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串联电容器技术规范书串联电容器技术规范书 串联电容器组设备 技术规范 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'...
串联电容器技术书 串联电容器组设备 技术规范 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 目 录 1. 和规范 .................................................................................................................... 1 2. 系统特征 ....................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 系统特征...................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 绝缘要求...................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 爬电距离...................................................................................................................... 2 3. 环境影响 ....................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 可听噪声水平要求........................................................................................................ 2 3.2 电晕水平要求............................................................................................................... 2 3.4 抗震要求...................................................................................................................... 2 4. 主要技术要求 ................................................................................................................ 3 4.1 电容器组...................................................................................................................... 3 4.2 电容器单元 .................................................................................................................. 4 4.3 熔丝............................................................................................................................. 5 4.5 绝缘子和导线............................................................................................................... 6 4.5 连接要求...................................................................................................................... 6 4.6 设计、材料和制造质量................................................................................................. 6 8.7 其他要求...................................................................................................................... 6 5. 试验 ..................................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 型式试验...................................................................................................................... 8 5.2 出厂试验...................................................................................................................... 9 5.3 现场试验...................................................................................................................... 9 6. 投标方应提供的资料 ...................................................................................................... 9 6.1 图纸要求...................................................................................................................... 9 6.2 所需技术文件............................................................................................................... 9 6.3 图纸格式.....................................................................................................................11 6.4 投标方必须提供的技术数据和信息 ..............................................................................11 7. 投标方应遵循的设备技术参数 ...................................................................................... 12 7.1 电容器组 ..................................................................................................................... 12 7.2 电容器单元 .................................................................................................................. 12 7.3电容器内熔丝 ............................................................................................................... 14 7.4支柱绝缘子................................................................................................................... 14 7.5 绝缘水平 ..................................................................................................................... 15 I 1. 标准和规范 标 准 号 标 准 名 称 国际单位制(SI)和国际单位制的倍数和对某些其它单位的应用推荐 ISO 1000 ISO9000 质量标准 加工的钢铁制品的热镀锌层.规范和试验方法 ISO 1461 环境管理体系 ISO 14000 高压输变电设备的绝缘配合 GB 311.1 1000kV特高压交流输变电工程过电压和绝缘配合 GB/Z 24842 电力系统用串联电容器 第1部分:总则 GB/T 6115.1 电力系统用串联电容器 第2部分: 串联电容器组用保护设备 GB/T 6115.2 建筑结构荷载规范 GB 50009 电工电子产品环境试验 第3部分:试验导则 地震试验方法 GB/T 2424.25 交流电压高于1000V的绝缘套管 GB/T 4109 高压电力设备外绝缘污秽等级 GB/T 5582 电力系统用串联电容器第3部分:内部熔丝 GB/T 6115.3 局部放电测量 GB/T 7354 标称电压高于1000V系统用户内和户外支柱绝缘子 第1部分:瓷或玻璃绝缘子的试验 GB/T 8287.1 电容器纸介质损耗因数(tan S)测定法 GB/T 14217 高电压试验技术 GB/T 16927 电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 供电系统及所连设备谐波、谐波的测量和测量仪器导则 GB/T 17626 GB11024.2 高电压并联电容器耐久性试验 IEC60143 电力系统用串联电容器 IEEE Std 824-2004 IEEE Standard for Series Capacitor Banks in Power Systems 所有螺栓、双头螺栓、螺纹、管螺纹、螺栓头和螺帽均应遵照ISO及SI公制标准。 1 1000kV串补装置电容器组设备专用技术规范 2. 系统特征 2.1 系统特征 系统标称电压:500kV 最高运行电压:550kV 系统额定频率:50Hz 串补装置工作频率:48.5,50.5Hz 2.2 绝缘要求 电容器组设备中压侧对串补平台绝缘水平: 额定雷电冲击耐受电压峰值: 325kVp 额定1min工频耐受电压有效值(湿试): 140kV 2.3 爬电距离 变电站污秽等级为III级,1000kV屋外配电装置外绝缘泄漏比距(以系统最高工作电压为基准)?2.5cm/kV; 额定电压为1100kV的设备外绝缘爬电比距不小于25mm/kV,伞型结构符合IEC60815的相关规定。 3. 环境影响 3.1 可听噪声水平要求 在正常环境条件、正常运行工况下,电容器组设备的在串补围栏处连续性噪声水平应不大于50dB(A)。 3.2 电晕水平要求 1.1550/3,在 kV电压下,户外晴天夜晚应无可见电晕。 3.4 抗震要求 1)在地震及其持续波的作用下,装置应保证其正常功能和正常运行,安全系数1.67 2)电容器组框架机械设计标准应按下面因素组合:冰雪荷载、风荷载(提高一度设防或罕遇)组合。 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 4. 主要技术要求 4.1 电容器组 1) 串补装置电容器的主要技术参数应满足下表要求: 三相相间容抗偏差(?) 1% 每相容抗偏差(?) ?2% 臂间容抗差(?) 0.05% 1)容抗偏差为(0.9~1.1)Un下与额定容抗值之间的偏差。Un为串 补电容器额定电压的有效值。 2)所有容抗偏差均为在(0.9~1.1)Un下测得。 3)配平计算时,电容器单元电容值精度至少保留到0.01μF; 4)配平时需考虑电容器组运行时由于阳光照射,局部电容器温度变 化引起的不平衡电流变化。 2) 每相串联电容器由若干电容器单元以串并联方式组成,而每个电容器单元由若干元件经串 并联后,装在一个箱壳内实现。电容器组的配平应按每个并联段电容量基本一致的原则进行配平, 以保证每个并联段电容器单元所承受的电压基本一致。成套的外形尺寸需满足买方的要求并经认可。 3) 电容器组低压端接平台低压母线,电容器组高压端接平台高压母线,电容器组中部框架上引出测量端子接不平衡电流互感器。 4) 电容器相组应严格配组以缩小H型接线各臂电容之差,对内熔丝电容器组各相组初始不平衡电流不得超过3根内熔线熔断所引起的不平衡电流。 5) 对内熔丝电容器组提供电容器内熔丝在电容器组工作电压范围内能够正常隔离的最大允许隔离故障元件数,该数不小于电容器内部元件直接并联数的50%。电容器组的设计能保证电容器内熔丝隔离最大允许的故障元件数目后,电容器在各种工作条件(包括电容器过负荷及放电,线路摇摆及故障等)下内熔丝不误动作且不出现损坏。提供电容器组的熔丝配合。 6) 电容器组的设计应能保证在极限电压下单台电容器损坏(包括元件损坏及内、外主绝缘击穿故障),电容器外壳不出现开裂、爆炸等。 7) 电容器组应具有在极限电压下直接端部短路放电1次而所有设备(包括电容器、框架、母线及内部联接线)不出现损坏的能力。 28) 在U(不低于2.5U)条件下,电容器回路应能承受电容器对绝缘平台闪络或限压器故limN 障时的无阻尼放电电流。 9) 电容器组的设计应便于维护和更换设备。电容器组外露的金属件应有良好的防腐蚀层,并符合户外防腐电工产品涂漆的有关规定。 3 1000kV串补装置电容器组设备专用技术规范 10) 电容器组母线采用硬母线,应能长期通过1.5倍电容器组额定电流。内部联接线(各电容器间的联接线)应能长期通过1.5倍电容器额定电流。电容器组母线及内部联接线即使在电容器组直接端部短路放电时也应有足够的热容量和机械强度,即使摆动也应和周围设备保持足够的电气净距。电容器组母线及内部联接线应接触良好、牢固、不变形,配置应整齐、美观。 11) 所有绝缘子应符合相应产品标准的质量要求,额定电压不低于12kV并应有足够的机械强度。 12) 电容器组应在明显位置安装坚固的永久性铭牌,确保每个塔架、层与单元都有唯一识别标志,铭牌内容按IEC60143。 13) 在规定条件下使用时电容器年损坏率应不超过0.1%。 14) 环境温度为20?时,电容器组额定损耗应不超过0.2W/kvar(含熔丝和放电电阻)。 15) 串联电容器的短时过流能力应满足下表要求: 持续时间 过电流倍数(p.u.) 长期持续运行 1.00 8小时(间隔12 小时) 1.10 2小时(间隔8 小时) 1.20 30分钟(间隔 6 小时) 1.35 10分钟 (2小时内) 1.50 10秒钟 1.80 16) 电容器能承受重合闸过程中的摇摆电流。 17) 电容器组的可听噪音水平应满足2.1条款所规定水平和相关的IEC标准。 18) 电容器组阻尼放电电流衰减系数(同一极性前后两半波幅值之比)为2。 4.2 电容器单元 1) 根据相应的GB、IEC和ANSI标准设计、制造和试验。 2) 采用全膜设计,全密封防腐防锈箱壳,寿命期内不得有任何泄漏,适应户外露天运行,应考虑串补安装地的环境条件和最高电压的作用,无掉皮,无裂纹。绝缘介质应无毒。供方应提供关于绝缘介质环保标准的证明文件。 3) 电容器单元的额定电压、额定容量根据串补装置的设计确定。每个单元的阻抗偏差应不大于?2%。电容器单元的额定基本绝缘水平(BIL)和最小爬电距离根据串补装置设计要求和4.2节给出的绝缘要求确定,当采用内熔丝,套管绝缘水平应提高一级。 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 4) 每个电容器单元应配有内部放电电阻,保证在10min内将电容器的电压自额定电压峰值降低到75V以下。 5) 电容器单元应为内熔丝、双套管设计,套管要求高强瓷、滚压式工艺,并适合户外卧式布置(宽面垂直)。为了固定电容器外壳的电位并承受电容器对壳击穿时产生的故障电流,电容器外壳上应配有M10及以上螺栓或其它适当的联接部件。电容器套管上应配有适当的导线联接部件。 6)电容器套管应能承受不小于600N的垂直方向的力,导电杆应能承受不小于30N?m的扭矩。投标方应提供电容器套管所能承受的最大水平拉力和导电杆所能承受的最大扭矩。 7) 每单元电容器电容量偏差应不超过?2%。 8) 每个单元都应有不锈钢或铝质铭牌。铭牌内容符合IEC标准。每台电容器按ANSI-70刷灰漆,铭牌安装位置应宜于观察。 9)每台电容器单元所有外表面至少要涂一道底漆和二道面漆,如箱壳采用不锈钢材质且为抛丸工艺,可不涂底漆。底漆和面漆的干漆层厚度不应小于0.125mm,其中至少50,为表层面漆,并有足够的弹性以耐受各种温度变化,耐剥落且不褪色。 10) 每个单元的重量应方便人力安装和拆卸。各电容器组的单元应可互换。 11) 为了不影响电容器的寿命,设计时应考虑限制电容器单元内部温升的措施。 12) 电容器端子间及端子与箱壳间最小净距160mm。 13) 电容器单元的外壳耐爆能力不低于15kJ,设计爆破能量不高于15kJ。 14) 提供温度类别范围内,额定输出的稳态条件下电容器电容及损耗与周围空气温度的关系曲线。 15)投标方应提供适当数量的原质油漆,以备安装后现场补刷。 16) 电容器单元额定电压时的介质场强(K=1)不得大于57kV/mm。 4.3 熔丝 1) 采用内熔丝作为电容器元件的保护,将故障元件从回路中切除,熔丝设计应满足IEC60143-3的要求。电容器在各种工作条件(包括电容器过负荷及放电、线路摇摆及故障等)下内熔丝不误动作且不出现损坏。 2)当熔丝熔断,在任何天气条件下,电容器单元不得发生渗漏。 3) 在任何工况下(如放电间隙或旁路断路器动作时),熔丝不得误动(鼓破或爆炸)。 4) 为判断熔丝是否动作,应在不解开单元间连线的前提下,通过定期测量电容器单元电容量来实现。该电容量测量装置由供方提供。 5 1000kV串补装置电容器组设备专用技术规范 4.5 绝缘子和导线 所有连接线参数及其设计应满足电容器组设备的要求,保证弹性模量值,汇流管母线采用铝合金系列材料,绝缘子颜色为棕色。 1) 绝缘子的爬电系数、外形系数、直径系数以及表示伞裙形状的参数应符合相关标准的规定。 2) 绝缘子最小公称爬电比距为25mm/kV,伞形要求为大小伞。 3) 绝缘子外观质量、主要尺寸除应符合图样要求外,其余应符合GB/T 8287.1的规定。 4) 瓷件除在验收标准GB/T 772限度内的缺陷外,应光滑,无翘缺、裂缝、砂眼气泡、层理、凸点、外物及其他缺陷。绝缘子的瓷件应逐个对每个伞进行打击,方法是用木榔头(加适当的力)自上而下依次每翻转120度重复打击一次。 5) 绝缘子的瓷件应逐个进行超声波探伤检测。 6) 绝缘子应逐个进行四向弯曲负荷试验而不破坏,其施加的负荷为额定破坏负荷的60%(特殊情况例外),负荷应施加到四个相互垂直的方向上,每个方向至少持续3s。 7) 绝缘子胶装剂应符合JB/T 4307的规定。胶装剂表面应涂有硅橡胶密封。 8) 绝缘子应进行人工污秽耐受电压试验,供货时应提供人工污秽试验报告。 9) 绝缘子其它技术要求应符合GB/T 8287.1 、GB/T 8287.2的相应规定。 4.5 连接要求 所有电容器框架支撑用支柱绝缘子的底部连接用端面应满足买方的要求。导体及其固定金具材料以及连接用的螺栓、螺母和垫圈供货范围在图纸认定后确定。连接端面与固定金具接触面应不产生电化学反应。 4.6 设计、材料和制造质量 1) 所有货物应是新的。并应用最合理的方式设计、制造,使用最适合特定用途的高质量的,无缺陷的材料。设计和材料应能延长使用寿命,提高设备可靠性、耐磨损、减少维修 工作,便于检查和调整。 2) 货物中所配备的设备元件应是由有信誉的制造商制造的高质量产品,并应能在所有运行条件下提供所要求的服务。 3) 所有的易损部件、密封圈和垫圈都应是可更换的。 4) 同类型及尺寸相同的设备,其一切部件公差应相同且可以互换。 5) 所有需要调节的零件和部件,应该具有足够的调节范围以满足变化的现场条件。当现实许可时,这样的调节应在工厂预先整定。 8.7 其他要求 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 1) 电容器组设备的母线及其金具应能承受电容器的全部放电电流和最大故障电流。 2) 合理设计电容器组设备整体框架的自振荡频率,避免与平台上的其他设备发生谐振,投标方提供计算书。 3) 电容器组设备中的绝缘子的正常维护周期每年不应多于一次。 4) 安全系数在环境条件和恶劣综合负载下应大于2.5(可不包括地震影响),在地震作用下安全系数>1.67。投标方应向买方提供详细的计算手册,包括电容器组设备重量、重心、设备向风面积,所有绝缘子的抗扭矩、抗弯矩和抗压力强度。电容器组设备整体建模计算,计算书中明确弹性模量及泊松比。 5) 投标方应向买方提交电容器组的所有设备(包括电容器单元、框架、各种绝缘子、管母及金具等)的目录及手册。 6) 电容器单元应在工厂内组装在框架上,打包运输,以便安装。组装后的框架包括电容器单元,母线支持绝缘子。所有电容器单元应有统一编号,每个框架应有永久性标识,以便按模块和相别正确安装,达到所需的阻抗值。并能在不拆卸框架和不影响其他设备和元件的情况下,可以方便的更换每个电容器单元。 7) 每个框架内部和每相各框架间的接线由投标方提供。所有接线应能承受整个电容器组的放 ?时,其温升不能超过75?。电电流和最大故障电流。在正常和额定故障电流下,环境温度为40 与线路全电流配合,所有接线的持续额定电流至少为6300A(有效值)。 7 1000kV串补装置电容器组设备专用技术规范 5. 试验 投标方应按相关标准对提供的所有设备进行试验,投标方应向买方提供型式试验和例行试验报告。过去基本相同或额定参数相近的运行试验鉴定亦应提供给买方。投标方在进行型式试验和例行试验前二个月应将试验时间、地点买方,买方将派代表到现场见证试验。成组设备的试验将在设备安装后由投标方在现场完成。投标方建议的任何高于GB或IEC标准有关条款的试验标准将被接受,并优先采用。 5.1 型式试验 投标方应能提供证据,证明按提供的设备在最近5年内已按IEC标准对相同的设备进行过成功的型式试验,并能提出型式试验报告,否则这些设备应按IEC标准进行型式试验。在出厂试验前2个月通知试验时间表,以便买方现场验收。 电容器的交流试验和测量应在+5?~+35?下进行。当采取修正时,参考温度采用+20?。 投标方应按GB/T6115和IEC-60143相关标准提供所有设备的型式试验报告。 5.1.1 电容器 按照GB/T6115、GB/T11024、DL/T840规定进行。 密封性试验; 端子间电压试验; 电容测量; 电容器损耗测量; 局部放电测量; 放电电流试验; 内部放电装置试验; 电容、损耗随温度变化曲线测量; 外壳爆破能量试验; 热稳定试验; 端子与外壳间交流电压试验; 端子与外壳间雷电冲击电压试验; 冷工作状态试验; 内部熔丝隔离试验; 内部熔丝放电试验。 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 5.1.2 绝缘子 按照相关标准规定执行。 5.2 出厂试验 5.2.1 电容器 按照GB/T6115、DL/T840规定进行。 电容测量; 电容器损耗测量; 端子间交流或直流电压试验; 端子和外壳间交流耐压试验; 内部放电装置试验; 密封试验; 局部放电试验(抽样,抽样率不小于10%); 内熔丝放电试验。 5.2.1 绝缘子 按照相关标准规定执行。 5.3 现场试验 序号 项 目 要 求 1 极对壳绝缘电阻 不低于2000MΩ 2 电容值/相 电容值偏差不超出额定值的,1% 3 单台电容值 电容值偏差不超出额定值的,4% 4 极对壳交流耐压 出厂耐压值的75% 5 渗漏油 直观检查 6 电容器组平衡 按技术要求 6. 投标方应提供的资料 6.1 图纸要求 1) 所提供的图纸须严格按比例作图,可以用AUTOCAD 2004版编辑;所提供的文本可以通过 Microsoft office 2003来阅读和编辑。提供图例符号,设备及材料代码,英文缩写的说明和对照表。 2) 提供电容器组单元计算和整体结构计算书。 3) 为保证工期,需按买方要求提前交付部分图纸和资料。 4) 所需图纸、资料,详见第6.2、6.4节部分。 6.2 所需技术文件 9 1000kV串补装置电容器组设备专用技术规范 条款 技 术 文 件 图纸 a) 整组电容器装置设计接线图;每组电容器平面布置图,纵向及横向断面图,导体连接布置图等。上述图纸须注明设备的长、宽、高。所有设备必须严格按比例绘制,并给出详细的安装要求和尺寸; b) 装配图:电容器组单元及框架的外形尺寸、重心和质量,承风面积,自振频率;电容器单元套管爬电距离和爬电系数;支柱绝缘子的规格尺寸、爬电距离、耐压和力矩; c) 基础图:绝缘子底座尺寸;作用在平台上面所有设备的总重量;作用在各个绝缘子上的压力、纵向和横向荷载等; d) 安装图说明:所有电容器组框架层的吊装图;单元安装和拆卸所需最小空间。详细的设备外形尺寸图纸和样本说明:详细的外形尺寸图和安装图;所有供货设备包括辅助设备及附件的样本清单; 1 e) 铭牌图:所有的电容器单元及组部件、绝缘子均应各有铭牌图纸说明,包括型号、编号、主要额定参数、电气和机械特性、重量等; f) 电容器单元内部接线原理图、电容器组接线原理图。 需提前交付的图纸及资料 1) 整组电容器装置设计接线图;每组电容器平面布置图,纵向及横向断面图,导体连接布置图等。上述图纸须注明设备的长、宽、高。所有设备必须严格按比例绘制,并给出详细的安装要求和尺寸; 2) 装配图:电容器组单元及框架的外形尺寸、重心和质量;电容器单元套管爬电距离和爬电系数;支柱绝缘子的规格尺寸、爬电距离、耐压和力矩; 3) 基础图:绝缘子底座尺寸;作用在平台上面所有设备的总重量;作用在各个绝缘子上的压力、纵向和横向荷载等。 产品说明书 1) 电容器组成套设备的机械强度计算报告; 2) 熔丝选择计算报告; 3) 维修手册,包括:运行描述、维修说明; 2 4) 备品备件存放要求; 5) 包装、运输、存放要求; 6) 出厂合格证; 7) 详细的电容器组配平表; 8) 其它有关资料和说明。 文件 , 可靠性及可用率计算研究报告; 在该报告中,应对所提供的电容器组的可靠性及可用率进行计算分析并说明; , 电气损耗计算分析研究报告; 3 在该报告中,应对所提供的电容器组的电气损耗进行计算分析并说明; , 电容,温度曲线; , 局部放电起始电压,温度曲线; , 电容器过载能力曲线; , 介质损耗,温度曲线; the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 条款 技 术 文 件 , 熔丝时间,电流曲线; , 提供电容器组单元发生故障时,故障单元爆破能量计算及吸收效率的计 算书; , 导线选择计算报告; 在该报告中,应根据本技术规范提供的使用条件,对电容器组的框架结构进 行计算,提供框架结构设计及电容器组所使用的绝缘子选型依据。 试验报告 1) 提交试验依据的标准; 4 2) 提交试验的原理接线及试验设备情况等; 3) 型式试验报告; 4) 工厂试验报告。 投标方在合同签订后1周内向买方提交提供上述资料的时间计划表,该计划表应至少包括上述规定的内容及相应提供时间。 6.3 图纸格式 所有图纸的图框应采用完整的标准框,框内表示出制造厂的名称、图名、签字日期、工程代号、项目号、图号(每次修改版应加注相应号如R1、R2等) 。所有图纸应符合ISO标准的A或B系列图纸标准,尽可能采用A3或A4规格。图例说明使用语言(中英文对照), 英语或中文尺寸和参数单位用SI制。 .4 投标方必须提供的技术数据和信息 6 6.4.1 设备型式试验报告。 6.4.2 具有设备简要参数、安装地点名称、投运时间、运行情况的供货记录。 6.4.3 设备的机械强度计算报告。 6.4.4 设备外形尺寸图,组装图等。 6.4.5 产品性能、特点和其他需要提供的信息。 6.4.6 投标方所提供的数据资料必须是保证性能的数据,对于中标厂商,上述数据资料将成为合同的一部分,未经买方同意不得有任何差异。 6.4.7 熔丝选择计算报告。 6.4.8不平衡保护熔丝配合报告及推荐定值。 6.4.9 套管工艺介绍。 6.4.10 防止单元渗漏油的主要措施和工艺改进。 6.4.11 电容器组接线设计及材料选择说明。 6.4.12 电容器组耐爆设计报告。 11 1000kV串补装置电容器组设备专用技术规范 7. 投标方应遵循的设备技术参数 7.1 电容器组 序号 参数 单位 Mvar 额定容量 1 kV 额定端电压 2 A 额定电流 3 ,F 额定(每相)电容(20?) 4 % 额定容抗偏差(20?) 5 , 6 50 Hz和20:,时的每相容抗 , 7 50 Hz和40:,时的每相容抗 , 8 50 Hz和-35:,时的每相容抗 在12小时内连续过载8小时 A 在8小时内连续过载2小时 A 过载能力 在6小时内连续过载30分钟 9 A 在2小时内连续过载10分钟 A 10秒钟过电流能力 A 总损耗(在周围温度20?、额定电流下三相电容器组及kW 10 熔丝的损耗) 过电压保护动作前电容器组所承受的最高电压的峰值( kV 11 保护水平下旁路动作时放电电流峰值 kA 12 50Hz和20 :,时的每相容抗误差 ,% 13 50Hz和20?时的三相容抗不平衡度 ,% 14 保护方式 15 初始不平衡电流保证值 A 16 每相电容器串联的数量 台 17 每相电容器并联的数量 台 18 每相电容器的总数 台 19 投标方保证的年损坏率 20 % 7.2 电容器单元 序号 参数 单位 型号 1 额定容量 kvar 2 额定电压 kV 3 套管绝缘水平(工频/雷电冲击) kV 4 套管爬电距离 mm 5 额定频率 Hz 6 20:,时的电容及其偏差 ,F,? % 7 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 序号 参数 单位 投标方保证值 50Hz和20 :,时的容抗及偏差 ,, ? % 8 环境20?额定电压时的长期稳定运行时损耗 W/kvar 9 50Hz、环境20?额定电压时的出厂损耗范围 W/kvar 10 额定电压下温度,介质损耗因数曲线(提供曲线图及说明) 11 热稳定试验条件下(试验温度50?,试验电压按照1.2Un)箱12 :, 体的最热点温度 热稳定试验条件下(试验温度50?,试验电压按照1.2Un)电 13 :, 容芯子的最热点温度 12小时内的8小时 A 8小时内的2小时 A 过载能力(另外,投标 方应提供电容器的短时6小时内30分钟 A 14 过载能力曲线) 2小时内10分钟 A 10s过载能力 A 允许的运行温度范围 15 :, 带电电容器允许的最低温度 16 :, 绝缘介质材料 17 绝缘介质层数和厚度(厚度法)– 标称值 μm 18 绝缘介质层数和厚度(重量法)– 标称值 μm 19 标称介质厚度及额定电压时的介质场强 kV/mm 20 标称介质厚度及保护水平时的介质场强 kV/mm 21 并联连接的元件数(要求提供单元内元件接线原理图) 个 22 串联连接的元件数 个 23 重量 kg 24 箱体材料及厚度 mm 25 箱体抛光方式 26 内部放电电阻阻值 27 , 内部放电电阻性能 min/V 28 型式 双套管 电容器套管 材料 高强瓷 29 套管工艺 22导致箱体破裂需要的I,t值 As 30 从-50:,到+40:,电容随温度的变化曲线 绝缘介质部分放电起始电压随温度变化曲线电容器单元 31 (温度范围为-50:,到+40:,) 特性曲线: 额定电压时的介质损耗因子随温度变化曲线 (温度范围为-50:,到+40:,) 使用的液体绝缘介质说明 32 说明以前提供使用的同类型的电容器的故障率,这一故障率 33 应是与提供的电容器完全相同设计的电容器的故障率。 电容器单元噪声水平 34 dB 13 1000kV串补装置电容器组设备专用技术规范 铝箔标称厚度 35 mm 电容器单元外形尺寸 见附件2 36 7.3电容器内熔丝 序号 参数 单位 投标方保证值 元件额定电压 Vrms 1 熔丝可靠熔断后最大耐受电压 Vrms 2 熔丝最大连续通流能力 Arms 3 熔丝有效部分的等效电阻 mΩ 4 内熔丝安装位置 5 2环境温度20:,额定运行电流时的IR损耗 W 6 22导致熔丝动作的最小I,t值 As 7 熔丝动作需要并联段元件的最小储存能量 J 8 下限电压下单元内单个串联段的储存能量 (0.5Un) J 9 熔丝隔离试验熔丝可靠熔断最小直流试验值 pu 10 熔丝隔离试验熔丝可靠熔断最小交流试验值 pu 11 上限电压下熔丝隔离时,熔断熔丝两端电压降 % 12 7.4支柱绝缘子 序号 项 目 投标方保证值 型号标识 1 额定电压/ kV rms 2 试验电压: 3 , 雷电冲击/ kVpeak , 操作冲击/ kVpeak , 工频/ kVrms 爬电距离/ mm 4 电晕及无线电干扰/µV 5 抗弯强度/kN 6 抗扭强度/kN?m 7 耐地震能力(安全系数:?1.67) 8 支柱绝缘子的说明,包括运输重量和外型尺寸 9 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 序号 项 目 投标方保证值 绝缘子数量 10 7.5 绝缘水平 序号 项 目 投标方保证值 电容器组底部框架对平台1 2 电容器组层间框架间 电容器单元绝缘水平 3 15
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