

2017-11-11 15页 doc 43KB 26阅读




A货.原单,跟单,味单,外贸!都是什么意思A货.原单,跟单,味单,外贸!都是什么意思 外贸服装杂谈之一:何谓尾货 有的客户问,有的商家说他们销售的都是原单的剩余尾货,尾货总比跟单好吧。什么是真正的尾货,有些外贸服装销售及批发商在网上这样解释给他的客户,他的外贸服装的来源是外贸订单的剩余,这就是尾货。具体的说,比如外国服装公司给中国服装加工企业下了1000套订单,中国服装加工企业处于周全考虑,实际加工了1200套,那多出的200套就转为国内销售,这个就叫尾货。其实行内人士一看,就知道这是外行说的话了。 一般欧美老外同外贸公司或工厂签订的加工合同都有规定服装的具体数...
A货.原单,跟单,味单,外贸!都是什么意思 外贸服装杂谈之一:何谓尾货 有的客户问,有的商家说他们销售的都是原单的剩余尾货,尾货总比跟单好吧。什么是真正的尾货,有些外贸服装销售及批发商在网上这样解释给他的客户,他的外贸服装的来源是外贸订单的剩余,这就是尾货。具体的说,比如外国服装公司给中国服装加工企业下了1000套订单,中国服装加工企业处于周全考虑,实际加工了1200套,那多出的200套就转为国内销售,这个就叫尾货。其实行内人士一看,就知道这是外行说的话了。 一般欧美老外同外贸公司或工厂签订的加工合同都有规定服装的具体数量,服装成品可以有正负5,的差异。就算在信用证条款下,极端的数量差异一般是正负7,8,,在这个范围里面多出来的服装,外商一般也会全部买下或封仓。绝对不会有很多的尾货服装留下~而且加工的服装如是欧码或美国大尺码的话,工厂更不敢自己多做,万一多出来卖不掉呢,所以尾货有是有一些,绝对不可能多到数量的20,。 我们真正可以少量销售及批发的,从市场角度看: 外贸尾货——其实就是质检没有通过的货品,还有厂家用剩余的部分面料和辅料(如果这个品牌商不是那么苛刻到全部拿走的话)按照外贸的款式生产的未经检验的货品。这类货品算是不错的货品~ 世界级品牌的服装质量要求很高,因此即使淘汰的残次品一般都是几乎看不出次品的痕迹。那些眼尖的跟单员,在现场看到一件加工时跳线了,就立刻拿出它来当次品。违反细部尺寸的也在次品之列。他们要求缝制的最后一件衣服和第一件衣服一模一样~即使这样的尾货,我也只能说有些牌子能拿到,有些牌子是不能拿到的,那些耳熟能详的国际女装大牌子BURBERRY、CHANEL、DIOR、LV、COACH、FENDI、HERMRS、GUCCI、PRADA、MOGEN等等,因为国内有大城市的专卖店,怕尾货流出冲击专卖店的生意,即使不合格的尾货也是控制十分严格~~更有其中一些品牌,根本还没有在大陆下过单,只是下单在高档国际时装的加工之都:香港。香港的制造成本放在那里,香港时装厂每人每小时加工工资5.7美元,中国大陆是65美分~哪里拿的到那么便宜的尾货~所以我们销售及批发的尾货,大多数就是那些在国内开设专卖店很少,或还没有开设的一线品牌,部分是对尾货还不够严格的,才有可能拿到做内销~ 现状如此,对于国际一线品牌的正品尾货货源,作为买家大可以报有可遇而不可求的心态~~如果急切的一定要找所谓的正品和尾货,那么就会有一些不那么坦诚的,就是想套您生意的商家来投您所好~ 外贸服装杂谈之二:何谓原厂跟单及仿单 ?原厂跟单——或者叫做原厂COPY,就是服装厂家在做正品订单的时候也同时选取相似的面料进行仿制。由于每款生产出货的量都不多,所有成本也相对较高。 跟单和原单的区别在于以下三个方面: 一、面料 这个无需多解释。此纯棉和彼纯棉都相差甚多,别说更好的面料了。这个差异是由售价仅为十分之一甚至还远远不到的价格来决定的。您要期望和您看到的专柜的商品可以混为一致,那只能无言以对。 二、染色 厂商为了减少风险,经常只订购毛坯布,因为订购面料库存也是有风险的。当销售信息比较准确时才会根据销售份额进行成本便宜的整匹染色或交染。染料选用也不依外商指定的,当然其色彩效果和外商进口的面料,或者做原单时的成衣染色或者原料染色是有质量上的区别的。 三、装饰和辅料 高级女装的刺绣、缎带、蕾丝、纽扣之类的配件,是不能和外商拿来的相比的。单单纽扣,举例说,某家公司手头现接的一批法国牌子女装是用珍珠母纽扣,澳大利亚水域某种贝壳做的。上次还做过一种厄瓜多尔热带坚果叫象牙椰子纽扣的单子,这些小玩意都是成本昂贵的。因此即使是原厂跟单,也绝对不可能照着去做的,能做的就是裁剪、缝纫和后整理这些工艺和过程上接近于原单。 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 其他小厂仿做的连生产过程都根本不同,工艺水准当然也是差的很多~所以说,同一款式可能你在杭州进得到货,上海进得到货,广州也进得到,那就是仿单多,原厂跟做的和看着时装发布会图片仿做的,绝不是一种水准。 外贸服装杂谈之三:何谓外贸原单正品 ?外贸原单正品——和公司下的订单是同一批货,无论质量和工艺都是同样的,也就是没有任何差异的货品。 国内欧美外贸原单生产的现状:亚洲的日本韩国订单在品牌商考察过厂家,合同一经敲定,就会有银行提供信用证明,小样成品经过检验后就会有30%-50%左右的资金从银行划拨到厂家的账户,这样厂家的风险就会相比小很多。所以,中国的服装小厂大部分只敢接日本、韩国、新加坡或者国内品牌的订单。最主要的是日本韩国的牌子说的不好听一点:其实也就是国内市场上的威鹏和班尼路,绝大部分是连国际N线服装品牌的档次都轮不到,这样低级别的所谓原单弄些出来,有什么难的,去打闷包批发,不挑好的次的,最低的衣服低至三、五元一件。所以现今的外贸服装市场以这样的中低档次的日韩青年款服装居多。仿冒的也最滥,都赶上地摊货的价格了,这块日韩的外贸服装市场已经陷于低层次竞争的泥沼,滥的不能再滥了,有些供货商日韩仿单销不好了,干脆还把它们改贴欧美大牌。 好的欧美品牌商都要求搞到出口配额的外贸公司找工艺和设备比较先进的有实力的厂来生产自己品牌的服装。并且欧美公司的订单是没有预付款(订金)的,一旦因为出口配额或者产品少许的差次,就很有可能造成无法出口,合作的加工厂老板就会血本无归。做欧美单子,可以说工艺要求高、风险大、资金还得自己垫付。如果不是下单的外贸公司睁一只眼闭一只眼,默许这些合作加工厂再做些跟单,或者任其差不多的款式立刻摇身一变为:源自于哪国的某个自有品牌来赚钱,加工厂都是不太愿意接单的了。 现实就是:欧美原单接单量就相对日韩的少,一批订单商的数量和加工服装数差异不大,而且流出控制很严,不仅封厂,也禁止访客进入厂区,最后还是监督装船的公司代来挂吊牌。 深圳一个长期合作的工厂的外单尾货封仓一律是五年~五年后品牌商允许处理,否则,再也别想接单了。一个厂一年只做一个牌子生意的多的是,何苦为了几票尾货,去害了一年的生意呢,即便原单能拿的出来,欧码和美国码,尺寸太大,我们也是不拿的,就拿专供亚洲市场的货品,接近中国人的尺码。只有零售商批发走了,也能销得出去的尺码,我们才做批发。还有些款式看着很时尚,中国女人敢穿的出去的又有几个呢,量根本也出不多。欧美原单剩下就很少,尺码又多不符合中国人的,款式还要琢磨是否走得了量,你说剩余能批发的会有多少,~ 我们敢如大多数商家大言不惭地说的:常年提供百分百原单正品吗,所以说,我们能提供销售以及批发的多数就是加工原厂的跟单。原厂跟单和其他加工厂的仿单的区别就是工艺~不要小看仿做的工艺差距,本来就是欧美品牌商考察过的机器设备、工艺水平、生产能力,仿做的细节又一丝不苟,并且往往工艺手段也是按原单给出的工艺手册一样,别出心裁不容易仿造。 同样是品牌的仿货,大为不同~店家不要斤斤计较进价,喔,这一款低了十元二十元,关键你要看货品正不正,大部分倒闭的小店决不是因为进货成本增加了些,而是货源选择不好,您若要进外贸国际大品牌的跟单货,要认清您的优势在哪里:在于她的款式更新~她的数量稀少~她的同步每季发布会的时尚~ 但也不要以为我们就会提供给您纽约东京品牌专柜一般高质的衣服,这些专柜的衣服不是发达国家的中产阶级能消费的,它们的成本有多高,~ 外贸服装杂谈之四:小心原单正品的陷阱 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 现在颇有些人在零售及批发各种大牌的服装~而且几乎都告知买家们,自己百分之百常年批发原单正品。牌子居然还都是欧美的大牌~这对我这个长期从事外贸服装批发的人来说,还真是有点感到奇怪,~日韩的单子好弄出原单来,难道有些欧美大牌子的外贸原单现在也到了失控的地步了, 号称ARMARNI的男装原单或者CHANEL的女装原单能做到常年的批发,真是了不起。在这个行当里哪个真正的大批发商敢说常年手头都有这些牌子的原单,公司两个半月前刚接了一批CHANEL大衣的加工订单,可我们承认:一件原单都弄不出来~外商加工期间是要求加工厂封了厂的,全厂人吃喝拉撒睡都在厂区里~还拿什么原单,去哄抢啊,公司最后结算起来,品牌商整整多付了87,的加工费~不过等我看了这些人上传在网站免费相册里的产品图片后,见识了那些大名鼎鼎的品牌,我这种疑虑就打消了,更可笑的是,有的图片还放大了标签made in usa来表示用于出口的正品……美国佬可是要求不仅全部在美国加工,甚至是连面料都全是美国生产的,才允许标签Made in USA 的啊,有这标签的品牌衣服会是多贵的一件服装~我觉得有实力有眼光的真正商家们根本没有必要把他们的A货说成是正品~而且很多都是很小的零售商,对外贸服装的业务知识有些匮乏,更有的是钱不多而刚起步的,所以我觉得把仿品当正品卖给他们有点不道德~~ 有商家口口声声声称是原单或尾货,等真的买了你傻眼了,他们又装聋作哑了。国际大品牌的原单正品是什么形象,那正是仙女下凡一样的气质,好些商家大约迄今没有见过一件大牌子的原单正品,还做正品销售及批发,笑话。 注意:尾货一般是有瑕疵的,轻重不一,无非是容不容易看出。但不要即期望她是原单的尾货,又期望她白壁无暇…… 新客户常常提问我们:你们提供的是哪种外贸货,我这里坦率的说:从款式种类上来算,原厂跟单50,, ,,原单正品10,,仿单10,…… 尾货30 没,欧美一线品牌的外贸内销,国内能批的就是这个比例~谁要相信鬼话,能去大批从那些常年的百分之百原单正品处零买及进货,那也只好随他去了。可惜,在这个行业里,谎言万遍都成了真理(((~你不撒谎都不行了似的~ 我们的原则是:做生意贵在厚道,即使欧美正品如此之少,也绝对不能利用散货及批发客户的不清不楚,而索取正品高价逃之夭夭~ 消费者也有些势利,只要大牌子,还要原单正品,还只想花更少的钱,那还是不和你说了吧。gucci正品外套零售给你人民币600元,面辅料的成本都不够啊~ ——跟单货、追单货、仿单货…… 仰慕名牌却又囊中羞涩,杭城大多数年轻人就会想到去小店淘外贸服装。专卖店里标价3000多元的BCBG吊带衫,在这些小店里只卖180元,售价七八百元的新款李维斯牛仔裤花一两百元就能穿回家。老板有时还会在一旁“吹风”,“这是外贸剩余货,与名牌服装是同根生,从生产厂家直接进货的”。9月初,美国某知名服装品牌的巡视员来杭勘查市场,发现自家品牌早已漫天飞。奇怪的是,此前他们既没有授权销售,更没有授权生产。 业内人士提醒说,如今市面上所谓的“外贸剩余服装”,九成以上都是形似的仿冒货。 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 外贸货如何降生 如果追究这些衣服的来历,老板一般会冠以“外贸剩余货”的名头:“大品牌在国内找代理加工厂,厂里做100件,总会有10来件多出来,东西跟大商场里的一模一样,价钱却便宜多了。” 被老板屡屡挂在口上的“外贸剩余货”,在业内被称为“原单货”。 一般来讲,若国外大品牌提供面料、版型,到国内寻找厂家生产,生产后质量检验合格的,就是销往大商场的“真货”;因为色差、漏针、抽丝、脱线、掉纽扣等瑕疵被退货的,以及厂家从品牌提供的计划报废物资中“抠”出一点、偷偷加工的成衣,就是“原单货”。 浙江中大华瑞经贸有限公司张萍经理说,大多数外贸企业不擅长内贸,一旦产生了这些“原单货”,一般会选择低价脱手,这样就养活了专营外贸服装的生意人。他们专门收购外贸货,对哪个厂家加工什么品牌了如指掌,然后上市零售赚取差价。 除了“原单货”,外贸货还有不少来源,不过质量却一路递减,血统也越发不纯正。 比如用原版面料搭配一批国内辅料,凑合出原来的款式,这就是“跟单货”;虽然“跟单货”做工马虎点,细节差点,但与正货有一样的版型和面料,“血统”相同,样子大体不会变。 当厂家的原版面料全部用完,“外贸货”批发商追着要货。好在版型仍在手上,就在国内采购一批类似的面料充数,这就叫“追单货”。 “仿单货”质量最差,但这正是市场上最多、最泛滥的一种。“仿单”大户只要瞄一眼成衣照片,就能仿出来。一件名牌T恤,找小厂仿单,500件起做,每件成本50元。 “仿单货”,质量递减,数量倒是越来越多。尤其是年轻的消费者,看到衣原单货哪有这么多 从“原单货”至 服领子上这些诱人的标牌,比照一下价钱,常常血往头上涌,立马想掏钱买下来。 看到这样的便宜货,可千万别急着付钱,它们并不一定货真价实,国际名牌企业虽然大多数在国内都有定牌加工,但是这些企业对原材料数量控制极严,一般仅会多提供3,—5%的面料作为“计划报废物资”,辅料如纽扣、拉链等的数量则更少,原汁原味的外贸多余名牌货实在难得。 比如领口的标签被称做“主唛”。外商为了防范接单工厂私自加量,主要依靠控制“主唛”来核对数量。通常情况下,外商一旦下单,一般就会提供或者定制相应数量的“主唛”,假如委托加工1万件T恤,即使留些报废的余地,提供的布质标签最多也不会超过10500个。 当生产厂家出货的时候,外商会派代表验收货物。老外挑出有问题的衣服,在瑕疵旁贴一个小红箭头,随后就会一刀剪除主唛,退回加工厂家。这就意味着,衣服可以任你处置,可是品牌别人却要严加看管。 这种控制流程一时挺管用,但是时间一长,就不可避免地走向失控。在四季青服装市场,这些被视为名牌服装标志的“主唛”,被地下小厂轻易克隆,成批量出现在个别摊位。 有老板在服装市场拿着“POLO”、“ESPRIT”等品牌的“主唛”,主动上来兜生意,“主唛应有尽有,也可以提供样式定做,都是十足的名牌,5分钱一个,1包5元钱,花费几百元,足以接下整整一批定单了”。 should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees 浙江中大股份有限公司张潮说,这些早已经是公开的秘密了。在杭州乔司镇和嘉兴平湖,大量的家庭工厂除了加工成衣,更多时候是依靠仿冒人家的品牌标识,也能过得非常滋润。 这就使得被退货的衣服贴上了自制的主唛,变成了“原单货”;加工工厂私自留下了版样,凑合了一些辅料,缝制上名牌主唛,成了“追单货”;而更多的是,小厂抄袭了畅销的式样,集用了小到“主唛”、大到面料的劣质材料,拼凑了一件“仿单货”。 有正牌厂家,服装也要和软件行业一样,在防伪上下功夫。有些国际品牌已经采用了“SECRETBRAND”(隐藏标签)。 仿冒外贸服装如此猖獗,也和企业监控不力有关。按照国际惯例,通常都由品牌拥有者来监控市场,比如美国休闲服饰FUBU等都设有品牌巡视员,但是目前真正进入国内的巡视员却很少。 辨别品质有门道 武林路上一家叫“轮回”的小店,主要销售鞋包、服装。里面的一位店员说,武林路现在很少有卖名牌服饰,一来街区管委会看得紧,二来所谓的“国际名牌”坏了市场口碑。现在卖的衣服基本都是自有品牌,式样也很入时,有些消费者反而喜欢这些品牌,认为更真实、可靠。 在一些淘衣行家看来,外贸小店里卖的,越是标牌齐全、套袋精美、成分清楚的就越有可能是仿冒货。很多做仿单的厂家只要看看电视或者杂志照片,就能照着大致模样生产,再到批发市场里买“主唛”贴上去。 有些店家还会在标牌上不痛不痒打个小洞、剪个小角,以给消费者留下“疑似外贸退货”的印象。其实这是哄外行的噱头。真正被迫销毁的“剪牌货”,一剪刀下去决不会留情。要么是剪个月牙形,把商标上的字全抠掉;要么就是把商标“连根拔”,只剩下两道商标缝线依稀可见,很难认出来。 有人淘外贸衣服,最喜欢一把捞起衣服,仔细检查衣服线脚;又或者把针织衫对着日光灯左照右照,寻觅抽丝和漏针的痕迹。因为这些漏洞百出的“次货”,偏偏可能是专卖店里那件名贵衣衫的“孪生兄弟”。外贸退货往往出在色差、漏针和抽丝等小毛病上。 衣服扣子“货不对版”,也是“好货”标志之一。大品牌因为害怕被盗版,会严格控制原材料进出。下单后,他们按照生产数量向厂家提供衣服的面料以及纽扣、拉链等辅料,厂家一般能得到比预计多一点的面料,但配套的辅料就没那么多了。做完定单后,制衣厂通常面料有剩,扣子用光。这时,就有厂家“废物利用”,用多余的那批面料,再随便找点扣子做一批衣服。 杭州汉龙威尔服装有限公司董事长秦国良说,真正对一件“外贸货”的品质起定夺作用的,除了外在质量,关键还看内在质量,包括面料、色牢度。比如,支数高的纯棉质地厚,多洗几次也不容易变形;优质面料,揉搓几次不会起球;羽绒衣要触手柔软,摸不到羽毛梗,还有防钻绒的隔层. should be planted immediately after watering. Plant engineering can regulate the function of human life and the natural environment, which is the main part in Garden engineering, plays a beautiful and pleasant role. The object of the project is a plant, and construction of our professional and technical staff should be carefully studied, first planting season about plant materials, the different characteristics of the plant, the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the corresponding technical measures to prevent plant tree wilt and die. Plant engineering integrated construction project of a closeout nature, in the management of the entire project, including quality management, doing well at the same time, make sure the completion. The primary considerations in the construction are as follows: (1) be familiar with the design intent and design drawings, confirmed the construction site. (2) based on various conditions, preparation of project schedule planting project master plan. (3) the trees and use materials for quality management. (4) check the distribution plant operation results of construction technology management. In the actual construction, which operate according to the following specifications: ? point, line a, fixed line use tools: tools, portable tape, flowers, small stakes, stakes and ropes. Position b, the pegged after clear signs, trees draw the range of Lime Wire, stakes on the nails in a coil, clearly state the species, quantity, pit (point), and then use Visual methods to fix individual dots, dots indicate. C, the number of species and site and must conform to the design requirements of the drawing. D, tree location and configuration attention levels, avoid stiff, wish to edge away from the Center or from low high tilt canopy line, nearby trees not into mechanical geometry drawings or a straight line. E, Lone Tree point and line planting trees
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