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安宝乐奶粉介绍安宝乐奶粉介绍 安宝乐百度百科 安宝乐(Anbolac)是澳洲百年历史乳品企业VIPLUS DAIRY 旗下自主品牌。澳洲卫普拉斯位于维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉脚下的南吉普斯兰地区,它始建于1893年,至今已有120多年的历史,是澳大利亚最早从事婴幼儿配方奶粉生产研发的乳企之一。历经百年的传承和百年的研发制造经验,凭借维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉天然、纯净奶源,如今的卫普拉斯不仅为全球各地提供高品质的乳品,同时在当地的经济地位十分重要,扮演着振兴维多利亚南吉普斯兰地区经济的角色和推动维多利亚南吉普斯兰乳业的发展。 品牌简介 澳洲Vi...
安宝乐奶粉介绍 安宝乐百度百科 安宝乐(Anbolac)是澳洲百年历史乳品企业VIPLUS DAIRY 旗下自主品牌。澳洲卫普拉斯位于维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉脚下的南吉普斯兰地区,它始建于1893年,至今已有120多年的历史,是澳大利亚最早从事婴幼儿配方奶粉生产研发的乳企之一。历经百年的传承和百年的研发制造经验,凭借维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉天然、纯净奶源,如今的卫普拉斯不仅为全球各地提供高品质的乳品,同时在当地的经济地位十分重要,扮演着振兴维多利亚南吉普斯兰地区经济的角色和推动维多利亚南吉普斯兰乳业的发展。 品牌简介 澳洲Viplus维普拉斯坐落在维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉脚下的南吉普斯兰(South Gippsland) 地区,始建于1893年,是世界上最早进行婴幼儿配方奶粉生产研发乳企之一;也是澳大利亚最古老的乳制品工厂;安宝乐获得国际HACCP和ISO9001食品质量管理体系双重认证,严格按照国际GMP制药级标准生产,主要原料来自南纬37度世界黄金奶源地维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉有机牧场的新鲜牛奶,不含农药杀虫剂、人工激素、抗生素、农药化肥残留及转基因物质,采用国际领先湿混工艺,结合安宝乐独特的五元臻护配方,配制出的营养均衡、易消化、易吸收的高品质奶粉。 系,如今凭借极致纯净的奶源优势,强大的百年研发制造经验和严格的质量安全控制体的卫普拉斯已形成集奶源、生产、加工、制作于一体的完整供应链,为安宝乐奶粉的高端品质提供强大的实力保证。新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、台湾等全球多个地区。 安宝乐奶粉一直致力于高标准、高品质,不添加蔗糖、香精、香料等成分,确保为中国的宝宝和妈妈提供100%澳洲原装进口的高端品质奶粉。 南吉普斯兰乳制品业一直有着自己的生存方式,即便在如今乳业技术日新月异的国际环境中,仍然保持传统工艺与现代科学的完美结合,成就卫普拉斯乳业的百年传承。 一个传承着始于1893年的企业精神与经营之道,通过一百多年的努力经营,图拉卫普拉斯已成为乳品行业最高品质、最高标准的代名词。 发展历史 1893年,图拉卫普拉斯在维多利亚成立,同年掌握了牛奶中分离乳酪的技术,为研究生产婴幼儿食品提供了良好的开端; 1904年,图拉卫普拉斯成功征服了英国人挑剔的味觉,生产出的奶粉、牛奶、奶酪和黄油,大量出口至南非和大不列颠; 1923年,荣获澳大利亚乳制品企业协会授予乳制品销售冠军的荣誉称号,并且在皇家墨尔本展中夺得了澳洲最佳制造业奖。 1930年,图拉卫普拉斯生产出的高端牛奶及奶酪被选为墨尔本皇家贵族指定供应乳品; 1948年,图拉卫普拉斯正式推出高端婴幼儿配方奶粉,成为澳洲最早生产婴幼儿配方奶粉的乳品企业; 1960年,图拉卫普拉斯推出特级脱脂奶粉,深受欧洲市场喜爱并迅速占领澳洲市场,产品一直畅销至今; 1974年,图拉卫普拉斯第一个推出不含蔗糖的婴幼儿配方奶粉; 1986年,在婴幼儿配方奶粉中添加天然益生元组合,同时成为澳洲第一个将益生元组合添With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 加到婴儿配方奶粉中的企业; 1998年,将纯天然海洋植物来源的DHA和ARA,应用于有助宝宝大脑发育的婴幼儿配方奶粉产品中; 2003年,图拉卫普拉斯成立110周年,成为澳洲历史最悠久的乳制品工厂; 2008年,图拉卫普拉斯乳制品80%出口至欧洲、新西兰、中国、韩国、日本、香港、新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、台湾等地区; 2012年,图拉卫普拉斯在中国推出旗下品牌安宝乐系列产品,为中国宝宝带来安全、优质、营养的高端原装进口奶粉; 产品特点 安宝乐奶粉精选澳洲黄金奶源地极致纯净奶源,获得国际HACCP和ISO9001食品质量管理体系双重认证,严格按照国际GMP制药级标准,结合国际领先生产工艺,配制出的营养均衡、易消化、易吸收的高品质奶粉,为宝宝健康成长发育提供全面的营养。 1、独特的五元臻护配方,“智?免?亲?优?健”360度全方位臻护宝宝自然健康成长; 2、采用澳洲维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉极致纯净的新鲜牛奶为主要原料; 3、采用鲜奶直接混合的国际领先湿混工艺,保证营养元素的活性和营养成分的均匀分布; 4、特别添加“眼睛软黄金”叶黄素,过滤光线中的有害蓝光,保护宝宝眼睛,支持视网膜发育,提高视觉机能; 5、特别添加纯天然1:2黄金配比DHA&ARA,促进宝宝脑部和神经系统的发育; 、特别添加5种母乳等量核苷酸,提高宝宝免疫力,增强抵抗力; 6 7、特别添加天然活性益生元组合(GOS+FOS),有益肠道健康,促进肠道益生菌生长,提高宝宝免疫力,有效改善宝宝的便秘,腹泻,腹胀等问题; 8、特别添加α-乳清蛋白,易消化、易吸收,更接近母乳,不上火; 9、特别强化胆碱,提高宝宝记忆力,促进大脑神经系统正常发育; 10、不含蔗糖、白砂糖、香精、香料、速溶剂、麦芽糊精、棕榈油等成分; 11、不含农药杀虫剂、人工激素、抗生素、农药化肥残留及转基因物质; 12、澳洲VIPLUS乳业旗下自主品牌,延续百年历史,传承百年品质; 纯净奶源 澳大利亚得天独厚的自然环境,湿润的海洋性气候和南纬37?的绝佳地理位置,造就了世界上最好的黄金牧场,哺育着最纯种的荷斯坦奶牛,安宝乐奶粉臻选澳洲阿尔卑斯山脉极致纯净奶源,为宝宝提供最佳的奶源基础。 澳大利亚阿尔卑斯山脉(Australian Alps)澳洲大陆最高山脉,位于澳大利亚东南角,为大分水岭(Great Dividing Range)东部高原之一,山峰海拔超过2000米;为西流墨累河(Murray River)和东流雪河(Snowy River)之间的分水岭山脉,清澈而纯净的雪河之水滋养着维多利亚南吉普斯兰(South Gippsland)这片位于南纬37度的世界黄金奶源地,这里远离人工激素、抗生素、农药化肥残留及转基因物质。塔斯曼海吹来的温和而湿润的空气,滋润着这里营养丰富、鲜嫩多汁的牧草,在这拥有全球最纯净水源与牧草的蓝色地带,荷斯坦奶牛自由享受阳光的沐浴和丰富多汁的牧草。澳洲还拥有全球领先的奶粉生产技术和最严苛的奶粉质量检测标准,正是这种“极致的奶源、领先的工艺、严苛的标准”,使得澳洲在全球乳制品贸易中占据着重要的地位,同时最佳的黄金奶源地,也为宝宝提供高端品质奶粉打下良好的基础。 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 专属牧场 澳洲安宝乐专属牧场位于世界黄金奶源地的维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉南吉普斯兰地区,气候温和湿润,牧草营养丰富、鲜嫩多汁,不施化肥,不使用化工合成的农药杀虫剂,牧场的土壤、空气和水源定期检测需要达到健康标准。荷斯坦奶牛主要以不含化肥农药杀虫剂的有机新鲜牧草为食,不食任何转基因的食物。 安宝乐专属牧场纯种的荷斯坦奶牛,自然放养密度达到每4公顷的牧场放养一头荷斯坦奶牛,遵循自然规律给它们足够的空间,保证每头奶牛都能获得营养丰富的有机牧草,更多的自然放养增强了荷斯坦奶牛的抵抗力,而且有助于其能量物质和营养物质的转换,提高鲜奶品质。 纯种荷斯坦奶牛每年都要生育幼仔,自然连续分泌乳汁,不允许使用激素和催乳剂来提高奶量。荷斯坦奶牛在饲养过程中,采用更科学的自然措施使得奶牛保持健康,而不是长期依靠抗生素预防和治疗奶牛疾病。 自然的环境,纯净的奶源,领先的工艺都直接影响着奶粉的品质,所以我们一直在臻选极致,臻选维多利亚阿尔卑斯山脉即南纬37度世界黄金奶源带的极致奶源;臻选百年专属有机牧场,臻选优质、纯净的液态鲜奶结合湿混工艺直接制作,满足二十四小时新鲜封罐要求,将新鲜的品质注入到每一罐安宝乐臻护产品中;当我们为宝宝选择了100%原装进口的安宝乐臻护产品时,你会享受到天然的珍贵与呵护,以及对自然臻选的深刻领悟。 完美配方 五元臻护配方“智?免?亲?优?健”360度全方位臻护,自然成长,卓越非凡。 安宝乐独特的五元臻护配方,遵循宝宝自然成长规律,促进活性营养元素的自然吸收,为宝宝的脑部发育、免疫功能、肠道健康、消化吸收、骨骼生长提供全面的营养动力;五大活性营养元,五重的母爱臻护,自然释放宝宝的无限潜能。 智护元(DHA&ARA+ OMEGA-3& OMEGA-6+胆碱) 提高智力和记忆力水平,为脑部发育提供充足的活性营养元素。 DHA&ARA:是宝宝大脑和视网膜神经发育的重要元素,素有“脑黄金”之称,为宝宝脑部和视网膜快速发育提供充足的营养,提升宝宝神经系统和视觉系统发育,促进大脑记忆力的形成及稳定,预防病毒侵害,提高智力和记忆力水平。 OMEGA-3&OMEGA -6:对宝宝脑部及视网膜生长发育具有良好的促进作用。 胆碱:“记忆因子”胆碱,能帮助宝宝增强记忆力,更好地促进宝宝智力发育。 免护元(5种核苷酸+免疫球蛋白 +维生素E) 改善机体免疫功能,提高免疫力,增强抵抗力,预防病毒侵害。 5种母乳等量核苷酸:维持免疫系统的正常功能,提高宝宝免疫力,增强抵抗力,有效降低感冒的发生率。 免疫球蛋白:激活天然免疫细胞,抵御病毒侵袭,提高机体的免疫功能。 维生素E:能增进宝宝免疫细胞的活力,提高免疫细胞的数量,增强抵抗力。 亲护元(低聚半乳糖GOS+低聚果糖FOS +烟酸) 调节肠道菌群平衡,促进肠道益生菌生长,保护肠道健康,宝宝排便更柔软。 GOS:保障肠道微生态平衡,对抗身体潜在有害菌,促进益生菌生长和肠道蠕动,防止便秘。 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control FOS:有效调节肠道内有益菌和致病菌的平衡,保护肠道健康。 烟酸:减轻肠胃障碍,有效减轻腹泻,提高宝宝抵抗力。 优护元(α-乳清蛋白+β-酪蛋白+肌醇) 易于消化高效吸收,更接近母乳 培养宝宝良好情绪 激发无限潜能。 α-乳清蛋白:平衡蛋白质氨基酸模式,提高蛋白质消化率及生物利用率,同时调节宝宝睡眠和食欲,让宝宝的情绪更安稳,睡得更香甜。 β-酪蛋白:更适合宝宝身体营养需求,易消化,吸收快,低过敏,促进钙吸收,帮助宝宝健康成长。 肌醇:帮助宝宝细胞新陈代谢,同时有效促进宝宝的食欲和睡眠。 健护元(钙磷黄金配比+维生素D+左旋肉碱) 增强肌肉控制能力,促进钙质吸收,帮助骨骼自然生长。 钙磷黄金配比:保障宝宝骨质密度和牙齿的发育,对宝宝的骨骼生长发育起着不可替代的作用。 维生素D:能调节和代谢骨骼组织中造骨细胞的钙化活力和吸收利用率,帮助骨骼自然成长。 左旋肉碱:促进脂肪转化为能量,维持水分并促进肌肉生长。 视能超级优化(叶黄素+维生素A+牛磺酸) 眼睛是心灵之窗,更是宝宝的学能之窗;为宝宝探索新世界,开启未来;过滤光线中的有害蓝光,保护眼睛,支持视网膜发育。 叶黄素:特别添加“眼睛软黄金”减缓视网膜病变和紫外线照射的损害,改善眼底血液微循环,过滤对宝宝眼睛有害的蓝光,保护视网膜上敏感的神经细胞。 维生素A:对宝宝的视力发育至关重要,缺乏会影响视紫红质合成,导致暗光下的视力障碍。 牛磺酸:是视网膜发育必须的营养因子,维持正常视觉功能,促进宝宝视网膜系统发育。 领先工艺 湿混工艺是目前国际上最先进的的奶粉制作工艺。该工艺对设备、工序要求极高,只有少数具备完整供应链的国际乳品企业才能达到这种工艺要求,工作原理是在新鲜牛奶还是液体的状态下,加入宝宝所需的各种营养元素,使奶粉颗粒与营养元素紧密结合,然后经过国际HACCP标准认可下的均质、巴氏杀菌、喷雾干燥等工艺过程制作出的粉类产品。这样制作出的配方奶粉能保证每一批量的营养均匀分布,更易于宝宝吸收。 澳洲维普拉斯研究人员,经过一百多年的技术积累和追求,安宝乐放弃传统配方奶粉生产工艺,按照国际GMP制药级标准,坚持选择由液态鲜奶开始混合的国际领先湿混工艺,保证奶粉营养元素的活性和营养成分的均匀分布。 在工艺流程上,安宝乐采用国际先进浆板式快速均混和纯重力垂降技术,保证奶粉颗粒的均匀完整,锁住养分。 在包装技术上,安宝乐采用国际高效真空充氮技术,将真空度提高至99%,保持奶粉的营养活性和新鲜度处于最佳状态。 维普拉斯乳业具备从收集新鲜牛奶—加工—生产—包装—检测等工艺的完整供应链,全自动化生产技术,十万级净化车间,保证每一罐安宝乐奶粉的纯净、安全;每个环节都严格遵循澳洲乳制品检测标准,生产过程全程电子监控抽样检测,严密监控产品的生产全过程;全封闭自动包装生产线,产品进行多重检测合格后才会进行灌装处理,保证产品新鲜、安全;With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 生产完成的产品从维多利亚直接运送到墨尔本国际港口,直供全球消费者,让您获得百分百安全可靠的澳洲原装高端配方奶粉。 全程追溯 我们每一罐安宝乐奶粉都有它的“身份证”以便您对它追根溯源,我们随时接受您细致的检查。 我们每一罐奶粉生产环节都严格遵循澳洲乳制品安全局(DFSV)、国际HACCP标准及ISO9001标准,同时接受严格管控审查,才可以获得澳洲出口资格。 安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉在生产、运输、管理的各个环节都严格按照“全程可溯源”标准作业,真正建立起“从奶源到餐桌”的全程追溯系统,确保每一罐奶粉都让妈妈买得放心。 1、从奶牛养殖,原奶流通,生产加工,物流配送,销售等多环节建立安全信息可追溯系统,实现生产信息可存储、流向可追踪、伪劣产品可召回、储运信息可查询。 2、从奶源、生产、检测、灌装均在澳洲当地完成,直供世界各地,全球同一生产线,实现中国地区与全球市场销售的安宝乐产品零差异,保证您收到的每一罐产品都是100%澳洲原装进口。 安宝乐从澳洲来到中国,通过澳洲原产国出口检测?中国进口检测两道检验检疫程序,双重把关更可靠。 严苛标准 安宝乐符合澳洲标准和中国标准,在很多指标的控制上,还远远高于国际标准: 水分含量:控制在2%左右,中国标准为?5%,美国标准为?4%; 菌落总数:低于1000cfu/g,远远低于中国标准30000 cfu/g,也低于美国标准10000 cfu/g;氧气残留量:控制在1%,真空度控制在99% ; 安宝乐一直致力于高标准、高品质,确保为中国宝宝提供的高端配方奶粉,百分百安全可靠。 权威认证 我们获得了全球多个国际认证: HACCP—国际食品质量安全管理体系认证 确保产品在生产过程中不受污染。从食品生产原料到最终消费的全过程监控,防止食品生产过程中(包括制造、储运和销售)有害物质的产生,确保产品在生产过程中不受污染,为宝宝提供安全优质的食品。 ISO9001—国际食品质量管理体系认证 要求奶粉生产企业持续地改进奶粉的生产工艺和过程控制,确定合适的质量管理体系与管理职责,并约束食品生产商建立食品安全体系,保证奶粉的质量在稳定的基础上,不断提高,确保从 “牧场到餐桌”全程安全。 GMP—国际制药级标准认证 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control GMP是一套适用于制药、食品行业的强制性国际标准,确保制药、食品等生产企业从原料、人员、设施设备、生产过程、包装运输、质量控制等方面具备完善的质量管理体系和严格的检测系统,确保最终产品质量100%安全可靠。 DFSV—澳大利亚乳制品安全局认证 澳洲乳品安全局对在澳洲境内生产的乳制品有严格的标准,澳洲乳品安全局对于乳制品的整个生产流程、动物健康审核、原料提取、罐装、以及运输过程进行质量安全监督,只有符合标准的乳制品才可以获得DFSV认可。 DIAA—澳大利亚乳制品协会认证 是澳大利亚乳制品行业的权威机构,只有通过严格资质审核和具有澳大利亚乳制品工厂生产许可的澳大利亚本土乳制品公司,才有可能成为该机构的终身会员,安宝乐罐身的DIAA认证标志,代表了澳大利亚官方认证的最高品质。 AUSTRALIAN MADE—澳大利亚原产国认证 澳大利亚符合严格产品标准的本国制造产品都会打上“Austrilian made”的标识,澳大利亚只有对于品牌注册国、奶源产地、加工地、灌装地等均为澳大利亚本国的优质产品,才允许颁发澳大利亚原产国标志。 AQIS—澳大利亚检验检疫局认证 澳大利亚原产地乳制品每一批出口前,均由AQIS(澳大利亚检验检疫局)指定权威检测机构进行检测,产品检测合格后,AQIS颁发健康证明及卫生证书,才准许出口。澳中两国权威机构双重把关,确保为中国宝宝提供百分百安全的澳大利亚高端奶粉。 CIQ—中国出入境检验检疫局认证 通过出入境检验检疫局质量检测,符合中国食品质量标准,为中国宝宝提供安全、优质、营养的天然食品。 产品介绍 奶粉系列 安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉澳大利亚版本 安宝乐金装婴儿配方奶粉1段 适合阶段:0-6个月 原产国:澳大利亚 净含量:800克 特点:源自澳洲,100%原装进口,获得澳洲和中国检验检疫局双重认证。主要以天然新鲜牛奶为原料,不含农药杀虫剂、人工激素、抗生素、农药化肥残留及转基因物质,不添加蔗糖、香精、香料等成分。 婴儿初期是宝宝脑部神经系统发育的关键时期,这个阶段的宝宝机体非常脆弱,消化系统尚未成熟,但生长发育迅速,因此这个阶段的营养至关重要。安宝乐金装婴儿配方奶粉,独特的五元臻护系统给予0,6个月的宝宝脑部和视网膜快速发育提供充足的营养素,同时特别With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 添加叶黄素、DHA,ARA、强化胆碱,提升宝宝神经系统和视觉系统发育,促进大脑记忆力的形成及稳定,预防病毒侵害,提高智力和记忆力水平,让您的宝宝不会输在起跑线上。 安宝乐金装较大婴儿配方奶粉2段 适合阶段:6-12个月 原产国:澳大利亚 净含量:800克 特点:源自澳洲,100%原装进口,获得澳洲和中国检验检疫局双重认证。主要以天然新鲜牛奶为原料,不含农药杀虫剂、人工激素、抗生素、农药化肥残留及转基因物质,不添加蔗糖、香精、香料等成分。 6个月以上的宝宝免疫系统和肠道系统健康发育至关重要。这个阶段的宝宝生长发育依然迅速,但肠道尚未发育成熟,抵抗能力较弱,需要补充更多增强免疫能力和促进肠道益生菌生长的活性营养元素。安宝乐金装较大婴儿配方奶粉,独特的五元臻护系统针对6-12个月的宝宝满足成长所需营养和生长发育特点,特别添加5种母乳等量核苷酸和天然益生元组合(GOS+FOS)等免疫成分,激活天然免疫细胞,抵御病毒侵袭,提高机体的免疫功能,增强抵抗力,同时调节肠道菌群平衡,助力宝宝健康成长。 安宝乐金装幼儿配方奶粉3段 适合阶段:12-36个月 原产国:澳大利亚 净含量:800克 特点:源自澳洲,100%原装进口,获得澳洲和中国检验检疫局双重认证。主要以天然新鲜牛奶为原料,不含农药杀虫剂、人工激素、抗生素、农药化肥残留及转基因物质,不添加蔗糖、香精、香料等成分。 12个月以上的宝宝消化吸收和骨骼生长发育极为重要,这个阶段宝宝的消化系统进一步完善,营养均衡吸收和骨骼自然生长是需要关注的核心。好营养吸收是关键,充分高效的营养吸收有助于宝宝骨骼自然生长。安宝乐金装幼儿配方奶粉,独特的五元臻护系统针对12-36个月的宝宝,提供消化吸收和骨骼生长发育所需的各种营养,维持消化道机能。特别添加被誉为“蛋白之王”的α-乳清蛋白和黄金比值钙磷、左旋肉碱、维生素等多种活性营养素,易消化、易吸收,更接近母乳,促进钙质吸收,增强肌肉控制力,塑造宝宝强壮骨骼,帮助宝宝快速健康成长。 安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉新西兰版本 安宝乐婴儿配方奶粉新西兰版本源自新西兰百年专属牧场,100%原装进口,相对于传统的婴儿奶粉生产工艺,安宝乐婴儿配方奶粉采用GMP制药级标准生产,湿混工艺低敏配方,全面呵护宝宝健康成长。 携手公司 简介 卫普拉斯在新西兰携手GMP制药集团,GMP制药集团完全符合国际行业生产标准要求,有严格的品控流程,有新西兰政府的生产及安全认证,符合中国国家进出口食品检验检疫标准要求,GMP拥有专业的专家级研发团队,严格按照国际GMP制药级最高管理标准,对安宝乐金装系列产品层层把关,从而真正确保100%新西兰高品质安宝乐奶粉带给中国的妈With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 妈和宝宝。 安宝乐秉承“均衡营养,天然呵护”的理念,专注于母婴营养健康事业,把拥有“世界上最后一块净土”之称的新西兰的天然和纯净奶粉带入中国,竭尽全力的为中国的妈妈和宝宝提供安全、健康和天然的高端原装新西兰奶粉。 产品特点 安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉,主要原料均来自天然的新鲜纯牛奶,不含农药杀虫剂、激素、抗生素、化肥残留及转基因物质,独特的亲和人体配方,贴合宝宝成长规律,安宝乐多元保护系统和免疫系统帮助宝宝脑结构和脑功能发育,促进大脑记忆力的形成及稳定,加强神经系统的发育,预防病毒侵害,增强宝宝抵抗力。 奶源基地 安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉源自新西兰的百年专属牧场,它位于新西兰北岛的怀卡托(Waikato)地区(东经174度,南纬37度),这里常年温度在20—25度之间,每年有260天以上为蓝天白云天气,这里拥有全球最纯净的水源与牧草,被人们称为蓝色地带,这里是新西兰首批国家A级奶源地,这里的荷斯坦奶牛,自然放养在纯净的牧场,每一头奶牛都有新西兰农业畜牧局与百年牧场双重检测的终生耳牌,科学的喂养,严格的检测,使每一滴鲜奶都有证可循。 生产工艺 相对于传统的婴儿奶粉食品生产工艺,安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉更注重奶粉生产过程中的国际GMP制药标准控制,即把婴儿奶粉当作药品来进行生产和规范。在原料处理上,安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉坚持选择由液体鲜奶开始混合的湿混配方,保证各营养成分的均匀分布及溶解度和口味的最佳状态。在工艺流程上,安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉采用世界最先进浆板式快速均混和纯重力垂降技术,保证奶粉颗粒的均匀和完整,锁住养分。 安宝乐致力于中国年轻妈妈提供最安全的婴幼儿配方奶粉,安宝乐婴幼儿配方奶粉生产过程严格遵守国际GMP制药标准。安宝乐基地所选用的每头奶源奶牛均配备终身耳牌,该耳牌可实时采集奶牛健康情况信息,并通过信息传导系统汇集至新西兰MAF信息中心,由电脑系统对每头奶牛的健康情况进行实时监控和跟踪、分析,确保安宝乐奶源品质的百分百安全可靠。 产品系列 安宝乐金装婴儿配方奶粉1段 适用年龄:0-6个月 原产国:新西兰 净含量:800g 安宝乐金装婴儿配方奶粉,OMEGA-3,OMEGA-6多元保护系统给予宝宝脑部充足的营养素,成长所需的强化胆碱,塑造宝宝强壮骨骼,让您的宝宝不会输在起跑线上。 *提供丰富的OMEGA-3,OMEGA-6,使其自身体内转变为ARA与DHA; *添加100%海洋植物性来源的2:1黄金配比ARA:DHA,为宝宝视网膜和脑部的快速发育提供充足的营养; With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control *乳清蛋白与酪蛋白科学比例60:40,接近母乳,宝宝易消化吸收。,牛磺酸能帮助宝宝脑部发育,促进眼睛视网膜的功能; *叶酸有助于促进脑细胞的生长,提高智力; *添加五种核苷酸,提高宝宝记忆力,维持消化道机能; *适当的铁含量,可以帮助红血球的生长,进而帮助脑部的发育; *充足的左旋肉碱,促进脂肪代谢并让宝宝肌肉组织均匀发展; 胆碱是一种神经传导素,有助于宝宝专注力、观察力、记忆力及肌肉控制力发育; * *提供充足的钙质,与适当的钙磷比,还有维生素D帮助钙质吸收与利用; 安宝乐金装较大婴儿配方奶粉2段 适用年龄:6-12个月 原产国:新西兰 净含量:800g 安宝乐金装较大婴儿配方奶粉,OMEGA-3,OMEGA-6多元保护系统针对6-12个月的宝宝,均衡营养是吸收良好的关键,多重防护系统强化宝宝免疫力,增强抵抗力。 *多重防护系统适量的钙、锌、硒及维生素A、B6、C、E,调节宝宝体质,增加免疫力; *硒作为体内抗氧化因子的辅助因子,可将体内产生的有害物质清除,保护正常细胞不被破坏; *锌帮助宝宝生长发育,含丰富的维生素A、B6、叶酸、锌协助宝宝免疫系统发展; *维生素A能帮助视网膜的发展,调节免疫细胞并保护正常细胞; *含丰富的乳糖配方,婴儿配方中主要的碳水化合物的来源,帮助钙、镁吸收,促进肠道菌群的生长帮助排便; *维生素C与铁的最佳比例,充足的维生素C,可以帮助铁质的吸收; 安宝乐金装幼儿配方奶粉3段 适用年龄:12-36个月 原产国:新西兰 净含量:800g 安宝乐金装幼儿配方奶粉,OMEGA-3,OMEGA-6多元保护系统针对1-3岁的幼儿,提供学习发展所需的营养素,维护消化道机能,让幼儿快速健康成长。 *含丰富的DHA、ARA、OMEGA-3,OMEGA-6 多元益智免疫系统,提供宝宝学习所需的各种营养素。 *牛磺酸能帮助宝宝脑部发育,促进眼睛视网膜的功能。维持消化道机能 ,持续补充核苷酸,打好健康基础。 *添加天然GOS,为益生元物质,帮助宝宝肠道益生菌生长,提高宝宝免疫力。 营养品系列 安宝乐金装乳铁蛋白粉60克 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 乳铁蛋白(LF):广泛分布于哺乳动物乳汁和其他多种组织及其分泌液中,具有广谱抗菌、抗病毒的功能,作为母乳中的核心蛋白在宝宝成长过程中扮演着不可或缺的角色。安宝乐金装乳铁蛋白丛天然牧场出产的牛奶中提取,含优质的乳铁蛋白及牛磺酸,特别添加GOS益生元,运用其分子结构小的特点,促进铁的吸收,并缓解肠道的刺激,是宝宝健康所需的极重要免疫物质,同时有利于筑造宝宝健康的第一道防线。 【适用人群】: 婴幼儿、孕产妇及成人 【食用方法】:请用50?以下的温开水或牛奶混合搅拌均匀即可 3岁以下:每日2次,每次1袋 3岁以上儿童:每日2次,每次1袋 孕产妇:每日2次,每次1袋 成人:每日2次,每次1,2袋 【原 产 国】:澳大利亚 【规 格】:1克/袋×60袋 【保存方法】:存放在30?以下的干燥环境 安宝乐金装鳕鱼肝油软胶囊60粒 鳕鱼肝油是维生素A、D及脑黄金DHA丰富来源之一。安宝乐精选纯天然、无污染极地海域鳕鱼,保证产品高活性,采用了先进的去腥工艺,有效的保证维生素A、维生素D及AKGS的黄金比例搭配,有助于宝宝骨骼生长和视力的正常发育,帮助钙的快速吸收,让宝宝更健康机灵。 维生素A-有助于视网膜、上皮组织的发育,缺乏会引起夜盲症。 维生素D-促进对钙、磷的吸收,有助骨骼发育;缺乏会造成佝偻病。 【适用人群】: 婴幼儿、孕产妇及成人 【食用方法】:剪开胶囊尾部,将内容物滴入口中或辅食中食用,请用温水吞服 1岁以下:每天1次,每次1粒 1-3岁:每天1-2次,每次1粒 3-6岁:每天1-2次,每次1粒 孕妇、成人与哺乳期妈妈:每天2次,每天2粒 【原 产 国】:澳大利亚 【规 格】:701毫克/粒×60粒 【保存方法】:存放在30?以下的干燥环境 安宝乐金装乳清粉软胶囊60粒 钙是骨骼的重要组成部分,能有效的保障骨质密度和牙齿发育,对宝宝的生长发育起着不可替代的作用。缺钙不但会影响宝宝的生长发育,还会出现一系列其他疾病,所以补充钙营养对于促进宝宝健康极为重要。安宝乐乳钙是从新鲜牛奶中提取的天然活性钙,特别添加OPO结构脂,有效减低钙皂形成,不影响钙的吸收,使钙在骨骼中充分沉淀,同时使宝宝体内钙的流失减少30%,膳食中的钙吸收率提高57%,有效提高了宝宝对于能量和钙等矿物质的吸收和利用,减少营养成分流失,从而更好支持宝宝体格和骨骼自然成长;OPO乳钙还有助于益生菌的生长,有效改善宝宝的肠道菌群平衡,并刺激免疫细胞的增加。 【适用人群】: 婴幼儿、孕产妇及成人、缺钙人群 【食用方法】:剪开胶囊尾部,将内容物滴入口中或辅食中食用,请用温水吞服 1岁以下:每天1次,每次1粒 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 1-3岁:每天1-2次,每次1粒 3-6岁:每天2次,每次1粒 孕妇、成人与哺乳期妈妈:每天2次,每天2粒 【原 产 国】:澳大利亚 【规 格】:1155毫克/粒×60粒 【保存方法】:存放在30?以下的干燥环境 安宝乐金装藻油DHA软胶囊60粒 DHA+ARA属于人体必需脂肪酸之一,是大脑皮层重要组成部分,它对维持各种组织的功能起到关键作用,素有“脑黄金”之称,缺乏时可能会引起生长发育迟缓,智力障碍等。0-3岁是宝宝大脑发育的关键时期,在食物中给宝宝提供天然藻油DHA和ARA双核脑动力,DHA和ARA协同作用,促进DHA的快速吸收,帮助宝宝脑部和视网膜正常发育。 【适用人群】: 婴幼儿、孕产妇及成人 【食用方法】:剪开胶囊尾部,将内容物滴入口中或辅食中食用,请用温水吞服 3-12个月:每天1次,每次1粒 1-3岁:每天1-2次,每次1粒 3-6岁:每天2次,每次1粒 【原 产 国】:澳大利亚 【规 格】:650毫克/粒×60粒 【保存方法】:存放在30?以下的干燥环境 冲调方法 、准备喂哺前,请用清水将双手清洁干净;。 1 2、将奶瓶奶嘴置入开水中煮沸5分钟消毒,或者用合格的消毒器消毒; 3、将饮用水煮沸5分钟,然后冷却。参照喂养指南准备冲调份量; 4、将煮沸冷却的温开水(大约40?)按照所需量倒入奶瓶; 5、使用随附量匙舀取所需奶粉量(参照喂养指南),一量匙奶粉即8.2克; 6、盖好奶瓶,摇晃奶瓶至奶粉完全溶解; 7、喂哺前,把奶液滴在手腕上试温(大约人体体温); 8、每次只准备一次的喂量,准备好后马上食用(不要贮存),每次喂完后多余的奶液请丢弃; 注意事项 1、安宝乐婴儿奶粉未添加任何助溶剂,与速溶产品有差异,最适宜的溶解温度是40?-50?,有时有一些挂壁现象; 2、当奶粉罐被打开,请储存在阴凉干燥的地方,奶粉盖保留在奶粉罐上,不要冰箱中储存; 3、当打开奶粉罐,请在一个月内食用,如果一个月内仍有奶粉剩余的话,请把它丢弃。 4、量匙是在奶粉罐中,因运输的关系可能会导致量匙移动至奶粉中的其它位置,建议开启前将奶粉罐倒过来摇晃几下,再开封使用; 5、尽量现配现用。调好的奶应于1小时内用完。不要用微波炉热奶,以免局部过热的奶水烫伤婴儿口腔; 6、准备给宝宝换奶粉时,刚开始要少量添加新奶粉,多放旧奶粉,新旧奶粉1:5,喝几次With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 后再换成2:4,然后再慢慢的换成3:3,最后过度到新奶粉; 7、请在室温下存放未开封的婴儿奶粉罐。如果奶粉罐已经被冻结或暴露在高温下,请不要 食用; With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control
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