
顶级求职英语资料连载(二)——中英文简历及cover letter制作

2010-04-03 15页 pdf 531KB 36阅读




顶级求职英语资料连载(二)——中英文简历及cover letter制作 这份文档可能包含了纽哈斯国际教育咨询拥有的专利,或者未决专利应用的相关内容和素材。提供这份文 档给使用者并不意味着对这些专利的任何授权。 版权所有 ©纽哈斯教育咨询。HiAll 标识和产品名称都是纽哈斯国际教育咨询的商标或者注册商标。其他 标识和产品名称都是各自所有者的商标或者注册商标。 地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路 18 号财智国际大厦 B 座 802 邮编:100083 电话:(8610)82600749 ...
顶级求职英语资料连载(二)——中英文简历及cover letter制作
这份文档可能包含了纽哈斯国际教育咨询拥有的专利,或者未决专利应用的相关和素材。提供这份文 档给使用者并不意味着对这些专利的任何授权。 版权所有 ©纽哈斯教育咨询。HiAll 标识和产品名称都是纽哈斯国际教育咨询的商标或者注册商标。其他 标识和产品名称都是各自所有者的商标或者注册商标。 地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路 18 号财智国际大厦 B 座 802 邮编:100083 电话:(8610)82600749 82600750 邮件:consulting@hiall.com.cn ◆ HiAll 2006-5-5 顶级求职英语培训班 附赠五一超值大礼包 ◆ ——仅需 520 元,即可享受 Job Hunting English 的饕餮盛宴 ★ 一对一点评简历 ★ 赠送优秀简历模版 ★ 赠送优秀求职信函模版 ★ 赠送开放式问题模版 ★ 赠送 SHL、TOEIC 数百道真题及解题技巧 ★ 赠送常见面试问题答案 ★ 现场模拟面试并制作 VCD ★ 课后 Club 聚会 你可以选择平庸,也可以选择卓越。5 月 5 日 Hi All 培训,不见不散。课程结束之后安排全 体学员去音符妹酒吧聚会,安排跟咱们的老师、学员单独沟通的机会。 The Reasons You Can’t Miss It 1.真题练兵 针对各个行业顶级公司的最新真题,Hi All 从各个顶级投行,咨询公司,世界 500 强(such as P&G,Mars,Shell,BP……)等最新内部资料和最新真题的基础上,Hi All 了网申、 面试、笔试、open questions 等百道经典题目,进行深入剖析。 2.顶级师资 来自世界顶级公司的内部声音,从华尔街、香港到北京,从哈佛、芝加哥大学、沃顿商 学院到北大的毕业生,Hi All 师资带给你的不是中国顶级的培训,是世界顶级的求职培训。 3.魔鬼训练 这里,你会被挑战,你要重新认识自己;你要和队友协作,你要被老师 cold call,你要 和优秀的对手进行 PK。总之,你在这里要重塑自己。从 2004 年至今,Hi All 借鉴美国成功 模式,已经成为国内最大的求职培训机构,从网络课堂、出版、培训,在全国范围内帮助数 万名大学生找到理想工作。选择 Hi All,就是选择挑战,选择成功。 4.狼群效应 达尔文说,只有最强的族群才会在残酷的竞争中生存。在这里,你将加入最强的狼群, 接受最严酷的考验。 顶级讲师 许轶,HiAll 创始人,芝加哥大学硕士,GMAT 和托福考试写作满分得主,新 东方国外考试部资深兼职教师。放弃花旗银行高薪工作回国创业。具多年人 力资源培训和教育咨询经验,与包括麦肯锡、IBM、朗讯、西门子等 50 多家 公司深入接触。《剪裁人生》、《求职胜经》作者,在新东方出版了《Hi All 求 职快车简历、面试、咨询公司》等求职书籍。在新东方的著作还包括《留美 申请白皮书》、《挑战托福作文满分》等。曾于 2005 年 12 月专程前往美国斯 坦福大学、加州理工学院考察调研,带回美国最新的求职培训资料和经验。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 【培训时间】 2006 年 5 月 5 日 Resume 9:00-9:50 10:00-10:50 11:00-11:50 Online Application & Cover Letter 14:00-14:50 15:00-15:50 16:00-16:50 2006 年 5 月 6 日 Interview Skills 9:00-10:20 Case Interview & Group Interview 10:40-12:00 37 questions 14:00-14:50 15:00-15:50 16:00-16:50 2006 年 5 月 7 日 Paper Test 9:00-9:50 10:00-10:50 11:00-11:50 Mock Interview 14:00-14:50 15:00-15:50 【培训地点】 HiAll 培训教室——中科院自动化研究所 13 层第二会议室 【培训费用】 520 元/人 【报名方式】 http://www.hiall.com.cn/activity/SignUp.php 【咨询电话】 010-82600749 82600750 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Justin,毕业于哈佛大学, Mckinsey Boston Office Peter Ou,毕业于 Wharton 商学 院,Credit Suisse First Boston, New York 张锐,毕业于北京大学,毕业拿到 Morgan Stanley 和 Mckinsey 的 offer。曾就职于 Morgan Stanley London Office, 现创办中国最 大的事件互动网站 www.mosh.cn 并担任 CEO 孙钢,曾就职于 Morgan Stanley 香港, Bain 等 顶级公司,熟悉名企简历和网申、技巧。 HiAll 资深培训师。 2.1 Writing Your Resume Step by Step Brainstorm Time! No one knows you better than yourself! It is your responsibility, not others’, to “draw” a clear and vivid picture about all these things that your interviewers want to know! It is also “show time” now!!! Step 1: Gathering Information Before you write, take time to do a self-assessment on paper. Outline your skills and abilities as well as your work experience and extracurricular activities. This will make it easier to prepare a thorough resume. Step 2: Deciding What to Include In order to clarify what is relevant to a particular job, ask yourself the following questions: • What do I do best? • What skills have I developed? • What work experiences have I found satisfying? • If I am looking at a specific job description, what skills and experiences are identified? • What is important about my education? (This usually includes degrees and perhaps specific courses.) • Are there unique experiences or talents I want to share? Take time to answer these questions thoughtfully. Doing so will make the task of creating a resume easier. Then organize your materials to answer these questions. There may be some overlap, and that's okay. Step 3: Choosing a Format There are two basic formats that are found when writing a resume: a skills-based resume and a reverse chronological resume. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes certain characteristics of each are combined to create a combination resume. Depending on the job for which you are applying, you may choose one format or the other. It is good to try both styles to see which one presents the most powerful image. Recognize the types of resume so you can choose the type effective for your situation: • Chronological(时序型) • Skills-based /Functional(功能型) • Combination(混合型) 2.2 简历的语言与行文方式(优秀简历点评) 中文简历模版 英文简历 2.3 求职信函(Cover letter) 2.3.1 What is a cover letter? A cover letter or covering letter is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a résumé or curriculum vitae. While the resume is a somewhat generic advertisement for yourself, the cover letter allows you to tailor your application to each specific job. Although the thrust of your various letters may remain the same, with the assorted text-processing including find-and-replace and merging capabilities—there is really no reason to have a single, generic cover letter. 2.3.2 Content Your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat material in it 互补,相得益 彰,而不是简单重复. The cover letter is your opportunity to explain several things: • The position you are applying for and how you learned about it; • Who you are and why you are applying for this job; • Why you should be considered for the job, or how, based on your research, you can contribute to the organization; • What you know about the employer. In addition to tailoring your application to a specific job with a specific company, the cover letter should also z highlight the most important and relevant accomplishments, skills, and experience listed in your resume z point to the resume in some way (as detailed in the enclosed resume") z request specific follow up, such as an interview. 2.3.3 Sample Dear (insert name or "Hiring Manager" if name is unknown): Your advertisement on Monster for a (insert job title) fits my experience and qualifications perfectly, and I am writing to express my interest in and enthusiasm for the position. As an accomplished sales leader, I have achieved seven-figure revenue growth, international market penetration and successful product launches for leading global corporations during my career. In addition to my desire to join your team, you will find I am a dedicated and driven professional whose recent accomplishments include: * An increase of international sales from 1 percent of the company's total revenue to 75 percent, capturing more than half of the entire European market and one-third of the Latin American market within two years. * Dramatic expansion of customer base, leading to seven-figure revenue growth rates that far exceed the pace of larger, more established competitors. * Development of a 75-member dealer network across 30 countries in six continents. * Attainment of 100 percent customer retention rate through expert relationship-building skills and a commitment to a solution-focused, service-first sales approach. * Launch of a new London office, expected to double sales revenue by 2003. * Introduction of three innovative product lines, following comprehensive market research and competitive-intelligence gathering. Your software products are truly on the cutting edge of technology -- you offer products that can change the way a company conducts business on the Internet. I am excited by this technology and would be able to translate this excitement to a business benefit for your current and future clients. If you agree that my qualifications are a close fit to your needs, I would be delighted to meet with you personally to discuss strategies for expanding (name of company's) market presence. I will follow up with you in a few days to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, you may reach me at (phone number) or via email at (email address). I look forward to our conversation. Sincerely, Dina Smith 2.4 Declining an Offer With unemployment reaching record highs, many job seekers feel lucky to receive any job offer. But whether the compensation is too low, the location is inconvenient or the job isn't the right fit, sometimes you just need to say, "No thanks." In a stress-filled job search, it's tempting to verbally turn down an offer and skip writing a letter, but it's more professional to write a formal letter to decline the offer. Keep these four tips in mind as you write your letter: Be Prompt. As soon as you've made your decision, call the hiring manager and write your letter declining the offer. The company will need to offer the position to someone else, and you don't want to hold up the process. Be Courteous. Your letter should be professional and courteous. You may be turning down this position, but you might want to be considered for future opportunities. Savvy job seekers use every possible chance to network, so thank each person with whom you interviewed and wish them and their company continued success. Be Diplomatic. If you've received another, more generous offer, avoid mentioning the details of the position you're accepting. Let the hiring manager know that you were impressed by the company and carefully considered the offer, but you are accepting a position that better suits your career objectives. Be Concise. This is not the place to tout your credentials and career accomplishments. The company already realizes your value, so keep your letter short and sweet. Sample Letters for Declining a Job Offer Example 1: May 21, 2002 Catherine Harper Operations Manager A Company 50 Corporate Plaza Boston, MA 01234 Dear Ms. Harper: Thank you very much for offering me the assistant manager position. After careful consideration, I regret that I must decline your offer. Although you were most encouraging in outlining future advancement possibilities within A Company, I have accepted another opportunity that is more in line with my skills and career goals. I enjoyed meeting you and the rest of your team. You have been most kind and gracious throughout the interview process, and I only wish that circumstances allowed me to accept your offer. With best wishes for your continued success. Sincerely yours, Tom Greenwood Example 2: May 21, 2002 Ernie Schulman Director of Human Resources X Company 50 State Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Dear Mr. Schulman: Thank you for offering me the assistant manager position. Regretfully, I must decline your offer since I have just accepted a position with another firm. While I was very interested in the opportunity and working with your team, the position I accepted is better matched to my credentials and career aspirations. Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me and for the generous employment offer. I am impressed by your company's goals, mission and commitment to quality and service, and wish you and your colleagues much continued success. I hope that we meet again in the future. Best regards, Tom Greenwood HiAll 近期培训课程: ◆ HiAll 实习精品班 ◆ ——迈向名企实习生的预科班 ★ 课程设置 求职调研与行业指南 (2 小时) 主讲人:Rocky,HiAll 创始人,纽哈斯首席运营官,对求职规划、调研有深 入的研究。 中英文简历写作 (2 小时) 主讲人:Chris SUN,曾就职于 Bain、Morgan Stanley 等公司,精通求职英语 和网申技巧。 面试类型及常见问题 (2 小时) 主讲人:Linc ZUO,HiAll 高级培训师,有丰富的求职培训经验 模拟面试和沟通技巧 (2 小时) 主讲人:Stanley SHI,对咨询、投行有深入了解,精通 Public speaking & Presentation 技巧。 【培训时间】4 月 22 日 4 月 23 日 【培训地点】 HiAll 培训教室——中科院自动化研究所 13 层第二会议室 【培训费用】 仅需 198 元的超值费用,就能体验全新 HiAll 求职快车的超快感! 【报名方式】 http://www.hiall.com.cn/activity/SignUp.php 【咨询电话】 010-82600749 82600750 ◆ HiAll 五一顶级求职英语培训班开始报名啦 ◆ ——只需520元即可享受Job Hunting English的饕餮盛宴 ★ 课程设置 英文简历写作 (3 课时) 主讲人:孙铮,曾就职于 Morgan Stanley 香港, Bain 等顶级公司,熟悉名企简历和 网申流程、技巧。HiAll 资深培训师。 网申及求职信函 (3 课时) 主讲人:许轶,HiAll 创始人,芝加哥大学硕士,放弃花旗银行高薪工作回国创业。 具多年人力资源培训和教育咨询经验,与包括麦肯锡、IBM、朗讯、 西门子等 50 多家公司深入接触。《剪裁人生》、《求职胜经》作者 笔试 SHL TOEIC (3 课时) 主讲人:郑学东,毕业于北京大学,原中银国际投资银行部 TMT 组 Associate, 现任某国际传媒营销总监。 面试英语 (8 课时) 主讲人:Peter Ou,毕业于 Wharton 商学院,工作背景:Credit Suisse First Boston, New York 【培训时间】2006 年 5 月 5 日 至 7 日 【培训地点】 HiAll 培训教室——中科院自动化研究所 13 层第二会议室 【培训费用】 仅需 520 元的超值费用,就能体验全新 HiAll 求职快车的超快感! 【报名方式】 http://www.hiall.com.cn/activity/SignUp.php 【咨询电话】 010-82600749 82600750 更多信息详见 http://www.hiall.com.cn
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