
GB18218-2009 危险化学品重大危险源辨识

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GB18218-2009 危险化学品重大危险源辨识GB18218-2009 危险化学品重大危险源辨识 危险化学品重大危险源辨识GB18218-2009 ,,,, ,, ,,发布,,,, ,, ,,实施 前 言 本标准的全部技术内容为强制性的。 本标准代替,,,,,,,—,,,,《重大危险源辨识》。 本标准与,,,,,,,—,,,,相比主要变化如下: ———将标准名称改为《危险化学品重大危险源辨识》; ———将采矿业中涉及危险化学品的加工工艺和储存活动纳入了适用范围; ———不适用范围增加了海上石油天然气开采活动; ———对部分术语和定义进行了修订; ———对...
GB18218-2009 危险化学品重大危险源辨识
GB18218-2009 危险化学品重大危险源辨识 危险化学品重大危险源辨识GB18218-2009 ,,,, ,, ,,发布,,,, ,, ,,实施 前 言 本的全部技术内容为强制性的。 本标准代替,,,,,,,—,,,,《重大危险源辨识》。 本标准与,,,,,,,—,,,,相比主要变化如下: ———将标准名称改为《危险化学品重大危险源辨识》; ———将采矿业中涉及危险化学品的加工和储存活动纳入了适用范围; ———不适用范围增加了海上石油天然气开采活动; ———对部分术语和定义进行了修订; ———对危险化学品的范围进行了修订; ———对危险化学品的临界量进行了修订; ———取消了生产场所与储存区之间临界量的区别。 本标准由国家安全生产监督管理总局提出。 本标准由全国安全生产标准化技术委员会化学品安全标准化分技术委员会(,,,,,,,,,)归口。 本标准负责起草单位:中国安全生产科学研究院。 本单位参加起草单位:中石化青岛安全研究院。 本标准主要起草人:吴宗之、魏利军、刘骥、多英全、师立晨、高进东、孙猛、于立见、张海峰、杨春笋、彭湘潍。 本标准于,,,,年首次发布,本次修订为第一次修订。 危险化学品重大危险源辨识 , 范围 本标准规定了辨识危险化学品重大危险源的依据和。 本标准适用于危险化学品的生产、使用、储存和经营等各企业或组织。 本标准不适用于: ,) 核设施和加工放射性物质的工厂,但这些设施和工厂中处理非放射性物质的部门除外; ,) 军事设施; ;) 采矿业,但涉及危险化学品的加工工艺及储存活动除外; ,) 危险化学品的运输; ,) 海上石油天然气开采活动。 , 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: ,,,,,,, 危险货物品名表 ,,,,,,, 化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 急性毒性 , 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 ,(, 危险化学品 具有易燃、易爆、有毒、有害等特性,会对人员、设施、环境造成伤害或损害的化学品。 ,(, 单元 一个(套)生产装置、设施或场所,或同属一个生产经营单位的且边缘距离小于,,,,的几个(套)生产装置、设施或场所。 ,(, 临界量 对于某种或某类危险化学品规定的数量,若单元中的危险化学品数量等于或超过该数量,则该单元定为重大危险源。 ,(, 危险化学品重大危险源 长期地或临时地生产、加工、使用或储存危险化学品,且危险化学品的数量等于或超过临界量的单元。 , 危险化学品重大危险源辨识 ,(, 辨识依据 ,(,(, 危险化学品重大危险源的辨识依据是危险化学品的危险特性及其数量,具体见表,和表,。 ,(,(, 危险化学品临界量的确定方法如下: ,) 在表,范围内的危险化学品,其临界量按表,确定; ,) 未在表,范围内的危险化学品,依据其危险性,按表,确定临界量;若一种危险化学品具有多种危险性,按其中最低的临界量确定。 表, 危险化学品名称及其临界量 序号 类别 危险化学品名称和说明 临界量(T) 1 爆炸品 叠氮化钡 ,(, 2 叠氮化铅 ,(, 3 雷酸汞 ,(, 4 三硝基苯甲醚 , 5 三硝基甲苯 , 6 硝化甘油 , 7 硝化纤维素 ,, o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 8 硝酸铵(含可燃物,,(,,) , 9 易燃气体 丁二烯 , 10 二甲醚 ,, 11 甲烷,天然气 ,, 12 氯乙烯 ,, 13 氢 , 14 液化石油气(含丙烷、丁烷及其混合物) ,, 15 一甲胺 , 16 乙炔 , 17 乙烯 ,, 18 毒性气体 氨 ,, 19 二氟化氧 , 20 二氧化氮 , 21 二氧化硫 ,, 22 氟 , 23 光气 ,(, 24 环氧乙烷 ,, 25 甲醛(含量,,,,) , 26 磷化氢 , 27 硫化氢 , 28 氯化氢 ,, 29 氯 , 30 煤气(,,,,,和,,、,,,的混合,, 物等) 31 砷化三氢(胂) ,, 32 锑化氢 , 33 硒化氢 , 34 溴甲烷 ,, 35 易燃液体 苯 ,, 36 苯乙烯 ,,, o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 37 丙酮 ,,, 38 丙烯腈 ,, 39 二硫化碳 ,, 40 环己烷 ,,, 41 环氧丙烷 ,, 42 甲苯 ,,, 43 甲醇 ,,, 44 汽油 ,,, 45 乙醇 ,,, 46 乙醚 ,, 47 乙酸乙酯 ,,, 48 正己烷 ,,, 49 易于自燃的物质 黄磷 ,, 50 烷基铝 , 51 戊硼烷 , 52 遇水放出易燃 电石 ,,, 气体的物质 53 钾 , 54 钠 ,, 55 氧化性物质 发烟硫酸 ,,, 56 过氧化钾 ,, 57 过氧化钠 ,, 58 氯酸钾 ,,, 59 氯酸钠 ,,, 60 硝酸(发红烟的) ,, 61 硝酸(发红烟的除外,含硝酸,,,,) ,,, 62 硝酸铵(含可燃物?,(,,) ,,, 63 硝酸铵基化肥 ,,,, 64 有机过氧化物 过氧乙酸(含量?,,,) ,, 65 过氧化甲乙酮(含量?,,,) ,, 66 毒性物质 丙酮合氰化氢 ,, o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 67 丙烯醛 ,, 68 氟化氢 , 69 环氧氯丙烷(, 氯 ,,, 环氧丙烷) ,, 70 环氧溴丙烷(表溴醇) ,, 71 甲苯二异氰酸酯 ,,, 72 氯化硫 , 73 氰化氢 , 74 三氧化硫 ,, 75 烯丙胺 ,, 76 溴 ,, 77 乙撑亚胺 ,, 78 异氰酸甲酯 ,(,, 表, 未在表,中列举的危险化学品类别及其临界量 类别 危险性分类及说明 临界量(T) 爆炸品 ,(,,项爆炸品 , 除,(,,项外的其他,(,项爆炸,, 品 除,(,项外的其他爆炸品 ,, 气体 易燃气体:危险性属于,(,项的,, 气体 氧化性气体:危险性属于,(,项非,,, 易燃无毒气体且次要危险性为,类 的气体 剧毒气体:危险性属于,(,项且急, 性毒性为类别,的毒性气体 有毒气体:危险性属于,(,项的其,, 他毒性气体 易燃液体 极易燃液体:沸点?,,?且闪点,,, ,?的液体;或保存温度一直在其沸 点以上的易燃液体 高度易燃液体:闪点,,,?的液体,,,, (不包括极易燃液体);液态退敏爆o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart: 炸品 易燃液体:,,??闪点,,,?的,,,, 液体 易燃固体 危险性属于,(,项且包装为?类的,,, 物质 易于自燃的物质 危险性属于,(,项且包装为?或?,,, 类的物质 遇水放出易燃气体的物质 危险性属于,(,项且包装为?或?,,, 的物质 氧化性物质 危险性属于,(,项且包装为?类的,, 物质 危险性属于,(,项且包装为?或?,,, 类的物质 有机过氧化物 危险性属于,(,项的物质 ,, 毒性物质 危险性属于,(,项且急性毒性为类,, 别,的物质 危险性属于,(,项且急性毒性为类,,, 别,的物质 注:以上危险化学品危险性类别及包装类别依据,,,,,,,确定,急性毒性类别依据,,,,,,,确定。 ,(, 重大危险源的辨识指标 单元内存在危险化学品的数量等于或超过表,、表,规定的临界量,即被定为重大危险源。单元内存在的危险化学品的数量根据处理危险化学品种类的多少区分为以下两种情况: ,(,(, 单元内存在的危险化学品为单一品种,则该危险化学品的数量即为单元内危险化学品的总量,若等于或超过相应的临界量,则定为重大危险源。 ,(,(, 单元内存在的危险化学品为多品种时,则按式(,)计算,若满足式(,),则定为重大危险源: q1/Q1+q2/Q2+…+qn/Qn?1………………………(,) 式中: q1,q2,…,qn———每种危险化学品实际存在量,单位为吨(,); Q1,Q,,…,Qn———与各危险化学品相对应的临界量,单位为吨(,)。 o resources management principles: first de Hou only, both ability and political integrity, merit, best 5, and human resources management content: human resources planning, and performance assessment, and training 6, and human resources management core technology: performance assessment, stage assessment: effectiveness stage, and effect stage, and efficiency stage, and benefits stage, and follow stage level sex assessment: job layer service consciousness, and professional layer professional spirit, and career layer ethics , And academic layer learning spirit, and career layer thinking mode performance assessment elements: named, and set value, and quantitative, and qualitative, and timing, and Sentinel second chapter system article objective people is company development of this, has a support solidarity, and up, and has dedication spirit of talent team is company success of key, we is committed to company human capital of value-added, strengthening talent team of construction, efforts created first-class of talent growth environment, constantly improve levels talent of solution problem of capacity. Organizational structure a. organization chart:
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