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英语本科毕业论文-论中学生英语学习动机的激发和培养英语本科毕业论文-论中学生英语学习动机的激发和培养 河南大学民生学院本科学生毕业论文 论中学生英语学习动机的激发和培养 作 者 系 (院) 外国语学院 专 业 英 语 (师范) 年 级 10 级专升本 学 号 指导老师 论文成绩 日 期 2012年 06 月 论中学生英语学习动机的激发和培养 河南 开封 475000) (河南大学民生学院 摘 要:学生的学习动机与学习成绩及教师的教学效果有着密切的联系,因此,激发和培养学生的学习动机对搞好英语教学有着十分重要的意义。通过现代教育理论的学习,本文着...
英语本科毕业论文-论中学生英语学习动机的激发和培养 河南大学民生学院本科学生毕业论文 论中学生英语学习动机的激发和培养 作 者 系 (院) 外国语学院 专 业 英 语 (师范) 年 级 10 级专升本 学 号 指导老师 论文成绩 日 期 2012年 06 月 论中学生英语学习动机的激发和培养 河南 开封 475000) (河南大学民生学院 摘 要:学生的学习动机与学习成绩及教师的教学效果有着密切的联系,因此,激发和培养学生的学习动机对搞好英语教学有着十分重要的意义。通过现代教育理论的学习,本文着重了英语学习动机激发和培养的重要性;论述了动机的涵义、类型;提出了激发和培养中学生英语学习动机的策略。 关键词:动机;英语学习;激发;培养;中学生 一、引言 动机(Motivation)一直被认为是外语学习的一个关键因素。Corder有一句话常常被引用:“只要有学习动机,谁都能学会一门语言”。我们英语教师也普遍认为,学习动机越高,学得就越快,学得就越好。学生具有认真的学习态度和坚强的学习毅力,往往就是因为他们有强烈的学习动机;有一些学生缺乏学习热情,甚至厌学,这是学习动机不明确的现。学习动机与学习成绩是相辅相成的关系,“好的动机有利于取得学习的成功,学习的成功又反过来增强动机”(Vivian Cook, 2000)。因此,我们教师了解和激发学生的学习动机是教学成功的重要条件。在英语教学中,“动机一直被为教学的关键,不论是听说读写还是语法教学,如果不能激发学生的动机,教学则不可能达到预期的效果”(王笃勤,2002)。作为英语教师,我们的首要任务是激发学生学习英语的动机。 中学生是有主观能动性的个体,在英语学习过程中,学习动机是影响学习的主要因素之一。同时,他们又是社会性的个体,其英语学习动机必然受到环境的影响和制约。本文对影响中学生英语学习动机因素进行了分析,并提出了激发中学生英语学习动机的策略,希望能对中学英语教学有一定的实践指导意义。 二、动机的涵义、类型 学习动机是指个体由一种学习目标或对象引导、激发和维持学习活动的内在心理过程或内部动力。这就是说,学习动机是个体的一种内在心理过程,它是不可以直接观察的,但是,可以通过个体的外部行为推测。例如,通过学生对任务的选择、努力的程度、对困难的态度和坚定性等,可以推测出学生学习动机的指向性,即兴趣、爱好和方向;也可以推测出学生学习动机的强度以及维持时间的长短等。动机是由一定的学习目标或对象所指引、激发和维持的,这里强调了学习目标的重要性,目标或对象可以指引、激发和维持个体的学习。例如,学生为实现成为三好学生这样一个目标,就会产生学习的动力,努力克服困难,争取获得优异的成绩。简单地讲,学习动机就是激起和引导个体行为朝向学习目标的力量。诚如邵瑞珍主编的《学与教的心理学》(1991年)一书中所说的那样:“动机是驱使人们活动的一种动因或力量,包括个人的意图、愿望、心理冲突或企图达到的目标等。” 认知心理学家认为,动机可分为内部动机(或内部驱动力)(Intrinsic motivation)和外部动机(或外部诱因)(Extrinsic motivation)。内部动机是指人们对活动本身的兴趣所引起的动力,是一种指向学习任务的动力。例如,学生学习英语的目的是为了获取 第3页 英语知识,运用英语进行交际。教育的主要职责之一是要让学生对知识本身发生兴趣。外部诱因是影响学生学习英语的外部因素。例如,学生学业成绩名列前茅受到师长的赞扬、同学的羡慕,因而使其受尊重的需要得到满足,从而提高他们进一步努力学习的积极性。学习动机是推动学生直接进行学习的一种内部动力,是社会和教育对学生的客观要求在学生头脑中的反映。 三、激发和培养中学生英语学习动机的重要性 根据现代心理学的描述,动机有三大功能:激发功能;选择和指向功能;维持和调节功能。表现在英语学习中,动机可以帮助学生树立远大目标,提高自己的英语水平,克服学习困难,并在竞争条件下取得好成绩;激发学生学习英语的热情,从而积极投入到学习活动中,课堂上主动回答,积极参加小组活动和同伴活动。 动机是学习的先决条件,具有强烈动机的学生往往具有认真学习的态度和坚强的学习毅力。学生主导动机的强弱会影响学生学习成绩的优劣。动机与学习之间的关系是典型的相辅相成的关系,高的动机水平可以取得很高的学业成绩,高的学业成绩反过来增强高的动机水平。当学生取得优异的学习成绩,求知欲就会得到满足,也就会产生积极的情绪体验,其原有的学习动机可得到进一步加强。而英语学习的成败除了学习环境、自身的语言能力以及教学方法外,还涉及到学生的情感因素。在学生的情感因素中,学习动机是决定英语成败的关键。 学习动机与学习的积极性、学习效果之间有着极为紧密的关连。一般来说,学习动机越明确,越强烈,学生的学习积极性越高,学习的效果越好。正因为学习动机有如此重要的功能,所以,它不但是影响学习效率的重要变量,而且是学校教育的重要目标之一。中外语言教育学家们都认为动机是影响外语学习成功与否的主要因素之一,中小学英语课程标准指出:“英语课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育。要关注每位学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心。”因此,了解和激发学生的英语学习动机对提高英语教学效率具有十分重要的意义。 四、英语学习动机的激发和培养 (一)英语学习动机的激发 1. 运用丰富多样的教学手段 (1)音乐激趣 从心理特征来讲,学生在唱歌时,随着旋律的起伏变化,在感到松弛、愉快、满足的同时,产生兴奋情绪。因此,将唱歌这种形式运用到英语教学中去,能大大地提高学生学习英语的兴趣。例如:在教授人体部位一课时,为了避免学生在学习单词时的发音困难和感觉枯燥的问,就可以借助歌曲“Eye and Ear and Mouth and Nose”来辅助教学,让学生一边唱一边学,以唱促学,以学优唱,并在唱的同时辅以手势,不仅提高了学生的学习兴趣,还大大降低了学习难度,并且增强了对单词的理解与记忆。 (2)实物教具 实物教具的运用是通过实际事物的展示使学生获得直接的感性经验。这些真实性的感性所理解到的内容与实际事物的联系关系贴近,因而在课堂使用有很好的效果。我们身边和教室里所见到的一切都可以用作直观教具。带进课堂的实物教具选择一般是容易找到和方便携带的小物品,实物教具可用来教学名词、形容词、数词、代词以及相关的一些短语等。例如:在讲授有关水果的课文时,可以带一些水果到课堂上,增强学生的对这些词的形象记忆力;教室里的人和物可用来教学blackboard、desk、chair等;用三支不同 第4页 长度的铅笔作比较:The red pencil is long.The blue one is longer than thered one. The yellow one is the longest of the three. (3)竞赛争优 竞赛是激发学习动机,调动自身学习积极性的有效手段,因为竞赛能呼唤起优越感和满足学生受他人承认、赞扬等心理需求,竞赛的形式要注意采取自己与过去的竞赛、个人之间的竞赛和集体之间的竞赛相结合。在复习课中可以采用组与组比赛的形式进行看图说单词、猜单词、写单词、写字母、表演,回答问题等。这样既全面复习了知识,又充分锻炼了学生听、说、读与表演等综合能力;同时,还能增强他们的集体荣誉感。又如,在学习一些动词后,每组可以抽一位同学到讲台前做动作,做错就坐回座位,下面的同学轮流念动词单词,坚持到最后的同学就是胜利者。争看Who is the best,对表现好的学生,应表示鼓励。 这样,不仅能让表现好的学生有成就感,还能促使稍差的学生你追我赶,形成良好的学习习惯。 (4)巧记单词 根据艾宾浩斯的遗忘规律,学生一开始遗忘最快,随后遗忘趋于稳定。对他们所学的东西进行及时巩固,就能降低遗忘率。利用儿童丰富的想象力来刺激他们的大脑神经兴奋点,对巩固记忆有一定的效果。在教学中,注重让学生发挥集体的智慧,给一些单词的拼写添上合情合理的想象。例如:family=father and mother I love you !每个单词的首字母便构成了family;ruler 中的字母l就像一把尺;swing 中有个字母W,翻个身象秋千;classroom上课的房间就是教室;eye中 y是鼻子,e 是眼睛,在鼻子两边;„„ (5)游戏助兴 游戏是学生喜闻乐见的活动形式。在课堂教学中适当地引入游戏,使学生在玩中开启心智。例如:牛津英语教材1B中连续三个单元都是学习关于职业的单词和一些形容词。这部分内容对于学生而言比较枯燥,为了有效地激发学生的学习动机,在教学时可以让每位学生戴上头饰,使他们很快地进入角色,做Hide and Seek 的游戏,请一位学生蒙住眼睛猜摸到的同学戴的头饰的职业与外形特征,要求运用职业单词、形容词与句型Are you a doctor? Are you young? 等,全班学生分成n个小组,每位学生都参与到游戏中来。游戏Hide and seek.贯穿始终,让学生在游戏中复习旧知识,巩固新知识,寓教于乐,寓教于活动中,有利于增长其参与意识和竞争意识,激发学生的学习兴趣,有效地激发了学生口语交际的热情,在轻松愉快的氛围中进行口语交际,提高学习效率。游戏能够给英语学习增添许多乐趣,使学生在笑声中记住所学内容。 这些活动加强了课堂互动,使学生感受到老师的关注。在课堂上还应注重提问、讨论、辩论、个人总结、老师讲评等方式的运用。提问要照顾不同程度的同学,难易应有所差异,对于学生的任何进步,老师应尽量予以肯定和表扬;讨论、辩论先以小组进行,再进行个人总结,这样既照顾到个体差异,也能发挥外语特长生的优势;教师对学习任务的及时讲评也很关键,尤其是作文讲评。还可组织丰富多彩的活动,活跃气氛,提高外语学习的积极性。比如:值日报告、演讲赛、观看英语影片以及我做10分钟老师等活动,都能收到良好的效果,使学生在英语学习中体会到更多的欢乐,提高口语交际能力,同时也能使自己的教学融知识性和趣味性于一体,让英语学习成为学生的愉快之旅。 2. 注重教师自身的情感影响 教师在学生心中是崇高的,神圣的,教师的情感也同样能感染学生,同时也能激励他们的学习动机。 首先,教师要给学生亲切感,信任感。学生“亲老师”方能“信其道”,如果学生厌恶甚至憎恨教师,那么对其所教学科也自然没有学习热情。教师要对学生倾注爱心,关心 第5页 爱护学生,尊重信任学生,满腔热情地对待每一个学生,尤其对偏差生要倾注更多的爱,这样学生才喜欢你,同时喜欢你的课,很自觉地投入到你的教学中来。 其次,教师要发扬教学民主,相信学生,让学生积极参与学习。苏霍姆林斯基说:“让学生体验到一种自己在亲身参与掌握知识的情感,乃是唤起少年特有的对知识的兴趣的重要条件。”因而,要突出学生的主体地位,多鼓励引导学生自我学习,自我发现。在课堂教学中,对于学生在学习上取得成绩,正确地回答问题,哪怕是一点闪光之处,也要及时捕捉,加以表扬,鼓励。多用些very good,thank you等词,让学生体验到成功的快乐,看到学习的前景,树立信心。对于学习较差的和学习上出现错误的学生,课堂上也不要随便批评,说些“Try again”,“Don't worry”,“Take it easy”等勉励的词,这样不但增强学生的学习信心,同时,促使课堂始终充满着轻松愉快的氛围,可不同程度地激发学生学习英语的内在动力,也可为英语教学的成功奠定基础。 再者,教师要时刻保持乐观向上的精神,热烈高涨的情绪。把微笑带进课堂,融洽师生关系。和谐的课堂气氛能使学生的感知过程不受阻碍,同时也使记忆、思维能力得到改善。 3. 正确评价、适当表扬和鼓励 采取多样化、多元化的方式对学生进行评价,避免千篇一律的期末一卷定成绩的传统测试方法,如写评语、表扬或批评等。这种评价可以起强化动机的作用。我国学者(阴国恩1998)的实验发现,奖赏会显著提高学生的学习动机。因此,我们应当以鼓励、赞赏为主。正如教育心理学家盖杰和佰令纳所说“表扬是一种最廉价、最易于使用且最有效的激发学生学习动机的方法。”奖赏的方式可以是物质上的也可以是微笑、点头或说一句“Very good! Well! Great!”等。例如:每节课评选几位上课认真听讲、积极发言的同学,不仅给予口头表扬,并发一颗星,给予鼓励,每两周评比一次,对考试进步的同学评出一、二、三等奖,这样可以有效地激励学生的学习动机。 同时评价必须客观、公正和及时。经验证明,如果教师的评价参杂了主观印象,而不是根据学生客观的学习情况或评价不公正,评价不仅不能激发起学习动机,反而产生相反的结果。及时的评价一般比不及时的效果好,因为及时的评价利用了刚刚留下的鲜明表象,使学生进一步产生改进他的学习的愿望;而不及时的评价则往往在激励学生改进学习方面的作用较小,因为在学生意识中完成任务时的情景已经比较淡薄了。 (二)英语学习动机的培养 1. 教师要时时对学生进行学习目的的教育,启发学生的求知需要。进行学习目的的教育,在于使学生正确认识学习的社会意义,把学习与崇高的社会主义现代化建设事业,远大的理想结合起来,从而形成长远的间接兴趣和远景的学习动机,产生正确的学习态度,提高学习的热情和学习的自觉性。例如,根据英语学习的特点,以及英语在世界发展历史上的地位,在现代社会中的广泛应用,让学生学习有远景性的目标,让它成为鼓励他们前进的一种持久的动力;而且要使这种远景目标与具体的切实可行的目标结合起来。让学生能够理解这些目标,经过努力也可以达到这些目标,让学习转化为学生自身求知的需要。 2. 通过有目的的学习活动,培养学生的学习兴趣。学习兴趣是学习动机的重要心理成分。兴趣不仅表现在探求知识的过程中,渴望获得有关的知识(强烈的求知欲),而且伴随有愉快的情绪体验。具有学习兴趣的学生,会把学习看成内心的满足,而不是把学习当成一种负担。在教学中应该让学生知道:英语是优美的。一首短歌,一篇散文,一首英文诗都可以拿来让学生欣赏。当学生体会到英语语言的美之后,他们就会发生浓厚的兴趣而去学习它。在英语教学中,针对不同的教学内容,适时地教几首英美歌曲,在对优美音乐的欣赏中导入正课,使学生体会到英文歌曲的意境之美。恰当地运用多媒体,电视等, 第6页 在课堂上通过交谈,讨论,做游戏等来活跃课堂气氛,使学生都能参与到教学中来,从而使学生产生“主人翁”感。 培养学习兴趣,把注意吸引到学习上来,对少数毫无学习兴趣和懒于学习的学生特别重要。对这类学生。我们要设法使他们对学习稍微提高一点兴趣,从内心产生改进学习的需要,其学习态度就会逐渐转变。苏联学者西。索洛维契克认为,“一个人只要心理上有所准备,坚信学习是一件有趣的事,对目前感到枯燥无味的学科认真地学一学,便会产生学习兴趣。”教师要根据这一心理原理,要让学生从收到第一次成效开始,不断继续下去,直到成为一种学习的常规。 (三)学习动机的培养和激发中应注意的事项 1. 在培养和激发动机的过程中应始终注意使内部动机与外部动机互相补充。由对学习目的的认识而产生的学习需要以及对学习的兴趣等都是内部动机,如果只依靠内部动机,时间一长它就会衰减;而检查,评定竞赛等等是外部动机,他可以对内部动机起支持作用。然而,一味地依靠外部动机,由于强度不够,一旦移去,奖励和惩罚等外部动机也会衰退。因此二者必须相互补充。 2. 进行动机的培养和激发时要考虑学生的个别差异,特别是在激发时,要使每个人的学习以特定的形式激发起来。例如,因为每个人有其独有的成就需要,有其不同的知识基础。因此在设置问题情境时应有不同的难度,要使每个人在他本人的基础上获得成功的机会。如果学生把自己的成败过多归因于能力的作用,教师应教育他“个人努力”在取得成就中的作用,从而否定其宿命论的观点;当学生感到自己经过努力效果仍然不好,感到自己学习无能时,教师应鼓励他,肯定他的努力。 总之,培养和激发中学生的英语学习动机的方法是多种多样的,只要我们能够充分认识到加强学生学习动机的激发和培养的重要性,并且在教育教学实践中不断地探索和总结,就一定能够找出各种行之有效的方式方法,从而收到事半功倍之效。 五、结语 尽管本文通过对现代教育理论的学习和大量文献的研究提出了几种激发和培养中学生英语学习动机的教学策略,但是影响学生英语学习动机的因素是很复杂的,涉及到学生的年龄、性别、个性差异、家庭背景、成长环境、社会环境和课堂教学艺术等。因此,培养和激发中学生英语学习动机的方法也是多种多样的,只要我们能够充分认识到加强学生学习动机的培养与激发的重要性,并且在教育教学实践中不断地探索和总结,就一定能够找出各种行之有效的方式方法,从而提高英语教学质量,提高学生的英语学习成绩。 第7页 参考文献 [1]刘良华.行动研究的史与思.[D].华东师大,2001. [2]杜敏.关于中国中学生英语学习的动机调查研究.[D].安徽大学,2005. [3]邵瑞珍.学与教的心理学.[M].华东师范大学出版社,1991 [4]刘栋楼.外语教育中的动机问题的几点思考[J].外语教学,2002(4). [5]王松美.论学习动机课堂教学激励模式[J].中小学外语教学,2003(5). [6]陈奇,刘儒德.当代教育心理学[M].北京:北京师大出版社,1997 [7]胡春洞,王才仁.外语教育心理学[M].南宁:广西教育出版社,1996 [8]韩进之.教育心理学纲要[M].北京:人民教育出版社,1989. On the Stimulation and Cultivation of English Learning Motivation Of Middle School Students Abstract: Motivation and academic performance of students are closely tide up with the teaching effectiveness.Therefore, the excitation and the motivation of students to guide English teaching is of high importance . Based on study of modern education theories, this paper expounds the meaning and types of motivation, analyzes the functions of motivation in English learning and puts forward strategies for cultivating and stimulating high school students’ English learning motivation. Key Word: motivation; English learning; stimulation;cultivation; middle school students Middle school students of English learning motivation to encourage and train Pick to: students' learning motivation and academic results and the teachers' teaching effect has the close relation, therefore, to encourage and train students' learning motivation to improve English teaching is very important meaning. Through the study of the theory of modern education, this paper analyzes the English learning motivation to encourage and train importance; Discusses the meaning, type motive; 第8页 Puts forward to encourage and train high school students English learning motivation strategy. Keywords: motivation; English learning; Inspire; Training; Middle school students A, introduction Motivation (Motivation) has been considered a foreign language learning is one of the key factors. Corder a word is often quote: "as long as there is learning motivation, who can learn a language". Our English teacher is a widespread belief that learning motivation, the higher the faster to learn, to learn the better. Students have the earnest study attitude and strong study perseverance, is often because they have strong learning motivation; There are some students lack of enthusiasm, and even disgusted, this is clearly learning motivation of performance. Learning motivation and study result is complementary relationship, "good motivation to get the success of learning, learning success, in turn, enhance motivation" (Vivian Cook, 2000). Therefore, our teachers know and stimulate the students' learning motivation is important to the success of an teaching conditions. In English teaching, "motivation has been the key for the teaching, whether it is listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar teaching, if can't stimulate the students' motivation, teaching is not possible to achieve the expected effect" (WangDuQin, 2002). As an English teacher, our primary mission is to stimulate the students' English learning motivation. High school students is a subjective initiative of the individual, in English learning process, learning motivation is one of the main factors affect learning. At the same time, they are social individuals, the English learning motivation must by the environment influence and restriction. In this paper, the influence factors of middle school students English 第8页 learning motivation, analyzed the stimulate the students' English learning motivation strategy, in hopes of the middle school English teaching has certain practical significance. Second, the meaning of motivation, type Learning motivation is to point to by a learning objective individual or object, to inspire and guide to maintain learning activity intrinsic psychological process or internal power. This means that learning motivation is individual inner psychological process, it is can't directly observed the, but can be by individual external behavior speculation. For example, through the choice of students for the tasks to the amount of effort, to the attitude of the difficulties, and rejuvenation, etc, can gather that students' learning motivation of direction, namely the interest, hobbies and direction; Also can gather that students' learning motivation and maintain the strength of the length of time, etc. Motivation is from a certain learning goals or objects, stimulating and maintenance of guidance, here emphasizes the importance of learning goals, goals or object can guide, arouse and maintain individual learning. For example, students to realize "three good student" become such a goal, can produce study power and try to overcome difficulties, to be excellent results. Simply speaking, learning motivation is aroused and guide the individual behavior towards the power of learning goals. As ShaoRuiZhen editor of the learning and teaching psychology "(1991) in the book had said that:" motivation is driving people a reason or activities, including the intention of the personal power and desire, psychological conflict or attempt to achieve goals." Cognitive psychologists think, motivation can be divided into the internal motive (or internal driving force) (Intrinsic motivation) and external motivation (or external incentives) (Extrinsic motivation). The internal motive refers to the interest of the people to the event itself caused by 第8页 power, is a point to the task of learning motivation. For example, students the purpose of learning English is to gain knowledge of English, use English for communication. Education is one of the main responsibility of the students to take an interest in knowledge itself. Outside incentive effect on the students learning English is the external factors. For example, students' academic performance by the top teachers praise, the envy of the students, so that its respected to get needs met, so as to improve their efforts to study further the enthusiasm. To promote students' learning motivation is directly to learn an internal power, is the social and education to the student the objective requirement of the students of the reflection in the mind. Three, to encourage and train high school students the importance of English learning motivation According to the description of the modern psychology, motivation has three functions: stimulate the function; Choose and point to function; Maintain and adjust the function. Performance in English study, motivation can help students to build up the great aim, to improve their English level, overcome learning difficulties, and in the competition conditions to get good grades; Arouse the students' interest in learning English, and actively participate in the learning activities, in the classroom active answer, take an active part in group activities and peer activities. Motivation is the precondition of the study, and it has strong motivation of the students often have seriously study the attitude and strong study perseverance. Students of the intensity of leading motives will affect students' grades of the pros and cons. The relationship between the motivation and learning is typical of complementary relationship, high motivation level get a high academic performance, high academic achievement in turn increase the motivation of high level. When students 第8页 get good grades, the desire for knowledge will get satisfaction, also can produce positive emotional experience, its original study motive can be further strengthened. And the success or failure of the English learning environment, their own except for study and the methods of teaching the language ability, also related to students' emotional factors. In the students' emotion factors, learning motivation is to determine the success or failure of English. Learning motivation and study enthusiasm, learning effect has a close relation between the. In general, the more definite learning motivation, the more intense, student's study enthusiasm, the higher the better learning effect. Because learning motivation is such an important function, so, it is not only the important variables affect the learning efficiency, and school education is one of the important targets. Chinese and foreign language education scientists think affect foreign language learning motivation is one of the main factors of success, middle and primary school English curriculum standards to point out: "English lessons to face all student, pay attention to quality education. The attention to each student's emotional, to stimulate their interest in learning English, and help them to build learning sense of achievement and self-confidence." Therefore, understanding and stimulate the students' English learning motivation to improve the teaching efficiency of English has the very vital significance. Four, English learning motivation to encourage and train (a) English learning motivation to spark 1. Use the variety of teaching means (1) the music of interest Will tell from the psychological characteristics, students in the singing, with the fluctuation of melody, in feel relax, pleasant, meet at the same 第8页 time, produce excited mood. Therefore, to use this form will sing in English teaching, can greatly improve the students' learning interest in English. For example: professor body parts in a class hour, in order to avoid the students learning word pronunciation difficulties and feel boring problem, can use songs "Eye and Ear and Mouth and Nose" to support their teaching, let the students sang side learn to sing and to learn, to learn best sing, and singing at the same time with gestures, not only improve the learning interest of the students, but also greatly reduces the difficulty of learning, and enhance the understanding and memory of words. (2) physical teaching AIDS The use of physical teaching AIDS is through the actual things of the display of the direct causes the student to obtain the perceptual experience. The authenticity of perceptual materials to understand the content and the actual things close to the relations, thus in the classroom use with good results. Our side and the classroom see everything can be used as a visual AIDS. In the classrooms of the physical teaching AIDS choice generally is easy to find and convenient to take small articles, physical teaching AIDS can be used to teaching nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns and related some phrases. For example: the fruit of the text in teaching, can bring some fruits to class, strengthening students' to the image of the word memory; The classroom the things and people can be used to teaching blackboard, desk, chair, etc.; Three teams with different lengths of pencil compare: The red pencil is long. The blue one is longer than thered one. The yellow one is The longest of The three. (3) competition for optimal 第8页 Competition is learning motivation, arouse their learning enthusiasm effective means, because the competition can call up superiority and satisfy students by others, praised the psychological demand such as admitted that, in the form of competition should pay attention to take yourself with the past contests, a contest between individual and collective of competition between combined. In the recitation can use group and group game in the form of words, guess pictures said words, write the words, write letters, performance and answer the questions. Comprehensive review already so the knowledge, and fully exercise the students' listening, speaking, reading and performance, and other comprehensive ability; At the same time, still can enhance their collective sense of honor. And if, in the study some verbs, each group can take a classmate to front do the action, do wrong sat back seat, students of the verbs take turns reading words, on to the end of the students is the winner. For see Who is the best? To the performance good student, you should express encouragement. So, can not only make good students to have a sense of achievement, still can make a little bad student you after I catch, form good learning habits. (4) remember words opportunely According to YiBinHao 'forget rule, the students began to forget a fastest, then forgotten tend to be stable. For they have learned to consolidate things, can reduce forget rate. Make use of the children of the rich imagination to stimulate their brain nerve excitement, to consolidate memory has certain effect. In the teaching, pay attention to let the students to play the wisdom of the collective, give some spelling added reasonable imagination. For example: family = father and mother I love you! The first letter of each word when made family; The letters from the ruler l is like a ruler; Swing in a letter W, fish over body like swing; The 第8页 room is the classroom classroom class; The eye is y nose, e is the eye, nose at both sides; ...... (5) entertaining game The game is a popular form of activity students. In the classroom, appropriate introduction game, so that students in open play in mind. For example: the Oxford English teaching materials in 1 B for three units are learning about the career of the words and some adjectives. This part of the content to students is boring, in order to stimulate the students' learning motivation, teaching hours can let each students wear the tire, make them quickly into the role, do Hide and Seek game, please a student CaiMo blindfolded students wearing the headdress of the to professional and shape characteristics, requirements, adjectives and professional words used sentence patterns Are you a doctor? Are you young? And so on, the whole class students into n a group, each student was involved in the game. Play Hide and seek. Throughout, lets the student in the game to review old knowledge, consolidate the new knowledge, recreation, mixed in activities, to increase its participation and the sense of competition, stimulate students' interest in study, effectively arouse the enthusiasm of the students' oral communication, in the carefree atmosphere for oral communication, and improve the learning efficiency. The game can add a lot fun to English study, and make students in laughter remember learned information. These activities to strengthen the classroom interaction, so that the students feel the teacher's attention. In the class still should notice the inquiry, discussions, debates, personal summarized, such as the use of the teacher evaluation way. Questions to take care of different degrees of classmate, difficult and easy should differences that any progress for students, the teacher should try to be sure and praise; Discussions, debates first team, and then to personal summary, such already take 第8页 care of individual differences, also can play the advantage of foreign language especially immortal; Teachers to the task of learning evaluation in time also is critical, especially composition evaluation. Also can organize the rich and colorful activities, active atmosphere, improving the enthusiasm of foreign language learning. For example: report, speech competition, watch English movies, and I do 10 minutes activities such as the teacher, can get good effect, so that the students in English learning experience more joy, improve oral communication ability, also can make their own teaching knowledge and interest sex harmony at an organic whole, make the students happy to learn English as the tour. 2. Paying attention to teachers' emotional impact The teacher in the student mind is high, the sacred, teacher's emotions can also inspire the students, but also can inspire their learning motivation. First, the teacher will give students kindness and trust. Students "kiss the teacher" can "believe the word", if students dislike or even hate teachers, so the subject also taught natural no learning enthusiasm. The teacher to student pour into love, take care of students, respect students' trust, enthusiastically to treat every student, especially for deviation to pour into more and more love of life, so that students just like you, at the same time, like your class, very consciously into your teaching. Second, the teacher must carry forward the teaching democracy, believe that students, let the students to take part in the study. SuHuoM LinSiJi said: "let students to experience a firsthand knowledge in the emotion, but arouse special knowledge to the young interest of the important conditions." Therefore, to outstanding students' subject status, encourages guide the students' self learning, self discovery. When teaching in class, the students in learning for achievements, answer the 第8页 question correctly, even if it is a little flash place, also want to prompt capture, to praise, encourage. Some more multi-purpose very good/you word, let the students to experience the joy of success, see the prospect of learning, build confidence. To learn a poor and learning errors students, class also Don't literally criticism, said some "Try again," "Don 't worry", "Take it easy" and so on the word, such not only encourage enhance students' confidence, and at the same time, make the classroom is always filled with a carefree atmosphere, but different degree stimulates the student to study the inner motive power of English, also can be used for English teaching, which laid the foundation of success. Moreover, the teacher wants to keep the spirit of optimism, warmly high emotions. The smile in the classrooms, harmonious relation between teacher and students. Harmonious classroom atmosphere can make students' perceptive process not be hindered, also make memory, thinking ability to improve. 3. Correct evaluation, praise and encourage proper Adopt diversified, diversified way for students to evaluate, avoid waking the final a roll of traditional testing method for performance, such as written comments, praise or criticism, etc. This evaluation can strengthen the role of the motivation. Chinese scholars (Yin GuoEn 1998) experiments found that rewards can significantly improve the students' learning motivation. Therefore, we should give priority to encourage, admiration. As education psychologist GaiJie and Andrew, said that "the praise is one of the most cheap, the most easy to use and the most effective inspire students' learning motivation method." The ways to reward is material of also can be smiling and nodding or said a "Very good!! Well! Great!" And so on. For example: each class to the selection of a few carefully in class, the students listen actively speak, not only to 第8页 give oral praise, and a star, and to encourage, every two weeks a comparison of the progress of top students test the first, second and third, so can effectively to stimulate students' learning motivation. At the same time evaluation must be objective and fair and timely. Proof experience, if the teacher evaluation joined the subjective impression, and not according to the students' learning objective evaluation or unjust, not only can stimulate the learning evaluation of motivation, but have the opposite result. Timely evaluation than the general not in time, good effect, because of the evaluation of the use of the just in time left of the distinctive appearance, get the students to produce improved his will to learn; And not timely evaluation are often motivating the students improve learning effect of small, because in the student consciousness to complete the task in the scene when has more light. (2) the training of English learning motivation 1. Teachers should always to the students study the purpose of education, to inspire students' need for knowledge. The purpose of the study education, is to make students learn the correct understanding of the social significance, the study and noble of the socialist modernization construction, lofty ideal combined, so as to form the long-term interest of the indirect and vision learning motivation, produce the correct study manner, enhance the study enthusiasm and the study self-conscious. For example, according to the characteristics of learning English, and English in the world the history of development status, the wide application in the modern society, enables the student to study the target of a vision, let it become encourage their advance a lasting power; And to make the long-term goal of the specific practical and feasible goal together. Let students understand these goals, after efforts to also can achieve these goals, make learning into students' knowledge needs. 第8页 2. Through the purposeful learning activities, cultivate the students' interest in study. Study interest is an important psychological component of learning motivation. Interested only in the process of knowledge, eager to obtain relevant knowledge (the strong desire for knowledge), and with a good emotional experience. Has the interest in learning of the students, the study as the heart will meet, not the study as a burden. In the teaching should let students know: English is beautiful. A short song, a prose, an English poems can be used let students enjoy. When students to experience the beauty of the English language after, they will happen strong interest and to learn it. In English teaching, in view of the different teaching content, at the first British and American songs teach a few, in the beautiful music appreciation of the ZhengKe import, and make students to experience the beauty of artistic conception of English songs. Properly by using multimedia, television, in the class through the conversation, discussion, games, to invigorate class atmosphere, so that the students can participate in teaching, in order to make students have a "master" feeling. Cultivating students' interest, the attention to study up, to a few no interest in learning and lazy students learning particularly important. For this kind of students. We'll try to make them a little bit a little interest in learning improve, from within the improvement study needs, its study attitude will gradually shift. The Soviet union scholars west. SuoLuoWei pact g thinks, "as long as a person psychological prepared, believe that learning is an interesting thing to feel dull at present, the discipline of the geological a serious study, will produce study interest." Teachers should according to the psychological principle, to let the students received the first results began, and constantly continue until become a learning the routine. 第8页 (3) the training of study motive and motivate the matters needing attention in 1. In the train and motivate the motive of the process should always be careful to keep the internal motivation and external motivation complement each other. To learn by cognition of the purpose of the study need and produced the interest in learning is the internal motive, if only rely on the internal motive, of a long time, it will decay; And check, evaluate competition, etc, are the external motivation, he can to the internal motive supportive. However, given to rely on external motivation, due to insufficient strength, once removed, rewards and punishments for external motivation will also decline. So both must complement each other. 2. The motive for the train and motivate students to think about the individual difference, especially on stimulating, want to make everyone learning to particular form motivated. For example, because everyone has its unique achievements need, have their different knowledge foundation. So in setting question circumstances should the difficulty of the different, and each person in his own basis for the chance of success. If students put their success or failure to the role of too much ability, the teacher should education he "personal effort" in the role of the achievement, so negate the fatalism view; When students feel their efforts to effect is still not good, feel learning incompetence, teachers should encourage him, be sure to his hard work. In short, training and stimulate the students' English learning motivation method is various, as long as we can realize to strengthen students' learning motivation of the importance of to encourage and train, and in education teaching practice continuously explore and summarize, we would be able to find out all kinds of effective methods, thus received with the effect. 第8页 Five, the conclusion Although this article through to the study of the theory of modern education and research of a large number of documents, puts forward several to encourage and train high school students English learning motivation teaching strategy, but the impact students' English learning motivation factor is very complex, involving students' age, sex, personality differences, family background, growing environment, social environment and teaching art, etc. Therefore, cultivation and stimulate the students' English learning motivation method also is varied, as long as we can realize to strengthen the cultivation of students' learning motivation and stimulate the importance, and in the education teaching practice continuously explore and summarize, we would be able to find out all kinds of effective methods, so as to improve the quality of the English teaching, improving the students' English learning results. reference [1] LiuLiangHua. 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On the Stimulation and Cultivation of English Learning Motivation Of Middle School Students Qin Xin-Xin (Faculty of Foreign Languages, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, Henan, 455002) Abstract: Motivation and academic performance of students are closely tide up with the teaching effectiveness. Therefore, the excitation and the Motivation of students to guide English teaching is of high importance. Based on study of modern education theories, this paper expounds the meaning and types of Motivation, analyzes the functions of Motivation in English learning and puts forward strategies for cultivating and stimulating high school students' English learning Motivation. Key Word: motivation; English learning; Stimulation; Cultivation; Middle school students 第8页 第8页
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