

2010-09-07 35页 doc 231KB 37阅读




走遍加拿大1.1 Dashan: Now that you're in Canada, it's important to practise your English. You have to promise to speak English all the time.你们可要时时刻刻都说英语。 Rumei&Yunbo: Okay, Dashan. Dashan: What colour is your suitcase, Rumei? 大山:如梅,你的手提箱是什么颜色的? Rumei: It's blue, Dashan. 如梅:是...
1.1 Dashan: Now that you're in Canada, it's important to practise your English. You have to promise to speak English all the time.你们可要时时刻刻都说英语。 Rumei&Yunbo: Okay, Dashan. Dashan: What colour is your suitcase, Rumei? 大山:如梅,你的手提箱是什么颜色的? Rumei: It's blue, Dashan. 如梅:是蓝色的。 Yunbo: Oh, there it is. I'll get it. 云波:喂,在那边呐。我去拿吧。 Rumei: Thanks, Yunbo. Be careful. It's heavy. 如梅:云波,谢谢你。当心,箱子挺重的。 Yunbo: You're right. It is heavy. 云波:让你说对了,还真挺沉。 Rumei: Yunbo, this bag isn't my bag. 如梅:云波,这个手提箱不是我的。 Yunbo: Are you sure? 云波:你敢肯定吗? Rumei: Yes, I am. My bag is blue with a red stripe. Oh, there it is. It's next to the brown bag. 如梅:肯定不是。我的手提箱是蓝色的,带有一条红色的条纹。 嘿,就在那边,紧挨着棕色箱子的那个就是。 Yunbo: I'll get it. 云波:我去拿。 Rumei: Thanks, Yunbo. 如梅:谢谢你,云波。 Yunbo: You're welcome. 云波:别客气。 Monica: Dashan, I'm over here. 莫尼卡:大山,我在这儿!  Dashan: Hi, Monica, it's great to see you. How's everything? 大山:莫尼卡,你好!真高兴见到你。 你一切都好吗? Monica: Very good, Dashan. And, how are you? 莫尼卡:我很好。你呢? Dashan: Terrific. Rumei and Yunbo, I'd like you to meet my sister Monica Gilbert. Monica, meet Su Rumei and Li Yunbo. 大山:我很好。如梅,云波,我来介绍你们认识我的姐姐莫尼卡·吉尔伯特。 莫尼 卡,这位是苏如梅,这位是李云波。 Monica: Hi! Nice to meet you. 莫尼卡:你好,见到你们我很高兴。 Yunbo: Nice to meet you, too, Mrs Gilbert. 云波:见到你我们也很高兴!吉尔伯特太太。 Monica: Please call me Monica. 莫尼卡:就叫我莫尼卡吧。 Rumei: Okay, Monica. And please call me Rumei. 如梅:好的,莫尼卡。你管我叫如梅吧。 Yunbo: Please call me, Yunbo. 云波:你叫我云波吧。 1.2 Dashan: Rumei and Yunbo are from China. They're fro24m Beijing. 大山:如梅和云波来自中国,他们是从北京来的。 Monica: Really. You're a long way from home. Welcome to Vancouver. 莫尼卡:是这样,那你们可是远离家乡啊。欢迎你们来到温哥华。 Yunbo: Thanks, Monica. We're happy to be here. It's a beautiful airport. 云波:谢谢你,莫尼卡。来到温哥华我们很高兴。 这飞机场真美。 Monica: Yes, it's new. It was built in 1996. It links Canada to the world. Planes go to China every day. 莫尼卡:是的,机场是新建的,是1996年建成的。它将加拿大与世界连成一体。 每天都有从这里飞往中国的班机。 Yunbo: Really? 云波:是吗? Dashan: Monica, Rumei works at a university, too. 大山:莫尼卡,如梅也在大学里工作。 Monica: Oh. What do you do? 莫尼卡:哦,那你是做什么工作的? Rumei: I'm an English professor. What do you do, Monica? 如梅:我是英语教授。莫尼卡,你是做什么工作的? Monica: I'm a librarian. I work at the University of British Columbia. 莫尼卡:我是图书管理员。我在不列颠哥伦比亚大学工作。 Dashan: Monica is a librarian at the University of British Columbia. 大山:莫尼卡是BC大学的图书管理员。 Rumei: Dashan. Please speak English. 如梅:大山,请说英语! Dashan: OK. Sorry, Rumei. 大山:好的。对不起,如梅。 Monica: And what about you, Yunbo, what do you do? 莫尼卡:云波,你呢,你是做什么的? Yunbo: Oh, I'm a television director. 云波:哦,我是电视台的编导。 Rumei: He works at CCTV. 如梅:他在CCTV 工作。 Monica: What is CCTV? 莫尼卡:CCTV是什么地方? Yunbo: China Central Television. It's our national television station. 云波:是中国中央电视台的简称。 Monica: How interesting! 莫尼卡:那你的工作可真有趣。 Yunbo: I direct news programmes. 云波:我是新闻节目的导播。 Monica: How exciting! 莫尼卡:太有意思了! Dashan: Monica, where is your car? 大山:莫尼卡,你的汽车停在哪儿了? Monica: It's outside the terminal. Oh, no! A parking ticket! 莫尼卡:就在机场大楼外边。 哎呀,糟了,违章停车罚款通知单! Dialogue 2-1 Rumei: This hotel is beautiful. 如梅:这家酒店很漂亮。 Dashan: Yes, it's new. The hotel was built in 1996. 大山:对,是新建的。酒店建于1996 年。 Rumei: Dashan, please speak English. 如梅:大山,请说英语! Dashan: Sorry, Rumei. The hotel was built in 1996. 大山:对不起,如梅。酒店建于1996 年。 Yunbo: Dashan, where's the front desk? 云波:服务台在哪里? Dashan: It's straight ahead. 大山:就在正前方。 Clerk: Good afternoon. May I help you? 服务员:下午好,我能为您效劳吗? Rumei: Yes, I have a reservation. My name is Su Rumei. Su is my family name. 如梅:是的。我在这儿预订了房间。 我叫苏如梅,苏是我的姓。 Clerk: How do you spell your last name? 服务员:您的姓怎么拼写? Rumei: S-U. 如梅:S-U。 Clerk: So that's Ms Su from Beijing, China. Yes, I have your reservation for a double room. It's for three nights. 服务员:哦,是从中国北京来的苏女士。这儿有您订的双人间,住三个晚上。 Yunbo: That's right. 云波:对。 Clerk: Please sign the registration form. 服务员:请在上签名。 Rumei: Of course. 如梅:好的。 Clerk: Your room number is 625. Here are the keys. Do you need a porter? 服务员:您的房间是625号。这是钥匙。要叫人搬行李吗? Rumei: No, we don't. We don't have many bags. Thanks anyway. 如梅:不用了,我们的提包不多,但还是要谢谢你。 Yunbo: Where are the elevators? 云波:电梯在哪儿? Clerk: The elevators are over there next to the washroom. 服务员:电梯在那边,在洗手间旁边。 Dashan: Excuse me. Do the rooms have colour televisions? 大山:对不起,请问房间内有彩电吗? Clerk: Yes, sir. They do. 服务员:有,先生。 Dashan: Does the hotel have a coffee shop? 大山:酒店里有咖啡厅吗? Clerk: Yes, it does. It's right behind you. 服务员:有,就在你的身后。 Dashan: Does the hotel have an exercise room? 大山:酒店里有健身房吗? Clerk: No, it doesn't. But we have a swimming pool. 服务员:没有,不过有游泳池。 2.1 Dashan: Look at this. A ski trip to Whistler. Whistler is a famous ski resort. 大山:看这张海报,去惠斯勒滑雪旅游,惠斯勒可是个有名的滑雪胜地。 Rumei: Dashan, can you ski? 如梅:大山,你会滑雪吗? Dashan: Yes, I can. Can you? 大山:我会。你会吗? Rumei: Yes, I can. But Yunbo can't ski. 如梅:我会,可是云波不会。 Yunbo: I can so... But not very well. 云波:我会滑,可是滑不好。 Rumei: Where's Whistler? 如梅:惠斯勒在什么地方? Dashan: It's near Vancouver. A bus leaves this hotel every day. 大山:离温哥华不远。每天有公共汽车从酒店往返。 Rumei: How much does it cost? 如梅:要多少钱? Dashan: I don't know. Let's ask the clerk at the front desk. 大山:我不知道。我们问问服务台的工作人员吧。 Clerk: May I help you? 服务员:您有什么事吗? Yunbo: Yes. Do you have information about the ski trip to Whistler? 云波:是的。有没有关于惠斯勒滑雪旅游的介绍? Clerk: Yes, I do. 服务员:有。 Yunbo: What time does the bus leave? 云波:公共汽车几点从酒店开出? Clerk: The bus leaves the hotel every morning at eight. 服务员:每天早晨8点开出。 Yunbo: How long does it take to get there? 云波:到那儿要花多长时间? Clerk: It takes about two hours. 服务员:大约两个小时。 Rumei: What time does the bus return? 如梅:汽车几点返回? Clerk: Around midnight. 服务员:大概要到午夜吧。 Rumei: How much does it cost? 如梅:要多少钱呢? Clerk: It costs $125 a person. The price includes your lift ticket, ski rental and all taxes. 服务员:每位125加元,这里包括缆车票、滑雪用具租用费和所有税钱。 Rumei: Pardon me. What does it include? 如梅:对不起,都包括什么? Clerk: Your lift ticket, ski rental and all taxes. It doesn't include your meals. 服务员:包括缆车票、滑雪器具租用费和所有税钱。饭费不包在内。 Rumei: Thanks. 如梅:谢谢。 3.1 Rumei: This shopping centre is great. It's sunny and very large. 如梅:这家购物中心可真大呀!这里阳光明媚,地方宽敞。 Dashan: The West Edmonton Mall is the largest shopping centre in North America. You can shop, eat, ice skate, see a movie and ride on a roller coaster here. 大山:西埃德蒙顿商场是北美最大的购物中心,在这里,你可以购物、就餐、滑冰、看电影,还可以玩过山车呢。 Rumei: Wow! It has a skating rink and a roller coaster. That's unusual. 如梅:哎呀,这里有滑冰场和过山车,真少见啊。 Yunbo: Can you find shopping centres all over Canada? 云波:加拿大各地都有大型购物中心吗? Dashan: Yes, most Canadian cities have shopping malls. Shopping malls are very convenient. You can buy everything under one roof. 大山:是,多数加拿大城市都有购物街,在购物街购物非常方便。不挪地方(under one roof )什么都能买上。 Rumei: Under one roof? What does that mean? 如梅:Under one roof 是什么意思? Dashan: It means... In one place. 大山:意思是……“在同一个地方”。 Rumei: Oh, I get it. UNDER ONE ROOF. 如梅:喔,我明白了,这叫under one roof。 Yunbo: In China, Rumei and I always shop in department stores or in small shops on the street. 云波:在中国如梅和我总是在百货商场或者去街上的小商店里买东西。 Rumei: Yunbo likes to shop in department stores, but I like to shop in small stores. 如梅:云波喜欢上百货商店买东西,但我喜欢去小商店。 Dashan: Well, I rarely shop. I'm usually too busy. Sometimes I shop for food, but that's all. 大山:我嘛,我是很少购物。 我有时上街买点吃的,仅此而已。 Yunbo: Oh, look. I see an ice cream shop. Let's get ice cream cones. 云波:哎,你们看,冰淇淋屋,我们买点蛋卷冰淇淋吧。 Rumei: Yes, let's take a break. 如梅:对。我们休息一会儿吧。 Dashan: Good idea. I love ice cream. I always get mint chocolate chip. What flavour do you usually get? 大山:好主意。我特别喜欢吃冰淇淋。我总是吃薄荷巧克力味的。你们一般吃什么味的? Yunbo: Well, I usually get vanilla, but Rumei always gets strawberry. I'll get the ice cream. It's my treat. 云波:我一般吃香草味的,如梅总是吃草莓的。 我去买冰淇淋。 我来请客。 Dashan: Thanks, Yunbo. 大山:多谢啦,云波。 Rumei: Dashan, I want to buy a souvenir for my brother in Shanghai. 如梅:大山,我想给我上海的弟弟买件礼品。 Dashan: Let's find a souvenir store. We can ask for directions at the information desk. 大山:那我们找一家礼品店吧。 我们可以到问讯处去问路。 Rumei: Mmm... This ice cream is delicious. 如梅:啊,冰淇淋真好吃啊。 Dashan: Yes, it's wonderful. Thanks, Yunbo. 大山:是啊,真棒。谢谢你,云波。 Yunbo: My pleasure. I'm glad you like it. 云波:还客气什么,你们喜欢我就很高兴了。 4 Dashan:Oh, look. It's seven o'clock. I'm hungry. 大山:哎呀,瞧,都7点了。我饿了。 Yunbo: I'm hungry, too. Let's go out for dinner. 云波:我也饿了。我们出去吃饭吧。 Rumei: Good idea. Let's try some Canadian beef. 如梅:好主意。我们去尝一尝加拿大的牛肉吧。 Dashan: Mmm, hmm. Canadian beef is excellent. Yunbo, please ask the front desk clerk about good steak restaurants near the hotel. 大山:啊,加拿大的牛肉特棒。云波,你能不能去问问前台服务员,咱们饭店周围有没有好的牛排餐馆。 Rumei: Please speak English ONLY, Dashan. 如梅:大山,请你只讲英语。 Dashan: Sorry. Yunbo, please ask the clerk about good steak restaurants near the hotel. 大山:对不起。云波,请你问问前台服务员附近有没有好的牛排餐馆。 Yunbo: Excuse me. Is there a good steak restaurant near here? 云波:请问,附近有好牛排饭馆吗? Clerk: Yes, there is. There's a good restaurant about two blocks from here. 服务员:有,离这儿两条街远的地方就有一家好饭馆。 Yunbo: Great. 云波:太好了。 Clerk: Yes, Vic's Steak House is very popular. 服务员:对,威克牛排酒家很受欢迎。 Yunbo: How do we get to Vic's? 云波:去威克牛排酒家怎么走? Clerk: First, go out the front door and turn right. Then, walk two blocks. It's on your left. It's next to the parking lot. 服务员:先出大门向右拐,然后走两个街区。威克牛排酒家在你的左手边,紧挨着停车场。 Yunbo: So, first we turn right. Then we go two blocks. 云波:先出大门向右拐,再朝前走两个街区。 Clerk: Uh huh. 服务员:对,对。 Yunbo: And, it's next to the parking lot? 云波:挨着停车场? Clerk: Yes, you can't miss it. There's a big sign in front of it. 服务员:对,你不会错过的。 酒家正门挂着一块很大的招牌。 Yunbo&Dashan: Thanks. 云波 & 大山:谢谢你。 Clerk: You're welcome. Oh, sir. Don't forget your map. 服务员:不客气。喂,先生,别忘了你的地图。 Yunbo: Oh, thanks. We're in luck. There's a good steak house two blocks from here. We can walk to it. 云波:啊,谢谢。 (对如梅说)我们运气好。 离这里两个街区有一家好牛排馆子。我们可以走着去。 Rumei: Come on. Let's go. 如梅:快点。我们走吧。 4.2Rumei: Everything on the menu looks good. 如梅:菜单上的菜看着样样都好。 Yunbo: Dashan, what's surf and turf? 云波:大山,Surf and Turf 这道菜是什么做的? Dashan: It's a small steak and a lobster tail. 大山:是嫩牛排加龙虾尾。 Rumei: That sounds delicious. I'd like that. How about you, Dashan? 如梅:听起来很好吃。 我想来一盘。 大山,你呢? Dashan: I can't decide. 大山:我定不下来。 Server: Are you ready to order? 服务员:可以点菜了吗? Rumei: Yes, I'd like a surf and turf. 如梅:可以。我要一份海鲜牛排。 Yunbo: I'd like the same. 云波:我也要一份。 Dashan: Hmm. I'd like a hamburger. No, I'd like some roast beef. No, I'd like a T-bone steak. 大山:我要一个汉堡包。不行,我要烤牛肉。不,我要带骨牛排。 Server: Would you like your meat rare, medium or well done? 服务员:肉要烧成嫩的、不老不嫩的还是熟透的? Dashan&Rumei&Yunbo: Medium, please. 三人齐声说:要不老不嫩的。 Server: Would you like a baked potato or some rice? 服务员:要烤土豆还是米饭? Dashan: I'd like a baked potato. No, I'd like some rice. No, a baked potato. 大山:我要烤土豆。不行,我要一些米饭。不,我要烤土豆。 5 Good morning. This is Captain Marconi speaking. Welcome to Flight 333 to Winnipeg International Airport. Our flying time to Winnipeg is 45 minutes. For take-off, all passengers must fasten their seatbelts. And, passengers must store all carry-on luggage under their seats or in the overhead compartments. Thank you and have a nice day. 早晨好,我是马克尼机长。欢迎大家乘坐飞往温尼伯国际机场的333次航班。本次航班到达温尼伯的飞行时间是45分钟。我们就要起飞了,各位乘客请务必系好安全带。并请大家将随身携带的行李物品放在座位下面或者头顶的行李柜中。感谢大家的合作,祝各位旅途愉快。 Rumei: Dashan, you have to put your bag under your seat. 如梅:大山,你得把手提包放到座位下边。 Dashan: Oh, right. It doesn't fit. 大山:行,可以。放不进去。 Rumei: Well, then you have to put it in the overhead compartment. 如梅:那么,你只好放进头顶的行李厢。 Attendant: Would you like a pillow? 空姐:您需要枕头吗? Rumei: No, thanks. I'm fine. 如梅:不要,谢谢。我很舒服。 Yunbo: Yes, I'd like one, please. 云波:请给我一个。 Dashan: No, thanks. 大山:不,我不要。谢谢。 Rumei: Yunbo, are you okay? 如梅:云波,你没事吧? Yunbo: Yes, I am. But, I'm a little tired. 云波:我没事。不过我有点累了。 Attendant: Would you like some coffee? 空姐:您想喝点咖啡吗? Rumei: Yes, I'd like some, please. 如梅:好的,请给我来点。 Attendant: Certainly. Cream and sugar? 空姐:可以。 要加奶和糖吗? Rumei: Black, please. 如梅:不加,请给我清咖啡。 Attendant: Would you like some cookies? 空姐:您要一点饼干吗? Rumei: Yes, please. Do you have any chocolate chip cookies? 如梅:好的。有巧克力甜饼吗? Attendant: Sorry. I don't have any. I have peanut butter and oatmeal. 空姐:对不起,我们没有。有花生酱夹心的和燕麦的。 Rumei: No, thanks. 如梅:我不要了,谢谢你。 Attendant: How about you, sir? 空姐:您要什么,先生? Dashan: Could I have some water... With some ice? 大山:请给我一点水……加冰的,好吗? Attendant: Of course. 空姐:没问题。 Attendant: Here you are, sir. 空姐:先生,这是您要的水。 Dashan: Thanks. 大山:谢谢。 Dashan: Oh, Yunbo, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Are you okay? 大山:哎哟,云波,真对不起。我非常抱歉。你没事吧? Yunbo: Yes, I'm all right. It was just a surprise. 云波:我没事。只是吃了一惊。 5.2 Rumei: Dashan, that's a nice sweater. I like the colour. 如梅:大山,你的毛衣很好看。我喜欢它的颜色。 Dashan: Thanks. It was a birthday present from my sister Monica. 大山:谢谢。这是我的姐姐莫尼卡送给我的生日礼物。 Rumei: Oh, really. When was your birthday? 如梅:是吗?你的生日是哪天? Dashan: It was yesterday. It was on December 23rd. 大山:是昨天,12月23号。 Rumei: Happy birthday! 如梅:祝你生日快乐! Yunbo: Yes, happy birthday, Dashan! 云波:是啊,大山,祝你生日快乐! Dashan: Okay, okay. Thanks a lot. 大山:好啦,好啦。多谢啦。 Rumei: Dashan, let's celebrate your birthday in Winnipeg. Okay? 如梅:大山,让我们在温尼伯给你庆贺生日,你看怎么样? Dashan: I'd really like that, Rumei. 大山:如梅,我非常愿意。 Yunbo: Rumei, what does the word"celebrate"mean? 云波:如梅,“celebrate”是什么意思? Rumei: It means: we have to do something special for Dashan's birthday. 如梅:意思是:我们得为大山的生日做出点特殊的表示。 Dashan: It means “celebrate”. 大山:就是“庆贺”的意思。 Rumei: Dashan, please speak English only. 如梅:大山,请你只讲英语。 Dashan: Sorry, everybody. So, did you enjoy our visit to Saskatchewan? 大山:对不起。说说看,我们的萨斯喀彻温省之行你们过得好吗? Rumei: Yes, I did. I enjoyed it very much. Saskatchewan was very interesting. 如梅:我过得很好,我过得很开心。萨斯喀彻温省的确是一个有吸引力的地方。 Yunbo: The people were friendly, but the weather was very cold. It snowed twice. 云波:那里的人很友善,不过天气够冷的。下了两次雪。 Dashan: Was your room comfortable? 大山:你们的房间舒适吗? Rumei: Yes, it was. Our room was very big and warm. 如梅:很舒适。房间里面很宽敞、很暖和。 Dashan: The front desk clerk was helpful, wasn't he? 大山:旅馆前台的服务员对我们帮助很大,是不是? Yunbo: Yes, he helped us a lot. He recommended Vic's Steak House. 云波:对,他帮了我们不少忙。就是他给我们推荐的威克牛排酒家。 Dashan: That's right. What did you think of the food at Vic's? 大山:是这样。你们觉得威克酒家的菜怎么样? Rumei: It tasted great. 如梅:味道好极了。 Yunbo: Dashan, did you use the swimming pool in the hotel? 云波:大山,你到旅馆的游泳池里去游泳了吗? Dashan: No, I didn't. I watched TV in my room instead. 大山:没有,我呆在房间里看电视了。 Announcement: This is your Captain again. We are now beginning our descent. It's a lovely day in Winnipeg. The sky is clear and the air is crisp. The temperature is -20 degrees. 机上广播:我是本次航班的机长,飞机马上就要降落了。温尼伯市今天天气很好。天空晴朗、空气清新凉爽。地面温度是零下20摄氏度。 Attendant: Sir, you have to bring your seat forward for the landing. 空姐:飞机要降落,您得把座位靠背调直起来。 Dashan: Sure. 大山:好的。 Rumei: Well, that was a short flight. 如梅:啊,这次飞行时间倒不长。 Dashan: Yes, but an eventful one, wasn't it, Yunbo? 大山:是啊,但也算不上平平淡淡,你说是不是,云波? 6.1 Rumei: Hi, Dashan. It's Rumei. 如梅:大山,你好。 我是如梅。 Dashan: Oh, hi, Rumei. 大山:噢,如梅,是你。你好。 Rumei: Yunbo and I want to eat breakfast at that pancake restaurant down the street. Would you like to come? 如梅:云波和我要去街口的煎饼店去吃早点。 你愿意一起去吗? Dashan: Oh, I'd like to, but maybe another time. 大山:嗯,我愿意去,可是还是改天吧。 Rumei: What's the matter? 如梅:你怎么了? Dashan: I don't feel very well. 大山:我身体不舒服。 Rumei: Oh, that's too bad, Dashan. 如梅:那太糟糕了,大山。 Dashan: Yeah. I felt terrible last night. I had a fever and a bad headache. 大山:是啊。昨天夜间我特别不好受。我发烧了,头疼得厉害。 Rumei: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Did you sleep? 如梅:知道你病了,我很不安。 你夜间睡着了吗? Dashan: No, I didn't. Not really. I woke up at midnight and I didn't sleep after that. I felt very warm. 大山:没有,没真睡着。半夜醒来之后就再也没睡,觉得(浑身)发热。 Rumei: Maybe you should see a doctor. 如梅:可能你得去看看病。 Dashan: Oh, I'm all right. I need to sleep. That's all. 大山:我想没什么事。我需要睡会儿觉,就会好了。 Rumei: Dashan, I think you should see a doctor. 如梅:大山,我认为你得去看看病。 Dashan: Maybe you're right. I want to be healthy for our trip. 大山:也许你是对的。旅途中我不能病倒。 Rumei: Do you know any doctors here? 如梅:这里有你认识的大夫吗? Dashan: No, I don't. But yesterday I saw a walk-in medical clinic down the street from the hotel. I can go there. 大山:没有,不过昨天我在酒店这条街上看见了一家免约诊所。 我可以去那里看看病。 Rumei: What's a walk-in medical clinic? 如梅:免约诊所是什么样的诊所? Dashan: A walk-in clinic is a doctor's office. A sick person can walk into the clinic and see a doctor. You don't need to have an appointment. 大山:免约诊所是大夫行医的诊所,病人可以随时进去看病,而不用提前预约。 Rumei: Can I go with you? Maybe I can help you. 如梅:我跟你一起去吗?也许我能帮上忙的。 Dashan: No, thanks, Rumei. I'm okay. But thanks for your concern. 大山:不用了,谢谢你。我没事。谢谢你的关心。 Rumei: Oh, you're welcome, Dashan. Talk to you soon. 如梅:你别客气,大山。我们一会儿见。 Dashan: Hello. My name is Dashan. I need to see a doctor. 大山:您好。我是大山。我要看大夫。 Receptionist: Is this your first visit to our clinic? 接待员:这是你第一次来我们这儿吗? Dashan: Yes, it is. I'm from out of town. 大山:是的。我不是本地人。 Receptionist: Do you have Ontario Health Insurance? 接待员:你有安大略省医疗保险吗? Dashan: Yes, I do. 大山:我有。 Receptionist: Please take a seat and fill out this information sheet. Did you bring your Health Insurance card? 接待员:请坐下,填好这张登记表。你带着你的医疗保险卡吗? Dashan: Yes, I did. I brought it. Here it is. 大山:带着呢。 在这儿。 6.2 Receptionist: Sir, please follow me to Examination Room Number Three. 接待员:请跟我到第三检查室。 Doctor: Good morning, I'm Doctor Landry. What can I do for you today? 医生:上午好。我是兰德利医生。我能为您做点什么? Dashan: Oh, Doctor. I don't feel well. My whole body aches. I have an upset stomach and I feel dizzy. 大山:大夫,我觉得难受,浑身疼痛,胃部不舒服,头晕。 Doctor: When did your symptoms begin? 医生:这些症状是什么时候开始的? Dashan: They began last night. I didn't sleep. 大山:昨天夜里开始的。 我没睡着觉。 Doctor: Did you have a fever? 医生:你发烧了吗? Dashan: Yes, I did. Sometimes I felt hot and sometimes I felt cold. I felt awful. 大山:是的。我有时觉得冷,又有时觉得热,非常难受。 Doctor: Did you take anything for it? 医生:你吃什么药了吗? Dashan: No, I didn't. 大山:没吃。 Doctor: Well, first I need to listen to your chest. Then, I need to check your ears and throat. Could you unbutton your shirt for me, please? Breathe in deeply. Now breathe out. Again. Now, open your mouth wide, and say,"ah." 医生:我先得听听你的胸部。然后我再检查一下你的耳朵和喉咙。请你把上衣的扣子解开好吗?深吸一口气,现在呼出来,再来一遍。现在张大嘴,说“ 啊……”。 Dashan: Ah. 大山:啊……。 Doctor: Well, your chest sounds clear and your throat and ears look normal. But I'm concerned about your fever. I need to take your temperature. 医生:胸部听起来很清楚,喉咙和耳朵看起来也正常。 但是我还是担心你的发烧问题。 我得量一量你的体温。 Doctor: You probably have a virus. You should take it easy for a few days. You shouldn't get overtired. And you should also drink plenty of fluids. 医生:你可能是感染了病毒。你要好好休息几天,不要太累,你还得多喝水。 Doctor: Hmm. Yes, you have a slight temperature. 医生:噢,你是有点发烧。 Dashan: What should I take for it? 大山:我要吃什么药来退烧呢? Doctor: Some acetaminophen. 医生:吃点退热净吧。 Dashan: Excuse me? 大山:对不起,你说的是什么药? Doctor: You should take some acetaminophen for your fever. You can get some at the pharmacy across the street. 医生:你要吃点退热净。 你可以在对面那条街的药店买到这种药。 Dashan: How often should I take the acetaminophen? 大山:隔多长时间吃一次? Doctor: You should take two tablets every four hours. 医生:每隔四小时吃两片。 Dashan: Okay. Thanks, Doctor. 大山:好的,谢谢你,大夫。 Doctor: You're welcome. Now, take care of yourself. 医生:不客气。你多保重。 7 Rumei: Dashan, I'm over here. It's great to see you. How do you feel? 如梅:大山,我在这边。见到你我真高兴。你感觉怎么样? Dashan: I feel fine now. The doctor was right. I really needed to get some rest. 大山:我感觉很好。大夫说得对,我确实需要休息休息。 Yunbo: Hi, Dashan. How are you? 云波:大山,你好。你身体怎么样? Dashan: Pretty good, thanks. 大山:相当不错,谢谢。 Yunbo: Dashan, have some coffee. My treat. 云波:大山,来喝杯咖啡,我请客。 Dashan: Oh, thanks. 大山:哦,谢谢你。 Yunbo: And here are your cookies, Rumei. 云波:如梅,这是你的曲奇饼。 Rumei: Thanks. Would you like a chocolate cookie? 如梅:大山,你想吃点巧克力饼干吗? Dashan: No, thanks. I'm not hungry. 大山:不要,谢谢。我不饿。 Yunbo: Dashan, do you have any plans for today? 云波:大山,你今天有什么安排吗? Dashan: No, I don't have any. 大山:没有。 Rumei: Well, it's a beautiful day. Would you like to join us for a walk? 如梅:那你看,今天天气非常好,你愿意跟我们一起出去走走吗? Dashan: Yes, I'd like to. I like to walk around in big cities. You can always learn a lot about them. 大山:我愿意,我很喜欢在大城市里转转。这样总是能加深对这些城市的了解。 Yunbo: I agree. 云波:我同意你的看法。 Yunbo: Rumei, what do you think of these window displays? 云波:如梅,你觉得橱窗的展品摆设怎么样? Rumei: They're wonderful. Oh, look at this clothing store for children. The clothes are very cute and colourful. 如梅:好极了。 嘿,看这家儿童服装店的摆设。那些衣服样子多漂亮,颜色多鲜艳。 Yunbo: This store looks interesting. 云波:这家商店看起来很有意思。 Dashan: Oh, this store is Roots. It's a popular Canadian chain of clothing stores. Roots has stores across Canada and in other parts of the world. 大山:是啊,商场名字是“根”,是在加拿大很有名的服装连锁店,在加拿大全国以至世界各地都有它的分店。 Rumei: Let's go in. I like to browse in
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