首页 > 2010年考研英语高分冲刺模拟试题及详细解析(第五套试题)


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2010年考研英语高分冲刺模拟试题及详细解析(第五套试题) 无需积分,无需回复,只要你带宽足够大,你资料就足够多!大家网考研论坛http://club.topsage.com/forum-28-1.html真正的全免费公益性考研论坛,等待您的光临! 声明:本资料由 大家论坛考研论坛http://club.topsage.com/forum-28-1.html 收集整理,转载请注明出自 http://club.topsage.com 2010年考研英语高分冲刺模拟试题六套(五) 2010年考研英语高分冲刺模拟试题及详细解析(第五套试题) Section Ⅰ Use of E...
无需积分,无需回复,只要你带宽足够大,你资料就足够多!大家网考研论坛http://club.topsage.com/forum-28-1.html真正的全免费公益性考研论坛,等待您的光临! 声明:本资料由 大家论坛考研论坛http://club.topsage.com/forum-28-1.html 收集整理,转载请注明出自 http://club.topsage.com 2010年考研英语高分冲刺模拟试题六套(五) 2010年考研英语高分冲刺模拟试题及详细解析(第五套试题) Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) A recent poll indicated that half the teenagers in the United States believe that communication between them and their parents is__1__and further that one of the prime causes of this gap is __2__listening behavior. As a(an)__3__ in point, one parent believed that her daughter had a severe__4__problem. She was so __5__that she took her to an audiologist to have her ear tested. The audiologist carefully tested both ears and reported back to the parent:“There’s nothing wrong with her hearing. She’s just __6__you out.” A leading cause of the __7__divorce rate (more than half of all marriages end in divorce) is the failure of husbands and wives to __8__effectively. They don’t listen to each other. Neither person__9__to the actual message sent by the other. In __10__fashion, political scientists report that a growing number of people believe that their elected and __11__officials are out of__12__with the constituents they are supposedly __13__. Why? Because they don’t believe that they listen to them. In fact, it seems that sometimes our politicians don’t even listen to themselves. The following is a true story: At a national__14__conference held in Albuquerque some years ago, then Senator Joseph Montoya was__15__a copy of a press release by a press aide shortly before he got up before the audience to__16__ a speech. When he rose to speak,__17__the horror of the press aide and the__18__of his audience, Montoya began reading the press release, not his speech. He began, “For immediate release. Senator Joseph M. Montoya, Democrat of New Mexico, last night told the National...” Montoya read the entire six-page release,__19__ with the statement that he “was repeatedly __20__by applause.” 1.[A] scarce [B] little [C] rare [D] poor 2.[A] malignant [B] deficient [C] ineffective [D] feeble 3.[A] case [B] example [C] lesson [D] suggestion 4.[A] audio [B] aural [C] hearing [D] listening 5.[A] believing [B] convinced [C] assured [D] doubtless 6.[A] turning [B] tuning [C] tucking [D] tugging 7.[A] rising [B] arising [C] raising [D] arousing 8.[A] exchange [B] interchange [C] encounter [D] interact 9.[A] relates [B] refers [C] responds [D] resorts 10.[A] like [B] alike [C] likely [D] likewise 11.[A] nominated [B] selected [C] appointed [D] supported 12.[A] connection [B] reach [C] association [D] touch 13.[A] leading [B] representing [C]delegating [D] supporting 14.[A] legislative [B] legitimate [C] legalized [D] liberal 15.[A] distributed [B] awarded [C] handed [D] submitted 16.[A] present [B] publish [C] deliver [D] pursue 17.[A] to [B] with [C] for [D] on 18.[A] joy [B] enjoyment [C] amusement [D] delight 19.[A] conclude [B] to conclude [C] concluding [D] concluded 20.[A] disrupted [B] interfered [C] interrupted [D] stopped 答案 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.C 总体 本文主要讨论了听行为对人际交流的影响。文章第一段从父母和子女之间的交流出发,说明儿女不听父母的话造成了他们之间的隔阂。第二段从婚姻的角度出发,说明夫妻双方的互不理睬造成交流不畅,从而使离婚率上升。第三段从政治的角度出发,说明政府官员不聆听选民甚至不在意自己所说的话,造成官民隔阂。例证法是本文采用的主要的论证方法。 试题精解 1.[精解] 本题考查考生通过上下文选择适当的形容词的能力。空格处填入的形容词在句子中充当表语,说明“青少年与父母的交流是__1__”。首先排除[C]项rare“希罕的,珍贵的”,因为它强调事物因罕见而珍贵,而文中需要的是表贬义的词。空格后面部分提到,造成这种隔阂(gap)的首要原因是听的行为。由此可知,这里讨论的是听对人与人之间交流效果的影响,不是交流少,而是交流不好,所以[D]项poor“质差的,效率低的,不理想的”正确。scarce“缺乏的,不足的”;little“很少的,几乎无”。 2.[精解] 本题考查考生通过上下文选择适当的形容词的能力。空格处填入的形容词修饰listening behavior,说明“__2__听的行为会造成父母和孩子之间沟通不好”。[A]项malignant“恶性的,恶意的”贬义程度太深,不适合描述父母和孩子之间的行为。[D]项feeble “无效的,无力的”,形容人时表示“虚弱无力的”,形容事物时表示“无效的,无力的”,和[C]项ineffective“无效的,无能的”近义,如a feeble argument/joke无力的证据/干巴巴的笑话。由紧接着的下文的举例可知,这里说的听的行为是指主观上拒绝倾听。因此强调客观效度的[C]、[D]项也不适合。[B]项deficient“不完善的,有缺点的,有缺陷的”,意为not good enough,在文中指“不完善的听的行为”。符合文意。 例句补充:She developed a malignant tumor in her breast(她得了恶性乳腺癌);Our prisons are our most deficient social service(监狱是我们社会服务中最不完善的地方);This plan is ineffective(这个不奏效);Some Party organizations are feeble and lax(一些党的组织松散而无力)。 3.[精解] 本题考查考生对固定搭配的掌握程度。a case in point“典型的例子”是固定搭配,指a clear example of something that you are discussing or explaining,相当于for example,引出下文的例子。An example“一个例子”,a lesson“一课,一次教训”;a suggestion“一个建议”,均不与in point搭配。 4.[精解] 本题考查考生对固定搭配的掌握程度。由上下文语义可知,该处意为:一位母亲认为她女儿有严重的听力问题。表达这个含义的固定搭配是hearing problem。[A]项audio“音频的,声频的”,如audio and video equipment(视听设备);[B]项aural “听觉的”,a musical with plenty of visual and aural appeal (一出颇娱人耳目的音乐喜剧);[D]项listening“收听的,注意的”。 5.[精解] 本题考查分词词义和用法的辨析。空格处的形容词与so…that结构搭配,作句子的表语。该句与前一句属于一个意群,都是举例中的叙述内容。根据语义,空格处的词与上句的谓语believe呼应,即she was…结构表示“她相信”。[A]项Believing“有信仰的”无法表达这种含义。[B]项convinced和be搭配,表示“确信的,深信的”,因此原文意为:她(母亲)(对女儿有严重听力问题)如此确信不疑,于是就带着女儿去看听觉病矫治专家……。[C]项assured“确实的,确定的”,修饰人作表语时,一般后面接有of短语或that从句,表示“肯定得到某物或达到某个目标”,如He is assured of a place in the final(他在决赛中肯定有一席之地);[D]项doubtless“无疑的(地),确定的(地)”,多用作副词,做形容词修饰人时指“免除危险的恐惧,感到安全”,如The child slept doubtless and secure. 6.[精解] 本题考查短语动词词义的辨析。四个选项中只有[C]项的核心动词tuck“把……夹入,把……藏入”不能与空格后的sb. out结构搭配,如He tucked the letter in a book so he wouldn’t lose it(他把那封信夹在一本书里以免丢失)。但其他三个选项的含义符合上下文的只有[B]项,tune sb. out“不理睬,不注意 ”,文中表示“女儿不理睬她的母亲”。Turn sb out“赶出,解雇,罢免”,如The voters turned out their local representatives(选民把他们的当地代表给罢免了);tug sb out“费力拉出或拖出”,如 We tugged her out(我们费力地把她拉了出来)。 7.[精解] 本题考查形容词词义的辨析。空格处填入的形容词修饰divorce rate,在含义上是指夫妻间倾听失败的结果。[A]项Rising与divorce rate 搭配意为“上升的离婚率”,符合文意。[B]项arising多作后置定语,接out of或from sth.,表示“由...引起/产生的”,如injuries arising out of an accident(由事故造成的伤害)。[C]项raise是及物动词,因此作定语表达“提高的,提升的”含义时,常用过去分词,如raised eyebrow;[D]项arouse“激起,唤醒”,也是及物动词,因此也常用过去分词作定语,如aroused curiosity(激起的兴趣)。它们的现在分词形式raising和arousing多在句中作状语。 8.[精解] 本题考查动词词义的辨析。空格处填入的动词是说明“夫妻之间8的失败导致了离婚率的上升”。全文主要讨论了人与人之间的交流问题,所以[D]项interact“交流,相互作用”正确,如Playing a game is a way for a family to interact(一起做游戏是家庭交流的一种方法)。[A]项exchange“交换,兑换”,如They exchanged heated words(他们激烈争吵);[B]项interchange“互换,使相互易位”,如The two boys interchanged caps(两个孩子把帽子换着戴);[C]项encounter“遭遇,遇到”,如I encountered a former classmate in the theatre(我在戏院里偶然遇到一位老同学)。 9.[精解] 本题考查动词词义的辨析。空格处填入的动词应与to搭配,并符合文意。由前文的They don’t listen to each other(他们对对方的话充耳不闻)可知,[C]项responds“作答,作出反应,响应”符合文意,如The government responded to pressure and dropped the proposal(政府感受到压力之后撤销了那项提议),原文意为:每个人对对方传达的确切信息都毫无反应。Relate to“和……有关;欣赏,领略”,如I can’t relate to that kind of music(我不能欣赏那种音乐);refer to“提到,指称;参考”,如He often referred to notes while speaking(他演讲时常看讲稿);resort to“常去;求助,诉诸”,如If persuasion won’t work, we may have to resort to force(如果说服工作不见效,我们可能只得诉诸武力)。 10.[精解] 本题考查形近词的辨析。第二段和第三段分别论述了听的行为影响交流效果的例子。空格所在短语起过渡作用,表达“类似的,相似的”意思。[A]项like“相似的,同样的”构成的搭配in like fashion意为“以同样的方式”。[B]项alike“相同的,相似的”多做表语,不在名词前做定语,如My mother and I are alike in many ways(我和妈妈有很多相似之处);[C]项likely“很可能的,可靠的”语义与文意不符;[D]项likewise“同样地,照样地,又”是副词,不能直接修饰名词,也应排除。 11.[精解] 本题考查考生通过上下文选择适当的形容词的能力。空格处的形容词与elected并列,一起修饰officials,是同时存在或前后相继的关系。[C]项appointed“指定的”符合文意,即“选举后被指派的官员”。[A]项nominated“提名的,推荐的”,其动作应发生在elect之前;[B]项selected“挑选的”、[D]项supported“支持的,拥护的”与elected(选举的)意思重叠。 12.[精解] 本题考查考生通过上下文选择适当的名词的能力。空格处填入的名词应与out of和with搭配,且符合文意。[B]项reach“范围,影响”不能与with搭配,常见用法为sth. is out of reach或 sth. is out of the reach of sb.,意为“(某人)手不能及,够不到”。[A]项connection“关系,连接”、[C]项association“联合,联想”均不与out of搭配,[A]项用法是in connection with sb./sth.“与...有关/相关”,[C]项用法是in association with sb./sth.“与...一起联合”。[D]项out of touch with sb.意为“和...没有联系/脱节”,原文的含义是“官员们由于不听选民的意见而与选民失去了联系,不知民众疾苦”,[D]项正确。 13.[精解] 本题考查通过上下文选择适当的动词的能力。空格处所在部分“they are 13”是定语从句,修饰先行词constituents. 填入的分词形式所表示的是代词they即上文的officials对constituents所做的动作。西方国家的政府官员是由选民选举产生,理论上是选民的代表,为人们服务,represent意为“代表,表现”,所以[B]项正确。lead“领导”;delegate“委派……为代表”;support“支持”。 14.[精解] 本题考查通过上下文选择适当的形容词的能力。空格处的形容词与conference搭配。由下文参议员的讲话等可知,该处意为“立法会议”,[A]项legislative“立法的,立法机关的”正确。[B]项legitimate意为“合法的,正统的”;[C]项legalized “使合法化的 ”;[D]项liberal“自由主义的,不拘泥的”显然不合文意。 15.[精解] 本题考查通过上下文选择适当动词的能力。空格处填入动词的被动形式,该动作的实际发出者是a press aide,直接宾语是a copy of a press release,间接宾语是Senator Joseph Montoya,含义为“一份新闻稿被新闻助理...给参议员”。由于新闻助理与参议员没有直接的上下级关系,award“授于,判给”、submit“提交,递交”分别表示上对下和下对上的动作,所以[B]、[D]项不正确。又由于文章没有分发新闻稿的语境,所以[A]项distribute“分发,分配”也不能用。只有[C]项hand“交给,递给”符合语意。 16.[精解] 本题考查动词词义的辨析。[A]、[B]和[C]项都能与speech搭配,[C]项deliver“发表(一篇演说等),陈述”,指口头发表,符合文意。[A]项present“介绍,赠送,呈现”,放入文中指再度呈现或演示别人(一般为名人)的演说;[B]项publish“公布,发表”,指在报刊、杂志等上发表;pursue“追赶,从事”,不与speech搭配。与speech搭配的动词还有make,give。 17.[精解] 本题考查介词的用法。介词to“致,致使(表结果)”的一个搭配是“to one’s+情感名词”用作结果状语,意为“令人(喜、怒、哀、乐……)的”。One’s既可是形容词性物主代词,也可以是名词所有格。文中to the horror of the press aide意为“使新闻助理大吃一惊的是”。[B]项with“同……,和……”表伴随;[C]项for“为了”,表目的;[D]项on“关于,涉及”,表主题。 18.[精解] 本题考查名词词义的辨析。空格处填入的名词与of the audience搭配,表明听众对参议员这一举动的反应。[A]项joy“欢乐,喜悦”、[B]项enjoyment“享乐,快乐”、[D]项delight“高兴,喜悦”三个备选项都有“愉快、高兴”的意思,相当于pleasure。显然均不合文意。[C]amusement“乐,趣味”,指 the feeling you have when you think something is funny,文中to sb’s amusement意为:令某人觉得有趣的是。 19.[精解] 本题考查分词短语作状语。空格所在部分和主语谓语read都是主语Montoya发出的动作,空格所在的动作做状语,即“他在新闻稿的末尾总结到...”,能够担任此语法功能的只有现在分词,所以[C]项concluding正确,相当于and he concluded with…。 20.[精解] 本题考查动词词义的辨析。空格处填入的动词被动式应表达掌声对参议员讲话的影响。[A]、[C]两项都有“中断”的意思,但disrupt“使中断,使陷入混乱,破坏”,意为to prevent something from continuing in its usual way by causing problems,常指不好事件的发生,如Traffic was disrupted by floods(交通因洪水而中断),不合文意;interrupt“(使)中断”,指to stop someone from continuing what they are saying or doing by suddenly speaking to them, making a noise etc,符合文意。interfer“干涉,干预”;stop“使停止,使停下来”。 全文翻译 最近的一项民意测验显示:美国一半的青少年认为他们与父母的交流不好,而且造成这种隔阂的一个首要原因是有不理想的倾听行为。一个典型的例子是,一位母亲认为她女儿有严重的听力问题。她对此确信无疑,于是就带着女儿去听觉病矫治专家那儿检查她的耳朵。专家仔细检查了两只耳朵,然后告诉这位母亲说:“她的听力没问题,只是不理睬你而已。” 离婚率上升(一半以上的婚姻以离婚告终)的一个首要原因是夫妻间不能有效地交流。他们彼此充耳不闻。两人对对方发出的确切信息都毫无反应。 同样地,据政治科学家报道,越来越多的人相信他们选举指派的官员与其本应代表的选民失去了联系。为什么呢?因为这些人认为他们不需要倾听选民的意见。实际上,有时我们的政治家们似乎连自己的声音都不听。下面是一个真实的例子:在几年前亚柏克尔克举行的全国立法会议上,一位新闻助理在当时的参议员约瑟夫·蒙图亚演讲前交给了他一份新闻稿。令该新闻助理大吃一惊而使听众感到有趣的是,当蒙图亚起来讲话时,他读的不是演讲稿而是那份新闻稿。蒙图亚先生以“即时新闻稿。新墨西哥州的民主党参议员约瑟夫·蒙图亚昨晚在全国……上说……”开始,读完了全部的六页新闻稿,并以他“不时被掌声打断”结尾。 Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text 1 As a young bond trader, Buttonwood was given two pieces of advice, trading rules of thumb, if you will: that bad economic news is good news for bond markets and that every utterance dropping from the lips of Paul Volcker, the then chairman of the Federal Reserve, and the man who restored the central bank’s credibility by stomping on runaway inflation, should be respected than Pope’s orders. Today’s traders are, of course, a more sophisticated bunch. But the advice still seems good, apart from two slight drawbacks. The first is that the well-chosen utterances from the present chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, is of more than passing difficulty. The second is that, of late, good news for the economy has not seemed to upset bond investors all that much. For all the cheer that has crackled down the wires, the yield on ten-year bonds—which you would expect to rise on good economic news—is now, at 4.2%, only two-fifths of a percentage point higher than it was at the start of the year. Pretty much unmoved, in other words. Yet the news from the economic front has been better by far than anyone could have expected. On Tuesday November 25th, revised numbers showed that America’s economy grew by an annual 8.2% in the third quarter, a full percentage point more than originally thought, driven by the ever-spendthrift American consumer and, for once, corporate investment. Just about every other piece of information coming out from special sources shows the same strength. New houses are still being built at a fair clip. Exports are rising, for all the protectionist crying. Even employment, in what had been mocked as a jobless recovery, increased by 125,000 or thereabouts in September and October. Rising corporate profits, low credit spreads and the biggest-ever rally in the junk-bond market do not, on the face of it, suggest anything other than a deep and long-lasting recovery. Yet Treasury-bond yields have fallen. If the rosy economic backdrop makes this odd, making it doubly odd is an apparent absence of foreign demand. Foreign buyers of Treasuries, especially Asian certral banks, who had been swallowing American government debt like there was no tomorrow, seem to have had second thoughts lately. In September, according to the latest available figures, foreigners bought only $56 billion of Treasuries, compared with $25.1 billion the previous month and an average of $38.7 billion in the preceding four months. In an effort to keep a lid on the yen’s rise, the Japanese central bank is still busy buying dollars and parking the money in government debt. Just about everyboby else seems to have been selling. 1. The advice for Buttonwood suggests that _____. [A] Paul Volcker enjoyed making comments on controlling inflation [B] the Federal Reserve has an all-capable power over inflation control [C] economy has the greatest influence upon the daily life of ordinary people [D] the economic sphere and bond markets are indicative of each other 2. The word “passing”(Line 7, Paragraph 1) most probably means_____. [A] instant [B] trivial [C] simple [D] negligible 3. Which of the following is responsible for the rapid economic growth in the US? [A] Domestic consumers. [B] Foreign investments. [C] Real estate market. [D] Recovering bond market. 4. According to the last paragraph, most Asian central banks are becoming _____. [A] rather regretful [B] less ambitious [C] more cautious [D] speculative 5. The phrase “keep a lid on”(Line 6, Paragraph 3) most probably means_____. [A] put an end to [B] set a limit on [C] tighten the control over [D] reduce the speed of 答案 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 总体分析 本文是一篇介绍美国债券市场的文章。 第一段:通过叙述年轻的债券交易员获得的建议说明目前债券市场的状况有些出人意料。 第二段:指出在经济发展形势一片大好的背景下,国债收益率却在下降。 第三段:指出对美国国债的国外需求也出现疲软。 试题精解 1.巴腾渥德得到的建议表明_____。 [A] 保罗·沃尔克喜欢就控制通货膨胀发表评论 [B] 联邦储备局在控制通货膨胀上有着超凡的力量 [C] 经济对普通人的日常生活影响最大 [D] 经济领域和证券市场互为表征 [精解] 本题考查推理引申。第一段首句提到巴腾渥德得到的两条建议。第一条建议是:“经济方面的坏消息对于债券市场来说却是好消息”。由此可知,从经济领域和证券市场中一方的状况可以反推出另一方的状况。因此[D]正确,be indicative of sth.意为“表明,暗示,标示”。第二条建议是:“美国联邦储备局前主席说的话都是金玉良言”。由此只能推知这位美国联邦储备局前主席说的话很有分量,不能推出他“喜欢评论(enjoyed making comments)”。从该句可知,沃尔克曾通过重踏来势迅猛的通货膨胀重建了央行的信誉。restore一词表明联邦储备局,即,美国的中央银行在控制通货膨胀上也曾经失利,排除[B]。[C]无从推知。 2. 第一段第八行的“passing”最可能的含义是_____。 [A] 立即的 [B] 琐碎的 [C] 简单的 [D] 微不足道的 [精解] 本题考查词义理解。passing一词出现在第一段第四句。其上文提到,“债券交易员得到的两条建议有两处细微的缺陷。第一点是要从现任联邦储备局主席的嘴里听到精确而有分量的话不只是……的困难(more than passing difficulty)”。显然这一内容是针对上文第二条建议(即,美国联邦储备局前主席说的话都是金玉良言)而讲的。由“缺陷”(drawbacks)一词可知,从现任联邦储备局主席那听到金玉良言是非常困难的,这种困难不是“微不足道的”,因此[D]正确。 3. 下面哪一个是美国经济快速增长的原因? [A] 国内消费者。 [B] 外国投资。 [C] 房地产市场。 [D] 正在恢复的债券市场。 [精解] 本题考查事实细节。由第二段第二句可知,美国经济第三季度呈现快速增长,这种增长是由一直以来挥霍无度的美国消费者以及仅此一次的公司投资带来的(driven by...)。由此可知[A]是促进经济增长的原因之一。另外一个原因是“公司投资(corporate investment)”,而非“外国投资”,排除[B]。下文虽然提到“新房子建造速度快”,但它是经济增长的表现,而非原因。[D]在文中没有作为经济增长的原因被提及。 4. 根据文章最后一段,大部分亚洲中央银行正变得_____。 [A] 相当悔恨 [B] 不那么有野心 [C] 更谨慎 [D] 猜疑 [精解] 本题考查推理引申。文章最后一段第二句提到,一直以来作为美国国债最大的外国买家的亚洲中央银行最近改变了过去的做法。接着该段以具体数据说明外国买家购买美国国债的数量下降。从文中“swallowing American government debt like there was no tomorrow”可看出作者认为大举购买国债的做法是“不谨慎”的,而下文“have had second thoughts”他表明它变得更加慎重,因此[C]为正确答案。 5. 第三段第六行的短语“keep a lid on”最可能的含义是_____。 [A] 结束 [B] 设置限制 [C] 加紧控制 [D] 降低速度 [精解] 本题考查词义理解。“keep a lid on”出现在最后一段倒数第二句,表示对“日元升值”做的动作。下文提到具体做法是:日本中央银行忙于购进美元并且把这些钱转为政府债务。四个选项都是同一方向的表达,根据经济常识,应选[B],表示“限制日元的升值”。 核心或超纲词汇 (1)rules of thumb经验法则,也称ROT,通常是基于以前的经验(比如在一段时间内观察到的平均值)或者更复杂的简化。 (2)stomp(v.)迈着重重的步子走(或跳舞、移动),重踩,重踏 (3)runaway(a.)逃跑的,出走的;失控的;轻易的,迅速的 (4)passing(a.)暂时的,瞬间的;经过的,过往的 (5)(just) for once仅此一次(与通常情况对比而言),如~ he arrived on time.(只有这一次他按时到了。) (6)spendthrift(a./n.)花钱无度的(人),挥霍的(人) (7)at a fast/good/fair/steady, etc. clip迅速,很快地,如Land prices will rise at a healthy clip.(土地价格将快速稳定上涨。) (8)thereabouts(ad.)(通常用于or之后)(时间、数量等)大约,左右,上下 (9)on the face of it表面上看 (10)rally(n.)公众集会;(体育运动或证券交易)止跌回升 (11)Treasury(n.)(英、美等国的)财政部 (12)rosy(a.)红润的;美好的,乐观的,如The future is looking very ~ for our company.(我们公司的前景一片光明。) (13)backdrop(n.)(舞台)背景幕;(事态或活动的)背景 (14)speculative(a.)推测的,猜测的,推断的;投机性的,风险性的 全文翻译 作为一名年轻的债券交易员,巴腾渥德得到了两条建议,如果采纳的话,它们是贸易的经验法则:一,经济方面的坏消息对于债券市场来说就是好消息;二,从美国联邦储备局前主席保罗·沃尔克口中说出的每一句话,都要比大教皇的命令还值得重视。沃尔克通过控制来势迅猛的通货膨胀重建了央行的信誉。当然,如今的交易员是一群更精明的人。但是这些建议除了有两处细微的缺陷外,看上去仍是不错的。首先,要从现任联邦储备局主席阿伦·格林斯潘嘴里听到精确而有分量的话不只是微不足道的困难。第二,最近经济的好消息似乎并没有让债券投资者很不安。尽管欢呼声已经四处响起,但是本来期待由于经济好消息而上涨的10年期债券的收益率现在是4.2%,这仅仅只比年初高了0.4个百分点,换句话说,是几乎没有改变。 但是到目前为止,前沿经济信息比任何人预期的都要好。在11月25日周二,修改后的数据显示,美国经济第三季度年增长率为8.2%,比人们最初设想的多了整整一个百分点。这种增长是由一直以来挥霍无度的美国消费者以及仅此一次的公司投资带来的。从特殊渠道传出的消息每隔一条就呈现这种强劲的增长势头。新房子仍在迅速地建造。尽管地方保护主义者不停地叫嚣,出口量却仍在增长。甚至曾被嘲讽为“失业型复苏”的劳动力市场,在九、十月份也增加了125000个左右的就业岗位。表面上看,公司利润的上升,信贷息差的降低,和迄今为止垃圾债券市场中最大的止跌回升,都在暗示一个全面的、持久的经济复苏。然而,国债收益率却下降了。 如果说大好的的经济背景使这一切变得奇怪,那么显而易见的国外需求的疲软就令其更加奇怪了。国债的外国买家,尤其是一直以来不顾后果、大举购买美国政府债务的亚洲中央银行,最近似乎变得谨慎起来。根据最新数据显示,九月份外国买家仅仅购买了56亿美国国债,与八月份的251亿美元和前四个月平均达到的387亿美元相比,实在相形见绌。为了努力限制日元的升值,日本中央银行仍在忙于购进美元并且把这些钱转为政府债务。但是其他国家几乎都在抛售。 Text 2 We’re moving into another era, as the toxic effects of the bubble and its grave consequences spread through the financial system. Just a couple of years ago investors dreamed of 20 percent returns forever. Now surveys show that they’re down to a “realistic”8 percent to 10 percent range. But what if the next few years turn out to be below normal expectations? Martin Barners of the Bank Credit Analyst in Montreal expects future stock returns to average just 4 percent to 6 percent. Sound impossible? After a much smaller bubble that burst in the mid-1960s Standard & Poor’s 5000 stock average returned 6.9 percent a year (with dividends reinvested) for the following 17 years. Few investors are prepared for that. Right now denial seems to be the attitude of choice. That’s typical, says Lori Lucas of Hewitt, the consulting firm. You hate to look at your investments when they’re going down. Hewitt tracks 500,000 401 (k) accounts every day, and finds that savers are keeping their contributions up. But they’re much less inclined to switch their money around. “It’s the slot-machine effect,” Lucas says. “People get more interested in playing when they think they’ve got a hot machine”—and nothing’s hot today. The average investor feels overwhelmed. Against all common sense, many savers still shut their eyes to the dangers of owning too much company stock. In big companies last year, a surprising 29 percent of employees held at least three quarters of their 402 (k) in their own stock. Younger employees may have no choice. You often have to wait until you’re 50 or 55 before you can sell any company stock you get as a matching contribution. But instead of getting out when they can, old participants have been holding, too. One third of the people 60 and up chose company stock for three quarters of their plan, Hewitt reports. Are they inattentive? Loyal to a fault? Sick? It’s as if Lucent, Enron and Xerox never happened. No investor should give his or her total trust to any particular company’s stock. And while you’re at it, think how you’d be if future stock returns—averaging good years and bad—are as poor as Barnes predicts. If you ask me, diversified stocks remain good for the long run, with a backup in bonds. But I, too, am figuring on reduced returns. What a shame. Dear bubble, I’ll never forget. It’s the end of a grand affair. 1. The investors’ judgment of the present stock returns seems to be _____. [A] fanciful [B] pessimistic [C] groundless [D] realistic 2. In face of the current stock market, most stock-holders_____. [A] stop injecting more money into the stock market [B] react angrily to the devaluing stock [C] switch their money around in the market [D] turn a deaf ear to the warning 3. In the author’s opinion, employees should _____. [A] invest in company stock to show loyalty to their employer
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