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《可爱的南京》中英文翻译对照版本可爱的南京 南京,她有层出不穷的风流人物,和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。大都会特有的凝聚力,吸引了无数风云人物、仁人志士在这里角逐争雄,一逞豪彦。从孙权、谢安到洪秀全、孙中山,从祖冲之、葛洪到李时珍、郑和,从刘勰、萧统到曹雪芹、吴敬梓,从王羲之、顾恺之到徐悲鸿、傅抱石,还有陶行知、杨廷宝等等,中国历史上一批杰出的政治家、军事家、科学家、文学家、艺术家、教育家、建筑家等荟萃于此,在这块钟灵毓秀的土地上一圆他们的辉煌之梦。他们是中华民族的优秀儿女,巍巍钟山、滚滚长江养育了他们,为他们提供了施展抱负的舞台,他们也以自己的雄才大略、聪明智慧...
可爱的南京 南京,她有层出不穷的风流人物,和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。大都会特有的凝聚力,吸引了无数风云人物、仁人志士在这里角逐争雄,一逞豪彦。从孙权、谢安到洪秀全、孙中山,从祖冲之、葛洪到李时珍、郑和,从刘勰、萧统到曹雪芹、吴敬梓,从王羲之、顾恺之到徐悲鸿、傅抱石,还有陶行知、杨廷宝等等,中国历史上一批杰出的政治家、军事家、科学家、文学家、艺术家、教育家、建筑家等荟萃于此,在这块钟灵毓秀的土地上一圆他们的辉煌之梦。他们是中华民族的优秀儿女,巍巍钟山、滚滚长江养育了他们,为他们提供了施展抱负的舞台,他们也以自己的雄才大略、聪明智慧为中华民族的灿烂文明增添了流光溢彩的新篇章。   Nanjing-the Beloved City Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. Attracted by her special appeal, a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideals have stayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead or to give play to their genius and virtues. Military commanders such as Sun Quan and Xie An; political leaders such as Hong Xiuquan and Dr. Sun Yat-sen; scientists like Zu Chongzhi, Ge Hong, Li Shizhen and Zhenghe; men of letters such as Liu Xie, Xiao Tong, Cao Xueqin and Wu Jingzi; artists like Wang Xizhi, Gu Kaizhi, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi; educators such as Tao Xingzhi; and architects like Yang Tingbao—all these renowned historical figures used to settle on this blessed land to have their splendid dreams fulfilled. The towering Purple Mountains and billowing Yangtze River nurtured them and provided them with arenas in which to realize their aspirations. By virtue of their genius, vision, and sagacity, these best and brightest sons and daughters of the nation made spectacular contributions to the resplendent Chinese civilization. 南京,她自新中国建立以来发生的巨大而深刻的变化更加使人欢欣鼓舞。从1949年4月23日始,人民真正成为这座古老城市的主人。金陵回春,古城新生,昔日饱尝的屈辱和灾难,至此如同梦魇终被摆脱。人民在自己的土地上辛勤劳作,把古老南京装扮得面貌一新。特别是近十年几来,改革开放又给这座美丽的名城注入了新的活力,崭新的工业、通达的运输、如画的城市建设、兴盛的第三产业、多姿的文化生活,都使这个具有古都特色的现代都市焕发出勃勃英姿。孙中山先生所预言的:“南京将来之发展未可限量也”,正在逐步成为现实。 南京,这座古老而年轻的历史文化名城,是多么的可爱! The tremendous changes that have taken place in Nanjing since New China was founded are even more inspiring, just as the much quoted couplet from a poem written by the late Chairman Mao Zedong on the occasion of the liberation of the city on April 23, 1949 has it: The city, a tiger crouching, a dragon curling, outshines its ancient glories; In heroic triumph heaven and earth have been overturned. Balmy spring winds returned to bring new life to this historic city, of which the common people came to be the genuine masters. The night marish sufferings and humiliations of the past were left behind once and for all. The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-old town a new appearance. Especially for the past ten years or more, the country’s reform and opening-up policy has infused new vigor into this beautiful and famous city. Newly built industries, an efficient transportation network extending in all directions, picturesque urban construction, a booming tertiary industry, a varied and colorful cultural life, all these and more added charm and vitality to this modern metropolis, which retains somehow the ambiance and features of an ancient capital. The prophecy of Dr. Sun Yat-sen father of modern China that “Nanjing will have a future that knows no bounds” is becoming true. Nanjing, an old city with a rich and celebrated past, yet vigorous in her new youth-how lovely she is! --------------------   save for a rainy day   --------------------   你是不是"月光族"?不管每个月拿多少钱,到了月底肯定是花光光。看来,你还没有考虑过raniy day。rainy day是下雨天的意思,但很早以前,它就有了"困难、不幸"之意,所有save for a rainy day也就是"以备不时之需"的意思。月光族们要好好自我反省一下哦,不能今朝有酒今朝醉啦。例句:   Ads from the bank keep advising people to save some money for a rainy day.   银行的广告一直建议人们存钱以备不时之需。   -------------------------   break the ice 打破僵局   ------------------------- -------------------------   shoe is on the other foot   -------------------------   或许你常常感叹世事变化,英文的shoe is on the other foot就暗含"今非昔比"之意。据说,19世纪以前,鞋和靴子是部分左右脚的,两只鞋随便换着穿,但如果你的脚一直穿同一只鞋子,久而久之,鞋子的形状就会于穿鞋的脚一模一样。这时如果左脚再穿右脚鞋,你很难再像从前那样不分左右脚来穿鞋。随着时间推移,现代意义上的shoe is on the other foot有了比喻义:双方地位发生了变化、今非昔比、风水轮流转、三十年河东,三十年河西等。例句:   For the first ten years the Tigers have been the worst team in the league;we've finished down at the bottom.But now the shoe is on the other foot:we have all these good young players and we're beating everybody else in the whole league.   过去10年里,我们"老虎队"一直是参加联赛的所有球队中最差的,比赛总是最后一名。现在情况不同了,我们的球员都很年轻,球技也好,"老虎队"所向披靡。 ----------------------------   cold fish 冷淡且不合群的人   ---------------------------- -----------------   day off休息日   -----------------   My husband was enjoying the day off from work and watched me scurry about the house   丈夫美美地享受着他的休息日,看着我在房子里忙来忙去。      ------------   scalper票贩子   ------------   Beware of scalpers.To aviod being cheated,always buy your ticket at the ticket counter   当心票贩子,为防止买到假票,切记到售票窗口买票。      ---------------------   brown nose讨好、谄媚   ---------------------- cold fish 冷淡且不合群的人     ----------------------------      处理完个投诉~继续……     -----------------     day off休息日     -----------------     My husband was enjoying the day off from work and watched me scurry about the house     丈夫美美地享受着他的休息日,看着我在房子里忙来忙去。          ------------     scalper票贩子     ------------     Beware of scalpers.To aviod being cheated,always buy your ticket at the ticket counter     当心票贩子,为防止买到假票,切记到售票窗口买票。          ---------------------     brown nose讨好、谄媚 ----------------------   when pig fly   -----------------------   韩语中有很多形象的说法来比喻某事不可能实现,比如:白日做梦、太阳从西边出来、异想天开、痴心妄想、天上掉馅饼……而英语中也有一个形象搞笑的说法,就三个词:"when pig fly"(当猪可以飞的时候)。猪,大家都不陌生了,又肥又胖,没有翅膀,靠自己的力气是飞不起来的。所以当猪可以飞的时候,那可真是猴年马月了。这种说法源自苏格兰谚语,还曾经在《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中出现。例句:   ——Do u think ur brother will be successful?你觉得你弟弟会成功吗?   ——When pig fly he will猴年马月吧。 -------------------------   call girl 应召女郎   -------------------------   In a startlingly swift fall from grace,NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer   resigned last Wendnesday after getting caught in a call-girl scandal that made a mockery of his straight-arrow image and left him facing the prospect of criminal charges and perhaps disbarment.   纽约州长 Eliot Spitzer卷入招妓丑闻,其之前的正直形象也因此而沦为笑柄。Spitzer已宣布辞职。他将面临刑事指控,还有可能被取消律师资格。      ---------------------------------------   post graduate recommendation 保研   ---------------------------------------   A senior university student named Li Tong said she had recently turned down a postgraduate recommendation from her university in Wuhan,Hubei Province   武汉一所高效的学生李彤说她最近刚刚自愿放弃了学校的保研资格。    -------------------------------------------   Van Gogh's ear for music   -------------------------------------------   梵高是著名的天才画家,但他的耳朵和音乐之间有什么关系呢?据说梵高是音盲,他不可思议的'割耳'故事广为流传:梵高对以为心仪的女子说:"我该送什么礼物给你呢?"女子拉着他的耳朵开玩笑说:"就要这个。"不想,梵高之后竟真的拿刀割掉左耳,并托人把包着的耳朵的手绢送给那女子……在常人眼中,没了耳朵的"疯子"绝对听不懂外界的声音,包括优美的旋律。久而久之,Van Gogh's ear for music就成了人们嘲讽活戏谑别人五音不全时的俗语。例句:   You have Van Gogh's ear for music!你真是五音不全啊! 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-7 12:32:55       ---------------------------------   Nation of spender 消费性国家   ---------------------------------   China is turning into a nation of spender as its per capita GDP exceeded the 2000 US dollar mark,which leaves room for builing domestic demand   随着我国人均国内生产总值(GDP)超过2000美元,国内消费市场总体空间进一步扩大,中国正向消费型国家过渡。         ---------------------------------------   Landslide victor victory压倒性胜利   ---------------------------------------   Taiwan's main opposition Kuomintang party scored a landslide victory in the island's leadership election Satuiday   在周六举行的台湾地区领导人选举中,作为台湾主要在野党的国民党赢得了压倒性胜利。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-7 12:34:49       ----------------------   To mince words   ----------------------   常用来形容某人说话闪烁其辞或吞吞吐吐、绕弯子。这个词最早出现于16世纪莎翁的戏剧,原指"因为礼貌而说话委婉"。Mince原意是"切碎、剁碎或绞碎"。试想,刺耳的话若被拆细了说,其力度肯定会大大减轻。随着岁月的流逝,现代意义上的to mince words 更多含贬义,常用来形容"说话不爽快、兜圈子、闪烁其词"。         -----------------------------   Baby kisser假惺惺的人   -----------------------------         ------------------------------   Blacklist黑名单   ------------------------------   China's environmental watchdog blacklisted 141 products on Tuesday for causing serious pollution or posing serious environmental risks.   中国环境检测部门于本周二公布了一批高污染、高环境风险的141种产品黑名单。            ---------------------   Acquisition 收购   ---------------------   Gome Electrical Appliance Holdings Ltd,China's largest electronic retailer,will finance the RMB3.6b acquisition of Beijing Dazhong Electronics Ltd.中国家电品牌业霸主国美电器以3.6亿元的价格收购大中电器。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-7 12:36:22       ---------------------------------   Pre-commercial service 试商用   ---------------------------------   China Mobile lauched the pre-commercial service for the third generation (3G)mobile phone telephony based on a homegrown standard   中国移动已推出基于本土标准的第三代手机(3G)通话网络试商用         ------------------------------   Arbitrary charges 乱收费   ------------------------------   例句:   We need to take effective measures against arbitrary charges   我们要采取有效手段制止乱收费      --------------------------------   Cash cow摇钱树   --------------------------------   Action films ate still this cinema'a cash cow.   动作片仍然是这家影院的摇钱树。       作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-9 20:47:45       -------------------------------   bone marrow donor 骨髓捐赠者   -------------------------------   Ten-year-old Kailee was dying from bone marrow failure but survived thanks to a transplant.She finally met her bone marrow donor-Wang Lin.由于找到合适的骨髓配型,因患再生障碍性贫血而生命垂危的10岁小女孩凯莉获得了第二次生命,并在康复后捡到了捐赠者汪霖。         ---------------------------------   guest star 客串   ---------------------------------   Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston will smooch on the season finale of "Dirt".In the episode,Aniston guest star as a lesbian magazine editor and rival to Cox's character.   安妮斯顿将和好友考克斯在《丑闻》大结局时上演吻别镜头。安妮斯顿客串一个同性恋女主编的角色,与考克斯演对手戏。         -----------------------   alpha girl 大姐大   -----------------------         ------------------------------   unrequited love 暗恋   ------------------------------   As a tribute to Valentine's Day,she wrote a poem about her unrequited love.   为了纪念情人节,她写了首诗讲述自己的暗恋经历。            -------------------------------   vicious circle 恶性循环   -------------------------------   This vicious circle will do harm to the finacial stability in Asia and the world as a whole.   这种恶性循环将不利于亚洲乃至全球的金融稳定。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-12 16:03:44       -------------------------   home stay 寄宿家庭   -------------------------   A home stay provides the opportuninty to experience foreign culture while living in a foreign home.   寄宿家庭可以让你居住在外国人家中      ----------------------   hype 炒作   ----------------------   Don't take media reports on the new movie seriously.Some reports are just hype.   看有关这部新片的报道可别当真,有些纯粹是炒作。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-12 16:29:21       ---------------------   forty winks   ---------------------   13世纪,wink(本意,眨眼)就开始表示"打盹儿",因为人打盹儿时处于浅睡眠状态,眼皮会快速眨动。"forty"不是数字"四十"的意思,在圣经以及莎士比亚著作中,"forty"常用来表示"一些、少许"。因此,"forty wink"表示"打盹儿"。例句:   I need forty winks and I'll be able to work all night.   我要先打个盹儿,这样就能通宵工作了。      ------------------------------   dragon lady 凶女人   ------------------------------             作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-12 16:47:35       -----------------------------   celebrity romance 名人恋   -----------------------------   French first lady Bruni,whose celebrity romance with President Sarkozy sent his rating into a tailspin,is proving a hit with the public in her new role.   法国新任第一夫人布吕尼人气大涨,而总统萨科齐则因大搞名人恋导致支持率一路下滑。         ------------------------------   serial killer 连环杀手   ------------------------------   A female serial killer who terrorized Mexio City was sentenced to 759 years in jail Monday for killing 16 elderly women.   周一,因杀害16名老年妇女震惊墨西哥城的女连环杀手被判入狱759年。         ----------------------------------   tainted glasses 有色眼镜   ----------------------------------   Some western countries always observe China through tainted glasses,and they are unwilling to see the country's rapid development.   一些西方国家总是透过有色眼镜看中国,他们不愿看到中国飞速发展。      ---------------------------   one-night stand 一夜情   ---------------------------   More than half of those polled said there was nothing wrong with a one-night stand   一半以上接受调查的人认为"一夜情"没什么错。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-12 17:01:48       -------------------------   cry uncle 投降,求饶   ----------------------------------   last-ditch effort 最后的努力   ----------------------------------   Yahoo Inc.is making a last-ditch effort to thwart the hostile takeover by Microsoft Crop.   为了遏制微软的恶意收购,雅虎做了最后的努力。      ----------------------------------   thinktank 智囊团   ----------------------------------   A thinktank says robots could fill the jobs 3.5 million people in Japan by 2025.   日本一智囊机构指出,到2025年,机器人将填补日本350万个劳动力空缺。   -----------------------------------   bump into 偶尔遇到   -----------------------------------   cyberwarfare 网络战   -----------------------------------   US military officals seeking to boost the nation's cyberwarfare capabilities are looking beyond defense of the Internet.   美军官员试图增强美国网络能力,但不仅是增强网络防卫能力。   ------------------------------------   substandard 不合格   ------------------------------------   China's State Administration for Industry andf Commerce has named and shamed 18 substandard Chinese food brands.   国家工商总局公开通报了18种质量不合格食品品牌。 作者:zlzrj 回复日期:2008-4-12 18:20:36       楼主问个弱智问题 哦 ,怎么 订你 这个 报哦 ,偶是移动的手机。谢谢了哦 !! 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-13 10:28:47       send text "CD" to 10658000.Twice a day,5 yuan a month   不是广告 o(∩_∩)o...哈哈 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-13 10:37:44       ------------------------------   chill out 休息或放松   ------------------------------   dead ringer   日常生活中,俚语dead ringer指"酷似某人",尤用来形容"酷似明星"。dead在这里无实意,仅起加强语气作用。词源上,ringer源自短语ring the changes(字面意为敲奏钟乐,比喻意为用种种方式重复同一言行)。不过ring the changes也可用来形容"以次充好,用假货取代真品",这正是ringer(酷似某人)的起源所在。具讽刺意义的是,ringer初被使用时,指的是"赛马场上偷偷拿来替换普通赛马的种马"。随着时间推移,现代意义的ringer则指"以假乱真的冒牌货"。例句   That man is dead ringer for/of Jay Chou   那个人酷似周杰伦。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-13 11:00:00       --------------------   upstage 抢镜头   --------------------   例句: A relaxed David Beckham managed to upstage even the New York Yankees on Monday.久坐板凳的贝克汉姆周一试图抢尽纽约洋基队的风头。      -------------------------   mixed marriage 跨国婚姻   -------------------------   Frequent migration across borders,driven by the country's rapid economic growth,is a major reason behind the growing number of mixed marriage.   跨国婚姻增多的主要原因是我国经济高速发展所带来的频繁移民。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-13 21:30:28       ----------------------------------------   a square meal "营养均衡、健康的一餐"   ----------------------------------------   有营养的饭怎么跟"square(方形)"有关系呢?据说,这种说法来自英国皇家海军,因为海军官兵们吃饭用的盘子是木制的、方形的。士兵们吃的饭绝对是有营养的,不然怎么有力气保卫国家呢?例句:   To have a healthy body,it is important to have three square meal a day that hace all the necessary nutrients.   为了身体健康,我们的一日三餐必须要营养均衡。 作者:oldergoat 回复日期:2008-4-13 23:14:53       these expresses look great, thanks for your share. 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-15 8:36:26       ------------------------------------------------------------   喂……有点太阴了,我惹谁啦……呜呜 作者:东灌灌西灌灌 回复日期:2008-4-15 8:40:12       楼主表呜呜 偶马上处理那个垃圾 作者:东灌灌西灌灌 回复日期:2008-4-15 8:43:02       感谢分享 绿脸推荐      如果可以坚持下去 可以变红脸哦 ^_^ 作者:zenghui0516 回复日期:2008-4-15 13:18:22       I am wondering if a UNICOM ueser could subscibe it also ..Anyway .thank U for sharing ! 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-15 23:14:21       加油加油 ~为了变红~~~~吼吼   ---------------------------------------   internet love 网恋      例句:About 90 percent of Chinese university students regard "internet love" as an effective way to satisfy their emotional needs,according to a survey by Northeast China Normal University.东北师范大学一项调查显示,近九成大学生认为,网恋是满足情感需要的一种方式。      ------------------------------------------   surrogate births 代孕      Japanese obstetricians adopted a ban against surrogate births in 1983.   1983年日本产科界通过了一项禁止代孕的规定。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-15 23:24:46       ---------------------------   benchwarmer 球队替补队员   ---------------------------   "my cup of tea"   网络上流行着一步小说,名字叫《你是不是我那杯茶》,讲的是一个漂在上海的女子寻找爱情的故事。从名字可以看出,她在寻找的那杯茶就是她理想的意中人。其实,这个浪漫的名字来自英语的"my cup of tea",茶有很多种,而人们的口味也不尽相同。有人喜爱淡茶,有人偏爱浓茶;有人愿意在茶中加奶,而有人爱在茶中加糖。以此引申,"my cup of tea"则比喻令我愉悦或吸引我的某种食物或人。例句:   If classical music are youre cup of tea,these unabridged recording will bring you great enjoyment.   如果你爱好古典音乐,那么这些篇章完整的唱片将给你带来无比的享受。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-15 23:26:37       I am wondering if a UNICOM ueser could subscibe it also ..Anyway .thank U for sharing !   -------------------------------------------------------   好遗憾哦,现在好像联通没有这个业务呢,换手机号吧~改移动的 我帮你找号 o(∩_∩)o...哈哈~ 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-15 23:31:35       -----------------------    the lion's share      意思是"最大或最好的一份"。这句成语源自《伊索寓言》的一则故事,故事主角是万兽之王——狮子。这只狮子擅长狩猎,而且十分贪心,在故事中因为不肯把共同狩猎的战利品分给其他同伴,而用暴力威吓同伴,自己独享所有的猎物。于是人们据此创造出了the lion's share 这句成语。请看例句:   As usual,the lion's share of the budget is for defense.   预算中的最大一项照例是国防费用。 作者:zenghui0516 回复日期:2008-4-16 10:33:31       I am wondering if a UNICOM ueser could subscibe it also ..Anyway .thank U for sharing !     -------------------------------------------------------     好遗憾哦,现在好像联通没有这个业务呢,换手机号吧~改移动的 我帮你找号 o(∩_∩)o...哈哈~    -------------------------------------------------------   呵呵~~~~~~~~~用惯了,不想改 。以前也用移动的,觉得没什么消费知情权,就换了。~~       作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-16 16:22:24       -------------------------------------   till cows come home      汉语中关于"时间长"这一概念的表述还真是不少啊!《还珠格格》中,紫薇对尔康说:"山无棱、天地合,才敢与君绝";张学友在歌中唱到:"我等到花儿也谢了"。不过,英语也不示弱,来看看这个till cows come home.有关它的来历?从前,奶牛处在产奶期,不挤奶会很不舒服,所以会主动回家让人挤奶;但是,在不 产奶时,要让它们从草地上晃晃悠悠走回家,可就不主知道要等多久了。请看例句:   I'll stand here till the cows come home unless you pay me back the money I lent you .   除非你还我钱,要不然我会一直站在这。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-16 16:38:43       从今天起,标数字吧 这样好梳理些哦   ------------------------------------   1、 curry favor   这里的curry与"咖喱"毫无关系,curry favor的意思是"讨好某人",通俗可说成"拍马屁"。curry在这里是动词,原意为梳理马的毛,这一动作与"讨好"相联系源于14世纪法国诗人维特里的政治寓言《褐马传奇》。书中褐色老马Fauvel聪明、权威,人们为了私利常梳理它的毛,以示讨好,久而久之,to curry Fauvel就成了"阿谀奉承"的代名词。随着时间推移,这个传说渐被遗忘,"拍马屁"也由to curry Fauvel变成了to curry favor.请看例句:   You are currying favor with me   你在讨好我。         --------------------------------   2、 birthday suit 光着身子    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-17 16:06:00       --------------------------------------   3、 sumggled goods 水货      例句:He promised to stop selling smuggled goods.   他保证以后不再卖水货了。      ---------------------------------------   4、 set meal 套餐      例句: We recommend that you choose a set meal from the various dishes on the menu.   我们建议您从菜单上的各种菜品中选一款套餐。         ------------------------------------------   5、 cold turkey 突然终止已成瘾的习惯 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-18 9:42:39       6、 copycat 模仿别人的人   ------------------------------------------------------   7、 socialize 应酬   例句:   What he means by socializing is to wine and dine in grand style.   他所谓的应酬就是大吃大喝。      --------------------------------------------------------   8、 clearance sale 甩卖   例句:   SCI's warehouse clearance sale gives American customers a chance to buy specially configured SGI systems at a fraction of the regular prices .   SCI系列产品的甩卖活动使美国顾客能以超低价买到特殊配置的SGI系统。       作者:小聖 回复日期:2008-4-18 11:51:53       我想问怎么订阅手机的china daily啊?我也想订啊...具体费用是什么情况? 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-18 13:06:30       作者:小聖 回复日期:2008-4-18 11:51:53      我想问怎么订阅手机的china daily啊?我也想订啊...具体费用是什么情况?   -----------------------------------------------------------   send text "CD" to 10658000.Twice a day,5 yuan a month 作者:conniesnow702 回复日期:2008-4-18 13:10:51       感谢楼主,学习中 作者:wh1218 回复日期:2008-4-20 17:09:17       mondy morning quarterback - 马后炮 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-20 19:54:56       谢谢"马后炮"呵呵~~~~希望各位高手多多指教。网络问题 好几天没有更新了!今天继续…… 作者:kyengg 回复日期:2008-4-20 20:01:51       lz辛苦了:] 作者:㊣JFS㊣ 回复日期:2008-4-20 23:27:20       Wet blanket   -------   扑灭篝火的时候,用一床大湿毯子严严实实地一盖,效果最好。   篝火噼噼啪啪地烧得正旺,比喻兴高采烈;猛然间大湿毯子一盖……   所以,这个词是说谁谁是很令人扫兴的人。      Rabbit on   -------   兔子的生殖能力很强。两只兔子据说在一年之内,就能繁育出几世同堂的后代子孙。但,可惜都是兔子,没有什么新鲜玩意儿。   所以,用这个词来比喻话说了一大堆,却没有实质内容。      Another day another tortilla   -------   过了一天,又吃了一个的煎蛋卷。   比喻混日子,没有新意的生活。 作者:㊣JFS㊣ 回复日期:2008-4-20 23:30:38       Rabbit on应该还有添油加醋的意思吧。 作者:lonesome 回复日期:2008-4-21 10:23:44       汉语   不是韩语 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-21 11:27:18       急死我了 发不了~   -----------------------------------------------------------   9、 panic selling 恐慌性出售(抛售)   例句:   Panic selling pushed China's stock's to its lowest close in nearly a year Thursday.   周四,恐慌性抛售使中国的股市跌至了近一年来的最低点。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-21 11:43:16       9、 panic selling 恐慌性出售(抛售)   例句:   Panic selling pushed China's stock's to its lowest close in nearly a year Thursday.   周四,恐慌性抛售使中国的股市跌至了近一年来的最低点。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-22 12:56:27       发不了啦~    bar code 商品条形码 作者:pacer825 回复日期:2008-4-22 13:16:33       我也订了的,每天都把新的东西抄下来,不错 作者:81369634 回复日期:2008-4-22 17:18:23       very good ,地道英语 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-22 21:30:50       die-hard fans 铁杆球迷   例句:   Some 60 die-hard fans from both clubs fought after the match   赛后,双方约60名铁杆球迷发生冲突。   -----------------------------------------------------------    stuntman 替身演员   Both Jacky Chan and Jet Li don't like to use stuntman in their films.   成龙和李连杰在电影中都不爱用替身演员。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-22 21:58:40       to saw logs   汉语中,我们常说"鼾声大如雷";英语中,竟有这样的比拟----"鼾声"好似"锯木声","打鼾"就叫"锯木头"(to saw logs)。"to saw logs"最早见于20世纪初。据说,当时有位作家耳朵特别好使,喜欢把生活中的各种声音变成文字。一天,他心血来潮,希望能用一种想象的收发描述打鼾声。夜深人静,这位怪才作家竟由听到的呼噜声想到了"锯原木"的声音。直至今日,这种"鼾声—锯木"的想象创作仍受到漫画家的青睐,比如,他们戏谑打鼾者时,会在他们的头顶上拉锯和木头。当然,除了"to saw logs",你还可直接用"to snore"来描述"打鼾"。例句:   I could hear Dad sawing logs on the living room couch.   我能听到父亲在卧室躺椅上打呼噜。   My chubby hubby saws logs every night.   我那胖老公每晚都打呼。   -----------------------------------------------------------   bone-die 懒到极点 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-24 10:20:36       his-and-hers clothing 情侣装   例句:   The store sells his-and-hers clothing so it's convenient for shopping.   这家销售情侣装的商店,购物很方便。   -----------------------------------------------------------   close-up shot 特写镜头   例句:   A close-up shot of the actress reveals wrinkles round her eyes and a sign og fatigue   特写镜头露出了女演员眼角的皱纹,她略显疲惫。   ------------------------------------------------------------   curry favor 拍马屁 (这个以前有提过啊) 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-24 12:06:07       ledger 流水账   例句:   Keeping a diary as a student is not the same as a grocery store owner keeping s ledger.   学生的日记不同于杂货店店主的流水账。   -----------------------------------------------------------   burn the midnight oil 开夜车   例句:   Many students are burning the midnight oil to prepare for the examination tomorrow.   许多学生在备考期间开夜车学习。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-24 12:17:55       anorexia 厌食症   例句:   The French fashion industry signed a charter to combat anorexia aroused by dieting.   法国时尚界签署条约抵制节食引起的厌食症。   ------------------------------------------------------------   polygamist 一夫多妻   例句:   Since last week,police have interviewed members of the polygamist sect looking for evidence.   警方自上周起询问了一夫多妻组织的成员,搜集证据。   ------------------------------------------------------------   drama queen 爱小题大做的女孩 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-25 13:10:22       哈哈~ 过1000了      cut corners 抄近路,走捷径   ------------------------------------------------------------   goodwill ambassador 亲善大使   例句:   Chinese actress Zhou Xun was appointed by United Nations Developmen Program as the first National Goodwill ambassador to promote environmental sustainability.   联合国开发署任命中国演员周迅为该机构首位中国亲善大使,致力于推动环境的可持续发展。   ------------------------------------------------------------   nourishment for the mind 精神食粮   例句:   Books are nourishment for the mind. 书是精神的食粮。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-25 13:18:39       aesthetic fatigue 审美疲劳   例句;   After a week of traveling and seeing the amazing sights,I had aesthetic fatigue.   经过一周的游历,我或多或少有些审美疲劳了。   ------------------------------------------------------------   grapevine 小道消息   例句:   I heard the story through the grapevine.   那个故事我是从小道消息听到的。   ------------------------------------------------------------   crocodile tears 假慈悲 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-25 13:28:02       carry the torch   "单恋、苦恋"在英语中可用carry the torch 来表达。carry the torch字面指的是"高举火炬",也代表着"为某一目标或理想奋战到底(即使没有回报)"。关于carry the torch的渊源,比较流行的观点认为,爱神维纳斯经常被描绘成手执火炬,由此,该短语逐渐被人们接受,用以比喻"爱虽逝,情却痴"。carry the torch还可以用以形容"执着于某一事业或理想"。例句:   He is still carrying the torch for his old sweetheart.   他依然苦恋着旧情人。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-25 13:38:13       to get someone's goat   日常生活中,你难免会遇到极度郁闷、愤怒的时候,英文用"to get someone's goat"来形容这种"气炸"的感觉。据美国语言学家亨利路易斯门肯推测,该短语源于赛马。早年,驯马师在比赛前把山羊置于性情暴躁的种马厩中,据说可安抚烈马。不过,卑劣的赌徒为赢比赛,会对未下注的马匹做手脚,偷偷把"安抚使者"山羊牵走,惹马生怒。随着时间推移,这个短语渐渐演变成"惹人愤怒"。例句:   You're carried it too far.That really gets my goat!   你做的太多分了,真把我给气炸了。   ------------------------------------------------------------   greasy spoon 廉价的小饭馆 作者:july81986 回复日期:2008-4-25 15:01:17          很认真的看下来喽   楼主很强大哈   不过就是因为太仔细的看了   所以发现了个小错误   ^_^   爱神什么时候成维纳斯啦?!   呵呵 作者:fcs_michael_23 回复日期:2008-4-25 16:39:06       marked      adorable phrases 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 17:30:50       thank you for sharing...      save them... 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-25 18:07:04       感谢大家的关注,会继续加油的!july81986指出的错误,我会再查询一下,也很欢迎有哪位高人指点下!呵呵   ------------------------------------------------------------   play the field 滥情、用情不专   例句:   Middle aged Simpson hasn't got married yet as he likes playing the field.   辛普森过于滥情,人到中年还没结婚。   ------------------------------------------------------------    punching bag 出气筒   例句:   He makes his living as a punching bag for drunken businessmen.   他靠充当那些醉鬼商人的出气筒来谋生。 作者:山东一小山 回复日期:2008-4-25 18:37:08       留名 作者:麻秆虱子 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:15:35       哈哈。这些都积累下来了!!不好意思我也定了China Daily 很不错也 很便宜。 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:34:52       把楼贴的整理一个。没想到80多条啦。很长,害得贴N次都不成功。现在10条10条地贴,看行不行。      1、save for a rainy day     --------------------     你是不是"月光族"?不管每个月拿多少钱,到了月底肯定是花光光。看来,你还没有考虑过rainy day。rainy day是下雨天的意思,但很早以前,它就有了"困难、不幸"之意,所有save for a rainy day也就是"以备不时之需"的意思。月光族们要好好自我反省一下哦,不能今朝有酒今朝醉啦。例句:     Ads from the bank keep advising people to save some money for a rainy day.     银行的广告一直建议人们存钱以备不时之需。     -------------------------   2、break the ice 打破僵局   3、shoe is on the other foot     -------------------------     或许你常常感叹世事变化,英文的shoe is on the other foot就暗含"今非昔比"之意。据说,19世纪以前,鞋和靴子是部分左右脚的,两只鞋随便换着穿,但如果你的脚一直穿同一只鞋子,久而久之,鞋子的形状就会于穿鞋的脚一模一样。这时如果左脚再穿右脚鞋,你很难再像从前那样不分左右脚来穿鞋。随着时间推移,现代意义上的shoe is on the other foot有了比喻义:双方地位发生了变化、今非昔比、风水轮流转、三十年河东,三十年河西等。例句:     For the first ten years the Tigers have been the worst team in the league; we've finished down at the bottom. But now the shoe is on the other foot: we have all these good young players and we're beating everybody else in the whole league.     过去10年里,我们"老虎队"一直是参加联赛的所有球队中最差的,比赛总是最后一名。现在情况不同了,我们的球员都很年轻,球技也好,"老虎队"所向披靡。   4、cold fish 冷淡且不合群的人   5、day off休息日      My husband was enjoying the day off from work and watched me scurry about the house     丈夫美美地享受着他的休息日,看着我在房子里忙来忙去。 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:36:55       5、day off休息日      My husband was enjoying the day off from work and watched me scurry about the house     丈夫美美地享受着他的休息日,看着我在房子里忙来忙去。   6、scalper票贩子     Beware of scalpers. To avoid being cheated, always buy your ticket at the ticket counter     当心票贩子,为防止买到假票,切记到售票窗口买票。   7、brown nose讨好、谄媚      8、when pig fly     韩语中有很多形象的说法来比喻某事不可能实现,比如:白日做梦、太阳从西边出来、异想天开、痴心妄想、天上掉馅饼……而英语中也有一个形象搞笑的说法,就三个词:"when pig fly"(当猪可以飞的时候)。猪,大家都不陌生了,又肥又胖,没有翅膀,靠自己的力气是飞不起来的。所以当猪可以飞的时候,那可真是猴年马月了。这种说法源自苏格兰谚语,还曾经在《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中出现。例句:     ——Do u think ur brother will be successful?你觉得你弟弟会成功吗?     ——When pig fly he will猴年马月吧。      9、call girl 应召女郎     In a startlingly swift fall from grace,NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned last Wednesday after getting caught in a call-girl scandal that made a mockery of his straight-arrow image and left him facing the prospect of criminal charges and perhaps disbarment.     纽约州长 Eliot Spitzer卷入招妓丑闻,其之前的正直形象也因此而沦为笑柄。Spitzer已宣布辞职。他将面临刑事指控,还有可能被取消律师资格。        10、  post graduate recommendation 保研     ---------------------------------------     A senior university student named Li Tong said she had recently turned down a postgraduate recommendation from her university in Wuhan, Hubei Province     武汉一所高效的学生李彤说她最近刚刚自愿放弃了学校的保研资格。 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:43:29       破天涯,5条5条贴都贴不上啊。   有需要朋友先到我博克里一下COPY吧。   我回家再一次。   http://mengmengmeng.blog.tianya.cn 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:45:00       11、  Van Gogh's ear for music     -------------------------------------------     梵高是著名的天才画家,但他的耳朵和音乐之间有什么关系呢?据说梵高是音盲,他不可思议的'割耳'故事广为流传:梵高对以为心仪的女子说:"我该送什么礼物给你呢?"女子拉着他的耳朵开玩笑说:"就要这个。"不想,梵高之后竟真的拿刀割掉左耳,并托人把包着的耳朵的手绢送给那女子……在常人眼中,没了耳朵的"疯子"绝对听不懂外界的声音,包括优美的旋律。久而久之,Van Gogh's ear for music就成了人们嘲讽活戏谑别人五音不全时的俗语。例句:     You have Van Gogh's ear for music!你真是五音不全啊!    12、Nation of spender 消费性国家     China is turning into a nation of spender as its per capita GDP exceeded the 2000 US dollar mark, which leaves room for boiling domestic demand     随着我国人均国内生产总值(GDP)超过2000美元,国内消费市场总体空间进一步扩大,中国正向消费型国家过渡。         13、Landslide victor victory压倒性胜利     ---------------------------------------     Taiwan's main opposition Kuomintang party scored a landslide victory in the island's leadership election Saturday     在周六举行的台湾地区领导人选举中,作为台湾主要在野党的国民党赢得了压倒性胜利。    14、  To mince words      常用来形容某人说话闪烁其辞或吞吞吐吐、绕弯子。这个词最早出现于16世纪莎翁的戏剧,原指"因为礼貌而说话委婉"。Mince原意是"切碎、剁碎或绞碎"。试想,刺耳的话若被拆细了说,其力度肯定会大大减轻。随着岁月的流逝,现代意义上的to mince words 更多含贬义,常用来形容"说话不爽快、兜圈子、闪烁其词"。    15、  Baby kisser假惺惺的人    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:46:33       16、Blacklist黑名单     ------------------------------     China's environmental watchdog blacklisted 141 products on Tuesday for causing serious pollution or posing serious environmental risks.     中国环境检测部门于本周二公布了一批高污染、高环境风险的141种产品黑名单。    17、Acquisition 收购     Gome Electrical Appliance Holdings Ltd,China's largest electronic retailer, will finance the RMB3.6b acquisition of Beijing Dazhong Electronics Ltd.中国家电品牌业霸主国美电器以3.6亿元的价格收购大中电器。   18、Pre-commercial service 试商用      China Mobile launched the pre-commercial service for the third generation (3G)mobile phone telephony based on a homegrown standard     中国移动已推出基于本土标准的第三代手机(3G)通话网络试商用   19、  Arbitrary charges 乱收费     例句:     We need to take effective measures against arbitrary charges     我们要采取有效手段制止乱收费   20、  Cash cow摇钱树     Action films ate still this cinema'a cash cow.     动作片仍然是这家影院的摇钱树。    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:48:18       21、bone marrow donor 骨髓捐赠者     -------------------------------     Ten-year-old Kailee was dying from bone marrow failure but survived thanks to a transplant. She finally met her bone marrow donor-Wang Lin.由于找到合适的骨髓配型,因患再生障碍性贫血而生命垂危的10岁小女孩凯莉获得了第二次生命,并在康复后捡到了捐赠者汪霖。    22、guest star 客串     ---------------------------------     Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston will smooch on the season finale of "Dirt". In the episode, Aniston guest star as a lesbian magazine editor and rival to Cox's character.     安妮斯顿将和好友考克斯在《丑闻》大结局时上演吻别镜头。安妮斯顿客串一个同性恋女主编的角色,与考克斯演对手戏。   23、alpha girl 大姐大   24、unrequited love 暗恋     ------------------------------     As a tribute to Valentine's Day, she wrote a poem about her unrequited love.     为了纪念情人节,她写了首诗讲述自己的暗恋经历。   25、vicious circle 恶性循环     -------------------------------     This vicious circle will do harm to the financial stability in Asia and the world as a whole.     这种恶性循环将不利于亚洲乃至全球的金融稳定。   26、home stay 寄宿家庭     -------------------------     A home stay provides the opportunity to experience foreign culture while living in a foreign home.     寄宿家庭可以让你居住在外国人家中   27、hype 炒作     ----------------------     Don't take media reports on the new movie seriously. Some reports are just hype.     看有关这部新片的报道可别当真,有些纯粹是炒作。   28、forty winks     ---------------------     13世纪,wink(本意,眨眼)就开始表示"打盹儿",因为人打盹儿时处于浅睡眠状态,眼皮会快速眨动。"forty"不是数字"四十"的意思,在圣经以及莎士比亚著作中,"forty"常用来表示"一些、少许"。因此,"forty wink"表示"打盹儿"。例句:     I need forty winks and I'll be able to work all night.     我要先打个盹儿,这样就能通宵工作了。   29、dragon lady 凶女人   30、celebrity romance 名人恋     -----------------------------     French first lady Bruni,whose celebrity romance with President Sarkozy sent his rating into a tailspin, is proving a hit with the public in her new role.     法国新任第一夫人布吕尼人气大涨,而总统萨科齐则因大搞名人恋导致支持率一路下滑。    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:50:54       31、serial killer 连环杀手     ------------------------------     A female serial killer who terrorized Mexio City was sentenced to 759 years in jail Monday for killing 16 elderly women.     周一,因杀害16名老年妇女震惊墨西哥城的女连环杀手被判入狱759年。   32、tainted glasses 有色眼镜     ----------------------------------     Some western countries always observe China through tainted glasses, and they are unwilling to see the country's rapid development.     一些西方国家总是透过有色眼镜看中国,他们不愿看到中国飞速发展。   33、one-night stand 一夜情     ---------------------------     More than half of those polled said there was nothing wrong with a one-night stand     一半以上接受调查的人认为"一夜情"没什么错。   34、cry uncle 投降,求饶     ----------------------------------   35、last-ditch effort 最后的努力     ----------------------------------     Yahoo Inc.is making a last-ditch effort to thwart the hostile takeover by Microsoft Crop.     为了遏制微软的恶意收购,雅虎做了最后的努力。   36、think tank 智囊团     ----------------------------------     A think tank says robots could fill the jobs 3.5 million people in Japan by 2025.     日本一智囊机构指出,到2025年,机器人将填补日本350万个劳动力空缺。   37、bump into 偶尔遇到   38、cyber warfare 网络战     -----------------------------------     US military officials seeking to boost the nation's cyber warfare capabilities are looking beyond defense of the Internet.     美军官员试图增强美国网络能力,但不仅是增强网络防卫能力。   39、substandard 不合格     ------------------------------------     China's State Administration for Industry and Commerce has named and shamed 18 substandard Chinese food brands.     国家工商总局公开通报了18种质量不合格食品品牌。   40、chill out 休息或放松     作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:53:43        ------------------------------   41、dead ringer     日常生活中,俚语dead ringer指"酷似某人",尤用来形容"酷似明星"。dead在这里无实意,仅起加强语气作用。词源上,ringer源自短语ring the changes(字面意为敲奏钟乐,比喻意为用种种方式重复同一言行)。不过ring the changes也可用来形容"以次充好,用假货取代真品",这正是ringer(酷似某人)的起源所在。具讽刺意义的是,ringer初被使用时,指的是"赛马场上偷偷拿来替换普通赛马的种马"。随着时间推移,现代意义的ringer则指"以假乱真的冒牌货"。例句     That man is dead ringer for/of Jay Chou     那个人酷似周杰伦。   42、upstage 抢镜头     --------------------     例句: A relaxed David Beckham managed to upstage even the New York Yankees on Monday.久坐板凳的贝克汉姆周一试图抢尽纽约洋基队的风头。   43、mixed marriage 跨国婚姻     -------------------------     Frequent migration across borders, driven by the country's rapid economic growth, is a major reason behind the growing number of mixed marriage.     跨国婚姻增多的主要原因是我国经济高速发展所带来的频繁移民。   44、a square meal "营养均衡、健康的一餐"     ----------------------------------------     有营养的饭怎么跟"square(方形)"有关系呢?据说,这种说法来自英国皇家海军,因为海军官兵们吃饭用的盘子是木制的、方形的。士兵们吃的饭绝对是有营养的,不然怎么有力气保卫国家呢?例句:     To have a healthy body, it is important to have three square meal a day that have all the necessary nutrients.     为了身体健康,我们的一日三餐必须要营养均衡。   45、internet love 网恋          例句:About 90 percent of Chinese university students regard "internet love" as an effective way to satisfy their emotional needs, according to a survey by Northeast China Normal University.东北师范大学一项调查显示,近九成大学生认为,网恋是满足情感需要的一种方式。    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 19:55:30       46、surrogate births 代孕     Japanese obstetricians adopted a ban against surrogate births in 1983.     1983年日本产科界通过了一项禁止代孕的规定。   47、benchwarmer 球队替补队员     ---------------------------   48、"my cup of tea"     网络上流行着一步小说,名字叫《你是不是我那杯茶》,讲的是一个漂在上海的女子寻找爱情的故事。从名字可以看出,她在寻找的那杯茶就是她理想的意中人。其实,这个浪漫的名字来自英语的"my cup of tea",茶有很多种,而人们的口味也不尽相同。有人喜爱淡茶,有人偏爱浓茶;有人愿意在茶中加奶,而有人爱在茶中加糖。以此引申,"my cup of tea"则比喻令我愉悦或吸引我的某种食物或人。例句:     If classical music are your cup of tea, these unabridged recording will bring you great enjoyment.     如果你爱好古典音乐,那么这些篇章完整的唱片将给你带来无比的享受。   49、the lion's share     意思是"最大或最好的一份"。这句成语源自《伊索寓言》的一则故事,故事主角是万兽之王——狮子。这只狮子擅长狩猎,而且十分贪心,在故事中因为不肯把共同狩猎的战利品分给其他同伴,而用暴力威吓同伴,自己独享所有的猎物。于是人们据此创造出了the lion's share 这句成语。请看例句:     As usual, the lion's share of the budget is for defense.     预算中的最大一项照例是国防费用。    50、till cows come home       汉语中关于"时间长"这一概念的表述还真是不少啊!《还珠格格》中,紫薇对尔康说:"山无棱、天地合,才敢与君绝";张学友在歌中唱到:"我等到花儿也谢了"。不过,英语也不示弱,来看看这个till cows come home.有关它的来历?从前,奶牛处在产奶期,不挤奶会很不舒服,所以会主动回家让人挤奶;但是,在不 产奶时,要让它们从草地上晃晃悠悠走回家,可就不主知道要等多久了。请看例句:     I'll stand here till the cows come home unless you pay me back the money I lent you.     除非你还我钱,要不然我会一直站在这。    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 20:31:13        46、surrogate births 代孕   Japanese obstetricians adopted a ban against surrogate births in 1983.   1983年日本产科界通过了一项禁止代孕的规定。   47、benchwarmer 球队替补队员       ---------------------------   48、"my cup of tea"   网络上流行着一步小说,名字叫《你是不是我那杯茶》,讲的是一个漂在上海的女子寻找爱情的故事。从名字可以看出,她在寻找的那杯茶就是她理想的意中人。其实,这个浪漫的名字来自英语的"my cup of tea",茶有很多种,而人们的口味也不尽相同。有人喜爱淡茶,有人偏爱浓茶;有人愿意在茶中加奶,而有人爱在茶中加糖。以此引申,"my cup of tea"则比喻令我愉悦或吸引我的某种食物或人。例句:   If classical music are your cup of tea, these unabridged recording will bring you great enjoyment.   如果你爱好古典音乐,那么这些篇章完整的唱片将给你带来无比的享受。   49、the lion's share   意思是"最大或最好的一份"。这句成语源自《伊索寓言》的一则故事,故事主角是万兽之王——狮子。这只狮子擅长狩猎,而且十分贪心,在故事中因为不肯把共同狩猎的战利品分给其他同伴,而用暴力威吓同伴,自己独享所有的猎物。于是人们据此创造出了the lion's share 这句成语。请看例句:   As usual, the lion's share of the budget is for defense.       预算中的最大一项照例是国防费用。    50、till cows come home   汉语中关于"时间长"这一概念的表述还真是不少啊!《还珠格格》中,紫薇对尔康说:"山无棱、天地合,才敢与君绝";张学友在歌中唱到:"我等到花儿也谢了"。不过,英语也不示弱,来看看这个till cows come home.有关它的来历?从前,奶牛处在产奶期,不挤奶会很不舒服,所以会主动回家让人挤奶;但是,在不 产奶时,要让它们从草地上晃晃悠悠走回家,可就不主知道要等多久了。请看例句:   I'll stand here till the cows come home unless you pay me back the money I lent you.   除非你还我钱,要不然我会一直站在这。    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 20:33:19       51、 curry favor   这里的curry与"咖喱"毫无关系,curry favor的意思是"讨好某人",通俗可说成"拍马屁"。curry在这里是动词,原意为梳理马的毛,这一动作与"讨好"相联系源于14世纪法国诗人维特里的政治寓言《褐马传奇》。书中褐色老马Fauvel聪明、权威,人们为了私利常梳理它的毛,以示讨好,久而久之,to curry Fauvel就成了"阿谀奉承"的代名词。随着时间推移,这个传说渐被遗忘,"拍马屁"也由to curry Fauvel变成了to curry favor.请看例句:   You are currying favor with me   你在讨好我。   52、 birthday suit 光着身子   53、 smuggled goods 水货   例句:He promised to stop selling smuggled goods.   他保证以后不再卖水货了。   54、 set meal 套餐   例句: We recommend that you choose a set meal from the various dishes on the menu.   我们建议您从菜单上的各种菜品中选一款套餐。   55、cold turkey 突然终止已成瘾的习惯   56、copycat 模仿别人的人   57、 socialize 应酬   例句:   What he means by socializing is to wine and dine in grand style.   他所谓的应酬就是大吃大喝。   58、 clearance sale 甩卖   例句:   SCI's warehouse clearance sale gives American customers a chance to buy specially configured SGI systems at a fraction of the regular prices.   SCI系列产品的甩卖活动使美国顾客能以超低价买到特殊配置的SGI系统。   59、Wet blanket   -------   扑灭篝火的时候,用一床大湿毯子严严实实地一盖,效果最好。   篝火噼噼啪啪地烧得正旺,比喻兴高采烈;猛然间大湿毯子一盖……   所以,这个词是说谁谁是很令人扫兴的人。   60、Rabbit on   -------   兔子的生殖能力很强。两只兔子据说在一年之内,就能繁育出几世同堂的后代子孙。但,可惜都是兔子,没有什么新鲜玩意儿。    所以,用这个词来比喻话说了一大堆,却没有实质内容。   61、Another day another tortilla   过了一天,又吃了一个的煎蛋卷。   比喻混日子,没有新意的生活。   62、panic selling 恐慌性出售(抛售)    例句:   Panic selling pushed China's stock's to its lowest close in nearly a year Thursday.   周四,恐慌性抛售使中国的股市跌至了近一年来的最低点。   63、bar code 商品条形码   64、die-hard fans 铁杆球迷   例句:    Some 60 die-hard fans from both clubs fought after the 赛后,双方约60名铁杆球迷发生冲突。   65、stuntman 替身演员   Both Jacky Chan and Jet Li don't like to use stuntman in their films.   成龙和李连杰在电影中都不爱用替身演员。    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 20:35:17       66、to saw logs   汉语中,我们常说"鼾声大如雷";英语中,竟有这样的比拟----"鼾声"好似"锯木声","打鼾"就叫"锯木头"(to saw logs)。"to saw logs"最早见于20世纪初。据说,当时有位作家耳朵特别好使,喜欢把生活中的各种声音变成文字。一天,他心血来潮,希望能用一种想象的收发描述打鼾声。夜深人静,这位怪才作家竟由听到的呼噜声想到了"锯原木"的声音。直至今日,这种"鼾声—锯木"的想象创作仍受到漫画家的青睐,比如,他们戏谑打鼾者时,会在他们的头顶上拉锯和木头。当然,除了"to saw logs",你还可直接用"to snore"来描述"打鼾"。例句:   I could hear Dad sawing logs on the living room couch.   我能听到父亲在卧室躺椅上打呼噜。   My chubby hubby saws logs every night.   我那胖老公每晚都打呼。   67、bone-die 懒到极点   68、his-and-hers clothing 情侣装   例句:   The store sells his-and-hers clothing so it's convenient for shopping.   这家销售情侣装的商店,购物很方便。   69、close-up shot 特写镜头   例句:   A close-up shot of the actress reveals wrinkles round her eyes and a sign og fatigue   特写镜头露出了女演员眼角的皱纹,她略显疲惫。   70、ledger 流水账   例句:   Keeping a diary as a student is not the same as a grocery store owner keeping s ledger.   学生的日记不同于杂货店店主的流水账。   71、burn the midnight oil 开夜车   例句:   Many students are burning the midnight oil to prepare for the examination tomorrow.   许多学生在备考期间开夜车学习。   72、anorexia 厌食症   例句:   The French fashion industry signed a charter to combat anorexia aroused by dieting.   法国时尚界签署条约抵制节食引起的厌食症。   73、polygamist 一夫多妻   例句:   Since last week, police have interviewed members of the polygamist sect looking for evidence.   警方自上周起询问了一夫多妻组织的成员,搜集证据。   74、drama queen 爱小题大做的女孩   75、cut corners 抄近路,走捷径    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-25 20:42:11       76、goodwill ambassador 亲善大使   例句:   Chinese actress Zhou Xun was appointed by United Nations Development Program as the first National Goodwill ambassador to promote environmental sustainability.   联合国开发计划署任命中国演员周迅为该机构首位中国亲善大使,致力于推动环境的可持续发展。   77、nourishment for the mind 精神食粮   例句:    Books are nourishment for the mind. 书是精神的食粮。   78、aesthetic fatigue 审美疲劳   例句;   After a week of traveling and seeing the amazing sights, I had aesthetic fatigue.   经过一周的游历,我或多或少有些审美疲劳了。   79、grapevine 小道消息   例句:    I heard the story through the grapevine.   那个故事我是从小道消息听到的。   80、crocodile tears 假慈悲    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-25 21:23:05       嘻嘻好认真的孟孟 ~以后我搬砖你砌墙吧!继续搬砖ing   ------------------------------------------------------------   henpecked 妻管严   例句:   "Mr.Wrong",a short novel written by Yi Shu,describe the lives of henpecked men.   亦舒的短篇小说《错先生》描述了"妻管严"男士的生活。   ------------------------------------------------------------   be disgruntled 闹情绪   例句:   She remained disgruntled two days later.   两天过去了,她仍在闹情绪。 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-26 0:09:02       那我就一客气砌墙啦.   可是太难了.怎么老是砌不上?破天涯. 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-26 0:09:55       81、carry the torch   "单恋、苦恋"在英语中可用carry the torch 来表达。carry the torch字面指的是"高举火炬",也代表着"为某一目标或理想奋战到底(即使没有回报)"。关于carry the torch的渊源,比较流行的观点认为,爱神维纳斯经常被描绘成手执火炬,由此,该短语逐渐被人们接受,用以比喻"爱虽逝,情却痴"。carry the torch还可以用以形容"执着于某一事业或理想"。例句:   He is still carrying the torch for his old sweetheart.   他依然苦恋着旧情人。    作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-26 0:11:51       82、to get someone's goat   日常生活中,你难免会遇到极度郁闷、愤怒的时候,英文用"to get someone's goat"来形容这种"气炸"的感觉。据美国语言学家亨利路易斯门肯推测,该短语源于赛马。早年,驯马师在比赛前把山羊置于性情暴躁的种马厩中,据说可安抚烈马。不过,卑劣的赌徒为赢比赛,会对未下注的马匹做手脚,偷偷把"安抚使者"山羊牵走,惹马生怒。随着时间推移,这个短语渐渐演变成"惹人愤怒"。例句:   You're carried it too far. That really gets my goat!   你做的太多分了,真把我给气炸了。   83、greasy spoon 廉价的小饭馆   84.play the field 滥情、用情不专   例句:   Middle aged Simpson hasn't got married yet as he likes playing the field.   辛普森过于滥情,人到中年还没结婚。   85. punching bag 出气筒   例句:   He makes his living as a punching bag for drunken businessmen.   他靠充当那些醉鬼商人的出气筒来谋生。 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-26 0:13:59       86.henpecked 妻管严   例句:   "Mr.Wrong",a short novel written by Yi Shu,describe the lives of henpecked men.   亦舒的短篇小说《错先生》描述了"妻管严"男士的生活。   87.be disgruntled 闹情绪   例句:   She remained disgruntled two days later.   两天过去了,她仍在闹情绪。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-26 10:48:36       孟孟辛苦了 都凌晨了 还在开工! 今天我加班~继续搬……   88. dog-and-pony show   十九世纪末,马戏团规模都很小,台柱子大多是狗和马。于是,人们戏称这种马戏表演为"dog-and-pony show"(狗秀和马秀)。渐渐地,人们开始用它比喻辞藻华丽、内容空洞的演讲(尤指政治演讲)。如今,"dog-and-pony show"用来形容为公共关系或推销安排的"盛大表演"。请看例句:   My company asked me to do a dog-and-pony show about the new product in the exhibition next month.   公司让我下个月在博览会上做一个新产品的展示。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-26 10:52:44       89. dumb 晕菜   例句:The long list of new words made me dumb.   看到这一大串新名词,我顿时晕菜。      90.exclusive interview 专访   例句:   To make exclusive interviews with those big shots is difficult nowadays.   现如今对那些大腕做专访是很难的事情。      91. couch potato 电视迷 作者:孟鸣 回复日期:2008-4-26 14:00:58       oh, yeah,这么好的砖我就直接往博克里拾啦.哈哈. 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-4-29 22:08:12       92.keep up with the Joneses   英语中,'to keep up with the Joneses'常用来形容那些"讲排场、比阔气,想在财力上和邻居一比高下的人"。"Joneses"是英语中一个比较常见的姓,就像中国的"王"、"李"、"张"一样,常用来泛指左邻右舍。据词源学记载,"to keep up with the Joneses"由"to keep up with the Smiths and the Joneses"简化而来。到了1913年,著名漫画家亚瑟莫曼德在《纽约世界》上开辟了一个漫画专栏,专栏取名为"to keep up with the Joneses",用以讽刺争相攀比斗富的浮华尘世。由于该专栏在当时广受欢迎,专栏的名字自然传播开来,成了大众俗语。请看例句:   I'm not your sort who likes to keep up with the Joneses.   我可不像你,老是和别人比阔。    作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-1 12:10:46       93.play a bit role 跑龙套   例句:   After playing bit role for years,his hard work eventually paid off and he got the break he needed to become a star.   跑了多年的龙套后,他的努力终于有了结果,他把握机会成了明星。      94.coupon 优惠券   例句:   Tear off this coupon and use it to get RMB5 off your next book.   撕下这张优惠券,你下次再来买书时就可以省5块钱。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-1 12:15:27       95. twilight romance 黄昏恋   例句:   With changing views on marriage and love,twilight romance is being accepted by society.   随着婚恋观的转变,黄昏恋也日渐为社会所接受。      96. cheerleading squad 啦啦队   例句:   Cheedleading squads perform during the breaks at basketball matches.   篮球比赛场间休息时,啦啦队活跃起来。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-1 12:22:34       97. crying towel 带有讽刺性的安抚      98.man Friday   朋友是上司的得力助手,他说:"只要勤快,哪个上司不喜欢?"看来,我们要多学习,做上司的"man Friday"(得力、忠诚的助手)。此说法源自《鲁宾逊漂流记》。Friday原是部落俘虏,被鲁宾逊救出后,就成了他忠实的仆人。"man Friday"后来演变成得力助手的代名词。若为女性就叫"girl Friday"。此外,得力助手还可为"right-hand man"。请看例句:   He is the man Friday of police.   他是警方的得力助手。 作者:呼赫 回复日期:2008-5-1 13:00:30       好东西转载下 作者:芝了1984 回复日期:2008-5-1 16:08:31       收了你 !!! 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-2 21:39:08       99.mother-to-be 准妈妈   例句:The number of mothers-to-be increased sharply in 2006 because many young couples are eager to have babies in the year of pig.   由于很多年轻的夫妇都想要一个属猪的孩子,2006年准妈妈的数量剧增。      100.crash course 短期训练班      101.double-edged sword 双刃剑   例句:   Being famous is a double-edged sword,it can be a fast-paced life,but not for those who cannot handle it.   出名是把双刃剑。表面上看出名是好事,但是如果处理不好,就会变坏事。 作者:水岸长桥 回复日期:2008-5-2 22:57:56       真好!很有用!继续学习! 作者:东灌灌西灌灌 回复日期:2008-5-3 3:34:54       红了没 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-4 20:33:01       红啦 ~~~~哈哈 谢谢斑竹 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-4 20:42:35       102.world premiere 全球首映   例句:Movie stars Jet Li and Jackie Chan attended the world premiere event of their latest film"The Forbidden Kingdom"in Beijing April 16.   影星李连杰和成龙4月16日在北京出席了联袂出演的新片《功夫之王》全球首映礼。      103.off-line 不在线,脱机   例句:   They have been out of contact for days.Every time she logged on to MSN,she found him off-ling.   他们失去联系好几天了。每次她上MSN,他都不在线。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-4 20:50:31       104. extensive "short-cut"connections 有路子   例句:   Wang is known to have extensive "short-cut"connections so he can get things done more easily.   小王据说很有路子,总是很容易就能把事情搞定。      105.up-and-coming star 新秀   例句:   She is praised as the most promising up-and-coming star in the United States.   她被誉为当今美国最有潜力的影坛新秀。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-4 21:01:48       106.daylight robbery 漫天要价      107.own goal 乌龙球   例句:   The player was so excited to score,he didn't realize it was in his own goal and helped the other team win.   球员射门后兴奋异常。他没有意识到自己踢了个乌龙球,让对方赢了一分。      108. become debt-ridden 债台高筑   例句:   If people don't keep up with their credit card payments,they will become debt-ridden.   信用卡欠款如果还不上,就会债台高筑。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-4 21:12:42       109. When two's company,three's the result!   两个人的状态是不稳定的,三个人才是!      110.double-decker bus 双层巴士   例句:   If you ride on a double-decker bus you can see more things from the top deck.   坐在双层巴士的上层位置上,可以看到更多车外景色。      111.seek votes 拉选票   例句:   Supporters of the smoking-ban are seeking votes in the state.   禁烟令的支持者们正在州内拉选票。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-4 21:21:08       112.cloth ears 没听到别人讲话      113.franchised store 专卖店   例句:   McDonalds operates more than 30000 franchised stores worlwide.   麦当劳在全世界有3万家专卖店。      114.voucher 代金券   例句:   Some firms give their workers luncheon vouchers.   有些公司会给员工发午餐券。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-4 21:30:05       115. beauty spot/mark 美人痣   例句:   Cindy Crawford's beauty spot is her most prominent feature.   世界名模辛迪克劳馥脸上最著名的特点是她的那颗美人痣。      116.blind dat 相亲   例句:   I met my wife on a blind date.   我和妻子是通过介绍相识的。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-4 21:35:10       117. pet phrase 口头禅   例句:   "Is that true?"is his pet phrase.   他的口头禅是"真的吗?"      118.two-for-one 买一赠一   例句:   Shoppers ,lured by discount and two-for-one offers,packed department stores over the weekend.   受打折和买一赠一的诱惑,消费者都在周末涌向了百货公司和商场。      119.clown around 胡闹 作者:我帅故我在吗 回复日期:2008-5-4 23:24:00       102.world premiere 全球首映     例句:Movie stars Jet Li and Jackie Chan attended the world premiere event of their latest film"The Forbidden Kingdom"in Beijing April 16.     影星李连杰和成龙4月16日在北京出席了联袂出演的新片《功夫之王》全球首映礼。          103.off-line 不在线,脱机     例句:     They have been out of contact for days.Every time she logged on to MSN,she found him off-ling.     他们失去联系好几天了。每次她上MSN,他都不在线            是今天晚间的手机报的内容            楼主不错的说· 作者:chunyan327 回复日期:2008-5-5 19:45:46       mark 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-8 22:14:55       120.venture into business 下海经商   例句:   My classmate has made lots of money since he quit his job and ventured into business last year.   我同学去年辞职下海经商后挣了大钱。      121.standing-room-only ticket 站票   例句:   As reported,some 25000 standing-room-only tickets to watch a famous musician perform were sold at $60 each.   据报道,大约售出了2.5万张站票,每张票价60美元。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-8 22:22:21       122.poker face   据说,玩扑克牌(poker)时,高手一般都不动声色。单看其无表情的面容,旁人很难猜知他手中的牌是好还是坏。于是,"poker face(直译:玩扑克者的表情)"应运而生,常用来形容城府深,善于隐藏感情,让人一眼望不到底的人。例句:   He kept his poker face,not even his eyelids stirred.   他脸上毫无表情,甚至脸眼皮也不眨一眨。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-8 22:33:04       123. steal one's thunder   意思是抢某人风头。这个短语的来历跟雷声有关。1704年,英剧作家约翰丹尼斯在他的戏剧《Appius an Virginia》中使用了新方法制造雷声,这部剧不受欢迎,但他制造雷声的方法却被用在其他剧中。他发现后大叫"They will not let my play run,but they steal my thunder."于是,steal one's thunder最初就成了"偷某人想法"的意思,后引申为"抢某人风头"。此外,抢某人风头还可以用steal one's show/spotlight来表示。请看例句:   I kept quiet about announcing my pregnancy because Cathy was getting married,and I didn't want to steal her thunder.   我没宣布我怀孕的消息,因为凯西要结婚了,我不想抢了她的风头。 作者:东灌灌西灌灌 回复日期:2008-5-9 0:14:35       楼主加油 作者:张家港小凯 回复日期:2008-5-9 0:38:31       好帖子!!!!!!!收藏!!!!! 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-10 8:49:08       124.officer hours 上班时间   例句:   Chatting on the phone for long periods during officer hours should not be tolerated.   上班时间没完没了打电话是不能容忍的。      125. bitterly disappointed 透心凉   例句:   He ran for 40 minutes to catch the football team's bus,only to find it had just left.He was bitterly disappointed.   为了赶上球队班车,他一路狂跑40分钟,可还是差了一点没赶上。他顿时感到透心凉。      126. dog days 三伏天 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-10 9:39:08       127.confirmed case 确诊病例   例句:   The first confirmed case of the virus was reported on April 30.   4月30日,第一例确诊病例被上报。      128. lodge a complaint 投诉   例句:   Many customers have lodged complaints with this department store for selling counterfeit goods.   许多人投诉这家商场销售假冒商品。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-10 9:56:33       129. pillow talk 枕边风   例句:   "My wife gave me too much pillow talk to persuade me taking briberies,"regretted the former mayor who has been put into prion.   已入狱的前市长悔恨地说:"我老婆吹了太多的枕边风,我才慢慢开始收取贿赂。"      130.be snubbed 碰一鼻子灰   例句:   She wanted to invite him to her wedding,but got snubbed-in fact,he flatly refused.   她本想邀请他参加自己的婚礼,没想到碰了一鼻子灰,他断然拒绝。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-10 10:20:28       131.puppy love 早恋   例句:   When a young man and woman like each other,puppy love develops and the relationship may not go beyond that.   一对年轻男女彼此喜欢很容易早恋,但关系往往到此为止。      132.seesaw match 拉锯战   例句:   Peng Shuai battled against Russian teenager Alisa Kleybancva,a seesaw match that either could have won.   彭帅和而落实小将克莱班诺娃展开了激烈的拉锯战。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-10 10:39:32       133.nightlife 夜生活   例句:   Northern cities generally don't have much nightlife,especially in winter.   北方城市没什么夜生活,尤其是冬季。      134. local call 市话   例句:   A local call is much less expensive than a long-distance one.   市话比长话要便宜很多。      135. dead ringer 明星脸    作者:herminia 回复日期:2008-5-10 11:20:39       thanks for share   楼主,我的是全球通168的套餐,好像没有GPRS,可以订阅吗?    作者:mickjan 回复日期:2008-5-10 11:43:33       很不错.收藏. 作者:赖赖赖赖 回复日期:2008-5-10 19:35:57       收藏 作者:吴硕 回复日期:2008-5-10 19:44:09       麻仁棵 作者:chenfangabc 回复日期:2008-5-10 20:21:20        I am wondering if a UNICOM ueser could subscibe it also ..Anyway .thank U for sharing !    -----------------------------------------------------------   me 2 作者:Total_L 回复日期:2008-5-10 23:21:50       Mark~ 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-11 17:35:59             作者:herminia 回复日期:2008-5-10 11:20:39      thanks for share     楼主,我的是全球通168的套餐,好像没有GPRS,可以订阅吗?     ------------------------------------------------------   开通GPRS功能并设置好手机就可以了,收彩信是不会收取流量费的。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-11 17:38:44       作者:chenfangabc 回复日期:2008-5-10 20:21:20       I am wondering if a UNICOM ueser could subscibe it also ..Anyway .thank U for sharing !      -----------------------------------------------------------     me 2      Sorry,I'm don't know! I work for China Mobile.haha^-^ 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-11 17:48:34       136.incubation period潜伏期   例句:The incubation period lasts approximately 10-14 days after contact.   感染后的潜伏期大概会持续10至14天。      137.head-hunting company 猎头公司   例句:   Head-hunting companies in America and Europe have been searching for qualified people in China,India,Mexico,Brazil and other developing countries.   一直以来,美国和欧洲国家的猎头公司锁准的对象是中国、印度、墨西哥、巴西和其他一些发展中国家。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-11 21:32:56       138. private investor 散户   例句:   The news that regulators would cut the stamp duty on transactions of hard-currency B shares triggered private investors to buy on Monday,sending both bourses up,brokers said.   经纪人说,硬通货B股的交易印花税即将降低这一消息促使散户们在周一纷纷购进股票,两家交易所的股指因此上扬。      139.caesarean section 剖腹产   例句:   It was a difficult birth.She had to have a Caesarean section.   因为难产,她必须得做剖腹产手术。      140.eager beaver 勤奋的人 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-11 22:09:39       141. like a duck in thunder   意思是惊慌失措。它的字面意思很清楚了,像暴风雨中的鸭子。那么鸭子遇到狂风暴雨会有什么反应呢?据说它们会被吓得眼珠翻过去,然后仰头倒下。看来,这反应是够大的,怪不得要用"like a duck in thunder"来形容惊慌失措呢。请看例句:   He stands there like a duck in thunder.   他站在那,惊慌失措。 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-11 22:15:41       142.rain check   如有人请你吃饭,你刚巧因事不能奉陪,可以说"May I take a rain check?"来表达"改天再赴约"的想法。rain check源于棒球用语,出现于19世纪80年代。指"比赛因下雨延期举行时的未来入场券",现在可用来形容不同情况下对未来的许诺,如"缺货商品未来出售时的不涨价保证"或"谢约时的改天建议"。请看例句:   I can't play tennis this afternoon but can I take a rain check?   我今天下午不能去打网球了,要么改天吧? 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-13 11:21:55       143.squeal on someone 打小报告   例句:Those who squeal on colleagues in return for favors are the most hated in the office.   办公室里最可恨就是那些打小报告的人。      144. vicious circle 恶性循环   例句:I eat because I'm unhappy,and I'm unhappy because I eat.It's a vicious circle.   郁闷了我就吃,吃了又让我感到郁闷,这真是一种恶心循环。   o(∩_∩)o...哈哈 很像我哦 作者:cookie0629 回复日期:2008-5-13 11:41:37       145.bring home the bacon   这个短语最早起源于14世纪早期。当时,英国埃塞克斯郡的Dunmow(邓莫)每年都会奖励当年关系和睦的夫妇,奖励品是已婚的夫妻一年里一天都没有争吵或者不和,他们就可以免费得到一块腌熏猪肉。这个说法在延续了几百年之后,也有了得分或赢得比赛的意思。如今,它多指赢得一些值钱的东西,比如说"薪水",最终演变到我们今日所说的"养家糊口",或者"维持生计"。例句:   Both Richard and Smamntha got work to bring home the bacon for their children.   理查德和萨曼莎都要工作挣钱养家糊口。
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