

2017-09-28 23页 doc 63KB 29阅读




李阳:我疯狂,我成功李阳:我疯狂,我成功 【开场白】 一个小男孩,从小就害羞自闭,连电话都不敢接,认为自己的人生一片灰暗,毫无光彩。但是,长大以后,他不仅能讲一口流利的英语,还在全国200多座城市巡回演讲,让三千多万人跟随着他大声呐喊,学习英语。 说到这里,观众朋友们可能已经猜出他是谁了,他就是我们今天的嘉宾---“疯狂英语”的创始人李阳先生。 资料一:人物简介 李阳, 1969年生,1986年考入兰州大学工程力学系。1988年总结出一套独特的英语学习方法“疯狂英语”。1990年,大学毕业后就职于西安西北电子设备研究所,1992年,因英...
李阳:我疯狂,我成功 【开场白】 一个小男孩,从小就害羞自闭,连电话都不敢接,认为自己的人生一片灰暗,毫无光彩。但是,长大以后,他不仅能讲一口流利的英语,还在全国200多座城市巡回演讲,让三千多万人跟随着他大声呐喊,学习英语。 说到这里,观众朋友们可能已经猜出他是谁了,他就是我们今天的嘉宾---“疯狂英语”的创始人李阳先生。 资料一:人物简介 李阳, 1969年生,1986年考入兰州大学工程力学系。1988年出一套独特的英语学习方法“疯狂英语”。1990年,大学毕业后就职于西安西北电子设备研究所,1992年,因英语水平出色被调入广东人民广播电台英文台。1994年,李阳辞去电台工作,创办李阳?克立兹国际英语推广工作室,全身心投入到“在中国普及英文、向世界传播中文”的事业。 李南:你好,李阳。 李阳:你好。 李南:你有好多的头衔和光环,其中有一个我们知道叫“英语口语教父”,“教父”感觉有点宗教的意味。我想在国人学英语的浪潮一浪高过一浪的时候,一定要好好跟教父来交流沟通一下,首先展示一下大师的风采。我们有时候开玩笑会说,你这英语怎么觉得像伦敦郊区,或者像纽约农民等等。能不能找一句英语的简单的句子,然后用不同的方言,给我们展示一下不同英语风格是什么样子的, 李阳:其实主要是两种英语,一种美国英语,一种英国英语。美国英语相对更放松一点,举一个例子,最简单的一句“早上好”,美国人就会说Good morning,相对卷舌音重一点,放松一点,自信一点。英国人刻板一点,Good morning,就好像嘴巴张得很小。 李南:很拘谨的样子,很绅士。 李阳:很拘谨,对。然后除了这两种之外,剩下都是方言了,中国人说英语,Good morning。印度人的英文在全世界也是很有特色的,我一般经常开玩笑,他们说one two three,印度人叫„„,听不懂是什么意思。新加坡英文也是难以入耳,日本英文就是thank you very much,日本人叫„„。 李南:像日文的感觉不像英文。 李阳:对,就是。所以世界是一个多英文品种的世界,各种各样的英文分支都有。 李南:那我们应该学哪国的英语, 李阳:我教的我们叫“的美式英语”。并不是我崇洋媚外,并不是我说崇拜美国,而是我觉得美语相对用得更广泛一点。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 资料二: 李阳能够把很多种英语方言模仿得惟妙惟肖,可是他却认为自己并没有语言天赋,对中国方言的了解也并不太多,之所以能够创造“疯狂英语”,那是因为他在英文上花的时间比别人要多得多。十多年来,“疯狂英语”已经成了李阳的一个标签,一个有着特定意义的称谓。 李南:的确,说起李阳来一定会想起“疯狂英语”,然后把这个“英语”刨出来以后,大家非常感兴趣的是那种疯狂的状态和那种疯狂的精神。我就知道现在如果有人找我签名,我就激动得不行,我不知道你面对着台下成千上万的人高呼,然后去举手臂的时候,当时你的心情会是怎么样的呢, 李阳:倒没有什么,就是要让自己状态很好,带动大家。我这样做的原因,主要是让大家不要把英语太当回事,大胆地说出来,有可能他们学英语学了十年还没有这么喊过,目的是这个。 李南:没有感受,感觉自己像一个,有一种英雄般的感觉。 李阳:因为天天这样,所以更多的是那种,说得有点大话了,一种责任感在哪里,就是说我要引导他们,更好地引导他们,我不要误导他们。 李南:可能在我们看来学英语很枯燥、很乏味,要背单词,要做练习。既然这样的话,为什么要靠这种公众狂欢的方式,去让大家理解什么东西呢, 李阳:你刚才描述了一个典型的学英语的状态,很枯燥了,要系统了,从小学到大了,从小学到初中到大学到研究生,博士生一直在延续下去,而且你刚才提到两件事,一个是背单词,一个是做练习。恰恰这就我要做演讲的目的,让大家不要这样做。背单词和做练习是学外语的两大最没用的方法。所以我让大家只要“脱口而出”这四个字,大量地模仿录音带,大量的段落,一段一段地背英文,因为一段文章背下来,语法自然会了,单词自然就会了。 李南:是自然的吗, 李阳:自然会了,因为你单独背一个单词是没有用的,因为人跟人交往的基本单位不是单词,而且孤立地背单词死路一条,肯定没有用。你会发现全国人民都在背单词,当时一天背了200个,过两天没有用,见了外国人根本连不成句子,没法连成句子。 资料三: 李阳很坦率地达自己的观点,他认为传统的英语学习方法是不正确的。他主张学习语言是用来交流的,所以“首先要学会说”。其实疯狂英语最初的用意,只是针对传统英语教学中哑巴英语的很多问题,提出的一个将英语脱口“说”出的办法。而强调“疯狂”,并不是李阳一个人的想法。 李南:我看过你的书《我“疯狂”我成功》,我发现很多的话,我在成功学书里面,包括risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 我采访过的一些嘉宾里面,都看到类似的话。而且你的经历跟我以前采访过的一些嘉宾的经历,似乎也有着某种异曲同工之妙。我们现在来看一下,看看我们我们以前采访过的嘉宾是怎么说的。 陈安之:我是最优秀的疯子,天天狂想着哪一天我怎么样,哪一天我怎么样。我在读大学的时候,大家都是背着个书包在那里上课,我是拿着公文包,穿着衬衫打着领带去卖菜刀。我在打工,想要成为卖菜刀的第一名,所以我是第一名的疯子。后来我发现,几乎很成功的人在他们还没有成功前,几乎都是疯子。所以我们流行一句话叫作“要成功,先发疯,头脑简单往前冲”。 李南:陈安之是你很熟悉的朋友。 李阳:对,当初我不太了解他的时候,是有些误解,但是我们交流很多次以后,我觉得确实非常棒,他对成功学的研究是深入浅出,他研究得很深,但是他讲出来的话,连街上刚刚出道的年轻人都能够吸收的东西,非常好。 李南:之前你对他的误解是什么呢, 李阳:之前我认为,因为他那时候在台湾,很早我在国外看过他的书,我就觉得这个人怎么老是油头粉面。 李南:衣着光鲜,油头粉面。 李阳:当时就这个感觉,但是见了以后发现有误解,这个人是非常全面的。我也当他的面表达了我的欣赏之情。 资料四: 在演讲现场,李阳成功地带着成千上万的人跟他一起疯狂,但是对于一个需要恒心和毅力才能达成的目标而言,仅仅情绪激昂好像还不够。我们的记者在调查时就发现,有好多人在演讲现场跟着李阳激情澎湃,可是不出几天这种热情就全部消褪,又回到原来那种懈怠的状态。那么在李阳看来,疯狂的作用究竟有多大,怎样才能把这种疯狂持续下去呢, 李南:其实就是把这种“疯狂”的状态不仅持续那么一会儿,应该不停地持续下去的时候,你才可以成功。 李阳:但是你知道,就像我问你一样,你可能也会回答,是不是订一个很难实施,是不是三天的热度,这都是人的共同问题,我也是这样。我惟一一个决心成功了,就是学英语这个决心成功了,我其它决心都没有成功的。 李南:你怎么去对你那些学生,有些什么样的建议让他们能够把这种在上课时的状态维持下来,能够尽可能地维持下来呢, 李阳:对,最好的维持办法就是要让他产生成就感,尝到甜头。什么叫“尝到甜头”,risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 我就规定,我演讲完以后,大家用一天的时间,什么都不干,一天的时间十几个小时听录音带,只听一段文章,这段文章大概有一两百个字。最后十个小时之后,他模仿得跟录音带几乎完全一样,这是他十年没有做到的,他一旦做到这一点,你不用管他了,这个人一般都会成功。就像打高尔夫球一样,你怎么打没感觉,你找一个很好的教练,十个小时,到你晚上手都抬不动了,但你挥杆的时候很有感觉,尝到甜头了,人就是这样,人需要有成就感。 李南:听起来好简单啊。 李阳:真的很简单,而且这个方法呢,现在好像很少中国人有人用,中国人喜欢怎么样,一节课你最好给我讲很多很多东西,我记了很多笔记,我觉得这个钱是物超所值。其实这是一个巨大误区,一种心理认识的误区。最后什么都给你了,什么都丢掉了,什么都没有了。你可能也听说过,包括你采访了很多成功人士,其实养成好习惯,一年养成一个习惯,这个人就一定会成功。但是我们希望怎么样,最好你一天给我一个好习惯,不可能养成的。人就是这样,一年一个习惯,一个人一定可以成功。 李南:习惯沉淀下来成为你自己的,而不是你看到书本上的,或者是别人的。你发现坚持并不是很难。 李阳:也很难,就是说不要相信自己坚持的决心,要用别的方法。当然陈安之老师有很多方法,让你一定要下决心。但是我也受了陈安之老师的激励,我也说我一定要下决心,但是好像第二天还是没了。 李南:你有你的方法。 李阳:我也没方法了,最后我用什么办法呢,就是说一定要找一个伙伴,找一个他本身就是这方面很强的人,你这方面是零,他这方面是一百,你跟他综合一下,这是第一个方法。第二个方法呢,比如说你要是下决心经常骑自行车锻炼锻炼,那就把自行车直接挡在门口。也就是说你早晨一开门的时候,自行车就在那里,你骑自行车的可能性就大一点。如果你放在你们家的储存室里面,你会说算了算了,别骑了,那么麻烦,灰都很厚了,别骑了,人很容易给自己找借口。 李南:交易成本比较低的时候,很方便,拿起来就骑,那时候会好一些。 李阳:对,或者说,我有一段时间下了一个很可怕的决心,其实我那个书不叫《我“疯狂”我成功》,当时叫《我“变态”我成功》,但是“变态”不能出版,我去问出版机构,经过申请不能说《我“变态”我成功》。当时我有很多变态的想法,我说为了激励自己跑步,我把鞋子挂到脖子上上班去。 李南:你觉得最好的方式是什么,对你来说,或者也可以让我们大家学一学的方式,就是使自己能够坚持的方式。 李阳:坚持的方式,比如我坚持读英语的方式是这样的,我的枕头旁边是英语书,我的洗手间旁边是英语书,然后我的任何包里面,包括我过来的路上我都带着英语书。所以我随时随地带着英语书,而且吃饭前,只要跟我在一起的人,饭前5分钟必须读英语。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 资料五: 应该说,李阳是成功的,他成功地创造了“疯狂英语”这样一种学习方法,并且在三千多万人中广泛传播。谁能想到,就是这样一个很多人学习的榜样,曾经是一个非常自卑的孩子,在大学的前两年,他有13门功课不及格,就连现在他最擅长的英语那时也是连续两年补考。而李阳的童年记忆里,更是有太多的灰暗。 李南:现在我们面对的是一个侃侃而谈,非常自信的李阳。我知道李阳一直在说,说自己曾经是一个很自卑的人,甚至觉得买一瓶酱油如果能够成功地买回来,都是一个非常了不起的成就。你脸上这道疤是一个很著名的故事,著名的自卑的故事。 李阳:也算叫“性格自闭”的故事,就是到医院去做理疗,现在记得很清楚很清楚。 李南:那时几岁, 李阳:那也很大了吧,真的讲起来很耻辱,那时候应该是初三了吧。因为我特别怕医生特别怕售货员,到医院以后,医生那时候的态度都很恶劣的,“躺下~”没人喜欢那种语气。躺下以后,把仪器往上一放,肯定打毛衣或者干吗去,就走了。其实也很简单,如果你很烫,你喊一声就完了。一直20分钟都没喊,当时想的是邱少云。 李阳:还有董存瑞,我们那时候经常这样想的,那时候学这些故事。但是人家董存瑞、邱少云,起码还有湿的泥巴可以把手伸进去,起码旁边还有一些草,我当时躺在塑料布上面没有一点点办法,完全是自己的问题了。 李南:就被烧了,被烧了20分钟。 李阳:整个塑料单上都是一层水,当时已经是红红的,回去以后就变成两个这么大了。 李南:肿肿的,然后你妈妈看到会心疼,会怪你,说你为什么不喊,是不是, 李阳:我当时不记得,但是我想反应肯定不是心疼了,因为我们那时候父母不知道怎么样心疼。我觉得这个例子非常典型,太典型了,而且这种东西,到目前为止,就是这种自卑的个性,到现在还是我个性的主要组成部分。 李南:当时,一个孩子为什么会自卑到那种程度,已经不是常人能够想像的。 李阳:因为我从小是在江苏常州出生的,由我姥姥把我带大,然后到三四岁以后又回到新疆跟父母生活在一起。这样的话肯定跟父母之间不是很亲了,再加上父母那时候好像是知识分子被打成“臭老九”了,文化大革命的时候,生活也是非常不如意的。那么不如意以后,这些东西都发泄在小孩身上,小孩是个发泄工具,外面有什么不如意,回来以后可能打打骂骂,以为是自己的孩子,打是疼骂是爱。现在是明白这个道理,但是当时那些话我都记得非常非常清楚。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 李南:那是很小很小时候的话,你却记得非常非常清楚。比如说一句什么样的话呢, 李阳:比如说“你个笨蛋”,“你将来掏大粪去了”这样的,反正是这之类的一些话。 李南:你现在明白了,你会恨他们吗, 李阳:我现在不会恨他们,但是就觉得扭转这种东西很难。怎么说呢,我很羡慕别人家的孩子,他们与父母之间能够,父母跟孩子相互拥抱,我要拥抱我会起鸡皮疙瘩的。 李南:你现在会拥抱自己的孩子吗, 李阳:我会,就不一样了,完全不一样了,是强迫自己改变,不要再传下去了,不要再把那种东西再传到下一代身上。 李南:谬种流传是吗, 李阳:对对对,握手都没法握。我记得我叫我父亲是叫不出来的,我必须到他前面去,比如我从背后我想叫他没法叫,我只有到他前面去,“哎”,这样子才行。 李南:叫你父亲是“哎”这样叫的吗, 李阳:叫爸爸,会脸“哗”就红掉,当然这些东西,是一种了,不会伤害什么人。父母肯定他不会希望自己的孩子是这样一个状态,但其实现在就是这种状态。我曾经上过一些课,心灵的一种课程,想超越一下,也希望跟父母敞开谈一谈,拥抱一下,让情感的闸门打开一下,到目前为止还没有成功。 李南:你觉得这样一个可能是你无法逾越,花一生的代价和精力都可能无法逾越的。 李阳:对,如果我要是现在不那么忙的话,可能会逾越的,可能会超越。因为我觉得确实父母现在都大了,年纪都很大,六十五六岁,身体各方面都会有一些病,不要等到来不及的时候再去后悔,有时候会斗争一下。 资料六: 家庭教育在李阳的心里留下了挥之不去的阴影,他胆小、自卑、不敢说话。长大以后,一个偶然的机会,他发现大声喊英语可以让自己找到自信,于是他再也没有停止这种疯狂的呼喊。通过不断地自我超越,李阳为成千上万在人生道路上拼搏的人树立一个榜样~超越自我,直面人生的困境,这几乎成了所有成功者的必经之路。 李南:其实包括我们的民族习惯,你发现烙在每个人的脸上烙印,甚至都是拘谨,都是压抑,有点自闭那种。那么真正如果大家那么渴望去成功,都需要打破这样一个牢笼和枷锁。我还发现有什么,就是比如说俞敏洪,他的经历似乎跟你一样。他曾经喜欢一个女孩子,但是不敢跟她说话,追踪了她三个月,最后趁一个月黑风高的夜晚,图书馆没有电了,灯灭了,才做了一个动作,帮助这个女孩子拿起书包来,由此才搭上这个线。他称自己是非常自卑的risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 人,但是他现在的成功也是有目共睹的。我们来看看我曾经采访他的一段经历。 问:是什么样的事情和经历让您对“在绝望中寻找希望”这句话体会特别深刻,然后把它作为新东方的教训呢, 俞敏洪:由于我1991年,从北大辞职以后,其实没有任何可以做的事情,好不容易到外面培训部去教书,就是十几块钱一个晚上,出国也没有希望,连续三年半出国都没有成功。大概就是这些东西融在一起,最后给自己,实际上最初是写在自己笔记本上的一句话,后来有了新东方就变成新东方的校训了。 李南:这是俞敏洪,他三次落榜,然后无数的病痛折磨。 李阳:对,所以他比我要成功,他的经历比我多。 李南:他以前比你更失败。 李阳:比我更失败,比我经历更多。相对我的成功比他容易很多,所以我的成功就没有他的大了。 李南:成正比的,就是你被压下去多大程度,被弹起来的高度就有多少,他太被压抑了是吗, 李阳:对,但这些成功者,我就发现陈安之是最会照顾自己的,就像俞敏洪也好,我觉得他们都挺沧桑的,付出很大。 李南:你刚才谈到陈安之,陈安之是永远都会买路易威登最新款包的人,穿着Versace的新款衬衣,然后头发纹丝不乱,脸庞非常精致。但是他曾经是失败了18次,他自己是这样说的。我们来看一下陈安之的经历。 问:现在反过来反思的话,那个时候你不成功的原因究竟是什么, 陈安之:第一个我没有找对教练。我觉得任何一个人的成功,都要找对一个老师来指导,自我摸索,所以犯了很多不该犯的错误。 问:那个时候很苦恼, 陈安之:非常懊恼,有一次我真的想自杀了,看到存款是000.00元,房租付不起,汽油剩下四分之一,到处去借钱,我觉得那个状况永远不要再发生在我的身上了。 李南:你们三个有一个共同的特点,你们三个都说自己,我自己以前很不成功,很自卑,成功的人以前都很惨。 李阳:都一样的,因为它是这样,什么叫成功呢,成功必须在心态上抗挫能力很强,这是第一。第二,一定要有一技之长,这两个加起来是一定可以成功的。这两个东西如果家庭risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 没有给你,学校没有给你,只有自己先糟蹋自己,先自己糟践自己,先自己去失败,失败失败失败,失败以后这两个都有的时候,就成功了。 李南:成功的人大多数是什么样的一种人, 李阳:成功是这样,成功就像雷电,下雨天的雷电,“哧哧哧”劈到人一样,太少了。 资料七: 李阳认为,成功的人总是要先经历一次次的失败,然后才有可能迎来成功。所以他特别强调要有面对挫折的勇气,并且要善于从失败中吸取经验,这样的人才会最终成功。 李南:你刚才说自己,到目前为止还认为自卑是自己一个重大的性格特征和缺陷,所以才会有你那么多的名言,比如说什么“热爱丢脸,欢迎挫折”等等这些东西,我想中国提倡“挫折教育”其实已经有很长时间了,但是能把挫折教育进行得这样彻头彻尾的,可能非李阳莫属了。 李阳:“挫折教育”,我的概念就是说不要人为地去制造挫折。就是只要告诉孩子说,“即使你失败了,我仍然爱你。”这句话非常重要。然后还有一句话,“我对你的爱是没有条件的。”就是说你考二十分仍然是爸爸最棒的小该,你考一百分也没啥了不起。但是中国父母不是这样的,你要考二十分 李南:我不认你了。 李阳:我容易吗,我供你上学容易吗,你就别上了。这话很伤害小孩的,所以我觉得不一定非要给创造挫折,他生活中的挫折已经很多了。一个人长大有多少挫折,你不要人为地创造挫折。只要做一点就好了,你问他这个挫折当中你能学到什么,以及第二条,你有没有更好的方式能够避免这个挫折,下一次能够做到更好。比如说碰一下桌子,中国的父母是打桌子,美国父母就说你刚才为什么会碰到,下一次是不是应该注意一点就不会碰到了。这多好啊,对不对,所以我就觉得中国的教育,我口出狂言,真的是一塌糊涂。 李南:为什么你会带着大家喊“热爱丢脸”,是不是一定要颜面尽失或者甚至某种自尊的损伤才能换取这种成功的一个结果, 李阳:你不用专门找机会丢脸,关键就是丢完脸以后,不要像一朵花一样,稍微受到一点挫折,就一下给收住了再也不开了。我觉得主要是心理问题,陈安之老师的话处理的也是这方面的问题。其实像刚才俞敏洪校长讲的很多东西,大家讲的都是一样,他讲的是苦难,人要从苦难中创造辉煌,要从绝望中寻找希望,都是这样的。 李南:你看这本书就是你刚才说到的,本来是《我“变态”我成功》,最后变成《我“疯狂”我成功》,在你看来“疯狂”和“成功”,给我们总结一下到底是个什么样的关系, 李阳:疯狂就是说要全力以赴,百分之百地投入,那么有百分之百投入的话,一定可以成功。所以我这里的“疯狂”就是说,就像你刚才这个节目里放的两位大师级的人物讲的一risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 样,就是全力以赴,就一定能够成功。 李南:希望你这样的一番话,能够让我们电视机前很多的朋友有这种励志的作用。 李阳:我也希望他们觉得,成功的人其实背后都是非常非常艰难的, 【结束语】 在北京太庙举行万人英语演说,在上海外滩办起英语互动课堂,在革命老区遵义,让成千上万的孩子跟自己一起疯狂呐喊,十多年来,李阳就是这样以自己的方式将“疯狂英语”推广到全国,甚至闯出国门,在日本、韩国、美国都树立了“疯狂英语”的口碑。对于李阳来说,“疯狂”可以使他成功,但是,成功不仅仅是疯狂,建立起一套成熟完善的商业运行机制,需要的可能是另一种理性。请您继续关注李阳,关注我们下周的节目。 (责任编辑:任宁) risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions
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