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中考英语模拟试卷中考英语模拟试卷 年质量质质质质卷研二2011() 九年质英质 ;质所有答案到答质上,将填卡 第一卷;分,45 一、质质空;每小质填分~质分分,115 从每质所质的、、和四质质中~质出可以入空白质的个填ABCD 最佳质质。 1. Jim likes playing _______ football very much, but he doesn’t like ______ football I bought for him on his birthday. A. a; the B. / ; the C. the; / D....
中考英语模拟试卷 年质量质质质质卷研二2011() 九年质英质 ;质所有到答质上,将填卡 第一卷;分,45 一、质质空;每小质填分~质分分,115 从每质所质的、、和四质质中~质出可以入空白质的个填ABCD 最佳质质。 1. Jim likes playing _______ football very much, but he doesn’t like ______ football I bought for him on his birthday. A. a; the B. / ; the C. the; / D. /; / 2. — Tom, could you help with my English? —Sure. When shall we start? A. my B. mine C. I D. me th3. The 30 Olympic Games will be held London 2012. A. on; in B. at; in C. in; in D. in; on4. —Would you like cup of coffee? —No, thanks. I’ve had enough. A. another B. otherC. others D. the others 九年质英质质卷 第 1 质 共 47 质 5. — Mary, can you help me? — Wait a moment. I dinner now. A. cook B. cooked C. was cooking D. am cooking 6. Mr. Miller to Shanghai for a visit as soon as the meeting is over. A. goes B. has gone C. will go D. went 7. The little boy wasn’t ________ with his knife, so he cut his finger. A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully8. Lucy is not good at English. She always feels ________ before she takes an English test. A. interested B. comfortable C. proud D. nervous9. The film was ________ interesting _______ everyone wanted to see it again. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. not; until10. —We are free now. Let’s go and play computer games. —Well. I think I’d better watch an English programme _______. A. either B. then C. too D. instead 九年质英质质卷 第 2 质 共 47 质 11. How _______ the wonderful music on the TV ______ to me! A. relaxed; sounds B. relaxing; is sounding C. relaxing; sounds D. relaxed; sound12. All children should be grateful to their parents, who _______ them _______ food and clothes. A. provide; withB. buy ; for C. offer; withD. give; to13. Karin found some waste paper on the floor. She it and threw into the dustbin. A put; up B picked; up C turned; up D looked ; up 14. —There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog.” It means a lot. —Yes, but there is __________ wisdom in this, “ Love me, love my book.” A. some B. much C. more D. most15. — Could you tell me now, Mary? —A magazine about science. A. what are you reading B. what you are reading C. what were you reading D. what you were reading 九年质英质质卷 第 3 质 共 47 质 二、完形空;填共小质~每小质分~质分分,10110 质质下面短文~短文后所质各质的四质质从个、、和中~质出可ABCD 以入空白质的最佳质质。填 Ben Toy works for a large computer company. He and his coworkers are on a “scavenger hunt”. They have a list of 16 , such as “What’s the name of the oldest painting at the Museum of Modern Art?” They 17 travel around the city to find the answers. 质质The employees () separate into two teams. First, each team decides 18 to look for the answers. For example, they can go to zoos, museums, and parks. Then they choose a person to go to each place. Everybody has a job to do, so the team can finish quickly. When they find an answer, they 19 it down. The first team that finds all the answers wins. Ben and the other employees are having fun, but they are working, too. 20 , Ben’s boss wrote the questions for the scavenger hunt. The company is teaching the employees to work together. Many companies now have new and 21 ways to teach cooperation, or teamwork. They believe that employees work better when they help each other. They can work faster and more easily, 九年质英质质卷 第 4 质 共 47 质 too. Companies think it is important. Some companies do other fun things to teach teamwork. For example, one small company 22 employees to a cooking school. The employees help each other 23 they learn to prepare a large, delicious meal. When they are done, they sit down and enjoy the meal together. They learn to cook, and they also learn to 24 together. Employees at another company go rock climbing. Rock climbers must work together to 25 . All the employees have a good time and learn an important lesson, too. This is fun for the workers and important for the companies. 16. A. messages B. questionsC. books D. materials17. A. must B. can C. may D. shall 18. A. when B. how C. where D. what 19. A. turn B. write C. put D. look 20. A. As a resultB. HoweverC. Although D. In fact21. A. excitingB. boringC. difficult D. polite 九年质英质质卷 第 5 质 共 47 质 22. A. gives B. invites C. sends D. orders23. A. before B. whileC. after D. until24. A. teachB. play C. work D. enjoy25. A. studyB. spend C. stop D. succeed三、质质理解;共小质~每小质分~质分分,20120 质质下列材料~短文后所质各质的四质质从个、、和中~质出最ABCD 佳质质。 A These four ads are for four children’s books. They talk about the writers, prices, sizes and so on of the books.Alfie’s AngelsThat’s My Mum Henriette Barkow Ages Henriette Barkow Ages 8-128-12 Pictures by Sarah GarsonPictures by Derek Brazell ;天Alfie wants to be an angelPeople often think that Mia’s 使, because angels can do mum is not her mother because anything! But his teacher has they don’t like each other. Mia other ideas. She thinks Alfie doesn’t want people to think wants to look cool. that. Mia and her friend Kai ,7.50 21.5 cm×27cmdecide to do something about 九年质英质质卷 第 6 质 共 47 质 Languages : English and Frenchthis. ,6.50 21.5 cm×27cm Languages : English and Chinese What Is Peace Farmer Duck Emma Damon Ages Martin Waddell Ages 4-66-8 Peace is giving…not taking. Pictures by Helen OxenburyPeace is love…not hate.There was a duck. It lived with And peace is many more a lazy farmer. While the duck things…worked, the farmer lay in bed. ,5.99 19 cm×21cm One day the other animals Languages : English and decided to do something for the Japaneseduck. ,8.50 28 cm×23cm Languages : English and Korean 26. Why does Alfie want to be an angel? A. Because angels can fly. B. Because angels can do 九年质英质质卷 第 7 质 共 47 质 anything. C. Because angels look like each other. D. Because angels are cool. 27. How much is What Is Peace? ,,,A. 7.50. B. 6.50. C. 5.99. D. ,8.50. 28. Andy is a Korean boy. Which book can he read? A. Alfie’s Angels. B. That’s My Mum. C. What Is Peace. D. Farmer Duck. B Read how Sofia writes a composition. 九年质英质质卷 第 8 质 共 47 质 1.The 2.Then she 3.Then she has 4.The next day weekend writes a few a sandwich and she looks at before she has ideas onto a goes to watch what she to give it to the piece of paper, TV.wrote. She adds teacher, she in no particular some more sits on her own order. She ideas. Then she in the kitchen. looks up a decides how to First, she looks couple of order her ideas. at the title and words in the She starts to thinks a lot.dictionary and write. writes those down. 5.There are 6.When she has 7.Then she 8.Finally, she some words finished looks back at writes out her she’s not sure writing, she her notes from composition about so she reads carefully other written onto a clean looks them up through her work. She piece of paper in her composition. makes sure she and puts it in dictionary.She crosses hasn’t made her bag. some things out any of the same and changes mistakes. one or two sentences. 29. What does Sofia do first before she writes the composition? A. She looks at the title and thinks a lot. 九年质英质质卷 第 9 质 共 47 质 B. She has a sandwich and goes to watch TV. C. She writes a few ideas onto a piece of paper. D. She looks up a couple of words in the dictionary.30. When she meets some words she’s not sure, . A. she writes them down B. she looks back at her notes C. she crosses some things out D. she looks them up in the dictionary 31. From the passage we can know Sofia is a . A. driver B. doctor C. student D. parent C Smile, when making an introduction. Every day we meet people in a number of business and social situations. And the way we meet and greet them creates an impression. It’s important to do so in a proper way, no matter whether you are introducing yourself to someone, or introducing two people to each other. To keep you aware of this, we have gathered tips on how to make a proper introduction. ?Always stand when making an introduction. 九年质英质质卷 第 10 质 共 47 质 When you are seated and someone comes up to greet you, make the effort to stand up. By doing this, you show respect for yourself and for the other person. ?Always maintain eye contact while making an introduction. Many people are not aware of the value of this simple action. When you make eye contact you are giving a confident image. ?Always introduce a person of lesser authority to one of greater authority. The most important thing to remember is to say the most important person’s name first. For example, when introducing your supervisor to a job candidate, you would give your supervisor’s name first. "Bob Jones, may I introduce Susan Lee, who has just graduated from ABC University?" ?In a situation where rank is unimportant, an introduction is based on sex and age. A man is presented to a woman and a younger woman to an older woman. What if you find yourself in a situation where you have 九年质英质质卷 第 11 质 共 47 质 forgotten the other person’s name? Start with a handshake and reintroduce yourself. By doing this, you will usually cause the other person to do the same. However, if the other person does not take your suggestion, it is OK simply to apologize and let the person know that you cannot remember her or his name. This is not the ideal situation, of course, but it does happen to all of us. The other person should be forgiving.32. According to the passage, people will think you are ______ if you don’t make eye contact with them. A. not honest B. not confident C. shy D. unfriendly 33. What should you do when you introduce a new worker to your boss? A. You should not give your boss’ name. B. You should give the new worker’s name first. C. You needn’t give your boss’ name. D. You should give your boss’ name first. 34. If you forget the other person’s name, you’d better ________. A. ask him/her directly 九年质英质质卷 第 12 质 共 47 质 B. apologize first and then ask him/her C. shake hands with the person and reintroduce yourself D. consider his age first 35. The article gives you advice on _________. A. how to make a self-introduction B. how to make a proper introduction C. how to leave a good impression on people D. how to greet people in social situations D For some people, it’s easy to get dressed for work. Pilots and police officers, for example, don’t have to make decisions about their work clothes. They wear uniforms to work every day. For many office workers, however, it is more difficult to choose clothes for work. They do not wear uniforms to the office. Also, many organizations are changing their dress codes. They are ;质工,;意的,随allowing their employeesto wear casualclothes to work. The change to casual work clothes began in the 1990s. At first, 九年质英质质卷 第 13 质 共 47 质 many companies in the United States allowed employees to wear casual clothes on one day of the week – Friday. Friday became “Casual Friday” or “Dress-down Friday”. Today, however, many companies are allowing their employees to wear casual clothes every day of the week. Why are companies allowing their employees to wear casual clothes? Some studies show that people are producing and achieving more when they are wearing comfortable clothes. Some companies also like the casual dress code because they don’t need to buy special clothes for work. They can save money this way. Unfortunately, a casual dress code can also cause problems. Sometimes employees dress too casually. They think they can wear ;要求,anything. Many companies have rulesabout casual clothes. They list the kinds of clothes that are not “business-casual” clothes. Blue jeans, sandals, and sportswear are examples of clothes that are usually too casual for the office. 36. What do pilots and police officers wear to work? A. Casual clothes. B. Sportswear. C. Blue jeans. D. Uniforms. 九年质英质质卷 第 14 质 共 47 质 37. What does “a dress code” mean? A. It tells what you can do and can’t do. B. It is a rule about what clothes to wear. C. It saves a lot of money. D. It shows you what to say at work. 38. “Dress-down Friday” is a day when employees are allowed to _________. A. eat delicious food B. have smart uniforms on C. wear casual clothes to work D. work longer hours39. Why do some companies agree to the casual dress code? A. They don’t need to buy special clothes for work. B. It is difficult for them to choose clothes for work. C. They don’t like the same uniform. D. It is easy for them to make decisions about work clothes.40. What problems can a casual dress code cause according to the passage? A. Employees seldom wear comfortable clothes. B. Usually employees put on expensive clothing. C. Employees always have too little on themselves. 九年质英质质卷 第 15 质 共 47 质 D. Sometimes employees dress too casually. E 质心I found out one time that doing a favor ()for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next 质to me whispered something, but I didn’t understand. So I leaned(斜)over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra pen. She showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk. Later, after the test papers had been turned in, the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed. As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; she talked about how important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. For a ;强质,long time, she talked about honesty and emphasizedthe fact that when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves. She made me promise that I would think seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I could leave. 九年质英质质卷 第 16 质 共 47 质 I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things. Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked as if I was copying answers from the girl’s test paper. I tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed very strange to her that I hadn’t talked of anything about the pen the day she talked to me right after the test. Even if I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a favor by letting her use my pen, I am sure she continued to believe that I had cheated on the test.41. The story took place exactly . A. in the teacher’s office B. in an exam room C. in the school library D. in the language lab42. The girl wanted to borrow a pen, because . A. she had not brought a pen with her B. she had lost her own on her way to school C. there was something wrong with her own D. her own had been taken away by someone 43. The teacher saw all this, so she asked the boy . 九年质英质质卷 第 17 质 共 47 质 A. to go on writing his paper B. to stop whispering C. to leave the room immediately D. to stay behind after the exam 44. The thing(s) emphasized in her talk was (were) . A. honesty B. sense of duty C. seriousness D. all of the above 45. The boy knew everything . A. the moment he was asked to stay behind B. when the teacher started talking about honesty C. only some time later D. when he was walking out of the room 第二卷;分,51 四、空;共填小质~每小质分~质分分,16116 ,根据所质的质质出质质~使句子意思完整正。写确A 棉的46. It is comfortable to wear ? () shirts in summer. 质明47. We didn’t know who ? () the TV in history. 温度48. These days are very hot. The ? () is about above 35?. 质格49. Jim’s parents are very ? () with him. 除非50. I’ll go to the park ? () it rains tomorrow. 九年质英质质卷 第 18 质 共 47 质 根据句子意思~用括中所质质质的适形式空。 号当填B) 51. Amy’s parents like the skirt ? (make) of silk. 52. He thought it was ? (hope) to pass the exam, so he gave up studying. 53. I think this book is worth ? (read) several times. 54. Some parents will ? (invite) to our party next Sunday.55. Last Sunday we took a lot of ? (photo) in the park. 56. I’m good at singing and hope to sing as ? (beautiful) as Jay Zhou when I grow up. 根据质质容~质质适的质质或短质空~使质质容意思完整。内当填内C) something wrong, satisfied with; work ; get money back; a few weeks ago; A: Can I help you, sir? B: I am not 57 your robot. A: When did you buy it? B: I bought it 58 . A: What size is it? B: It’s in a large size. But I ordered a medium size.A: Really? I am terribly sorry about that.B: And there’s 59 with its battery, too. I’ve changed a new one 九年质英质质卷 第 19 质 共 47 质 but it doesn’t 60 yet. A: Oh, sir. Don’t worry. We’ll send you another new robot. Do you agree? B: No, I want to 61 . 五、质质短文每小质分~质分分(120) 质质下面短文~根据所质容~在答质相质位置入适的质质。内卡填当A) 注意,每空一质。 Many people believe they are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day, or about two liters(升). Why? Because that is what they have been told all their life. But a recent report offers some different advice. Experts(质家) suggest people should obey their bodies: they should drink as much water as they feel like drinking. The report says most healthy people meet their daily needs for liquid;液,体by letting thirst be their guide. The report is from the Institute of Medicine, which provides scientific and technical advice to the government and the public. The report includes some general suggestions. It says women should get about 2.7liters of water daily and men about 3.7 liters. But wait—in each case, that is more than eight glasses. There is one important difference .The report does not tell people how many glasses of water are needed to meet these guidelines. This is because the daily water requirement can include the water in foods. As you might expect, the Institute of Medicine says people need to drink more water when they are physically active. The same is true of those who live in hot climates. Depending on(依质;取于决) heat and activity, people could need twice as much water as others do. All this, however, does not answer one question. No one seems sure why people have the idea that good health requires eight glasses of water daily. It may have started with a misunderstanding. 九年质英质质卷 第 20 质 共 47 质 How much water should we drink every day? belief or the amount(质量) of water needed 62 advice 63 meneight glasses women 64 glasses of public beliefofwater water men3.7 liter of women2.7 liter of water water while doing hard 66 or in the hot 67 men7.4 liters of women 68 liter of a recent waterwater 65 Generally suggested amount of water 69 daily as much as our bodies need, 70 the water from report other 71 根据短文容及首字母提示~所缺质质。内填写B) I think that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. When people are talking, there's no need to do a 72 but receive them. Listen to what they're saying. Most times letting someone talk is more i 73 than understanding it.   When I was teaching in a middle school, one of my s 74 told me that sometimes when she tried to tell her story, people often 打断interrupted () to tell her that once had something just like that h 九年质英质质卷 第 21 质 共 47 质 75 to them. Finally she stopped talking to most people and became very l 76 . We connect through listening. When we l 77 , they know 安慰we care. Many people with cancer can talk about the relief () of having someone just listen. 反质I have n 78 learned to respond () to someone crying by just listening. I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there w 79 them. This simple thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went a 80 everything I had been taught since I was very young. I thought people listened only because they were too s 81 to speak or did not know the answer. A loving silence often has far more power than words. 六、质面表;本大质共达小质~质分分,115 David Posted at,2011-05-26 10,36 My friend Tom will go to Gaochun to see Gaochun Ancient Street(高淳老街). He needs some information about Gaochun. As I know little about this town. I hope you can help him by giving him some suggestions on location, environment, shopping, transport and places to visit. Thank you. 假定是你~今天在上看到以上帖子~质根据帖子容和网内Sandy 下面的提示质予回质。 九年质英质质卷 第 22 质 共 47 质 位置高淳南京不质~市中心乘公共汽质大质离从1小质40分质的 路程。 质境质染质少~河水~有漂亮的公 很清几个园…… 质物有大型质物超市。有质多餐质~地方小吃;几个local snacks) 也好吃。 交通交通便利;convenient)~如公交质~出租质、自行质等。可以 乘公交质去看高淳老街。 注意, 、不要逐句质以上要点~可适质质。翻当1 、质,数质左右。文章的质质和质尾已质出~不质入质质。数280 Dear David, I am a student from Gaochun. Here are some suggestions to your friend. ? ? ? I hope my suggestions will be helpful to your friend. Sandy 九年质英质质卷 第 23 质 共 47 质 二模英质考答案参 一、质质质质 1---5 BDCAD 6---10 CADBD 11---15 CABCB 二、完形空填16---20 BACBD 21---25 ACBCD 三、质质理解 26---30 BCDAD 31---35 CBDCB 36---40 DBCAD 41---45 BCDAC 四、 空填46. cotton 47. invented 48. temperature 49. strict 50. unless 51. made 52. hopeless 53. reading 54. be invited 55. photos 56. beautifully 57. satisfied with 58. a few weeks ago 59. something wrong 60. work 61. get money back 五、 质质短文62.daily 63. traditional 64. eight 65. medical/science 66. labor /work 67. weather/climate 68. 5.4 69. needed 70 .including 71. foods 72. anything 73. important 74. students 75. happened 九年质英质质卷 第 24 质 共 47 质 76. lonely 77. listen 78. never 79. with 80. against 81. shy 六、质面表达 Dear David, I am a student from Gaochun. Here are some suggestions to your friend. Gaochun is not far from Nanjing. It is about one hour and 40 minutes from the centre of Nanjing by bus. There is less air pollution here. Many trees and flowers can be seen everywhere. The rivers are very clear and there are many kinds of fish in them. Gaochun also has a long history and there are many interesting places to visit, such as Baota Park. People all like to go there to walk. He can take a bus to see Gaochun Ancient Street. There are some supermarkets, he can buy all kinds of things when he stays here. There are many restaurants.The local snacks taste very nice, too. The transport is very convenient. He can take a bus or a taxi. But it is much better to ride a bike. I hope my suggestions will be helpful to your friend. Sandy 九年质英质质卷 第 25 质 共 47 质 质分质准, 第五,;档分,能明全部要点~质言基本无质或有少量写13—15 拼写达清质质~行文流质~表楚。第四,;档分,能明大部分要点~质言有一些质质;句写10—12 子质或质质质质质质构质,~但行文基本流1—2 质~表基本楚。达清 第三,;档分,能明一些要点~质言质质质多;句子质或质写构7—9 质质质质质质,~但意思基本质质~表基本达3—4 清楚。 第二,;档分,能明少要点~质言质质多~意思不质质~写数4—6 影意思表。响达 第一,;档分,只能出若干质质~无可质的句子。写1—3 九年质英质质卷 第 26 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 27 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 28 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 29 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 30 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 31 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 32 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 33 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 34 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 35 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 36 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 37 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 38 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 39 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 40 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 41 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 42 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 43 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 44 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 45 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 46 质 共 47 质 九年质英质质卷 第 47 质 共 47 质
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