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成都地区教师公招试题成都地区教师公招试题 1.1903年,在美国出版第一本《教育心理学》的心理学家是(1.1) A(桑代克B(斯金纳C(华生D(布鲁纳[A] 2.20世纪60年代初期,在美国发起课程改革运动的著名心理学家是(1.2) A(桑代克B(斯金纳C(华生D(布鲁纳[D] 3.已有研究表明,儿童口头语言发展的关键期一般在 (2.1) A(2岁B(4岁C(5岁以前D(1—3岁[ A] 4.儿童形状知觉形成的关键期在(2.2) A(2-3岁B(4岁C(5岁以前D(1—3岁[B ] 5.人格是指决定个体的外显行为和内隐行为并使其与他人...
成都地区教师公招试题 1.1903年,在美国出版第一本《教育心理学》的心理学家是(1.1) A(桑代克B(斯金纳C(华生D(布鲁纳[A] 2.20世纪60年代初期,在美国发起课程改革运动的著名心理学家是(1.2) A(桑代克B(斯金纳C(华生D(布鲁纳[D] 3.已有研究表明,儿童口头语言发展的关键期一般在 (2.1) A(2岁B(4岁C(5岁以前D(1—3岁[ A] 4.儿童形状知觉形成的关键期在(2.2) A(2-3岁B(4岁C(5岁以前D(1—3岁[B ] 5.人格是指决定个体的外显行为和内隐行为并使其与他人的行为有稳定区别的 A(行为系统B(意识特点C(综合心理特征D(品德与修养[ C] 6.自我意识是个体对自己以及自己与周围事物关系的(2.4) A(控制B(基本看法C(改造D(意识[ D] 7.广义的学习指人和动物在生活过程中,(凭借经验)而产生的行为或行为潜能的相对(3.1) A(地升华B(发挥C(表现D(持久的变化[ D] 8.桑代克认为动物的学习是由于在反复的尝试—错误过程中,形成了稳定的 A(能力B(技能C(兴趣D(刺激—反应联结 [D ] 9.提出经典条件反射作用理论的巴甫洛夫是 A(苏联心理学家B(美国心理学家C(俄国生理学家和心理学家D(英国医生[C ] 10.先行组织者教学技术的提出者是美国著名心理学家 A(斯金纳B(布鲁纳 C(奥苏伯尔 D(桑代克[C ] happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 11.根据学习动机的社会意义,可以把学习动机分为 (4.1) A(社会动机与个人动机B(工作动机与提高动机C(高尚动机与低级动机D(交往动机与荣誉动机 [ C] 12.对学习内容或学习结果感兴趣而形成的动机,可称为 A(近景的直接动性机 B(兴趣性动机 C(情趣动机D(直接性动机 [ A] 13.由于对学习活动的社会意义或个人前途等原因引发的学习动机称作 A(远景的间接性动机B(社会性动机C(间接性动机D(志向性动机[A ] 14.由于个体的内在的需要引起的动机称作 A(外部学习动机 B(需要学习动机C(内部学习动机D(隐蔽性学习动机 [C] 15.由于外部诱因引起的学习动机称作 A(外部学习动机B(诱因性学习动机C(强化性动机D(激励性学习动机[ A] 16.学习迁移也称训练迁移,是指一种学习对(5.1) A(另一种学习的影响 B(对活动的影响C(对记忆的促进D(对智力的影响[ A] 17.下面的四个成语或俗语中有一句说的就是典型的对迁移现象。 A(举一反三B(聪明过人C(思维敏捷D(物以类聚[ A] 18.下面所列举的迁移种类领域中,有一种是错误的。 A(态度学习迁移B(情感迁移C(知识与技能迁移D(气质迁移[ D] 19.下述所列的迁移说中有一种被认为是缺乏科学根据的: A(形式训练迁移说B(同化学习迁移说C(经验类化迁移说D(认知结构迁移说 [ A] 20.知识是个体通过与环境相互作用后获得的 (6.1) A( 感受与体验B(前人经验C(记忆的内容D(信息及其组织[ D happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party “以僧为师”,“以吏为师”是古代什么时期的教育特征, A(中国 B(埃及C(希腊 D(罗马 ( B) 以培养有文化修养和多种才能的政治家和商人为教育目的的是古代 A( 斯巴达 B(埃及C(希腊 D(雅典 ( D) 以培养忠于统治阶级的强悍的军人为教育目的是古代 A(希腊 B(埃及C(斯巴达 D(雅典 ( C ) 以注重身心的和谐发展,教育内容比较丰富,教育比较灵活为特征的是古代 A(希腊 B(埃及C(斯巴达 D(雅典 ( D ) 以强调军事体育训练和政治道德灌输,教育内容单一,教育方法比较严厉为特征是古代 A(希腊 B(埃及C(斯巴达 D(雅典 ( C ) 初等义务教育普遍实施于 A(古代 B(文艺复兴后的欧洲C(近代 D(现代 ( C ) 以“教育的终身化”为教育特征的是 A(古代 B(文艺复兴后的欧洲C(近代 D(现代 ( D ) 以“教育的民主化”为教育特征的是 A(古代 B(文艺复兴后的欧洲C(近代 D(现代 ( D ) 以“教育的多元化”是为教育特征的是 A(古代 B(文艺复兴后的欧洲C(近代 D(现代 ( D ) 反映孔子教育思想的文献是 A(《学记》 B(《论语》C(《礼记》 D(《中庸》( B ) 在教育史上主张“有教无类”的教育家是 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party A(孔子 B(孟子C(墨翟 D(荀子 ( A ) 在教育史上提出“学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆”的教育家是 A(孔子 B(孟子C(墨翟 D(荀子 ( A ) 在教育史上主张“不愤不启,不悱不发”的教育家是 A(孔子 B(孟子C(墨翟 D(荀子( A ) 下述属于墨家主张的是 A(有教无类 B(兼爱C(复归人的自然本性 D(化民成俗,其必由学 ( b ) 下述属于孔子主张的是 A(有教无类 B(兼爱C(复归人的自然本性 D(化民成俗,其必由学 ( A ) 下述属于孔子主张的是 A(兼爱 B(“学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆”C(复归人的自然本性 D(化民成俗,其必由学 ( B ) 下述属于孔子主张的是 A(复归人的自然本性 B(兼爱C(“不愤不启,不悱不发” D(化民成俗,其必由学 ( C ) 下述属于道家的主张是 A(有教无类 B(兼爱C(复归人的自然本性 D(化民成俗,其必由学 ( C ) 由《学记》提出的教育主张是 A(有教无类 B(兼爱C(复归人的自然本性 D(化民成俗,其必由学 ( D ) “道而弗牵,强而弗抑,开而弗达”出自 A(《学记》 B(《论语》C(《礼记》 D(《中庸》 ( A ) “学不躐等”出自 A(《学记》 B(《论语》C(《礼记》 D(《中庸》( A ) “建国君民,教学为先”这句话反映了 A(教育与政治的关系 B(教育与经济的关系C(教育与文化的关系 D(教育与科技的关系 ( A ) 西方古代以其雄辩和与青年智者的问答法著名的教育家是 A(苏格拉底 B(柏拉图C(亚里士多德 D(德莫克里特 ( A ) 下述著作中反映柏拉图的教育思想的是 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party A(《理想国》 B(《政治学》C(《论演说家的教育》 D(《民本主义与教育》( A ) 反映古希腊百科全书式的教育家亚里士多德的教育思想的是 A(《理想国》 B(《政治学》C(《论演说家的教育》 D(《民本主义与教育》( B ) 以教育现象为研究对象,探索教育规律的科学是 A(教育 B(教育学C(教育论 D(德育论 ( B) 1632年,《大教学论》的出版标志着教育学的独立,其作者是 A(夸美纽斯 B(赫尔巴特C(卢梭 D(裴斯泰洛齐 ( A ) 近代启蒙主义教育的代表人物是 A(夸美纽斯 B(康德 C(卢梭 D(裴斯泰洛齐 ( C ) 近代教育史中主张“绅士教育”的教育家是 A(裴斯泰洛齐 B(卢梭 C(康德 D(洛克 ( D ) 近代教育史中提出著名的“白板说”的教育家是 A(洛克 B(卢梭 C(康德 D(裴斯泰洛齐 ( A ) 教育学作为一门学科的建立始于夸美纽斯的研究,他的代表作是 B(《爱弥尔》C(《论演说家的教育》 D(《民本主义与教育》( A ) A(《大教学论》 第一个提出要使教育学成为科学,并把教育理论建立在伦理学和心理学基础之上的教育家是 A(卢梭 B(夸美纽斯C(康德 D(赫尔巴特 ( D ) 以下哪一项不是赫尔巴特强调的中心 A(教师中心 B(学生中心C(教材中心 D(课堂中心 ( B ) 美国实用主义教育家杜威关于学生在教学中的地位的主张,称为 A(白板说 B(做中学C(儿童中心主义 D(实质教育派 ( C ) 美国的实用主义教育家杜威的代表作是 A(《大教学论》 B(《普通教育学》C(《论演说家的教育》 D(《民本主义与教育》( D ) 以下哪一种观点是杜威的主张 A(教师中心 B(儿童中心 C(课堂中心 D(教材中心 ( B ) 1939年,首位以马克思主义为指导,主编《教育学》的教育家是 A(凯洛夫 B(赞可夫 C(布鲁纳 D(维果斯基 ( A ) 我国尝试编写具有中国特色的马克思主义教育学始于 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party A(50年代 B(60年代 C(70年代 D(80年代 ( B ) 依法治校是指学校以国家法律,法规,规章和文件规定为依据,完善内部各项#管理#和纪律,使学校管理的各个方面都做到有章可循,有法可依。 2. 《教育法》规定,国家建立以财政拨款为主,其他多种渠道筹措教育经费为辅的体制. 3.《义务教育法》规定,国家,社会,学校和家庭依法保障适龄儿童,少年接受义务教育的权利. 4.公民,法人或其他组织认为具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益的,可以自知道该具体行政行为之日起60 日内提出行政复议申请. 5.根据《预防未成年人犯罪法》的规定,营业性歌舞厅以及其他未成年人不适宜进入的场所,应当设置未成年人禁止进入的标志. 6.《刑法》是规范有关 犯罪 和刑罚的法律规范的总称. 7.《学校卫生工作条例》规定,学生每天学习时间(包括自习),中学不超过 8 小时,小学不超过 6 小时. 8.实施教育行政处罚的机关,除法律,法规另有规定的外,必须是县级以上人民政府的教育行政部门. 9.参加教师资格考试有作弊行为的,其考试成绩作废, 3 年内不得再次参加教师资格考试. 10.学校对校舍,体育设施,消防设施,各种仪器设备安全状况,应当每月检查一次. 11.参加继续教育是中小学教师的权利和义务 12.预防未成年人犯罪,应立足于教育和保护,从小抓起,对未成年人的不良行为及时进行预防和矫治 13.学校应当尊重未成年学生的 受教育权 ,不得随意开除学生. 14.《民法》是调整平等主体的自然人,法人以及其他组织之间的财产关系和人身关系的法律规范的总称. 15.行政复议,行政诉讼期间,行政处罚不停止执行. happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 16.《学校体育工作条例》第十四条规定,学校每学年至少举行一次以田径项目为主的全校性运动会. 17.对违法犯罪的未成年人,实行教育,感化,挽救的方针,坚持教育为主 , 惩罚为辅的原则. 18.《中华人民共和国行政许可法》于 2004 年 7 月 1 日正式施行. 19.根据我国《民法通则》的规定,限制民事行为能力人包括十周岁以上的未成年人和不能完全辨认自己行为的精神病人 20.权利是以法律形式规定并加以保障的人们所应当或可以享有的一种利益. 二,选择题(分单项选择和多向选择,共30分 ) (一)单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 1.有关法律规定:"对使用特殊音响警报和红色回转警灯的警车,其它车辆应当避让."这体现了行政职权的什么特征 ( C ) A,优益性 B,单方性 C,强制性 D,执行性 2.根据《未成年人保护法》和《预防未成年人犯罪法》的规定,对未成年人犯罪一律不公开审理的年龄是( B ) A,14周岁以下 B,14周岁以上不满16周岁 C,16周岁以上不满17周岁 D,18周岁以下 3.对民办学校重大问题拥有决策权的是( D ) A,校长 B,教职工代表大会 C,学校工会 D,学校董事会 4.王某担任某县高二英语教师期间通过了硕士研究生入学考试,学校以王某服务期未满,学校英语教师不足为由不予批准王某在职学习.王某欲以剥夺其参加进修权利为由提出申诉,受理申诉的机构应当是( A ) A,当地县教育局 B,当地县人民政府 C,地市教育局 D,省教育厅 5.有的学校在学生手册中规定:"禁止男女生之间互访宿舍."此规定从法学的角度看,也可以解释为:"男女生不得无故进入异性宿舍."这一解释属于( A ) A,目的解释 B,文法解释 C,历史解释 6."学校应当于每年的教师节组织教师宣誓活动."这是( D )的规定. A,《教育法》 B,《山东省实施〈教师法〉办法》 C,《教师法》 D,《青岛市实施〈教师法〉若干规定》 7.依据我国相关法律,下列有可能成为行政诉讼被告的是( C ) A,某教育局局长 B,某市市长 C,某市公安局 D,某乡镇党委书记 8.《教育法》规定,明知校舍或者教育教学设施有危险,而不采取措施,造成人员伤亡或者重大财产损失的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追究( B ) A,民事责任 B,刑事责任 C,一般责任 D,行政责任 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 9.根据我国《宪法》的规定,国务院有权制定和发布( B ) A,教育法律 B,教育行政法规 C,教育政府规章 D,教育单行条例 10.某寄宿小学派车接送学生,途中有学生提出要上厕所,司机在路边停车5分钟,5分钟过后,司机没有清点人数就将车开走.小学生王某从厕所出来发现车已经开走,急忙追赶.在追赶过程中摔倒在地,将门牙跌落三颗.王某的伤害由谁承担责任 ( B ) A,司机负责 B,某寄宿学校负责 C,司机和某寄宿学校共同负责 D,司机和王某共同负责 二)多项选择(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分) 1.法律责任的类型有( ABCD ) A,民事法律责任 B,行政法律责任 C,刑事法律责任 D,违宪责任 2.张某作为一名受教育者,依法享有的权利有( ABCD ) A,参加教育教学安排的各种活动 B,使用教育教学设施,设备,图书资料 C,按照国家有关规定获得奖学金,贷学金,助学金 D,完成规定的学业后获得相应的学业 ,学位证书 证书 3.教师可以采用的行政救济途径主要有( AD ) A,行政复议 B,民事诉讼 C,仲裁 D,教师申诉 4.教职工代表大会是学校民主管理的基本形式,其职责是( ABC ) A,听取校长工作报告,审议学校重大问题,提出意见和建议 B,听取和反馈教职工对学校工作的意见,团结教职工支持校长正确行使职权 C,决定有关教职工福利的重要事项,监督校长和学校其他负责人的工作 D,罢免校长 5.学校可以解聘教师的情形有( BCD ) A,不能团结同事,其他教师不愿与之共事的 B,故意不完成教育教学任务给教育教学工作造成损失的 C,体罚学生,经教育不改的 D,品行不良,侮辱学生,影响恶劣的 6.下列属于体罚学生的情形是( BC ) A,让1-2年级的小学生一个生字抄写10遍 B,王某上课讲话,老师令其抄课文5遍 C,李某等八人上自习课讲话,老师令李某等八人到学校运动场跑10圈 D,体育课教师在课堂上为纠正某学生的不规范动作,令其反复练习4次 7.我国公民的基本权利和义务的特点有( ABCD ) happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party A,权力和自由的广泛性 B,权利和自由的现实性 C,权利和义务的平等性 D,权利和义务的一致性 8.对未成年人的监护人的设定包括( AB ) A,法定监护 B,指定监护 C,委托监护 D,代理监护 9.我国现行的学校教育制度是( ABCD ) A,学前教育 B,初等教育 C,中等教育 D,高等教育 教育学部分 一(选择题 1(英国教育家斯宾塞的教育代表作是(D) A(《爱弥儿》B(《人的教育》C(《教育漫话》 D(《教育论》 2(“教学与发展”理论的倡导者是(A) A(赞科夫 B(皮亚杰 C(布鲁纳 D(根舍因 3(“孟母三迁”的故事说明了哪种因素对人发展的影响,(B) A(遗传 B(环境 C(教育D(社会活动 4(毛泽东同志在1957年首次提出的我国社会主义的教育目的是(A) A(培养有社会主义觉悟有文化的劳动者B(培养德智体全面发展的社会主义新人 C(培养又红又专的社会主义接班人D(培养脑体结合的社会主义建设者 5(《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》指出,要有计划、有步骤地普及九年义务教育,并把其责任交给(B A(国家 B(地方 C(学校 D(家长 6(在教育过程中,教师对突发性事件作出迅速、恰当的处理被称为“教育机智”。这反映了教师劳动的哪一特点,(C) A(复杂性 B(师范性 C(创造性 D(主体性 7(教学工作的中心环节是(B) A(备课 B(上课 C(课外辅导D(检查评定成绩 8(德育过程是对学生知、情、意、行的培养提高过程,其进行顺序是(D) A(以知为开端,知、情、意、行依次进行B(以情为开端,情、知、意、行依次进行 C(以意为开端,意、知、情、行依次进行D(视具体情况,可有多种开端 9(班集体形成的主要标志之一是(C) A(成立了班委会B(开展了班级工作 C(形成了正确的集体舆论D(确定了班级 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 10(课外校外教育是一种有目的、有计划、有组织的教育活动,其实施范围是(D) A(在课程计划(教学计划)之中B(在学科课程(教学大纲)之中 C(在学校之外D(在课程计划和学科课程标准之外 二(境空题 11(教育学研究的教育现象主要包括教育的社会现象和认识现象。 12(美国教育家孟禄主张的教育起源论被称为是心理起源论;而马克思主义观点认为,教育只能起源于劳动。 13(我国颁布的第一个现代学制被称为壬寅学制;正式实行的第一个现代学制被称为癸卯学制。 14(广义的教育制度是指国民教育制度;狭义的教育制度是指学校教育制度。 15(学生是教育的对象(客体),又是自我教育和发展的主体。 16(直视手段一般可分为三类,一是实物直观,二是模象直观,三是语言直观。 17(我国中小学对学生进行德育的基本方法是说理教育(说服教育),基本途径是教学。 18(班主任了解学生的基本方法是观察法;班主任的中心工作是组织和培养班集体。 19(课外校外教育的组织形式有群众性活动、小组活动和个人活动。三、简答题 20(教育要适应人的发展的哪些基本特性, ?教育要适应人的发展的顺序性和阶段性;?教育要适应人的发展的不均衡性; ?教育要适应人的发展的稳定性和可变性;?教育要适应人的发展的个别差异性。 21(我国社会主义教育目的的基本点是什么, ?培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的劳动者和社会主义事业的建设者和接班人; ?使学生德、智、体等方面全面发展;?教育与生产劳动相结合,是实现我国教育目的的根本途径。 22(一名合格的人民教师应具备哪些基本的知识素养, ?比较系统的马列主义理论修养;?精深的专业知识;?广博的文化基础知识;?必备的教育科学知识,包括教育学、心理学以及各科教材教法等。 23(我国中小学德育应完成哪几个方面的任务, ?培养学生初步树立坚定正确的政治方向;?引导学生逐步确立科学的世界观和人生观;?逐步使学生养成社会主义的基本道德、法纪观念和文明行为习惯;?培养学生具有一定的品德能力和良好的品德心理品质。 一、选择题 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 1(被称为世界上第一部研究教育的专著是(C)。 A(《教育没话》 B(《教育学》C(《学记》 D(《雄辩术原理》 E(《论语》 2(( B)年,颁布了《中华人民共和国义务教育法0。 A(1985 B(1986 C(1988D(1993 E,1997 3(实施素质教育应当贯穿到:(ABCDE),„„ A(中小学教育 B,社会教育C(成人教育 D(家庭教育 E(高等教育 4(生产力发展决定教育的(BC)。 A(机会 B(规模 C(性质D(速度E(理念 5(构成人的思想品德的基本要素包括(ACD)。 A(知 B。思 C(行 D。情E(做 6(教育的根本任务是(C)。 A(传授知识B 增强技能 C(教书育人 D。学会认知 E(学会做人 7(教学的组织形式是(BDE)。 A,复式教学 B(个别教C(问题教学 D(班级授课 E(分组教学 二、填空题 1(教育是人类社会特有的一种社会现象,是培养人一种社会活动。 2(教学原则对教学活动具有指导性功能。 3(实施素质教育,必须把德育、智育、体育、美育等有机地统一在教育活动的各个环节中。 4(我国中小学教育具有基础性、全面性、义务性的特点。 5(前苏联教育家维果茨基提出了要探索儿童的最近发展区理论,即刺激儿童的现实水平和潜在水平。 6(20世纪中叶,美国教育心理学家布鲁纳提出了以学科的基本结构构建课程的理论。 7(任何知识都来自直接经验,直接经验是掌握间接经验的桥梁。 8(因材施教原则是依据学生身心发展规律提出的。 9(美国中小学课程改革发展趋势是加强基础、更新课程内容、加强课程现 10(教师的劳动具有复杂性、创造性、长期性、示范性等特点。 11(教师必须自觉遵守宪法、法律和职业道德,使自己的言行举止具有示范性。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 1(教师的劳动价值。要点:(1)发展价值; (2)文化价值; (3)政治价值;(4)经济价值。 2(我国中小学课程改革的基本趋势。 要点:(1)课程结构日趋合理化;(2)课程内容综合化; (3)课程形式多样化;(4)重视智力开发与学生能力培养;(5)重视个别差异。 3(教学方法优选的标准是什么 要点:(1)与教学目的和任务相适应;(2)与教学内容相符合;(3)与学生心理特征、知识水平相适应; (4)与教师特点相符合;(5)教学条件。 1(教育科学有诸多的分支学科,其中在整个教育科学 体系中处于基础地位的是(C) A(教育哲学B(教育心理学C(教育学 D(教学论 (“四书”、“五经”是中国封建社会正统的教育内容,下列著作不属四书范2 围的是(D) A(《大学》B(《中庸》C(《论语》 D(《春秋》 3(一个社会的教育发展进程与其政治经济发展进程之间的关系是(C) A(教育超前于政治经济发展B(教育滞后于政治经济发展 C(教育常常与社会政治经济发展不平衡D(政治经济制度决定教育发展状况 4(教育者要在儿童发展的关键期,施以相应的教育,这是因为人的发展具有(B) A(顺序性和阶段性B(不均衡性C(稳定性和可变性 D(个别差异性 5(智力可以分解为多种因素,下列哪种因素是智力的核心,(C) A(观察力 B(想像力C(思维力D(判断力 6(我国目前主要由下列哪一主体承担普及九年义务教育的责任,(A) A(地方 B(中央C(社会力量D(学生家长 7(“学为人师,行为世范”体现了教师工作的(D) happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party A(复杂性、创造性B(连续性、广延性C(长期性、间接性 D(主体性、示范性 8(“学而时习之”体现的教学原则是(D) A(理论联系实际的原则B(启发性原则C(循序渐进的原则 D(巩固性原则 9(“三军可夺帅,匹夫不可夺志”说的是(C) A(道德认识B(道德情感C(道德意志 D(道德行为 10(做好班主任工作的前提和基础是(B) A(组织和培养班集体B(全面了解学生C(培养优良的班风 D(做好后进生转化工作 11(在近代教育史上,对于掌握知识和发展能力究竟以谁为主问题上存在争论,一种理论是形式教育论,另一种理论是(C) A(学科课程论B(活动课程论C(实质教育论 D(现代课程论 12(三结合的教育一般是指(A) A(学校、家庭、社会教育三结合B(班主任、科任教师和家长教育三结合 C(校长、教师和家长教育三结合D(家庭、环境和学校教育三结合 13(孔子说:“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。”这反映教师劳动的哪种特点,(D) A(主体性 B(创造性C(间接性D(示范法 二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,共10空,每空1分,共10分。把答案填在题中横线上) 14(马克思主义的诞生,为教育学的发展开辟了真正科学化的道路,前苏联教育家凯洛夫的教育理论对我国建国初期的教育曾发生过重大影响。“揠苗助长”、“陵节而施”的教育方式的错误就在于不顾人的发展对教育的制约,违背了人的发展的顺序性和阶段性。 16(社会主义制度是实现人的全面发展的社会条件,教育与生产劳动相结合是培养全面发展的人的惟一途径。 17(德育过程的基本矛盾是教育者提出的德育要求和受教育者已有的品德基础之间的矛盾。 18(课外校外教育的组织形式有群众性活动、小组活动和个人活动。课外校外教happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 育的主要特点是自愿性、灵活性、实践性。18( 1(近代教育史上,是下列哪一位教育家首次试图把教育学建立在心理学和哲学的基础之上(B) A(夸美纽斯 B(赫尔巴特C(杜威D(洛克 2(赞科夫在《教学与发展》一书中提出五条新的教学原则,不在此列的一条是(D) A(高难度原则B(高速度原则C(理论知识起主导作用的原则 D(循序渐进原则3(下列说法不正确的是(A) “揠苗助长”、“陵节而施”的教育方式的错误就在于不顾人的发展对教育的制约,违背了人的发展的顺序性和阶段性。 16(社会主义制度是实现人的全面发展的社会条件,教育与生产劳动相结合是培养全面发展的人的惟一途径。 17(德育过程的基本矛盾是教育者提出的德育要求和受教育者已有的品德基础之间的矛盾。 18(课外校外教育的组织形式有群众性活动、小组活动和个人活动。课外校外教育的主要特点是自愿性、灵活性、实践性。 21(简述德育工作的新形式。(1)通过开展社区教育进行德育;(2)创办业余党校;(3)开展心理健康教育活动;(4)建立教育基地。 1(近代教育史上,是下列哪一位教育家首次试图把教育学建立在心理学和哲学的基础之上(B) A(夸美纽斯 B(赫尔巴特C(杜威D(洛克 2(赞科夫在《教学与发展》一书中提出五条新的教学原则,不在此列的一条是(D) A(高难度原则B(高速度原则C(理论知识起主导作用的原则 D(循序渐进原则 3(下列说法不正确的是(A) A(教育将随国家的消亡而消亡B(一个国家或民 族的教育常常表现出自身的历史继承性 C(教育常常超前或滞后于社会政治经济发展D(教育现象最早出现于奴隶社会 4(体育的根本任务是(B) happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party A(通过体育对学生进行思想品德教育B(增强学生体质 C(向学生传授体育和卫生的基本知识和基本技能D(向国家输送优秀运动员 5(我国实行的第一个现代学制是(B) A(壬寅学制B(癸卯学制C(壬子癸丑学制 D(壬戌学制 6(“教学相长”这一提法(C) A(最早出现于《论语》B(指明了教师在教学活动中的主导地位 C(是我国新型的师生关系的特点之一D(说明教学过程包含教师的教和学生的学两个要素 7(澳大利亚的教师在向学生讲“雪花”这一事物时,采用观看录像带并向空中抛洒大量碎纸片以引导学生体会下雪场景的方式,这种直观的手段是(B) A(实物直观B(模象直观C(语言直观 D(虚拟直观 8(学校实现德育内容、达到德育目标的基本手段是(C) A(班主任工作B(共青团、少先队组织的活动 C(各科教学活动D(校会、班会、周会、晨会、时事政策学习 9(班主任的工作重点和最为经常的工作是(C) A(全面了解和研究学生B(整合各方面教育影响,使其形成正向的合力C(对学生进行品德教育D(教育学生努力学习 10(教学工作的中心环节是(A) A(上课 B(备课C(课堂练习D(学业成绩的检查与评定 11(班级授课制的实施在我国始于(B) A(唐代 B(清末C(民国初期D(新中国成立 12(哪个社会的教育具有教育与生产劳动相脱离的特点(B) A(原始社会B(古代社会C(资本主义 D(社会主义 13(班主任了解学生的基本方法是(A) happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party A(观察法 B(问卷法C(谈话法D(调查法 二、填空题 14(洛克在《教育漫话》一书中提出了“绅士教育”的思想,充分体现了他在教育目的论上持个人本位论主张。 15(教育的两大基本规律是教育与社会发展相互制约的规律和教育与人的发展相互制约的规律。 16(体育是以身体活动为基本内容,促进人的身心发展的培育人塑造人的过程。学校体育的基本组织形式是体育课。 17(广义的教育制度指国民教育制度;狭义的教育制度即学制,它是一个国家各级各类学校的总体系。 18(教师在整个教育过程中起主导作用。“我爱我师,我更爱真理”这句名言可以用来说明我国社会主义条件下师生关系的民主平等特点。 简答题(本大题共3个小题,每小题8分,共24分) 19(教育本质上是一种培养人的社会活动,教育的社会属性表面在哪些方面,(1)教育具有永恒性。教育是人类所特有的社会现象,它是一个永恒的范畴。(2)教育具有历史性。这种历史性在阶级社会中表现为阶级性。(3)教育具有相对独立性。具体表现在:教育具有自身的继承关系;教育要受其他社会意识形态的影响;教育与社会政治经济发展不平衡。不能将其独立性绝对化。 20(简述马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说的主要内容。(1)旧式分工造成了人的片面发展;(2)机器大工业生产提供了人的全面发展的基础和可能;(3)社会主义制度是实现人的全面发展的社会条件,教育与生产劳动相结合是实现人的全面发展的惟一途径 。 1(现代教育史上,提出“结构主义”学说并倡导“发现学习”方法的教育家是(D) A(赞科夫B(苏霍姆林斯基C(皮亚杰 D(布鲁纳 2(华生在《行为主义》一书中写道:“给我一打健康的儿童,如果在由我所控制的环境中培养他们,不论他们的前辈的才能、爱好、倾向、能力、职业和种族情况如何,我保证翻其中任何一个人训练成我所选定的任何一种专家??医生、律师、艺术家、富商、甚至乞丐和盗贼。”这种观点过于低估了下列哪种因素在人的发展中的作用(A) happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party A(遗传 B(环境C(教育D(教师 3(在古代欧洲,曾经出现过一种旨在培养多方面发展的人的和谐教育,它是(B) A(斯巴达教育B(雅典教育C(教会教育 D(骑士教育 4(普及义务教育始于(C)A(原始社会B(奴隶社会C(资本主义社会 D(社会主义社会 5(我国学制沿革史上,借鉴美国教育体制,初次确立了“六;三;三”的学习阶段和年限的学制是(D) A(壬寅学制B(癸卯学制C(壬子癸丑学制 D(壬戌学制 6(学生既是教育的对象,又是教育过程中的主体。学生主体作用的最高表现形式为(C) A(自觉性 B(独立性C(创造性D(主动性 (教材包括(D) A(教科书B(CAI软件C(教学参考书 D(以上三者皆是 7 8(德育过程的基本矛盾是(C) A(知与行的矛盾B(外界多种良莠掺杂的教育影响之间的矛盾 C(教育者提出的德育要求与受教育者已有的品德基础之间的矛盾D(学生的上进心与情性之间的矛盾 9(课外校外教育是对课堂教学的一种(B) A(延展 B(必要补充C(深化D(变革 10(“开而弗达”体现了教学的(C) A(直观性原则B(巩固性原则C(启发性原则 D(循序渐进的原则 11(教学的基本组织形式是(D) A(个别教学B(课外教学C(现场教学 D(课堂教学 12(教育要适应人的发展的个别差异性,做到(B) A(循序渐进B(因材施教C(教学相长 D(防微杜渐 13(狭义的教育制度是指(D) A(国民教育制度B(社会教育制度C(高等教育制度 D(学校教育制度 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 二、填空题 14(教育学是研究教育现象,揭示教育规律的一门科学。教育现象包括教育社会现象和教育认识现象。 15(人对环境的反映是能动的反映,教育在人的发展过程中起主导作用。 16(根据我国新时期的教育方针,教育工作者必须树立由单纯的应试教育向素质教育转变的思想。 17(美育的实施途径主要有:通过各科教学和课外文艺活动实施美育;通过大自然实施美育;通过社会日常生活实施美育。 18(一名合格教师应具备的能力结构包括:组织教育和教学的能力;语言表达能力;组织管理能力;自我调控能力。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party
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