

2017-12-28 19页 doc 47KB 29阅读




双手原地投掷实心球双手原地投掷实心球 一、技术动作: 1、持球 两手握球大拇指成“八”字形,五指紧贴着球 2、预备姿势 两脚前后开立,前脚掌离起掷线约20,30厘米,前后脚距离约一脚掌,左右脚间距离半脚掌,后脚脚跟稍微离地,两手持球自然,身体肌肉放松,重心落在两脚中间偏前,眼睛看前下方 3、预摆 预摆是为最后用力提高实心球的初速度创造良好条件,预摆次数因人而定,一般是一至二次,当最后一次 预摆时,此时球依次是从前下方经过胸前至头后上方,上体后仰,持球手后引,腿、腰、胸、臂的连线像“弓”一样 的向后反张,形成了掷球前的反弓身体姿...
双手原地投掷实心球 一、技术动作: 1、持球 两手握球大拇指成“八”字形,五指紧贴着球 2、预备姿势 两脚前后开立,前脚掌离起掷线约20,30厘米,前后脚距离约一脚掌,左右脚间距离半脚掌,后脚脚跟稍微离地,两手持球自然,身体肌肉放松,重心落在两脚中间偏前,眼睛看前下方 3、预摆 预摆是为最后用力提高实心球的初速度创造良好条件,预摆次数因人而定,一般是一至二次,当最后一次 预摆时,此时球依次是从前下方经过胸前至头后上方,上体后仰,持球手后引,腿、腰、胸、臂的连线像“弓”一样 的向后反张,形成了掷球前的反弓身体姿势,即“满弓” 4、最后用力 最后用力是投掷实心球的主要环节,动作是否正确直接影响实心球的初速度及抛球角度,通过蹬地、伸膝、收腹、向前引球、拨球?鞭打、控制重心来完成出手理想角度应在35度 ---39度之间,出手后要注意降低身体重心控制身体平衡 二、教学 1、动作练习 技术动作是根本,只有有正确的技术动作才会有更好的成绩方法:单人徒手模仿练习,多做抬头预摆练习,摆到头后最大值,将肩关节充分拉开,使下肢超越躯干、躯干(胸部)超越上肢双人练习,两人一组,前后站立,前者两脚前后站站立,两臂上举双手叠加,身体成反弓,后者一手执前者双手后上引,一手推其肩背,动作要缓慢并令前者试着向前上方引臂作用:巩固技术动作,增大工作距离,体会如何发力 2、唤醒规范意识 正确规范的动作是提高成绩的基础,从站位、持球、满弓、引球到最后出手,一连贯的动作我们在教学中每时每刻都要强调,唤醒学生正确的动作意识练习中强调有四:一是掷球前强调学生细心观察站位、持球是否规范;二是强调身体向后做“满弓”动作时屈膝仰头;三是出手时应拨球后鞭打而不是推、投、抛等错误动作;四是在练习中强调出手后不要习惯性的往前走出,造成犯规在长期的教学实践过程中复修正动作,掌握技术要领,提高规范意识 3(“满弓”的练习 练习方法:两人一组,一位同学成马步的站位,腿部顶住另一位同学的腰部做搭桥的练习,注意仰头 4(拨球鞭打练习 练习有二:一是每人一球,往空中垂直拨球,体会手指拨球的感觉二是往地上垂直砸球体会手指拨球和手的鞭打动作 5(出手角度的练习 无论出手的速度有多快,但是出手的角度过高或过低都会严重影响掷球的成绩标记练习法:找到一面可以利用的墙或是树叶,确定一定高度的地方做一标记,相距合适的距离,以定好的标记为掷球目标进行练习 6(身体素质的练习 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 良好的身体素质是学好技术动作的基础,使动作更加流畅,成绩更加理想一是下肢力量练习: 负重直腿跳、 跳台阶、 背人跑、 蛙跳等二是腰腹力的练习: 两头起、 站立或坐跪正抛实心球、 站立或坐跪背抛实心球、 快速仰卧起坐、搭桥等三是上肢练习:推小车、推手、俯卧撑(手掌前撑俯卧撑、手指相对俯卧撑、推起击掌俯卧撑 (男生))等三是腰和腿用力的协调性练习,两脚左右原地站立:掷实心球、双手持杠铃片往沙池推等练习 影响实心球成绩有 三个因素,实心球的出手初速度、出手角度及出手高度,其中出手初速度是最重要的因素 三、常见错误与纠正: 1错误的持球方法 纠正:两手握球大拇指成“八”字形,五指紧贴着球,用力投向地面,练习数次,待动作定型后,再持球于头上方进行练习 2错误的实心球放置位置 纠正: 一个学生一只手拉着另一个学生的双手,另一只手撑着该学生的腰;学生手 拉着支撑物(如树)等做投掷的“满弓形”练习 3错误的用力顺序 纠正:可以让学生以前、后开立的姿势站好,进行由脚发力传送手再到实心球上的练习做这一完整动作的过程中,实心球不出手,着重体会由下而上的用力过程 4错误的出手角度 纠正:可以让学生站好,做投掷动作时,抬头向身体的前上方看(这时可以以自已的眉稍来确定出手角度),出手点与地面水平线成大约四十一度左右的夹角,球出手后两眼看球在空中运行,反复进行练习 5实心球离手瞬间,不会用手腕力量拔实心球 纠正:原地站立,直臂举球于头上方,反复屈伸腕关节,体会扣腕 拔球动作;双手握哑铃,体前直臂做屈伸腕关节动作,增强前臂屈肌反腕关节力量和灵敏素质 立定跳远 一、技术动作: 1、预摆: 两脚左右开立,与肩同宽,两臂前后摆动,前摆时,两腿伸直,后摆时,屈膝降低重心,上体稍前倾,手尽量往后摆要点:上下肢动作协调配合,摆动时一伸二屈降重心,上体稍前倾 2、起跳: 两脚快速用力蹬地,同时两臂稍曲由后往前上方摆动(两肩要充分上提),向前上方跳出,dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 并充分展体要点:蹬地快速有力,腿蹬和手摆要协调,背部用力及时充分,强调离地前的前脚掌瞬间蹬地动作 3、腾空: 人体充分伸展,做到“三直”即髋,膝,踝三关节伸直,两臂前举在收腹落地的时机因人而异,腰腹力量强的,可在人体达到最高点后下落时迅速收腹举腿,尽可能延长腾空时间达到可能远的落地点而腰腹力量较弱的,在人体最高点时迅速收腹举腿,以便能够顺利完成收腹举腿动作收腹举腿的同时两臂屈臂用力急振后摆,小腿尽可能地前伸,从而达到可能远的落地点 4、落地缓冲: 脚跟先着地迅速过渡到全脚掌,并屈膝使膝盖前伸落地缓冲要点:小腿前伸的时机把握好,曲腿前伸臂后摆,落地后往前不往后 易出现的错误: 1)单脚起跳,单脚落地 2)两次起跳 3)落地时不能屈膝缓冲 二、教学方法 1、教学口诀:一摆二蹲三跳起,快速蹲地展身体;收腹提膝伸小腿,后跟着地向前起 2、教学要领:蹬、摆、收、举、伸、移 蹬——两腿蹬地; 摆——两腿用力向前上摆动; 收——膝空中收腿; 举——空中举腿; 伸——落地时两小腿前伸; 移——两膝弯曲重心前移 3、教学方法: 1)原地练习蹬伸按起跳要领准备,不向前跳,而是向上方蹬伸髋、膝、踝三关节,体会用力的顺序 2)摆臂练习原地摆臂由后下方至前上方的摆臂练习,主要体会臂部带动身体的作用 3)落地前的抬大腿和小腿前伸练习在练习场地的适当距离上,拉一条橡皮筋(有一定的高度)迫使练习者向上抬腿 和前伸技术 4)各种的练习方法: (1)蹲跳起 (2)挺身跳 (3)单脚交换跳 (4)收腹跳 (5)纵跳摸高 (6)蛙跳 (7)跳台阶 (8)弓箭步交换跳 (9)立定跳远接力 三、常见错误及纠正方法 1)预摆不协调,摆臂动作不正确 解决:反复做前摆直腿后摆屈膝的动作,由慢到快强调正确摆臂的作用, 并提示学生以肩关节为轴进行大幅度的摆动 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 2)上体前倾过多,膝关节不屈,重心降不下去,形成鞠躬动作 解决办法:练习时让学生看前方某一高度的标志物,从半蹲甚至深蹲开始进行练习 3)腾空过高或过低 解决办法:利用一定高度或一定远度的标志线来纠正这类错误效果很好 4)收腿过慢或不充分 解决办法:反复做收腹跳的练习或进行跳橡皮筋的练习提示学生在练习时大腿往胸部靠而不是小腿往臀部靠 5)落地不稳,双腿落地区域有较大的差异 解决办法:多做近距离的起跳落地动作,手臂的摆动要协调配合地面设置标志物,双脚主动有意识地踩踏标志物 一分钟跳绳 一、技术动作: 1、握绳的方法 :握在手柄中后端 2、跳绳的长度 :双脚开立(不应大于肩)或一脚踏在跳绳中间部位,两手握绳的两端,两臂屈肘与体侧成直角,然后拉直跳绳即可 3、手上技术要点 :两手上臂贴近身体手腕用力 4、摇绳方法: ?正摇绳:两手握绳,两臂自然屈曲,将绳置于体后,两手腕、手臂协调一致用力,将绳向上、向前 抡起,当绳抡至头以上位置时,两手臂不停顿继续向下、向后抡绳,使绳绕身体周而复始地抡动?反摇绳:动作与正摇绳动作相同,只是方向相反 5、腿部技术要点 :脚尖和前脚掌起跳落地起跳高度不能太高以刚能过绳子最好落地时膝盖微屈做缓冲 6、停绳方法: 当跳绳由后、向前摇转时,一脚向前伸,脚跟着地,脚尖抬起,使跳绳中段停在脚掌下 二、教学方法: 1、徒手模仿跳绳练习(只拿绳柄),双臂和双脚模仿跳绳练习 2、掌握正确的手部动作和脚步动作 3、掌握正确的身体姿态 4、握绳完整练习 5、提高频率跳:10秒、20秒、30秒跳 6、提高持久跳:在高频率的基础上,增加练习的时间和量 7、游戏、竞赛法:将教学融入游戏(竞赛)中,提高学习兴趣,激发学习主动性 三、常见错误及纠正方法 1、卡绳:绳到了脚边还没起跳或者绳还没到脚边就先起了 原因:没有掌握跳绳时的节奏 纠错方法:采用将两条废旧的跳绳,从中间剪断,再把两边的绳子调到合适的位置,让学生进行模拟跳绳,通过模拟跳绳,可以让学生在没有障碍的情况下体会手与脚的协调 2、摇绳时,以肩为轴,造成手臂随绳一起摇动 原因:没用手腕发力摇绳 纠错:徒手模仿及固定上臂的转动手腕练习 3、跳绳时双臂张开离身体太远 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 原因:两手臂未屈轴于腰际 纠错:方法同上 4、弯曲小腿进行跳绳 原因:脚步动作不正确 纠错:可以通过做高抬腿练习或者台阶练习来帮助练习者小腿积极下压,伸直膝关节 800M、1000M 3000米与5000米训练的方法与技巧 (一)作用 5000米和3000米跑是发展人体耐力的项目,经常参加与练习,可以锻炼和提高个人的耐力素质,培养勇敢坚强、吃苦耐劳、勇猛顽强、坚韧不拔的优良品质。 (二)准备活动 首先通过慢跑200—400米调动机体内脏的适应能力,调节呼吸节奏,掌握呼吸方法;然后进行长跑的专门性准备活动:?做40,60米的加速跑或变速跑,活动各关节的灵活性和柔韧性;?摆臂练习,活动上肢关节:?深呼吸练习,调节呼吸频率;?体会掌握 5000米和3000米不同距离段的体力分配。 (三)动作要领 1、总体要求。动作轻松自然,重心移动平衡,直线性、节奏性强,肌肉用力和放松交替能力好,做到动作既有实效性,又能节省能量的消耗。 2、起跑和起跑后的加速跑。起跑时,身体重心主要落在前脚上,身体保持稳定姿势,集中注意力听枪声。听到枪声或口令后,前腿用力蹬伸,两臂配合腿部动作,快速用力向前后摆动,身体向前冲出。起跑后,上体保持前倾姿势,蹬地前摆以及两臂的摆动都应快速积极, 逐渐加大步长和加快速度,随着加速段的延长,上体逐渐抬起,跑向自己所需的战术位置后, 即转入途中跑。起跑和起跑后的加速跑是比赛开始时,使身体快速摆脱静止状态,快速跑出, 并尽快发挥出正常的跑速水平和占据有利跑进位置的过程。 3、途中跑。头部与脊柱成一直线,下颔微收,两眼平视,颈部肌肉较放松,途中跑要尽量做到放松自然、步幅均匀、蹬摆结合、上体姿势正直或稍前倾,头部自然。两手的摆臂动作,肘关节自然弯曲,以肩为轴,前后自然摆动。当摆动腿前摆到最高位置后,应积极下压, (四)5000米和3000米跑的教学训练法 开始练习中长跑时,运动量应由小到大,强度应由弱到强,以匀速跑方式进行,适应后逐渐加量,可采用越野跑、变速跑、反复跑、间歇跑、爬山跑等进行。尽可能安排在松软的沙土地进行。可通过100米快跑十100米慢跑反复地跑10个,计快跑量。也可以跑(500米 十慢跑200米)×4—5次,每周可进行两次,适应以后不断加大运动量和强度。可通过脉搏来测定训练强度,训练即时脉搏每分钟脉跳180次以上为大强度,每分钟150次左右为中等强度。训练时要讲科学,合理安排好训练运动量。并不是天天跑,跑的距离越长越好,要给练习者有恢复期,根据练习者的素质和接受能力来决定,可以通过游戏方式,穿插一些有趣味的训练内容,体力恢复更快,效果更明显。 (五)保护帮助 保护者分散站在操场圈内,预防练习者出现途中晕厥和其它突发情况。 (六) 1、注意跑的节奏与呼吸配合。 2、加强腿、臂的力量,强调用前脚掌内侧着地。 3、多做柔韧练习,增强弱肌肉群的力量,使各部分肌肉力量发展平衡。 4、多练习上体保持正直的慢跑、中速跑、变速跑和跑的专门性练习。 5、患有心脏病、心肌炎者不宜参加长跑。 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 5000米和3000米跑一段时间后,会不同程度地出现呼吸困难、胸部发闷、四肢无力、跑速下降的“极点现象。这时一定要以顽强的毅力坚持跑下去。要加强呼吸的深度,适当调整跑速,“极点”现象就会缓和,“第二次呼吸”也就出现。只要坚持继续跑下去,经过一段时间后,这种现象就会减轻,身体机能就会得到明显好转。 7、训练时不宜过量喝水。训练后适当补充一些盐水。 8、不宜在较硬的水泥马路、车辆较多、空气不好的地方练习长跑。 最佳的跑步呼吸方式 1.口鼻同时呼吸 刚刚开始跑步时,速度较慢,处于热身阶段。此时,身体对氧气的需求量不大,用鼻子呼吸就可以应付。随着跑步距离越来越长,速度越来越快,身体对氧气的需求会大大增加,此时,光用鼻子呼吸已经不能满足氧气供给的需要。如果光用鼻子呼吸,还容易引起呼吸肌 疲劳。就需要嘴与鼻子协同配合,以此来增加氧气的供应,并缓解呼吸肌的紧张感。在冬天,如何用嘴呼吸还有讲究。一般来说,应该让嘴微张,舌尖顶住上腭,让冷空气从舌尖两旁绕路吸入口腔,从而对冷空气有个加温的过程,避免直接吸入气管,引发咳嗽、不适。呼气时,舌尖从上腭松开,让热空气顺利从口腔中吐出。夏天时无此必要。但在马路或其他空气质量不好的地方跑步时,也可使用这一技巧。 2.调整呼吸帮助加速跑步要想取得更好的锻炼效果,总少不了加速跑的过程。加速时,人们往往会感到比较吃力,有些人甚至咬牙让大腿使劲,这个方法是不对的。跑步加速应该从调整呼吸开始,平常两步一呼,两步一吸;加速时,要进行深呼吸,将呼吸时间拉长,同时将步伐频率调快,调整为三步一吸,三步一呼,通过改变频率,把速度提上去。此外,身体素质不好的人加速时,应先从小碎步开始。跑步加速也是人体这台机器的程序化操作,不是盲目地咬牙蛮干的,通过调节 呼吸,能使跑步的时间更持久,锻炼效果更明显。 3.加深呼吸缓解疲劳跑到10,20分钟时,很多人会出现跑不动的情况,感到胸闷气喘,腿脚无力,非常想停下来,这是出现了极点。但如果就此停步,就得不到好的锻炼效果。其实, 极点的出现主要是因为人体从静止过渡到高速运动需要一个适应过程。这个过程也是呼吸系统、运动系统、循环系统的调整过程。主动调整呼吸可以帮助人迅速度过极点,继续维持运动。出现极点时,应该减慢速度,加深呼吸,帮助氧气与二氧化碳在肺泡充分进行交换,增大交换面积,待不适感减轻时,再加快呼吸频率,同时加速。 4.运动大约半小时至40分钟后,人体可能会出现第二极点。对于运动员来说,这时需要调整运动强度和呼吸频率;对于普通人,建议此时停止运动,稍作休息。 一分钟仰卧起坐 中考要求 身体仰卧在垫上,双手五指交叉贴于头后,双脚放置垫上,两腿屈膝(两膝稍分开)大小腿呈直角。另一人双手压住考生两踝关节处。起坐时,双肘触及两膝为完成一次。仰卧时贴于头后的两手背必须触垫。 (2)仰卧起坐过程中,紧贴头后的手背未触垫、臀部离垫或双肘未 触及两膝属犯规动作,不计次数。 (3)以一分钟内完成的次数计取成绩。 (4)考生只有一次考试机会。 【仰卧起坐】练习方法 (1)一人仰卧,两手同伴踝关节上方处,一人分腿站在同伴头的两 侧,仰卧的同伴举腿时,两手用力推双腿。连续做。 (2)直腿直臂仰卧起坐30个一组。 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose (3)仰卧收腹举腿:仰卧在垫子,两臂上举,收腹举腿成曲体,连续做。 15个*2组 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose
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