

2017-09-29 8页 doc 28KB 15阅读




副主任医师述职报告副主任医师述职报告 申报副主任医师推荐材料 本人隋善民,男,1970年10月26日出生于饶河县小佳河镇一个贫苦农民家庭,1991年7月以优异的成绩毕业于黑龙江省中医药学校,毅然放弃留城的机会,回到了条件艰苦的农村老家当上了一名普通的外科医生,这一干就是将近二十年,风里来,雨里去,青春的热血和辛勤的汗水都洒在了这片生我养我的黑土地上,但我无怨无悔,艰苦的条件锻炼了我的意志,磨练了我的信念。当我看到一个个饱受病魔折磨却无钱医治的患者,我就打消了想回城的念头,每当我治好一个个重患,看到患者那感激的泪水,再苦再累的我立刻感受到了什...
副主任医师述职 申报副主任医师推荐材料 本人隋善民,男,1970年10月26日出生于饶河县小佳河镇一个贫苦农民家庭,1991年7月以优异的成绩毕业于黑龙江省中医药学校,毅然放弃留城的机会,回到了条件艰苦的农村老家当上了一名普通的外科医生,这一干就是将近二十年,风里来,雨里去,青春的热血和辛勤的汗水都洒在了这片生我养我的黑土地上,但我无怨无悔,艰苦的条件锻炼了我的意志,磨练了我的信念。当我看到一个个饱受病魔折磨却无钱医治的患者,我就打消了想回城的念头,每当我治好一个个重患,看到患者那感激的泪水,再苦再累的我立刻感受到了什么叫幸福。2005年6月,本人又以优秀的成绩毕业于大庆职工医学院,于2007年6月又在齐齐哈尔医学院附属二医院普外科进修一年,时时刻刻用科学知识武装自己,尽最大努力满足当地百姓的就医要求。由于本人出色的工作能力和先进的思想,于1997年就光荣地加入了中国共产党。2002年12月调往饶河县大佳河乡卫生院任院长,2004年1月又调回小佳河镇卫生院外科兼任副院长。本人也先后荣获“饶河县先进工作者”、“饶河县白医战士”、“饶河县先进个人记功”等光荣称号,多次受到上级主管部门的扬和奖励。 development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 从参加工作以来,我一直热爱党,热爱社会主义,始终不渝地坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想及邓小平理论学习,特别是对十六大报告江泽民主席“三个代表”重要思想的理论及新《党章》进行了认真学习,并在工作实际中努力实践,使自己的政治理论水平不断提高,努力掌握过硬的业务技能,时刻以一个党员的要求自己,严以律己,宽以待人,视患如亲,保持严谨的生活作风。我作为一名有着十几年党龄的共产党员,在工作中积极发挥先锋模范作用,任劳任怨,不怕苦累,努力完成各项工作任务;单位同事都尊称我为“傻子”,我想这就是我为人处世的原则:为人忠厚,尊重领导、团结同志、遵守纪律、作风正派、不计名利得失,敢于坚持原则,敢于批评与自我批评。 在工作实践中我深深的体会到,仅靠书本知识,是远远不能满足工作需要的,还需要理论联系实际。近几年来我不断地拓展自己的知识面,提高业务技能,多次到上级医院学习先进的外科技术,先进的医学诊疗手段,2001年到双鸭山市矿总医院进修一年,2007年又在齐齐哈尔医学院附属二院进修一年,手术质量大幅度提高,重大手术、疑难手术比例明显增多,成功实施了高位胆管癌切除术、甲状腺癌根治术、右半结肠切除development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 术、全胃切除术、十二指肠切除术、腹膜后肿瘤切除术、结直肠癌盆腔清扫术、胃癌根治术等大中型综合型手术,远远超过了乡镇卫生院外科的手术水平。在处理外伤性急、危、重症患者方面,做到术前准备快捷、损伤判断准确及手术抢救及时,如创伤失血性休克,腹部开放性、闭合性损伤,肝破裂、脾破裂、消化道破裂等较复杂的器官手术治疗及功能重建,使抢救成功率大幅度提高。不断更新和掌握先进的诊疗理念,改变传统的术式,如乳腺癌的保乳手术,乳腺癌患者肿瘤在3cm以内,无同侧腋窝淋巴结转移的早、中期病人,均实施保乳手术,和以往乳腺癌的全切手术相比较,手术创伤小,痛苦少,女性患者术后双侧乳房对称,提高了患者的生存质量,而术后生存年限没有下降。巨乳症患者采用腋窝隐蔽切口,使患者手术效果美观,副反应小。直肠癌距肛门4cm以上,尽量采用保肛手术,术后不需要腹壁人工肛门造瘘口,提高了患者的生活质量,增强了患者回归社会的勇气和信心。采用吻合器,行痔上粘膜环切术,使痔疮患者手术后痛苦小、复发率低、愈合快,患者术后3天痊愈出院。同时严格遵守外科手术常规,杜绝医疗事故的发生。完成重大抢救(小肠多发性破裂、尿道断裂、颈椎骨折,肝脾破裂、失血性休克、肋骨骨折、胫腓骨骨折等)多例,development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 危重病人抢救成功率达95%。在应用西医手术的同时应用中医中药来巩固、稳定患者病情,取得了令人满意的疗效。通过外科医护人员的不懈努力,使饶河县小佳河镇卫生院外科不管从科室建设方面,还是技术力量方面,都远远走在饶河县乡镇卫生院前列,在饶河县乡镇卫生院领域起领头雁的作用.在全体医护人员精诚团结,通力协作下,2008年小佳河镇卫生院被授予《双鸭山市卫生系统优质服务先进集体》、《双鸭山市样板乡镇卫生院》等光荣称号。 在完成大量临床医疗工作的同时,本人还承担小佳河镇卫生院外科的理论教学、临床见习和毕业实习的带教工作,并承接进修乡村医生、护士的带教任务,本人先后在各类医学杂志上共发表了《中西医结合治疗顽固性尿潴留17例》《肛裂切除治疗二期肛裂43例》《 浅谈呕血病人的诊断程序 》等3篇省级论文和《闭合性十二指肠损伤的诊治近况》《第三代扩髓交锁髓内钉治疗股、胫骨骨折》《中西医结合治疗肱骨髁上骨折30例体会》《粘连性肠梗阻用中西医结合治疗效果分析》等多篇国家级论文,并与他人共同编写了《实用急救学》等医学专业参考书籍。其中《中西医结合治疗肱骨髁上骨折30例体会》获得国家级优秀论文。 development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 以上是本人近几年在饶河县小佳河镇卫生院外科手术开展情况,经过几年辛勤的努力,本人的工作水平和专业技术都有很大进步,基本达到一个乡镇卫生院副主任医师的水平,恳请专家评审团将本人由主治医师晋升为副主任医师。但是,由于饶河县小佳河镇地处偏远,交通不便,卫生基础条件差,人口较少,使本人的外科专业技术水平较南方发达地区的同等医学专业水平还有一定的差距,因此希望专家评审团适当考虑这些不利因素和实际情况给予通过。同时,本人将在以后的普外科工作当中,将更加努力学习业务知识,加强自身修养,强化业务技能,争取做一名业务精良,技术过硬,思想进步,政治合格的副主任医师;同时提高自己的综合素质,以适应新农村卫生建设的需求,为饶河县小佳河镇的卫生事业做出自己的贡献,立志扎根农村一辈子,为家乡父老乡亲的身体健康保驾护航。 申 报 人:隋 善 民 申报时间:2008年8月8日 development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion
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