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工行收支账户资金(专项资金)托管协议(2009版)工行收支账户资金(专项资金)托管协议(2009版) 附件一: 协议编号: 收支账户资金,专项资金,托管协议范本 中国工商银行制定 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish,...
工行收支账户资金(专项资金)托管(2009版) 附件一: 协议编号: 收支账户资金,专项资金,托管协议 中国工商银行制定 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 甲方 名称: 法定代表人,负责人,: 地址: 联系人: 联系电话: 乙方 名称: 法定代表人,负责人,: 地址: 联系人: 联系电话: 丙方 名称: 法定代表人,负责人,: 地址: 联系人: 联系电话: 为促使 项目的顺利实施~防范和控制本项目专项资金风险~甲、乙双方委托丙方为本项目专项资金托管人。甲、乙双方承诺并保证托管资金来源及用途合法~且具有充分的权力、授权及法定权利签署本协议及履行本协议项下的全部义务。甲、乙、丙三方经友好协商~达成以下协议~并共同遵守。 第一章 托管账户开立及管理 第一条 托管账户开立 在本协议签署时~甲、乙双方指定丙方“中国工商银行in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 股份有限公司 行资产托管账户”,账号: 开户行: ,为托管账户~丙方在托管账户下以甲乙双方商定的名义开立托管子账户,户名: ,~用于对本协议项下的托管资金进行明细核算。 开立托管子账户时~甲方应向丙方出具《委托开户通知书》~《委托开户通知书》应加盖甲乙双方的预留印章~丙方以《委托开户通知书》为依据开立托管子账户。 第二条 资金所有权 在托管期间~托管子账户内的资金所有权归属于本协议第四章第一条约定的资金存入方~产生的利息亦归资金存入方所有~丙方对托管子账户内的全部款项仅享有代管的权利和义务。甲乙双方共同授权丙方在银行结息日或托管子账户销户后将利息直接支付至指定的收息账号,户 名: ~账号: ,。 第三条 托管账户管理 在托管期间~托管账户和托管子账户由丙方管理~以上两账户不得提现。丙方根据本协议约定的合规指令办理资金支付~不擅自动用账户资金。 第二章 托管职责、期限和金额 第一条 丙方作为托管银行~应履行以下职责: ,一,开立托管账户及托管子账户保管托管资金~确保资金安全, ,二,根据本协议约定的合规指令及监督标准办理资金in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 支付, ,三,及时向甲方、乙方披露托管资金的相关信息。 第二条 托管期限 托管期限以托管子账户中的资金支付完毕为止。 第三条 托管金额 托管资金总额为人民币大写 万元~小写 万元。 第三章 受权人及相关指令 第一条 甲方受权人及相关指令 甲方应在签署本协议时向丙方提交《托管指令授权书》,附件1,~指定甲方向丙方发送指令的有权人及其签章、有效业务印章样本~丙方据此作为对《委托开户通知书》,附件2,、《委托付款通知书》,附件3,、《托管业务变更》,附件4,要素的齐全性以及签章的表面一致性核对的依据。 第二条 乙方受权人及相关指令 乙方应在签署本协议时向丙方提交划款指令授权书~指定《委托付款通知书》的授权签发人签章及有效业务印章样式。 第四章 资金收付 第一条 资金存入 甲方/乙方,两者选其一,在协议签订 日以内~将托管资金划入本协议第一章第一条约定的托管子账户~丙方确认资金到账后对入账资金进行托管。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 第二条 资金支付条件 在托管期限内~丙方仅可以按下述条件解付: 1、甲方签署的《托管监督标准表》规定事项。 2、经甲乙双方共同签章的《委托付款通知书》。 3、甲乙双方协商一致的其他条件: 。 4、本托管协议终止时~丙方将托管账户剩余资金~按照甲方指令划入甲方指定的帐户。 第三条 资金支付条件的变更 甲方申请变更托管资金的支付条件、控制要素等信息时~应向丙方提交《托管业务变更申请书》~并加盖甲乙双方预留印章。丙方对《托管业务变更申请书》要素的齐全性以及签章的表面一致性审核无误后~按照新设定的支付条件对托管资金进行支付监督。变更内容包括但不限于:预留收款账号、托管资金支付限额、付款要件。 第四条 资金支付 ,一,乙方以原件方式向丙方发出经甲方审核同意的《委托付款通知书》。因时间原因需要以传真方式发出《委托付款通知书》时~事后乙方应将原件交丙方保管。 ,二,丙方收到甲方审核同意的《委托付款通知书》后应按照本协议的约定对《委托付款通知书》要素的齐全性以及签章的表面一致性进行审核~审核无误后以转账方式划转托管资金。 ,三,《委托付款通知书》未经甲方审核同意~或《委托付款通知书》的付款金额超出托管子账户资金余额,丙方in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 均有权拒绝执行并不承担责任。 ,四,对于丙方依据经甲方审核的并经甲、乙双方签署的《委托付款通知书》而进行的任何资金划拨~以及资金划拨所涉及的交易~丙方不承担责任。 第五条 资金支付情况监督 在本协议有效期内~乙方要及时向甲方和丙方提交相关资金使用~接受甲方对托管资金使用情况的检查和监督~接受丙方对托管资金支出的监督。 甲方签署本协议时应向丙方提供《托管监督标准表》,附件5,。丙方按照《托管监督标准表》对资金支付情况进行监督~如《委托付款通知书》所载内容不符合监督标准~丙方有权拒绝划款~并将拒绝原因通知乙方。 第五章 托管费用 第一条 托管费 本项目托管费用应由本协议第四章第一条规定的资金存入方按照以下第 种方式支付: ,一,在本协议签定后的10日内一次性向丙方支付~支付金额为人民币 元整。 ,二,按托管账户金额的 ‰按日计收~按月向丙方支付。 托管费用汇入丙方指定的如下账户。 户名:中国工商银行股份有限公司 行 开户行:中国工商银行 支行 账号: in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 如资金存入方未及时向丙方支付托管费用~丙方有权从托管资金中直接扣除该费用。 第二条 资金汇划费 在托管资金划转过程中产生的资金汇划费~丙方按照人民银行规定的标准直接从托管资金中扣收。 第六章 协议生效与终止 本协议经甲、乙、丙三方签字~并在甲方将托管资金汇入托管账户之日起生效并执行。丙方全额解付该托管资金后~则该协议终止。 第七章 违约责任和免责条款 第一条 丙方未按照约定的支付条件办理资金支付而形成的直接损失~丙方应承担赔偿责任。 第二条 若乙方未经甲方同意开出《委托付款通知书》~或开出的《委托付款通知书》的付款金额超出托管账户余额~丙方拒付形成的一切后果由乙方自行承担。 第三条 丙方对甲方和乙方提供本协议项下资金托管业务~不对甲方和乙方的付款义务承担任何保证责任。 第四条 在本协议约定的专项资金托管期间~因托管账户中的资金部分或全部被司法机关冻结或扣划~或其他任何非丙方原因致使无法履行本协议项下义务的~丙方不承担任何责任。 第五条 如果本协议任何一方因不可抗力不能履行本协议时~可根据不可抗力的影响部分或全部免除该方的责任。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能避免且不能克服的客观情况。in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 任何一方遭受不可抗力时~应及时通知其他方并在合理期限内提供受到不可抗力影响的证明~并采取适当措施防止其他方损失的扩大和保护资金的完整。 第六条 由于计算机系统故障、网络故障、通讯故障、电力故障、计算机病毒攻击及其它非丙方故意造成的意外事故造成的损失~丙方不承担责任。 第八章 其他 第一条 除法律、法规规定~以及因本项目专项资金托管业务的需要和三方特别约定外~未经三方同意~不得向外提供涉及三方商业秘密的资料。 第二条 协议的变更。本协议生效后~甲、乙、丙三方中任何一方需要变更协议条款时~应经三方协商一致~并签订补充协议~补充协议与本协议有同等的法律效力。 第三条 争议的解决方式。任何与本协议有关或因本协议引起之争议~协议各方均应首先通过友好协商解决~协商不能解决时~按下列第 种方式解决: 1、提交 仲裁委员会在 进行仲裁。 2、向丙方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。 丙方根据协商或仲裁或诉讼的结果处理托管资金。 第四条 本协议一式肆份~甲方、乙方各执壹份~丙方执贰份~每份具有同等法律效力。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 附件:1.托管指令授权书 2.委托开户通知书 3.委托付款通知书 4.托管业务变更申请书 5.托管监督标准表 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: ,本页无正文~仅为甲、乙、丙三方签订托管协议签字 盖章用, 甲方,盖章, 法定代表人或授权代理人,签字, 日期: 年 月 日 乙方,盖章, 法定代表人或授权代理人,签字, 日期: 年 月 日 丙方,盖章, 法定代表人或授权代理人,签字, 日期: 年 月 日 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 附件1 托管指令授权书 致:中国工商银行股份有限公司 行 兹就贵行与我司于 年 月 日签署的编号为 的《收支账户资金托管协议》,以下简称“托管协议”,出具本授权书。 我司特此授权下列人员于协议有效期内~代表我司签发本协议项下的《委托开户通知书》、《委托付款通知书》、《托管业务变更申请书》: 受权签发人: 受权签发人签字或个人印章样式: 预留有效业务章名称及样式: ,授权单位公章, 日期: in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 附件2 委托开户通知书 中国工商银行股份有限公司 行: 为保障 收支账户资金托管业务顺利实施~根据本单位/人与贵行签署的《 收支账户资金托管协议》,协议编号: ,的约定~现委托贵行办理以下开户事宜: ? 开立托管账户~户名: 。 ? 按照以下清单建立账户体系: 账户级次 账户户名 备注 ?在托管账户,户名: 账号: ,下开立托管子账 户~户名为: 。 申请单位/申请人,签章, 日期: 年 月 日in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 附件3 委托付款通知书 日期: 年 月 日 单位: 元 付款单位 收款单位 资金支付用途 付款合同编号 转出账户户名 转出账户账号 转入账户户名 转入账户账号 申请支付金额,大 写, 甲方已审核该笔资金支付的用途~并确认资金支付用途符合甲方要求。 甲方: ,签章, 乙方: ,签章, in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 附件4 托管业务变更申请书 申请单位名称 /申请人姓名 证件类型 证件号码 客 账户户名 账号 ?账户利率?收息账号?账户户名?收付方式?收款要件 ?付款要件?划款方式?定向收款帐(卡)号?定向付款帐(卡)号 户 ?其他, , ?业务变更 变更前信息 变更后信息 填 变更原因 ?暂停交易 申请人预留收款/付款账号 ?恢复交易 申请原因 写 ?修改密码 ?注销账户 客户签章 申请日期: 年 月 日 银经办银行名称 行 填经办银行代码 写 事后监督: 复核,授权,: 经办: in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process: 附件5 托管监督标准表 序号 监督项目 释义 具体标准 甲方或乙方只能从该账户将 1 定向收款账号 资金存入托管账户。 乙方只能申请将托管资金从 2 定向付款账号 托管账户支付到该账户。 乙方在单日申请支付托管资 单日划款拒绝 3 金金额,或比例,不得大于 金额,或比例, 或等于该数值。 若乙方在单日申请支付托管 单日划款授权资金金额,或比例,大于或 4 金额,或比例, 等于该数值时~必须经甲方 授权批准后才能支付。 ?一次入款一次出款 托管资金 ?一次入款多次出款 5 存取次数 ?多次入款一次出款 ?多次入款多次出款 ?银行柜台 托管资金 6 存取方式 ?网上银行 备注:甲方或乙方应在“具体标准”栏填写具体数值或打?选择~如不采用该监 督项目~应填写“无”。 in hot water. After cooling to room temperature, add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, based on standard titration solution of potassium hydroxide (0.05mol/L) Titrate first reddish, and do not fade in the 0.5min is the ending point. If there is no standard solution of potassium hydroxide, use the timed drops of sodium hydroxide solution, multiplies the ratio still 56.11.aM-weighing oil-like quality, measured in grams (g) 56.11-standard volumetric solution of potassium hydroxide and 1.0mL [c (KOH) =1.000 mol/L] quite a number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide. Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 10% peroxide value GB19300, peroxide value, 1 titration GB/T5009.37 4 2 1, principles of oxidation of fats peroxide, potassium iodide, generates free iodine by titration with sodium thiosulfate solution du, calculate content. 2, agents saturated potassium iodide solution: weigh 14g Ki plus 10mL water solution and, if necessary, micro heat make it dissolve, cooled and stored in a Brown bottle. Chloroform a mixture of glacial acetic acid: volume 40 mL trichloromethane, Lewis acid with 60 mL ice and shake well. Titration with sodium thiosulfate standard [c (Na2S2O3) =0.0020mol/L]. Starch indicator (10 g/l): soluble starch weighing 0.50, add a little water, tune into a paste, add 50mL in boiling water and mix thoroughly and boil. Pro available now match. 3, sample analysis steps process:
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