electronics (Ⅰ) 64/4 16 64 必 修 Required 0800131 数字电子技术 Digital Electronics 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0811033 微机原理与接口 Principle of Microcomputer and Interface 64/4 8 64 必 修 Required 0700011 微积分(一)上 Calculus (Ⅰ) 88/5.5 88 必 修 Required 0700012 微积分(一) 下 Calculus (Ⅱ) 88/5.5 88 必 修 Required 0702541 普通化学 General Chemistry 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0801663 工程制图(一) Engineering Cartography (Ⅰ) 40/2.5 40 必 修 Required 0700051 线性代数(一) Linear Algebra (Ⅰ) 40/2.5 40 必 修 Required 0700063 概率论与数理统计(三) Probability and Statistics (Ⅲ) 40/2.5 40 人文社科类选修课程 Electives in the Humanities and Social Sciences 160/10 必 修 Required 0702432 物理学史 History of Physics 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0800631 力学 Mechanics 64/4 64 必 修 Required 0800641 热学 Thermal Physics 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0704832 基础物理实验(一) Fundamental Physics Lab Experiments(Ⅰ) 32/2 32 续表 课程 类别 Course Classi- fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 学科基础课程·学科大类基础Basic Courses in General Discipline 必 修 Required 0706033 基础物理实验(二) Fundamental Physics Lab Experiments(Ⅱ) 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0700461 数学物理方法 Mathematical Methods in Physics 80/5 80 必 修 Required 0800651 电磁学 Electromagnetics 80/5 80 必 修 Required 0706251 矢量与张量分析 Vector and Tensor Analyses 32/2 32 必 修 Required 0800661 光学 Optics 72/4.5 72 必 修 Required 0700441 原子物理 Atomic Physics 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0827701 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 72/4.5 72 必 修 Required 0800681 电动力学(一) Electrodynamics(Ⅰ) 72/4.5 72 必 修 Required 0706221 综合物理实验 Comprehensive Lab Experiments 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0800694 热力学与统计物理 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 72/4.5 72 必 修 Required 0800371 量子力学 (一) Quantum Mechanics (Ⅰ) 72/4.5 72 必 修 Required 0706231 近代物理实验(一) Lab Experiments of Modern Physics(Ⅰ) 48/3 48 48 必 修 Required 0706241 近代物理实验(二) Lab Experiments of Modern Physics(Ⅱ) 48/3 48 48 必 修 Required 0700143 固体物理(一) Solid State Physics(Ⅰ) 64/4 64 必 修 Required 0700333 计算物理 Computational Physics 64/4 20 64 必 修 Required 0706261 课题设计性物理实验 Special Topics of Lab Experiments 48/3 48 48 选 修 Elective 0705871 误差分析与数据处理 Error analysis and data processing 32/2 32 选 修 Elective 0706271 核物理与粒子物理 Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics 64/4 64 选 修 Elective 070051 广义相对论与宇宙学 General Relativity and Cosmology 48/3 48 选 修 Elective 0700150 声学导论 Introduction to Acoustics 48/3 48 续表 课程 类别 Course Classi- fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 专业课程Specialty-Oriented Courses 专业选修课程 Electives in Specialty 320/20 选 修 Elective 0800752 计算机模拟与符号计算 Computer Simulation and Symbolic Calculation 40 /2.5 20 40 选 修 Elective 0700561 等离子体物理导论 Imroduction to Plasma Physics 48/3 48 选 修 Elective 0700522 材料物理导论 Introduction to Material Physics 48/3 48 选 修 Elective 0700721 光电子技术 Optoelectronic Technique 32/2 32 选 修 Elective 0706052 等离子体应用 Applications of Plasma Physics 32/2 32 选 修 Elective 0706311 凝聚态物理专题 Subject on Condensed Matter Physics 32/2 32 选 修 Elective 0706331 物理学前沿专题 Topics on Frontier Physics 48/3 48 选 修 Elective 0706291 天体物理导论 Introduction to Astrophysics 48/3 48 选 修 Elective 0706301 物理生物学导论 Introduction to Physical Biology 32/2 32 选 修 Elective 0706065 等离子体诊断 Plasma Diagnostics 48/3 48 选 修 Elective 0706362 固体物理(二) Solid State Physics(Ⅱ) 40/2.5 40 选 修 Elective 0700551 激光物理 Laser Physics 40/2.5 40 选 修 Elective 0706321 核技术 Nuclear Technology 40/2.5 40 选 修 Elective 0706341 精密测量物理导论 Introduction to Physics of Pecision Masurements 40/2.5 40 实践环节Internship and Practical Training 必 修 Required 1300012 军事训练 Military Training 2w/2 2w 必 修 Required 1300032 电工实习 Electrical Engineering Practice 2w/2 2 w 必 修 Required 1300082 生产实习(科学研究训练) Engineering Internship 2w/2 2w 必 修 Required 1300021 公益劳动 Labouring for Public Benefit 1w/1 1w 必 修 Required 1300066 毕业设计(论文) Undergraduate Thesis 16w/16 16w 应用物理学第二主修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for the Second Specialty in Applied Physics 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 培养物理基础扎实、知识面宽广、同时具有良好科学实验训练的具有较强工作适应能力的理工结合的复合型、创新型人才,既可在物理学、材料学、激光、电子、电信、生物、环境、管理等方面工作,又可攻读相关专业研究生,也能从事相关领域高科技开发及科学管理工作。 This program aims to nurture talents with sound and basic theory and practiced experiment skills in the field of modern applied physics. The graduates can further their study in subjects like Physics, Materials Science, Laser, Electronics, Telecommunications, Biology, Environments and Management. They are also able to pursue a career of researching, developing or managing in some correlative fields of applied physics. 二、学位 Ⅱ.Degree Conferred 理学学士 Bachelor of Science 三、学分 Ⅲ.Credits 完成学业最低学分要求:55 Minimum Course Credits:55 其中: Including: 学科大类基础课程:31学分 Basic Courses in General Discipline:31 学科专业基础课程:11 学分 Basic Courses in Discipline:11 专业课程:8学分 Specialty-Oriented Courses:8 毕业设计:5学分 Undergraduate Thesis:5 四、教学进程计划表 Ⅳ.Table of Teaching Schedule 课程 类别 Course Classi- fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 学科大类基础课程Basic Courses in General Discipline 必 修 Required 0800651 电磁学 Electromagnetics 72/4.5 72 必 修 Required 0700461 数学物理方法 Mathematical Methods in Physics 80/5 80 必 修 Required 0800661 光学 Optics 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0700441 原子物理 Atomic Physics 48/3 48 必 修 Required 0800671 分析力学 Analytical Mechanics 56/3.5 56 必 修 Required 0800681 电动力学 Electrodynamics 72/4.5 72 必 修 Required 0800694 热力学与统计物理 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 64/4 64 必 修 Required 0800371 量子力学 (一) Quantum Mechanics(Ⅰ) 72/4.5 72 学科专业基础课程Basic Courses in Discipline 必 修 Required 0700451 近代物理实验 Experiments of Modern Physics 96/6 96 96 必 修 Required 0816461 纳米材料技术实验 Experiments on Nanometer Material Techniques 48/3 48 48 必 修 Required 0704851 现代光学与量子技术实验 Experiments on Modern Optics and Quantum Technology 32/2 32 32 专业课程Specialty-Oriented Courses 专业选修课程 Electives in Specialty 128/8 选 修 Elective 0704841 综合设计与创新物理实验 Synthetical Design and Innovative Experiments on Physics 32/2 32 32 选 修 Elective 0700561 等离子体物理 Plasma Physics 32/2 32 选 修 Elective 0700511 材料物理导论 Introduction to Material Physics 32/2 32 选 修 Elective 0700721 光电子技术 Optoelectronic Technique 32/2 32 选 修 Elective 0702672 纳米材料学 Nanometer Material Science 40/2.5 40 选 修 Elective 0700571 广义相对论与宇宙学 General Relativity and Cosmology 40/2.5 40 续表 课程 类别 Course Classi- fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hours Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 选 修 Elective 0700501 固体物理(上) Solid State Physics 64/4 64 选 修 Elective 0700143 固体物理(下) Solid State Physics 40/3 40 选 修 Elective 0700551 激光物理 Laser Physics 40/2.5 40 实践环节Internship and Practical Training 必 修 Required 1300038 毕业设计(论文) Undergraduate Thesis 5w/5 5w 应用物理学辅修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Auxiliary Specialty in Applied Physics 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 培养物理基础较扎实、知识面较宽、且具有良好科学实验训练的具有较强工作适应能力的理工结合的复合型、创新型人才。 This program aims to nurture talents with sound and basic theory and practiced experiment skills in the field of modern applied physics. 二、学分 Ⅱ.Credits 完成学业最低学分要求:31.5 Minimum Course Credits:31.5 其中: Includ
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