
CAD 3D command(CAD三维命令)

2017-10-01 15页 doc 45KB 71阅读




CAD 3D command(CAD三维命令)CAD 3D command(CAD三维命令) CAD 3D command(CAD三维命令) 1.3darray 三维阵列 3a 2.3dclip 设置剪切平面位置 3.3dcorblt 继续执行3dorbit命令 4.3ddistance 距离调整 5.3dface 绘制三维曲面 3f 6.3dmesh 绘制三维自由多边形网格 7.3dorblt 3do 三维动态旋转 8.3dpan 三维视图平移 9.3dploy 3p 绘制三维多段线 10.3dsin 插入一个3ds文件 11.3dsout 输出...
CAD 3D command(CAD三维命令)
CAD 3D command(CAD三维命令) CAD 3D command(CAD三维命令) 1.3darray 三维阵列 3a 2.3dclip 设置剪切平面位置 3.3dcorblt 继续执行3dorbit命令 4.3ddistance 距离调整 5.3dface 绘制三维曲面 3f 6.3dmesh 绘制三维自由多边形网格 7.3dorblt 3do 三维动态旋转 8.3dpan 三维视图平移 9.3dploy 3p 绘制三维多段线 10.3dsin 插入一个3ds文件 11.3dsout 输出图形数据到一个3ds文件 12.3dswivel 旋转相机 13.3dzoom 三维视窗下视窗缩放 14.about 显示autocad的版本信息 15.acisin 插入一个acis文件 16.acisout 将autocad三维实体目标输出到acis文件 17.adcclose 关闭autocad中心 18.adcenter 启动autocad设计中心 adc 19.adcnavigate 启动autocad设计中心并直接访问用户所设置的文 件名、路径或网上目录 adc 20.align al 图形对齐 21.ameconvert 将ame实体转换成autocad实体 22.aperture 控制目标捕捉框的大小 23.appload ap 装载auto lisp、ads或arx程序 the 绘制圆弧 24.arc 25.area aa 计算所选择区域的周长和面积 26.array ar 图形阵列 27.arx 加载、卸载object arx程序 28.attdef att、ddattdef 创建属性定义 29.attdisp 控制属性的可见性 30.attedit ctu 编辑图块属性值 31.attext ddattext 摘录属性定义数据 32.attredef 重定义一个图块及其属性 33.audit 检查并修复图形文件的错误 34.background 设置渲染背景 35.base 设置当前图形文件的插入点 36.bhatch bh或h 区域图样填充 37.blipmode 点记模式控制 38.block b或–b 将所选的实体图形定义为一个图块 39.blockicon 为autocad r14或更早版本所创建的图块生成预览图 像 40.bmpout 将所选实体以bmp文件格式输出 41.boundary bo或–bo 创建区域 42.box 绘制三维长方体实体 折断图形 43.brdak br 44.browser 网络游览 45.cal autocad计算功能 46.camera 相机 * 作 47.chamfer 倒直角 cha 48.change –ch 属性修改 修改基本属性 49.ch prop 50.circle 绘制圆 c 51.close 关闭当前图形文件 设置实体颜色 52.color col 53.compile 编译 文件和postscript文件 (shape) 54.cone 绘制三维圆锥实体 55.convert 将由autocad r14或更低版本所作的二维多段线 (或关联性区域图样填充) 转换成autocad2000格式 56.copy co或cp 复制实体 57.copybase 固定基点以复制实体 58.copyclip 复制实体到windows剪贴板 59.copyhist 复制命令窗口历史信息到windows剪贴板 60.copylink 复制当前视窗至windows剪贴板 61.cutclip 剪切实体至windows剪贴板 62.cylinder 绘制一个三维圆柱实体 63.dbcclose 关闭数据库连接管理 64.dbconnect 启动数据库连接管理 dbc 65.dblist 列显示当前图形文件中每个实体的信息 66.ddedit ed 以对话框方式编辑文本或属性定义 67.ddptype 设置点的形状及大小 68.ddvpoint vp 通过对话框选择三维视点 69. DELAY set up demo (Script) delay time The 70.DIM AND DIM1 enters the dimensioning state 71.DIMALIGNED, CAL, or DIMALI callout with flat dimensions 72.DIMANGULAR, DAN, or DIMANG mark the angle 73.DIMBASELINE, DBA, or DIMBASE baseline tagging 74.DIMCENTER DCE marks the center of the circle 75.DIMCONTINUE, DCO, or DIMCONT continuous tagging 76.DIMDIAMETER, DDI or DIMDLA callout diameter Edit dimensions for 77.DIMEDIT, DED or DIMED 78.DIMLINEAR DLI or DIMLIN dimensioning length dimensions 79.DIMORDINATE, DOR, or DIMROD callout coordinate values 80.DIMOVERRIDE, DOR, or DIMOVER temporary override system size variable settings 81.DIMRADIUS, DRA, or DIMRAD callout radius 82.DIMSTYLE, DST, or DIMSTY create or modify annotation styles 83.DIMTEDIT DIMTED edit size text 84.DIST DI measures the distance between two points 85.DIVIDE DIV equal entities 86.DONUT DO draw ring 87.DRAGMODE controls whether the drag object is displayed 88.DRAWORDER DR controls the display order of two overlapping (or partially overlapped) images 89.DSETTINGS, DS, SE set grid and capture, angle and target capture point automatic tracking, and automatic target capture options function 90.DSVIEWER AV Hawkeye function 91.DVIEW DV view dynamic setting 92.DWGPROPS sets and displays the properties of the current graphics file 93.DXBIN inserts the DXB file into the current file 94.EDGE controls the visibility of 3D surface edges 95.EDGESURF drawing quadrilateral surface 96.ELEV sets the height of the drawing plane 97.ELLIPSE EL draws ellipses or ellipses arcs 98.ERASE E deletes entities 99.EXPLODE X decomposition entities 100.EXPORT EXP file format output 101.EXPRESSTOOLS if the current AutoCAD environment does not have a shortcut tool, you can start this command to install the AutoCAD shortcut tool 102.EXTEND EX extended entity 103.EXETRUDE EXT draws two-dimensional graphics into three-dimensional entities The filling state of the 104.FILL F control entity 105.FILLET fillet 106.FILTER FI filter selection entity 107.FIND find and replace files Fog configuration for 108.FOG 3D rendering 109.GRAPHSCR switches between the graphical window and the text window 110.GRID display grid 111.GROUP, G, or -G create a target selection group that specifies the respective names 112.HATCH - H displays the region fill pattern through the command line 113.HATCHEDIT HE edit region fill pattern 114.HELP displays AutoCAD online help information 115.HIDE blanking 116.HYPERLINK insert hyperlink Does the 117.HYPERLINKOPTION HI control display hyperlink labels? 118.ID coordinates of display points 119.IMAGE I inserts the image file into the current graphics file 120.IMAGEADJUST LAD adjusts the brightness, contrast, and grayscale of the selected image 121.IMAGEATTACH LAT attaches an image to the current graphics file 122.IMAGECLIP ICL adjusts the border size of the selected image 123.IMAGFRAME controls whether to display the border of the image 124.IMAGEQUALITY controls the display quality of images 125.IMPORT TMP inserts other format files 126.INSERT I inserts a block (or file) into the current graphics file 127.INSERTOBJ IO inserts OLE objects 128.INTERFERE INF creates the intersecting parts of two or more than two three-dimensional entities For a single entity 129.INTERSECT IN intersection of 3D entities 130.ISOPLANE defines base level 131.LAYER, LA, or - LA layer control One hundred and thirty-two LAYOUT LO creates a new layout, or rename, copy, and secure existing layouts Save or delete * do 133.LAYOUTWIZARD layout Wizard 134.LEADER, LE, or LEAD guidelines tagging 135.LENGTHEN LEN changes entity length 136.LIGHT light source settings 137.LIMTS sets graphical boundaries 138.LINS L draws straight lines 139.LINETYPE, LT, or - LTLTYPE creates, loads, or sets lines The 140.LIST LS list displays entity information 141.LOAD loads the compiled shape files 142.LOGFILEOFF closes the login file 143.LOGFILEON writes the contents of the text window to a record file 144.LSEDIT scene editor 145.LSLIB scene library management 146.LSNEW add scene 147.LTSCALE LTS sets the line scale factor 148.LWEIGHT LW sets the line width 149.MASSPROP query entity properties 150.MATCHPROP MI property matching 151.MATLIB material library management 152.MEASURE, ME, fixed length, equal entity 153.MENU load menu file 154.MENULOAD loads part of the main menu 155.MENUUNLOAD uninstall part of the main menu 156.MINSERT inserts blocks in rectangular array mode 157.MIRROR MI mirror entity 158.MIRROR3D 3D mirror 159.MLEDIT edits parallel lines 160.MLINE ML draws parallel lines 161.MLSTYLE defines a parallel line style 162.MODEL switches from the drawing space to the model space 163.MOVE M mobile entity 164.MSLIDE create slides 165.MSPACE MS switches from the drawing space to the model space Multiline text markup for 166.MTEXT, MT, or T 167.MULTIPLE executes the last command multiple times until other commands are executed or pressed Esc key 168.MVIEW MV creates multiple windows 169.MVSETUP control viewport 170.NEW new graphics file 171.OFFSET O offset copy entity 172.OLELINKS updates, edits, or cancels existing OLE links 173.OLESCALE displays the OLE Property Manager 174.OOPS restores the last deleted entity 175.OPEN opens the graphics file 176.OPTIONS, OP, PR set the AutoCAD system configuration 177.ORTHO switching orthogonal state 178.OSNAP OS or - OS sets the target capture mode and the capture frame size 179.PAGESETUP page settings 180.PAN P or - P view translation 181.PARTIALOAD partial loading 182.PARTIALOPEN partially open 183.PASTEBLOCK paste the copied entity object into blocks 184.PASTECLIP paste the data on the clipboard to the current graphics file 185.PASTEORLG fixed point paste 186.PASTESPEC PA paste the data on the clipboard to the current graphics file and control it Data format 187.PCINWINEARD import PCP or PC2 configuration file Wizard 188.PEDIT PE edits polyline and 3D polygon meshes 189.PFACE drawing 3D surface of arbitrary shape 190.PLAN sets the UCS plane view 191.PLINE PL draws polyline lines 192.PLOT PRINT graphic output 193.PLOTSTYLE sets print styles 194.PLOTTERMANAGER Printer Manager 195.POINT PO drawing points 196.POLYGON POL draws regular polygons 197.PREVIEW PRE 198.PROPERTLES, CH, MO, PRO, PS, DDMODI, FX, DDCHPR, OR hit Print preview target property manager 199.PROPERTLESCLOSE PRCLOSE closes the property manager 200.PSDRAG control, PostScript image display 201.PSETUPIN import custom page settings Two hundred and two PSFILL fills a two-dimensional polyline with an PostScript pattern 203.PSIN enter the PostScript file 204.PSOUT output PostScript file 205.PSPACE PS switches from model space to drawing space 206.PURGE PU eliminates unwanted objects in graphics, such as blocks and dimensioning styles, Layer, line shape, shape and text callout style, etc. Quick dimensioning of 207.QDIM dimensions 208.QLEADER LE rapid marking refers to the lead 209.QSAVE saves the current graphics file 210.QSELECT quick selection entity 211.QTEXT controls text display mode 212.QUIT EXIT exits AutoCAD 213.RAY draw rays 214.RECOVER fixes corrupted graphics files 215.RECTANG REC draws rectangles 216.REDEFINE restores a cancelled command 217.REDO restores the last command cancelled by the Undo (or U) command 218.REDRAW R displays the graphics in the current window again 219.REDRAWALL RA re displays all the graphics in the window 220.REFCLOSE external reference saved exit when in edit 221.REFEDIT external reference on site editor 222.REFSET adds or removes items from an external reference 223.REGEN RE rebuilds the graphics in the current window 224.REGENALL REA refreshes to generate graphics in all windows 225.REGGNAUTO automatically refreshes the generated graphics 226.REGION REG creates the zone 227.REINIT re initializes the AutoCAD pass. Img REN changes the name of the entity object 229.RENDER RR rendering 230.RENDSCK displays the rendered image again 231.REPLAY displays BMP, TGA, or TIEF image files 232.RESUME continues a paused or interrupted script file 233.REVOLVE REV turns two-dimensional graphics into three-dimensional entities 234.REVSURF rendering rotating surfaces 235.RMAT material settings 236.ROTATE RO rotating entity 237.ROTATE3D 3D rotation 238.RPREF RPR sets the render parameters 239.RSCRIPT creates a continuous script file 240.RULESURF draw ruled surface 241.SAVE saves graphic files 242.SAVE AS saves the current graph as a new file 243.SAVEIMG saves the render file 244.SCALE SC scaling entities 245.SCENE scene management 246.SCRIPT SCR auto batch AutoCAD command 247.SECTION SEC generates profiles 248.SELECT select entity 249.SETUV sets the physical geometry of the rendered entity 250.SETVAR SET sets the AutoCAD system variable 251.SHADE SHA shader processing 252.SHAPE insert shape file 253.SHELL SH switch to DOS environment 254.SHOWMAT displays the material type of entity 255.SKETCH freehand line 256.SLICE SL cuts three dimensional entities 257.SNAP SN sets target capture function 258.SOLDRAW generates the contours of a 3D entity 259.SOLID SO draws solid polygons 260.SOLIDEIDT 3D entity editing 261.SOLPROF draws the outline image of the 3D entity 262.SOLVIEW creates a 3D entity's flat window 263.SPELL SP checks spelling of stylistic objects 264.SPHERE draw sphere 265.SPLINE SPL draws a curve of brilliance 266.SPLINEDIT SPE draws up a curve of brilliance 267.STATS displays system information for the rendering entity 268.STATUS queries the status information of the current graphics file 269.STLOUT saves 3D entities in STL format 270.STRETCH S stretched entities 271.STYLE ST creates stylistic annotation styles 272.STYLESMANAGER display print style manager 273.SUBTRACT SU Boolean difference Two hundred and seventy-four syswindows控制AutoCAD文体窗口 275.tablet TA设置数字化仪 276.tabsurf绘制拉伸曲面 277.text标注单行文体 278.textscr切换到AutoCAD文体窗口 279.time时间查询 280.tolerance TOL创建尺寸公差 281.toolbar到增减工具栏 282.torus Tor创建圆环实体 283.trace绘制轨迹线 284.transparency透水波设置 285.treestat显示当前图形文体件路径信息 286.trim TR剪切 287。你撤消上一*作 288.ucs建立用户坐标系统 289.ucsicon控制坐标图形显示 290.ucsman UCS管理器 291.undefine允许用户将自定义命令覆盖AutoCAD内部命令 292.undo撤消上一组*作 293.union单布尔求并 联合国联合国设置长度及角度的单位格式和精度等级或294.units– 295.vbaide VBA集成开发环境 296.vbaload加载VBA项目 297.vbaman VBA管理器 298.vbarun运行VBA宏 299.vbastmt运行VBA语句 300.vbaunload卸载VBA 301.view–V视窗管理 302.viewres设置当前视窗中目标重新生成的分辨率 303.vlisp vlide打开Visual LISP集成开发环境 304.vpclip复制视图实体 305.vplayer设置视窗中层的可见性 306.vpoint–VP VP设置三维视点或 307.vports视窗分割 308.vslide显示幻灯文件 309.wblock W图块存盘 我们绘制楔形体310.wedge 311.whohas显示已打开的图形文件的所属信息 312.wmfin输入Windows应用软件格式的文件 313.wmfopts设置wmfin命令选项 314.wmfout WMF格式输出 315.xattach XA粘贴外部文件至当前图形 316.xbind–XB或XB将一个外部引用的依赖符永久地溶入当前图 形文件中 317.xclip XC设置图块或处理引用边界 318.xline XL绘制无限长直线 319.xplode分解图块并设置属性参数 320.xref XR或–XR外部引用 321.zoom Z视图缩放透明命令
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